The Clinton New Era, 1910-09-08, Page 7Sep Btkl, 1910
Give the children Cowan's Per-
fection Cocoa and drink it yourself.
It is the best beverage for young
and old. 15$
Curious Instruments That Were Used
In the Middle Ages.
In an old tower in Nurewburg there
is a room set apart especially for the
i preservation of the curious instrn-
ments of torture used during the nn•
certain period historically referred to
as the middle ages. •
In that room you can see thumb,
screws of the most approved pattern
closely arranged along shelves filled
with "liar helmets" anis "bridles" for
goesiping women. One horrid relic,
called the "spikewheel," is a heavy
cylinder on one side of which stand
out two or more score of sharp iron
spikes. In days of old when an of-
fender bad been sentenced to undergo
a "rolling"- he was stripped naked and
firmly bound on a prank, face down. '
In this position the "spike wheel" was
`slowly dragged np and down his back,
the number of times depending upon •
the gravity of the grime and the word-
ing of the sentence. •,
In several instances the poor victimfil
were prodded ftp full of holes that they
'died before they could be removed i
?row the plank. When death was in-
tended -the number of "roue" was not I'
specifle(1, but double length spikes; 1
wan a aasb (v-) to represent norm
and body. The Phoenicians adopted
this letter, and from them we get our
V by loss of the dash, leaving only
the two ;little horns of thertginal pic-
ture. This snake is still Vommon in
Egypt and is probably the one men-
tioned in Genesis xiixe-17, "Dan shall
be a serpent by the way, an adder in
the path, that Meth the horse heels, so
that his rider :shall fall backward."
Travelers tell us that it is still addict-
ed to this unpleasant habit.
Wet Weather and' Camels.
Camels are very sensitive to mots•
tare. in the region of tropical rains
they are usually absent, and if they
come into such with caravans the re-
sults of the rainy season are greatly
feared. The great h,ulnid(ty of the air.
explains the absence of the camel from
the northern slopes of the Atlas and
from 'aU wooded Abyssinia. This
sensitiveness expresses, itself in the
character pf different races. The fin-
est, most noble: looking camels, with
§hort silk -like hair, ttrp .found in the
interlot of deserts, as in tit@.. 'aureg
region in north Africa, and they can-
not be used for journeys to moist re-
gions. Even in Fezzan, south of TriP-
eli. the animals are shorter and fatter,
with long coarse hair. and in Mg
l lted red hot, were put In the surface 1 lands and n coasts it is the same.
of the cylinder. This mode of carrying
whoa fiiitindee toe, ele1e serviceable
,out capital punishment was hardly ds` is regards speed and endurance.
i'expeditiQuP Is the guillotine, but it For
'was equally certain,, •1 foie Eyes of the Mus Ox.
't• The skull of the bull :Musk os• re-.
i = +GIANT BUTTERFLIES. markable for the,•deyelop'triLfnt o -the
I eye,' OI!DII ' Nvhich project sufficiently
Have a Wing Spread Greater Than
That of Many Small Birds.. `
The largest butterfly known to nat-
uralists Is found only in British New
Guinea, and specimens are worth any -
beyond the plane of the frontal bones
to eumpensate for the interruption the
horns would otherwise make in the
range of vision. The musk ox, how'•
ever, does not seem to rely greatly on
thing from $100 upward. The male keenness of sight, far less on acute -
measures eight inches across the Hess of hearing, for the ears are of
wings and the female not less than small dimensions and are completely
covered by the heavy growth of fur
about them. The organs of scent are
evidently more highly developed. and
they exact of the bunter his greatest
eleven inches, a wing spread exceed -
,Ing that of many small birds.
The story of the first discovery of
this gigantic butterfly is a curious one.
.says the Wide World Magazine. A cunning.
'naturalist saw a specimen perched on
the top of a tree and.• failing to cap- . A Street In Moscow.
_..._______ ..mre -•iL -by =any other-means.-finally-I--Oneestreet-ineieloecow; ltliasrritsliaya
shot it.
From the fragments he decided that
e the species was entirely unknown to
science, and he forthwith -fitted out an
expedition at a cost of many thou- wares to good advantage. Many win- •
sands of dollars to go in search of the dows'are devoted to large exhibits 'of
magnificent insects. various Mechanisms, and at a certain
Two members of the party fell vic- hour in the afternoon these machines
tims to the Papuan cannibals and an-
ere so far as possible set in. motion' to
other was rescued only in the nick of .give practical illustration of their
time. In spite. of • this inauspicious workings. -
commencement to his enterprise, bow- ___.---- ----
ever. the naturalist persevered and • : .
ultimately succeeded in obtaining a Odd Hair Styles..
number of perfect specimens. Some of the New Hebrides people do'
their hair•up in a`bunch on the top of
origin or the Letter V. ' - the head ',and stain it yellow,. while
The letter V may be regarded as the the .inhabitants of the Ombai islands
mutilated remains of one of the sym- - pass it all through a, tube so as to
make a kind of .plume. The Marquesas
toes used by the ancient chief'#favorite method is to shave all
their hieroglyphics or picture ,We- I'
ove •
A. common animal in their country was 'the head except two patches, one r
the -two -horned sand viper, asrepresen• eachvtemple,'where be cultivates two -
talion of which stood for V. r The , .horns- or`ttair. 'No -doubt -this -is -to -
priests ultimately found that for the i render him more a thing of .terror to
practical purposes of everyday life it his enemies than admiration to his
was a waste of time to use elaborate., friends. His reason for shaving the
illereglyphics and invented a kind of rest of the head is to allow more spar _
shorthand to meet the occasion. In for tattooing, as if all the motile'e
this the snake was reduced to a V i skin of the body were not encu}?' ,is-
Ulitza, is devoted almost entirely to
stores selling machinery. The • win-
dows of these shops are large and of
plate glass and display the various
'rho Clinton Now Ern
war to SOUTH
Story of a Young Man, a Girl and
an Automobile.
[Copyright, 1910, by American Press Asso-
"For downright ehuckleheaded mean-
ness." said King, "ibis town has every-
thing in central New York pushed off
the map,"
"O -oh! Is that so -o?" said Zeb Wil-
liams, the town constable.
"I -I suppose you heard what I just
said?" stammered the youth as he col-
lided at the store door with a pretty
girl, "1 fear that in my haste I was
too general, 1 didn't mean to include
the whole town."
"You needn't explain," she said
quickly. "I know how they treat pec•
pie in automobiles."
King murmured something about its
being of no consequence and had start-
ed toward his car when, to his surprise,
she followed. "If you want to go to
South Johnsville," she said, with
friendly assurance, "I'll . show you
"Somehow or other I've a notion you
live in that big brick house back in the
trees by the four corners. Get in and
I can set you down at your door, and
you at the same• time can point out
Which road I'm to take."
Then the girl surprised him' again.
She accepted the invitation.
In the seat beside him, she showed
intelligent interest in his valves and
levers, and the conver:elrtion luring the
brief but swift run t4. th'`.11 ;a'^±
was mainly.technlcal in its nature.
"Let me take you, n'round the square
and finish thq.4esson." he said. "It's
lotfIv or. five miles, and I'veall
afternoon to get where I'm going."
"I should just love to," she replied,
with a frankness he bad learned to
is the only emulsion lest
tated. The reason is plain—
it's the best, Insist upon
having Scotes--it's ,the.
world's standard flesh and
strength builder,
dered King's. And as the girl. quick-
ening her pace at the unexpected sight.
reached the gate an ominous donble
click announced that the irons nad
locked about his wrists.
Hampered as be was. King still
fought. with elbows. with shoulders.
with knees, with feet -fought as prim•
Rive man might have battled blind
with rage against overwhelming odds
-while the body of the car lurched on
its excellent springs as if traveling
over a hummocky road. But the three
villagers were gradually crushing him
him loth submission 'and in a few sec-
onds more be must have yielded, a
breathless and humiliated captive,
when help came from an unexpected
quarter. Fully occupied with the
struggle, none of the four 'Men noticed
that the silent spectator bad advanced
beside the car. She leaned forward,
avoiding with difficulty their thrashing•
bodies. and suddenly from the throb-
bing motor shot a series of those vio-
lent, unmuf3led explosions so alarming
to uninitiated ears. •
The effect upon Zeb Williams and
his two panting aids was instanta-
neous.. With smothered ejaculations
they simultaneously let go the prisoner
andArilightened up to gaze in .alarm
i! the bobde/S.1p0tor which seemed on
the point of tearing itself to pieces.
Then, before ;they had a chance to re•
cover their wits, the car started;for-
ward with a jolt that threw all, three
over the mud guards into the road.
On being released King also had
started to rise, „but the jerk of the car
only sent him sprawling back auto the
seat next the driver's. There his right
shoulder came in contact with a gray
clad arm stretched put to the steering.
wheer and,•'wistin is out he found
the seat ` he had " formerly occupied
filled by a young lady, with flushed
cheeps and tousled hair intent at that
moment on shegkifig-T rialflehrtie's• aVF
Vance into the fence. Ile had not seen
her jumpin. but he realized that she
must have performed this hazardous
meat in the jb
stl'Veeely. rief, interval
that fiid fhte1011e •Si Me his. antago•
nists had lurclittl out of the car..
By the :line 11e had .raised his man-
'IciecI hands to :help ber the girl bad
already brought lite automobile back
on the road. Tele heflet his hands
drop op his knees im befnoted the skill•
iT mai ner15 \�� tic
�she manipulated
the levers and sent the car skinning
along at a speed that: quickly placed
them beyond hearing of the frantic;
commands of the constable. Fors; •'n'
quarter of a mile Williams and. his
assistants kept up the ho(ieless pure
suis. Then a bend in the road hid
thein from sight, and Piing saw them
no more. „
"And you let think I was giving
yet your first lessons," said King,
speaking for the first time.
The girl deftly brought the machine
to half speed before she replied, and
then she did not answer his implied
question. "We ought .to reach. South
Johnsville in fifteen or twenty min-
utes," she announced. "Whose house
there shall I take you to?" ' -
"Oh, look here," exclaimed the'
youngman, allat once• realizing his
-position, "I can't let you get into
some blacksmith nearby where I can
have these things flied off?" •
"No It was my fault," she asserted.
"I got you into this scrape, and I'm
going to see you thronsh. Von needn't'
„ ',e
Au LAW.",
expect "Br 4• 4.'ns,' getting all dusty.
Will' you Balt until I run up to the
house aur' Jet ft coat?"
a mat -forever," asserted King.
Sail%.ctnly he felt.a heavy hand on his
hi a�w4r ana a 'ti'iu'n1X3haLtt shout -M-
""vQuick. boys! I've got. him! Here,
'o'a young' squirt -no use tryin' to git
away from me!"
King made a hard fight and with
superhumaneffort got the better of his
opponent. Re -enforcements, however,
deprived him of his advantage,for two.
brawny young farmezrs, arriving on the
run; tore his grip loose, and Zeb, step-
ping to the ground and throwing back
his coat to reveal a shining metal
badge attached to his left suspender,
announced: - •
"I hereby arrest ye in the name of
the law fer exceedin' the speed limit."
"Thought ye'd show off before the
squire's darter, didn't ye?" taunted.
one of the youths who had rescued the
constable. "When her pap comes back
ye'll have a chance 'to tell him all.
about it. He's justice of the peace, he
is; and he's death on city scorchers."
"The squire won't be ter home till
tomorrer," 'announced Zeb Williams.
"But, with the help of these here
bracelets, Y guess we kin take good
care of ye. Hey, boys?" •
As he spoke he drew from his pocket
a huge pair 'of antiquated iron hand-
"011, see here," protested King. "you
don't have to do that. I'm ready to
pay my fine, but you have noright to
put me in handcuffs."
"Guess I haven't been constable 'of
this town fer twenty years without
knowin' my rights." retorted Williams.
'•Hold him tight, boys."
Compared with the struggle that
then ensued the previous bout between
King and the constable was a mere
sparring match, for as Williams ad-
vanced with the handcuffs extended
King glimpsed a slim figure in a long
gray .coat emerging from the house,
and the thought of appearing ridicu-
lous in her eyes lent him the strength
of two. But his assailants were three.
and plow and shovel had made their
muscles as hard if not as supple as
the bat and rlicket and oar had ren
111111111 1 iI I III III' 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IVD_
wet 1 _
klegetable7,41 atiottbrAs-
lmilattr (i `f'nad•Atta<tguta-
.� lhi rtlmachsowels of,
promo ^ �gestio C:leerfUl-
hess, Rest.Contairts neither
Opni�a.. •orphaned 'Itr r Mineral
iarieNAn C o:r I e.
knee/pId7 S•1MMEt1
2imy,ttw seek'
AlwJenner •
RAsia Sea
Nev.Seed -
faylei" 'i rorty:
Aperfect Remedy for Conslpa-
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrtxlea,
loess mid LOSS OF SLEEP.
TacSi��mitppe�Signature of
N1W -YOBti.
At (3 months old •
35 Dosr.s-35Cr_NTs.
niv:d uni
Fir T.nfants and Children.
ate Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the .
dor Over
Thirty Years
tHa C NTAUR SOMPANV, ncri vows orrv.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound:
Tho great Uterine Tondo, and
only Salo of a teal Monthly
Regulator . ldin ethhreee, dear
of strength -Ne, 1,8; O. it,
10 degrees stronger ; Ne. 8,
for Special eases,�6 per box,
Sold by all drugaiets, or tent
prepaidon rove ppt of price.
worry about me. My aunt, Mrs. Ap.
pleweite, lives In South Johnsville, end'
obeli, see that I het back home all
4'Mirs. Appleweite, did you say?'
"Yes," responded the girl without
meeting his gaze. "Do you know her?"
"Know herd" cried fling excitedly.
"I should any I do. Why, it's ber
house 1 was bound for. Her son, Joe
Applewaite, is one of my best friends,
and I'm going there to stay over Sun-
day. "Say," he went ma joyfully, lean-
ing forward the better to see ber face
-"say, you aren't Emily Verone, are
you? For if you are we're as good as
old friends already. I've .heard Joe talk
about you and your family ever since
I knew him. In fact, the chance qt
seeing you was one of the inducements
he offered in connection with this
"Of course I'm Emily Verone," she
replied. "Do you mean to says Joe
never told you what 1 look like?"
"Dozens of times. But -well, be al-
ways spoke as if youwere a little girl
with pigtails, and, besides,be never
half did you justice."
"You might bare suspected some-
thing when I was so ready to ride with
--you. Girls don't generally accept such
an invitation, you kuow. from any
stranger that happens along. Why. 1
knew who you were the minute you
said South Johnsville."
For a moment King could think of
no defense. But his crestfallen ex-
pression and the incongruously belp-
less figure he made, sitting disheveled
and handcuffed by ber side, dispelled
Miss Verone's swift April anger more
effectually than anything he could,
have said:'
Suddenly she laughed aloud. "Won't
Aunt Margaret and Joe be surprised
when 1 come honking up to their dour
with a captive in chains?"
who need the services of expert speeialiste
why waste your moneyin treating with
doctors you know nothng of, why waste
your money with worthless electric belts
or drug store nostrums, when you can get
guaranteed, reliable, successful treatment
from these Mister Specialists. Ors. K.& K.
have treated patients throughout Canada
for over 20 years and are responsible aean-
elally. They accept only curable cases and
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Then we will prescribe specific remedies
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that we send to everybody alike as most
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Send for our Free Booklet on. Diseases of
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'We Guarantee to Cure
Nervous Debility, Blood Diseases, Varicose
Veins. Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Diseases
iE unable to cell, writefor a Question Black
for Home Treahpent
Cor: Michigan Ave. and Griswold. St., Detroit, Mich.
All letters front Canada must be addressed
NOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
1t•� meat in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
e us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
o patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
aboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
rite for our private address.
"Yes," agreed Xing with restored emeses
Cheerfulness, "They'll 'yonder why
you thought cbaltift necessary
Miss Verone regarded itti'li' severely',
"A man in handcuffs shouldn't• make
speeches." -. - 'bra,;
"Very well." he answered. unabash-
ed. "1'11 reserve, the rest . until we
reach the Applet'nutes'."
"The rest?',',.
,•,.:1-3!0."rllere are lots more things I
might say. But haste isn't always
wise. even for a man n an automo-
bile.' F xL ' u�i S,s'.. lateeet
"There is no reason why we shouldn't
go faster." said Miss Verone as she
. reached for the., -speed control • -
Rhcu,nalisin Cured By
1IG PilI$.
Not often do you hear of a tae pre-
paration'being sold with a guarantee
to cure you. An absolute guarantee
goes with every box of FIG PILLS.
They will cureRbeuma.tism, Backache,
Bladder Trouble, Frequent Urinating,
Bnrning Sensation, Painful .Stitches,
Sluggish Liver'and alt Stomach Trou•
ble, If not;,your money back.
Entry Forms,-ancl nil inform/to'n from
London, Ca,n:i,da
Sept. 9th to 17th, 1910
$25,000 in Prizes and Attractions
rrite Great Live toek Exhibit'n.
Speed Events Every Day Dog Show—Cat Show
Athletic Day Monday
Music by the 91st Highlanders and 7th .Fusiliers
Atractions Better than Ever Fireworks Each Night
Reduced Rates over all Roads
Visit L.on.doxi'S Fahibitian
Free pamphlet. Address Tat
C10IM1Q0.,TOtONT0,O$T. (forestrlLWi+tdeorri
Cured by Lydia E. Pink-
Fox Creek, N.13. --"I havealways
bad pains in the loins and a weak-
ness there, and
often after my.
meals m y food
would distress me
and cause sore-
ness. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta.
ble Compound has
done me much
good. I am strong-
er, digestion is bet-
ter, and I canwalk
with ambition. I
have encouraged
many mothers of
families to take it, as it is the best rem-
edy in the world. You can publish this
in the papers." -.- Mrs. WILLIAM
BoURQtrE, Fox Creek, N.B., Canada.
The above is only one of the thou'
sands of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by the
Pinkham Medicim3 Company of Lynn,
Mass.,whichprove beyond a doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkhani s Vegetable Com-
ompound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate dis-
eases of women after all other means
have failed, and that every such auf•
fering woman owes it to herself to at
least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound a trial before submit-
ting to an operation, or giving up
hope' of recovery.
Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Moog.,
invites ``all sick women to write
thotlsoand Sto heath anhas d he
ad Ce is free.
tart' defendedn. Mr. Hanna, Provincial Seers it M. HUNT, Secretary
the appointment of J. REID, President
Joseph .Downey., Px-M.P.P., asSup,
erintendent of• Orillia Asylum.:
]}Y] e ry OUtIi
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Share of it
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❑e qUickest, least expensive and most thorough.
ethod of ;securing your share of this trade, and it
romises to be big this year, is .to let the people
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linton New Era
ur Job Department
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get us to replenish your supply, giving us time to
do you the very best work obtainable, Call and
let us figure with you on your job work and adver-
Color Work .a Specialty Here
The New Era to the end of 1911 to any ad-
dress not now on our list, for $1.00, The paper•
will be steadily improved,