HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-22, Page 5R Sept , 22nd19iO The ellntoa New Era THE What Shall ltB� QUESTION This store is prepared to answer it ! The occas- ion maybe what it will- it's our duty to be ready Co 'supply you, and we can do it, too. With pleasure to you, because of the size of our display. With profit to you, be- cause of our ability to sell close. When the gift question presents itself, let us show -you. how .-easily we -can match your ideas. W. H. Helly ar. Jeweler and Optician. Girl Wanted. Girl wanted for general house work good wages Apply to O. CRICH Rifles for Sale . • Two g25 caliber' Stevens rifles $8.00 sand $8.00. BERT HOVEY. For Sale A good heater 'for"sale-ArtSou- venir-Apply, to P. O. BOX 4. Apples lot Sale A few barrels ofa les for home use or sale. -Appy to • R: R SLOAN 2in Porters Hill. Contractor's Notice On Saturday the 15th of October a cor'ract for the erection of a snow fence between Hullett and Tucker smith, the place known as Ransford's Hill at Stapleton, will be let, Contract will be let at the above place at 3.00 o'clock. H.H. Hill Reeve Hullett. Robt. McKay, Reeve Tuekersmith Applications Wanted Applicatious will be received, for the position of Superintendent, and Chief Engineer of the power plant, for the town of Clinton, applicants to state aalary and qualifications,addr'ss stame-to.the_ olaria; 9naa, 047-1091. 9 o'clock, pan. Tuesday. Sept-20M- D. 'ept..20th,D: L-MACPHERSON, Clerk. THE OLD 'RELIABLE BUS MAN- My headquarters are now at the Rattenbury House. The phone No, is 46. Ring me up if you want a bus or baggage call, to any part of the town. JOSH COOK. Revision of Voters List Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters Lists Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Council Chamber in the Town of Clinton, on Friday the 7th day of October, 1910, at 9.00 o'clock a.m., to hear and determine com- plaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of the municipality of Clinton for 1910. Dated at Clint- on this 19th dray of Sept., 1910. D. L. 'MACPHERSON. Clerk. Farm for Sale 120 acres, in good state of cultiv- ation, being lot 24 and 25, .con. 5, Goderich Tp., all fresh seeded down, less ten acres, which is plow- ed. On the property is a 'concrete house, a barn 55 by 80, good, stab- ling well watered. Apply to .a JAS. HAMILTON, Clinton. House to Let On Mill St., an eight room• 'house with good summer kitchen and woodshed, a good cellar and bear- ing orchard all In good repair, oc- cupied by the Misses Sterling, Apply to MRS JANE CAMPBELL. Brucefield, or NEW ERA OFFICE. Births Marriages do Deaths DIED BIGGA'BT,-In Clinton, on Sept„ i8th, Robert Biggart, aged 83 years 4 months. and 7 days, • Local News MAKING THING'S MERRY. A' well known'citizen of 'town got off the water wagon Monday even- ing and Made things 'hum around his home for a ,while,, policeman Welsh soon had peace and quiet- ness. ,'HAS ACCEPTED A CHURCH. Rev. Mx. 'Charlesworth, who re - here some time ago, has accepted the church at 'Parkhill and fias moved there from London. His signed' front the Baptist church Many friends here will be glad to hear he has secured another charge, ATHLETIC. WORLD. The September number of "The Athletic World" magazine has just reached this office. In up-to-date sport affairs and illustrations it is strikingly stronger than the Aug- ust issue, which created such a fav- orable impression as a Canadian athletic and outdoor periodical, covering all • branches of sport in. Canada, With a liberal number of spoxt happenings over 'the World 'generally. We predict a full mea- sure of success for the Athletic World in its adle efforts to espouse tthe cause of good sport in this Do minion. A GOOD SUCCESS • Last Friday evening 'the concert held in the town Hall hinder (the auspices of the " Ontario Street Church Choir Was a decided success. The Hall was 'filled' an deveryone received • the worth of their money Mrs Humphrys delighted all with her solos while the recitations given by Miss 'Hart of Hensel' were much appreciated. The Male Quar- tette of the. Church also gave one selection . • ORGAN RECITAL TONIGHT Tonight Prof. Bridgman, organist of central Methodist Church, Strat- ford . Will give an organ Recital in Ontario Street Methodist church. He will be assisted by Mrs. Hump- hrys who Will sing two solos and Mr. .J Alfred Webb, of Woodstock, tenor soloist, will sing two solos. This should prover a good musical treat. BOUGHT THE FARM. On Tuesday afternoon at the Com inertial Hotel, Patrick Quigley. bought (the 50 acre farm on the 7th con., Hullett. The price was $1,100 Thos. Gundry Was: the auctioneer. DIED SUNDAY. RobeE Bi gar'£ lageW 63 years, 4 months andl7 c tdays paid Nature's Debt on Sunday last at the home of his son,' Mr. William Biggart, Is- aac street. Deceased was born :in Ireland, but spent nearly all 'his his life. in 'Clinton and Bayfield. • He had only been sick a short time. rhe funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, interment' being made at the Clinton ceenetery. ROD AND GUN • With the opening of the bird shooting season the • September number of Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont, gives a • number of delightful stories dealing with days amongst the ducks, geese,'. woodcock and prairie chickens -ex- periences which will cause many a Sits eadin the - are. g, � °Ntambers'will bel pab= aid , in: remembrance, many: ;,of .. ;.these publishedexperiences, a d in this way live over again red letter times in 'their histories. Variety marks this production, every lover of the outdoors, whatever :his par- ticular taste, receiving 'attention. The story df two young moose, one of a pet raccoon, the effort of an awmateur to trap a bear, particu- lars of the American bison,. the Al- pine Club's last camp and some dog dog lore show the manner inwhich the magazine covers the wide var- iety of Canadian outdoor life. The verses in this number are excel- . Toronto Markets Pall Wheat .95 to .95 New Wheat 89 to .91 Oats ... .42 to .43 Peas .75 to .76 Rye 65 to .70 Buckwheat .54 to .55 Bran $20 • Shorts $22 Hay $17 to 20.00 Eggs Butter 21r, to 22c 23a to 24c Chiekena. 11 to 12c Potatoes .50 to .55 ' Cattle, butchers Cattle, Exporters Hogs Sheep Lambs Wool Cheese .... .... 56 25 to $6.25 '$565 to $7.05 $9.00 to 9 25 $ 4.50 $4.00 to $7.00 13 to 14c 11 to 12c Clinton Market Report Wire tit, (new) 90 to 0 05. Oats, (old). 0 82 to 0 36 Barley 0 42 to 0 45 Peas 0 72 to 0 75., Eggs 0 l6 to 0 17 Butter .... 0 17 to 0 18 Hogs.... 835 Potatoes 0251o025 Wheat, (old) • . $ 1 Not Testing If you have any troub- le with your eyes -diffi- cult in seeing distinct or reading, aching eyes, tir ed eyes. If you suffer from headache, if the child cannot see well at school or if the child's eyes soon become tired, call and have them ex- amined mist carefully. No Charge • FOR Examinanion We have all appli- ances for careful ex- amination. All work guaranteed satisf ac - to ry: 7a. J. Grigg Jeweler and Optician• Issuer of Marriage Licenses STILE REGISTER Auction Sale -of farm stock, crops. im plements, etc at lot 32, Con. 11, Hulktt Sale at one o'clock. No reserve Chas. H. Manning, prop.: Thos.. Gundry, auc. lent, and the Bohemian ring of "Fishin's Good?' Will find an echo with many even of the most staid. "My Little Fisherman," with his wonderful story of . 'the monster that got away appeals to the sym- pathies of all, while the "Evening Chorus" is equally good. The is- q�ue should be fouhd with every, shoOtiffrpartyt'his season. MINOR LOCAL Only 79 more shopping bays be-. fore christmas. This week Mr. Robert Marshall and family moved from the cottage on William St. recen'tly owned by Jas: Twitchell, but who sold it to Mr. Govet, to the house owned by Mrs. Stevens on. 'the same St. The Glee Club of the "Pastime'Z boys were having their' vocal in- struction Wednesday night. ANOTHER PRESENTATION. Tuesday evening a representa- tion boder of St. Joseph's •. church congregation waited 'upon Rev. Fr. Hanlon and ,presented him with a purse Well filled with money, ac= companed by the following 'short c • reased: their swishes to t e otYrt,--Messrs Shatiahaii,an • McCaughy made the -'presentation - R ev. and dear' Father. -That God may shower his:phoicest . blessings on you in your new . field of labor, is the heartfelt Wish of each and every, member ~ of St, Joseph's church. Clinton, Sept. 20th 1910. • On Saturday night the choir of the church left a travelling bag at the Rectory as a remembrance of his stay, in Clinton. There's No -Place- Like Home if it he cosy and comfortably fur• nished. Yours can be if you take advantage of our furniture offer- ing. Dining Room Furniture particularly is prominent in the offering ann if you want a side- board, chinaoloset, table or ehair, now is the time to purchase. 7bc Cheapest Spot to Huron to buy all kinds of Furniture. HOOVER.& im • JRU1D1R'ETAAKDi APPOINTED ENGINEER. On Tuesday night 'Wm. East was appointed Engineer at the Power House, to take 'the place of the late S. Pratt. Mr. East has i been fireman for a number of years at Fair's mill and should fill the bill all night. lir fli.w1 Wwmewvis wW% w 'SHOE AND MUSIC EMPORIUM. S. C. Rathwell Shoes C.11oare , Music Men's Shoes for Fall 83, $3.50, $. •I, $1.50 and $560 For style, comfort and dur- ability, the new lines we are showing for Fall, are won. dere. We are sole agents in Clinton for the Derby Shoe for Men Thera is good shoemaking in the Derby 'that will suit the requires ents of the most par- ticular. See our window. Try us for-litepairin;. S. C. Rathwell ReliableL Footwear for all the family. Music! Music! Music! The long winter evenings are coming, Nothing like music to wake them pass quickly. In our Sheet Music Department, you will find latest songs and instrument. ars. What about that PIANO yoti were thinking of buying this Fall i' We are ogents for the N•ewcome, Karn -Morris Stanley • Sherlock & Manning Pianos Dome in and look them over., C. 'Hoare The Place Where Your Dollar Does its Duty 1 be played when 'Mitchell come to n on 'on a ' on ernoon Cli t M d y aft Sept. 26th. This will be Ian . exciting game as Clinton defeated them in Mitchell by only. 'one run. Game called at 2.45. A Stunning Creation Seen at Paris Theater. CHECQUES PRESENTED. At half -past three last Friday afternoon the teachers and pupils of the 'C.C.I. and a few visitors gath Bred to the assembly Nall of the school to th'e presentation of the checques of th'e Carter Scholarship won by D. H. Stewart and Dean Courtice. After Principal Trelea- ven had 'spoken releaven'had'spoken a'few words of wel come, 'Rev.C.R.Gunne, who had con- sented to present on-sented'to.present the cheques, gave a short address. He also read. a tetter 'from Mr. 'Carter, and finally presented D. Stewart with $100 as First prize and Dean 'Courtice with $60 as Third prize. Mr. Treleaven then explained that Stewart had undoubtedly stood 'first in this Scholarship as well as in others. But while Courtice 'had been third, he had really come first in the county, of those 'writing on their Faculty of Education since the winners of both the $100 Scholar- ship and the $80 Scholarship had written on their honor Matriculat- ion, thus the school might claim first prize in' the province of those writing on the Honor Matriculation and first in the county of those writing on the Faculty of Educat- ion. Three cheers purposed for the ,bott, Were heartily responded to. by all. A PICTURESQUE HAIR ARRANGEMENT. Simplicity is the keynote of good hairdressing' for most 'occasions, but in the evening coiffure there is much license allowed. In fact, one may be as picturesque in the .matter of ar- ranging one's hair as the costume and face NOR'.stand- "I'oi' the"girl who goes in :for fanclfuf effect's' t'heilltistration s wing'a smart 'style df hairdressing at a Paris theater recently may offer several valu- able suggestions. You'H'Need It Soon -A Fall Hat. In a few weeks the summer hat will begin to look passe. Then is the time to nurchase one of the natty littia CONFIRMATION. Bishop Fallon, D. D., of London had a class of 30 for confirmation on Thur sday morning at 10 o'clock Mass was sung by the Father from. St. Augustine, Bishop -Fallon quest- ioned the elass and ;gave them sound advice, having all repeated a pledge that they Would not touch intoxicating liquors till they were 21 years of age. The Bishop also spoke words of praise for ' r. Han- lon and asked that Fr. Dunn' be re- ceived in the manner as they had held their late Pastor. Several other 'Priests Were present. BASE BALL. The final game of base boll ;will GRAND TRUNK RAIL $''1,75 TO Spokane, Wash. Nelson, B.C. Vancouver, 13.C. :Victoria, B.C. Westminster, Wash. Seattle. Wash. Tacoma, Wash. Portland, Ore.' Sept. 15 to Oct. 3t#1.75 tD San Francisco, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal, San Diego, Cal. Mexico City, Mex. Oct. lst to 15th Above rates are one.way, second•elass anct apply from Clinton, Ont. Secure tickets and full information from 0 Pidgeon, Depot agent JOHN RANSF'Oltl , Town Agent. black patent leather chapeaux which all summer have done service as out- ing. headgear. The hat seen in the cut is of this material in one of the modish shapes )f the season. The sole trimming con- sists of two black and one white uncut ostrich pompons. • 5' Saskatchewan farmers want more help and have 'asked the C.P.R. to run another series of harvesters' excursions .from: Toronto. The Michigan Central tunnel un der the Detroit River. Will be open- ed for freight service on Sunday, and for passenger service within a Week. Fire da'm'aged, the Duncan �L1f graphing Company's premises at . Hamilton and the National Drug Company's Warehouse,' and destroy- ed 'Hodgins,l umber mill and 400, 000 feet of lumber et Como, on the Ottawa River. Money Wanted Persons having money to invest in farm Mortgages may secure invest- ments by applying to me. Some good Mortgages for sale, W. BRYDONE. 2t Poultry for Sale A number of good, Rhode Island Reds and Rose Comb white Leghorns, also hen bogie, brooding coops, and exhibition coops, poultry fencing, greenbone. cutter, feed hoppers,' 50 egg Chatham incudator. Also a num- ber of Bantams and fancy pigeons. Wired frames, and it number of poul- try pictures of several Varieties, nicely framed.: A Good second. hand bicycle wanted.: Apply at New Era. y rvate Sale Pivate. sale a e of household furniture still continues. Mattresses, Carpets, rugs, curtainsportieres, blankets, sheets, quilts etc, Walnut cherry.quar- ter cut oak and other furniture. 1 sewing machine, .1 upright piano (almost new) 1 >email coal heater 1 lawn=roller, sideboard, pictures china, clocks, brass lamps, and other articles too numerous to men t i o n. Every afternoon at the residence in Huron St. lately occupied by R. Ransford. also a number of good books MARGARRT ONEILL Proprietress New Mantles , New Sweater Coats New Dress Goods New Clothing New Blankets Don't buy before seeing our big new stocks. FULL RANGE OF NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS AT LOWEST PRICES See Our Men's Sweater Coats, at $i.00 Some Special Bargains in Clothing and Shoes now on our tables, COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES, Plumsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS. LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW For the Printing you are bound to need next month, and have it ready : when you want it. We can . give you the best service. The New Era Printing Office Furniture, Carpets and Shades We are ready to supply your wants in these goods with the finest lot of House Furnish- ings that money will buy. We: Show New Designs in Dressers and Stands, finished in quarter cut Oak and Ma- hogany.. New styles in Iron Beds, finished in white enamel, gold and green; some with floral' designs. ' For dile Dining Room. We have new style Auffets, Round Tables and Leather -seat-. ed'ehairs''i' Our.-C,'r e. >', -'and .Linoleum Department . . a •. aur asses. •attire. v .,ii!e.m, h •. x_ _err _ , t sli e i• Beautilul Rugs • allthe differentcent. an sizes and attern at rices- ten per patterns-, � P below former quotations. 1000 yards'•Scotch Linoleum Just arrived. We bought this Linoleum before the recent heavy advance in price. We will give our customers the benefit of good buying, by selling at ald prices. • H. Che flew, Blyth Asoossimomminoimmorwrvarkftwaoloimito~oriewh WRMEMWWD2WaMiRWMDiaM AUTUMN 1910 Miss Cantelon Announces her First Showing of Imported and Domestic Ki Pattern Hats M THE SOCIE'T`Y EVENT OF THE SEASON. Ki You and Your Friends are Invited ridgy Evenbi -Saturday Sept. 23rd and 24th lig Music in Attendance Ki MiniiMMIMEMMOMMEg