HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-08-11, Page 7Aug. 3.1tb t9lo-
The Vinton Now Era
MIA NA AlltmaxtPRXIAINNIJKARAM 1"sol,KlitUMMOK ./11e)kmt "Altsiss
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1: IjjZ Copyright. 1897. by Ramer 4 Brothers.
Author of "Chattanooga,'" "Chickamauga," Etc.1
(Continued from last week )
the scene you mention not to attack,
but to protect."
It was now my turn to stand stupe-
fied. Had I been all these months fol-
lowing an error?
"I came on the ground," Captain
Stanforth continued, "just in time to
witness the most diabolical sight I
ever saw in the south. One incident
of that terrible night I\ shall always
remember -a murder that I punished
with my own band. I saw a woman
flying for protection to a man who
stood near ber. A cowardly cur beside
me fired, and she fell through her pro-
tector's arms. I drew my revolver and
shot the murderer dead."
"Yon shot the murderer?"
I had no tongue for other words':
This man, dear to Helep, dear to Jack,
dear to all this household, was not only
Innocent of the crime I had imputed to
bim, but was my avenger. I took one
step forward and\selzed bis hand.
"Thank God:"
"You have been mistaken?"
"So far mistaken that had it not
been for these two women I would
have shot you down where you stand."
I strode to the door, rushed down the
patch to the gate, mounted my horse
and without once looking back at the
gaping crowd behind me galloped down
the road after the advancing army.
ICAUGHT the troops Just as they
were entering the city. All that
we could have wished for was ac-
complished. The whole territory
was .surprised and defenseless, and a
hundred miles of railroad fell into our
hands. Machine shops, rolling stock in
abundance, telegraph and all other
paraphernalia for operating the line
were among the trophies, •and on the
morning after the capture the men who
had been employed under the direction
of the Confederate government went
to work for the United States.
And now followed a rest for three
months, a longer stay in one place than
any I experienced during the war. It
would have been the most, delightful
bad it not been for my estrangement
from Helen Stanforth. Though I was
welcome at ber father's house, though
the family apparently became attached
to me, -though Jacir-and-Buc-kinvettme
as I loved them, Helen remained ob-
durate. In vain I si,ught to soften ber
by those attentions with which men
seek to entrap a woman's heart. She
would not even treat me with indiffer-
ence. I was to her a renegade to the
south, an unpardonable offender.
1 reported the case of Captain Stan -
forth to the general and secured from
him a parole, which enabled him to di-
vide his time between his father's
house aid the Rutland plantation with
his fiancee Jaqueline, who soon nursed
him back to health. Captain Beaumont
was brought to Huntsville under guard,
and 1 interested myself in securing for
him an early exchange,. which, after
hearing of Jack's engagement, be was
extremely anxious to obtain. He was
passed through the lines to Chattanoo-
ga, vowing that be would give his life
to the Confederacy if he could find a
Yankee bullet to assist him. Ile was
too manly and chivalrous to cast the
slightest blame on Jack for his disap-
One morning I took my friends from
Mr. Stanfortb's-excepting Helen-luto
headquarters and introduced them to
the general. He was aware of our
coming and had directed that the out-
laws should be brought before him at
the same time.
"Are these the men?" he asked.
"Yes, general," I replied.
To an officer of the guard be said:
"Take them away. I don't wish to see
any more of them."
Jaqueline, who had heard these
words once before, when they were
applied to me, and consequently knew
what they meant, turned pale. She
begged the general to spare them. He
shook his head. •
"Impossible. They are the crowning
barbarity of war.".
Rick Headache and relieve all the troubles bid -
dent to a bilious state of the system, such al
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most
remarkable success has Imenehown in Caring
Meadache, yet Carter' S Little Liver PIN are
4eqoally valuable in Constipation, curing andpre,
venting this annoying complaint.while theyalso
correct iilI disorders of the stomaeh, stimulatothe
liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they ow,
Aebethey wonid be alniost priceless to thosewhO
suffer from this distressing complaint; butfortu.
stately their goodness does notend here,and those
who once try them will find these little pills vain -
able in so many ways that they will not be VI.
ling to do without them. Butafter all sick head
18 the bane of so many lives that hero fa whets
•we make one great boast. Oar pills cure it while
ethers do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. oneor two pills make a dose.
They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
partabut by their gentle action please au who
Mgr telL.
, I
-11ut, genera!, tuat one,- pointing t,
Captain Ringold, "be helped us."
"Ahl 1 had forgotten that." Then,
turning to Ringold:
"If set at liberty, how long will you
require to get out of my lines?"
"1 will go at once,"
"Go, and if you are seen about here
after 'tattoo' this evening you will fol-
low your men."
The reprieved man sprang toward
Jaquellne. seized ber heed and kissed
"1 am a changed vaan,” he said as he
• kissed her hand.
"From this moment' emu changed
man," he said to her, "and your bright
eyes and kind heart have done it. In
another moment he was gone.
Captain Stanforth was soon exchang-
ed and before leaving to join his regi-
ment was unitedto Jaqueline. The
• wedding took place at the- Rutland
plantation. The groom did me the
honor td request me to act as his best
man, Ja4uel1ne doubtless having influ-
owed his choice. I gladly accsmed,
hoping that, since Helen was to serve..
as first bridesmaid, our being thrown
together thight heal the breach be-
tween us. Tea minutes before the cere-
mony„Jaquelthe wag. strumming Gin-
gers banjo, and ten -minutes after she.
had become 41 bride was standing on -
the rear gallery tossing' presents to a:
erowil af-black.-•peciple-below-, NY -hose:
upturned faces indicated the adorn.;
tion. in which they held their young
was disappointed in my hope that
the festivities would•thaw the obdurate •
'wart- of the woman I loved. She re
-tained cold even when ber hand was
.-aid on my arm before and after the
ceremony. Later, finding- her apart
from the others, I. approached her.
"Have you not •one kind word •for
we?" I asked. • ,
"Not one. I can respect a northern
soldier, not a southern man who wears
the blue." . . •
"Be it as you.wish.", •
Mounting my horse, I rode-baeli to
camp with a heavy heart.
Tbe advantages gained by our force
at Shiloh and our own bloodless con-
of northern .Ala.binna were not
vigorously folibived up,. The enemy •
withdrew to Ttipefo,Itliss.-, where .he
formed a new arrey, which -early 111
tie fall marched ender the Confecleento
General Bragg through Chattanooga
One morning In September orders
came for us to break camp and march
northward. • Bragg was advancing,
marching on Cincinnati or Louisville,
thus compelling the abandonment of
the territory we had acquired in the
spring and requiring us to hasten to
the protection. of the threatened cities.
After making my preparations for the
move I left the command, Intending to
join it on the march, and rode over to
the Stanforths to take my leave. Jack-
son announced me, and I sat down in
the little library I had occupied three
months before while my wound was
healing to await the appearance of my
friends. I was startled by the voice of
Buck coming,froth above:
"Lib, doggone it, whar's my swearin
book? I've lost that swearin break
what Major Brandystone tole me to
git." •
. A few minutes later he came into the
room. As he caught Sight, of me his
• face beestthe radiant, and, jumping into
my arms, he hugged me like a young
bear. The other's soon entered. Mr.
Stanforth, who by this time had openly
avowed his affection for tbe
parted from me with regret, not un-
mixed with apprehension lest upon the
return of the Confederates he might
suffer nor his attentions to our troops.
Mrs, Stanforth bade me adieu with
motherly atrection.. Little Ethel put
her arms about my neck and wonder-
ed., Buck for the moment In his affec-
tion for roe forgot that be was a Cell-
foderate sympathizer and insisted on
going with me. Helen stood aloof and
at the last moment seemed more bitter
than ever. There was. a flush noon her
eheek anti a bright spark In her eyes.
"i;oodby," I said, putting out tny
hand to her.
"Never to an enemy," she replied,
turning away.
There was a murmur of dist' rrerobse
tion at her act, but 1 did not listen to
It. Turning on my heel, 1 left the room
and the house and in another moment
was galloping away.
My regiment waS moving on a road
leading northward and to the east of
the main pike, so I was obliged. to ride
across country to rejoin. Large armies
necessarily move slowly, and, although
in this Instance we had entered upon
forced marehes, I knew that I had
plenty of time. I Was riding leisurely
la through a Itineler road when I heard
Lue swing of bersie's 4004 behind me.
1 bad beeotue eo used to heing taunted
by my old enemies that 1 Instinctively
drew rein and ray revolver at the haute
time and, facing about, awaited the
coming of friend or foe. Aly pursuer
turned a bend in the road but a short
distance from we aod suddenly came
in sight.
-whet sraurortni Wbat in tiie
world brings you here?"
She drew rein and sat with Bushed
cheees, ber eyes looking anywhere ex-
cept on me. Her horse was restive, the
two making a picture by no means
"1 am not satisfied."
"With what?"
"The manner of your leaving the
"Do 1 take with me what does not be-
long to Leer
"You age going with our .enemies,"
1 was euzzled. She knew that 1 wne
a 1 ni-p officer and that my duty lay
With the departing .array. Besides. to
rent'qin In the country after its reoccu-
pation by Confederate troops would be
as much as my life was worth, 1 was
more than puzzled; 1 was irritated,
smarting as 1 was under her recent
"his IS not what dissatisfies you,"
"1 spent mytirne rescuing a renegade."
"1 see no pccasion for you to come
after me to Hurl that taunt anew. We
parted half an hour ago. 1 supposed
never to meet again.- Now you must
needs" -
She paused and bit her lip.
1 had often noticed 'a great show of
picket firing on the part ef an enemy
just before abandoning lits lines. Some-
how the thought gave nit' an inkling
of what was passing In Helen's mind.
1 rode up close beside her and, laying'
my hand on ber horse's neck. stroked
It for a moment till 1 had quieted him,
Meanwhile my eyes were fixed• on. Ile!.
en's, that were glancing about wildly,
as if endeavoring to' find some nienol
of retreat. 13endhog forward trillium
a word. 1 put my arms about ber
drew ber to me. Her bead sank slow-
ly, at Inst resting on the embroidered
leaves that denoted my rank. •
"Sweetheart', I love you, and 1 believe
you love tne.t'
' •
There was silence, pave for the run-
ning water of the creek and the chut
tering of the birds in the trees Deside
the road. The tt uching or our nps,
her' heart beating against mine, stray
strands of her hi ir falling over my
wrist,, the meistura in her eyes, briug
a new warmth to lay heart even today.
At last she sudth illy *disengaged her-
self and, as thoegh ashamed 'of her
surrender, turned her hark to move.
away. • I caught her and held her long
enough for one more embrace, one long
parting kiss, then 1 let her go. As she
galloped. down the road I called after
"You forgive me for threatening your
brother, for trying to compel you to
beg for his life?" .
Was Troubled With His
Liver For Four Years.
Doctors Gave Him Up.
Mr. Harry Graves, Junking, _Alta.,
wdtest-"I can not say enough initgard
to your wonderful Milburn's Laxa-Liver
rifle. For four years I was troubled
with ray Liver, and at times it would get
so bad I could not move around. At
last the doctors gave me up saying it was
impossible for me to get cured.
My father got me four vials of your
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, but I told
him there was no use trying them and
that it was' only a waste of money,
however I took them and to -day, six
months later, I am a well man and
weigh twenty-four pounds more than I
did, I would advise all Liversufferers to
use them."
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 centa
a vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers,
or will be mailed direct on receipt of price
by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Ont. •
pird01 on' an unarmed man a gallant,
and meritorious act?"
"Oh, they complimented everybody
for everything during the war. But I
deserved the encomium, for I captured
another rebel more rebellious than
your brother."
"Who was that?" •
I put my arms about her and kissed
"My sweetheart!"
• Sloe Reward, $foo.
The readers of this paper will he
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
heen able to cure in all its stages,and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease; requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat-
arrh Cure is taken internally, acting
•directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby des
troying the foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by
building up'the constitution and assist-
ing nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testi-
Address : F. a. CHENEY & Co,Toledo,0
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills:for constipa-
come when the "Intents saved."
"When the Confederacy is acknowl-
edged," and she shot around the bend
out of sight.
"I believe," I mused, as I rode on,
"there is no inconsistency, no incongru-
ity, that does not enter .intci the. com-
.poSitien of woman." •
We met again a year later, sbortly
before the battle of Chickamauga, and
again when Hood. was- marching
against Themes at Nashville, but it
was not till after the surrender at AP-.
pomattok that she consented to a un-
• ion that was to be simultaneous with
the reunion of the states. • •
One important fat has always re-
rnained a secret between.' me and' my
wife. I have never ventured to confess
to her that'during the war I performed
one act of secret- eervice. In overhaul-
ing my papers she one day came upon
a document got up An red and black,
ink in the form common in the arMY.'
"What's all this about?" she' asked.
" 'Gallant and meritorious services in
the capture• of Huntsville, Decatur and
'Stephenson Junction.' I thought that
when the Yankees surprised Hunts-
• ville you, were at our house."
"That?" I said, taking the paper and
pretending to scrutinize it. "Oh, that
was for capturing a rebel."
"What rebel?"
• I hesitated, then prevaricated. "Don't
you remember the scene in which your
brother bore an important part7"
"Do you mean to call drawing your
M111.11=0 •
We wish to warn the public against
being imposed on by unscrupulous deal.
era who substitute with cheap and worth-
lesa preparations designed to be imitations
of Dr. Fowler's Extradt of Wild Straw-.
berry, the wonderful Bowel Complaint
Pharmaceutical concerns are flooding
the market with therie cheap and worth-
less preparations, some of which are even
labelled "Extract of Wild Strawberry,"
"Wild Strawberry Compound," 'etc., but
they dare not use the name "Dr. rowlbrt
in the hope that the public may be de-
ceived and led to purchase them, thinking
they are getting the genuine "Dr.
Are you willing to risk your health -e.
perhaps even your life, to these no name,
no reputation, likely dangerous, ea
called Strawberry xtracts?
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry has a reputation extending over
sixty-five years, therefore when you buy
it you are not experimenting with a new
and untried remedy.
It cures Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Colic,
Stomach Cramps, Seasickness, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Summer
Complaint, and allkLooseness of the
Ask for "Dr, Fowler's" and insist on
getting what you'ask for. Price 35 cents.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Litnited, Toronto, Ont. •
M. J. Butler, the New Chief, Is Quiet
' Unassuming Person. •
• Naturally -there hasebeetenrach
tereat aroused by the announcement
• that Mr. M. J. Butler, C.M.G., Depu
ty Minister of Railways' and Cana1s.
has been elected by the shrewd body
of business men composing the boards
of the Dominion Steel and Dominion
Coal Companies as general manager of
that great combined corporation. Just
as .naturally, there is some curiosity
evincd by the public as to the char-
acter, •qualificatiems and: antecedents
of the man, Who, without any pervious
experience in the particular kind of
enterprise he is selected to manage,
is given a salary of $30,000 a year to
start with. Well, Mr. Butler is a
plain, unassuming man of quick dis--
°eminent and sound judgment,. a
sparing user of words; but a doer of
creeds. Capacity for work -work of
the quiet, persistent, telling kind, is
• considered his chief characteristic by
those whe have -worked under him and
with him. His next oonspicuou.s
ity- is: absolute confidence hi himself;
net confidence of the firma U., priggish
description, but confidence begotten of
• earnestness, thoroughness and steady
• suces. Closely identified with this
spirit of confidence is theadmira.ble
quality of unalterable determination -
a determination never expressed
• words, for. Mr. Butler is never a bins.
terer; but evinced by the undeviating
development of the work under hie
direction along the lines laid down
by him.
Now as to his technical qualifica-
tions, Originality and adaptiveness in
design arid organization are said to
be his strong point's as an engineer,
and this can be easily understood
when the wide range of his profession-
• al training and experience are coia-
siclered. He was educated for two pro.
fessions, .engineering and the law, and
he has practiced both. He was edu-
cated at De la Salle Institute and at
Toronto 'University as a civil engineer
and land surveyor, and at Kent Odle
lege of Law, Chicago, Ill., as a law.
Yer. .His name ID Still on tbe.list aa
an attorney and counsellor at law oi
the Illinois Bar. He has the degree of• ,
LL.B., is an Otabariti and a Dominion
.Land Surveyor, and a member of the
Institute of Civil Engineers, ofe the
American Society of Civil Engineers,
a.nd of the Canadian Society of Civil
Engineers. From 1903 • until 4904 he
was chief engineer of the Locomotive
and Machine Co. of Montreale leaving
that appointmeant to become assistant
'thief engineer of the National Trans-
continental Railway; in June, 1905,
being appointed Deputy Minister and
chief engineer of the Department of
Reilways and CanaLs, to which tip-
lse 1909, the duty ,of chairman ol
pointment there was added on April
the, board of management of Canadian
(xovernment railways.
Mr, Butler was born at Descronte,
Ont, his parents being Tobias But-
ler and Elizabeth McVery, both na.
Lives of Ireland.
Didn't Know What They Liked.
Markhamites are telling a good joke
on themselves. The Women's Auxil-
iary of. the Church of England there
gave a pancake social last Shrove
Tuesday. One of the ladies of the
tonerveation, the wife of a local hotel -
Woo.' l'hosphodino;
The Great English .Remedy.
Tones and Invigorates the W)1010
TICITOte system, makes new
13loodln nid Veins. Cures Nerv.
tt9 Dcbthf, Afental and Draft Worry, Des.
pendency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper.
nuaorrhasa, and Effects o f Abuse or Excesses.
Pride $1 per_box, tearer $5. One will pl ease, six
wili plain pkg. on reeei a priee. New palnphlei
Cure. Mid byi1 druggists or mailed in
Mailed free. Tho 000 116141QIno
ifoernerly Ifftsdec41 ,TomasiO4 081
eeeper, onerect "to provide' the arIppl
withwhich to fry the cakes, and M
Chauncey, a life member of the aux
.arse was unanimous elected eh
cook. .)n the afternoon of the soei
one ef the younger members posti
tfl lo the hotel to procure the prom
cd dripping and returned with t
howls of beautiftdly 'rendered wh
'lite pancakes were light as Southe
wafflea, and browned to the color
golden syrup. While everybody w
voting them the best they had ev
ea ten, and backing their assertions
encore orders for the delicacy, t
donor of the dripping hurried into t
hall and rushed through to the kite
en, laden with two more pots of sn
eltite lat. All e as hustle, commotio
laughter, and suppressed exeiteme
in the smoke-filled kitchen, but on
the cislicious pancakes found a w
to the tables, so well ordered was ti
work of the committee.
Never in the history of Markka
had so many pancakes been dispee
of at one sitting. The social was su
a sueeess that this year it was repea
ed shortly after the Christmas festi
ties. The crowd was just as large, t
paneikes just as light and their col
as delicate a .brown, but sorneh
they lacked the flavor of the year
fore, and the people said 80. Th
aspersion proved too much for t,
volunteer cook and her willing asci
ante Then and there they let o
the fact that on Shrove Tueeday, 190
the maids at the hotel had made
terrible mistake which was not di
covered until the entertainment w
well nigh over -instead of the cls
dripping specially rendered for the s
cittl,' they had sent two, pots of goos
grease, anti in Was the pancakes bit
been fried.
• Kept Their Appointment.
Appointments are kept in strang
ways, but seldom more weirdly tha
one which was fulfilled by two wome
a short time ago in Norway cemeter
near Toronto, where it had been mad
a few days previously.
• Mrs. Ella Margaret Mace, 20 Ha
courtstreet, and Mrs, Annie E. Sau
ders, 84 Winnifred avenue, Toront
had been warm friends for. sever
years. They had not seen each othe
for a considerable time, when' purel
by accident they met in the Norwa
cemetery in the middle of May. The
were laying flowers upon 'the grave
of departed friends. and when leavin
the cemetery they met.' After a car
al conversation the wom'en made a
pointment to meet on Monday, Ma
• 30, at the. home of Nita. Mace. The
then came to the city and parted.
Each intended to keep her appoint
• ment, but, within a few days, eac
fell ill and the casual engagement wa
forgotten under the stress of a login
fight for life. Both the women die
during the week preceding the dat
•Of their appointment, but chance
coincidence or whatever it is tha
has charge of such matters, seems
not to to have forgotten, for, purel
by accident, on Monday, May.30, th
• day set for the meeting of theee tw
women, two funeral procession
wound up to the gates. of the littl
cemetery and drew up beside newl
dug graves. In the caskets were th
remains of these two women who ha
-tight y agre upon just thal
day to carry out some trivial matte
of social intercourse.
So it came about that on just th
day set by them in life, these two nte
in death.
Yellow Peril Talk.
Tohn Chinaman •is squintin
through his slanting, olive eyes a
Canada more eagerly than ever befell.
-witnesses the Customs Departmeh
at Victoria, B.C. Yellow peril tall
threatens to become rampant again
Dozens of the pig -tailed celestials art
filing into the coast province. Ever
liner from dark Asia has its comple
ment of yellow men; jepa,nese ship
are doing good business shipping
Chinamen. to Seattle, whence th
prospective laundrymen and butler
of the predatory rich take a local boa
• to VanCouver, Why the sudden •in
flux? Transportation • nien explai
that it isall a question of thd capita
• tion tax. • Chinese imigrants pay not
'five hundred dollars each for the
privilege of Canadian residence.
rumor is reported. to have got abroad
in Hong Kong that the immigration
authorities of the .Dominion contem
'plate doubling the five hundred dol
lar tax. Of course; such an intima
tion would tend to wake up any in
habitant of the "Land that Sleeps'
who might have a hazy dream some
time of washing clothes in the west
ern hustle. But is the rumor true?,-
very- possibly enterprising fiction on
the part of the, transp,rtatien agents.
• -,Canadian Courier. •
Dominion Income and Outgo, 1909-10.
• Those .who are interested in these
matters will be glad to know thatthe
income rf the Domiaion of Canada for
the year amounted to over ene hun-
dred millions, or to be exact, 3101,501,-
034.28, thus fulfilling the prediction
mado by the Minister of Finance
.Jore than a year ago, that the hun-
dred million mark would be passed
this time. The expenditure on reve-
nue account amounted to a little ,less
than $80,000,000. . Among the "miscel-
laneous' expenditures is one of al-
most' $1,500,000 added to sinking
funds, or in other words, applied to
reduction of the public debt. This
amount and the '$27,000,00T surplus
over expenditure is 323,535,000. This
surplus, together with some borrowed
money, was spent in such permanent
Weeks* as the Transeontinenta/ Rail-
way. The amount thus spent on capi-
tal account amounted to over $34,000,-
000, making it necessary to burrow, in
addition to the income, about $10,600,-
The Wrong Fight.
In Queen's Park, Toronto, one glor-
ious afternoon last week, a group of
assorted loungers were discussing in
heated feshion the news of the day.
Another happy idler approached and
wanted to know the matter of argu-
"It's the jaekson controversy," said
an elderls, orator. "What do you
think of it?"
"Well, now," said the newcomer,
"I don't really take much stock in it.
Of eontse, I ain't saying that a nig-
ger can't be a white man's equal in
some respects, but when it comes to
a white man going into the ring
against a nigger,,, I must say that I
draw the line."
go on," said the elderly Ora-
tor. "This ain't the /effrieseTohnson
fight that we're talkite about.Thie is
theology. Jackson' e a minister."
"Shrtektr," said the nevveomer,
"what on earth can a minister be in
a. Scrap about?"
1 mannnummulainimuutu rtrIT"7--- „ m ••
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AUGUST 27th . to SEPTEMBER .12th, 1910
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Everything new in attractions.
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For all information write Manager, J. 0. ORR, City Hall, 'Toronto.
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‘S25 000 in Prizes and Attractions
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Ford & McLeod Advertise in The New Ern
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