HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-29, Page 2The New W'n, pnblialied:every Thursday at the NEtcElta ;Printing' Home. 19440 Ma=• . 01.1=02i, Terme of subscription—ill per year us,dVauce ; $1,50enity be cherKed if uot so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, The date to Which every subecriptien is paid is de- voted on the label, Advertising rate.—Trausient ealver- timmente, 10 cents per nonparel. line !or first insertion and 8 cents per line top each subsequent insertion. Small elvertiseinents not to exceed one inch ustli as 'qaost" "Strewed," "Stolen" to, inserted once for 35 cents, or one lasouthfor$1.0ommunicetionsint,eirded rzublication rauet, as a Kitarantee of faith, be accompanied by the mane of the writer. To insure publication in current esue copy of advertisernente should be rent in early. Contractrates — The tollowingtable &owe our rates for specified periods and space. 1 yr, 6mo. 3mo. lino Column $75 lie $40 00 $25 00 $10 00 Column 40 00 2500 15 00 600 Ckeumn 25 00 15 00 800 800 Column 18 00 10 00 550 200 1 Inch 600 350 200 00 Oontritot display advertising:10e per inch, per issue. • W. H. Saan.44s Sort CLINTON NEW ERA MANTON. ONT. SEPT. 29, 1910, May Be One Hundred Local Option Fights Campaigns on Already Number 65—List of Municipalites Concernod. Following is the list of Ontario rnunicipalities in which local option campaigns are under way. and ,wher e the by-laws will be voted on in January. As petitions May be received by councils up to Novem- ber 1, the list May be largely in - Creased. At present It includes 65 .places, involving about 219 licenses. This does not include repeal eon, tests, so that the number 'of raunef tipalities voting may number 100. leame. Licenses, Amherst Isle 1 Albemarle ... ......... Anglesea .. 1 xBarrie ......... ...... 12 Bastard . ., . 2 , 'Bertie 7 Bexley 2 Bosanquet 1 xBracebridge 5 xl3i idgeburg 4 xBurk's -Falls 3 Chapman 1 Camden E 7. "----"S•CifipMva Cr owland 1 Cirri oss Cumberland ...... ... ........ I Ei in 2 Etobleoke 6 Flamboro E 2 Flamboro • 2 Flo& 4 xFol t Erie 5 Gloucester 6 Grand Valley 3 xGuelph 17 xHagersville 3 Hinchinbrook 2 'Howard I Howick.. . ... ...... ...... ...... ..... Humber stone xrfuntsville ...... ...... Kitley Loughborough , Levant Lancaster ...... ...._ 2. -- —ss ...... . reara • • 9 4 3 2 eau* Aiter A Serateb. 'Morris Quatzarn, an eleven -yea - old Windoor boy, /ell off his bicy- cle and scratched his Wriet. 'He thought nothing of the injury, but llood Poison set in and he died Such accidents as these—by no The Minton New Era undaySehool. and Epworth League. Convention. itt people realise the danger thrit ean8 int retillent —°°ght to 'mak° •The annual convention of the May lie even in the egtalleItt flesh (401uaY 'woend. Schools aria Epworth Take a 'simple Illustration. *ViThen LeagueS of.the Ooderich District a knife, rusty needle, a splinter ot 1 was held in Wesley church, Clinton ditty .wood, a barbed Wire fence, or Tuesday and Wednesday. Sept. a thorn, scratches the band, the 13th and 14th. 'The morning Was latter is inoculated with germs, 'of which the air about us is full. Dir- ectly these 'germs are introduced through the breaeh in the skin, a battle loyal ensues between there, and certain organsisms in our blood. "The Way to avoid, serious results is to t/eanse the 'wouoct and 'aPP1Y ZaM-13iiir, Zara -Bak Is a poWerful, yet painless germ -killer. and 'when applied 'to the 'broken akin is abso rbed into the tissue, blatantly des- troying the •germs that spreed di- sease and Inflatinnation. Ae soon as applied to a sore ora cut Zam-Buk elope the pain end tOnarting. That is why it is sopop- ulax Wjti 'children. • The 'flesh thus soothed and puri- fied, the wound is Made perfeetlr the People of Clinton, We Wish .1 particularly to mention the 11-fayo 1. 1 who so kindly welcomed ua and gave us the freedom town ,the the tow, ir the Trustees, Choand Organiet of Wesley Church for their courtesies ; the meMbers of tbe two Epworth unremittant in our behalf. and par - Leagues WhOSe efforts hare been ticularly our hosts and hostisee Who 'have welcomed us so eordiallY to !their homes: (2 1 Resolved that the Convention recordE; Its gratitude to, and ap- Prielation of Rey. Mr. Endicott raja, sionary from China, and Rev, 1V1r. FareWell.. Associate 1 General Sec- retary of 'Sunday Schools and Ep- werth Leagues: The services these two gentlerrien have rendered us In the .way not 'only of expert in- formation but also of quickened In- terest, tannot be estimated, Not only do we now heartily . thank them but we pray the Lord .lesus 'whore they love and serve that he ntaY so fairect them in their Work of leadership that as the seeds of the kingd'ora they may continually reproduce themselves in !the many many lives they so :continually touch, Resolution re Alma College to(u3e) Summer School— Resolved that we again as a convention, express our high appreciation of the Alma 'Col lege Summer School, that we reeog nize with 'sincere gratitude the Al- mighty God, the great blessing that this school has 'afforded mauy .of our Epworth Leagues and Sunday School workers, and 'the great up- lift and 'Inspiration that has come through lt ,. to our District as a twhole, and that we commend' this Slimmer (School to the hearty sup- port of all our Leagues 'and Sunday Schols and We get all our workers Who can possible do so to attend its next session. health y, and all poison and cause of festering remored. Elaving done, this, Zam-Buk then proceeds to heal the 'wound or sore, and new healthy tissue Is buOt up in a quick. 1:1V - less and 'perfect roannet. 'Zata-Bnk Must not be 'confused' With ordinary Ointments.. Zam-Buk is a funlque preparation, I:guessing antiseptic, soothing and healing qualities that are not to be found together In any other preparation. It is not 'only a unique healing balm', but it is also a Skin food. • For all skin dIseases and injuries— euts, 'bruises, burns, eczema, Chat- ing ulcers, ringworm:, vte., fot is without equal. Itis also used wide- ly for 'piles, for 'which It may be re- garded as 'a specific. AR druggists sausisiter es. gell .at00 cents a box.or postfree fromZara-Birk Co.; onto, for price. Harmful 'imitations 'should be always refused. .lust Uoing To Do It. Be Meant to insure his houee, but It burned before he got around' to Be was just going to pay a ;note 'when it Went to protest. . Be was just going to helpa neigh 'bor When he 'died.. . He' Was.jrist going to 'send some flowers to a sick friend 'when it proved too late. Be was just going ,to reduce his. debt :when .his ezedftore "shut down' on hhn • . • Be Wes juat geing to stop drink- ing and dissipating 'whenhis health became, Wrecked. __II_ostrelleersgolog.' to !pro.vide pro per proteitil-Trivffrand fam ily'when �is fortune 'Was swept aa He was just going to Introdtiee•a better system' into his . business when It went to; emash. ; . „ • • He !was lust • going to 'call on 'a Custorner lto' close .4 deal 'wheir he found hie 'competitor had preceded tim and secured the order. . He was !just 'going' to quit work while and take • a va.eation when nervous prostration !came. He' Was just going to repair' his sidewalk when a neighbor fell On it • and bi oke a leg. . ••• • , He Was just going to proVide hip wife. With idie help When she took tto her bedand required truurse, a doctor, and a Maid. ' • • ...................................... Metcalf Massey xNe wburgh Newcastle Palmerston xPaisley xPerth 1 • 3 9 'Plympton ................. 1 xPort Colborne 5 Russell 6 Salter Smith's Falls ............. Stamford , Tay 1.Thedford xThessalon xThorold Thorold ..... Tiny Toronto Tyendinaga • Vankleek Hill xWelland Willoughby 'Wolfe Island Wolford 1 , x Naraes marked thus are incor- porated municipalities. 8 3 2 2 3 4 4 1 5 5 3 3 Rkeumatism Cured By fic Pffis. Net often do you hear of a 25c pre, paration being sold with a guarantee tocerre you. An absolute guarantee goes with every box of FIG PILLS. They will cure Itheurnatism,Rackache, Bladder Trouble, Frequent Urinating, Bnrning Sensation, Painful Stitches, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Trou- ble. If notsyour mcney back. *444.444•4444.14444444+44•4 TALKS ON ADVERTISING I ;. ii+•+•4444+•+•44.14:14441•4444 IAVVERIISED -GOODS-ARE--BEST Because Scientific buyere know that advertised goods are best they Will not take any 'substitute though lurged. . Because of the voluble of business resulting. the anariuraettirer Who ladvertises, puts better value Mt° this goods. Because on Infeelor 'article is eels done advertised you can diSeritel. !nate betWeen (tile best and the irel. Itation. 13ecause you event to get best re. )turns for your money, you should • lalwaYs 131.7Y ADVERTISED OOODS Cooltvii Oittilit Root Compottilk The great Uterine Tonic, _and only safe effectual Mornoir Regulatoron which women Gail depend. sold hi three degrees of strength—No. 1, $1; No. 2. 10 degreos stronger, _9:3; No. 3. for spectel cases, 25 per box. Bold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on recmpt. of price. Free pampblet. Address : Tee - ONE MEMOIRS CO.,TORONTO. ONT. (formerkWfodsori • . To Wash Cilk Waist, Make a strong suds of white soap.. borax and tukewarm water. Put waist in suds. let Soak for ef. teen minutes. then lift waist up and down and rub soiled places with hands. Do not ase a board. , Rinse in several cold waters and in the last put a little liorax and a piece of 'starch the size of a walnut to about gallon pt water. then hang tip to dry.. When ready to iron dampen thor- ough/y. let lie for a few minutes. then. Iron On Wrong .side watt warm iron. A white China silk waist' has been treated like this dozens of times, and it tilways catne out as white as new. , Children' Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA Pots end Pans. That most •disagreeahlo 4i teats, "a wrestle with the pots and pants" can be -easily avoided by puttimst hot water end washing Bode in theta as matt es the food has hem* removed and allow. Mg them to stand on the back part of the Mows Wirer ean then be washed as -easily sie fury dish. If then) has been anything scorched, by nsing the water in the pot or Pan and allowing to come too elow boil it will all come mit like meet. No :seed of any wrap-, ing. This is a great saving of labor. tradiart-33ear-greaseIn -Beer a ine, 'With other valeable agents; making It he best promade, 60e, a jar. " • traleil'a • ' Does your Back aeke?—Don't ex. lperinient With Ireits.tions btit get the genuine, ',TheD, dt L." Menthol Igaster. it curet. DaVis liaW _ k. ertee 0,0,4110.041# Makes Copper Into Iron. L. It Keogh. of Ottawa Collegiate Instituto etaff, has made a diseovery of greet scientiec 10 possibly finish. eitil import:lee-S. After years of labor and investiga- tion he hail suceeeded in transmuting dripper into iron. This, he elaims, has never before been attompIished. and damonstratee the fact that the transmutation. of elemeete ia possis ble. Mr. Keogh states that be his 'knots, ledge this has better been .ptogren spent in receiving and billeting the delegates, over one hundred delegatea registering. The afternoon, session opened at two o'clock by devotional exerciser; led by the President Rev. Dr. Dolm- an, of North St church, 'Goderich, and Bible Reading by ReV. A. E. ;pear, Blyth, Rev. Dr: P. C. Stephen- son of 'Torouto was expected to be present but was unable to eome and sent in his etead, Rev, Dr. Encl. reott, Who is at preeent home 'from China. Dr, Endicott is associated With press work In China, thirteen rears ago the late Dr. Hart knoWe ing how 'highly the Chinese regard the printed page thought a miss,. ionpress was essential in his Work Dr, Hart Met With much opposition to his plans, 'but after much diffi- culty both in getting help to get the press and to get it Working aft- er he had Secured it, the press is now flourishing, printing four diff- erent languages and meeting mill- ions of people through i'ts printed page, Dr, Endicott printed the •firet Christian magazine issued in Re's*. 'Dr. Weal' of Victoria Street men Goderieh spoke next, on the subject, oThe League 'as an Evan- gelistic force" 'one great essential is the sPirit filled life, and -the natural rest* of the "spirit filled orewsto fwin Valera, We need the fhaptisre of fire for evenglistic euccess, There can be no true -erangelisin Without- introspection_ and •sacrifice, God help vs to look calmly on the situation, one thing is 'certain our Leagues can never be evangelistical Until a quiet hour with Gott Is our greatest joy. If there is h More dignified calling than Soul Saving ft ha** never been ennunierated: Discussion on 'this address 'followed. At six o'clock a banquet was serV- ed in the Sunday School rooms, aft- er 'every one had partaken of the good things proricled by the mem- bers of the Clinton Leagues, Rev. F. L, Farewell acted as 'toast mast- er, The toast "General Conference' was responded to by Rev. J.E. Ford of Nifeeley church, Clinton. "Alma College Summer School" was res- ponded to by Miss M. A. Bailie, Nile and. "Church. Union,", was respond- ed to by Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Chatham, "Our Hots" was *aro- posed by Rev. Dr. Endicott and re- sponded to by Rev. J. Greene. 'The 'banquet in connection with the con volition erroves a very pleasing af- • The '6:veiling' session was opened With devotional , exercises led by v.--DaVid Rogers, Seafortli.' Af- ter an address of .welcbmeby Mayor Taylor which was replied to by'ldr. 'M. A. Robertson; M. A. Goderich„ 'Miss 'Lizzie Reid- sang. a beeutiful' solo; • • Reer. }1,4 A. Farewell spoke on oTe 'cher Training." A patriot is on who conserves life. What is life Itis human and spiritual; we seeit stirrings and xnanifestions, and the the time Tor the conservation Of life is in the time of childhood and youth. Conservation of life is' ac- complished through 'trained lead - ere,' Mr.•FareWell -Strongly ed.vo- cated 'teacher • training. Teacher training will -show the means and icharmels through 'which one may inaon.tweke splarintossal workee4togisixt themost singsXatr,,ls,„W„4.4-1:gVsq,9,X, o'clock.. the regulartFf192-smorning. ses Mon °Polling at nine o'clock with (1) -Be It resolved' thartia Lea g--- uers of the Goderich District we will continue Ito extend our Mis- sionary interestt 'award the build- ing of a home in China for ourMis- sionary and for this purpose en- deavor to increase our Forward Movement vontributions one-third of last year's contribution. During the taking of the offering Prof. Brown played in his usual bright style. • ReY. P. L. Farewell then gave a abort address On the subject "The Ultimate aim In Religious Work." What is the ultimate tihn in reli- gious work? nit is the winning of the Kingdom. 'Where can wemake our lives (count the most for Jesus Christ? 'Pace it bravely • before God. Do riot shirk and God win show us where to work for Him and :where ' our Influence will couet on the nation. • . • Dr. Endicott -Spoke 'again on his work In ICIiina, . His address the same 'as the preceeding ones was filled 'with Information aed should -nrspire-nrerjrone---wirol/stdtrad'n— greater zeal in working for the era tension of the ltlaster'sKingdom, ;This Address elosed one of the Most suecessful and helpful con- ventions ever held M Goderich Distherlet Tofficers for the coming, year a re"— e Hon. President—Rev.D., Rogers. ? Sear dies k • ' a • Pr eSidellt-13eV. Dr . D0uS1l. Gode 1st 'Vice "President; --John H. Ma- lian. Goderieh. • 2nd Vice—Miss B: Greene, Clinton 3rd Vice—Miss Id. Erratt, Auburn 4th 'Vice—Rev.,J. Osterhout, B. D., Londesbore. • 5th. Vice:—Mrs. T. Tr, Cosenir, Clin- ton. ' • SecretarY— -Miss R. Snyder, (ode 'oh • ' reeiriesior'areelisseartteriresoopWal :-- steerrose--seserseseas.:s.-sss.,,,,,,sss.„,s,-,.,, District Rep to Conference—Rev, devotional *exercises and Bible Read in.g by Rev, A. E. Fear: "Getting Boys to Wark" was the next sub Sunday School" by Miss S. Bentle of 'Myth. Bist of these paper Were excellent and discussion fol lowed. Its !from; iect of the program.. "In the Ju W. Cosens. Clinton. and "In th ior League" Was taken by Mrs. T . • District EpwOrt Secretary, District : Missionar Vice 'Pre'sident and District Sunda School 'Secretary- were read. Rev. CP. L. Farewell then condoc ed a "Round Table 'Conference" o Sunday School and Epworth Lea gue work. 'The Wednesday afternoon sessio opened with 'devotional exercise by Rev. D. Rogers arid Bible Read ing 'by Rev', A. E. Pear. The 'subject • '"Bright Ideas To 1L1terary Department' was divided into three parts 1—Up-to-date pro grammes" taken by 'Miss L. Carr Blyth; 2—"Bible Study" by 'Miss D Taylor, Clinton 3—"Canadian Ep 'worth Era" by Miss M. A. Erratt Auburn. Each one of 'these papers were 'full of- good' suggestions and helpful piano for work during the co ' . Di:Endicott then addressed the totrention again on ‘V.Ork in China He spoke of tithe :hostility of the Chinese to foreign ways seventeen years ago, and Of the things that 'Were heresies to the Chinese ten years ago 'are orthodoxy to -day. •The :Chinese are determined' to do away with the opium habit, and are in every respect anxious to learn modern Methods and religion. A convention Parliarnent Was an interesting part of the program for Wednesday, Dr, Thompson of Clles ten acting as speaker, the font:W- ing hotios Were brought before the bottle:. (11 "Resolved that the Home De- partment and Cradle Roll should he operated by every Sunday School" moved 'by !Rev. P. L. Parev.7ell and opposed Ousterhaut, B. D., Lontleeboro. ( 2,), !Resolved l that Foley:1rd moVereent in Missions should, 'be in- trodueed into the Sunday Schools," moved by Rev. W. Conway, R. A. Kilt) 4411errolved that ithere should •eontinual effort to recruit ehureh ers p from the Sunday Sellool and Epworth I‘eague," snor- ed by Mr. S. IVfilliati, Goderich. Each Motion Wall 'disetlasect' sand pased by a standing vote. Wednesday evening session was OPened by Song Serviee. The Pre- sident Dr. Dougall then read the following resolutions, brought in by the resoltitIon 'committee. (I) Resolved that the best thanks of the Convention be tendered to A.M. Fear, Blith. jSunday School Secretary--RevW. 'Conway, Nile. • # Strength and Vitality are com- a hined in the invigorating tonic Per Y xpviro, Which consists of fresh lean a beef, Citrate of Iron and pere old Spanish Sherry Wine. Nothing , could be More beneficial for anemic n Women and 'children, elderly peo- ple whose strength is failing and Y all persons run-down and debilitat- ed. $1,00 bottles. embroidering initiate 14'n 1101193- n hold linen, especially for a newly ter.; —A. 1 s Wished house (in the ease of a owe". - etc.). one ehould try to make the etyler of the monogram agree with the gen-' eral appearance of the room In which/ It Is to be used. Thus the **(Ram; • s heavy letters are suitable for a room; in . Minion or craftsman style, long; delicately, curved French *letters' for': the spartment in empire or, Chipperel dale mode' and round, open letters. for the baby's •idtripleaureere. This may! sound farfetched. but it -Is surmising how. conspicuous embroidered napkina end towels may beeorne • when they are eta of harmony with the other ap- 4- SHARP KNIFE-LIKE PAINS Would Bo Through kart 1. Thom:aide of people go **bout their daily work on the verge of deeth and yet don't kw* it. Every once in a while a pain Will seem to shoot through the heart but little attention is -paid -to 4t at -the-timerand it- is only where a violent shook comes that the -weakliest ef the heart is apparent. Then, is only one cure and that 13 VOLIIIIRR'S HEART AHD NERVE PIUS Mrs. 3. V. Nixon, Riverview, Ont., write.:—“TWo years age suffered with a bad pain around my heart. At nmeti it would almort step beating and then, a irrs knierlike pain would mem to go through it. As had heard Milburit's Hee* and Nem Pills were grand remedy fat the heart, I tent iind got two boxed of them, and when 1 had only used a boxNarid 4 hall I was entirely free from pain. Milburn's Mart and Nerve Pine ere BOoVer box, or 3 boxes for $1,25, at all dealers or wM be mailed direct on receipt v/f pries b The T. Milburn Ca., Lindt4d, Torote Clinton, Oat; Sept. 29th, z9to 11 puoutuumau DIMge0040, artorr wine to Pog MAN suo;p00VIL 3Sollalll '11 4.1,L Anent° 1.11 .19A0t1 esneoect po./d -dn Rog ptna txpie,o siPn £0.40tiu ;mg 'tilito el; Ile gj 'sej, escya pea Jo xo4eg eqx 'en snortumoo wet; cc, clq gulapemni p/n9 attlettold lompup • .sltp aq ;emu u! J910 FALC PAIRS .. .. .,00t,03::: Bayfield, —.• • O.. .. .. ....Sept 2/, 2a Blyth ngsonon r•K k 0 • ..... apt*" p P. PI. 11006 Op 7 i.ieri 6. 7 Fordwich Sept 29, 30 itillverton 24 • • • ... • . .P OAF PIPmept 29, 30 Sept 28, 29 Mildmay .......Sept 26.27 Palmerston ..... ..Sept 27,25 Oot 4, 5 Sept -27i- 88 St Harm • . • • • turd. • •• . Sept 27p 28 Oet 6, 7 Oci 1 ea ort Sem 22. 23 Teetwater 0,15,6 Tiverton 0014 Walkerton ' ' 001 15,17 Wheri Yoe go to the country take a tin of Da'vis' Menthol Salve along. It is 'unequalled to relieve earaehe, sprains, burns, outs and bruises. 25 vents. ebenonienal ..ntsmon Fish Commissioner Babcock says that salmon runs on tlie Skeena er, which opens several -weeks earlier than on the Frazer River, is pheno• merle' this year. The pack in all the British Columbia canneries is now more then, double what it was this time Test year., and the fish are larger and in better condition. There is more Catarrh in this seel tion of the conetry than all other dis- .eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incur- .Able.,......E.orregreatauany-syearsalcietors pronounced it a local. disease and pre- scribed local remedies. and by con- stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a con- stitutional disease and therefore re- quires constitutional treatment. Hal s Catarrh- Onre, manufactured by F. J. i Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, s the only:catistitutiOnal curs on the roar- ket. It is taken- internally in doses from 10 drops' to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to .eure. Send for circulars and teEti- inonials. . Address : r. a. CHENET & Co.Toledo,0 Sold,by Druggists, 75e, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. • • ' Grno4 'rrunklixailway Syseena Railway Time Table Loudort,:kluron and Bruce. North Passenger London. depart..., Ma m 4,60p in 3.44. 0,43 Exeter 9.53 45.04 1Hensall......• • 10.08 6 05 Kippen .... 10.10 Brucefieli 10.30 11.05 11,18 Blyth 11.27 Belgrave 1140 Wingharn, arrive,11.50 South Wingharn, depart— Belgrave, .......... Blyth Londesbero 7.16 4.04 Clinton 1.50 4.23 Brimfield .. . . 8.12 4.89 ISippen, .. — 8,23 4,47 Hensall 8,32 4,52 Exeter.,., 8,48 5,05 Centralia. 900 5,15 London. arrive 10 00 6.10 13ulfa1e and Godericli West Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford.... . . . .10.00 12,20 5,25 10.20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55- 10.47 Seaforth10.45 1,10 6.18 11.12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28 liolmeseille 11,10 1,33 0 46 11.38 Pederieb......41-85 1.50 7.05 11,55 East Peasenger am pm pm Goderich . . . 7.10 2,40 4.50 Hohnesville:.. 7.20 2,57. 5.06 Clinton 7.35 3.07 6.15 Seatorth 7.52 8.25 5.32 Mitchell 8.10 3.48 4,55 Stratford...—. . .98,40 440 641 0:11 6,19- 0.35 0,52 7.00 1,13 7,35 Passenger 0.431tm 3,33pm 0.54 3,44 7,08 3,56 For Sale or Rent. Farm to Rent The Ostrom farrn,Lot 28,2t8 Con. of Oodeeteb TO.. 80 acres is.offered to rent. Apply to JOSH COOK. or to MRS. J. HALSTEAD Clinton 11 Cioderich. House and Lot tor:Sale. The conveniently -located house, next to T. Murphy's, Rattenbury street, containing nitte rooms. The house la a recently re -built one, and in excellent repair. A good, new stable on the premises. Apply to A, SEELEY. • House Wanted. *anted to rent, a, medium-sized shmouastr,famwiiltyh. m4opdpvatcoNnEvevvnieEnRceAs.; Field StOne Wanted. The Town of Clinton will pay $3,75 per cord for field stone, for road building. Apply to TKOS. BEACOM, Chairman of Street Cora; Farm For Sale or to Rent Being 36 acres, mostly in grass, and well watered; small orcbard, frame ouse--anct--barnr—Two—miteir-Ircnor Clinton, on Huron Road. Apply to MRS. GUNN, Holtaesviile. • Property for Sale House and lot on Huron Street, also lot 'on Rattenbury Street, the property of the late Alex. Mckenzie. Two story, ten roomed house with verandah, small stable Hard and soft water also a number of fruit trees. Por further infor- mation, apply to Geo. D. McTag- gart or Thos. Cottle. .444re.-Tottitry-Wit Hens, 7i cts. a lb. • Chickens over 5 lb. 10 eta. a lb. Chickens, between 4 and 5 'lbs, 9c lb, Chickens, under 4 lbs. 8c alb, Turkeys.cluAks and geesenrices later All poultry to he delivered' with crops empty on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Buying all the year round. .N. W. TREWARTHA. Phone 4 on 142. The following. prices are being paid at the Hohnesville Poultry Yards:— . luetion Sale • Forth Stock. Crops, • Imple- ments, Etc. . Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer, will sell for the undersigned proprietor at Lot 32, Concession 11, Kullett on TEESDAY OkT. 11,1010. at 12:30 o'clock p.m., the following valuable Farm Stockampleinents. etc. 1 horse,,rising 4 years old • I mare, ris ing 5 years old.; 1 team of' grays, mat ched, rising 4 and 5 years old ; 2 cows, due to calve this fall ; 5 covi.s, supposed to be in calf ; 4 steers, rising 3 years old; 3 heifers, rising 2 years old; 5 yearlings; 6 spring.calves ; 2 sows, in pig; Massey -Harris binder Mas- sey -Harris hay loader; 1 Massey -Har xis mower, 5 -ft cut; 1 Massey -Harris sulky rake, new, 10 ft ; 2 foot pulpere; iron land roller, 3 irections, new ; 1 wooden land roller; 1 Massey-Ilarris 10.hoe drill and cultivator combined ;1 Massey -Harris cultivator ; 1 Imperial gang plow; 1 Patterson gang plow; 2 Fleury single plows, No. 21; I Verity plow, No. 4 ; 1 iron scuftler ; 1 De - Laval creana separator, No.10, new ; 1 MasserHarrier strew cutter; 1 four. horse power 1 top buggy, l'open buggy', 1 democrat, 1 road cart, 1 wag on 4* 1 wagon box and shelvensr II hay rack, 1 pig rack, 1 pig crate; 1 set bob sleigha- ericeles, 200.41es 4 Vanning rnill Elay fork, car, rope end Eilbags ; 1 disc harrow; 1 set four -motion harrows ; 2'set double harnees ; 1 set single barn ess; 1 grind stone; A_quantity of hay numbet of hells ; Happy Thought emit stove; 1 barrel churn Maxwell No, 3; 1 wheel barrow ; Whiffiettees and Neck.yokes : Porker, duties, Evad- es, shovels; About four dozen vain bags; 2 long ladders, 1 step ladder; About 14 acres of mangolds will be soid in the field; Many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS— All name of $10.00 and under, cash'; over that amount, 12 months' credit, on furnishing approved joint notes. .A. discount of 5 per cent. allowed for truth on credit amounts Hay and Man golds, earth. i. 017N'DRIr• O. MANNINO, PrOprirater. choice Prepeity for Sale, The undersigned offe,rs for sale his garden property of three acres situat- ed in gorden $urvey, Clinton. There ortaibla7;hoirile—with stone and softavater, all kinds of- fruit tree and in good state of cultivation will be sold with entire outfita on reason! • able terms. El. Joyners 1PROFESSIONAL w. EMMONS. BARRIBTElt SOLICITOR NOTAR- P11,814.10, nWO. (MINTON enaet.ns 13. RALE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. HurouSt., Clinton. H. T. RANCE, Notary Public" Conveyancer. Financial and Real Estates IletioneSIOE aomer—Reereteatine 14 Vire ire mance CoMpanier, it121011 CoUrt Office, Da al. W. tnostvses Aliso. Surgeon Eta 000Ohi attention given to diseases of:the are. Roe Throat, and ,Note. Brea oarefullr examined. an salt0110 &user" ' prescribed. Caine and Reeldenee. Twat aeon wee; or the Ceasameregal note* • Dr. W. Gunn • Ir.W. W. Ignina, P,, IL 41, 1411a- Moe—Ontario Street, Clinton. Nicht. calls at front door of office Or residence. Asideolsor, Street. (Ace boom at solte1-1 fo 3 0411.1 7 to Vlf, SHAW. ySICLN SURGEON; movebettr, etc', office and residenoe.ort senbury 8t ourealte W. Earriel raldclenee. DK. I% It. AXON biaNTIST views' and Bridge iro* a StwaitUr4 Gtadnale of C.O.D.S.. Mimeo. and 11.0.D.S. Toronto. Hainekt enlitoladays. *sty is to Deeelnbeir DR. H. FOWLER DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E itOre. Special. °ere takea to make &Mid- Stetter . men, as maniere: as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stoek and general Alleti011 3er GODERIOH ONT • kat tn /toss sales a specialti. Cider's et at NEW ERA oillee, Clinton,prLatot,y &Mended to. Terms reasonable, farmers' salenote discounted r••••••• G. D..MeTaggart M. D. MoTaggee MeTaggart Bros, BANKERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON General 13ankIng Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts homed. Interest allowed on deposits. The McKillop 1Viutual Fire Insurance Co. Parin and Isolated Toiling Preis* erty Only insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean; President, Seaforth* Jas. Connolly, Vire Pres., Goder cl Thos, E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforths ` DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Holinesville; John Watt, Harlock;' G. Dale .Clinton; M. Chesney, Seaforth; J. ivans, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J Beak neweis, . Brodhagen, M. Malwa Clinton, - ^-4 Each Director is'inspector Of losses in . his own locality. AGENTS. • RobL Smith, • 1.1arlock;' Ed 3:411Inchlekiz, ieatoiltrg.i4ardiS.;-CalniGninget.,t4•gtannd ville; J. W. Yeo Hohnesvill Payments may be made Sr. at Tozer*. Brown's, Clinton; or R.. Cutt. . Goderich Farm for sale. Centre pare Lot 35 containing 481 acres and North $0 acres on Lot 88;10) acres or more good hard wood bush good Barn, -stabling underneath, good Hog Peand driving shed small Orchard, Frame House cellar under good well water at House rind .Spring Creek running through Lot 35, For price, apply to It. SCOTT. Box 88, Blyth, or on Lot, 35 Cch.13 Hullett. 2m Fartu tor Sate or Rent.. For sale or to rens Lots 8 and 9 on the 3rd: Concession of .1Iullett,, con- taining -200 acres. The farm is situat- ed half Way betweeu Seaforth and (Hinton and eonvenient to school and post office. The farm is well fenced and underdrained and in a first class state of cultivation. There are on the premises a comfortable house and good bank barn andother out build- ings. There are two good orchards. The property will be sold or rented on reasonable term. Por further parti- culars apply on the premises or ad- dress WM. la MORRISON, Seaforth P10. 110118ion ot Voters ,List N'otice is hereby given. that •ti Court Will be held !pursuant te The Ontario Voters Lists Act by Ills Honor the Judge 'of the County Court !et the County of 'Huron, at the Council Chamber in the "I`own of Clinton, on Friday, the 7th day of October, 1910, at 9.00 o'clock a.m., to hear And rdeterMine plaints of errors und entissidns itt the Voters List of the munitipality of Clinton for 1010. Dated at Clint- torthia .10tIridar Sept.,_191.11. D. L. IVIAOPHERSON. Clerk. , Farm for Sale 120 acres, good, state,of eultiv•- MIMI, being lot 24 Mad 25, ,cen. 5, Getlerifeh Tp., all fresh teeded down, less ten acres, Which is plow- ed. On the property is a toncrete hue, a been. 55 by 80, good, stab- ling Well watered. .Apply to ZAS, HAMILTON, Clinton. lidiaPAppeolea Children Cry FOR rumen A S ..7.0 Pt I A .,31L JACOB. TAYLOR CLINTON • .ar.••••• • Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan ' Office Iseac Street, nex *door to New Era .• • 4,+•+.44+.44+.+.4444+.*•*•+- : Ho* Many. I In a' Dozen? t • I4 Twelve! and you eount : them to' 'see if you get 2 ithem, to. When you bay : a Wedding Ring and pay r for z8K, you can't' count it thein, you take the deal- t : er'sword, and often get t 2 x7X or less; We sell t t Wedding Rings, and there t : is exactly /8K in every. I x 8K Ring. 'rest them t any way you like. • • W. RE Counter Jeweler and Optlei-an, Issuer of 1,i Marriage Licenses. ••••••••••••••••••••••••!..' CASTOR IA 'or Taaats and Children. Tho Mod You Hato Align Bought Beare the Signature of •