HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-22, Page 2The' Naw bra
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W. H. Kn & SON
CLINTON. ONT., SEPT. 22, 1910.
-4▪ 4•44444444+•+•+•44144•41444.
Put enthusiasm -'felling -into
your advertising copjr.
Write It as though you meant ev-
ery word you said.
Rep. *Dr, Parkhurst recently told
this story about President Roose-
"When the ex -president attends a
wedding be thinkethe is the bride
'when he attends a funeral he thinks
he Is the corpse".
That Is the sort of felling to put
into advertising'.
It lis not always easy to be con-
vincing, but it is easy to be frank
ear a ight for ward, Atoned'.
"To 'be frank" is the forerunner of
(l To be convincing".
The raan that looks you straight
in the eye is Usually earnest,
frank, 'truthful -and he wins your
attention t once.
The Shiftless eye denotes the In-
sincere man.
The advertisement that is direct,
outspoken, (sincere, simple in lan-
guage -is the one that pulls., •
It makes people look at it
straight from the eye.
It Is not shiftless; not evasive.
It Wins because it rings true.
Way back, before sensationalism
in newspaper s and sensationalisn
In (advertising commenced to run
riot, a merchant never thonght of
Reckless newspapering created
reckless advertising. • .
Those (good old tines al e coming
back again.
' Sensationalism is dead.
'Accuracy has the floor.
And tthe Nev Era believes In
helping towards this betterment in
in newspapers and in advertising.
Children Cry
Lifting the
unwisely, sour farms or property-
-- • - - en ay- the Ar•-e-M-IviMt h/nrcrentg•MC7.
"blanket" that may take years of
hard 'labor to wipe out! There are
times When a morgage Is justifi-
able, Vox instance in the purchase
of property or the making of some
much needed and useful improve-
ment. In either case good judgment
must be exercised, so that the bur-
den enay not be to heavy. A busi-
ness ;Man once said in my hearing
that "seven -tenths of the buisness
of the world .was done on borrowed
tapital.", Be (this true or no, I have
noticed that the farmer 'who bor-
rows heavily soon goes to the wall.
In (paying the mortgage, all that
lis in a man is brought out. The
aiml4of every true man is to oWn
his 'property free from , encumbr-
ance. With this as the goal, his ev7
y endeavor is toward the end.
To lift the mortgage means that
Industry, thrift and economy must
be practiced. One reckless with
time or money never iieconiplishes
the desired aim. Again, there
knust be continuity of purpose.
Without this we fail ere the battle
la (won. Start out with a decided
'purpose Ito meet the payments and
interest as they come due. Don't let
!them overlap. Compound intereat
is fall right for the usurer, but
(brings 'financial ruin to the kriort-
Here is where many fail. 'Prompt-
ness fin meeting payments has sav-
ed Many a man from the rocks.
Don't load too heavy. Be discreet.
in loading up, then When involved,
laird to meet every payment 'whet
slue( fand you will have the fun and
reward Of burning the knortgage
some "sweet" day. -(Farm and
Children Cry
,Atwooi • „Oat, 8 end 4
Blyth Oa 4, 5
Brusseis Oct 6, 7
FoOat 6, 7
Oa 1
Harrison• Sept 20, 30
Birkton Oct 6, 7
31ilverton .. Sept 29. 30
et Forest eept -28, 29
laildmay Sept 26. 87
Palmerston .. ....... .... Sept 27,2d
Parkhill .. . Oet 4, 5
ip ey Sept e7, 28
St Marys Sept 27, 28
Seeforth "seeSept 22, 28
Teeswater ..04k5,6
Tiverton 0o14
Walkerton . , . ..... ... . .. ...Ocala, IT
Wonderland Is There, Not Behind
the Looking Blase.
An Up to Date Mother Recently Dec-
orated Her Nursery With a "Barn-
• yard" Frieze--"eledtime Border" ell
lonces Going to Sleep Protests,
If • Alice of Wonderlaacl tame had
• bad a modern nursery she never would
have wandered off through the look-
ing glass in search Or friends and ad%
ventures. Sbe would have found eo
many interesting creatures right In the
nursery wall that she would never
have thought of going fartbee.
In Order to keep up the eunply of
beasts( and birds and nice little boys
and girls with which the walls Of the
modern child's nursery are covered
clever designers are constantly at
werk. and this Season their papers
seem more attractive than ever. They
safety a great variety both in design
and coloring, and•it Is possible to find
a pattern that will fit in witb any dec-
orative scheme.
lf a child is fond of pets a design in
which animals figbre may be chosen.
The mother of a stirring four-year-
old whO has recently bad a new "barn-
yard" frieze put up In het* nursery,
surmounting a soft gray paper. de-
clares that it is the best means for
keeping her small son in good humor
that sbe -has found in many a day.
"If my little man is inclined to be
fretful," she says, "I take him up to
the nursery and say. *What do You
think Peter Rabbit is sifying to aim -
self melee he hears you fussing?' My
four-yeireed leeks up at the pictured
rabbit on the wall and says: *What do
you think. Peter Rabbit? Do'you litre
to hear me fuss?' • Then be begine .to
leneleALehajdea_of Peter.:Rahhit_like-
, . . .
Ing to hear any one Mete:, and as he
values Peter's good will he stops fuss -
Another mother whose three little
ones had been in the habit of protest- .
ing that it was "too soon" when their
nurse came to take them Upstairs to
bed has found that a "bedtime herder"
• Tan Ewan mow. raooEssiow..
In the nursery has quite sileneed the
going to bed protest. Tbis. border
shows a procession of little people in
"nighties** and pajamas, with candles
and Teddy pears and beloved dolls,
headed for Sleepy Land.. Nurse has but
to say to the three real children: "Let
us go to see whether the bedtime peo-
ple have shut their eyes yet. 1 won-
der if little John has let his candle go
out or if Mollie has dropped that old
rag . doll yet," Immediately a .chorus
of voices replies: "Oh, l' wonder too!
Let's go see." land the real live pro-
cession beads toward the stairs,
Too Much Food.
There are many ways of giving that
mueh abused organ, -the stomach. a
rest. no one of width is the perfect one
for everybody. thoggi, each .has its fit-
ness for somebody, The aetual needs'
of people in the matter of food vary,
Some have tested and become ardent
adventes of the "two meals a day"
plan, while others tied eveu one meal
per day sun:Meet for them and seem-
ingly best to maintain health; The
overfed brain worker who dines to re-
pletion in the evening, elees late and
gets up with no appetite may %veil
breakfast on a tool glass of water and
an orange, .postponing his first real
meal till lunehtime, while the man
who rises at 4 or 5 in the morning and
eompletes half a day's work before
breakfatit will find his digestive fune-
Ilona ready for it. rood should not be•
taken after severe exercise nor very'
severe exercise follow a hearty Meal.
Too much food overvveights the dlges-,
tion and overtaxes the nervous system.
teeep" Icebox Sanitary.
Make% cheesecloth mat of two thick.
nessee of' this material and after clearng-theeicebox out, -before -plaeing the -
blocks therein, lay the• met carefully
Over the draitpipea and it will collect
all Matter that .would otherwise clog
the water pipe.
:Alter the age of 60 people find
that their strength le not what It
used to be, and they, ifretmently
'suffer fronf sudden exheatition,
and weak 'Wart action. To all
Such we recommend the InVigerat
'rig tonic Perrovim, torapoaed of
fresh beef, Citrate �f Iron n d
'pure old Spanish Sherry wine.
Nothing could Mere benefielal
pAc)a easep,• $1.0.0 Per. Pottle.
The Clinton New Era
ST. Vitus Dance
Striking Exaniple of Its
cure by the Tonle Treat-
St. Vitus dance is the common-
est forrn of rier'vous trouble •which
afflicts children, beettlnie Of the
great denrands made on the body
by growth and development, and
there is the added strain caused by
study. It is 'When these demands
become so great that they impoV-
erish the blood., and the nerves 'fail
to receive their full supply of
nourishment, that the nervoue de-
bility which leach; to St. Vitus
The rernarkable success of D.
William's Pink Pills in ,curing St.
Vitus dance should lead parents to
give their • chindren this great
blood -building medicine at the firtit
signs of the approach of the 'dis-
ease. Palm, listlessnees, inattention
restleesness and irritability are all
symptoms which early show that
the blood, and nerves are failing to
Meet the demands made uponthem
bibs. A. Winters, Virden, Man., says
"When my little ghl was six years
old she was attacked with scarlat-
ina which was followed by St. Vitus
dance. Her limbs would jerk and
twitch. Herspeech became affected
and at last she became so bad that
she could scarcely walk, and we
baldly dared trust her alone. She
was under the care pf doeter, 'but
but -in spite of this 'was eteadily
gro wing, worse,azicl we learned that
we would• lose her. As am Williams
Pink Pills had cured her older sister
of anaeriala,I d'ecicled to try them
again. /After the use au few boxes,
to our great joy, , we found they
were helping here and in her course
of a few weeks More her power
of speech fully returned, and she
could 'walk and go about as well as
any child, and She has been well
and healthy since. When Illness
collie to any family now we never
call in a doctor, but simply useDr.
Williams'PinkPills, and they never
disppointed us.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents 'a box or six boxes
for $2.59, .from. The Dr. Williams'
'Medieine Co. ErockvIlle, Ont.
• The South African Election
Naationalist... .. ...:... ... 52
• Unioniat.. . 36
Independents. , •,,
Laborites 4
To hear 'from19
Johannesburg.16.- With nineteen
constituencies still to report, the
National Party stands to -night with
a strength of 5e just two more than
the other three parties combined.
It was reported during the day
that general Botha had taken •his
defeat so lunch to heart that. 'he
purposed resigning, but this report
is not confirmed. For several min-
utes after the .confirmation of his
defeat the premier Was unatrung
and speechless. Right Hon. P. R.
Moor, the Minister of 'Commerce,
and the form'er Premier of Natal
has been defeated., •
The ilefeat of three • Ministers -
Bothe, Rtifl aricl-Moor--has thrown
the -Nationalists into consternation.
The election, however, terminates
the fear that the exterrnists will
rule. Hertzogism has probably
been dealt a death-bloW.•
The Unionist majorities are large
sixteen or seventeen • seats in
Orange River Colony having gone
solidly for them. .The Orange Un-
ion party Will probably refuse to
support the Goverment except on
its own terms, as each man is
laledged to extend Hertzogism.
• When an Editor Moves:
A Country editor, who was not sup-
posed t lie rich, built himself a
moddst Cottage, says t New
• Yorkjeurnal. Theneighb s were,
made tinquiiies as to how the, buil
• Thu (editor became tired of being
asked (whether the plastering was
dry tyet, whether he expected • to
move In this Week, aud so on. As
he expressed it, he could • not ap-
pear' In the street without some-
body's asking, "Ilow's the house
getting along?"
• One day he was quite out of pat-
ience and just then a subscriber
asked:- ••
"Well, Mr. Barnes, have you mov-
ed qnto your house yet."
"We began this morning,". •
swered the editor; "we carried
over n hair and a salt eellar and
left the dog in the yard,"
'vel]," said the subscriber;
"you must be glad to. have your
Moving t o nearly. through.";
There is more Catarrh in this secl
tion of the country than all otner dis-
eases put together, and pntil the last
few years was supposed to. be ineur-
able. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease and pre,
scribed local remedies, and by • eon-
etantIy failing ,to cure with local
treatment, 'pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven Catarrh tobe a Con-
stitutional disease and therefore re-
quires constitutionaltreatment. Ral s'
Catarrh. Onre, manufactured' by P. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, s the
only constitutienal cure on the mar-
ket. It is taken internally in doses
from 10 tlrops to a teaspoonful. It
acts directly on the blood and =emu
surfaces of the system. They Offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails to
cure. Send for circulars and testi.
Address e,„ J.oDENET' & Co.Toledo,0
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hail's yamily Pills for constipa-
Laudable Ambition. •
The cheese kieg, was in the
Soo on Monday and Tuesday, Ile says
ha is going to get about four more
lier of Parliament tor the distriet some
day, That's right, Fraiik, there's no-
thing like being frank in the matter
and looking at the bright side, al-
though it is safe to say that such a
thing will never frappen you. -Algoma
The Grain CensUS.,,
Grain and other field crops for the
harvest of 1911 will be taken, by areas
only, as none of these crops will be
rine at the taking of the census. The
prodttets of these eropt will be gath-
ered later in the year from the re.
Additional Locals
The 'growth of gineeng root on an
extensive tmale Will be :an,dertak
en 'by Dr. 1/lacKendrick on a ifarm
on the outskirts of Galt. The doc-
tor into purchased 9 lures of land
on the west side of kiver adjoin-
inglithe town Malta from Nr.WUl-
am Brydone and an additional six
'teen acres from Mr. Near. Ginseng
root luta been successfully grown in
other parte of the province andDr.
idacKendrick (is convinced 'that it.
eau be grown around Galt, If auc-
ressfpl, the experiment Will be
very profitable as the prioduet
demands la high price, %vith the
present tupply extremely limited,
Th root is Worth $7 to $26 per
ThisiProVinee is Taking Her
Place In London -Office to be En...
"Ontario Is eoraing into her own"
said the Deputy Minister of Agri-
culture, Mr. C. C. James, on his re-.
turn from London, where he was
in conference with Sir James Whit-,
ney. This Increased Interest in
Ontario 413 due, mainly, Mr. James
thinks, to the, establishment of the
Provincial 'office in London. The
Worle (there had spread from deal-
ing emigration problems in
farm labor and domestic servive,
to (Platten of industrial and trade
• importance land avenues f or the hie
vestment 'Of money.
•Steps are being taken for the ex-
tension IA the lease of the building
and onlargeing It. An office will
be Provided also f or any member
of 'the Govermant who may be in
'England kin official business.
Mr. James preceeded his London
visit by a trip to Prance, Switzer..
lend, Germany, Holland and Scot-
The'laWs of gravitation 'do not
.6ause all things to comedown after
they to up. Por instance, rubber
goods, particularly footwear, boun-
ced ibp fromt 15 to 25 per cent. last
fall. The reasons then 'given for
the •abnormal bounce was that the
demand /or rubber was 1,000 pee
cent. 'greater than it Was a few
years ago, the supply Was rather
shert, kind last, but not least, rub-
ber bad been juggled With in the
stock markets of the world with
the r esult that the .general pub.,
lie (had got to pay the price de-
manded by s combine. • Since last
fall, 'however, there has been a
split in the ranks of the wholesale,
jobbers (from whom many retailers
buy heir goods and in some in-
stances a cut has been made in the
price lof rubber goods to their
customers. But fthough that has
taken kalace in a few instances,the
fact to be borne in mind is • that
your tubber goods Will not cost
vou less this season than they did
last. • Indications are that the
price may be put • up another
notch; that is if the ,supply on
hand (runs short and more has to
be bought.
MAKING ciiii3MtikatififfT,
How Captain Kendall Managed 'to
:Have .Look at His Teeth,
. In that long, gruesome history of
the London cellar murder, now be-
come famous to Canada because Dr.
Hawley H. Crippen and .his compan-
ion', Miss LeneVe, were taken prison-
ers on Canto:11mi shores, there is one
little joke - which twinkles forth like
calohordigsl.it star from a bank of o.ndir101,13
• Captain .Kendall of the Montrose,
it will be remembered, tallied up
•tWo of his 'passengers, Philo Robin-
son, a, merchant of Detroit, and his
son, a student, as being the much
wanted doctor and his typist. He
had read the ,descriptions .of the pair
published in theeLendop papers with
the conclusion t a . o make absolute.
il•-•61:tli 6-1 denliitt...-ot2bitrTnrs,•--
Sengers, he must ' have h look' at
Robinson's teeth: Crippen Was de-
scribed aS having an excellent set Of
• false grinders. Robinson was in the
habit of talking with his mouth well
closed, almostnumbling his words,
and grunting instead Of smiling.
To make Robinson open his mouth
and give himself away without arous-
ing his suspicions was the captain's
task. He bethought himself of a joke
to make him laugh. Here :is' :;the
joke, a rather gruesome joke to- tell
. a •suspected murderer:
"I had a friend in London once,"
Commenced the sailorman, "a mer.
client, who had a choice lot of very
strong Lymburger • cheese which he
was desirous of shipping to a firm in
Glasgow. The stuff was so high and
smelled so rank that all the railway
companies refused to carry it (18,...
freight. Finally he hit upon a bright
idea. He made a coffin and shipped
the cheese, a shilling a mile, mitid
you, as a stiff. He himself dressed
in black, put on a very mournful' air,
and accompanied the 'body' as all
• sorrowipg relatives should, - •
• "When the train arrived at Ghia-
gow, the merchant went forward to
the express car to await delivery.
He was standing on the platform
With his. handkerchief tucked bee •
comingly into hi a eye,.when a gala
stepped up and asked synipathetical-
ly : •
" 'Relative, sit?
"'Yes.' .
" 'Near relative?'
se eyes.21
"'Well, he sure is dead, aint he?"
"Haw, haw, haw," laughed Crip-
pen, as he leaned back in his deck.
chair in high geed htnnor.
Kendall's eyes nearly popped Out
of his ruddy weather-beaten face as
he pierced the cavern of Crippea's
gorge. He got a goo4 look, as did
How can the baby grew
strong if the nursing Mother
it pale and delicate?
SCOti s Emulsion
mak4 well; mother Wong
and well; Increases and en-
riches thebaby's food.
in • tea may rnean
to you flavor or
strength or fragrant
richness. • Red Roe
Tea is blended with
such nicety that it is
the combinatioi of ell
three • points of merit.
Will you try a pacicage.
Your Grocer Will
• Recornniend It 81
IIMINE....•1110•MINMINIMIle.10011410•011l=1•••••••••••//11.- 11.....M=1161•1•M
we enter engineer, air, vine, wuo
was in on the secret, and each wink.
ed complacently, highly Satisfied that
their ruse had fathomed the secret.
Connaught, the Canadian.
Miss E. Pauline Johnson, the well.
known Indian poet, has been taking i
a deep interest n the proposed ap.
pointmeut of the Duke of Connaught
as the successor at Rideau Hall of
Earl Grey. She writes "How many
Canadians are aware that should the
Duke of Connaught., the only surviv-
ing son of Oueen Victoria, be appoint-
ed to represent King George in Cane
ada, they will at least have, What
many wish for, a 'native' Canadian,
hearrag an ancient Canadian title, as
Governor-General of the Dcmainion.1"
• It warns that in 1869, when 8.8 Prince
'Axthar„ the. duke was visiting this
Country"for the first time he received
an invitation from his royal. mother's
Indian children...out on thaGrand
err reserre. Brant County, to visit the
reserve. He did so on October 1 o
tolgotear; and In. the. old Mobaw
, supported by Omvanowly
show, head chief of the Mohawks,
Prince Arthur watt consecrated chief,
of:the .Six Nations of Indians...
Live Poultry— Wanted
The following 'prices are -being paid
at the Holinesville Poultry Yards: --
Hens, 71 cts. a lb.
Chickens over 5 lb. 10 cts. a lb.
Chickens, between 4 and 5 lbs, Cfc lb.
• •Ohickens, under 4 lbs. 8e -a lb.
Turkey• saluel_atigied_gme Prices later
11,11._patiltry to he delivered with
crops empty on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesdaje mornings. ' •
Buying all the year round.
• Phone 4 Ur 142.
Farm, Farm Implements. Stock
etc., in Goderich Township.
ui oggellent repair, an9jgoo0 fromlatkr_
about 280 bearing fruit trees. The proPertv, te
beautifully located on the Heron Road, midway
between the Towns -of Goderich aucl Clinton.
There will be offered for sale at the same time
• and place, a quantity of farm stock, imple-
ments, furnitere, etc.. including 3 horses, 5 head
of cattle, a binder, nower, seed drill. hark° rake.
seuffier. plowsharrows..waggon, buggy, cutter,
etc., and a quantity of household ferniturel
Inspection of the properly offered for sale is
inyited,. Terms and conditions of sale made
• known on the -premisesor by 'application to
either of the undersigned.
Auctioneer. Sollr. for Vendors.
Datecl at Clinton, Sept. 110.1910.
There will he offered for gale by PUblid Ane•
• Mon, at ihe prems0A, on •
Friday, Sept. 23rd, .1010,' -
at 1 o'clock pan. the folloWine property knoWn
ea the Proctor. 'farm. being composed of Lot
Number' Thirty-two (32) and the S.1,V, part
of Lot No, 83, Maitland Concession,
Goderich TOWnship,.containing 114 acres, more
or less. Ther 6 are about 95 Miss of good arable'
land, and the remainder Is bush and grazing
14. -amo'house,With.ebv
Auction Sale
• —of---
Farm Stock, Crops. Imple.
• ments,.Etc.
• Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer, will sell
for the -undersigned proorietor at • .
Lot 39, Concession 11, Mullett
TUESDAY OCT. 11, 1910.
at 12:30 o'clock p.m., the following
valuable Varna 8tock,Impleirients;
1 horse, rising 4 years old ; 1 mare. ris
ing 5 years old ; 1 team of grays, mat
ched, risinte4 and 5 years old; 2 cows,
due to calve this fall ;5 Cow s, supposed
to be in calf; 4 steers, rising 3 years
old ; 3 heifers, rising 2 years old ; 5
yearlings; 6 spring calves ; 2 sows, in
pig ; 1 Massey•Harria binder ; 1 Mae.
sey-Harria hay loader; 1 Massey -Her
ris mower, 6.11 cut ; 1 Massey4iarris
itulky rake, new, 10 ft ; 2 root pUlpers;
1 iron land roller, 3 sections, new ; 1
wooden land roller ; 1 Massey -Harris
10 -hoe drill and cultivator combined ;1
Massey -Harris cultivator ; 1 Inaperial
gank plow; I Patterson' gang plow ;
Fleury single plows, No. 21; I 'Verity
plow, No. 4 ; 1 iron scruffier; 1 De -
Leval cream separator, No.10, new ; 1
Mastley•Harris straw cutter ; 1 Pony -
horse power ; 1 top buggy, 1 open
„buggy, I democrat, 1 road cart, 1 wag
on; 1 wagon bot and shelvens ; 1 hay
rack, 1 pig rack, I pig crate ; 1 set bob
sleighs ; Scales, 200.-I los Panning mill
Ilayfferk, car, rope and slings ; 1 dise
harrow ; 1 set four -section harrower;
2 set &utile harness ; 1 set single hen
OBS; 1 afilia stone; A _quantity of hay
A. munher, Of Ilene 1 Happy Thought
ohnl stove.; 1 barrel churn, Maxwell
No, 3; 1 wheel barrow ; Whiffletrees
and Neck -yokes Forks, chains, spad.
es, shovels ; About four dozeri grain
bags ; 2 long ladders, 1 step 'trait* ;
About 14 acres of marigolds, Will be
sold fa the field ; Many other articles
too lannierOUS ria
to •htiOrt." TERMS–
All sums of $10,00 and under. °fish;
over that tniount, 12 months' credit,
on furnishing approved joint totes.
A discount of 5 per dent allowed for
cash on credit antounts Hay and Man
golds. cash,
Moto pr or, o
Grand Trualgitatiwar 614001
ikTort:ellwity Tinle Table
Loladon4,11------liron and Brame,
London, depart ' a80 am 4.50 p m
9.40 5.43
Exeter ...... 9.53 5.54
Hensel,. ..... ...e.... 10.08 6.05
Brucefield ,: .. . . .. 1100:813 0991
Clinton ..,11.05 ' 6.86
Londesboro 11.18 6,62
Blyth.. ..... .....-11,27 7,00
Belgr:titkvie11,40 143
Wingham, arrive11,50 7,25
Belgrave deparA a. m tO 8.83 pm
54 3.44
Tenideshoro 7.08 3.56 ."
7.10 4.04
Clinton 7•50 4.23
Biaaceetine,I.4... „ 8.23 4.47
8.12 4.39
Rensall 8.82 4.62
Exeter ..8.48 5.06
Centralia .. ....... 9 00 5,15
London, arrive.-- 10 00 6.10
Buffalo and Ooderich
am• Pin p m pm.
Fltratford... . . .. .10.00 12,1320as13572,1131.10,20
Mitchell 10.22 12,10,4745 6.55
Seaforth • 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12
•Olinton .. . .......... 1,25 6.40 11.28
Holmesethe 11.16 1,33 646 11,38
Goderich.„11-36 1,50 7.05 11.55
GodEeraischt . i•
Rolmesville . • • /1411 p ID FI In
7.10 2,40 4.50
Clinton .20 2.57 5.00
SMtirtactilfeoirld • 7.52 3.25 5.32
7.35 807 5,15
8,16 3 48 5.55
8.40 4.15 0.20
For Sale or Rent.
Farm to Rent
The Ostrom farm, Lot 28,9th Con. of Goderieb
Tp., 80 acres is offered to rent. A_pPlY to
Clinton Goderioh.
. House and Lot tor Sale.
• '
The conveniently -located house. next to T.
Murphp's. Rattenbury street, containing nine
rooms- The house Is a recently re -built pee.
and in excellent remit'. A good, new stable on
the premises. ApplY to A, SEELEY.
House. Wanted.
• Wanted to emit, a .medium-sized
house, with modern conveniences;
$11tai1 family. Apply at NE W ERA.
Sept. 22nd, 1910
P11.031.410, ETC.
Huron St., Clinton.
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
• Vinancial and Real Hetet..,
UM:MANCE AGENT -Representing 14Fire In--
eurance Companies,
Division Court Office.
Adam Burgeon, Etc
(medal attention given iodiSeatieeof:the
Eye, Ear. Throat. and Nose.
Brea carefully exeirr1181:13411.1 suitable glasses*
Office and Residence.
Two throve West or the commercial Haat
Duren Rt.
• •, Dr. ° W. Gunn
Office—Ontario Street, Clinton, Brigid coils at
front door of office or residence. Rattonbsrp•
Office hours at snital-1 to 3 P.m.: 1 to P.M
ccouchenr, etc,, office and residence ea
WO= Sb,, Onnoalto W. Ferran's' residence,
Cnown and Bridge Work a Opeelally.
Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago; and R,O.D.S.
on'lleadays, May ht to BeCcatbea‘.
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Spaniel care taken to make dental treat -
merit es painlesa as possible.
Live stock and general Auction ver•
rras m stok males a apeman . Oldest( it at
New Ene oleo, Clinton, prt,wrx.y attended
to. Tering reasonable. Farmers* sale not*
G. D. ,McTaggart M.. D, 14oTagger
Field Stone Wanted. McTaggart Bros.
The Town of Clinton will pay 58,70 Per
aord for field stone, for road building. ALBERT ST CLINTON
Apply to THOS. ISEACOM,• .
Chairman of Street Cora. tre. ilerrat;13anasinakeltmetatt Buelneste
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
• deposit%
Farm For Sale or to Rent
Being 86 acres, mostly in. grass, and
well watered; small orchard, frame
house and barn. Two miles from
Clinton, on Huron Road. Apply to
MRS. GUNN Holmesville.
Property tOr Sale
The McKillop Mutual'
r—Firretnsurancer —
Prim and Iiolated ?own Prop" •
•erty Only Insured:
.1, B. McLean, President., Seaforth •
Jas. Connolly, Viee Pres., G oder eh
Thos. E. Hays; Sec.-Treas., Seafortk.
• House and lot on Huron Street,
also lot on Rattenbury Street,
the 'property of the late Alex.
Mckenzie. Two story, ten roomed
house with verandah., small stable
Hard and Soft water also a number
of fruit trees. , Fer further infore
motion, apply to Geo. D. McTag-
gart 'or Thos.. Cottle. •
CitoiN Property. tor Sale.'
. The undersigned offers for sale his •
gar.den property of throe acres siluat-
ed in gorden Survey, Clinton. There
is a comfortable house • with . stone
cellir, on the place, with stable, hard
iirgetee'state ef» cilltivatioff-Vit
Goderich •
• Farnt for sale
Jas. • Connelly, Holnaesville;• John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech.
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, T. Bea
newels, Brodhagen, M. McEwa
Clinton. • -
Each Director is inspector of losses In
• his own locality.
• • • • AGENTS.
Harlock; Ed .1 Hinchley •
-apinea may bmade
reiTo-lt artfutt
. --
Centre part Lot 35 tontaining 48
acres and North 50 acres on Lot 36; 10
acres or more good hard wood bush
good Barn, stabling underneath,
good Hog Pen ttnd driving shed small
Orchard, Frame House cellar under
good well water at House and Spring
Creek running through Lot 35, For
pride, apply to R. SCOTT. • Box 88,
Blytie or on Lot 35 Cen.13 Ifullett. 2ra
. .
Farm tor Sale or Rent.
For sale or to rent Lots 8 and 9 on
the 3rd. Concession of klullett, con-
taining 200 acres. The farm is situat-
ed half way tetween Seaf or t hand
Clinton and convenient to school and
post eifice. The farm is Well fenced
and underdrained and in a first class
state of cultivation. There are on the
premises a comfortable house and
good bank barn and other out build -
Inge. There are two good orehards.
The property will be said or rented on
reasonable tern). For further parti-
culars apply on the premises or ad-
dress WM. k MORRISON, Seafortla
P. O.
1?,,kr.uro TnNnuits addressed to the under.
1-• signed, and oudorsed " Tender for Brorik-
water at Goderich, out.," win be received at
this offiee until 4:00 p.m.. Tuesday. October 4th;
1010, for the coustruetion of a Breakwater at
0oderieb, Huron County, Ont.
Inane, specification and form Of eoatreet Oen
be Win, and forms oftender obtained at Gila
Department and at the Milos of 1. G. Bing, Eso„
cfstriet Engineer, Confoderatien Life Building,
Toronto. onto J, L. Michaud, Esq.. Distriet En.
ginner, kierehants Bank Building, St. James' St.
Montreal, P.O., end on applioetion to the Poet.
master at Goderielt, Ont.
Persons tendering are notified that teoderti
will not he conaidered unless made on VW,
printed terms supplied, and signed With their
nacteal signattlres,:etatink their becupation and
Mares of residence. In the canoe of Arms. the ,
Relatel signatu ti.-tito nature or Mc occupation.
and Ware of residence Of 00,01( Member Of the
Mtn niust be given,
14.1c11 tender must be aecempaiiirel bY ftft fie.,
mood enema) en o 011'1.th:11'0d bank, %yank+ to
thO Order of the Ilbnournble tile Minister of
Pithlie Werke, for the man of seventeen thous.
anal (317,000,00) dollars, which will bo for.
felted if the person tendering (Incline to enter
into a contract wheat called (moo to do VO, or
fail to complete the 'work eontreeted for. If
the tender be n011 accepted, the cheque 'will be
The &Mari:Mont does not bind itself te (MOO
the lowest or orty tender.
By order •
Xt. O. neenosanntts,
. . Mat. Secretary,
Department of Publie works,
Ottawa, Septereber 6,1010.
taetteseers win not be paid for thIsadvertfse.
meraiethee hatortit without authority from
Ilia DePartmetit.
• Fire, Life and Accident
, —
Real istate bought and sold
Mousy to loan
Office Issac Street, nex doer to New
' Era •
: How Many :
I• in a Dozen? t
iTwelve! and you count :
:them to see if you get j
: them,. to. When you buy 1
• a Weding Ring and pay •
for 18K, you can t count •
: them, you take the deal- •
:.er's word, and often get •
Z 17K or less: We sell •
t Wedding.Rings, and there• •
is exactly , 18K in every ••
any way you like..
ISK Ring. Test them ••
IW.. R. Counter
: Jeweler and optician.
* ,
• Issue'. of --
iMarriage Licenses.
2or Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought
Bears the •
Signature of