HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-22, Page 1The Clinton N w
Van 0110.14
similar fashion, T. Merner'a Zurich
Royal a Girl second and' James ,Iarrot't'a
Maggie ie B. third.
:• Silver '33eels, G. Elliott, gave the
dust N Charlie, Hodgens, and
��N � .
Q v
HEAD OFFICE • MONTREAL Trick, W. Sparring, in the =farmers
•• pecial race,' for prizes given' by W.
api?t81 $SQ , o O O O O T. Acheson, Central Hotel 'Palmer
,. 'Bros., Commercial, and John Mor-
RCSetve . . . ..$,900,000 • ley, e'ie'trdopgsllof 'hes 'speeding con-
The u
j ge p g
Assets . . . $72,000,000 tests were'C. 11, Sanders,•' Exeter;
J'anaes McCartney, London; and W.
125 Branches, and Correspondents R, Elliott, Centralia.
iroubout h b t the world.
Every facility for the transaction of
Banking in all its branches,
nterest allowed on Savings accounts
at highest current rates.
• Courteous treatment accorded to all
--0-- R
Mr. and 'Mrs Rims. Andrew's. of
Corrie, are visiting his sister, 'Mrs.
'B. B. Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm'. Jamieson and
children are visiting his 'parents
lir. and Mrs. Gavin Jamieson.
Miss Cole and her sister, of Ethel,
.spent a few days the guest of their
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole.
c Mr. Wm. (Inn and Miss Bella Mc
Cully attended theh funeral of the
'tate Mrs. Rinn, of McKillop, on Tues
Mrs. W. B. Cook and Mrs. Jas
Cook attended' the 'Veddiri'gg' of the
formers niece at Exeter on-Wednes
• day•
Masters George and Elymer Pol-
lard, of Blyth, 'spent Sunday the
guest of 'their chum Arnold Col-
Mr. Geo. Taylor left for Vancou-
:e g sometimeMwi'th Monday
parents an
other' friends' here. p
Goderich Township
Anniversary serVices were con-
ducted Very successfully at Cole's
, church this Week. On Sunday the
pulpit was occupied at both ser-
vices by Rev. Dz. Medd, of Gode-
rich whose sermons were heard
1 with interest andprofit. At the
afternoon service hissubject was'
eThe Unchangeable Christ"
and in
the evening he preached an espec-
ially able sermon with Woman" as
his subiect; the story of the first
woman, Eve, being made the foun-
dation of
oun-dationof his remarks. On Monday
night a 'tea' (meeting 'was held
an dthe evening being 'fine the sup
leer was served outside. • After
wards an excellent . program was
given in the church. 'Miss Reid and
Miss Green, vocalists, of Clinton,
rendered solos ; Miss Shipley, elocu-
tionist, also of 'Clinton, was heard
with much Pleasure. and' the Clinton
orchestra delighted all with their
Music. 'Miss Ruth Switzer, a young
elocutionist from Tuckersmith,
scored a great success in her sel-
ections. Rev: Dr. Medd acted as
chairman and also gave an address
and other addresses were given by
the 'parker of the church, Rev. F,
Burgess, and Rev. W. H. Dunbar, of
the Anglican church. There was a
large attendance, and' everybody
was pleased ith the evenin
enterainment, •
Exeter had two fine days for
their fair which was held 'Monday
and;Wuesday. The Lucknow Pipers
were present and supplied the
music. 'Following were the results
of the races, 'gentlemen's road race
half mile 'heats : 1 .
• Roadmaster, jr.,. T. Murdock...1 1 1
Easter E., W. Eagleson 2 2 2
Queen Spinks, A. Bodfield'......3 3 3
Roadznaster won the 2.40 trot in
ing 'in the' harbor When Suddenly
I byd.
his i
fren a
Mclvor 'was. ,missed
His hat and coat were found float -
Mg on the urtaeed1 the (body
did not reappear. How he 'came 'to
fall out of the 'boat is not known.
The body 'Was 'grappled for all
afternoon,, but has not yet been
found. McIVor was, a native of this.
town and unmarried.
Interest . was reawakened. last
'Week in a 'case which excited con-
siderable attention some time ago
by 'the laying of a charge of theft
against a young man living near
Benmiller. Some time ago 'three
young ladies living near there went
bathing in a secluded spot near
' there homes, and when they pre
pared to dress, the alarming dis-
covery was made that the apparel
1 of one youngl ady waa missing. A
few. days later the suit was found
in' the possession of a man 'at Blyth
who was unable to give an explan-
• ation as to how he 'carne by it. The
efforts of a detective led to the
arrest of a Young lean on. the charge
of stealing clothes. •
Rev. Mr. Fortner has removed his
family to S'trathroy . 'where he has
been stdtioned for sometime.
Rev. Mr. Turnbull, of Hamilton,
conducted services at St• Andrews
1 churchmorning and evening of last
( Sabbath.
K, Moorehouse, of London, is here
on a two weeks visit which two
J. Garnett Armstrong, the Luck-
now druggist 'c'harged with wit
al al negligence in connection
the death of Miss Murray of Detroit
was committed' for trial' Monday by.
a Bailie . and Roberts a lair.es t
Dungannon. Miss Murray died as
the result of taking a dose of a
drug sold tto her by, Mistake in
Armstrong's s
store .
Colin 1,'IcIvor, aged 21, was drown-
ed Tuesday afternoon near the
outside ibreakwatr, opposite .!the
a Por With others. was '. sail-
harbor, he
ELLIOTT •i•4.-- , — , , �1 ÷ . ''' Operators* on Ladies' Lawn Waists Vii•
•i• and Whitewear. Girls • experienced on .
4. •Fopvbx Sewing Machines preferred, but � -
learners will be taught. Olean, healthy;. 4.
4. well ventilated, well lighted work- +i•
I. rooins. Steady work at good • wages. •i•
TORONTO. ONT. 4. This will train you to do your sewing. 4r•'
•fi4vee its students a trainining that carries with ,♦g, TRE STAR W$ITEWEAR 00. 'i'
it the stamp of " Superiority.' Berlin one 'd•
Morrish orrish Clt
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers:
ram, two ewes one year and under
e•a Iambs.
three, and two ew• 1 m
In addition to the other sueeess-
tultHuron exhibitors at the Toronto
exhibition, we note that Thomas
McMichael, of 'Bullet, carried off
prizes for horses out of eight en-
tries. 'He got two seconds, one
third, 'two fourths and one. fifth,
This is a very creditaele record,.
We also learn that he was offered
$2,000 for his Canadian bred 'heavy
Wm. Taylor 'has improved the
appearance of his' house by giving
it aCoat 'of red. paint.
Jas. McCool and 'Miss Gadie Vis-
ited, with'Holmesville 'friends Sun-
Mxs. Carrick, Clinton,, visited her
daughter Mrs. Gordii one day. last
Mrs...Thos. Fairservlee sr. and
Robert •e'pent 'a 'feW days with Mrs.
Wm. Pie . Brussels.
A Jam' arson 'has bought team of
horses 'from! a man' in'MeKillop. •
F. Gorbut is With the G. T. R. for a
eels Sundayed with Miss M. Adams,
eels, sundayed with Miss M. Adams.
Th t, and Mr's. Fairservice spent
Sundaes with relations in Dun-
g- mon,
Jas. Cambel left Tuesday fox! the
West, whe • a he will visit his son
Fran* of Winnipeg.
A Weymouth attended 'Goderich
Fair Tuesday.
Irl 'Huttett, on Sept. 4th, to -Mr.
and Mrs.. A. Redtord 'a son.
weeks is said to be the•nnhealthy,'
season for the rabbits. • •• LondeMtot'o
After a (brief illness occured the
death of Mr, Sam. Snider 'which
came on Tuesday last. Mr. 'Snider
figured as a market gardner and
will be greatly missed in 'the com-
munity. '
'Stanley 1
Mr John Thos. Graham has gone
to the Detroit Fair this week.
Air Wm. Sage, Made a short
visit acquaintances while there, --•
Mrs Robert Pearson spent last
week. in 'London visting • ,relatives
th Fair.
and rs P Campbell and her daughter
May are in Chicago this week visit
ing relatives there.
niece Jane
and her ni
Mra J. Dunbar n
Dunbar of Ashfieldare spending
this week at the home of 'Mr Thos.
The following attended Lon-
don Fair last week ;—Edward Glen,
J, and Mrs. McFarlane and Master
las McFarlane, Mr Mal,' McEwen,
Mi John Butchart, Mr T. 'Campbell
lir and Mrs John Pepper,- Mr and
1Vlzs G. T. Baird, Mr .ars' (Mrs John
McCowan Mr Thos. Fraser Mr•Hugh
McGregor Jr. Miss Clara McGregor
raann Iy._dMr a.n _d.M..rs Diehl 'and
Address and Presentation, -Last
Sunday morning at St. Michaels
church, Blyth. the
presented Rev.- Fr. Hanlon with a
purse of: money and the following
address was read .byThos. E. Kelly.
and presentation was made by
Raymond McConnell:—
Rev'd Father'. Hanlon,
Rev'd, and Dear Father—We
the members of St. Michaels Church-
hurchBlyth, on behalf of the congrega—
tion desire to approach you • this
morning to express our sorrow that
the very' `pleasant relationship
had .existed between. you and
'this congregation for the past five
ir• ars--ia.A0 soonito�be V
al e'to" ititefiill ' • aekn vie' _ e'
*Inc.. coaadelr< ,r.
sympathy ancrEardly-W in every
time of need has made you very
dear to 'us .all.We are conscious
that we•have shown many weak-
nesses and many imperfections and.
we ask your 'forgiveness fore our.
many shortcomings.„,•
• The church We all love hagrown
and prospered ander your wise
guidance. . . ,
Whilewe regret your removal
and will Miss yoti ver much wefeel
deserve better P'aris'h and we
Must congratulate you that the
Bishop has seen fit to promote you
to suchen important Parish as Bid-
dulph and we feel that our loss
will be their gain. We feel sure
that your kindly disposition and
many sterling qualities will soon
secure.. for you many warm friends
in -your new 'field of •labor'. for the
We would 1 askY o
ur accep
tante of
this purse o
p f money as a small tok-
en of our sincere regards and good
We' begto assure you that yon
will long be • treasured in
kindly remenibrances by yourmany
Blyth friends. '
Signed on behalf 'of'.the Congre-
gation of St. Michaels Church,
Blyth. • .
Blyth, Sept. 18th, 1910:
er is a hand.
New -comer a
x S • some,.stylish g garment,that
M. .
•fully meets all weather
• conditions. On cold and
• stormydays, ` you button
• Y •
2 the. collar up snugly under
. the chin and defy the ele-
.ments. When the weather
1 ss severe,you
turn col-
.y•• a•• ' lar'down,. and wear it in
• .$. },.,; �� t Y,:�
•• regular Overcoat style.
:} ,t:f::: •this New
The demand: for
,:<. , -y> • Overcoat increases. Contin-
• has an. new
£ �'�« : ,"�;F< .;. �•$s r< zip • ally. Seldom Y
• Overcoat made 'such a hit
as this comfortable gar-
rf ♦ ment
:/{;>n s3 _�:.y r. ♦ Our Overcoat stock is the
•• pride of our store, and
♦' Every Man's Overcoat is
• here, We mean by that,
• • no matter what a man's
• .Overcoat liking may be,
• there's a Coat here that
'•••••••••••••••••••••4 • will please him. .
The Man That ' r
passes this store Men'a Overcoats
on Overcoats -Will •
relies the FIB ST •
OVERCOATS 111 Boys Overcoats
town. at $ 3.00 to $10.•
The Morrish- ClothingCo.
Square IOW For Every Man"
• Mullett • .
•wednesday. of last week While
Miss Floy Cole was coming from the
other, farm the pony started home
was shutting gate.
while she u tin the
She was dragged 'a short distance
1 land. soon brought the animal to a
( standstill. but beyond' a few
scratches 'Miss Floy was not hurt:
Miss`Ella Webb. Seaforth." spent
Sunday With her sister Mrs. 3,
'Last Week Edward Jones, of the
Huron Road, had a very success-
ful sale. ' 'Cows were.sold at over
$50. a piece. 'rhos. Gundry was the
auetioneer and a good crowd was
Mr. Doerr, of Hullett, and Mrs. N.
Hex tong; of Zurich, Were marriedon
Wednesday afternoon of last week
by Rev. C. C. J. Maass, of the Luth.
eran church, Zurich.
James Snell the well known • stock
man of this 'township, made 'a dig
showing at the Toronto Exhibition
with Ms sheep. In Leeeister class
Mr. Snell Was one of the three ex-
hibitors who cleaned up all the
prizes, Ile won 2nd in ram 'two
years and over ; '2nd in ram lamb ;
2nd in .ewe two shears and under
three; 2nd in' shearing ewe; 3rd in
t ewe lamb, and 2nd in pen of one
Mr. Ousterhou't preached. a very
interedtingg sermon Sunday • night
much to the delight of all who
heard him, the su'bjeet' 'was on
"The fire cent piece"
'Those roots of trees just east of
the village are continually fright-
ening horses and if not 'taken 'away
Will some damage: (a sufferer)ferer
Mr.Scottt gave a quilting tee, ,
CIA. Thursday, for
. the Village
The Presbyterian .Pulpits "were
supplied by Mr. Fraser of Bayfield
last Sundayand' he was very well
received by the congregations..
McCallum' ,sck a.trip . to Port
s v�
Colborne to assist Re .� W, •T ,Pearev
who was initiated into
the order
a m nia Ranks,
enid�icts M 'tri o 1 Rank .
This Week congratulations are ex-
tended to Rev. W. T. Pearcy who
arrived 'home with his 'bride • on
Wednesday g
James Campbell started on Tues -
clay for a;trip to Manitoba and'
the North West. •- •
The price of 'wheat and. flour is
gradually, going down. Butter and
gggs are going 'up in price.
James Hill 'has .(made a start • at
grain crushing etc.
Jno, Hutton is making';improve-
encs a thu;,eaw-mi1L
'There was' a 'fine:.int'ofl lac ass
fish taken out of, our river this
season, but
the ffehing
season t
for this year. .
W.'Grainger Wand 's`ihhad a very
successful sale of Stock hat : week
Some of the. lStockwent to St.
I Marys, Exeter,
. Brus
els,, Be
Win hamPalmerston Tuckeramith
and Wawanosh,'only.two were ur-
chased by Hullett farmers.•
'The 'millinery openings at the
Emporium will be the 3dth.of Sept.
and ls't of Oet:. '
;The 'Goderich Fah. .drew a. .few
visitors from here, _' •
Word was received from 'London
last Friday of the .death: of the in-
fant daughter of Harvey Longman
formerly.of this place.
;Silo filling:has co'mmence'd 'here.
• 'Mr. and: Mrs (John Phillips and
-master,OrVal;.spent ' fa'fetvdays in
mire ti's strav` ,_
'members of his family 'Were .con- Mrs. Geo, Nott accouipanied'bv W
tel overcome bythe news.r-
'plc Y � ott and his: 'Wife were at '�a
G. N,
Francis McKenzie Was 50,, years of .'• low last 'Week attendling e wedd-
age, 'still a comparatively young ht'h
man and leaves a 'Wife and seven
children to; Mourn his untimely
death, beside a large 'circle bf
friends who extend their 'sincere
sympathies to the 'bereaVer 'fam-
ily. The deceased came 'to Fargo
In the spring of 1880, fron4 Bruce-
field, Ont., and located near Wild
Rice where he. has lived until his
last illness, Not only Was Mr.Mc-
Kenzie one of the most popular and
genial men in Cass County, but he
was a man Who kept the many
friends he made, and 'a man 'whose
ing of Miss T. Cunning ant to Mr,
Elder of Goderich.. The 'bride is 'a
gran-daug'hter of Mrs. Nott.
Mr. and Mrs. F red 'Holmes' and.
children, of St. Catharines, apen't a
with Mr. and Mra. H. B.
Mr. L. Laois, of OshaWa, was in
town lash Week. He 'has accepted
the agency of an implementfirm 1 t
and' willmove hs amiy
there soon..
Mr. and' Mrs. !Andrew Sloan, of
Blyth, were visitors with their dau-
energetic qualities made him one
of the most 'highly respected and ghter,Mrs. W. Walker. this week.
honored men in the state. 'He was Mr. Thos. Cottle was at Goderich
universally known throughout the on Monday judging the flower dis-
a m'on bplay” at' t' fair.
insightcounty andas one whan ose!keeopinion wentusiness 'Mrs, Joshe. LtVermore • returned on
a long way. He was'' for a number Monday .evening after an absence
of year a secretary of the Cass coon- of 'ten days in London Mrs. Liver-..
ty drainage board, and was'at one more was taken suddenly 'ill the
time a candidate for sheriff of day she went 'to London and requir
Case County. Francis Mel enzle's ed the services of''a (doctor, .la very
death follows closely upon that of unusual thing for her. Her many
hit brother, Thomas, also a farmer friends in Clinton wish her a speedy
near Wild Rice, the latter having ; recovery.
Padseri away about a year ago. The ' Miss Helen Ford is expected horde
ful:era, Bei vices Were held fromtre .this 'weeken Ford
Winnipeg and will;
family •eFrdence at Wild Rice ninon behe're'for a'Week or•so before go-
day afternoon ' t 1.30 'c andQueen's, . McConnell
irterment will et. made'at�t m v. ing to University,
ecsid,+eemer:frv,— Faro Sunday
Miss Marsh, o! London, who'hae1 Chelll�St"$11d Druggist
News Sept.11 h.- M B John M 'been visiting for the past week 1
p r. Mc-
with'her 'cousinsthe'Misses Ford. at
Kenzie, of Brucefield is a brother ;
is the
Powder that's
of the deceased' Wesley parsonage left last Sat- N1tiN N♦1!��N'1r•+111�
Ruday for Winnipeg where she will
• •. • i • • • • .0 • �.• • • �'.• make her 'home for the 'time 'being, i
• • • Mr. R. D. Cameron, of Lucknow, A Little
• WITH THE CHURCHES. • one of the speakers of t'he'Canadian , •
'' own last wee 'for a
• • Government system of Old Age
An -
••••••••••O•••••••••41 Duties, was int Talcum Talc'.
BA PTIgT short time.
'St ti a
Mx s. Rev., (Dr,l ewer s spen
ReV. Mr. Juniper, , who occupied tng a Week 'with relatives and
the pulpit Sunday last, will again , 'friends in Toronto. -
officiate next Sunday. 'His sub's
S c
MeE 'an of
in the evening Will be "Making 'Clinton Ont., Duncan ere The guests of
weak men strong, Mr. Juniper is Morden and (were
a forceful speaker. 'and' a Man of this week,—Morden Empire.
considerable experiences, having
'travelled extensively in 'several of 'Mrs. JOhn Bean left Thursday
the eastern eouttteriea. Ali are in morning.. to spend 'the Winter with
vited to attend, her son in'Teledo, Ohio. She, was'
Mr. W. R. Lough,' formerly Public
School Principal 1
c of here will occupy
the pulpit Sunday morning.
p pi Y x ng.
wilds church
Miss Iva Dodds, of. 'Seaforth, will
assist the Wesleychoir on
evening, Miss Dodds is a graduate
of Toronto Conservatory; of music,
A meeting of the Young Peoples
Guild was held;on Monday evening„
when the following officers were
elected ;—Hon. Pres.—Mrs.' Dr. Stew
t • • reaadent.-Mis.,:S ,14laha •
ism t•• ice—Miss A 'Watt • 2nd Vice
accorepanied by Captain and Mrs.
Dell Mall, who have ;been visiting
with' her Where. •
Mr, John 'Ransford Made a busi-
to 'Toronto ori Tuesday.
s trip
'Mr. Lorne Eedy, of 'the 'S t. Marya
Journal, but Who ';for a few weeks
h inteessofthe
in e r
is travelling t
•Central.Press Agency, gave the
New Era a, call on' Tuesday,
Mr, David 1Vlilier, .of, Brooklyn, is
` 't n •'her sister,Mai. Thos. .Haw-
kins.iis'.Ch s
Mrs.'Yates has eonl'e to 'town,and
Mr. Yates and. family,+have rented
furnished, the home of Mrs. 'Brick-
end'en, Sr-: ' .
-Mrt•G-W.'-S•heeley---has-•° arrived
That is true, a short time ago
Sthe manufacturers of . .
Violet Dulee Talcum
price to us,there-
fore w.e give you the benefit of .
the reduction, many of our $
friends ha'de been paying 35 cts.
for this preparation. but now it
maybe procured only from . us
' Those who : have used Violet
. al umagree with us
Dulee .0 c
that it is the best on the market
hat's h eked it
'That's w
W S. Holm
R .
Phan B.
Manufacturing. Chemist,
Miss • M Walker •'Secretary Miss B home :on a visit to his wife and
_ this week. .
inshaty ; Organist, Miss L. Cantelon ; Airs. D. L. Gibbs returned to town
Asst, Organist- Miss I. Walkinshaw
IA' devotion meeting Will be•held
next Sunday evening when Mr.•W.
Lough will
R. g give an address.
The last Sunday 'of Sept. with
' 1
McIvor ; easurer_ Miss-., L. Walk --
•Wednesday,. and has commenced to
oaek up their 'furniture; to move
backto St. 'Mary's, Wheher husband
and family are.
Presbyterians has come' to be re- •-~
cognized as - Childrens . Day. The NEW GRAND ST•l?E I:O.O.F
day Will be observed in? Willis
Church by- a special . Service in•
Place of the regular Morning ser-
vice. 'The membersof the Sunday
School will occupy 'the centre
pews next !tpthe platform. 'The
church is to be 'decorated .for the
occasion' and the ' congregation,
is looking forward, to an interest-
ing and, profitable Service,
Exeter' ,
John B. Corkrum, Indianapolis,
Elected by Si o'v e'r a >i g n
• Grand Lodge.
Atlanta, Ga,''Sept.20,—The Soy-.
ereign Grand 'Lodge of the Inde
Pendent Or der of •Oddfellows 'to-
day .elected the 'following officers:'
rapdsir ..Johan acltru
ian� .. •
Rah Antottio;:''.pekas.
Grand Secretary,, •John C. Good-
win, Baltimore, re-elected.
Grand 'Treasurer, M. Richards
Muckle, Philadelphia; re-elected
r and 1VIr:A.Coombs
Porter' tfilltswfiig ts"tie prgr#m"'for 'thm
A. Sloan, a ., Sunday's services in the church.
of Toronto, spent ' Sunday with R. The usual Morning service will be
B. Sloan at Porter's Hill. • held.. In the. , evening a sang ser -
Mr. R. R. Sloan was inSeaforth, 'vee• will :be. lgiven at Which Mrs.
Thursday judging 'fruit at. the - .Humphrys tyill.sing.
faix. Ile•makes'an Al judge. riorning.Serviee
Stanley Prelude, . By `Donahoe.:
The 'Messrs Steep returned to Anthem, Hark Hark My Soul"
their home' in •Michigan,.. 'h.avin Solo, If He - Should... Come. Mrs.
spent a month in the neighborhood. ' Humphrys
March f the Isralites, Ma o ) I rallies b Costa.
Mr: Ben Elliott returned to Wash -Y
ington on Monday after .spending_Evening Song Service
a few days at' his father's.' Iylle, • by Dephier, ••
Among those who attended the 'Hymn, 50 Invatative to Worship.
ondon Fair where:—'Mr. and Mrs. Invocation '
Reid Torrance; Mr. and Mrs: Milton Anthem, I will sing of Thy Prayer.
Woods: Mr. and MTS. Fred Pickard ;..l Prayer,
'Nir. and Mrs. O. W. Potter ;• Mrs. P.
Quartette, . "When Night is Near."
McDougall ; Leslie Cox and .sister
Solo, :• 'The _Holy City," 'Mrs Hum--
hr s
Scripture Lesson,; .
Offertory in 'E" byPahackley.
t e esus • Lover of m
uinte t J
Soul" '
Anthem, "Even me."
'Hymn, 160 Christ is the, Rock'ofA:ges
Address. •
Solo, "Come Unto Me" Mrs. Hum-
phrys. •
Quartette, "Go Through The Gate"
Anthem, "Sun of My Soul,•
Hymn, 746.. ..-
Benediction. - .
• rehriumphant Maid, by Brewer.
Addie ; . Mr. • andMrs. James . ox ;
Iloward Cox; John 'Torrance and
sister Priscilla ; Wesley .
Vander -
burgh h a d sister Edith .
Dally.Gardner spent the week In
Bethel Sunday School will hold
their Rally service on Sunday next,
S'eptember 25th MT,. A. T. Cooper
will address the {School, come
everybody and spend an hour
with the children.
Sudden Death
of a fox m e r
Bruc efield
Francis McKenzie Passed Away
in Hospital at Fargo, N.D.
Francis 'M"eKenzie, one of 'the
most prominent farmers not only
(.ass_CLarlty,-but_initbe_State OL
'Nort,. Dakota, passed away Satur-
day, ,:apt. 10th„_ at 3.e0 o'elo 'l..
The news comes as 'a great shock
'to the many friends of the Meken-
zie family, Who Were confident of
Mr. McKenzie's recovery a few days
before.. Mr. McKenzie 'was taken
to the St. John's hospital three
weeks ago. 'ill with typhoid fever.
Ile was quite ill for some time,'but
Was soon apparently on the road.to
xecovery. Saturday morning, how-
ever, he suffered a relapse ,tif so
severe a nature 'that in less than
two hours he had passed 'away.
,Death came so suddenly, that the
1, '-4-1++++++++f+++9'++2
i •
Personal No t e s t
It those having relatives or ftiends
visiting in town or going awy
notify ns of the fact oar .week, wae
'would announce it in the Naw ERA.
Mr. J. P. 'Tisdale of Buffalo, is re-,
Dewing old friendships in Clinton. •
A Meeting .ot . the Exectitive'Held
At a meeting of the executive of
the Synod bf 'Huron held in Cronyn
Hall, London last Thuraday the ap-
olication.ef'Rev. W, A.', Graham,
rector. of St. John's i✓hureh St.:
Thomas, for superannuation on ac-
count of havin'g., reached the age.
Revit. R. A.'Bhomas, who last year.
asked for superannuation for a year
on.actount of illness asked d that t the
superannuationcontinue for 'an_ . 1
other year. This request • was '
During the remainder
of the fruit season, will
continue to sell " RE D-
PATH'S,extra granulat-
ed Sugar at
17 lbs. for zhoo
Imo • f
ionlbs for...5,35
5 35 .
To at :,.P s
m toes,. cache
ups' an l.ears
Mrs Dann, widow of the• late Pre•i
center. Dann, was placed• on the
widows and orphans' fund list.
The mission committee • was ap-
pointed as follows :— Reverends
-Canon Brown, C. A. Gunn, Canon
Craig, C. 'Miles, T. G. A. Wright and
Messrs Macklin. Ransford,Hodgins
Col. Fisher and E. 0, Henderson.
Reverends Dyson Hague, Waliaee
and R. S. W. Howard and Messrs
J. C. Judd, 'Henry Macklin and the
,chancellor were appointed a com-
mittee to consider the amendment
of the constitution of the executive.
The eommittee who will investi
gate the proposed plan of superan-
nuation 'by goverment annuities is
iomposed of.. Reverends Canon
Brown, -Dr. Sage, J. W. Hodgens
and Messrs. E. H. Henderson, E.
Paull and J. R, T1, Pope.
Miss Barton was 'the guest of her
brother, Mr. John Hartley tor
few days during 'the past week.
Mrs. J. McGarva and 'Miss Wel-
lace atrim
al-lace...atrim d home Friday evening
last from 'their Visit witE friends
and relatives at Southampton, Pais
ley and 'tendon.
Mr s. Sutherland, of Bensall, Was a
visitor with 'Mrs. McGarva en Tues-
The Misses Bentley spent ti• few
-days in London last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith were visa
tors at London last Friday.
Miss J. Holmes necompanied her
sister, Mrs. Sharman, 'to 'Goderich,
Tuesday. The latter left the fol-
lowing morning for her home .in
Yorkton, Sask.
„Phone 48 '
'A bellboy and a bartender in the
Royal Alexandra 'Hotel at Winni-
peg have been arrested on suspic-
ion of having stolen the . Countess
of Antrim's jewellery.
IPure French
Olive i Oil
"S411-04 Brand” represents
the highest Standard procurable
in Olive Oil. Bulletin No. 111
from the Inland Revenue depart-
ment indicate that in 108 ffamp-
les examined only -68 were genu.
ine Olive :Oil. Two samples of
S -R -O -N were pronounced gen-
We have it in original pack-
ages, h pints 35c; 1. pint 65c; 1
quart $1.25. •
J. , HbV1M"5Z
Dispensing Chemist,
e Molsonsk
Incorporated 1855
Capital, ]SAID'tn t $3,500,000
Rest Fund, si $3,850,000 ••
Has 80 Branches in Canada; and %.'rents anti orrespoudonts in all
they Principal Cities in the World. •
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Clinton Branch. . C E. - DOWDI'NG. Manager