The Clinton New Era, 1910-09-08, Page 81 1 4• • • Millinery Apprentices • Wanted. • • • • • • rS# ►001001. .l t 110 AN N0.09 POO 0•00 1 i. 0••••N•►•4 s New r gip. 8th. Z910 oil aii whiktawo waisis saiurdag SATURDAY we. will give you your choice of all our Wbite Lawn Waists at 25 percent off regular price,-. Every one new this season, :. large' range of dainty styles to choose from in Embrotdery, Lace 0,nd Tailored effects. We want room for our New Fall Goods, which are arriving daily. SATURDAY they will be all on our counter at 25 per cent. off. Zss•s•••••••sasssOos•sassss••aN•••••••••••••••! Lawn Waists Less Than Cost • SFE@IRI,—Three dozen White Lawn Waists, • • Embroidery fronts, tucked back. long sleeves; s several dainty styles, all sizes. Reg • $1.25, Saturday 890 • •sus••4N/•••,N.••..•..ss s!*����•s•1►�•i+l►•••f•!♦. • Ladies' Vests Less Than Cost s sPEeIRL — Ten dozen Ladies' fine Egyptian yarn Summer Vests, short sleeves, size 4 only. Regular I2•C. While they last • Saturday � ....3 3 dor lrlrre 2. :••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+••••••••••: Shop at this store Saturday, and Save money. Read the following List over carefully, and see how. 3 Cards of Yarn for 5e Three big cards of Mending Cotton or Wool, shades of dark brown, tan. white or tawn, reg. 2 -for 5c. Saturday 3 for 5 2 Boxes Hair Pins for 5e Dohorthy Hair Pins, zoo assorted Pins in each box, re. 5c each, Saturday 2for 50 15c Silk Ribbons for 10e Extr-heavy fine Silk Hair Ribbon, four inches wide, shades black, white, navy, sky, resida, rose, pink, wis- teria, green, etc. Reg 15c, Saturday • 10C 3 pr Cotton Hose tor 25c 'to dozen only Ladies' fast black–Cotton Bose, seam- less, sizes 8, 84, 9, 9i and to, Special Saturday ' 3 pair for 25c Linen Collars for 8e We have Laid out all the odd lines and broken sizes in Ladies' and Children's Lin- en Collars, reg. 15c to 25c, clearing Saturday 8c 25e Wash Belting tor ,15c White wash Belting, with red, black and blue edge, guaranteed fast colors, . reg. 25C, Saturday....... 15A 25e Children's Sox, 19c Children's lisle thread and cotton Sox, white with col- ored tops, and plain black, sky, tan and white, all sizes, reg. 25c, Saturday 19c $1.25 Sateen Petticoats for 98c Ladies' black Satteen Petti- coats; good quality, glossy finish, three frills, all sizes, O1g. $1.25, Saturday. y 98c 25'e Children's Hats 15e , $5.00 Wash nits, $3 98 Children's Sailor Straw L dies' ready-to-wear Wash fiats, several styles, fancy' Suits, long coats, good bands, all sizes, reg. I range of colors and strides. day for ,.,,.... $3 98 , 25c, Saturday;....,., 15c Regular $5,00, Satur- 50e Children's Hats 39c t Children's mushroom and i $7,00 Wash Suits for $i.7$ _. sailor Straw .Hats, fine Oar- i.Ladies' ready.to-wear Wash ity, silk bands, s e v e r a 1'' Snits indian-head styles. Reg. SOc, � n d .is n head Linen. -- Several' styles and colors. Saturday only....,....,..... 301,-.1 I -ie alar$7.06, ata b r g off Boys" Wash Suits Boys' Wash Suits, Buster Brown and Sailor styles, in several colors, all sizes Saturday one-quarter ofd' regular prices I alt Boys' Wash Hats Boys' White Cotton tam or sailor Rats, to match above Suits, all sizes,. Saturdayt one - quarter :off regular r I prices. day for • ..,.$5,15 40 iu. Factory Cotton 10c 500 yards 40 -inch Factor Cotton, heavy quality, clean weave, worth z 5c, Sat- urday .:....... ..:.....: 1 �C 104 F,tcto ry Cotton 8c 500 yards good, clean Fac- ory Cotton,, 36 inches wide, egular roc value, Sat- urday special ... 80 • • • • • _.: •r • • !!!NN•sNN•N•1••N•N••••N••••s• ti• •••••••NM _ .., - CLINTON NEW ERA ' NO NEW TEXT BOOK. ' DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ocu- list, Specialist. will be at W. S. R. Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Sep. 13th. Glassesroperty fitted, deafness, catarrh and tauling eyesight treated, All day. to view of •the 'fact that a new. textbook in physics ,has not yet been authorized, the examination in physics in 1911 for entrance: into the Normal schools will be based, as in 1910 on the course pre- scribed in the regulations of 1904; - ( SCHOOL DAYS AGAIN. Vacation days for the sehonl chit - A NEW COMPANY. The Ontario Gazette gives no- tice of the incorporation of the fol lowing company :—Huron Orchard Limited, Goderich, q Capital $50.- 000. ,NEW CEREAL MAP. The Department of the Interior, Ottawa, have a new Snap in press ' showing in separate colors the ac- reage j of each variety of grain in each township in the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta, for 1909; also the elevator capacity of each railway station (to be followed by'a similar cereal map for 1910 as soon as complete information is available). ' .dren are over, and the future•busi- n s e ,B..m en and tv om n'• tli t' . fiitu , e re• rulers of -this great country, •will' pack their books and slates ,hod wend their way back to the school room. The true value of educat- io°irz•9--more-fu•ll�• r-ealiz than ever before,- and parents who made the mistake of •not securing enougheducation, are surest to im- press upon their offspring that 'a good education is more valuable in the battle of life • • than gold. School work may seem co'tnpiex than it used to be, but so is life. Every movement in the schoolroom well spent, means that life will be.1 tuet that much sweeter. Statist i ice prove that no tone suicide out of a hundred is a graduate of any school, and that five graduates ' out of a hundred land in any penal institution, and .professional men of to -day, as a rule, is the one who excelled in [school. . . A POPULAR POINT'. • . London's big Exhibition Will_o n Friday of this week, and run `othe 17th. There is always a. large at- tendanee from. Huron .Co. to this: popular Fair. . FACULTY OF APPLIED. SCIENCE 'h. Dur -in the,past session a change, suras ^ni . :e in .the requirements 'for entra ' DUI �tb t lie I+"aculty of Appli- ed. Science which :-has ..caused' sortie Revised text boo- sub - uncertainty. as to the students, en- 'leets have - k4 on n theeiands titled to present themselves for of been placed inihands iu Alemantat av Public school pupils with the 1� rninations. The opening of the new.. term on •Tues 1910- requirements are English, ns- `day; Tire ne- ��G�•airs, re on he tory, mathematics and .two : of `subjects' Arithmetic .,geography, Greek, Latin, German,. French, • ex- - grammar,, : hygiene, . •cosi i perimental science; :'that ' is nine English history and Canadi composition, papers. At the' examination . in tory. The: histories are still i n the, July last, a candidate who obtain- hands of the publishers, but will ed. 40 per cent. in at least six pf be: ready shortly. All •the books are these nine papers.. is considered to edited by Dr. D . J. Goggin, The have obtained partial standing, Department g and on passing at the supplemental authorized aonew Education have sub - examination in each of the papers lect of geometry ash ve ona 'the ub- prim - in which he failed will have coin ary reading manuali11 as a plied• with the requirement for teachers, -which wilbe circulated uselof entrance . to the • Faculty of free. A manual forr bse io cwork Applied n i Science'work k for the . session Will be issued in the near future, 19.10-1911: • been asked • to'foin the legal firm of Balfour, Martin & Casey, of that City, and purposes to spend -at least a year in that city, andpossibly to locate .:.there.. permanently,` Mrs. Blair and family will remain in Blair has been active in many lines of work in Goderich and his re- Goderich in themean time. Mr. /novel would be a loss to the town and would-be greatly regretted by a large number of. friends • SOME gEW TEXTBOOKS. SPECIAL SAVINGS FOR SATURDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK AND ALL NEXT WEEK Eab Reg. $i.� Screen Doors, complete for Reg. $x.00 Doors, complete for Reg. 1.25 " .. Reg. I.50 " ., Reg. 1.75 " it it 1,201. ' Reg. 2.00 " " it1,60 c 8o&o c $1.00 Reg. 25c Screen Windows for 20C Reg. 3oc Reg. 35c Reg. 40c c. .. ., it u A good 5 -ft, Step Ladder for 6 -ft. '' .t ,. 7 -ft. " ,. 24C 28C 32C .65c ..85e 95c MEND YOUR POTS AND PANS. Vol Beek Granite Cement mends holes in anything : Graniteware, Tinware, Aluminum, etc. Will mend a hole in two minute. A package mends fifty holes. Another consignment of Quick. Meal Stones, the only cont. plete Gasoline Stove on the market. We have a nice line of Plumbing goods, Sinks, B3aths,.Olbsets, Lavatories, Hydrants, etc, and can install anything in the line at a rersonable price, and in a first-class manner, ALL WORK QUARANTINED, " I-JARLAND BROS, STOVES AND II'ARDWAR E. As. LEAVING THE PARISH. SHOULD ADV,BItTISE ,. Rev. Pr. Renton announced on l Kingston. Whig; The Govern- Sunday last that on thel 8th it will i mentcannuities system maybe the be his last Sunday in charge of the' best under the 81111—is indeed the Clinton and Blyth churches as he is' best as far as the Whig Can learn— to g'oto Lucan,•followi.ng Rev. D. P.) but it like the article of merchan 1V1eMenamin, of St, Pa trick's BC utch ., 13iddulph, who . was formerly in charge of these two.ehurehes. Rev rr. Hanlon has by his good work and pleasant manner, always been held in high regard both in and out of the church, and many will regret his removal. He has been here for over 5 years. Rev. Pr. McMenam- in has. been eight years at Lucan ' and will locate in the diocese of Sault Ste Marie, locating near Thessalon. The charge Rev. Han- lon+goes too is larger. than Clinton and while an advance the genial ise which the manufacturer 'or the. merchant wants the people to buy. It must be advertised. •' The Gov- ernment, which. has adopted 'so ectiontwith the business, in ould not overlook the most important, that of advertising. . b THE RO E'BROKE. While Messrs. Russel garland and Harry I+'itzsimons Were pull- ing .up an awning Thursday evert - 'n Ias t, one of the 'ropes broke, I We voice the sentiment of the el- ons attack Russel on the head r- tizens in wishing Fr. Hanlon a long Metinga severe scalp wound, but and prosperous work in his new , Russel is made of good stuff, and field 01 labor, was able to continue business and social operations. It takes a stout LIBERAL MEETING. ' ' Erope to Withstand the muscles of the two above gentlemen, ea they. At the annual meeting of the On- ' are no lightweights. tario. Liberal Association, to be ' held on Ii'rfday of this week, in the MINOR r,0 CAL Temple building, Toronto, several important matters will come tip You don't have to go to war to for discussion. The speakers will be patriotic;. Improve your local.. include' Ron. Geo. W. Ross, Hon. A. ity uphold your town enlarge its G. Me tithe Dotouireiion oCabin t e mt ertereets, and lend a han is anticipated that the Hon. Geo. solver' of favid you are a P. Graham, Minister of Railways & your" con t Canals, may be back in time to at- tend, as he has expressed a strong. desire to be at the meeting if at all Possible. G. p'. BLAIIt GOING TO REGINA. Pather will have to work harder, l with the result that one of the The following from the Goderieit Signal refers to a gentlemen well and favorably known here:—Gode- rich is to lose, at least temporar- ily, one of its prominent profession the soldier who shoulders his mus- ket. The largest pin factory in the world -is at Birmingham, Eng., and 37,000 pins are made there every 7working day of the.. year, There .are, so' many (pinst made that Avery person in the world tnust orde Dae if a pio kee n onep supeuin foupr lydays in in r. ' the p the demand. Anyone tvhoas al mien, in .the person of Barrister llieked uls pins in his wife's toolrc G. F;. Blair, who leaves in Oc tober tvi11 understand howv the dematir'. for Regina, Assa. Mr. Blair has is creaked. THE. New Store Having bought out the stock of B. Hil', I have added .a large stock of groceries, .etc, and am prepared to sell as cheap as any store in town. Will take any quantity of Sutter and Eggs, at highest market price, euslt or trade, A Call is Solicited. Goods delivered to any par t of town, W Go Smyth 'GIVEN A RAISE, The Collegiate Board of Kincar- dine gave an increase of 5100 on the salary' of the principal, Charles Me- Kinnon ; his salary is now 51,400. `Mr. McKinnon has had a very suc- cessful term, and no doubt was ap- preciated for his work, The " fol- lowing shows how many of the Pupils from his school passed in the several examinations:—Faculty of education, 1; Entrance to Normal, 17; University Matriculation, /0; Partial, 2. IS MCBRIDE COMING LEADER? A unique interest attaehes to the September number of Busy Man's Magazine, because in it is to be found a striking prophecy about the future of the Hon. Richard Mc- Bride, Premier of British Columbia, based, on the extraordinary likeness he bears to three great political leaders. These three e e men are Ben- i'»hi:n Disraeli. Sir John A, MacDon- ald an d$ir Wilfred Laurier. This striking likeness is brought out clearly in the portrait's of the four men which illustrate ' the article and whieh are placed together for Purposes . of comparison. Richard McBride is still a'y:oung man, but even to -day he bears a marked re- semblance to all three men referred to and in his Mannerismshe is as- tonishingly like Sir John A. Mac- donald. All interested in the poli- tical situation in Canada, Conserva- tive and Liberal alike, should not fail to see this convincing prophecy TO REPLY TO SLANDERS. It is said in railway circles that . the C. P. R., G. T. P., and C. N. R are about to unite with the Domin- ion Government . in an aggressive campaign to offset the "Back tothe United States exodus" yarns. Rail ways,•and Government will co-op- erate in. opening up new lands, Pushing settlement work, and in brief,' "carry the Warinto Africa." • HURON COUNTY RIFLE LEAGUE The match 'committee of the H. C. R. L. met at Carlow on Monday, 'Xu'29th;-1'9T0.—TI nest match, will be shot over -the Dungannon ranges on Tuesday, Sept. 277th, 1910 each competitor firing six shots, five to score and one sighter at each range. • Shooting to commen -ce at 9a.m. sharp. Ranges 200 and 500 yards. . Prizes are the same as formerly, with the'exception ofthe ' tyro prizes, which will .be lst prize $1.50; 2nd, 3rd. and 4th prizes, 51.00;: ' each, .5th, lith and 7th 50 cents each. Range officers appointed are: P. Naegel, Auburn; ...lames • Elliott, Dungannon; C. McNeil, Colborne; 0. . McDonagh, Lanes. Register . Keepers—P. Sanderson, Lanes; C. Asquith, Auburn ; Tames Webster, St. Helen's; T. Allen, • Dungannon. Ndcoaching is to be allowed at the . coming :match. The annual.meet- ing'.of.the H, C.'R. L. will be at Dungannon ,on`September 27th, at the conclusion- of the match.-, - MINOR LOCAL There's .nip. n, the air, ' This is the month of fairs, - eptemhpr av v img flies! Listowel has acase of Small -pox. The threshing machines are. busy. The .Millinery Openings will.soon be with us again. • Large numbers of our citizens are attending Toronto Exhibition this week. •. A balky -horse caused some eiceit- went on the main .street Thursday afternoon last. After a liberal supply of gravel, they.. got him _started again. . W e want one hunired 'new sub- scribers added to the New Bra sub-, scription lists before 1910. 25 cents for for the balance of this year will give you the news of Clinton and vicinity. The word "Bello" is fast becom- ing obsolete in telephone ' usage, In all cities now, 'when answering the telephone call, it is the fash ion to give the•name of the person answering at once instead of say- ing "hello" It is very evident how 'much this'saves to the party: answering and the company ' fur- nishing the. service. . The farmer villa owns a farm is the particular person who is fixed. Banks may fail and 'factories close, workmen strike, and mines sus- pend, merchants fail and towns burn, tinge may be' short—but the farmer who owns his acres will get along. lie will live in comfort and quiet, with plenty to eat, drink and wear. . He is the most independent man on earth. Yet there are lots of then/ who do 'pot appreciate the situation, . .* r * *• • ROOSEVELT ON CANADA. * "The value of the provision frf) minimum agy* * (for depenelre * * upon excellent work done by * ' the administration in the ne- * gotiations with foreign pow-- * ers for its applieation, espeei- * ally the negotiations with the * Dominion of Canada, which * 1were the most difficult of all. * ;. And yet, in my eyes, the most * 1 import4nt, because I esteem "* it of vital eonsectuence that '* we should always bo on vela * tions of the highest friend- * * ship and goodwill with our * * great and growing neighbor * ' in the north." Theodore Roosevelt at * Sioux City. a * ii * + * * * i School Opens Tuesday, Sept. 6t1 Public School Scholars will require a few new books,' of which Geography, Composition, Arithmetic and ,$ygene arein stock , Grammar and History will be here soon, Collegiate Insti- tute books are nearly all to hand. Come early, and be ready when the bell rings. 0s,? Scribblers at 5e each and, ► for Sri our Lead Pencils at 2 for 5e and :t for be ate valved, We think every student will appreciate them. In School requirements, as in all other ways, ' we try to, be . QETEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS .THE BEST "4 W. D. Pair Co. • •0!RA1 STR. ATEfJRI?, ON7. The largest and best practical Training School' Western Ontario. There is 110o better o Dominion.. Our courses are thorou and practicgl, our teachers are ex- perienced, and we assist graduates, to positions. We have three departments;— COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEG- RAPHY. Write at once for our free cata- logue. D. A.'McLachlin PRINCIPAL WEDDED. A quiet marriage was celebrat- ed at the Ontario Street Methodist parsonage on Thursday afternoon last by Rev. T. W. Cosens, when Miss Luey Lockwood became the wife of. Joseph Wiiliam:Swan. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Corina Lockwood, while the groom wassupported by Robert Cochrane. After a -short honey, - moon trip to Toronto and other points Mr. and Mrs. Swan will settle on their farm in'Goderieh.Town• - SHOULD HAVE. TAKEN WATER:•" The London' Advertiser of 'Sat- urday had the following :—Mary Hennessy told the court 'she• tame from Clinton,-.. and had a spoonful Of »burned whiskey because some- one told her it was good for weak nese: • The 'court reminded Mrs. Hennessy that everytime she came to London she managed to,start a celebration_ which landeher• behind the :bars. Mrs. Hennessy rrotested• that she had only had the' one spoonful.' However the p0lieeman who arrested her, stated that she was very muchintoxicat cd, and that -sale did' not know where she was evert Bonne hours »later. ,"I will fine.' you $3," said the magistrate, Mrh; Hennessy paid the fine. - GOOD SHOOTING J. -Johnston, of the.. Dungannon' Rifle Ass'n., ;made, 'ten straight bulls -eyes 'at the 5,00 -yard. » range' s •S••rlb••sONseeosie•ismo CENTRAL • BUSINESS : COL ! LEGE located in Toronto, offers bestF • - duce nyoung oleo a ewts for in- -nd 1 om who wish to qualify • Vroinptly for assured ?positions in IP bueiuees offices, at fair salaries. • • Write for new catalogue, • • SW. It. SHAW Principal; Yonge it Gerrard. Sts., noronto • whilepracticing here Monday, af4 tern,00n. When the was shooting;; Was very dark and there was a mist. rising ft om the river in front o f the t Make Much difference rtotMn. John- stop's marksmanship. Last week Capt. Elliott made six bullseyes at the same range. • • Several fires were caused by, lightening in western Ontario, EEE_ S P O R�T S , The Ontario Intermediate foot- ball championship game was play- ed off at Niagara Falls between Green River and • colonials Satur- day afternoon in Queen Victoria Park, and resultedin a victory for the Colonials by 2 to 0. This gives Niagara Falls the championship by. one goal, Green . River having a lead of one from) the first game. The former game . that was pro- tested by Green River on account of the playing ground being two , feet Short ef, the regulation length resulted same as Saturday's. 2 to 0 , in favor of Colonials.. • BIBLE SOCIETY —V-- To theDditor of. the New Nra It will be, interesting to many whoenjo ed . - an evening : • in the Town Hall "" somje 2 or 3 .years ago . with'13ev. W.. -E. Hansard, toknow, that the executive - have secured him for Oci'.•`5th, when he will give an address with' a number ofaddi- tional views.- Fell particulars, With posters later. -J. GREENE, ''res.. Town Council. It looks like another 'busy fall in town this year if the Council can: carry out their plans for. Civic Ian- . provements.. Considerable side- •walk is being;,put down principally in lower • St. James • Ward 'where walks' are badly needed, and on Monday, night last at their regul- ar meeting the .Council decided to ask for more men, many teams and mac atone inorder,.. that .Albert street up to Bakers corner may ©. l_ macadamized before . the snow, flies. , - The farmers are asked .to help to; supply the teams and . the stone, and any who can .assist in this way iihould report at once to the Street Committee. The ]cowling Club inade a request for a grant of $25 towards enter+ tabling the British Bowlers, but it was not granted. The ' Waterworks- contractor as finally passed by the Engineer, were all approved by Council; The Waterworks Committee reported that 128 serviees had been com- pleted and•that the total number ••••••N•S••••••••••••••s• 1 of applicants was now 155. 4i1++l++F+1++3+4+4. +4+4+4- +4 4. ++€+ f'4++l++i++i+4,+ffi44+H'4++++4++++++4+. 14+ 4++1++1'+++4+43 4. +t+, .,, ,„÷: + . ,.., Clearing alT,,.: We are still busy clearing out the balance of % our Summer stock.For the past three weeks we +*ss,+. have had good succ^ ess in cleaning up odd lines, .i. 44. +l+ but there's more to go yet, in. Men's, Women's 4' and Children's Oxfords, Pumps and Slippers, • • which will be closed out at wholesale prices for .g. C 4..S .. 4. 4.. 4. 1: Black' and Colored Oxfords, Patent �. int Leather, Kid and Gun Metal Calf Pumps • Slipper's - ACK•SON'S + ++i+ '1' 41* 4, 4+ +i+ 4. 4, Repairing neatly done and 4 Promptly attended to. 4+4++i+4++i+• 3+ 4+4x4+4.4+ i+o 4+ +� � 4+4++t+4.4�4+ 4+4.4+4+4.4+. 4.4'4:4'4+4++t+4`4+4+ '4 FRED JACKSON ++t•44+44++ ++t:4++t+++F++ +%+t++i++.++4++1+43 3+3'++*+ 4,+++.+ +3++1•;i -+ti + +!!0' +f!