HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-08-25, Page 53 Aug. 25th 19Io 1111111191191111 Your Watch taste can be suited here. it will sur- prise you to see how cheap we can sell you a really good Watch. We carry the old -reliable Waltham, Elgin, Illin- ois, Sith Thomas, etc. Also our own special movement, i n different grades. A binding guarantee goes with each watch A good American Watch for men, from $4.5o up. W. H. Hellyar. Jeweler and Optician. Dr Robertson, Stratford,was a visit- or in town this week. • 1?A WA I RAND TRUNK ssL� . • - - Y T M ADDITIONAL FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS Aug3oth and Sept. 6th To certain points in Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, including many points on Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern Railways, via. Chicago, Duluth and Fort Francis. $1o,0o $18.00. � Oin Additton-li fteturnin '' g .. From all stations, Kingston, Renfrew, and west in Ontario. Full particulars and tickets from JOHN RANSFORD, town ag't A. 0. PATTISON, depot agent. House Wanted. Wanted to rent, a medium-sized house, with modern conveniences; small family. Apply at NE W ERA. Sale Buggy for idle Covered single carriage for sale; in good condition. Will he .sold cheap. Apply to MRe. BRIOKENDEN, Rat- tenhury St a to Jacob Taylor. • For Sale -_ A second-hand Piano cheap for oasb. For particulars apply at NEW ERA. Seed Wheat, The undersigned offers for sale, at his farm, the variety known as "Daw- son's Golden Chaff. This wheat is clean, plump grain, and yielded this year, as estimated, 35 bushels to the acre. A sample can be seen at my town office. JOHN RANSFORD. mwsommons Toronto Markets Fall Wheat New Wheat Oats HayEg Bur ter Chickens„ Potatoes Cattle. butchers Cattle, Exporters Hogs Sheep Lambs Wool Cheese 1.01 to 1.02 1.00 .45 to .46 $17 to 21.00 18c to 19c 22e to 23c 12 to 13e 70 to .75 $5 80 to 68.00 $4.75 to $6.25 $8.40 to 8.75 $4.5(t $4.00 to $7.00 13 to 14c 11 to 12c Clinton Market Report - Wheat, (new) 95 to 1 00 Oats, (old) 0 35 to 0 38 Barley 0 40 to 0 45 0 60 to 0 60 0 16 to 0 17 O 16 to 0 17 9 25 to 9 25 O 25 to 0 25 Peas Egs Butter Hoge Potatoes There's No Place Like Home if it be cosy and comfortably fur- nished. Yours can be if you tike advantage of our furniture offer- ing. Dining Room Furniture particularly is prominent in the offering and if you want a side- board, chinacloset, table or chair, now is the time to purchase. CLL OY CoLLEsi�r� i�sTiruTE Re -opens .Sept, Tth, 1910. STAFF .7. W, TRELEAVE7N, 71.4, Honor Graduate Toronto University i Specialist in Ctaa'sioe. Subiects-Latin, Greek and history. MISS E. R. DELMAGIE,B.A. Boner Graduate nicata.ter University ; Special. ist in Mathematics. aubiect-Mathematics. Honor Graduate Toro oOUf versitX3.41.. ' peelaIist in Modern Languages. Subieots-French, German and Sr,. Rnglisli, NEIL Mc8ACHERN, B.A« Honor Graduate Toronto University; Specialist in Naturai Science. Subjects -Natural Science and 0ecgrarhy. MISS E, B. V. FISHER commercial Specialist Subiects-Commercial Subjects, art and. Jr. English, The following; coursee o> study are open to pupils ; (a) The General Course; (b) The Commercial Course; (o) The Courses for Junior Matriculation and the Preliminary Examinations of the Leyrned Professions (d) The Courses for Teachers' Certificate!, The Clinton Collegiate Institute ranks as an " approved school", and pupils from this school who have succeeded in passing the inid•sunr mer examination for entrance inao the Normal Schools or Faculty of Education are admitted upon the certificate of the Principal. that they have completed the course of the •lower school,_ without undergoing any further examinatigu. Per further information, apply to thePrinoipal, J, w, TRErIE.VEN, B•A. Telephone 84. Births Marriages 1t Deaths. BORN HOGG ART -In Hullett, August 18, to Mr and Mrs Andrew Roggart, a daughter. WEBSTER InHullett, August 24th, to Mr and Mrs James Webster,a son. Additional Local News Standing of League Won Lost % 5 3 025. 3 4 426 3 4 428 Clinton. Mitchell Goderich • Moved Duringhe past week Mrs DCl ut' and family have moved to the resi- dence that DrGunnrecentlypurchased known as the Irwin property..- Geo. Levis has moved into the house re- cently vacated by D S Olutf, which the former purchased in the Spring.- Mr Yates has rented the furnished home of Mrs Brickenden,- Mr Ed. Hall moves into the house JI Ir Levis moved out of. Death Of Miss ..Eva Turnbull Much regret will he felt by friends in town on Iearning of the . death of Mise Eva A Turnbull, which occurred at Harper Hospital,. Detroit, on Tues- day of Net week.' .A . dote from he- brother 0 E Tarnbull Detroit, eontains toe information that ase.e..aeas_tll.gaily Jew' days,;,. death was due entirely to shock from an operation, :lilies Turnbull was ern ployed in towtehere at one time as'a compositor a few years ago and latter ly worked as:a proof-reader in Detroit The burial will be made at Detroit. Miss Turnbull learned the typesetting in the office of the Brussels Post. We Had A Had Storm tily Brides Ti. Clinton' Now Our stock is compete with articles suitable for Wedding Presents which' will be enduring, and carry your heartiest wishes for future ixappinese. High grade 'WAtehes Fancytllotiks 1l -'earl lirooehess Diamond Rings 18K... Wedding stings -16K Sterling' and Plated Silverware which always makes a. useful . .gift, CHINAWARE • A'discount of 25 per cent, will be given off. all China. :i•i. 3. Jeweler and Optician• issuer of Marriage Licenses Going To' Port Arthur It was with much regret that the re- signation Of Mr. Fred S , h Stehereon the p premier Pbysical Director of the Paris Y M 0 A was a icept d ti at other week, Mr:' Stephenson has since accepted a similar position at Port Arthur, where a new $75,000 Y. M. C. A is in course of erection. The town has a popula- tion of 10,tC0 people, and that many 'are interested in the "work is evident from the fact that a- $6,000 lot bas lust been presented the Association, adjoin ing the building, that will be used as a tennis court, bowling green, etc. Dur ing .his stay here, Ali. Stephenson has associated himself with church and every movement forthe good of hum-• amity in general, , That he will be a much missed man here, goes without 'saying, and we feel assured that . he will more than measure • up to the standard rd a expected of him at :Part thur. Tire-'P7SPV-i rUlIe's`2yf-cttrwllr follow him. -Paris Star•T'ranscript. The gentleman referred to above is a ,well.known' Clinton boy, being a son of Mr. John Stephenson, Huron street. -The following item' also appeared in the same issue: -Mr. Fred' Stephenson, the popular Physical' Director of the Paris.. Y 51.0A preached two able ser- mons in the Congregational church on Sunday: .At the morning service he was assisted -by Mr. Frank • Brown. Mr Stephenson also gave the address at the Market .Square• -"And . your .Sins will I remember against you no more," .which" proved a most forceful discourse Clinton Colleg,late Institute at 2h e st f or the ClintonUlinton Collegiate Institute for the year 1910-1911 has been completed by the appointment of Miss E. B. V. Fisher as Commercial specialist. Alias Fisher served the' Boardas°-teacherof €ommercialsub= jects and Art during the: past, year and' ber.work has been highly commended. She resigned in June with :-n a.vie. continuing her Art studies, : but • has consented to return for the coming year, owing to the difficulty which the Board experienced in their efforts to secure a qualified Commercial special- ist, . Mr. J. W. Treleaven E. A., will be in charge of • the Mathmetical, De- partment and Miss I. J. .Macdougall B. A.,- will Le the teacher of English and Modern languages, :Mr.:Neil : Mc.. Eaehern, 13. A.,• of Midland has been 'appointed Science Master. Mr:. Mc- Eaehern is a prizeman of Toronto Un- iversity and held a fellowshiii inChem- istry in that University after graduat- ing, raduating, He is a specialist in •Science and will have charge of the Department of • About 4 o'clock -Monday . morning this district was visited by a very severe thunder, „hail and lightning storm which resulted. in .considerable damage being done 7 Granger,of the thirteenth concession of Hullett, and J McGee of the first concession of Goderich T P both had their barns burned by lightning. Several other cases are reported of horses and cattle 'and birds •haying .also: been struck, Geo Watt, Joe :Shipley and L Weir were losers. Many telephones were -our if co namissjtin=for-sawlril Some boys picked up fifty dead birds under two trees. ' nigh School Entrance 1.011 .. . The oMoial circular for, these exami- nations gives the following selections for memorizationfor the I911 test: - Ontario Reader, IV, (New),- The Children's Song, p. 1; Canada;_ x� 37; Ancient Mariner, p. 61; Afton Water, p. I00; Ye Mariners of England, p. 1551;. The Bells of Shandon, p. 158; The Spacions Firmament. p. 205; Ocean, p. 216; The Sky.latk, p:. 362; To a Water Foal, p. 377, Vital Lempada, p. 395, Roman Catholic Reader IV,=The Barefoot Boy, p !4; The Deserted V il- lage, p 30; Abou Ben Adhere and the Angel, p 5IaStep by Step, p '38;.' The Heritage, p 150; Ye Mariners of Eng- land, p 161;. The Water Fowl, p 174; A. Day in June, p 3 5; The Bells of Shandon, p 330, Public School Graduation -English Literature-, Scott, , The Lady of th e Lake. THE Pastime Club held a dance at Bayfield on Wednesday evening. The Clinton Orchestra accompanied them. . Wanted Dining Room girl, upstairsirl'and a porter; permanent place; good. wages to expierenced persons, Fare paid. Apply Loney Hotel, Port Stanley, Borders Wanted A Couple of lady borders will be taken by the undersigned,' Convenient to Collei'iate Institute. MRS. H. STEVENS, William St. W. THAT IS . THE WAY TQ GET TRADE; To reach the people Who have the money To buy' your goods You Must ADVERTISE Natural Science and Geography. Any inquiries regarding courses of study. fees, or other matters pertaining to the school will be answered promptly by the Principal. 'Phone -34 A. Runaway Tobause a lithe excitement in: town a farmer's horse started from the Post - office on Wednesday morning to try and have race by itself. Chief Wheat. ley caught it in front of Ford &. Mc- Leod store, and no damage was done. Poultryy Association ciat ion s atters The local Association haverented rooms in the building formerly oc- cupied.bv Ford & McLeod,Ontario St, rear of B A McEwan's. A. regular meeting will he held Saturdayevening when Legborns (a, v.) and Plymouth Rocks (a: v.).will be judged and suit- able prizes given, 1910 birds only The 15tb Annual Show will be held at Clinton,December 20th, 21st and 22nd, L G Jarvis, •of Grimsby, Judge. Canadian. Poetry This week we commence a series of Canadian verse,. which we are sure will commend itself to our readers. This feature has . been prepared with 'two objects in. view primarl to col; Wet for our readers the bestsy of Can. adas,poets est and resent ina work that has never beinartrnit• ian paper ; and secondly, to- make a bright feature of our newspaper. The series will be well worth •the trouble of collecting and filing away for prefer- ence on some occasion when and . 111- imformed persou deplores Canada's lack of a national literature. let the first series ' there are 17 selections. GOLDEN 'WEDDING • On' Thursday,: Aug. 8t1i, Mr. and Mrs. John Meson 'o f the third line of Morris celebrated a memorable event, •the'fiftieth. anniversary of their• wed. ding day.. About sixty guests asserne bled to congratulate them, and: of these, eight were present at the wed- diiiie fifty...Years:riga, Of a family of three . soyas,ani fine daughters, all ;were present'exeept one ug.hter,=.Mra_J..-11111_ of -Portage prairie. Man of the randchildre y g a 'also were present, also Mr, and Mrs. Hincks of Holstein, Mrs. Hincks is Mr. Mason's only niece. The sons and daughters took ad- vantage • d=vantage` of the occasion' to present their parents with an address, accom-• panied by a purse of gold, while the grandchildren presented them with a beautiful' clock as an appropriate gift, The family was represented by Alex- ander Mason t Mrs. Jas. Martin read the address. Allan Mason presented the clock, and Annie. Martin read, the address on behalf of the grandchild- ren, The following 18 the address from the family:- 70E4R FATHER AND ,MOT It your children, on this the' #beth an- nivexsary of yotr weddttig, wieh to extend to you our most hearty greet- ing and congratulations. We believe tuts day will recall many memories of the past. the varied .experi :•aces you have bad, not all sunshine, but our livea would not be perfect if such were the case, but God's promises never fail and He who has guided, blest and kept -you so far, will keep you to the end. We would ask you to accept these as a slight remembrance and appreci- ation of your loving care and kindness to ns, which will neverbe. forgotten. We trust and we hope you will be spared to celebrate your sixtieth anni- versary.. Signed on behalf of the family. Many other presents testified to the esteem in which Mr.. and Mrs. Mason .are held. Among the gifts was a gold watch and chain which Mrs. Mason wore for the occasion. After tea upon the lawn,, the even. ing was spent in social conversation. Mr. Mason was horn in. Orkney, in 1831 and came to Canada in 1852, For two years, he sailed; between .RO- borti and Kingston.. Mrs. ,Mason was n Aberdeenbhire in 1834. Her maiden name was Jane 'SS att. She came to Canada in 1841, and resided for a time near .Grimsby, :she was united in marriage to Mr. Mason. at the home of her brother, . John Watt, in Hullett township, Rev..Arehie Cur- rie performing the ceremot;y. • Mr. and Mrs. Mason resided in, Hul- lett, near Kinburn, for twenty-two years. Selling their farm. - there, they bought the farm of the late • Geo. Forbes on the 3rd con. of 1liorris,where they still reside, Their many friends • wishthem many years of worried life yet. 41. ▪ Personal Not e .+l t If those having relativ sr ;Alinas 4+ . , visiting In town or' Mit away 446 vnootifulyd as noof ntnheeed fIact Int ethaoq Nwte&k ` uwe., /k4T****YPPi�t0 Miss 5 McLennan. has returned home from the Sou wbere she has been, visiting for some weeks. Mrs JN Smith and Miss.. Harrison; Buffalo, N. Y., . - are visiting " their brother Walter H Manning. % Misses Chidley and Wiseman, of Clinton are the guests of Mr and Mrs JAOo st - n atlas. Z rt a u hHerald.]3 C r Miss Lila Mitchell is spending a couple of weeks with her. friend, Miss Mamie Cartwright, Winghana. Miss Lucy Cooper spent a couple of weeks visiting friends at St.. Thomas and Woodstock: Miss E izabeth• Dempsey.spent Sun. Tda ndayp•at her home- in Goderich ownsySnhi. On reaching Vancouver, the W. M, S., Missionaries received news of their. appointment for.the year. Miss Swann goes to Shizwoka. ' Her . address will be : Miss A:nnabet•Sean, Eiwa Jo Gal- sko, Shizwoka, Japan.. Miss Oourtice goes to Nagaro. Letters : inust be posted a week before C. P:: R.,: boats leaves Vancouver.' The next boat Sept. 7 ev ' ' uper , a one time -WA ofRattenbvey.St. church, is.now UV- ing at Toronto. Last week he passed his 75th birthday and with the excep- tion that his hearing is.defective, he enjoys good health, and looks physi cally.as strong as many men of much lesser. years, . Townsend , . Mrs. W..3. . Marshall and • little daughter Eille was the guest of . her sister, Mrs. W. T... Smith, Seaforth, for the past week,' • • Misses Susie and Amelia ' tad have returned to Toronto atter a cou- ple 'week's ou- ple'week's visit inOlinton andvicinity, Master Earl M a s a x h lt of London, who has been visitinghis aunt, ;Mrs. W. C. Searle has gone home. Mrs. F. M. Kellar, of Detroit, Mich., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Rowland Jenkins, GoderichTownship. Postmaster Sims, -of Blyth, was lu town-Feidity.'T . Vee Bowles 5tcMi hael, Se o t, McMichael, of r h. as a visitor at. the-Be-wiing-green-on-. Friday afternoon for a short'•titne while returning home from Wingham Principal Spotton of .the chain of Business Colleges was in town on Friday, • Mr 1 B Reynolds, of. the Commercial .hotel, was under the doctor's care .last - week. but is again able to be around' weare pleased to state, D L Macintyre, wife and family, of Newmarket, spent the past few days with Mrs Maclntyre's parents, Mr and Mrs A McKeown. They have taken an extensive trip by water from Buffalo to Cleveland, Detroit and Goderich returning home Monday. `11•111111Mak en of t The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy all kind* of Furniture. �r /� OVER -p FURNITURE A ND HO �l .fit & BALL , U ,1) elil.TAKIEN 001 ONEL SIR 1ii17NBY 1 ', PELLA•TT. Commander Of Queen's Own Rifles Of Canals, who is now on the Atlantic 'with -his Regiment for England where they will spend a month in training. EARL GREY A correspondent writing to The Globe from Norway Douse says that in an interview with his Excellency Earl Grey the latter Said : "11 I am spared, you may say that I will both nen and prorogue the next session of the Parliament of Canada, x1911—. 1912. This is the expressed vileh of my superiors across the waters, and,, although my year's extension of time as Governor.Generat expires on Sept, 2015, yet If eel it my brunden duty to ,remain, not from an Imperial. vietr" • point alone, but out of respect to the Canadian people." W. GOODWIN. Manager of the John Murphy Co„ Departmental Store, Montreal, who made a very able epeech before the Newspaper Circulation Convention In Montreal, He stye that the quality of a paper is what gains the circulation, ave Mone BY SPENDING IT HERE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Big Price Reductions in' Departments. A Big Waist Special About 25 Ladies' White Lawn Waists, made of nice quality Lawn and trimmed with tucks and lace or ems broidery insertion. Good valtie at 65c. Tie clear lertday. Qai and Saturday ....................................... Men's Odd ]Pants at 79c Only a few dozen of these -odd lines of $1.00 and. $1.25 Pants. ;Choice of this lot Friday and Saturday.... 101 Children's Patent Oxfords. at Sec This Oxford is made of good quality Patellt leather, and will give good satisfaction, Sizes 11 to 2. Regular nn n price $1.85. Friday and Saturday..... (WC................ • D Special prices on Wonien's and Children's Oxtords, Be sure and get a pair of our 69c or 49c Corsets, They're Humtmrs. Men's and Boys' • Clothing at Lowest Prices. Pluxnsteel Bros SMALL FROF1TS MOBS B iTSINES Mrs H Stevens, William Street. 16 visiting her friend, Mrs ' E Watson, Btyth;'for a few days this week. Mr and Mrs Thornton and Master Lorne who has been visiting • their aunt Mrs J Snyder of town the past few weeks left on Monday for their home in Wauchapu; Sask. Miss Blake, Goderich, visited at J Snyder's this week. . Mr R.Rowland has been under the 1 doctor's care and is stili unable to at-, tend his work at the store. Mr John Warrener and soil Clark of Sarnia, are visiting at the hoose of his parents. Mr and Mrs. Geo Warrener. Miss A Ray son and nephew e Arthur r Ball, Toronto, spent the past week with her mother Mrs Jno. Rayson, of town, • Dr and Mrs Baird, Montreal, who have been visiting with Mrs McLennan the past week., were called home un- expectedly on. Monday. Miss Tilly Tebbutt returned to Woodstock, Wednesday,having spent her vacation at her home, • Mrs R Irwin, of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, has been for some weeks on the sick list. Her many old friends will be • pleased to : know that she is recovering. Mr.,Will Johnston,,and sister Maria returned to their home in 'Toronto, on Thursday aftrr spending ''a very leasant vacation will their . vacation wit t etr cousin, rs ames :town; Queen St. and other relatives in this locs lily; • Miss Edna Levis is visiting the Misses Fisher, Dundas. . Miss Bessie Irwin, Montreal,is spend ing a month with her parents Mr and Mrs JAIrwin. . .' Mr Ed Jenkins will address Wesley Epworth League next Monday even- ing. Aire James Livermore entertained a fen ladies to tea on Tuesday evening. Mrs RobtSbepherd, and Glen and Jack retdrned to London Tuesda. y Mite Luella Walkinshaw " of the Royal Batik, is. enjoying a two weeks vacation, and with her sister .Siiss Reith is visitieg'ili Hatniltou,:Toronto and Niagara Falls. • Bliss Mary Marsh, New YoIle, and n eee iirM s (Re"ry Bloat lis vlsitinga at- :Wesley :Parsonage. 'rfts W-TFord-f r xteriy-of . Ontario. St. Methodist parsonage is visiting Mrs lames E 'Ford of the Wesley. parsonage. , Miss Annie Douglass, of Taughan- nock halls, N. Y. is visiting her aunt Mrs Ford at the Wesley parsonage. Manager Parks, Dunnville, formeriy Bunk manager in Seaforth, ' and Mr Will McLean, of the' Expositor Firm, • were in town Monday evening. Mr Geo Roberton left Tuesday for Port Colborne, Muskoka,to attend the Mr Wm -Graham left this morning to'atteod the funeral of bis brother - in law` Mr John Wanless, of Toronto; and father of the Rev. Dr William Wanless of the Presbyterian Hospital Miraj Tndore India. Dr Wanless has been home during the latter part of his father's illness. Mrs D M Ross and her son Stewart who have been in Denver for the past month are expected home this week, My and .sirs 3 W Gray, Bridgebtirgg, and tw o little sons are visiting, at Mr.! and Mrs Wm Graham's. • E W Smith, J 1t' and Mrs Smith and daughter are visitors at W. H. (convention and outing of' the London We Association which will meet there Mr and Mrs Jno Ross, •`Orillia, .spent a few days with Mr and, •Mrs: Murray McEwan, Mr Rose- and • the hostess are brother and sister ar d the former was on his wedding tour having just been recently married. Ten Millions A Tear Rate At ''Which Canada's Trade Is Increasing Duringthe first rs t four months 0 fthe current fiscal year ending July 31 Canada's total trade amounted to 3222,630,260, which is 340,710,950 more than the trade during the same period ' a year ago. The totalamount of domestic imports and exports alone during the same time was 1221,274,621 a betterment of 139,081,194. The value of merchandise imported for consump- tion during the four months totalled $143,322,043,a betterment of $31,530,201 and domestic produce was exported to the value of .380,952,578, an increase of $7.553,883. .During the four months exports of products of the fisheries increased by eight hundred thousand dollars, tum. her by'almtist a million dollars, agri- cultural products by five.. and a half .. millions, ` a' a and manufactures by oyer a msapillion.s .o Aars;nnuanals and their produce declined by -over six 'hundred thou - by by two, hundred thousand dollars. During July alone the total' trade: was 661,456,570 a. ;betterment of 'five. millions. • Imports showed an increase of 35,836,205 and exports declined by three quarters. of • a million. There was a decline' in the value of minerals sent out of $652,415, of $277,455 in lum• - • her, and $2771,195. in agricultural pro- duce.. There were increases of $399,- 370 in fish, $28,803 in animals and their produce and : 355,285 in manufactured articles,. RANOTRUlRAILWAYI SY — — - --- $TICM Can:a,diaon Na.'tion a�l Return tickets will be issiued:from Clinton' to "Toronto as follows:, 83.65, August 27th to Sept. 10th 82,70, Aug. 30, Sept. I. 6, and Return limit Tuesday, Sept. 13th,1910. Special train wilt'leave 'Clinton for Toronto, at 6:22 a.m, August 80th, Sept, lst, 6th and;8th, • rlaby Return tickets at single fare, between all stations in Canada. good going Sept, :2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, return a limit Sept. ltlt,' Roman Catholic Eucharistic: Congress, Single fare (plus 25c) for round trip to MONTREAL Good going g Sept.Se,pt . 3rd to 10th, inclusive„ from stations : west of .Kingston and. Renfrew, in Canada, Returti limit; Sept. 15th, Secure tickets and full information from ' A 0 Pattison, Depot agent. Manning's, 1 JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agent, PACIFIC RAILWAY 510Tb,WINNIPEG. FROM ALL CANADIAN PACIFIC STATIONS IN ONTARIO ADDITIONAL FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS' TUESDAY, AUGUST 30. TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 6 Free tran+►portatton will be furnithed •t Wlnnlpet. to polats on Canadian Paeltd where laborers are requlr•d East of Moose dew, including branches, *nd it one cent per m11e each way West thereof In Saskatchewan and Alberta. SPECIAL RAINS PROM TORONTO TO WINNIPEG ON ABOVE DATES ASK ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT FOR PARTICULARS