HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-08-11, Page 4• Tor alt What we sell Advert sea >Ele.. Ladies" Ready-to-wear Garments, millinery and Dress -Mi ling. • • great Red[uctioi hummer Good s You yet have a long time to wear cool things •we have only a short time to sell there. ' We must prepare for Fall, therefore we have lowered prices so, logy on Summer things that they will not last long. Nov is the time ;td buy Summer Goods. eolored Muslins Less Than Palin 1?rice 500 yards of Muslins, in pretty colors and neat designs, suitable for.Ladies' and Children's.dresses, regular 18c and 20C. Sale 'price 7c. howNPaced Waists of White Lawn Five dozen Ladies' White Lawn Waists, long - sleeves, neatly trimmed with Embroidery Inser- tion, good quality Lawn, reg. $1.5o, Sale price 75c. Four dozen Ladies' White Waists, also neatly trimmed with Embroidery. Would be. good valu at 75c. Sale price. 39c. Fancy Parasols At a Price That Ought to Satisfy Anybody. One dozen fancy Parasols, in pretty colors,. natural wood handles. All this year's styles. Your choice of any Parasol 31.50 Summer Hosiery Fifteen dozen Ladies' Hose, in colors white, • tan, black and tan, and white stripe. AU sizes. Regular 25c. Sale price 19c per pair. SANCTICM MUSINGS PEOPLE who possess . a "sweet tooth" will be pleased that the honey crop for I910 is good. •N♦ JusT to show how unselfish they are the Toronto Base. Ball team has to- bogganed to 4th place, The old saw "Always room at the top" mush be a cross cut. ♦•♦• A coffin was utilized as the overcoat for a contraband consignment of grog to Cobalt, There was' a- speedy spirit resurrection when the Constable turned undertaker and the expectant pall bearers were out of a job. •N♦ WE like the aggressiveness and stick-to-ativeness of tion Wm Lyon McKenzie King. He's Cabinet timber of the proper grain and will be able to show the finished article as the time and occasion arrive for its manifestation. Some men are only basswood but Hon. Mr King looks like royal oak. •N♦ THE ocean greyhounds are busy re- cord making by record breaking, -one of the latest trips being three days and eighteen hours from land to land. This is nearly an hour ahead of the best time by St. Lawrence route. We have no doubt the voyage will be made in- side of three days which will rather wipe the old historic trips of four, six and even eight weeks off the map. ••N WE would like to see Clinton Public School pupils take a hand in flower and vegetable culture and cultivation next Spring, looking. .to the holding of an Exhibition the following Pall for 1 their exhibits and awarding of prizes. In some other places the plan worked most succbe ffflly add was a splendid trainingfor the boys and girls. •♦♦• ONTARIO farmers fortunatly knot little of elven the necessity of irriga- tion rrigation so frequent and copious are the showers. In Alberta Province the• 0. P. R., have re big irrigation scheme on hand whereby 300,000 acres of 'land are to be benefitted by artificial means. The water is to be brought from the Bow River, near Calgary, 17 miles in.a canal and emptied into a reservoir 3 miles long, •1 mile wide and 40 feet deep. From 'three secondary canals ditches will be run to carry the water to the desired spots, Farm, ers benefitted will to taxed according ,to the service rendered, This plan Will put the danger of drought out of the question but can't prevent nuniy irons other drawbadke. C. P R will no doubt reap a large benefit by the enc. etul working out of the plan, 1 INSURANCE Companies have to take the rough with the smooth as well as other people. It is said the losses in the destruction of Campbellton, New Brunswick, will foot upto one and a half million dollars, which will be a hard -crack for the companies interested. They will not be accorded much sympathy either in their having to "shell" out. TORONTO Star of August 3rd pro- pounds a query in the • following fashion: -"Where is the centre of 'High 5phool education .in.. Ontario?. Judging from the showing of P•.ertl, Buron and Middlesex in the faculty of - education examinations, • it is some- where there or thereabouts." -We believe old Huron can hold its own with the best of them and has the record to prove it. *N• GOOD news cornea from Liskeard and other points in'New Ontario rela- tive to harvest prospects, The best yet is reported with a goodly number. of settlers opening up new sections. Itis safe predicting to forecast a day of good things•at hand for the North- land of Ontario. •••• SATURDAY of this week 600 members of the Queen's Own Regiment, Tor- onto,will go by train to Quebec and, after a short rediew, will proceed to England. They will remain at Alder- shot and London until toward the close of September taking part in mili- tary manoeuvres and evolutions, as.' sociated with the regular troops. It will be a great excursion resulting in no small pleasure, new experience and tactical beneflta The soldier boys will be granted considerable liberty in the world's metropolis giving them ample opportunity to see the best there is. Colonel Pellatt will be in charge: of the noblen300 They are a soldierly con- tingent and will do credit to Cianada/ Council Meeting. Owing to tate feet that there was not a gt;orum; last Monday Council met Monda or Ty of this weak. Councillors Taylor CCooper, Beacom and Reeve Smyth present, Councillors Gibbings, Mason and Jackson absent, Clerk Macpherson read the minutes of last meeting and were confirmed. The Public '9chool Board sent in a petition asking that two taps be placed in the two halls of the school, And a petition for a sidewalk o;1 the south side of Huron Street was asked for Sidewalk petition was passed on motion of of Councillors Paisley and Beacom. The Public School petition was re. breed to Waterworks Committee. • the Bevy an eo leb the wastiread, for .65 and that thetax be 27imills. Moved by ri o tnell.lor Patel.y rOman.% Token Ulx. referred kook ,to_ .that nom mibtee'for a move oouple staaernaiat of the town's lInsateee. Tees --Taylor. Paisley and Cooper. Nays-•Beioom and Smyth. It was moved that the street froth Fairs Mill to the too of hill he made 20 feet wide instead of 22 feet. The finance committee brought in their report and accounts were passed on motion of Counclllar Cooper and Councillor Paiele . The Waterworks committee reports over 100 Connection being made up to the present 'and about 25 more to be made. A leo that if finances are good to lay some small pipe on some streets.; where connection- has been asked for Engineer Chipman was given $800 on WI salary. Council adjourned on motion of Reeve Smyth and Councillor Beacom. SircoossFIIJL CANIODATES West Huron Entrance To The Normal' Schools . FRnnt GODEIiSCH• COLLEGIATE IN- STITUTE:- 'Rata N-STITUTE:-'Recta E Clark, Jean C. Clark, Myra ADurnin,Oolin Fingland 11Iorence A Harrison,,Eda A flicking - bottom, John • E Jackson, Marion I Jamieson, Nizabeth G Lacey,• Wm. G McNeviu., John 0 Millian, FROM 'EXETER PUBLIC ScnooLa-- Wm G Birne, Anna L Martin, Allan Pickard, (Lawrence. G. Watson, hon. ors. FRAM CREDITON PUBLIC SCHOOL: - Elsie easier, (honors;) Elmore Truem- neFRoM r. GODERICII COLLEGIATE IN - p FRoisGuDinanASHW. OOD PUBLIC SCHOOL:- Frank Entrance To Faculties Of Education STITtrrE:- Part I- Margaret Bisset, Alberta Durnin, (Thos R Elliott,,hon- ors;) Agnes I Hamilton, (honors;) Donald McLachlan, De Lemme Mi11- yard (honors;) Rose I McNevin, Irene ° Pridham, (honors;) J Archie Tom, Roytand Walter, Ina B Welsh. Part LX -Melville G Anderson,' Henry M Leppard, Donald R Finlayson, Wm. Stevenson Hailey—Gould On Tuesday morning,) quiet wedd- ing took place in St. Joseph Church, when Miss Sarah Hailey was united in marriage to Mr. Gould. of St. Col- umbia, Rev. Fr. Hanlon officiated,, Death Of A Former Clintonian The death of Miss Alice. Foxton, formerly of this town, took place in Billings, Montana, on August the .5th, The remains were interred in Clinton, cemetery on Monday, Aug. 8th, on the arrival of the morning train 'from London.' Standing of. League • Won Lost Clinton 5 1 833 Goderich 2 . 4 333. Mitchell 1 3 250 And Clint`on `Won Goderich played " their last league match hake Wednesday eveningand where defeated by a score of 5 -0 ; not a man reaching third base and only one roan getting to second. Clinton bed .men.lelaQliabaeee. a,Taeaketaatot.. 'only. made a two base hit butnever allowed the visitors to make a hit. UmpirePotts had hard work to satisfy the visitors. and McCreath, whom Mit- chell batted out of the box on Monday, was on the bench, as Goderich did not care to have another protest. -Follow- ing is the line up and score : Now.. Xnur , beano 'N'llt pfaeineb at both ssrvi..en latext > Ratti,. Mr M:alll`.Srie .a. one of thea sing young minietere of 7► the London Conference. ulleon ?A BFJ' 4IST Mr Forward, Preston, who pre•iehed excellent sermons both morning and evening to very appreciative congre. PEOPLE gations en Sunday last will occupyy the pulpit again. on Sunday next both morning and evening. Mr Forward .ARE proved himself to be a young tnnn of exceptional ability as aspeaker. Those who heard him teat Sunday will be de lighted to hear him again and those who did not heat Bina would, do well to avail themselves of the opportunity Mr Forward would like to meet every young man in Clinton at the Baptist church on Sunday evening as he intends speaking especially ; to THE young men. His subject is: "Yqung Men and their Work in the World.'' Come and hear him. AIR WHQ UP IN 8moke'a cigar while filling the gun - line tank on their auto. They ought to know better.. Go at a $10.00 a day gait on a $4 a day salary. Attempt high flying without sFif- f3clent ballast. • Imagine they can do up-to-date bus- iness without advertising. Want everybody else to boom the town while they +'slope." WILLIS Miss 2ada McRae rendered a solo very effectively at the morning service on Sunday last, and in the .evening Miss Barbara McIver sang very sweet- ly, the solo parts in the. anthem, 1++.144+1+1+1+1444++24 Persona! Not Notes 1 !1 those. having relativesorfriends visiting ns of the facwn t each week, world announce it in the New Mr. Clarence Kitty has taken the position as •Junior in.the Molson's Personate "cod ash"' aristocracy and. Bank here he should fill the bill al - under rate real gentility, right. Mlsiniprove golden opportunities within easy reach of adding to their education. Sneer at Goodness and the promot- ers of any worthy cause. Norman Sheppard, of Hamilton, W. Sheppard, of Clinton, and Han. vey Colclough, student of Wycliffe College and Toronto University, were. visitors at the home of their uncle, John Colciough,last week, near Blyth. Shirk honest toil and imagine the Harvey has recently passed his fourth world owee them a living. 1 year examination taking the degree of Don't pay their .way and refuse to A• He wn to ft be "square.", the holidays toill comreturpleteto Toronto studies aforer Are goalless. the ministry. "Fly off the handle". and think sen- sible people have to take their "guff: Don't think Clinton is'the "Hub." Always want the big half. Writea hand no one can read. Think the use of profanity adds to their weight. Permit their children" to run the streets to 10 and 11 o'clock at night. Doubt that Canada is not the best land under the sun. . Refuse to love a baby: Smoke a"loaded cigar. or , any uther kind. Handle a "didn't-know-twas" load- ed gun. • Forget the old° home and neglect writing to the auld folk. Decline to jour a "Boost Club" to make their town bOom. Quaintness In Headgear. Everything in the sartorial world sa- vors of quaintness this season -that is, not of the quaintness as defined by -Webstea„ a ,tfs inalfal taut° iing lathy-- of an entirely up to the minute ilk. Such quaintness is evidenced in the new coiffure worn by the pretty girl pictured. • The' little side ringlets are ,. one of- the •latest notions of the hair- dressing artists and suggest a lady of Our artist caught McDonald as he endeavored to cover second base in the 7th. CLINTON R "O Hawkins c 2 ` 0 Johnson 1 b 0 4 Twitchell •s s 1 3 Kerr e f 0 3 East r f 0 4 McCaughey 3 b 0 3 Draper b 1 3 McEwan I f 1 2 Tasker p . 0 2 5 24 . GODERICH ' R 0 Webb 1 f • 0 4 Elliott r f ' 0 3 MacDonald a s 0 _3 Devine 3 b 0 3 Walters c f' 0 .. 3 Cruickshank 2 b ° 0 3 Black l b 0 3 • Dean c 0 3 Billp 0 2 0 27 GODERICR-O 000000000-0 CLINTON'-1 0 1 0 1 01 1 x-5 Is none too good for YOU. We do the BEST 41O11 PRINT- ING' in town: GIVE US YOUR ORDER. THE LATEs7 MODE. ye oldendays tricked out in full skirt of daintily sprigged muslin, with a surpilced bodice' and possibly a small grenadine.' shawl about her. shapely Miss Carrie Rye. Toronto, visited at the home of Mrs C J Widths. Mise Vera Murch, of Stratford, is visiting at the home of E. G. Coutice. Mise Lappine entertained a number of her gir friends on Wednesday. Mrs. Jno. Gibbings gave an after- noon tea to some of her lady friends to -day, Mr and Mrs Wm H Bezzo, of San- Fransico are spending a few days visiting friends in town. Mr Bezzo is Garment buyer for the Hall Syndicate of stores in California and stopped off here on his way back from one of his periodical trips to the eastern markets. He linked -his future with the American Republic at the time of the exodus, some twenty years ago and is an example of . some of the gains made by that country during the depressing years of the National Policy in Canada. Miss Belle. Henderson, Brussels, was the guests of friends in town this week Mr Roy East accompanied by his mother have been visiting at. London and Strathroy. Mrs; Jno. McGarva and Mr. Andrew MQGarva.",:a..oeempanied,hy_:.Mrs.,...Faor-,. ence Diehl left last Friday for South- ampton where they will visit forsome- time. From the TilsonburgLiberal we clip the following item:- Mrs. (Rev,) A. Hall, of Aylmer occupied the pulpit very acceptably last Sunday; Mrs. G. E, McTaggart. of Blyth, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Thonrp- son,'over Sunday. Mr,, Jno. Hartley was in town a few minutes on Monday. He took the ser- vices in Mitchell on Sunday and came up on excursion train. He returned to Wingham on the 11 train. Mr. and Mrs. Leppard, of Walkerton ant their two children are visiting . at the home of Miss Rudd. Mr. Leopard is Principal of the Walkerton Public School. - Mr. Will. Henderson, of Bruesela has been visiting : friends' An a:nu around Clinton. Rev:'Fr. Hanlon left this week to attend the C. M.E. A , Convention at Ottawa. The Reverena gentleman ex- pects to take in the Eucharistic Con- gress which is 'to be held in Montreal next month. • Miss Gertie Brang. of Detroit, is the guest of her friend, Miss Margery Lap pine. _ .• .Mr. and Mrs Wm. Graham and their nephew, Master Torence Higgins, of Toronto, spent a few days very pleas- ehaniders. A big coal scuttle bonnet c antly at Bayfield and Goderich last and a reticule hanging on her arm 4 week, 1 would complete the *ore. Church Chimes 'N+'•••a •ti ' ti 11►til The Presbytery of. Lindsay held a meeting at Beaverton last "Friday to receive Mr T A Symington, M A„ into the ministry •of the • Presbyterian Church and to, induct him into the pastorate of Knox Church: • Mr Sym- ington's parents live in Port Dover. Elis many friends here will wish Lim success in his new charge. WESLEY A re -union meeting of Ontario,St. and Wesley Epworth Leagueb was. held in W:esley church on Monday evening The visiting Leaguegay.e the enter- tainment. Mr 'Hawke presided over the meeting. The first item on the program was a sweet solo by Miss Grace Walker.. The next'Iteni was an essay written on a familiar hymn the firstwas taken by Mrs Webb which in chided the first two verses, the second two stanzas was beautifully' explained by Mr Arthur Trick and the remaining two were brought with very much force and meaning by Mr N Weleb,.. a reading was given,by Mrs McMurray which brought down the house with laughter. SALVATION ARMY" ' Captain Harvey 'Lloyd, from Thed- ford will conduct the services at the S. A. Hall next Saturday and Sunday evening Aug. 13th and 14th. The i Captain s a musician and it will be in- teresting to hear him, he was at one time in charge of'tbe local work here. a The usual' Sunday the service has been changed from '7 p m to 8 pm the same to, take effect next Sunday evening, this will of course give the ehureh people an opportunity' of at, tending the Army ONTARIO STREIlT Kra It Sheppard, Londonl is vffliting, Rey. Irving Mc$elvie,S'1! L of Trow triendet herb, Mies Clark spent a week at Bayfield last week. Mr Ed Cantelon Sundayed at Bay- field. Mr K G Beaton, St- .Catharines, is the guest of his brother Mr A D Beaton, this week. Mr and Mrs T Trick and Mrs Lud- dington, were visitors with Exeter friends last week. Those who went to the Bowling tournament at Goderich this week are J L Courtice, J Watts, J Wiseman, E Courtice, W Taylor, P . Towne, • J Nediger, J Taylor;'J. Crooks, D. Mc- Intyre, J Ford and George Barge, Messrs B J` Gibbings, W. Harland, R. Graham and J B•Hoover are away at, Berlin attending the Bowling tourna. ment. Mr Hoover is also one of the appointed umpires of the game. • Anold time resident of this section arrived in town last Friday evening in theperson of Mr . Wna'Forsyth, of North . Carolina. Mr Forsyth 'went south over 30 yyears ago. He formerly resided in Tuckeremith near Brucelield The visitor will likely spend a month. around the 'cominunity. Mr 0 E Dowding.manager pf ,the Molson's, Bank is' holidaying ' at Owen Sound. Mr John Gentles, a prominent and well-known citizen of Kincardine," passed away Sunday after a short ill- ness, in his 60th year, He was born in Goderich and went to that town 40 years ago, Ile was very successful in business, and was prominently known as a breeder of harness. He leaves a wife and two sone. Mr A. Goodwin left this week on an extended visit in Saskatchewan. Miss Myrtle Sperling is spending her Vacation with her parents at 'Oran. brook. • John Sterling has accepted a situat- ion With an Auto firm at Flint, Mich,, and will leave for that place in a few days, Miss Pointer, Pembroke, was visit, ing at the home of Wm Murdock. 1,204 ups andSaucers ON SALE AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF n 7c each, or 75c per doz s They are full size ; made of English Semi -Porcelain, • •• + • ♦ i ♦ Cooper c Co.; CLINTON. •+•+•°+.+•+•+•+•f•-i •+•+•+• 4+ p Land nicely decorated. Well worth $1,20 per dot. • • White lined Mixing Bowls all sizes, lac to 5oc. THIS IS A NEW LINE WITH' U Mrs Howard Stevenson and master Harold visited at the home of Mrs W 5 Downs last week. , Mr George Becker, Detroit, is visit- ing under the parental roof at ' Fair Dale," the residence of Mr John Becker, of town. Miss Clara Grant has just returned to Toronto, after spending a month's vacation at A. McGuire's; Goderich Tp. Mr. B. Grennan. Streetsville, spent a few days with Mrs. Steep and Miss Rowe, Mary St, Miss Sadie East. eldest daughter of Mr, H. East, Hullett, leaves on Satur- day, for Wroxeter, where she will- teach illteach school ata salary of about $500,.. Mr. J, J. Mitchell,and wife and fain - sly, who has been houde visiting bis mother, Mrs. J. Mitchell," left Monday for' his home in Bladworth, Saskat- chewan. Mrs Martin Charlesworth and her two sons E W and R returned to Grand Forks, North Dakota on Wednesday morning and will go by boat. We• hope they will, have a safejourney. Terms Gash. One Price Only N S ot You will ' find, all through " the' store, indications that that the Fall season is . ap- proaching. Fall. goods ase popping up their heads everywhere. • • New Dress Goods, New Mantels, New Flan- nels, Blankets, and Blanket Cloths, with many others to follow immediately; . Iad ies : Corsets Must be correct, not in one point only, but in every one of their . many °important features. We . Buy Direct from the Best. Makers We realize the importance of doing so. •We believe our lines are as near perfection as human skill can make them. Two large ship- ments of the latest models are just being added toour already -splendid stock. Prices range from soc to $2.75 Embroidered aists Another 'shipment just received of our great Special at $1.19. We have now all sizes - in stock, from 34 to 40. You get the correct fit here ; you save good money on the actual cost, and have no extras, Another Money Maker SHEETING, bleached and unbleached, plain or twill, full two yards wide, strong and:servicable at only 25c per yard. Under present conditions of the Cotton market, this is a rare opportunity, MEET ME AT The People's Store