HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-15, Page 11 VOL !i No. 1' C .INTON ° ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 1910 Jyai F - ing'Bona ewe,1c On systeerem:dder.ng ",he iorwill onto resiand e if(INiagara Palls. They bis head and shouldere OF CANADA 'HEAD OFFICE, - gCapital . . .Reserve . • . ,Assets . . MONTRE.&I $5,000,000 $$,90 0,000 $72,000,000 :125 Branches, and Correspondents iJ raughout the world. 'Every facility for the transaction of !tanking in all its branches, nterest allowed on Savings accounts at highest current rates. Courteous treatment accorded to all customers, R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH Seatorth -o- Harry Oldham, of Brandford, is the 'guest of Mayor and Mrs. Me - Miss Violet Parkes, of Dunnville, isth'eguest of Seaforth friends this 'week. Chas. 'Hoffman, barrister, of Re- gina, Is here on a visit to friends .and relatives. Mrs. (Harry Jeffrey and daught- •er have returned fro sit to a visit Niagara 'Faille. Douglas Campbell, of Cleveland, .was here last week on a visit to his mother and sister. James, ton of Frank Carlin, has purchased the moving picture theatre In Mitchill. Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw was in 'Toronto thisw t?ek visiting relatives and tak Ing In the exhibition. John Scott, Roxboro, and George Chesney, Goderich street, left on *Tuesday nn a trip to Manitoba. Alex. Broadfoot, of Moose Jaw, Sask., was here this week on a visit to his mother, Mrs. J. 'H, Broadfoot. The OVIessre Sipprel, of St. John New .Brunswick, were visitors atthe home' of James and Mrs. Cowan this week. Clarence, the youngest son of J. Scott, left on Friday for Winnipeg, where he will enter the Bank of Commerce, John Devereaux, sr., one of tthe 'pioneer s of this district, died at his home on the Huron road east on Wednesday morning, in his 88th year. John Pinch met with a• painful ac cident on Wednesday. While do Coderleh John B. Cox, of Chicago, and 'family'axe visiting in town, W.'Proudfoot, M. 1'. P, antifamily hal e xetiun.: l home after a months stay at the Maine coast.. The Misses Saults, who have been visiting here for some 'time, left for 'their home at Winigeg. Mrs. 'Cluness, Pall Mall.. street, London., has returned home after a Ether t visit to her sister, Mrs. C..E. Mrs, Ross, Of London, is visiting her daughter, ' Mrs, J .A. Rumba during Mr. Rumball's trip :to the coast. I dugghte, MissccTheressa by ata tending' the Eucharistic congress in Montreal. Rev. C. A. Seager, of St. Cyprian's Church, (Toronto, is spending a few days in town at the home of his I parents, Mr. and Mcs,: Charles Seager. Caswell Rumball, who 'has been in Butland's'drug store 'for several years, left this week for 'Toronto to attend the Ontario College of Pharmacy. Alex. Saunders, manger of the Goderich Organ Company,is'attend. ing the manufactures' convention at Vancouver. He Is accompained by Mrs. -Saunders' . Services were taken in Knox • 'Presbyterian (Church by the •Rev. h T. J .T o son M. A.,"of Stratfard Rev, W. D.. Lee, of Waterloo, will occupy thedpulpit in this church nexa Sunday. After' . that. 'a call will 'be issued to one:of the five who have preachedhere since the lastl earl was sent to Rev. P. F. Sinclair, Of Toronto. Al Sunday morning's'in Victoria Street Methodist Church the pastor Rev. Dr. Medd, (,paid : a touching 'tribute, to the late •'president bf the (conference, Rev. Reuben Mill - yard, 'former pastor of this church. Mr Medd sketched the career of Mr. Milly ard, (telling the • circuits and charges;, land positions he had held and}(also of the high esteem in which he wwas held as a man.' `A very pretty, though quiet wed- ding, took place in .St, Peter's Church Monday morning) when Miss Katharine Doyle became the' bride of Victor J. Dean junior part- ner of the firm of Dean Bros., mer- chants. Miss Agnes Doyle,: si ter of the bride, was bI,idsmaid and Mr. R. Dear( best ' man. The ceremony r took laceat o cloc andthe o sx k (p, couple( left. on the G. T. R. at 7.10 fox! t honeymoon trip to Buffalo, Constance • 1 Mae. Geo. Stevenson• is. ,visiting her 'easter at London, Mrs. Jennie Love paid a flying visit home on Saturday night to Walton, Miss McKay, of Brucefiled, spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. Wm. Me- Intosh. Mr. Heck. Lindsay, of Cleveland,. Ohio, is visiting his brothers, W.and P„ and other friends, Mies Jessie Willison returned ;' from London, after spending a coupl eof weeks there. Mre. Ben, Snell and Messrs. Wand II. Lindsay attended the 'Toronto Exhibition last Week.. 'TheE 'pwor.th League was with- drawn on Tuesday night on 'account of the Convention at Clinton. Mies Florence Lawson of Summer hill, 'spent a few days, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Medd, Mr, and Mrs. Hearn an ddaugh- ters 'spent • Sunday the guest of their "aunt, Mrs, D. Sutherland, Mi. Will Rogers, Postmaster of Toronto, spent a few days last week the' guest of his nephew, Chas. McGregor, A HIGH•CLAss SCI[OOL G LRLS and BOYS ELLIOTT -_ TORONTO. ONT. alines its students a trainining that carries with it the stamp of " Superiority." WRITE FOR HANDSOME CATALOGUE, ` .--W:ANT.ED. Steady Work and Good Employment. APPLY AT KNIT II T V G � F AC1 OILY. ammeemegmemaseminaltilirlinaln The Morrish Clothin gCo. ORDERED CLOTRING READY-MADE CLOTHING, •••••••••• •••••••••••040•••4•4•4••••• 4•••••44' THE SChOOF'SUIF=PNDIC $'Dion Brand" BOYS' SWEATERS This is•the Sweater Season, and our Stock is now at its best. Every boy should own a Sweater. Prices tram 50e to $0,50 - ♦♦♦♦•c♦+o+•0000♦0000es000 41,ee+coo♦4.,•.••••••••4 Schools open in a 'few days, and there's no economy and no money saved in buying for an ac- tive boy a CHEAP - School Suit. School Suits cannot be made Too Well. We know all the Clothing Requirements of the M 0 S STRENUOUS SCHOOL BOY, and we are equal to the occasion: Buy the Boy:one of our lewson•Tweed S uits and let him go the limit in. run- ning, jumping or any other sport. r O Boys' Suits from $ I.5o to $ i o• oo Fall Woolens are Ready. Come in and talk Tailoring with us. Well show• i 3 ou and tell.you what's what. i ♦o•o•s•000•o♦o•oloo., oo♦o i000.o.0• •10 ..400e The Morrish clothing " A Square Deal For Every Mau" cioderieh Township: Walter Rathwell went west last week. Miss Flossie Cole had recently been visiting at the home of her uncles, K M7. Nathan Peck and Mr,J. Keyes, Stanley, ;ry of a nle y, The Rev, Mr. Fortner, former pas- tor of Bayfield Circuit, made ,sev- eral calls last week. At Cole's ap- pointment, hie old friends , were pleased to see him again, Anniversary Services next Sun- day, 'Sept. 18th, in Cole's Church. Rev.: Dr. Medd, of Goderich, will )✓reach at 2.30 and 7.30 p,m. On the following' Monday eVening a grand Harvest Home Festival 'will be held. Tea 'served teem 6 to 8 o'clock,after which a g000lprogram will be ren- dered. The (Clinton Orchestra will be 'present.. Everybody come; Porter's 1Ii11 'Howard'(Cox spent e few days in London this week. Miss (Lilly McClain of Dunnganon is visiting in the neighborhood. Mies Lilly MeMannis of Saltford is spending a few days at Mrs Burkes. • The Many friends ;of Rev. Fortner of Strathroy, were pleased to have him with us and take charge of the service On Sundau$v eninwi last. Mi. (and Mrs; Edo Neton .and. son'1r$.turned to their home.en De- ._taelas Bala relay last ,havin s..ent a'week or ttvdafalbe neighbo1hoo . Among those that, attended the Toronto Fair are, Mr. mad Mrs. Hall Rutledge, awl . an d Mit.. George Vandenburgh, ,Ben Lindsay, Herb.. Bennett'andsister Viola. " Stanley ----o--- ' John Taro d'of Moose Jaw Sask. made la short visit to the home of his.' father during the first -of the week. Miss A. Porter of Kincardine, and Miss Amy Houston of Clinton, visit ed at the home ofMx. Geo. Baird on. Saturday of last Week. , Messrs' Hugh McGregar, Arthur Chapman Tbm Darnel, Thos. •B . Baird ,Jas. Thompson, Hugh Gil 'flour rand Win. Ross, visited the Western (Fair London on Tuesday. Hallett W. H. Kerr & Bon, Editors and Publishers( Pastor E a !Widow and one daughter. Mrs. xpires Fyle, !who have the syrnlaathy of the community in their grief. Fun - Front Stroke oral 'services' were conducted by inRev, (Mr. Small and Rev. Mr. Fear, interment (being made at Union cemetery, , rt Jasper i�'iJsvx+, Well -Known in Ontario, Succumibs to Paralysis, Rev. jasper,Wilson, M.A., of Hes- peier,'Ont., who while in the pulpit Preaching - the morning sermon at the bnniversawry services in the Methodist (Church last Sunday at Leamington, 'was stricken with par- alysis, Idled Wednesday^ morning at 2 O'clock, without ever 'having re- gained tenaciousness. Bev- Mr. Wilson, /who Was In his - sixtieth Year, Was a xnan very highly re- spected land loved by all Who ;knew him, He was educated in Simcoe High School and Victoria College, from (which latter institution he se- emed (the degree of master of arts. Rev, Mi.', Wilsah has held many pro- minent' !positions in the church, and Was ht one time president of the London COnfexeuee. HeWasa member of the general board of missions for manyyears, and at the time td hisdeath he was 'a member of the board of regents and senate •of (Victoria. Rev. Mr Wilson was born in Wood house Township, county of Norfolk. in (1861, ordained in 1879, and in the same'lyeaz' married' Miss Maggie Cruise, of the township of Wa1sin.g- ham, hlso in. the county of Norfolk. Alman of very high -standing in the church and socially, he will be great y, lmissed by. his associate church'. workers.f• lee. Mr. Wileon since his to dination has travelled . the 'fol- lowing ch cults ;:Bosancaset,• Brig .den, Vamlaehie, Watefor d, Exeter, Kingsville, . Strarhroy, Goderich, Ridgetown, (Leamington and Hespe ler. He was one of the most, if not the most, popular ministers who ever becupied a pulpit in Learning ton. The re'ma h ins'wit ' 1 be taken to Walsinghain, Ont., for interment Saturday. !Mullett. • • N. Karvey of Base line spent Sun - !day With S. Appleby. ' Chas. . Sr tewax t Sundayed with Goderich•-T j vnshte-friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Manning spent Sunday with friends in Kippers. Henry 'Barr has re-engaged with Wm. Pear at an increase of salary. Angus (Reid has moved into . his fine new residence he built this Bummer Mrs 'Geo..Longman, ' Londesboro spent a week with .her daughter Mrs. (Geo, Stevens Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shobbrook 'at- tended the wedding of their Niece alas (Hooper of Blanshacd, last week, Mrs. Jno. Nott, Algoma, who has beer( visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. months 4ias returned home 'stemma Pealed by Miss Annie of same place. This'Friday, Mr. Edward Jones holds an auction of farm stock,im-. plements, etc.,' as he has rented his 'farm and will take a trip to Vancouver, BC., with his brother Who is here. The old neighbors will "be (sorry to see the Jones family leave, but hope to see them back again. School Report --Following isthe school 'x eport for S.S. No. 5 ,•• names in order of merit. --St. TV-IV/Mail.; Jr. IV -Elva MeCool, Mary Vod- den, Etta Brown. Sr. III -Florence Vodden, Keathea Weymouth. Jr. III --Ira Rapson. Sr. II --Mary Tay- ler, Fred McCool, Marjory McCool, John Gorbutt. Jr. II -Annie Wey- mouth, Alice Vodden, Flossie Gib-, 'tangs Grace Vodden (equal) Albert Gorbutt. Sr. /-John Taylor, Rose Gorbutt, S. Lee. Jr. I-IIelenaSnell Ax.thur Weymouth, Percy Gibbings, Jennie Gorbutt. The best spellers during' the month are -Sr, IV, M. Mair ' Jr. IV, EE. McCool ; Sr. III, F. Vqdden; Jr. III, I. Rapson; Sr. II, M.'Taylor ; Sr. II, A: Weymouth; Sr. I. J.Taylor, B.M,MeEwan, teacher. Aplain for railway from the boundary t oPeaee River before the Alberta Goverment. S4.14+4.4-1-1•44++++++++++÷÷4.1-1. *• • Girls Wanted. 44 Onerittors on Ladies' I5.wn Waists 4, H and whitowear. Girls experienced on 4, 5 41 Power i •�T• w tvangl4tacslainoirilraferrecl, iota t• learners will be taught. Crean, Lealt1Y, • 4. well ventilated, well lighted . work 4.14 - •b rooms. Moody work at good wales. , This will traits You to do your sewing. ;• T#fl: 'STAR Wnlir'EW1•M1t CO. tie � Berlin, Ont. dr 4.4. • E'•i'•i•• •(•4++4441'4.44•,'(4•+�l••i•444-1•i••r+4 Brueefield. • Mrs. 'John Gibson and Mrs. Hood - attended the funeral of 'Mrs,Jones, Blyth,;this week. George !Hill has sold his. farm in the village, to John Berry,:' for $1- ,200; the gets posseiifon in October. Rev. Jas, Foote, of •North. Bruce, visited' tat his home here last week: He 'conducted the 'servicesin the Presbyterian (Church Sabbath last. • - 'The 'Women's Foreign Missionery Society fwill hold its annual Thank - Offering Meeting Thank-Offeringi1M2eeting. Sabbath evening next, when Rev. Mr. : Richardson .will ve a Missionary address. • Dr. James Baird, of Montreal,who.. recently /visited in . our ;midst,is ati (present ill of typhoid fever at a hospital at Montreal . His many friends (here 'ho.pe :for, speedy re- ,,covery, , Summerhill `•gartn •mg! -.Kill s—Fot r:=The-fo-1- lowingt;is.taken from' the London Free 'Press ;-During a terrific elect vice's -storm at La (Mouse, N: D. on Sept. and, four men -were struck by lightning; . and instantly. .killed They were Fred Osborn; Murray El- lis, 'Peter Nelson and Edward Peter son. The.men were members of a threshing (crew and with four cam- 'panions, (Wei a sleeping in ;A small tent. The four .who were killed laid (with their heads . toward the door of the tent, the wing of which had been blown open• by tthe wind, .Their 'companions .laid with their heads Otto the•rear end of the .tent, but (so close that their 'feet: touch - .ed. (the others, They escaped with a (severe shock and only minor in- juries. Murray Ellis, one of the four t1hat were killed, was a• grand son '01 Mr. and Mrs. George Murray, for merly t01 Clinton; now of 'London Mrs. T. J. Linsey and children are 'visiting friends in London: this week. Londesboro Congratulations 3 glata0 n are inorder for J. D. Melville this week. Charles (Hutton, C. P. R. engineer, is home for a rest as he is somewhat unwell. The drawing eard this week is London Fair. There have been 'many visitors from this place. We ,now have a gianolithic walk from the Manse to the Methodist Church It was finished this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mogridge and: Misses 'Dora and Edythe, of Aub - burn. Sundayed at the home of Mr. W. Reek, Rev.IMr. Peareyleft for Toronto Monday,• rand will not be here next Sunday, (but the pulpits will be supplied by Mr. Prager, o1 Bayfield. Blyth AV. Mc1M urehle was able to be up (town on Monday, after a severe illness, Ffo • E. A. ammond,'•of Wingham, Was a 'visitor at the home of Mr. John "Wilford nn Sunday, T.11. Gidley was in town on Mon- day, !assisting the C'itizen's Band at the Bowling contest. There passad away on 'Saturday, an bld esteemed citizen, Mr, Thos. Jones. Deceased had been afflict- ed With stomach trouble for about a'yeat and for the past two months was confined to his bed, Ile leaves F Menurn A valuable dog belonging to Dir. 11. 3logrirlge was frilled by a freight train one morning last week. Rev, Mr. Juniper, of Toronto, late of 'South Africa, will occupy the. Baptist Church !pulpit Sunday af- afternoon. Mr. Juniper is a force•. Sul sneaker, and should be accorded a'full house. Holmet4vf lie -o- Holmesville The annual Meeting of the Holmesville 'Civilion Rifle Associa- tion (will be held in the Holmesville Hall on Sept. 23rd, 1910. commencing at 7,30 p.m., sharp, 'rhe Jubilee Anniversary of the Ebenezer Church will be held next Sunday. Rev, W. Baugh, of Ben - miller, swill preach at 2,30 and 7.00 p.m. Special bolleetion to defray the expenses of painting, papering , etc„ sof the church. Anniversary services of the Holmesville !Methodist Church will beheld Sunday, Oct. 2nd. Rev.' T. Courtice, ►B,A, B.D., will preach at 10 (a.m, and( 7sisan., and Rev. J. W. Ford ,o Minton, Willaddress the afternoon congregation ,at 2.30. Collections to defray expenses of chinch rrepairs. A ;PLEASANT SURPRISE, A view of the ladies of Wesley Church (called on 'Mrs. J. Moffatt Tuesday (afternoon, at her home, Princess St., and, on behalf of her friends'bf the church, presented her with a handsome gold pin, set With 'pearls, and the accompanying address. Although taken cora- pletely 'by surprise; M rs. - Maffatt feelingly. Texpressed her apprecia tion sof the kindness of friends, - • Followings is the address. Mrs. ;Moffat, -- Dear (friend, --•We, your friends of Wesley (Church, .wish to express to you bur sincere and abiding affect- tion. We 'deeply regret your de- parture from among us, and will greatly miss you in our church work, aapecially in our Ladies' Aid -Society, 'in which you have always taken, hn active part, and,,; as one lady 'remarked, "Rave worked well. II, and (talked but little." It may . be that .I o r examplei in this respect et will (be an.. incentive to the rest of us ito do likewise. We feel we can- na 'let you depart thout express- sno.t•lletayou-der antaasithaut.,espr sing, 6n some way, our esteem 'and love•ifor you, and. would 'ask your acceptance'ef the - accompanying . gift. That happiness and piosper:- Ity (may•attend you in- -your- -new- home, as the united Wish of Your friends of Wesley Church.. • THE !ENGLISH MEN WON ... Monday morning looked any- thing. (but pleasant for the visit of the British Bowlers, who were to arrrive son the 11 o'clock train from' London, 'but 'before train time the rain and cloudy weather disappear- ed and. Old Sol shone out • in all its splendor:. When (train time . dre,w near, . a large representation of local Bowlers were at the station to Meet. (the "visitors. All,tver.e:taken.' Wm. Jaekson's,residence,.and later the men iunched,at the' Hotel,: Nor-. •mandie, (after which many; Witty' speeches were made by .the visit- ors and Clintonians At '130 'p.m., the game conitaenes ed, (And the play was exciting all thr'ough•the entire game, thescores being nll• fairly y close. Daring the -af=ternoon, 'the -'Clinton @•reliestra played inany selections, which was much (enjoyed by everyone. The Orchestra was assisted by Mr. S. Gidley, bf•$lyth, with his cornet. The visitors were many who came toted the game, loads coming in from Goderich and. Seaforth, while many Others came from ' Mitchell; Blyth and Stratford, including Dr. Robertson,'President. of the Ontario Bowling Association. Tea Was served at the home of. Mrs. (Chidley, after which the visit- ors/Were driven to the station, and left for :Stratfotd on the 5.00 train. Following were the players and scores . British Clinton J. A. D. McLean E: Courtice P. scot( B.J. Gibbings J Pill.'ns• Jas., Bair WVin.MMlcCo'1 sky -25W. Jackson, sk-20 J, S. Fleming : J. Ai-neford It Peace J. Hunter - Thos. J. Jeffrey W. 3. btevenson A. J. Sp ith sk-24 D.A. Forrester sk18 E: Pickard - John Watt .1. '.Chomps - Dr Shaw Rely. W. Earee U E Dowding J. 1'. Morrison sli18J B !Hoover, sk-•21 L Matllieson •. - A Graham J Courts N, Balt W 0 Wilson. J. Taylor 3. Kirklank,' sk-10J. Harland, .sk- 24 Totals 813 83 • THE BOWLER'S SONG. 'Twee in the days of good Queen .Bess, When Drake sprang into fame, If 'e'er you visit Plymouth town But' still he played the game, It' was the good old game of bowls, (Nov'bowling on the green.) If e'er you visit Plymouth town Those'bowls may yet be seen. Bowling, 'bowling, . bowling on the green, the best game • ever' seen; There's nothing can surpass boWla ing ou therasa That goodoldancient game call- • ed 'bowling. Then come and see us play the the' game, Just Watch a "running shot," A "kitty toucher" or a 'raise" May fchange the game a let, The '(gante s a gable of science, And of goodanatured fun, For all who' give a mighty cheer or the rink that takes the "bun," .1 Personal Notes 4444 u these having relatives or friends is the Powder visiting in town or going away notify us of the tacteaon week. we would announce it in the Naw Eat(. - 44 +4+4'44444 Best Irwin was in 'London last for week. + ' Mrs. 'Cranston was in London the Thur d Mr. S. Carter, of Brussels, Was In 1 IU 'town this weep. his Miss (Winnie and Earl O'Neil are in Condon 'to -day. The Misses Walkinshaw sp eat Tues- day iasc, in Loudon. Rev. J, Greene will take the services at Blyth next Sunday. . J. i'. Sheppard in'ade a business trip 'to London Tuesday, t Misses Lillie and Annie Miles spent 'Sunday in Goderich. Mr, James Smith, returned from his trip to Toronto, on Wednesday night. Mess's. (harry and W. E. Duncan of 'Brussels, were in town Wednes- day,' ' Mt.' Geo. Rumball, of Flint, Mich., Is visiting her sisters, the Misses Rudd1 - B.'A. MCEwan combined business With 'pleasure in a trip to London on Tuesday. Mr s. Rev. Peter Jones, of London, �' ",so'e'0'6'a+t''sa'NN is (visiting in town the guest of eat Mrs. J. A. Irwin. Miss A: Gowan of Blyth; was the shaguest of her friend Miss. Ida Welkin-. wovar'Snada , Sunday. 11r. Graham Cameron Ex.. M. P. P. Talcum of Goderich, was calling ou friends in 1Tale town on Tuesday. . 1 .. Mr. 'and Mrs, Jas. Walker and 1$ That is true, a short time daughter, 'of W'n - + ago g , i sham, use visit the manufacturers of ors 7n own Tuesday.. 'Mist' Rose Tebbutt returned Violet Dulee T'alcu>fn home Ion Tuesday after visiting in St, Thomas with fried $' reduced the price to us, there • - ( friends. fore we give you the benefit of Mrs; (Hartle and her Mx Y friend las • the reduction, many 01 our Emi h ..of Blyth, are g , y , taking in 'the friends have been paying 3;, Cts. sight$ at the London Fair. for this preparation, but now it Mrs. JamesSim and daughter, of ma beprocured only from g , Y,, Y f 4 us Blyth, wexe.:visiting in town this` f0r2acts. week'at. the home of M', Wm. Gra- Those who have used Violet ham. Dulee 1'aleum agree with us Many'took advantage of. he lots - that it is the best on the market fares •'to London on . Tuesday and That's why we sell it Thur sday, tto visit the - Western Fair, - - Mr. rand Mrs. • r . b'reor a Brown,. of George Brussels,spent a day with their w•�►J� • I`Io�rileo daughter, (Mrs. J. 'Leslie Kerr this week : Phm B... Mrs: Wm, Sims, o f Blyth, was visit• )tia>lai�iie>Lurin Chemist th3n (friends ends , . g in Clinton n n nda o a is at ' �j � e home of r Adam Scott an the ^►'ei'•'�tiA►�S Bayfield (Road. • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Courtice; left this rr?in' t" s e a mjrrghlwit•'. relatives and friends at-Peterbor- ough.and Toronto. " • • Mr.. (Arthur . and Mra.Cantelon, - _the Misses ...Cantelon accompaniedG A byM. T Mr, Chas. McWilliams of'To • �' V ion-• to, (spent Sunday at Toronto. • Mr. John -•H. Powell, of Detroit, was in town this , week. He'was looking , after -.the grave ;of • his; mother-in-law, ;the late Mrs Cor- bett. • Mr. .J •Hartiyy will occupy the " English !Church pulpit at Wingham on, Sunday and Mrs. Hartly Will • spend the week end.. with friends. in.'i3lyth. Mr,'Co.P, Shepherd of the. 1101 - sons Bank, Iroquois, 'spent a. few days last week with his `parents, Mr. and Dias. j. Shepherd, . -'Town send street Last Suxlday.R,ev. J. Green accom-' panied.•'by Mss Grreenee were at • Flesher ton, where the Reverend gentleman preached special sea - mons 'at the opening of ,a new pipe Organ " recentl' . i. stalled green preacnca on t a c arge 43 yT'ars ago. that's W. A. McContielI, Chemist and Druggist ist A Little1 Mr. Athol Lawson, of lliriningham England, 'arrived in Clinton, on Mon day night and has taken a position 1 in the Doherty Organ • and Piano ' Factory. Mr. Lawson is a nephew. (" of Mr. H.Joynel'' of town. • The young slam has just passed his mai- , ority' rind stands over 6 feet in J' sight. We welcome the young has always taken an active interest man, to our town. In'chureh and society work in Clin- W. J. Irwin, 'of Swift Current, II ton Will be greatly misled in these Sasl- son . of M1. J. W. Irwin, of l circles. We join their friends an Landoll, 'formerly of Clinton, s eat wishing them an enjoyable trip and p (a .(shin beneficial leo jo 'enjoyable the 'past week renewing acquain- tanceships in town. Mr. Irwin is } looking well, and appears to like the Western country.. He left for London' Tuesday, on his way back to 'that couxltry , soommin During the 'remainder. ofthefruit . season;. will -continue to sell j' RED - PATH'S extra granulat- ed Sugar at.:' Ib5 .or i.00.. loo• bs for' 5 5 ;Tomatoes, Peaches, . PIums and Pears' arriving. daily. T. O'NEIL THE .RUB• GROCER. Phone 48 Miss'Conolly, Whom many of . cnir readers most favourably know, has recently resigned her potition of head nurse ,iii J,ashburn, clash. Hospital, having found .'the work too 'great for her' strength. Before leaving Lashburn h rn her friends in town resented' her with $40.00 in gold and the English • Chgr ch of which she was a devoted member gave her 'a handsome handbag. 1 Miss Conolly was one of the first graduates of the Clinton ' Hospital and 'was greatly beloved ' and re- spected 'while there. She is to rest for at least :a Month and then go on with private nursing. Mis. J. Moffatt, Princess street, accompanied' by her niece, Miss May Davis, left Thursday morning for (a trip to Stevensville, Montana, It' is their intention to remain there for (the winter, "Mrs, Moffatt, who meinsommr. Pure French Olive Oil 1 "Sift=O-N Itr nd'" represents ...the highest Standard procurable in Olive Oil. Bulletin No., 111 from the Inland Revenue depart- ment indicate that in 108 samp- les examined only 66 were genu- ine Olive Oil. Two samples gf S -H -O -N were pronounced gen- uine. We have it in original pack- ages, i pints 35e; 1 pint 85c; 1 quart $1.25. '. a.i, Hcov Dispensing= Chemist. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 11855 . Capital„ pm') yr ; $3;500,000 Rest Fund, ,r $3,85O,o00 Ras 80'Branches in'Clanatla, anti Agents and ot'respondents itt all the Principal Ctttks la the World, A GENERAL )BANKING iUSINESS'TItAXSACTEH. SAVINGS BANK D`BPAR,T ML1VT tit all Branches. interest allowed at highest cnrirent rate, Clinton Branch.. - -. C E. DOWDING. Manager