HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-08, Page 1The
VOL 46 NO.
has been real ill and a consultation
of physicanns was held concerning
his case. His numerous friends
wish him early recruiting,
" OF CANADA Frank Carr, who is ill with typ-
hoid fever, shows comparatively
• + - litt ,le change as the fever has to
00 o O O O run its course. We hope the means
Capital • • • $5+ used will hasten his convalescence.
- J. H. Chellew attended the Fair
00 0
0 onoextended
atT r t andhisto
Assets $72,000,000 to
ewalvisitedlhers bmother.
125 Branches, and Correspondents and sister at Thorald and a brother
throughout the world. at Beaver -dams.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr.
Fear preached a sermon bearing on
Every facility for the transaction of Labor Day, from the text ' " She
Banking in all its branches, Hath Done What She Could", In
the evening Rev. Mr. Durant, of
nterest allowed on Savings accounts Belgrave, occupied the pulpit , he
at highest current rates. and Rev. Mr. Fear • exchanging.
',Courteous treatment accorded to all ; We are sorry to state that our
°customers.well known townsman, Jas. Mc
: Murchie, has been on the sick list
and under the. doctor's .care with
something akin to append eitis,
His many friends hope he will' soon
be fully restored to health,
Labor Day was spent very quiet
ly in Blyth. A number went to
Toronto and another group took
in the Baseball match between Kin-
cardine and brussels, at the latter
place. The Bowling green wooed
some of the lovers of the bowls.•.
Miss Pearl Chellew visited at the
-parental home over Sunday.
C. H. Beese combined business! '
and • pleasure in a trip to Toronto i
last week.
Gdrdon McDonald and Miss 1
Hirons, of Brussels, were 'visitors
in town over Sunday.
Charlie Taman, of Kincardine,
was in town for a few days visiting
relatives and friends.
Mise Maggie Disher, of Dungan- 1
non and Miss Menzies, of Wawa -
nosh, were guests of Mrs. George
Powell. -
Miss Josie Medd and Miss Regan,
of Goderich, returned home after
spending a week with friends at
Londesboro and Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. A. Lewis (nee
Mies Berta Carder) and little son
Earry,ry, of Mount
Forest, spent
'week end in town.
Alex. Taylor of Port Stanley, was ' of Hullett.
• visiting his brother, Reeve Taylor { Miss Ferne Patterson, of East Wa
of Morris, and other old friends • wanosh, spent a few days with her
who were glad to see him. friends the Misses Annie and Glad-
. Joseph Stalker, of Wingham, was die Levy, of Carlow,
renewing old friendships in Blyth Mr. L. Groos, Miss Clara Groos
and locality. He is now Principal and Miss Amanda Durst, spent Sun
of Wingham Public School and do- ' day in McKillop, where Mr. Groos
ing well. occupied the pulpit
Sabbath School Anniversary and . Joe Taylor, of the Asylum ,staff
Rally Day on Sunday, 25 th inst in : at London, is spending a few weeks
connection with the Methodist with his sister, Miss Maggie Tay-
church,t Blyth. The pastor will lot, of East Wawanosh. •
conduct the services.Miss ( Ferne Patterson, of East
Preparations are being made by Wawanosh, left Saturday for Com -
the congregation of St. Andrew's ber,' where she will attend High
church for the celebration of their School. We wish her success.
50th anniversary. Sabbath, Oct- I Miss Katie Townsend, and two
__ober 2nd and Monday following are nephews, ls f Detroit,t-4o-rle ner s spending
the daiesdio Station ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Townsend of
C. P. R. Agent Spafford Auburn.
Mrs. G. Denstedt is at present
visiting friends in Sebringville.
Mise Martha Walper, of Detroit,
spent Friday with her friend Mrs.
O. Ingold, 3rd line.
M. Moody, of Berlin, is spending•
vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
McGee, of Auburn.
Mies Amanda Durst, of Colborne
is spending a week with her friend
Mies Clara Groos, of Hullett.
Mrs. W. Stersick, of Flint, Mich.,
is spending a few weeks with her
mother, Mrs. C. Helwig, of Auburn.
Master Jimmie Wilson is spend
ing his vacation with his cousins,
Misses Lila and Sadie Howatt,
Gives its students a trainining that carries With I APPLY AT
Steady Work and Good
The Morrish ClothingCo•
50001-51111 Problem
"Lion Brand"
This is the Sweater Season, and our stock is now at
its best. Every boy should own a Sweater.
• Prices iron 50e to $3.50
.•••:a••••••••••••••••••• ••..•.•••••••••••••••4
• fall Woolens are Ready.
• Come in and talk Tailoring with us. We'll show :
: you and tell you what's what.•
••••.•••••••••••••••• •.••••••••••••••••'•••••••
Schools open in a few days,
and there's no economy and no
money saved in buying for an ac-
tive boy a CHEAP School Suit.
School Suits cannot be made 'Too
Well. We know all the Clothing
Requirements of the. M 0 S T
and we are equal to the occasion.
Buy the Boy:one of our
and let him go the limit in run-
ning, jumping or any other sport.
Boys' Suits from
$1.50 to $io.00•
The Morrish
Clothing Co.
" A Square Deal For Every Mau"
8, 1910
Mr. Forward -will preach Sunday
next. Staject-Thi awful consequen-
ces of sin
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and
little son Robert John, of Detroit,
spent Sunday with former's par-
ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of
the2 nd con. Mrs. Brown and baby
will stay for some time.
Miss Sadie East who is teaching
school near Wroxeter, spent Sun-
day with her parents,
Miss E. Adams, of London, spent
a few days at her home on the 9th.
Miss Wm. McCool and Mrs. Awde
are spending a week with relatives
at Hamilton, Toronto and other
Wm. and Mrs. Vodden arevisiting
friends at Toronto this week,
James Finch, of Clint on, Sunday -
ed with his uncle, Jos. Wkeatly.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Carter, of Tuck-
ersmith, were guests of Richard
Carter Sunday.
Miss Mary Lawson spent Sunday
with her uncle, D. Stevens, Harlock.
Mrs. S. Appleby had her valuable
dog killed by the train.
Most farmers are through seed -
Wm. and Mrs. Vodden are attend-
ing Toronto Fair and also visiting
relatives at Brantford for a couple
of weeks. .
Mrs. A. Vodden and little dau-
ghter and also the former's mother
Mrs. R. Brigham are visiting re-
latives in St, Thomas' for a few
Miss Dixon, of London; is visiting
.with Mrs. Sawers.
MiSS .Edith Bowey has returned
from visiting in London.
Mr. Robert Murdock and family
attended the marriage of Mrs. Mur
dock's sister, Miss Martin of Tuck-
ersmith, to r. Luff, of Hamilton,
which took place on T
Miss Mabel Turner has gone to
Walkerton, to•take a position in a
business college at that place.
Miss Alice Carr, of Goderich
spent Labor Day at her home in the
Miss Kate Hart visited this week
in London.
.Among those who have gone • to
the Fair are A.T. Scott, Fred Tomli-
son and wife, Mrs. Wm. Batten -
bin y
atten-bury and Thomas Chapman and
Mrs. Gray and two sons, ofBridge
port was the guest of Mrs. Higgins.
TheH uron Presbytery met in the
Presbyterian church here on Tues-
George Simpson and daughter,
"ll'lierEmiiy; 'v -Sited relatives-hrour
Geo. Hill•has . bought a farm in
'Iuckersmith from Mr. McLean,
near Hensa1l.
.ondon' ConlerenCC
President Is Dead
Rev. R, W, Millyard Suc-
cumbs to Gangrene at
Fort William Hospital.
After an illness of one week in
McKellar Hospital, Fort William,
most of which time it was thought
his egndition was improvingRev.W.
R. Millyard, aged 69 years, of For-
est, died late Tuesday afternoon.
Death was due to gangrene,
brought on by, an old affliction.
Rev. M. Millyard, who was Presi-
dent of the London Conference, was
taken ill while en route from Viet
oria Conference to his home.
Mrs. Millyard died eight months
ago, at Goderich." Deceased is sur
vived by five sons, One of whom is
Rev, J. E. Milyard, of Heneall, Ont.
' The body was • taken Tuesday
night to Woodstock, Ont., ,where
Mrs. Milyard' was buried. The fun
eral will probably be held on Fri-
Miss Mary Clutton, of Stratfor
is visiting here.
Miss MaryLinklaterr returned
ae L ltr trued
home Monday evening, after visit-
ing re latives at Toronto and Ham-
Mr. and Mrs. Osbaldeston and
their children, of .Clinton,, visited
relatives in our burg Sunday and.
Monday. .
Mrs. James Chisholm and her
three children spent Sunday with
the former's mother, Mrs. Whaling,.
near Stratford, returning home.
Monday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clutton, left
Tnesday to visit friends and rela-
tives at Toronto and Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Windmill, of Auburn
visited their. daughter, Mrs. Archie_
A..Brunsden has returned to his
duties on the C. P. R. •
Mrs Waters and E, Adams return
cd to London Wednesday .
Th ehigh School students •
here to Clinton resumed " their
their trips on Tuesday.
say s y that some person or
persons broke into a boarding car
at the station here last Sunday
while the men were away and stole
a lot of supplies the cook had on
hand. •
J. Hutton received this week acar
of Manitoba bran and shorts.
The telephone Co. have four car
loads' of poles at the station. That
looks like business.
J, Stewart, of Blyth, is putting
down cement sidewalks here this
The fence at the Manse and
church is partly up and may be fi-
nished this week.
There were several visitors here
for Labor Day.
A. Jamieson has started farming
Mise Alice Bell spent the holidays
with friends in Woodstock.
Mrs. J. Tamblyn returned on Tues
day from a visit in Toronto.
Miss Walker, of London, visited
here for a few days this week.
Miss Lawrence, of Welland, re-
turned to her home this week after
a pleasant visit here.
J. Brunsdon returned on Friday
from Michigan where he spent the
last three weeks.
Mr. and.M rs. Brunsdon; of Mich-
gan, and A, Brunsdon, of Streets-
ville are visiting at J. Brunsdon's.
John Mellville was married on
Tuesday last to Miss Embree, of
Brussels. We wish them a happy
wedded life.
Rev. J. H. Osterhout preached a
strong Labor Day sermon to alarge
congregation in the . Methodist
church last Sunday night. 'Mr.
Parsons, of Port Hope, who is a
guest of J. Tenibly's, sang a solo
v ery acceptably accs tab atthe t e service..
Mrs Quinn, who has been visiting
her father, James Caldwell, left on
Monday sof this week for Toronto
and Niagara halls where she in-
tends visiting before leaving for
her home in Haileybury. Mrs.
Quinn was accompanied by her
sister, May Caldwell as far as
Mr. and Mrs. John Hooper an-
nounce the engagement, of ' their.
eldest daughter, Elizabeth, to Cecil
J. Camm, of Usborne, the wedding
to take place on Sept. 10th, at their
residence, Maple Leaf Farm, Blan-
Alexander Jervis returned last
week from a *trip, t 'othe west.
Mr... Adam Stewart and Mr. John
McFarlane have .gone this weekto
the Industrial.
Miss Erma Diehl returned home
last week from visiting friends in
Brussels and•Cranbrook.:
Miss Mamie Reid and the Misses
Erma and Fanny B. Diehl spent La
dor Day with friends at Zurich.
Mrs. Ed. Glenn, Miss E. A. Macfar
lane and Miss Agnes Stewart at-
tended th elndustrial Fair, Toron-
s last eek .
a•few days y
Mrs. R.' Younge and Miss Lena
Fraser, of Sarnia, were visiting at
the homes of Mrs. D. Fraser and
Mr. Thos. Fraser, during the Labor
Day excursion.
Mr. Alex. D. Baird who spent a
few weeks at the home of his fath-
erer, left last week for his work at
Sutherland, Sask.
Mr. Spackman, of Bayfield has fin
ished the cement abutments of the
oridge at Graham's creek.
Rev. Mr. Carriere, of Grand Bend,
paid a short visit onthe line this
week. He attended the Pready-
te? y meeting in Brucefild c,..
day. _
1lo1incsv ie,
Prof. John T. Holdsworth, A. B.,
Ph.D., Dean of the School of Eco-
nomics, University of Pittsburg,
with his wife, is spending a few
days under the parental roof.
Mrs. R. Acheson is away on avisit
to her daughter, Mrs. Callbick, at
Mrs. Alcock and Marion are visit-
ing in Toronto.
Miss Leila Ford was home from
Fairfield for over the holiday.
Miss -Jennie Trick, Clinton, spent
Sunday at Geo. Tebbutt's.
Mr. C. L. Fisher, Winnipeg was
calling on relatives here last week.
Mr. Fish, of Long Island, and Rev.
W. Courtice are visiting at the lat-
ter's parents here.
The Jervis brother sand sisters
and their families held a picnic on
Forster's 'flats on Labor Day.
Lew and Mrs. Tebbutt attended
the wedding in Tuckersmith on La-
bor Day, of the latter's sister, Miss
Alice Martin, of Hamilton, to Mr.
Luff also of Hamilton.
Mr. L. Lashbrook, of Mitchell, Was
visiting for afew days with friends
in this vicinity.
On Tuesday evening the Epworth
League tenet at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Trewartha and present
ed Mrs. Trewartha, who has been
President of League
for time
with an easy chair. • After having
usual league exercises, the even-
ing was spent in a social way, after
which lunch was served and all
left for home having spent an en-
joyable evening together.
The English Church at Holmes-
ville, will hold their. Annual Har-
vest Thanksgiving Service on Sun-
day afternoon next, at N3 o'clock.
Rev. Mr. Berry, of Seaforth, will be
the 'preacher. The church will be
decorated, and special Music is be-
ing prepared by the choir.
George Taylor, of Vancouver, B.
C., is visiting his friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Taylor.
Miss Evelyn Clark returned home
after spending h month with fri-
ends in Algona and Sault St. Marie
Messes. S. Cole and D. Cole of
Et hel visited his father one day,
last week. ,
Miss Adam Glazier spent a few
days last week, the guest of her
mother Mrs Cole.
Mr. Wm, Clark is very sick with
pleurisy at present. '
Mrs W. B. Cool: is very poorly at
present. '
'Porter's Hill
Mr and Mrs Adair and daughter
Beatrice of Landon spent •' . a few,
days at Mrs McPhails' this week.
Mr Wm. Mair of. Springbank,
.spent Sunday at John Coxs.
Miss Addie Cox is visiting in Col-
borne. .: •
Miss Mary Jane Cox of Goderich
spent a few days at John Cox's
last week. 1
Mr Eudo Newton of Detroit Q is
visiting in the neighborhood. '
Lorne Tabor returned back on
Wednesday after spending a week
at his home in Swelurgh.
Messer Bert and Cliff Lobb were
calling on friends in the neighbor-
hood on Sunday. '
Dr. 5. T. Holdsworthand wife of
Pittsburgh are spending a few
days with his sister Mrs. C. McPhail
Roy and Douglas McDouglal left
for the west on Tuesday morning.
Mrs Richardson of London is
visiting at Mrs Burke's.
Bethel Sunday School held their
picnic on Labor Day in Jewitt's
Grove Bayfield,not with standing
the showery weather and busy time
quite a numberwere there and all
report of having a very enjoyable.
Mr. Burgess, who has been sup-
ply the. Methodist church since con
ference expects to leave the end of
this month to continue his ,studies
at College.
Mr Thos. E. Manning spent Labor
Day with friends in Zurich.
Miss A;iceL awrence and Mrs
Elsley spent(' afew daysat Goder-
rich, the guests of Rev. Dr. Medd.
Mr Will Elsley of Benmiller visi-
ed his cousin J. D. Elsley over Sun.
daMrs Tamblyn and her son Will
are at Toronto this week.
Mrs, D. Floody has returned home
to Blyth after spending a few
weeks at the home o fher parents
Mr and Mrs Brogden.
Mr and Mrs L. Wattters London,
spent the holiday with friends in
the village.
Miss Mary Brogden visited Miss
Erma Kaiserof Clinton f or a few
days last week.
Mrs D. N .Boyd and daughter
after two months visit to her pars
e is ata
n rted for Chicago on Wed -
Girls Wanted.
Operator, on Ladies' Lawn waists
and 1Vhitewear, Girls experienced on
Power Sewing Machines preferred, but
losrners will bo taught. Clean, healthy.
well, ventilated, troll lighted work.
rooms. Steady work et good wagon,
Thls will train you to do your sowing.
Goderich Tow nal#lp
John Burns, of the Maitland con-
cession, left Monday for a trip to
Vancouver, B .C., where he expects
to spend the folowing two months.
Mr. Burns has rented his farm to
W. Williams, and considers this the
consideres this the timeof his life
to see the coast. His many`Ir ends•
will wish him a pleasant trip and a
safe return. •
On Sunday„ Sept. 18th, the Cole's
church will hold their anniversary
services. Rev. Dr. Medd, of Gode-
rich will preach at 2.30 in the after-
noon and at 7.30 at night. Spe.ial
music will be furnished by the choir
On Monday evening the Harvest
Houle festivel will be held. Sup-
•,,er will be served from„ 6, to 8 p.m.
afterwhich an excellent program
will be given. Those taking part
will be ;the Clinton Orchestra.and
:o ever al, persons will give solos. Ad-
dresses by th elocal ministers.' Dd.
mission 25 and 15 'cents. A go. ,
time will be given to everyone.
Mi3S Hansuld, teacher, spent the
holiday at her'home in Ethel. She
was accompanied by Miss Flossie
Council Meeting. -Council met
'Monday afternoon, Sept. 5th; all
members- present. Very little busi
nese was brought before theCouncil
at this meeting. The telephone
aebenture by-law which will soon
be prepared wasdiscussed and.
als oal etter from the Blyth Telep
hone company. The following ac-
counts' passed • ,-John Stewart
gran elling $3 ; Chas. Cook, gravel-
:ing $1.50. The f ollowing figures
may be ' of interest to Goderich
township ratepayers ;-number of
acres' in Township, 52,336; number
of acres cleared, 42,115; assessed
value of real property, $1,392,925 ;
assessed value of buildings, $311,650
population of Township, .1,87 0 ;
County 'tax rate, 2 mills ; Township
rate, 2 3-10 milia; general • school
irate, 1"9-10.-N. W . Trewartha,
Monday last the Jervis family
held a re -union on Forster's flats.
Childrrn , grand children, and:
great -grand -children of the late
William Jervis, to the number of 56
met arid put in a day much enjoy-
ed by all. The family, proper, con-
sists of ten children, -five girls and
five boys -all of whom were pres-
ent, excepting Cecelia, of Winnipeg
Charles, of Clinton, and John, of
Stanley, these three being unable
to be present. The day was spent
by the older people in talking of
olden times, and planning the fu-
ture of the younger generations,
who, notwithstanding this, much
enjoyed themselves at games
ofall kinds. A game at which all
present joined, was played twice
during the clay, all devoting them-
selves thoroughly to the game of
sati:fyin;; the inner - man. The
crowd dispersed at an early hour,
with the firm intention of holding
another re -union next year..
y. Win STAN Wiix'I'DWBAlt CO. a..,r
Merlin, Out. 4.
343.3.+3.3r+•3•+++++ +•++••i••4404-1
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher
The controversy between the
town council and the .directors of
the Ontario West Shore Electric
Railway as to which streets of the
town shall be used to lay tracks on,
resulted in two special meetings of
thecouncil during the past week.
No settlement was reached, how-
ever and it has beendecided to
hold another special meeting this
week. Those concerned say the
tracks will be laid and cars running
before winter. Rails are already
laid along the lake shore, but as yet
there is no sign of a powerhouse.
To relieve the congestion in the
local freight yards, the Grand
Trunk has men at, work clearing
for two new sidings, which will
accommodate at least 75 cars, and
will be used to hold cars loaded
with grain after they are brought
up from. the harbor.
4 Personal Notes
If those haying relatives or friends
visiting in town or going away
notify ue Of the fact each week we
would ann munoe it in the Naw Ent,.
Mr. George D. Roberton, was in.
Zurich, Thursday on business in
connection withthe London Lifeln-
surance Co.'
Dr. Robert Stevenson and wife of
Brockville, spent the week end at
their brother's home, Mr. W. J,
Misses Mina and Clara Hunter, of
Brussels, has been visiting friends.
in Clinton and whileh ere were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. East.
Rev. and Mrs. Cosens were in Sea
forth on Laber Day.
Mr W. Brydone returned from his
vacation and°will be o nee more
found at his law office.
Mr. Joseph Coombes, of Toronto,
was in town on Tuesday.
Will andMrs.Plumsteel were visit-
ing at . Brussels during the past
week. They attended the funeral
of the late John Hill, grandfather
of Mrs. Plumsteel's on Wednesday.
Mr. Hill was 84 years old.
Miss Bessie—and Haivey Walker
are renewing old friendships at
Brussels and Walton
Mrs. E. N. McLean and Norval ar-
rived home last week from their
extended visit. Mr. McLean met
them at Toronto.
Mrs. C. Pugh and children are
back from their holidays.
Principal and Mrs. Hartley re-
turned to Clinton last Friday, after
-tlieirwarmtton. •
Mrs. L. C. Fleming, of Galt, was
the guest of Mrs. brown over the
holiaay. Mrs. Fleming's many
friends were glad to see her in our
midst again. • l
Miss E. McTavish, nurse, left
Saturday for Strathroy where she
will follow her profession for some
time. ,
Mr. Chs. Kerr, of Tillsonburg,
formerly of Clinton intends enter-
ing Victoria College this fall.
Mr. R. E. Manning, Manager of
the Royal Bank is enjoying athree
weeks' vacation in Denver, Col.. He
will also visit other cities while in
the western states. Mr. J. E. Mur-
phy is actingmanager during his
absence, .
• Miss 1VIarion Irwin returned from
London having spent a very enjoy
'able holiday , .
Mr.. and Mrs,Ii: 1aWkins, of Ham--
lton, were the guests of their sou,
M.• Thos..ltawki: s over the holiday,
The public schools re -opened
last Thursday for the fall term,
notwithstanding the fact that the
School building is not yet complet-
ed, One of the 'junior classes start-
,. e
• m of St.George
cd in the school loo g
Church and there are a couple of
classes in the Temperance Hall.
They will occupy these places un-
til the new building is completed.
about is expected it will be a
month before the school is ready.
A strange result of the terrific
hailstorm which visited some sect -
new beginning to show. 1Vfany of
ions of Buron a few weeks ago is
the fruit trees were stripped bare
ofl eaf and bark by the hail Those
which were not killed entirely be-
gan to sprout new leaves immedi-
ately, and now many of the orcll-}
aids are white and pink with bloc
som, The prospects of a yield are
good if the summer hangs out long
Cheaper Than
We wish to draw your atten-
tion to a couple of lines of Toilet
Soap, which are very cheap and
and absolutely harmless to the
Olive Oil and
3 large Cakes for 10c..
Madam Roy's Com-
. plexion
per box of three cakes 10e.
We keen a large assortment of floral
50555. any odor you wish.
Highly perfumed Soap, 10c cake
Shell brand Castile, 20e bar
Shell brand Castile, 2 cakes 50
W. A. McConnell
Phm, B.
C.P.R.. Telegraph Agency ry
Spicy Talk
g , want W.S.R.1
Holmes Y
Lest ou for et we to
remind you again that we are
headquarters for the best and
freshest SPICES.
Try our
at 2 ozs. for 5c.,
also Bottle Wax, Parafin Rub-
ber Rings, Corks. etc.
Next year's wheat crop will be.
partially insured, if you use
Star Brand Formaldehyde
on your Seed grain: It kills
smut, and the price is
50c a pint. Phm B.
. ! Manufacturing Chemist,
Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart, of Inger-
soll, spent •the . holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. L. Suitter.
Miss Dickson, . of Calgary, has
been the guest of Mrs. H. Raynor.
The visitor left on Wednesday for
her home.
C. J. Wallis arrived home from
Weyburn, Sask.,1 ast Saturday, and
reports things fairly well in that
part of the country. While there
he Met Will..McMurray, driving a
beautiful McLaughlin auto, and he
states he would be a long "time in
the East before he would be able to
be the possessor o fone. Mr. Mc-
Murray had the honor of driving
Sir Wilfrid Laurier around in his
car. The McMurray family are
living retired in Weyburn, and are
enjoying a nice comfortable home
and wishes to be remembered to
their many friends in Clinton.
Mrs G.'1Vt. Yates, of Listowel, was
in town Monday and Tuesday, hav-
ing come over with Miss Madge
who is attending the Collegiate.
Mast(r Ciyde Kennedy audGeand
mother are spending the holidays
in Stratford.
Master Jack Bawden has been
visiting relatives in Toronto for
Mr. James Webster, of Londsboro
visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Saville
Monday end Tuesday of this week,
Mrs. Robert Shedden, of Brus-
sels, is visiting Mrs. Ed. Saville.-
Mrs. Alexander Morris and Mrs.
William Walker spen tthe holidays
with friends at London.
Mr, and Mrs. 3, W. Moore andMiss
Merle spent the holiday with
friends at Stratford.
Will Kennedy visited friends at
Caledonia Sunday and Monday.
Rev, W. J. Spence, of Chatham,
During the remainder
of the fruit season, will
continue to sell RED
PATH'S extra granulat-
• ed Sugar at
17 lbs. for.$..00
goo lbs for 5.35
Tomatoes :Peaches, -
Plums and Pears
arriving daily:
Phone 48
called upon his old"friends,Mr and
Mrs, S. S. Cooper, last week.
Clifford Andrews, of the Molsons
Bank, Oshawa, son of -our genial
Police Magistrate, is spending his
vacation at home.
Nyal's Pcptonized '
Beef, Iron and
This is the delicious tonic
worth trying. It contains iron
to enrich the blood; peptonized
beef to- feed the tissues and
choice wine as an appetizer. If
you feel worn out, tired and run
down, you need a tonic. You
couldn't find a better one than
this. We sell a great deal of it.
Like all Nyal remedies, it is of
the highest quality.
Price $1.00 a Bottle.
J. i:.•HOvEY
Dispensing Chemist.
;The Moisons Bank
Incorporated 1833
Capital, PAID ilk ; $3,500,000
Rest Fund, r" $3,$5,.000
Iias 80 Branches in Canada, and Agents and orresi►oudelt s In all
tli Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Minton Branch.. - C E. DOWDING. IYManager