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The Clinton jiew
Sep.I.5th. *,9TO
What We Advertise we !sell.
" houlow
What we sell Advertises u8,
Ladies' Ready-to-wear Garl!nelrtt:,
Millinery and Dress•iraking-
Y Friday ven,tng
-".'Sept. 33rd and Foliowing Days+''""
,friday evening, Sept. 23rd, we make our first
display of New Fall Millinery, Dress. C,soods,.
'Trimmings, Mantles, Furs, etc., and cordially in-
vite you to be present to see the finest showing of
new and fashionable merchandise ever exhibited
by,this. store. Store open from 8 o'clock a.. m.,
until io.3a p.m.
New Furs
We specialize on Fur and Fur- '
lined Garments, of all kinds,, and _
better class of sets and single
pieces of
r r,� Fox, s '
Lamb "alaldN.:
other Furs.
By Duncan Campbell Scott.
[Darman Campbell Scott has been
Chief Accountant and, Superintendent
of Indian Education in the Indian
,Department at Ottawa since 1893. He
was born in 1862, and married Miss
Belle W. Botsford, the prominent Am-
erican. vialinfst. He was one of the
editors of "Makers of Canada," and
has issued three volumes of verse;
"The Magic .House," `Labor and the
Angel," and "New World • Lyrics and
Ballads," and a novel, "In the Vit-
lase of Viger." J
There is rain upon the window,
There is wind upon the tree;.
The rain is slowly sobbing,
The wind is blowing free:
It bearsmy weary heart
To my own country.
I hear the whitethroat calling,
Hid' in the hazel ring; •
Deep fn the misty hollows
I hear the •sparrows sing;
I see the bloodroot starting, '
AU silvered with the spring.
I skirt the buried feed -beds,
In the starry solitude:
My snowshoes creak and 'whisper,
I have my ready blood.
I hear the lynx -cub yelling
In the gaunt and shaggy wood.
I hear tiie wolf tongued rapid,
Howl iii'the roeky,h eak;
l3eyond the pines st, the portage
;I 'hear !the trapper ;wake'
His `Er ' roulant iiia boule,,
From the clear gloom of the lake.
0, take me back to the. homestead,
To the great rooms warm and low,
Where the frost creeps on the case.
When the year comesin with snow.
Give me, give me the, qld folk
Of the dear long ago.
Oh, land of the dusky balsam,
And the darling maple tree,
Where the cedar buds and berries.
And' the pine grows strong and free!'
My heart is weary and weary
For my own country.
One hundred and fiftyCoats
on our racks tu-day,each and
every one new this season.
More Orate. Bet ter Coats,.
Coats that have more style
here to -day than you will find
---•- _--.-----i•n-•.-most-.�atores.:...herYattQ.uts..... 1
This is a strong statement,
hut the garments are hereto
hack it op.
Prices range from
$7.00 to $20,00
. :. rL +'YS.'y . i• i.,Y�.'•�.M.�.
EDITORIAL •MUSIN GS go 'on forever, judgingby the way`
I• the market keeps up. Some say
the (packing houses have 'three
imes the capacityof the px esent
delivery. If this be titre, • beeline
in 'prices' will not be probable for
the present at least. The Ontario
farmer lives on . Fortunate: street
this Year, and.•sh.eap a good`
reward 'for his• labor: 'When'the
farmer 'prospers, th'e;.'ptilse of tra de
beats taster" and stronger, indicat-
ing 'good heart action. °
This week the Western Fair is
having its innings at London and is It
being largely attended. There is
un educative influence at work in
'these 'big faits and those who take
them in should profit.by them.
The 'public meetings which wet e
•'to be . addressed by Mr. Borden,
leader of the opposition in the Com
rons and others, have been
'called off but will be held at later
dates, 'of whir;4 full announcement
!pv'l11be made,
font 'bite at all the rosy -tinted '
seal (estate you read about in _ the
nifty 'prospectus. If you do, you
batty be caught for , a sucker. If
you have 'coin 'to spare
buy 'at home and be sure of what
tyou'are getting.
Transportation of Westerly crops
axe having a lively move already
During 'the month of August, 3,400
'cars 'were reported at 'Winnipeg,
easttery bound. This was nearly
000 'cars ahead of a corresponding
imonth'in 1909.
Friday last the Liberal Associa-
tion -tor Ontario held its annual
Meeting' in Toronto. Senator' Ross,
non. G. P. Graham, Hon. Marshall,
and' Hon. A. G. McKay were among
the 9eadnig speakers. The latter
%gentleman is on the aleft as toPro-
vincial affairs. W. Proudfbot, 110.
. +P.P.,'for Centre Huron , attended
the !meeting.
Sir Wilfrid 'Wilfrid Laurier was greeted
with an enthusiastic reception on
Ude/rival at Ottawa from his sue.•
cessful (Western trip. He says his
Wes'terlyctour has greatly inerel)de
ed 'his piitle in Canada's heritage,
No one can traverse those great
etr etches 'of country without being
'Imbued (with the same . feeling as
that 'expressed by the Premier.
Bail Grey, the well kx}own Gover-
'General of Canada, is a gentle.
Ulan'deservfhg of a great deal of
praise by the people of this country
He has made 'himself acquainted
with the Dominion from East to
West' and even to the • far North.
This sort of information to a uranin
eo (prominent a station is of real
vox th and should prove of lasting
benefit 'to Canada. -Earl Grey has .l
set 'an example to his': successor's
that 'will not be easily outdone.
Too patty men When they attain a
good (office sit down in a soft eh'ak.
and do litttle but draw their al-
"ary'and attend high toned functions
Canada's'Governor General is not a
Sean of that type but a real 'hustler
who 'will be well remembered long,
after his tenure of office has come
to la conclusion, More power to
you 'Earl Grey.
'Hudson Bay will possibly be on
the list of railway stations inside
of the next five years. The enter-
prising Minister of Railways, ton.,
Geo. P. Graham, has been over a
goodly 'portion. of the proposed
route and turned the first sod. This
20th 'century evidently belongs . to
Canada, and will mark a new era
'fn her 'fotward March. We mar all
have a slime in promoting' Canada's
'lit+e'2l Jpf►ai► 'corn, ria man afaa go,
Toronto 'street railwayhas de-
veloped Into
e-veloped'into a great gold mine.
For 'the past year the total earn-
ings 'were
arn-ings'were $4,192,000, and the city's.
share $661,3,99, N`eariy 02 million
tickets (were said. The Queen City,
has !rine System and for ite large
in1Ieage'is well managed axed coal-,
psi atively free from snarls.
znent'than that adopted over the
Boston 'tea party array years ago:.
The victories of peace show true
Motel Heroism.
2nd. Mx.Warr has been 'for five
years in ly orderieh
Fred Hooper met"with a peculiar
accident on th efarm of Henry
Strang trsborne Township, 'the
other' day while -threshing. He was
standing on the boiler adjusting
the screen in the smokestack, while
the 'engine was in motion and a
protruing'bolt on the man shaft
caught in 'hie trousers, 'The .gar-
ment Was stripped from his 'body,
but t:o escaped Kvithout injury.
Local News
We a 'Cool and Dainty
Croatian For Midsummer.
Hit is a'true addage that"money
Makes lthe mare go" then the good'
roads (movement must have been
piing 'some,.as over- two. Million
dollars-. have leen 'spent. • Seven
err+Gountics €n ••Antrio-lime--ad-
opted the plan under the Act. If
pexmanent'work,is honestly: done,
it !will be all.zight, but some ' of
these big municipal ventures are
verybadly misinaxnaged,,and money
is px'aetically thrown away.
Cstunty D.iujs
AS Told by comity- ^Papers 1
' . Surveyor Bolton, of Listowel,- 'as
in'winghan , taking measurements
for • a drain on Minnie Street.
" ;li*ingham Fabric School opened.
With 270 :pupils'.-regiatered; ..The,
High, Scheel opened with about 140
in 'attendance. • • • ' ,
'John 'Vincent en ineer'.atBeese•s
grist .mill, Blyth, •Iata (secured .a
good 'position at the Seaforth.Elec.
,trie light plant. •
Six prominent men of Drysdale
left for Montreal, on Monday night
to 'attend the Euchal'ttic Congress
at Montreal.
Ed,. Shafter Was in Toronto' last
week, Ito see a sister whonx.he has
not seen for 22year,
Already, ail. active interest is
manifested'inHensall for theReeve-
ship 'fox 1911. Aliready men are
being'solicited to:enter the field
and' h eprospects of and old time
genuine hot election are assured,
It Is a years since Local •'Option.
waa'voted on and was upset' in the
Colnts Iona techmicaiity, the tem-
perance people of Howick have de-
cided'to have another vote . taken
next January. A meeting was held
in For•dwick on Friday, when com-
•mittes +were appointed to manage
the various departments . of . the
contest. .
Rev, ?tit Farr, B.A. will preach
his 'farewell sermon on Sunday
morning, September 18th,. at Ford
exich,and will ceramence his past
orate in Blyth on Sunday, October
.By the time the large 6htlreh
•g19►therixlge ;o1 'various denomfna-
tions have concluded their d'eitber-
ations,'there should be a 'forward
movement, While 'there *are dif-
ferences of creed and mode of at-
tack, the various bodies 'possess
much' in eotnron, and the ' enthus-
iasm 'evidenced betokens a strenu-
ous battle against *tong, and a
concentration 'of forces that should;
uplift 'and energise. 'While all that
la' true, ]iia Satanic majesty and'hle
Minions are not asleep, and will
tight Ito'the death to hold theft
ground, Much of ,it secured by. tree..
• 'pass or by squatting on it.
By the Zeeefit Rogue +decision,
[Tncl*, ara Will not be ietmitted
t6411sh in British Bays. Bow Inn*.
' Mgr *tfi thaw uredo, apt sittite
Quite the smartest . and most sue-
cessful . of the White frocks for after-
noon wear are the simplest.. The great
fashion authorities are everywhere
emphasizing the charm of the graceful
outline and attaching the greatestpos-
sable importance to .bring this result
about without any extraneous help
from furbelows.
The dominant white frock is made
over a one. piece .lining that is • cut
on the simplest lines and'has no tones
in. it. + The skirts are of three styles.
the flounced. the putted and . the
straight and scant model finished with.
a. f eur. een_nent '� [i.rst glance :the
voluminous shirt appears' to be of end-
less width and fullness; but, although a
great dealof material goes into its
makeup, it is invariably mounted
over the closest fitting and narrowest
of foundations, so . narrow that it•
seems' at times unsafe to take a 'step
in it.
The gardenparty gown pictured is a
charming .affair, a simple but exclusive
creation of lace and broderie.
• *
Mrs. Overholt of Eastwood;