HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-15, Page 2n
The Clinton, Now Cru
The New Era
is at l
�**'" �
i e"� tri �,�' +ad , , o Coma
g A � y
edit to Dr. Brigggs, and that it was
possible that lvix. Birks ,night be
publ ahed�everyThuxsday
appointed the +aessioxis of
,the conference Victoria
the NEw:lTatA SFr#nt'ing; Ho>xee,
"►.ssl =aEr , , t7C+TN7Ox.
/y •
geilerat at
is now armed that if Rev.
Terme of subscription -$1 per yaet }
name, niches are likely 'to 'follow."
Suppose ;a lfixmi falls in business,
Dean, the • a
B�xks'ia ch appointment
n ttdvau e ; $1.50 mu . y e ha ge
Kippen ....., ...... 10.0
Brucefield ......+.10.80
be made an early meeting of
not so paid. No paper discontinued
until all arrears are aid, unless at the
Clinton ............. 11i.05
e `' '
the a .
tori fe committee Of the
option of the The date to
genexaI conference,
Rev. Mr. Birks has
*blob every subscription is paid is de-
. ,
not yet. return
ed ,from the west.
voted on the label.
Advertising ratep.-Transient adver.I
Ueements, 10 cents per nonparel, line
A Torchlight Watoo of the
Troops at Aldershot Wil;,
?or first insertion and 3 cents per line
4or each subsequent insertion, 13pia1144
Take Place Before the
.doertisemAnts tint to exceed one inch 1
uch as "Lost„ "Strayed" "Stolen,"
ISiilMl unit queen., '
Bracelield .......... •$.12.
Kippen ... ........ S;28
to, inserted once for 85 centra. or one
imonthfor$1.Uclnimunicationsinor 0%
an ~ n
At!'far as err .genie tri have been
dlaeusaed at plesent,there will be a
creditors regard
rd their goad- name? ble, If ng4,your money back.
It is a (great 'asset and helps won-
v �-11
�, +
for publication must, as a guarantee of
good faith, be accon1panied by the
'tor chllght +tato+o of the troops; at
8.10 '
Mr ,R. C. Wilson, advertisingroan
same of the writer.
Aid nshot 'on .June 17th, 1911, when
'the'King and Queen will be in. resi-
West Passenger I
M -
,,.. . K <s ' '
ager af'the "Aaaeriean Magz#ne,?'
recently'published a personal in-
Te insurer publication in, current
saue copy -of advertisements should be
deuce At the new Royal Pavilion.
,-This 'will be followed by a'gr'eat re-
�,� V
cident'that happened on a railway
train which Illustrates what a won -
gent ii.� early.
Contract rates - The toltowingtabte
vie'!v'af the troops of the garrison.
against accident
are not properly observed:
William Qoslon, of Pox t Ifo a was
Clinton .. ...11.07 1.25
derful `aaset a naive is after it has
*bows our rates for specified periods
and apace.
On'the following Monday theirMal-
aeries will r eturn to London im-
646 I1.88
;:.: _ �
' . �" r
been fadvertised. •
A'buaiileas: man said t01i11:Wiison
I yr. 6mo. 31«10. lino
1 Column $7500 $40 00 $25 QO $1000
mediately upon the conclusion 4f
this, and will that evening give
East Passenger
r' 4
"I'd + ive d million dollars today
for 'the exclusive use of that name," '
Column 4000 2b 00 1500 am
J Column 2500 1500 Soil $ 00
the first of, the state dinner -parties
'that 'are to be held 'at Buckingham
$olmesville ..:....7,26
referring, a name of five letters
that'has been used for ten years in
tColumn 1800 1000 550 200
Palace. At this will be'present
, ...,. ;.. 7.62
connection with advertising,
Mr.'Wilsou the'owner that
Inch 6 W 350 200 00
such ofthe distin u#shed guests as
$ 48 5.55
I y=,
met of
Contract display advertising.' per,
g• p
have'alrived fox t�e Coronation, as
Your soul is mgllkisk they.declare-
, ; *, .
name later and asked him If lie
would ,sell it,"
luck, per issue.
well As ,representatives of the dif-
'ferent,services and other officials
'The'tonsure•triumps o'er ile Bair,
He'was informed by Mr. Wilson
W. U. lERR cob SON
- -- .__
home. The gala performance at
t .e'Royal Opex-a House, Covent (lar
Aiawhen you g o to .your, hair -cut
tthat'he had, a prospective 'buyer
who was wiiltng t •o pay $X,000,000
den, °wil'take place on the eve of
the toronation. oFollowing the ser
- .,
the 'other monarchs of Europe will
for it,
The owner said:,. "Tell hirrai for
Mysterious sayings he tdilI titter,
vice +fin . Westminster Abbey will
. be represented by ,their -h�elro,
me+that he can't buy it for $2,400,000
or 'for 3,000,000.1
OLINTON. ONT.. SEPT. 15, 1910.
come ltheir Royal progress through
Thus there will be a very notable
. So it is as the good Book says. u
• 000 ebickerae wanted.nextOetoberan
dmf er for• fattteening.purpose. Will
London, 'when the route followed
will be substantially the., same as
array of Crown Princes present,in„
A'good name xather to be chosen
cot oration refuse man .
millions °fors the . nand at' they water they iool; like round, moving
'that taken by King Edward and
.QA, .J g. pose of Germany Greece,
The, Book: If It had been
14 ,
sept.16th, 1910
PROP&ev 10 . .
1lif, 1E113*C�,101!1'1�1
114vtU1sTl,R t3Ofixi�ITOR XOT48 ,
PU131410 IaTC. •
ar txTon
Huron St.; Clinton,
.QA .J
(Too rate for Last Week.)
'ar4w Trax*Raaway syiMf� IX
enmark an Italy. Rus-
sia'Nill be represented by the
hallway Table
, .C+rindon,;$uron and. Brutle,
Ing. The ,evening of the following
-day Will see a State Ball at Buck-
North. passenger
8,80am 4.Wpm
........ f�i,40
Rueter .............. 9.03
name, niches are likely 'to 'follow."
Suppose ;a lfixmi falls in business,
Henson,.. .,......10,03
to. attend, and thus it. Will 'probably
Kippen ....., ...... 10.0
Brucefield ......+.10.80
• Farm to Rent
Clinton ............. 11i.05
King o fkhe' Belgians, and there is
Londeeboro......... 11.19
'spent la few days ,y#th friends in
Kfppen this week.
Myth* .............. 11-27
Belgrave........... 11.40
Not often do Dir hear of a 26c pile-
y 9
bad 1managemaent, but • there . lias paration being sold with a guarantee
'been 'done nothing to effect the
Wingham, arrive... 11..50
'the King of Norway, who will.-att
end with the English Royal Family,
South Passenger
tocure you. Ari absolute guarantee
integrity of the firm, goes with ever box of FIG} PILL's.
The'good name lives 1
Windham, depart.. 6.48ain 5:33 p m
Belgrave., ......, 654
# They shave not fogged the public 7'he w#li curvy beumatism; Backache,
Bladder Trouble, Fre tient. Urinating,
Blyth...., ........ 7.W
Londeaboro ....... 7.16
Clinton... s...,... 7.50
, �"
Bracelield .......... •$.12.
Kippen ... ........ S;28
friend, 'Mrs. Morrison, have return-
' +
ed home to London.
Heno4i... ......., 8.132
creditors regard
rd their goad- name? ble, If ng4,your money back.
It is a (great 'asset and helps won-
Exeter.....,.......,. 8.48
Centralia ...,..,,., p,fp
London, arrive,.... 1000
8.10 '
xoom". &recently re•builb ane,
andixi'excellentrepalr, Agood,newstable on
od, new
Buffalo and iloderich
_ -
At +first a whitish learn appears,
ada'to work on railway construct-
'on the ground that contractors
West Passenger I
thepremisee. Apply A. t3
sin pm
9tr4tford.. ...10,00. 12.20
pm pm,
525 10.20
A'clouded moon tthat.alowly clears
Then soon your faithful friends be-
5.55 10.47
_-. o
Stone Wanted.
Seaforth ........ 10.45 1.10
0.18 11.12
against accident
are not properly observed:
William Qoslon, of Pox t Ifo a was
Clinton .. ...11.07 1.25
6.40 11,28
life on Tuesday, Aug. 30th in Hen-
call, At the age of 88 years and 10
Holmesaille, ...11.16 1,93
646 I1.88
is .telling the writer. long before man thought of
refuaing'to permit m'isrepresen- the diving bell, says the Chicago A*,ews.
Gloderich........ 11-35 1.50
7'.05 11,5,5
A!creascent moon is at the poll;
Your friends begin to recommend
East Passenger
chandismaking good on your mere The spider's house, made of the finest
Goderlch..,..,.,..... 7,10 -
2.40 4.50
born Nov, 1821, in Burton Pariah,
$olmesville ..:....7,26
2,57 5.06
There -is but one dfrect'route to apuu silk, is, strange to say, though
fame land to success, and that is under water, filled tvlth air. To (seep•
Clinton,.., .......7,35
3.07 ' 5.15
, ...,. ;.. 7.62
3.255' 5.32
Being 36 acres, mostly in grass, an
Mitchell.. .......,..: $.16
$ 48 5.55
bition directors at .luncheon;
Union Bank shareholders .met at
Stratford 840
9 15 6.20
sept.16th, 1910
PROP&ev 10 . .
1lif, 1E113*C�,101!1'1�1
114vtU1sTl,R t3Ofixi�ITOR XOT48 ,
PU131410 IaTC. •
ar txTon
Huron St.; Clinton,
.QA .J
(Too rate for Last Week.)
. Queen Alexandra 'after their crown
enmark an Italy. Rus-
sia'Nill be represented by the
written In the last century; might ., _ _ � ____
Mrs. J. B. Dinsdale,. who accom-
panied her husband to Preston, f
Ing. The ,evening of the following
-day Will see a State Ball at Buck-
Grand Duke 'Micheal Portugal ,by
have *added. m ry
"In 'preserving, however a good R��af�sm C�i �� 1
-Wilbert Sutton, G. ,Cooper,
W. Harvey. Senior Part -B. GoI-
has returned home. All are pleas
- ed to heat that the treatment is
Ing +palace, It fa' not usual at eor-
onation'fo' It'a of usu l'u head"
the Duke o f Oporto the Netherland
'by'the Prince Consort and Fx`ance
name, niches are likely 'to 'follow."
Suppose ;a lfixmi falls in business,
ForSaleor e a
proving b success and expect to
to. attend, and thus it. Will 'probably
by Its'Foregn Minister. It is not.:
Suppose it is an unavoidable fail- ��� pM��S a
• Farm to Rent
see Ddinsdale return soon.
Mi. nn Mrs. Russell •Crosier
be [found that ,the only rel rain
g g
King o fkhe' Belgians, and there is
Suppose also that there has been
Thos. McMichael & Son. of Sea-
folth,'shipped from: Seaforth'.' last
'spent la few days ,y#th friends in
Kfppen this week.
monalch'to be present at the crown
ing of King George, in addition to
yet'known who will represent the
;lust n possibility that King Albert
Not often do Dir hear of a 26c pile-
y 9
bad 1managemaent, but • there . lias paration being sold with a guarantee
'been 'done nothing to effect the
The oetram farm, Lat2e,flbh Con, et elader3oh
Tp., so acres is offered to rent. Apply to
aoss•co011, to MBs. J.
Miss Anderson, who has been
visiting her mother in Kfppen, hail'
'the King of Norway, who will.-att
end with the English Royal Family,
will decide to attend In erson.
A'sloe I
tocure you. Ari absolute guarantee
integrity of the firm, goes with ever box of FIG} PILL's.
The'good name lives 1
plinton t4 Godorloh.
returned to 'London.
will be the King of `Spain. Most of.
mission is expected , to ar-
rive from .the United States.
# They shave not fogged the public 7'he w#li curvy beumatism; Backache,
Bladder Trouble, Fre tient. Urinating,
... ,
Mouse and Lot for Sale.
The 'Misses Long who have been
s pendia A few weeks with their
lin advertising 1 Burning Sensation, Stitches,
!much o do asset do the Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Trou
, �"
- -'- ' -'---
friend, 'Mrs. Morrison, have return-
' +
ed home to London.
w'11 en YOU Clil•oW Bald
Orvid Jacobson, -
J o on, Norwegian Con
aul'tat Montreal;
creditors regard
rd their goad- name? ble, If ng4,your money back.
It is a (great 'asset and helps won-
The cohvenienbly-lbeated hoose, peat. to T:
Murphp's. Rattenbnry street, containing nine
Dr, And Mrs, Geo, Schoellig, of
warns his fellow-
countrymen against coming to. Can-
.dexPull in the adjustment Of the .
firm7s *affairs.
xoom". &recently re•builb ane,
andixi'excellentrepalr, Agood,newstable on
od, new
Detroit, their old
calling W.
'friends Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Johne-
_ -
At +first a whitish learn appears,
ada'to work on railway construct-
'on the ground that contractors
Mr. Advertiser, go out a good The- Diving`ti'Seti,
•. now of 'you knout...
thepremisee. Apply A. t3
ton last week.
Another of the pioneers of Stan-
A'clouded moon tthat.alowly clears
Then soon your faithful friends be-
'do not treat their men fairly, and
name l„ .many ,ciilldreVL
It 'is the easiest thing: in the 'who Brat invented the diving bell? It
_-. o
Stone Wanted.
ley, in the person of the late Mrs.
Joseph who departed this
To 'whisper that our hair Is thin:
P y
against accident
are not properly observed:
William Qoslon, of Pox t Ifo a was
world to get, was not .a man ora wotnan, but a
But (there is only one way to et
y g little spider' that built its home under
it sand that 'b tellin the truth--
The Town of Clinton wi11 e X3.75 r
cord for field atone, O road building.
life on Tuesday, Aug. 30th in Hen-
call, At the age of 88 years and 10
The ibieaking clouds divergent roll
at Coboourg besides the G,T.R, track
is .telling the writer. long before man thought of
refuaing'to permit m'isrepresen- the diving bell, says the Chicago A*,ews.
Apply to THUt3, BEACOM,
Chairman of Street Com,
Months. The deceased, whose
maiden name was Anne Watts, was
A!creascent moon is at the poll;
Your friends begin to recommend
Hairy Biundage a St, John, N. B,
chandismaking good on your mere The spider's house, made of the finest
born Nov, 1821, in Burton Pariah,
Strange dressings for your upper
boy, was shot and killed while look
ing:into a 'shooting ggalery.:
There -is but one dfrect'route to apuu silk, is, strange to say, though
fame land to success, and that is under water, filled tvlth air. To (seep•
arm For ;dal n to Ren
F r -
mrieiYorkshire, England. She was
rnarriod in 1x41 to her late husband
Josef Hood, who died in 1898.
They 1sa this atlane es
y g r ult must
Mr, R.,. L. Borden, t eConservative
leader, was the guest of the ;Exh#-
the 'tstraigh't and narrow path." his house from ascending to the sur-
. ' There re lent of ood chances. face hes der fastens it Vlth sliken •
, plenty g a e t spider
Being 36 acres, mostly in grass, an
They 'emigrated to Canada in hip.
and settled first in the townshi p
The o£ early_pfety;
bition directors at .luncheon;
Union Bank shareholders .met at
in 'Clinton for the alert advertiser, cords to the grass in the pond or brook
NOTE-i41i.iGVflson does not give.. the hoarse lie. if
well watered; small orchard, tram
house 'and barn. Two mils from
o! Pickering where they remained
Your soul is mgllkisk they.declare-
Halifax 'and confirmed the sale of
the name. spelled with five lettere or wherever alas: :he .
P did it like balloon,-
Clinton, on'$ilran Road. iffy to
15 yyears. They came west to the
Stanley in
'The'tonsure•triumps o'er ile Bair,
the bank to the Royal Bank of Can-
that 'somebody wants to buy', fora not would rise.` a.
million dollars, and the wr tier has float from;its Woorings, and leave .the "
MRS, ,GUNN. Tlolmeavitl.
2nd'concession of 1867,
Where they remained until they re-
Aiawhen you g o to .your, hair -cut
Hon, George P. Graham expects
to 'arrive in Toronto In time
been [wondering if it is .Regal 1" spider faPnily homeless;.
'tired to Heneall to enjoy a well-
esine i gt ` `hn late 3Vlr-ori dNFrs-
Mysterious sayings he tdilI titter,
to at-
tend'the Provincial LiberalsTmeet-'
It'wouldn't'be a great ;suprise to These slilders. called naiads by.na�
the.iwriter If the Messrs. Bliss, orig- urafists, stlow .a large degree.of Intel-
�illLcl 'Us t�ant0d..
'Hood were excellent examples of
the sturdy, induatroous, noble band
i'gis� fq '- ideraVen,
H s own remedial preparation,W
. :
•.:bs •av,. _
. .ld l Oi' i, c leTgrain aspect lir
• at ,'Winn#peg, has resigned to take
inatoiB hof the Regall slioea, nory lf�eelce and 'are c)leyer tl drauiic, en-.
merged Tat'5 ir`-1niliion---della•' . ' ,
'would y rs--'Vev-•"•Ev-iiia-easilg,-and-ucder
• 000 ebickerae wanted.nextOetoberan
dmf er for• fattteening.purpose. Will
of pioneers who have made Ontar-
io what it is to -day, , have
The top becomes 'a stubble -land
the 4nanagement of an elevator at
cot oration refuse man .
millions °fors the . nand at' they water they iool; like round, moving
be sbrpptng b o lata up f;o-itWe--7m
. left behind, besides other friends,
Where Scanty signs of harvest
Port Arthur,
H.M..�Mowat, IG. C„ announced his
have hnade so famous. - .y pearls, a layer of; air. concealed under
'who the st;in •givfufi thein this; strttnge ap-
dune. Now is the time.taget rt.tiictr•
hators and brooding bens trri'9 :Isciee ,
three sons and three daughters
to !mourn their loss, viz; -viz;
At last as' friend" consolingthink
'Tis'sleek as an taller-rin. '
intention to retire from,the Pres#-
demo y of the General Reform
.:Advertisers use the columns They
of.!the New Era, we believe, are pearance. T hey rise to the top of 'the'
sure to be . high - at the lmesviil
Poultry Station.
in Shenandoah, Iowa; He , in
ciatlon of Ontario,
travelling the Ag n water to Inhale a bubble of swim
lit path.
1V:1I/. TREWAR. .
Dense, Sack„ Joseph on the home-
A playing ground for sportive flies`
The'bonus principle to secure in-
1.with it t'o the bottom and when build:
Phone 4 on .142..
stead here,; Mrs. William Jonesi
A cynosure of curious eyes--
duatries . ruse, condemned at
ing their bell houses completely, fill
Stanley ; Mrs. John Harvey, Pense,
A 'blank or boarding as the case
I d• . ' the•
them' with air by thls process,
.. - - -.
Sask; +and Miss Annie at home.The is, coixc u ing session 01 the Ontario
Municipal Association,
funeral on Thursday, Sept 1st was To let for.' advertising' spaces. Postmasters decided to ash' the
'to Baird's cemetery. The pall- Your cap slips' off and leaves you Dominion Government for Pensions
bearers were Messrs. Robt. Morri- old,'old; , . and increased 'salaries for those af-
Donald h McDiarmmai - Simpson,
pso 1, yo uco head grows 'addled. with the feccted by they rural mail delivery.
and Joseph Hudson. The jury at Gretna, Mair.; returned .
p question now•#anot"of hair a verdict indicating, murder in the.
The 'following is the Aug. month But wigs. -to: wear or not to:Nvear, case of •C.. Fliebert,- Who was found
ly report for S. S. No. 14, Stanley. _,_ . dead .in -his house with a fvound' in.
The names in the aider of merit;- his head'.
Fifth -Herbert Kehl, Allan Fisher, Se�itortii A 'convenkion was held• at Sin ''a .. Duh a six enote receipt o money , .
. Farm for sale-,
TeilirTg. Fortunes. __
13ave you pi game, of .dominoes? If .Centre part,Lot'35 containing 4
. so you can have lots of fun when your acres and North 50 aerps on Lot 36; 1
filends come to- see sou. Shuffle the acres or more good hard wood bus .
dominoes well'and lay them face down good,. Barn, stabling underneath,
on a smooth'tabl.'e. 'fell your .friends gaud Hog Pen and driving shed simaT
to Wrn.the domiflaos; and the fouoty- Orchard, Frame House cellar under
In . , are what the points.. denote: good .well water at 1.16,11.46. and Spring
,fi Creek running through .toot 85, ro
D 1 d f
Ada McBeaath, Sr. Fourth- W.MC-
Be , 1. R thwell, Roy Mc', 0t. -
Jr. Fourth
Wm, and Mrs. Hartry •are enjoy-'
Ing a •iveek?a'11o�1aayb 4n. Toronto
Colege, 'Windsor N.,d,, and;a num-
be of honorary degrees Were L .
-Anna Hood, . c-
Beath, Maggie Parsons. Sr. Third-
Johri Beattie !"a. u' r -
p chs"sed the
faired: Mr's. ; Willoughby Cuxnnz=
in s was
g__ made a DI
Jessie Colima N. Hood, L.•Wass=
man.__ _Sguon�-W, R,GO?, e_r,�,k fret
residence of Wm Pickard on Coder--.----...
ick ,a�TpoF
, ..
-Wilbert Sutton, G. ,Cooper,
W. Harvey. Senior Part -B. GoI-
Jud a Do le was f
Judge y n torn on TueB
_ �Ci
. �" . ,
lina, M. Cooper, Elmer Makfna, The
.day g appeal casein con-
nection 'with :the McCaIIum d 'afn '
r in.
Nati" On* el" Cl eartoat C•�aisy tit' b, l.hettiwt, Y , Ig'b
that Itev,
as 'the bel
. t
best 'spellers in the monthly spell-
,matches were; --5th- L. RathwelJ;.
Sr. 4th -Ida Rathwell; Jr. 4th -An-
Thos. McMichael & Son. of Sea-
folth,'shipped from: Seaforth'.' last
Beef`Patties: '
• na'Hood ; Si. 3rd. --'Lawrence Was
]mann. J. 3rd -Anna Fisher. 2nd
week oto the Toronto exhibition 8
thorn tbred.liorses.
Chop fine some *cold beef; beat.
-W, Cooper. 2nd ,part -Bella Col-
line, W. H. Johnston, teacher,
Three rinks of Exeter bowlers
drove'over Orr Labor. Day had
two eggs. and ,(nix with the meat;:.
add . a little milk, melted butter,
two (games with the local Bowler a •
salt pepper, make into rolls
and fry -
.+ :pprice, app y. to R. SCUTT.. Box SS
will .be very rich. BTpth. orpu.1:.ot 35 Gon.13 Hullett, 2
. Six.five denotes success. and, pleas-
' urs. ..
Six -four early marriego, happiness. • Fa' rbi `1orl Sale:,
Sli-three affection, constancy.
-Sit-two industrious, economical. Being'Part. Lot 17 and Part. 1% o
Six=one, twiee:married. _ the 8th Con: Hullett, containin Sl
i ; acres. Good'fi%me house. and ,lan
Six-blani: sorrolv,. trouble. '� _
I� ive double very llicl.y. ` • ? barn, good drive shed . and •stone pf
1+'ive Pour will mar `'.f I pen+ with henhouse abgve. For Jsnr
marry poor. r� ;. 1-1 ticular's, apply to W. R. IAES.K,
b'ive three eventual tivealth a. ', i Loncleslloro P.Q., or on'tkie• premises.
rive -two lose. •
Five -one engagement; Invltatiotrs,
If you know these you can regulate Rouse t0 Rent.
your answQrs -accordingly, no matter -.A
Seaforth [being up on each game. 2 ' . . p' wrist paints turn up, and much fun. can eight room house to -rent
Summer Time a John A. Wilsrn town clerk, 14 tak ""o' A curious friendshl between a.11on be �� with a goo cellar, •Apply to Ne�v
Ing A week's, • acatiori in Toxon to. Codfish Balls, and a dog bas attracted wide attention Era. . .
His 'son, Masker. David is showingin England;- where they are being ex-
his Shetland y ' One clip of`ftdfish, one culi•Of Shearing Sheep.
Time of Danger. pony in the harness raw 'potatoes cooked in boiling wat. hibited. .Tile dog Is a fine specimen of �� spring and fall sheep ahearing'is
and saddle class at the exhibition, ' er,'tvhen done mash tri ether add his kind and performs many, clever
Property for sale
g . an important operation, and "the' shear• ,_ .
-- . Ed, Weld and Jack Stephenson, of one +teaspoonful of butter, one tea- tricks IIe seems much attached to er is an important individual. In Ela -
London, 'and "Billy" Jackson and. s: oonful of cream on -e beaten a Lila . flerce companion, and they fre- g Rouse and lot on ttron Street,
is a Jim Fair, of Clinton; motored over dpop +from spoon in fryin egg, n cry frequently his-. craft runs. alas lot on RRttebury Street,
to all babiesm--but more of danger
especially 1101u>i fC#intOu on Friday .and hada ,hot lard.. , . pan of cjuently have' a game of romps. 'This - right through the familyf'first the fa. .the ro ert ; of the late Alex:.
to those living in towns and cities friendly game of bowls •on the -oma is .all the more remarkable, as dog and Ther, then the sons and then their sons.: Mckenzie, .Two story, ten roomed
glean. lion rarely make friends. house with verandah "
'where the heat is so excessive as to when shearing is'done there it Is done , small stable
make it almost Impossible to keep `rhe annual flower show, underthe French To tPhe most wonderful fact concern- t; Bard and Soft water also a number
p P auspices of the Hort#cultural. So- Beat'one a and by specialists, but tbey :are not con -
baby s food in proper condition. It gg add to. ft one Ing this strange pair is that Leo,, as fined to one family. These .men talio of fruit trees. For further infor'
is 'then that the little one suffers ciety, Was held in the Campbell cuP'of milk, diff slices of bread into the 'lion Is named, hits. a decidedly the animals tie .their legs. . together, matron,. apply' to Geo. D. McTag-
Block, The exhibit this year was the infxt I and place on a hot rid vicious .temper when with other ani- g Sart or'. Thos. Cottle.
blas those stomach and bowel trots a great success in every Way. A die fn a if re hot butter, Fry un- mitis s .tem s hilted several that were their backs and soon . , _
'tiles that carry off so many frac- g
Ions little lives. During the sum- large crowd was in attendance all to +brown on both sides, the shears are at work, An adept
throw, -them on
tner the mother must be s eciall day, And was well pleased with the caged with. him :before the advent of shearer -mill take off the $ecce in one b' '
p Y varied and rare specimens' of floty- "0-` his ;prgwlit: canine companion. The .smooth piece, and these pieces are roll- Farm
careful to keep baby's stomach era And plants.* Bird's Nest Toast, two five together in amity, sharing Property
o ga-e Sale. of Fa
sweet and pure and his bowels mov ed into neat bundles to facilitate the,
ing regularly,- No 'other medicine been 'accident Which ,night have Separate ''white of ail e, the food thrown to; them anti sleeping., counting . when.sn accidental cut is
will be of such great aid to moth- n attended with serlous results from the yolk unbroken, beat the side b.v side'in, a. corner of their cane; made in�'the sheep's flesh time mixed Under and by virture of the
era in summer as Baby's Own Tab befell James McMichael, the veter- white fto a stiff fxoth and lay it in a • ° with lard is applied at once to prevent powers
& ars contained in a certain Mor -
lets. These little Tablets never an bowler; one day last week. .ciretxlar'form on a piece of toasted g g , ,Which will .be produced at
Ka#1 to regulate the bowels; sweet-er,
W bile descending the steps of, his bread 'fn "buttered flat ,tin, then an attricir by files: the time of sale, there will be offer
en the stomach and make baby residence ,he slipped and fell hea- drop +the yolk of the egg Into the '. fed for sale by Public Auction on
well and ha oily on his shouIder,:. Mr, McMich centre 'of the white, brown slowlyRiddles. Tuesday, the 20th day of Septem-
pPy. Mrs, D. Devlin, "A D LAME" B A
lveatel East, Que., says; -11I cel sustafned•ia gash on theforehead in 'the oven, `" � bar, 1910, at the Hour of 2 o'clock in
When is the best time to get a i'resfi the afternoon, at the Commercial
thin Baby's Own Tablets are the and a bruised shoulder,�� egg at sea? When the ship lays to. Hotel in the town of Clinton, by
[best medicine for little ,;ones for ,/,, '+ , Was AlMost Unable To move, Why is a thief called a jailbird? .� Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, the
stomach 'and bowel troubles enol I # . * *(�$ L o� Re -V' e
would not be Without them." rho ,.
Tablets Ar
medf . a r
l y olxie eat- CANADIAN ,NEWS. A K , �jirks,
er s or at 26 cents a box fro irheDr' * •
William's Medicine Co,, Brkville,• " a .
.. _.r
Ontt, " ;* r r * London PustO r 1114
--- --........ Sir 'Wilfrid lraurler returned to Y BeCOltlti As-'
+ Ottawa 'from his western tour, and distant to the (book Stewart,.
The Bi -centenary Congress at rece d
ive a great welcome at the
' 1MRax discussed the ministry of station,
hefiEn .
g James Darden, Who was arle#dent
Mayor Sanford Evans, o frim- ly shot bY'his :son while the bo was
'peg, was elected .President of the Was cleaning y ,
a g and aid gun, $fed in .!
Association of Canadian Clubs, Victoria Hospital at Montreal.
-11.16W 1.
It bs
mau ltha#
� of the A
i'hu1 ,
1 Church,,
"Let g�aoff ABO-Iffdil W11# on aPPONd, aria' health on bothl11
.,. X118rlA ti! •
ia�0 s11+ufPifAtti
1 The off
Croom are
...... •. '.' .a.
#a •under,
I very larg
'The 'exv
`Tires* oorreot 6WMAoh. disorders, assist digestion, abd makb life worth
livIn ixn for #bei viot im of dyspelsta. 500. it box, if Yrlur 'dr+iggld't has
prlrary iW
the 'perse
not tock�ed thein yttq trend us SCID. rind WovAll )oail &m. W
Nati" On* el" Cl eartoat C•�aisy tit' b, l.hettiwt, Y , Ig'b
that Itev,
as 'the bel
I to the
vet -
up a
lame ago that a tem -
at was appointed in
Rev. J. J. Redditt, of i
'a It watt Intimated
Dirks was regarded
risible, c'Xtplce. ale a3siat
Two Boxes of Da
an s
Xidney, o p
Cared Her.
Mrs, U. -B. Cairns, pha
p m, rT.11t„ tv'rftcst
"I feel it my duty m drop qou a fear lines
to let you know what I)ontila Xidney
Pills did for tree. I had such a - %lime
Back that I was almost unable 'to move,
and my kidneys wort) in an awful con•
1'.Tls IWwae o P1 0 1Y boxes
and feell at
well as X over ,lid,"
Doan'g Xidney Bills are a apecifia ,~ort
$dl Kidney Troubles. They begin bye
e*poling all tho poisonous matter from
the kidnoys, ah4JJtllen heal filo delicatb
membranes and take their action 1regular
a d natural.
D�an's Kidnoy Tills ar6 entirely v'ege.
table, and may be safely taken by young
and old . I
Price 00 per box, ot• $ boxes for
1.25 a
>k t a dealers, ea er
, iso
r' ma
fled d`
receipt of rine by The T. Millburn CbK
T.imfted, 7aronto, 'Ont;
11Vlaen ottlbring direct, 6pftify 41>"A)&rr
cause he's been a robin,
w can fro a leopard p rd change his spots?
Cly going from one spot to. another.
What are tho most uncomfortable
ships? nardships.
Why is a watch a difficult thing to
steal? Because it must be taken oil
Its guard.
When does a farmer cha'ngo the color
i of his horses? When he opens the
field gato and turns them in to graze
Ig"00. ..
Thb INOMming 060t. '
rhe dim and dslighttu,l swimming pool ,
is the country boy's retreat
When he's played too long or things 6o
And heli dusty from heiid to feet.
It oleansee and soothoh and tnaxce drift
for a friend W xrood to the awinimlfia
is like to ttrink of the many' boys i
Who have'froiicfted therein their' day,
rot tir 114tutwit ruler d swirhthlit 1
Itob f
?Yelttnsr' ohaaKi* nor pabiteie tlirVrMr. '�
It bee always uehb, it *111 always b66
A of dtutsts Orad tett and o" J11
following property namely...
Ea t half of Lot number
Eighteen (18) in the,,Peventh (7th1
Concession of the ownship o
I?fullett in the County of Huron,
containing 50 acres more or less.
This property is well located in
a good farming district, and With-
in easy distance of the Town of
Terms 1.0,per cent. of the pur-
chase money to be paid down at
the time of sale, Balance to be
paid in 30 days thereafter.
p lets and conditions .of
Sale apply to J. L, Xilloran, Gode-.
rich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Ven-
Dated at Goderich, the' 26th day'
of August, 1910.
$2,00 to $5.91) a day Sum
Pleasant honorable work at
your own horde, for xnan or women.
go experience or capital necessary
Our Company- with ample . oaltaf
will furnish work and` plana aIt"
lately free, EDW. NeGAUVEYi
Manager# ToroAto, lint,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real l?state,..
INOVIIANCIA AGE . Repreaentf pa 1! Fire In-
sura. Companies.
WvUlou Court 010ce.
. .
meat a1.
OR 1. W. Tnoltil7$ex
riclau. Surgeon. Etc
soeeial attention gives to diseases of;the
Eye, Ear: Throat. and Nove,
RIMS. carefully exernined. and suitable Ylaipsrr
Office and Residence.
TW* dews rtes$ or the fosswerew obtlet
Moron fat,
Dr. W. Gana
Or. 1i, Omm, L. B, a 1P.9 L, R.Q. ti.. Xd1s
Omee- Ontario street. Clinton. Ni��yyt wYla *t
front door of office or reefdenosi 3ialtenbor7
strest, .
Office 1wPra at epital-i to 3 p4i,r T tc 9 V.tp
OR, d. Wo SHAW,
'V AV0101AV, sulaGrom
euzebeor, etc., office and residence on "
tenbuxy at., coposite W. Farran'9 red0enee.
BR. T'a X. AX4)x
Caawit and Itr/dRe We>lc a_.8VoK
Graduate of a,C,D.B.. Chicago, and S.O.D.S.
Toronto. +
$s9DeW oL�11tAf1days, May 1s; to)0"su ,ex
• Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken to make dental brat.
triagt ae parolee" as poeeible.
Live stock and general Auction *r
041 m etoa,c sales a BpePiA11'r, 01 -dei p It Ito
New Ria office, Clinton prt,muuy abtended
�� nerma xeaepnable.. ,Warmers!..eale� vxft
. h .
Licensed Anotioneer for the County of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered. immed-
iate arrangements for sale dates can be ntW
d by calling at the NEW ERA office, or with Fxasit;:
e • Watson at lvcEwau's grocery, Charges mcd,er•
ate and satisfaction .tuaranteed
- G. D: McTaggart M. D. MoTagigsg
McTaggart Bros,
r General. `Sankins Basintes>si
of pransected �- ...
e Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
. deposits.
� 11
The McKillop Mutual
Fire. Ynsur'nce CLD.
Farm s6d Ioolated Town Props
a. arty Only. `Insured.
J. B. McLean; President, Seaforth
1 • Jas. Connolly. Nine Pres.,: �Goder els'
Thos. E. Hays,.. sec. -Tress., Seafort�
r. Jas:. Connell' .liolmesville, '. )olw
m. Watt, Harlock; °G. Date, Clinton; K,
1. 'Chesney, Seafoi,th;: J Evans; Beech.
woon; ;j. G. 'Griever . Winthrop, J.- Bei*
neweis, , .Prodhagen, '• III. •11 dEwa
Clinton -
kn. Each Director is inspector of losses In
hit own locality. ,
.Robe Smith,- .Harlock; Ed,' Hinchloy
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond-
ville;,J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
rayments may be ,made at Tozer &-,.
Brown's,. . Clinton,. or to lt., H. Cutt;,.
OLIXT011i .
Bike, 'Life and Accideint
.Betel estate bought and at id
moneyto loan
Office Issac Street, nes door to No
.. Era
.Advertise in the New Vt ra..
.. i
now .Many - .1
in .a.Dozen
1 Twelve l and you count
therm to see if you get ;
thekn to. Whenou buy '
y y
a Weddings Ring and. pay ,1
for 18K, you can't count
them, you take the deal-
Ier s word, and often get.,
t 7 x or, less. We sell /
Wedding Rings, and there
o is exactly I8K ill. a very 4
t8X Ring. Test them
way you u hk
W. Ro .. Cotinter
Jeweler alnd 6ptiiciah. .
Issuer O'.
Martinge Ll(enses, :.
. _. __ -