HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-08, Page 2._.. _1_.11._1 .1...1.11_..- - _ UP. Now l raii _ e to pu:blished,'everyThursdayat Istamp"Selling Macn n s for AddI001141 Latitl � WS time Nasw.BrA.*Priutinga House► ="AQ WlstsfW , p. . .$ i TN" , •q U5b your Phone >nadvance : ma be char ed if, Canadian Cities, , Un» the Wephone to let The New Terms of aubaeri tion• - . per ear � E a know who are youlr guestq or not so paid. No paper discontinued ""'"'^~. Rive us any other local news of gene- • ` until all arrears are pAid, unless at the Toronto,, I•lamilttan,, ral interest. News Is what five want �iuuppt�ion of the publisher, The date to QtaWa Qt1d. • Wignipe> #O he and Vve will appreciate the favor, It wlsioh every aubsorlptionis paidie de- Provided With Them This Week. yon are seemingly neglected in the noted an the label. The lowering of the char obron}cling of local events it Is be. The rates.--Trauaieut silver- two. cents a letter from all arta of leading towns of the Kingdom. rause you neglected to call phone No. tcfselmlents,l0 cents per hopper@). lime p �. !or first Insertion and 3 cents per line Canada, the United State and theIA$ Fifty to be Tried, for each subsequent insertiou.:Sniall BrittishcEmpire; and to ane cent a The postmaster -General has or- MENTHOL in the form, of Iaavis' Avertieemente, not to exceed one Inch letter where the letter is delivered dared fifty of these machines and Menthol Salve is the best applica- toch 0 teoe � traye4, stolen, have added a by the way of satisfying Ili) 'r tion for rhos Rate. and Insect bites ,'Lost" » » "Istolon'" in the lilacs 3X1 which it, }� posted ► r 3S cents} .r one 1(r mendoualy to the to whether the machinea will and stings, Aid sores, etc. 20c a tin ' anon. forIll.Communicationsintendeil amount of .mail matter handled by meet the demand in Canada, whicl> at druggists. Iter publicationmust, as a guarantee of the Canadian past Office Depart- he , t,,'cipates,is having them, er- HAVE TkIEY 2 food faith, be accompanied by the ment. To such an extent is this eeted at central points in Ottawa came of the writer. the ease that . the department is Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. The Municipal; World is supposed To insure publication in current sometimes. overtaxed to -handle D eratin at all times, it is expect to be an authority on all questions p g esus copy of advertisements should be business, se Qxpellitiously as it ed that tL�ey wPl} prove of meati- arising froth municipal councils slid feelat in early. requi• i, and it has bad to, look mable value in the wee#ing' of a in reply to a recent query on the 0ontract rates -- The tollowin table about for devices to assist it in .its g public need, subject of dog by-laws. they have • shown our rates for specified periods, work, The selling of Its postage answered as follows. $'The council t : and space, stamps to meet the ex acting dei Simplicity With Precision. has: no authority to pass a by-law 1 yr, 6mo. 3100. lmlo man 9. of T public who are peremp- The machine is simplicity itself, Imposing a tax on dogs,.. The act �_ . 1 Uolumn 117500 $4000 W ell $1000 tory -in . egard to its postage aXtd can b .e replenished y t' Passed last session of the Le isla- f } column 4000 26 UO 1600 600 service has for some time been: ly Without cost. In England ft ale five imposed the tax mentioned i Oolumn 2500 15 00 8 Qo 3 00 v i g problem. But it is believ- estimated that a machine selling therein on dogs in every mtinicip- }} column 1800 10 00 550 200 ed the. solution has: been found, ° $10 worth o f stamps a day or over alitq, and it is, the duty of the'coun- I Jaiah 600 850 200 AStamp-selling Machine: $$„000 worth a year, can be loaded eii to collect it, and by-laws that Contract display advertising ,10c per at an expenditure of time Or not have hitherto been passed by noun- inch, per issue. For some years past experiments more than two hours in a year. It cils under the authority of subsec- W. H. SI�•ttit & Sox have been made in stamp»vending can be fixed on pular boxes, in tion 3 of section 540 of Consolidated machines which would deliver hails of hotels, flats,. country Municipal Act,1803, and which were i.stamps automatically when the . houses railway stations, shops, in force when the repealing section CLINTON ERA proper amount was paid . The public' buildings theatres mail was p4osed can, of course,. now Hon, Mr. Lemieu, - Post -M aster Steamers seaside plac>rs of amuse- have no, force or effect, as their' General, has ,been following these men t, and otherplaces where provisions as to taxing dogs have Y CLINTON. ONT,. SEPT. $, I8Y0. $xPeri. ents with interest; but ung stamps are (requi red . Itis proof been superseded by those of the til recent) results have. not against tamPerin g, immediately statute." - . -- I been such as would warrant the rejecting ' , 1 it foreign coins and false BEARINE, the standard hair *• FOURTEEN MISTAKES OF LIFE. poataffice in embarking on a coins without operating the mach- scheme of this kind, Now how- ins, It Is inters#ing to cote ' that pomade, is made from the grease --- o the Canadian Bear, Almost any man of forty willsub- ever, a machine lies been perfect» twelve machines lieu ld which has 1110' • "' ,�, SMitchell.,:.,, 1. , tailwoy T q Table Polo 1.oWon,;Huron and Bruce. North �.:_ -�„:_ --., p . W” BUTDxlll X14 l,ondan. elepart.•... Passenger 8.3(3aln 4,5U p m , >3aaRISTEIZ , OOa IOIToK wou Cantralla............ Rxeter...,,. ...... 0.40 0,53 5,4:1 5,51 1'l7$1,I0, ETp, . QTi1N',i`Q]0 Hensall............. Rippen..... ..,.. 10.08 10,16 6105 6,11 11 0NARLE S ,i. RRt,E Brucefiell .......... 10,30 ' 6,18 REAL I�,STATE ANL xNISURANCF►. Clinton ....,,.,,..,, Londesbortt, .,..,,,, 11.05 11.18 0.35 652 Huron St., Clinton, Blyth.,..... 1,,,111 $elgrave,,...,,,.,., 11.27 11. 7.00 K N Win9ham, .arrive... 11.50 7.35 No Public on ,lei. j - I , Notary c, Conveyancer, South Pssesengsx Financial and Real Estate, Win;gbam, depart, . 0.4s a in 3.33 p In TNSIIBANCE A,0surEN _R9premse84UVg i4 FAre lg. 13elgrave ..... ......... „., Blyrb ...,..:....,.� 8.54 7.0$ 3,44 • 3.� DivU •./ - OIU,Oertr(a �Q!>5cet, Londesboro,. , . , . , .. 7,18 4.04 B01i�nton......., ... ruceaeld,,, 7.50 8,12 4,2;3 Medl�,s l* ..... HKippers..... ...,,. eneall 8.23 .. 4,80 4,41 p e Ip�y 11),8 OW. W. q IROMP4041 . - ........ ,,..,, Bxeter__. .....,,. Centralia ......... , , 8,82 8,48 0 0Q 4.52 5,05 5,15 iioian , $urfieon. oto eueolai attention��ivet to 4hos o,, cf the Eye, Ear. London, arrive,..:'. 1.000 B,lq Throat, and' Noee, Eyes carefully examined, and suitable, slassea ' Buffalo and t�roderich Iresaxtbed. West Passenger MOO and Residence, Tw* Aeon! Brest of the eo •eroiai l oeoR AM Stratford......., 10.00 12 20 pin P m 5.2a.. 70.`Ii• l Haran at. 4 tatoMitchell...,.....10,22 t3eaforth.. , . ..10.45 12.45 1.10 5.55 X0.47 0.18< 11.12 Dr,: W. Crnnn n , . , ......11,07 Holmes>+llle,...,11.10 1.25 1.33 0.40 31.281 o46 12:88 Dr. R. time, If., a, A I.., L a, 0, 06. Zdlw- 09toe+Oatatio Street, Clinton. inti t a«]y 40, frontdoorof office or roodenee. (}oderich,,., ...11-35 1.50 7.00 11.55 Street, burr. Fast passenger office )lours at spital—t to g p.m... T to 9 r.at, GoderiGb .... . Holmeaville , ... . 7. 0 . 7. 26 p >n. , p m, 2.40 4,50 2.57 DIR, J. W. SHAW,. .Clinton, 1I , • • • • • Mitchell .... .... , , 7.35 ?.52 .3.25 5.00 $ 07 5.15 5M 3layolcl[As. NURGIC01q, cconebenr, etc,; OMce and residence ow tenbury St., opposite W. k'arran'e ...,, X8.16 3.48 5AMI Maidenee, e so over tratford, -1 --:...;. 8,40 4,15 6,20 scribe to the fact that he has in his ed, which has been submitted to 250,000 stamps in five months. If a the heaviest Coat. 0i h Stir of a,31y O � exhaustive testa with results so man were to serve 5000 customers anWal' 50c a jar, ,The Language � A. AXON, ;h own career made host, g not all, of , g ge of Flowers, - neatrT>ra c the mistakes which Judge Rantoul, good as to .give the Postmaster a day more than one a minute, he TQWNa"HIp EXPENBITURES.. •*'^'- aerwie.Aa r ,. of the City of London Court, re- General reason to believe that. would take 500 days to�'•serve 250,- he , Apple blossom Preference, r Rei s ldae worn Aopecialiy; theJeentl' stated -t n public speech what lie has been looking for has: wo. ld tak e50 T people of an Illinois county Bridal rose � ]:Ia aye, � �� _����o n�pR� at a.c.n.s,. Ghioaso, and �•o*n,s. be considered to be fourteen car- been accomplished. #hep they day held a eelebratidn In Chryeantiiemum p Ilpve., t' - 8oi�dn 4is'q•sdiaya, l><sy lst dinAl errors of life. "And," added 'A British Inventiox}, Selling Large .Nunberll, honor .of the payment of the final Far01 t0 henlE to>ueiber the Judge, "I think I have the The machine Is a, British invent- I bond of a million dollar liability in. Camelia - BXCgllei_See, , A British -company was formed a Calia lily= 3%odesty, r« ; rheOsEramtarm rotas greatest fitness for speaking on ion, and has been tried thorough- year ago to operate the British coned in the b:lilding of a court C°rnfloWfir ,.• Lie Tp„ gp acres ,flth Con, of tloderich• D �' ly at two r IiNaC , a es is offered to rent. Apply to ! owun� this subject, because I have com points all a the demand rights, The Chairman of the com h use forty years ago. Twentyy. C'ar'nation .Fascination, JOgH coot, or to Mils, J. $A)ly to '� witted every one of them, I The for stamps in small quantities is pang, Sir WilIiani Preece, the well thousand people were; we are told, Dais Clinton t? LSTElol,, flBtil. � To list is well worth the serious per- greatest. One is in the British : known consulting en in attendance, the bond was burned y "- Innocence, �f usal of young or. old- the former House of Commons, the other Is in at the head of the g;Te r, • was by .the governor of the State; and Daffodile - Unrequitted love., . '""*' Offices over O'1@EIL'S fttore, that they may perhaps escape mak 'Threadneedle street; near the Bank ' Department of the British )seraph Red rose - Bashful love. IIOtl + t3peoisi .oftpe talson to make p band music and parades gave ex- S and Lot tor Sale. dental ireat:� ing some of these very mistakes ; of England and at what is probab , office fpr man post- For -get -me -hot •- Relnembz'ance. *aelgt as. painless to poetiiblq. pression to . popular rejoicing over . y years. The British relief from the last section. f a Geranium. -. taentility, -, the latter they may be hum- ly the moat crowded square in the f company. is placing its machines o , Gold The conveniently -located house, neat io T, bled by realizing how many ofthem . world. The tests were . so satisfac+ l very successful) of on load of debt: 8N rod 17n ilii ' - jo#Y1AtIt, W -h s a • 1 .with p , n ttenbury street, containiog pine they likewise have made. Judge tory'that the British y' Y The incident is Bugg HOertease - ContentMent., rooms. Tho Louse ie, a recently re -omit one �-•u postoffictd the postal authorities at home ggestive of Helitrope -- Df, otion„ . and in excetlentOPlyt. AgEELEY stable o ` THOMAS Rentoul's list is as follows...- has ordered a Xiumber:.of those f and abroad but likewise with var- the care shown all-over North Am gone su >a tLep, Ckeel A plyito.g n �✓MAS GUNDRY To attempt to set up our own maehinesi. for : use in the.. principal ious firms, hotels, etc„ where the erica by *bnunicipalities. in £roan- • y c le `- Happiness. � . p sE>,LBy, Live stock and general Auc io r postoffice's in London and in the find commercial application, y crit imanagement, Expenditures Hyacinth - Constancy, t nae standard er right and wrong, and Y -- Fidelity. Fleid Stoae wanted expect everybody to conform to kept within .close bounds;¢ debts Jasmine Only for thee, --,� , GQi�ERi1CH Qh1T - , it. T--- are incurred only for necessary, . Eattnetoo,S sales ti a eoiaitp, t)rderg d as To try to measure the enjoy11 ment - purposes. and all indebtedness Cary Jonquil -Affection, T pay y;3.75 ae ofoe Clinton, pr4animy ahtemocd. Els Town of Olittton will. x g » of others by our own. Wlil There be a Scarcity li'f fvORi TiIIS Year? mentviear b Proviszgn'for. re a - Lad.Y a slipper, Fickleness, cord for field stone, , for road building, per to, Terme reseoaable, Farmers tale .=oM 3' Y year of the prinepal White rosebud Girlhood, Apply t0 '1'I3C)i3, $1AC01, dieaoanted To expect uniformity of opinion . Herein Ontario for example the, Violet rose. Simplicity. Phairrman of Street Com. in this world, ' - �- - - bonded indebtedness of township t Violet -.- F To look for judgment and experi - municipalities amount to only, Faithfulness. �%. �. WATUN. Snowdrop �.. Hope. encs in youth. The coal question .promises to .become one of greatest concerns about $5 per capita; PQPPY -- Consolation. Faris Far Sale OC t0 Rent Ltcensea auctioneer io among manufacturers this .year, Numerous reports stating` that pansy -Thoughts of you. r the County of Huron - To endeavor to mold all disponi- the coal industry, in the west is in a distressing condition have '—`"� Correapondenee promptly answered, . Immed-� ONE FACT 'ia better : than ten Nasturtium = Splendor. Being 36 aCCes;' meati late arrangements for sale dates can be made to alike. caused 'enough alarm among manufacturers, but the latest devele hear'says.-Ask Dr. Burgess, Supt. Mignonette - Good q►ralities well water yin grass, and by calling at the NEW BRA office, or with Frankm Hospital for. Insiine Montreal for g ed ; small orchard, frame Watson at MoEwan a grocery, Charges Moder- - Not to yield in unimportant tri- one regi point. toward , similar conditions. in the east if immed p ,. Mari old •-.Co-ntempt,. lienee and barn. Two miles from ateaz�d satisfaction auaranteea fles. late relief is not forthcoming, : his •opinrnn o£ "The. D.&& -L." Men- Lily of the Valley..- Uncon- Clinton, on Huron )toad, Iles to. To look for perfection in our own Prices this year will soar.as. high' and )nay' : surpass those thol Plaster. The genuine . made aciotls sweetness, MRS, GUNN IIo G. D M, ' ' actions. which prevail ed. after the anthracite strike in 1902, according to • only by Davis &- Lawrence Co. m 1 To worry ourselves and others Black Diamond the coal • 1 et7vi le, �o+gaggart M, D .MoTaggrk Paper, The -idleness ., .the coal mines NC W FISHERY INSPECTORS, �y Me 1 agger r • B '®�' about what cannot be remedied, at Illinois aloneE's not the determining factor," states the •c oal V'h�1. i, anon 'to=day' tire not only goiin a position to move all the: coal- The 40 netiv Federal fishery l dr e:n C.:r + BANK Not to alleviate, if we can, all journal. The railroads sire not present time, The mines in a er- insi?ectors_ for t)n'tario , will be - ia1liClre115 �l�allte'd, aR5 QR ,FLETOER'S that needs alleviation, that is b'ein demanded at the n to be, called upon. .to su l.. appointed-duri6k the winter and "" g g •�• 5000:o}itckens wanted nal tOctoberand $ T ST , CLINTU 7 _` Not tv make-ailowanre afar tire- -the-d,Y-t-o-dal-tuant dem.a-rd•s-male--u-pon-1414nais-ee.a4- arrangements be. -made . for - them 0 A S it 0 R' I A November for fattenfn LBER weaknesses of others. Inert .supply that •and also the denaa.nds•ineiclent to. tile. cr a opt- �P p 7 • n 1; purpose, Wh (renrtil Sanliing • Jan 1 SNR To consider anything impossible a coal reserve, u of � the intention 'to have.at lea 3t one: p'TtowbgO1lerimo t --aged of he shi tltfsnsaCt "' una ge a encu• mo -t -00 -- The that we cannot ourselves perform, The manufactprers and householders in fa inspector for 'every fishing county .1 •bators and brooding hens burg. Prices et everybody who the proyinee. and sure to be high at the 73olmP it NOTES DJgGOIINTED To believe only what our finite consumes coal, has realized tliatthe •are in need of,a.reserve sup the pill them, 'sq that �++acvulent Feed For Lan►6s Poultr v le Drbfts�su�d.. Interest minds can grasp, ply to protect them during the sumfner months, The p Y can give then whole time -to Recent a Teriinents at the Iowa ex- y station. s sliowed 610 movement to hoard aitch a su general alis; work. Periment 'station show that with corn Phone 4 on•1 W. TRE WA deposits. .. To live as if the moment thetime uneasiness, PPY9 has .consequently caused the the day, were so important that it TEROVIM, the invadorating� ton•- at ordinary prices ,cheaper gaiva 'on. .. . would live forever, . lc; contains beef, the. nio�s't• streng- lambs' may, be made with dry feed 1'he at•>Atr l .� To -estimate people by some out- thening food in ilio rl east bulk; roots or silage, When corn - tiia�i tvltli Il�p Ittltt[aa8 . Side quality, for it is that within Lroti; which males rich red blood 'abs•silage are. low fat.pt3ce the..gairs FarJli for sale Fire Insurance eoi which makes the man, and .gives ,strength and vitalit t°' made ttr'tlz ii' September. Beneath the Orchard's spreadin boughs she stands, • September, rosy-cheeked, so lik the fruit She gathers from theheavy-lade shoot _Into her apron with her eager haii The autumn sun darts rays lik golden bands...._`.,. _- Down through the boughs a though to check the loot, And prison the fair thief at he pursuit ;. -But gay she laughs, and mocks at his demands. The grass and trees and shrubs be- gin to lose Their vivid green, and slow) turn to gold And brown and crimson, as though fain to choose A brief resplendence e'er Death's arms enfold. But sweet September sings her harvest song, And Death's forgotten as she trips along. -Donald A. Fraser, in the Sept- ember Canadian Magazine. $lcft Headache aey!tEee troabtes tact. dent to a bilious state of the system, cash an Dizsincas, Nausea, prowsinee_a. Distress after l•atiD Pain in the aide &a, While their most temargicable Success has been shown in caring ieadaehe, yet Carter's Little Liver Pipe ate -Ovally valnahinfn n.,n..t,.-.,_- ___.__ 'Ache theywoaldbealm,7pri�lce� e�totlfosoovho •nffor from this dist reesingcomplaint; butforta. nately their goodness does notend here,and those who once try them will findthese little pills vola. able in so many wage thst they will sot be w? 1. ling to do wlthoat them, But after all pick boas Aie the ket many tines that hoto ie tvLe}e wo era onr great boast, Ourpiite careit wh1l• other ado nt o. Carter's Lfttlo Liver Pills era very small slid very eaaq to take. Oneor two 1iillemake a does, Whey aro etrialqq vegetable and do not gripe or three, but by their gentle action plesscp)t W10 ,use them. ,3 C"T12It�1',,D�,I,clux�C�D,.`.>�1�11�>,;ft,, , 1 V VC /� p t1.e whole body*and Y i sage are a little cheaper Centre. part Lot 35 contalning 48 Rarnt end Isolated Town pta�e. oo►5tirvrl,.I L A xnn o.t,an.c�r pure Spanish Serr Wine t stiml� titan thea® made with dry teed. The: acres 'and North�50 acres on IJot 3(3; i0 erxy Only Insured. Y fa�rgest finial gains were made :by the acres or niers good hard wood bush OFFICEkS. ulafe the. digea't":ve a teens Inn. lambs • thus aid the asslmilafjon- •of the getting su r beets, and the fin- good Barn, stabling , .underneath, J $• McLean, fres}dent, Sea PQM for l at ' Iron and Beef. �isii of 'ti�IS lot w,rs O$o a -little better. geed Rog Pen and driving shed small Jas. Connolly, iTiae Pr forth 61.00 .a bottle at: ea., ()oder ch g t l oM •druggists,- 0^he. 'lot getting.. 'turnips amd 'cabbage Orchard, Frame house cellar, under Thos. E, Hays, Ser„ -Tress, required, the.Kiarn good well water at House -.and S rin , seaforth. -Y` SHOT INSULATORS AOTV.. gest :ainottnt •of mat- '8pring g 'D.I e , 'ter fot each. 10@D Ureek 'running through ;Lob .35. For RECTC1tS: ` iX-PN'QSIdiQ11t Raflg'e5 I111IiSel Wit]] ills Pf'S Tess The farmers Lon .'Dista Rounds gain.. 4tlage pprice apply nce Tel and d feed .tame -esti The least. Bl Ili. PP y to R. SCOTT;.`.. •Box' 88, JAS, Connelly, Holmesvilte;• j ohzc . p1. , . Imo@ ephone Company ofgficials,. in 'thee Y or on Lot 35 Ccn.13 Elullett,tw Watt, Harlock• G. D n V1�itlgi Of Re ttblicart Part , mount of dry matter. was required , ale, Clintoii;� Nt,.,. y vicinity of Blenheim,. are offering a wliero Chesney, Scafoitdi• NEW., YORK, Aitg. 31.-. The doze: liY all phases f Iifi reward, for the conviction of , Dar-� sugar beets and. mangels• were ,, J• Evans, Beech_,. d eon the farm. ties who have 3ieen c s' fed. 'ilio :chief, ob ' d _ it oon; J. G. Grieve Winthrop, Roosevelt announced his pa7'iti6d 13. l;egulations:of the tennis a i ing :t'Iiir!it: jec on .to mangeLs ,;ilt tOr Sale:, e and considerable • anno: apes- and. , _ and sugar. beets s t � . weir, Brodha en 1►T Y ex is the Jame,SmounY ”' conditions of soth_ot b. p g creed here to -.day, y com relish tense,. The ' ne y- have a line. to Erieaa Clinton of hand labor regnlred tm raise them. Being Pari ] bt 17 ;and Part s It`lig>• sive workmen s compensation acts, which passes throe h 1Jrie a 18, ,on 3fc the ro resaive movement avith e n iiatiial: g 43eacli, the 8th Lon; Liullett, containing 81 Each Director,is inspector o p g YiC°o�Ceg>rl maid:.tthelaree�mmilseciian-'lxe d frame house: and: iia his•owtt locality., in child In and Ills work of. wow- tween these Ytvo ,summer resoi"i s acres: Coo p f loses [la,. r the Republican party,.. I.t placed eii ; enforcement of better s horn• e- -- cod-drivaehed and scene ruff ty` anita- has been the Stamping ground for cxplagneiet. pen, with hen house above, Fo AGENTS, him on record as an advocate, of tion conditions for workers elle) ex; some yotiiig •fellows hi,itlt "onr atr .ciattresses," u�id.the ti ul r a, Ito tension of the rase of. safet a li- Las )rifles.' deal. C , .are, apply' to `W, 'II, bt. Smith• wl t,, a-. c., ..:. some policiea.trhich find favor with slices in .industry.'an y lyp t weelz 433 insulafora were shot ter, r"are >1iJE Sited. Ju tiliti :months of �ondesboro E,U . HE ,K, the insurgents, anis 'as an o • d commerce, off .and .in a<cou le of. • ia1irii and Way. J hat a •, or on the .premises; P places :the: y T ccounts. for Op 0th intra -state and inter -state, wires were cut, ?'lies promise, tq; their remattaable t�esillelnt uallti ant of every "special interest," 14, Clear division of . authority. make it' lively for •the wilt q �' . which he believes exercises a Minis- between national and state govern- ties. g Ym Is .the itir of tisane ,months better ROiiSG Q. ter influence upon the affairs oftlie menta, `�_ Itent.. Y .. than oWema3". . people. 45, . Diirect prim aries, mesoci- "They eve the toting anontbs,' cru • •An eight room house Mr. Roosevelt declared himself aced with coarrIll t practices its, kuow•."_V&%6hange. s with a-• to rent, in. favor of awide increased power 16. Publicity of campaign' con-, . Chil�,Te:n Cr Era gogd:celIar. Apply to New of the national government; so that tributions, not only beforeelections it might assume greater activity but after elections as well, ^ FOR 'FLET IE.R'S JUN5lce. in control" of corporations and in x71 Prom t removal of unFaith G /4 .Sr T The only •way to .Inaba the :mass•4f working out the policies which he ful and incom stent mankind ate the rt►eaa rot Justice 1s . POPelrty. til' ►dale P publit:'ser- ty j believes should be adopted. He de-- y.ants. by showiu fithem to ret dared for the "new a ationalism," 18, Provision against the per p' plain terms House and lot on Huron Streef as he termed such. an increase in! fornnance of any service for inter-. Weak Woman Against St 11 Smite �°ence of injuetiee,•-gydney also, lot on Rattenbury . Streets J She eon governmental power. 1 state corporations or the reeep- Monday, . He; (of :the ion •w G the property of. the late Alex, Col. Roosevelt characterized the tion of.atx com 'Vo m d �)__4 Mckenzie, Two story, ten roomed issue of the day as "thea struggle .such. corporations bgB hat anal ofm- a rqq q � NOt to•lbe considered ret 'ott ,:te the aoCfvihq mr[ tasaj� era! house with verandah, small Stobie of free men to gain and hold the ficera, went the .assuraace of :toamoruovs,r. tOgrersaet,Hard Iter .also a number right of self-government as agaits, t - „ Tnesda Y. 8e --Most eerie ___ o Soft, the special interests who twist the ,,,___.,, motion, tree w troy Cve 411 I t`- inethods of free government into not., It fs fidJcalous..preposteroue . . r Cottle. D Tag apply to rther in machinery for defeating the pope- Henry Vivian, M. P.:f orBirken -_ .�r lar will. I head Fro landi addressed the Union Wednesd I." HAD HEARS TRO jai v ga t or Thos Mc "The issue is joined; and we must g ap. 8e --Why, you mnstbe . ' ' - Mortgage S of. Canadian. Municipalitti eg..on crazy, . It's LWK "*8 * SUR"IM the most unreasonableills of �+�al`jill fight or fall," said he town planning' and town housing. , thing I ever .heard ot, It would bank .111ILB17R]i'S HFART A.. NEg The ex -president deela ed him- rept self in favor of these princloals ; - us4, I tellFOiL. -.It iS not to .be ,. C17RfLD 'Property V rizrs y I. Elimination of special inter, ; thought of1. RM,. . • Under n nd b este from polities, � - "- . . �„ 'Mr, Elexander Me'Is;edr ewers r in at certain f the 2 Complete and effective , ubii- , i.. 'I'hiirsda ,. , g , 1 Philips tgage, which Will be. produced at p Was 7'ro b� y He --haven t I told you N' 'S' B.D.R. A: --••"„Sevin testimeniala in .'the time of sale, there will b city of corporation affairs. ed With His { the B B•B Almanac of haw teen , e offer eve �a ono t >� Iter di t? �y h ted 3. W at r f Passage of laws prohibiting. ,. wY talkie about s f '1i the use sufferers had been helped b pop or sale by Public Auction on P y Milburn s Tuesday, the 20th day of Septem the use of corporate funds directly. Liver For that dsnlreaap • 1eart and, Nerve Pills, I thought mine bar, 1910; at the )toil , ,. Four Yearso ' settled? g Of course I would like to � would not be amr3s. x am a, m:an °of bet of r of 2 o clock in es indirectly f or political purposes , pkase yon, but it is eki ply out,of the ( &ft -four years, and have a n. theafternoon, at the Commercial es, y family of five Hotel in the town of b l 4. Government supervision of ( "”` question. ; children. ;A,bout two years ago i wile Thomas Brown the capitalization of all eorporat- I Doctors gave . film �-- - _•,n • r t,sufferer flow heath troub14 and life W48 following , Auctioneer. Clinton,the, ons doing an interstate business. to burden to myself aLe well Aa 0th ng `property namely_` t. . P'rJday, ae=-How much did yue s8y ' aM I The East half of Lot number s. Pe •-�. Personal criminal responsibi» that thing would cost? txniid f►at lie,on my left side and comb. Eighteen (18) in the Seventh its of officerd and directors of cor • MiLBURNI LAXA-LIVER PILL$, . Vit— - ._ , �q ,our and eearly choke,:amd was.s� Concession Of the (7th) Orations, tun down, My father, s Mullett in the County Township of Saturday. Ere. -Well, g0 Ahead 6. Increased se d o u Wer o C cid f the �. ilREb theta. mAtt _ p fe ofe' de �' i h r HI]jC t -Pearson a 'Week B y-tive Years, told me Containing 86 acres mreo rDless, Il bureau of corporations and the. that he often lu and people recommend This property, is well to nterstate commerce commission. W tfS: 8 Dean n Graves, sayyotikh in A[ta, "` -'•+ ' Miilnirn'a. Heart And Nerve pills to be s a good farmirl sated in 'i 7 Revision of the tarriff, one to our Wonderful Milbenourn's Lax ega'3 , • - t ggreat cure as tiiotlght jt would cio no in easy distance dibtrict, and with chedtile at a time, rt the basis pills, For . four years I vv z.'Ver Prodigality of Life arm to give ihOm .1 trial, but.I had very, Clinton. ce of the ' Town of urniShed by an expert tariff cont- with m Ln Prodi Y • to Arltsiewf E t little firth in theto. lyi ,• s , tr troubled ed Egypt. 9Y p . Ver, .. , ifs �lasibn. / a Y. ,and at tfines it would get the reckless prodlga[jty with which the stare, and of The t gtttt to Terms 1tl per cent. of the led I could not move around. A' In ancient E� before I had gg l of boxes, and chase money to be _per` S. Graduated income tax and last the doctors t .Egypt the upper classes used tl►e last of Ilia fir the paid down at !raduated inheritance tax. )eImpossible gave me up sgying it was Squandered away the labor and II laoticed a change, and be o first box time of gale, Balance for me to get cared. of lite people vas &e f m the second paid in 36 days thereafter to be O,• inReadjustment iasystem of Ills .count M father R p is perfectly Startling. bait was done I was cured and a it fter, y s financial system in such a wayY got me four vials of your thin res g In man to -da in s well or particulars and co Milburn a Larta:Liver Pills u pest as the monuments yet re- Y sale applyto nclitians of tl to prevent repetition of eriod� s b t I told. ni Price 50 tents., J•.L, Xwo Period-, ai i perra n o boxn him a P o the bun r G°d - h re g den S ri r e :a w tl box ch , 1 fine as no ib es financial u y vet for bot i l a set he r ar ni in p s , to cs t land PS, trying lie i So g m and alone and. without a rival. We WayTlieatllfilliuealers, ar mailed direct by dor. , Solicitor for the Ven- itl, Maintenance of an efficient that it was only, a waste of money, form some i to., Limited, Taroitto Dated a • rmy and a navy large enough_ to mobthsr' took them and to -day, six den of the almost incred OnTti w t Goderich, the 28th 'da inure the resect of other nations later, I am a . tveli man and lots waste when we !}ear that 2,00Q of Augusta 1510. y t Wei h tW a s en ar e an g fou $'`til tee o r ound men Of ea Y s more wet• Peace. A u than I e occupied for three years lit . Uaeo f.zYatinnal resources for l did. I Would advise all L.iversufferers ttr carr' n a . Use.theirl'.It , J'i s single stone from Phan. CE' �� ICU 'I'S FOR S $2.80 to -. ie benefit of all the people; , tine to Safs that t ��� ��•�� � da 12. Extension of the Work of the. s 1 urn ri Laxa•L:iver Lilley are.25 +cents tied sea aloes Cos he Canal of the The und�ersi "`"-""ere` x -Partynent r P agriculture, of the dr 5 vials for $1.00, at All dealers t the lives of 120,000 fined has a quantity, OI pleasant hon it6hiLl and -State owed thli or will be mailed direct on receipt of price . Bgyptiana and that to build one of the . choice Cedar PO#td for dale, y your own home arable work at Id of agricultural co )egos and by The T. Milburn Co., 6iinited, Toronto pl'ramtda retlulred the Lubar of 800 IpiR C�15 S N o experience n tar mart or women. ,000 LgrllrXlrl;E Our Com r capital necessary ;peritentttl stat#omti !tb as t take;' `� glen for twenty y'earir parry with ample Ca}lta .., » . . , .,� � -� "If9 ` MAXILTOM i t�ljru tree �DkVlra�rd' plans a tltao. 1 _ cGAR�1l`E'Y, l . malnagerr T4ranta, Ont. °� I .. --••, �.�.11 rllucnlev' - Seaforth; James Cumming,. Egmond- Ville; J. W Yeo, Holmesdille Payments may be made at Tozer &, ' Brown's,. Olinton or to R. H. (7btt,-, Uoderich • -...� .— . JACOB TAYL�.�" e,LINTON 4.• Fire, Life and Accident; . • Ins1. urance ': Regi Data"t0 bongos ani% s, Money tib 'loalk ..� ' Office Issac Street ex .door to.:Nelr3v,' Rra Itis - . `"- •Advertise in. the New Era. Advertise --•-•_: _ . • - - , ..r.e,w•i� ow :' L . 1 L 1V = I," a„ Doze' ? i•Twelve ! and � t he you count rll to' see if you .get; � �= l them, to. When you, hu -_W; a. �Wedditlg Rin au: Z d t f 1; P a or I 8 r: them K' You -can't cou' ✓ +" you take the de y ; ex's word, and often s, I . �" or less: ViT• gel • : . Weddin R A !ell : . . . i;` ngs► arw is exactly 18K .d there; * . 181( Ring. T4n a'Very *, any way you est the *' .like, *.; # . vi • , Jewelc CounteIr . .11` And. .- Opfieintd. ; .► . * M issuer of 0; ill tr .Iiia $& L.Icenseso •, ivlrvltr 1v ... +*�