HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-08-11, Page 3The enema New "Ere
will like the fine.
flavor of Red Rose
Tea. It has the cup
goodness that comes
only from Red Rose
quality—the reason
why it holds first place
in thousands of Cana-
dian homes., Will you
try it.
Your 'Grocer Will
Recommend it
haardineiw and vitallty, not only in.
the plant itself, but Also fu the Meed
by which the plant would perpetuate
its existence. In support of this the
writer would Mention that lac. -rear
he saved some seed of 'Violet .icing
Aster for experimental purpoeel.
The plants were cultivated to the
highest possible point of perfection.
' Large, magnificent fellows they were
three feet tall with heads of bloom
five cinches and more in diameter.
Two heads were selected and allowed.
is ripen. The seed was taken and
carefully kept, and this year the
writer .has only twelve plants from
the seed of the two heads of bloom,
The extra care and cultivation result.
ed in an increase of size and beauty
of flower and foliage to the exclusion
of the constitutional development
and the plant's power to plirpetuate
itself suffered in consequence.
Certain soils and localities are much
more suitable for certain kinds of
flowers than for others. Seed should
never be saved trout flowers grown
under conditions not naturally con-
ductive, to the very highest possible
point of excellence of that particular
variety. In nearly all high bred
flowering plants there is a natural
tendency toward a ,reversion to the
wild state, and for this reason
varieties should never ,be grown for
reed purposes exceptunder con-
ditions where, with good cultivation,
they willremain true to type and at
tabs the very highest possible point
of perfectionas regards size and
quality of bloom Otherwise there
will be a gradual, ' if not a sudden
deterioration in the quality' of the.
plant as well as flower.
When selection is made with the
yiew.of securing a new variety the
same iuteiligent care and attention
is required aswhen made for the
maintenance, of the present quality.
When selection is made with skill
and care the improvement is quite
often very valuable. The large pan-
sies, the huge gladrolus and the large
flowered canna were all brought
from the state of email flowers to
their present high excellence as a re.
sult of careful observation on the
part of men, who, watching every
slight variation in form and color
of bloom, and habit of plant turned to
good account, by careful and Intel -
SELECTION OF SEED, j iigent selection, the wonderful action
of nature. Here the' law of heredity
Ways an important part. Under
We were asked some time ago if (1) changed and varying conditions of
home grown seed would have as good i soil and climate plants -frequently
results as seed grown by commercialchange their habit of growth and form
growers, and (2) if not, why not? I and color of bloom. These changes
-Our answer was (1)Generally speaking take place in wild,asweil as cultivated>
no. (2) Because the same expertplants, and by the law of ' herdity
knowledge and skill is not displayed 1 will be more or less firmly implanted•
in the cultivation and selection. Very I in the next . generation, But , it is
few have the time and patience and worthy of note: that in the wild state
fewer still have the knowledge neves- only such changes as have some
sary to bring flowers to the point of constitutional advantage to the plant
in the way of prolonging its life, such
as hardiness or earliness.have a chance
of enduring. If the change is in the
f iftl�<f��it<ILR�G
1r1f IY'1IY'lIliT PMMM
excellence that is.so essential to the
preservation of the high standard to
which most of our cultivated flowers
Have attained. The average amateur direction of improvement .of form, or
floriculturist cultivates flowers, not so color of flower and is brought about
much for the love of them as for the at thesaorifice of vitality it will soon
part they play in making beautiful disappear,. because it was a loss•and
and attractive the home surroundings, not a gain to the plant. It is only
To such a one the intelligent selection under intelligent, high pressure culti-
vation where man throws in his power
to counterbalance the lose sustained,
that these changes' have any 'cliance
of ermatency. £he c'1'ianges which
have been brought about byhybridists
in the aster, canna, dahlia, pansy, pet-
unia, and zinna would soon disappear
struggle left to s le for an existence in
competition with their own kind in
nature and the plants • themselves
g keep would soon perisb. But by the appli-
cation of. kind treatment, good rich.
food and intelligent cultivation to pro-
vide for its safety and nourishment,
the plant,like'the domesticated animal
which. yields much of its powers of
self defence in adapting itself to our
service, may be made to thrive and
serve man's purpose and contribute to
his enjoyment of the life that now is.,
-of seed with a view to improvment or
even the maintenance of the high
',quality of many of our well bred
" " iniwere; Wnfild� lie" riitE osribitiEy,
while the care and attention required
in the cultivation would be a hard and
irksome task. He must understand
his flowers just as a mother under-
stands her children— know • how to
teed them when they are healthy and
rowin , and how to them eo.
And this understanding is born, not
•of dollars and cents, nor of a taste' for
neat and beautiful surroundings, but
.of a love for the flowers themselves.
Among certain persons the idea
,prevails thatseed saved from a certain
part of a plant will have a larger per-
centage of double flowers than seed
.saved from some other part. For in-
stance many persons believe that seed
••of the•Glerman stock will give a larger
percentage of double flowers it selected
from the lower part of the main stem
then would the seed of the tip, or the
side branches. Careful experiments
have proven that there is no real
foundation for this belief. A. wide
difference in the quality and percent-
singlea8eofanddouble flowers may,'
and will occur in various plants of the
same kindy but not in different seeds
• .of the samelant. A series of experi-
ments conducted with seed of the
-Chrysantheum selected from single,
double and semi -double flowers all
growing on the one plant, showed no
difference in the proportion of single
and double plants. Similar experi-
ments conducted with seed of the
striped verbena gave the result. In
these flowers the colors are not al-
ways equally distributed. Some
:Slower heads are pure white, some are
.of a self color but most are striped on
white ground. Seed of the different
shades and colors taken from the
same plant gave no difference in the
proportion of plain and variegated col -
.ore. Experiments with the Frencb
• When using the hose do not i
• shoot the water at the plant, :
• nor yet at the ground ; but rat- •
1. her slightly elevate the "nozzle .•
and let the water rise, and de-
• scend in the form of a spray. , •
• Keep the hose constantly and •
• steadily moving from one part. •
• of the bed to the other in order ;
• that the ground may absorb •
Sthe water as fast as it descends. •
•Never• allow the water to gat- •.
• her in puddles.
• Never give a mere sprinkle ; •
• it is. worse. than none at . all, •
•A always give sufficient to pene- •
• trate to the deepest root. •
• Water in the evening. unless. •
• the nights are cool, in which •
• •case it would be better •to do •
it as 80013 adwarf Marigold had the same result. ; • morning asfter s lerise in the •
These experiments, in the writer's tIf a plant is wilting and .w se
and prove quite clearly that it is • ter must be given during the •'
not so much in the selection of the• heat of the day, draw some of •
seed pods, or seed heads on the plant • the earth away from.the base •
that care must be exercised as i •
n•the • of the • plant, and pour the •
selection of the plant from which the a water into the slight' depres- •
eed is taken. • sion thus made, being careful
There are two separate and distinct 0not to allow any to drop on the •
rinciples in seed selection, each leaves. When the coater has •
iametrically opposed to each other, settled away draw the earth ;
nd yet each is . absolutely necessary • back again.
the accomplishment of certain wellNever water with cold water
fifth ned
e purposes.iew of the The
one 1st el a do 5 during the heat of the day. Let :
crease in seed production; the other o. time nal in the soli for . a short
selection with the view of securing • •
e most perfect development of plant a••f!••••••••••••S'••••••••!
d flower, regardless of thelquantity
eed produced. It is well known
1 flowers growing in a wild state
duce seed much morelabundantly,
d of more robust vitality than do
ose under cultivation. The higher
e state to, which the plant is culti-
ated the more beautiful will be the
orm and color of the flower; but this
is accomplisned at the sacrifice of
it is wp11 to have on hand
a remedy, simple, effective and
easily* applied, for mosquito
bites, insect stings, sores,
bruises, sunburn, and: injuries
to the skin, and forty other
ailments not always danger.
ous, but which can be cured
by outward application, Such
a remedy is Davis' Menthol
Salve(TheD.&L.),which comes
in tins for 25 ets• at druggists.
. The Garden Hat Center- "
phase Is the Latest.
If you are thinking of giving 'a
luncheon party or a small porcb tea
and . want something smart and new.
as a centerpiece, why not duplicate the
garden hat effect seen in the illustra-
The large straw chapeau Is caught
up into a jaunty basket shape and tied
about with gauze ribbon the shade of
your color scheme. Poppies and
grasses fill the hat in question.
Tea, chocolate or some kind of fruit
punch is usually served at these porch
parties, and often all three when the
affair is a large one. When a small
number of guests are being enter-
tained it Is easter to ' have the tea
-made-Mathes kite henaa.nddbraughtains
with the tea things.
• There are many varieties of sand-
wiches. but the secret of a delicious
sandwich served recently was to be
found in the cooking of the ham and
in the abundance of the mayonnaise
used in mixing. The baui had been
Boiled until It . was. brown and .then
ground very, (Inc and mixed with may-
onnaise. Sandwiches spread with
quince jelly and sprinkled with
minced nuts are very appetizing, and
a . tilling of fig paste sprinkled with
ground peanuts is also good.:
Mrs. Vanderbilt, Jr., knees Dresses..'
Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 'Jr.,: takes
keen delight In disposing of her gowns
ln' a way different from most society
women. She is interested in several''
young girls who do not belong to the
wealthy set, and she is pleased to turn
her : gowns over to them. Naturally
Many of them scarcely are soiled. and
'with a few alterations they make
charming dresses for girls and ma-
trons whose tastes are not so - expen-
sive and who have not such large in-
comes. Her :generosity . keeps these
girls In dresses the year round. Mrs.
Vanderbilt was Grace .Wilson, and be-
cause young Cornelius married herhis
father cut him off with an inheritance
of $1,500,000. The brohers and sis-
ters, however, shared with him a part
of their inheritances. For 'eight years
none of the brothers or sisters as well
as the mother of% Cornelius would
speak to the young wife. She did not
cross the threshold of the Breakers,
the home of Mrs. Vanderbilt, Sr., in
Newport, but she was dignified through
it all, and ber attitude was such that
she finally won her husband's relatives
to her side.. A reconciliation was• of
fected in. 1908.
Lesson VII, --Third Quarter, For,
Aug. 14, 1010. 1.
Text of the Lesson. Matt. xx, 1-16.
Memory Verses( 6. 7—Golden Text,
Matt. xix, 30—Commentary Prepared
by Rev. D. M'. Stearns.
This parable of the laborers is
found only in Matthew and has its
own special significance, as we may
judge from its' being found only here
and from its context. May the Lord
the Spirit open our eyes to see and
our hearts to receive Hismessage for
us. The last verse of chapter xis, with
the last verse of this, lesson (16,, can-
not but suggest a vital connection be-
tween the two. It is a record of serv-
ice apd reward, but there can be no
service until there is salvation, for
they that are in the flesh cannot please
God, and those who are unsaved are
said to be in the flesh and not in the
Spirit (Rom, vilt, 7.91, Israel could not
serve the Lordtill they were redeemed
from Egypt; therefore the Lord's mesa
sage to Pharaoh was, "Let my son go,
that he may serve me" (Ex. iv, 22, 23).
There is no use talking of doing until
we have been born from above and
have thus become .children of God and
heirs of the kingdom, but then we are
expected to be laborers, and who can
estimate the honor. of being "laborers
with God?" (I Cor. Hi,. 9.)
The redemption is His; the vineyard
is His. He redeems us freely by His
grace, calls us to labor . with Him, ap-
points our service, gives the strength
and wisdom for it, works all our works
in us' and then rewards us abundant-
ly for allowing Him to use us. What
marvelops grace from beginning to
end: Truly He is the God of all grace,
His grace. isexceeding abundant, and
He is able to make all grace abound
toward us, that we always, having all
sufficiency in all things, may abound
to every good work'(I Pet. v, 10;'I Tim.
i, 14; II Cor. ix, 8). In Isa. v, 7, we
read that the vineyard of the Lord
of bests is the 'house of Israel and the
men of Judah His pleasant plant,. and
He asks, What could have been• done
more to my vineyard that I have not
done in it, wherefore brought 1t forth.
wild grapes? This parable has doubt-
less a primary reference to Israel, but
there is a message for all believers.
The field is the world. • Are we labor-
ers in . it, .or are we idlers all the day.
in the market place or elsewhere? Do
we try to excuse ourselves with the
words, "No.man hath hired me?" Let to H
us recall that elsewhe it ig written,
"He gave er
authority is servants
and to every man his work" (Mark riff,
34), and again that "He called His
ten sereis
an and delivered them ten
pounds and said unto them, Occupy,
till I come" (Luke xis, 13). It' can-
not be that there are any for whom
He has nowork, but we must remem-
ber that He giveth to every one , sev-
erally as He will .(1 Cor. xii, 11), not
as we will. We are not quite right
with Him until we have learned. to
look into His face and say, "For any
manner of service wholly at Thy com-
mandment." "Thy servants are ready
to do whatsoever my Lord the King
shall appoint" (I Citron. xxvifi, 21; II
Sam. xv, 15). .
It may be to continue in a hard place
with an unreasonable person like
Hagar. It may be. to .serve . twenty,
gears with some unjust'Laban as Ja-
cob did. ' It may be to open
wells like
Isaac . andy P. let the Philistines have
them.' It may be to suffer long and
unjustly as Joseph did. It may be to .
feed the flock of Jethro forty years
'while all the time you can't shake off
the feeling that you are called to be
a great deliverer. .If you are ever
called to be a leader you will certain-
ly have a visit from the Great Cap-
tain that you may submit 'yourself
wholly and absolutely to Him as
Joshua did. It may be eighteen years
more at Nazareth in the most ordinary
routine of a most ordinary life. Can
you say "Whatsoever?" and wherever
He may place you will you let your
mottoes be "Unto the Lord," "Before
the Lord." Do not bargain with Him.
for your penny' and labor simply to
get It, like so many employees who'
take little or no interest in their work
or their employers' interests, but care.
.only for the wages which they think
they earn. Let the :love of Christ con-
strain, the zeal of the Lord consume
you. Never mind the other servants
and their toil or their reward, but with
absolute confidence in Hini. and devo-
tion to Him let it be seen that the joy
of the Lord is your strength. We are
called ultimately to His kingdom and
glory, but we are called now to fel•'
lowship with 'Him in service and suf.'
fering. I
In the regeneration of the last les-'
son, when the twelve apostles occupy
their twelve thrones, the church shall
be found with Him in His throne.)
The word "regeneration" is found only.
in Matt. six. 28, • in reference to the'
new earth and In .Tit. ill, 5, in refer -1
ence to the new birth, teaching us that;
there must be a new birth in order to'
enjoy the new earth. As to rewards'
for service, our' Lord taught in last!
lesson that all who for Bis sake deny'
Self or renounce this world or glee up
loved ones shall receive an hundred-
fold and shall inherit everlasting life.
I think 1 shall never forget the aston-
ished look of a bank cashier whom X
one day asked, "What Is a hundred-
fold?" After a little figuring, over
which he went the second time, he
bald, "It is 10,000 per cent." 1 have
.ever since been urging people to in.
vest in stock that pays 10,000 per relit.
We Have To Thank The Japan-
ese for.Menth Menthol, o which when applied
An Davis' Menthol Salve is the best, It
cures sunburn, mosquito and insect
bites and stings, piles, old sores, skin
diseases, etc. 25c, per tin.
• .01111P
Stook Guaranteed not to Fade
Workmanship of the Best
ll'riees Reasonable.
Prompt Delivery
J. D:_ W I CI
Attack on Smelling Salts.
Smelling salts are dangerous. This
Is the opinion of several . physicians
Who have investigated the subject.
They are said to be a prolific cause Of
deafness and,' besides, destroy the sense
of smell. "They irritate and inflame
the olfactory nerve," said one physi-
cian the other day. "All smelling
salts are composed largely of am-
monia, the turves of which inhaled
through the nose inflame .one end of
the eustachian tube and finally cause
It to close. This tube connects with
the mucous membrane at the back of
the nose with the two auditory cham-
bers leading from the eardrums. The
part closing of these tubes results in
deafness. Of course a great deal de-
pends on one's constitution, but in a
person not robust the use of strong
smelling salts will cause deafness. To
those of normal health the only danger
lies in the, too frequent use of the
salts. Persons who suffer muchfrom
colds or chills or have a tendency to-
ward catarrh Should beware of them."
Household Heipa.•
One of the best things to remove
grime from the bathtubs is a doth
moistened with paraffin. Then wash
tfib tub with clear water.
Now that ants are "In season" the
housewife should bead . them off by
blowing cayenne pepper into the trey.
lees by which they enter the house.
A good old writer ears, "There is
just one thing fixed and indispensable
In bringing up a cbild- -make hits feel
that be la loved;"
To deaf( windows first wash weil
with a clean cloth, then polish with it
newspaper which has been rubbed
sat between tba Walk a,i �+ ,,si.► .i.; , .
ra nese litenthol is unequal
led as a pain relieving agent.
Applied in the " D. & L."
Menthol Plaster it is the most.
effective remedy known for
Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatic
Aches and Pains. Try a "D.
& L." Menthol. Plaster the
next time you are suffering
from any one of these com-
plaints and be conviiced. 2Se,
each at druggists,
A Splendid Tonle
Builds up the system;
Strengthens the
elves New Life
Sold by an aedielae dealeffi: r
Davis • Lpnsnc00o., Monttesl.
What Voltaire's "Few Acres of Snow"
Now Amount To.
A century and a half ago the clever-
est man' in Europe made merry over
the fighting that was then going on
between the troops of Louis XV. and
George II. for the possession of "a
few acres of snow somewhere in the
region of Canada." If Canada meant
nothing more than that to one whose
extraordinary mental attainments
earned him world-wide fame as the
"sage of Ferney," then what sort of
ideas must less instructed contem-
poraries have had on the subject? asks
Collier's Weekly. Although no 'school-
boy would now say .such a thing as
Voltaire did, . certainly a good many
of us living south . of Winnipeg even
to -day do not fully realize the possi-
bilities of those "few acres of snow,"
which embraces an area,.greater than
that of the United States.
Dominion day may stimulate in-
n-qwiry. It falls. on July 1. The Cana-
dians then, one and all, from Halifax
to Vancouver, shut up their shops
and schools and offices and factories
to celebrate the anniversary of the
establishment of ,the Dominion of
Canada, This was first proclaimed by
the British North America act, . May
22, 1867, whereupon the confederatien
of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and
New Brunswick took place, .the new.
provinces of Manitoba, British Colum-
bia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatche-
wan and Alberta being created with-
in fourdecades following.
As at present constituted, the whole
Dominion, comprising the aforemen-
tioned nine provinces and the north -
forms a - total land area of . approxi-
mately 3,620,000 . square miles. The
census of 1911 is likely 'to record at
least 8,000;000 population. ,,000 of pop aton. In•1919,
the deposits in Canada's banks
amounted to $70,000,000 and the bank-
ing assets to, a billion. In the same
year the Dominion's imports and ex-
ports added up to the value of $700.-
000,000—a far larger sum per capita
than the United States own combined
imports and exports. Of the Cana-
dian exports United States purchased
$113,000,000 worth, thus being the
Dominion's second-best customer,
Great . Britain.. taking about a fifth
more. .
Electric Restorer for Men
The Emporium's Bargains
SPECIALS NOW ARE t --Sugar, Tea. Rice, Barley, Meals of differ.
ent kinds,Breakfast Foods, Bananas, Oranges,, Lemons, etc., Flour
Sumer nderwear white, and Gingham's.
black�iSkirts;i BuugyH Dusters;
large stock of Whips, price from 1Oc up to $1.00 -that is buggy, wag-
gon and binder W hips, If you think of travelling. come for a Trunk,
Suit Case or Telescope. A large supply of Forks, Rakes, Snaths,.
Scythes, Handles, Hoes,, Perris Green, Louse Killer, Zenoleurn, Insect
Powder, Machine and Separator Qua, etc. Highest price always paid
for Produce.
R. Adams, Loudesboro,.
S. C. Rathwell
C. Hoare
Special Bargains in
Ladies' Oxfords
"Four July'"".
We want to 'clear out all
our Ladies' Oxfords. Your
chance to get Summer Shoes,
at wholesale prices i
Ladies' Patent Oxfords, Mc-
Pherson make, reg. $3.50,
July Sale price.....,..$2 50
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, McPher-
son make,, reg. $3,00, July
Sale price $2 25
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, Regina
make, regular $2.50 and $2.75,
July Sale price . $2 00
$1.75 Ladiesandal $2.00,(dsJuly gSale
price . .,...... $1 35
Men's Pat. Blucher and Tan
Calf, reg. $4 and $4.50goods,
July Jale price $3 50
Men's Pat. and Tan Oxfords,
reg. $4 and $4.50, JulySale
price .
Try us for Repairing. •
We always aim to keep
in stock the latest songs.
and instrumentals, or if
we 'have not what you
want instock, we will
procure it on short
A full supply of Vio-
lin Supplies always in
stock: Tryus when
you need ny of the
following ;—
Violin Bows, Strings,
Bridges and Resell
Harmonicas of every kind
a and letter in stock.
C. Hoare
The Place Where Y
our DolIar Does its
The Interested 4:nglishmaa.
A story is told of an aristocratic Engs
lisb immigrant who happened 'to be oni
board- of a train that was held up by,
robbers near Grand Junction, Colo. The,.
desperadoes put tbe conductor and fire-
man out on a pile 'of rocks alongside
the tracks and kept theni covered with.
Being content withsplllaging the ex-
press and mail cars, they did not inter-
fere with any' of the passengers, •but
was so delighted a
the Englishman g. t
the notion of encountering an adven-
ture that he insisted upon leaving his
car.; When the porter tried to restrain
him, he replied, "But I want to observe
how they rob a train in this blooming
country; don't you know." He did ac-
tually -get as far as the platform, when
a bullet through his bat persuaded him
to retreat—Saturday Evening Post.
Notice To Creditors
In the matter of the estate of John
Johnston, of the Town of Clinton,
in the County of Huron,' gentleman,.
''deceased. •
Notice is hereby given. pursuant to Sec. 38 of
Chap.129, 0,8.0..1.x7. that all persons having
claims against the estate of the said deceased,
1910, are required to send by post, prepaid,
or deliver to the undersigned Executors,or
their solicitor, or " before the 20thday of
August, 1910, their names and addresses, with
full particulars in writing p wr t b! their claims.
ng c im and
statemert_ox.their accounts, and_the nature of
the securities (i1' any] held by them, duly
verified by statutory declaration. '
a And take notice that after the 20th day of
August, 1910, the said Executors will proceed to
distribute the Assets of the said estate among .
the parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to claims of which they. shall then have notice.
and that the said Executors will not ba liable
for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any
person or persons of whose claim notice shall
not then have been received by them or their
Solicitor at ".the time of such distribution.
Dated at Clinton, 21st day of July, 1910
C. R. GUNNE, l
J. E. HOVEY, },Executors. •
W. BRYDONE, Solicitor for Executors.
' Restores every nerve in the body to
its proper. tension; restores vim and
vitality. . Premature decay and: all
sexual weakness averted at once.
Phosphonol will make you a new
An Illustrious Family.
During the absence from Canada of
His Excellency Earl Grey, Judge Gir.
guard, of the Supreme Court of Chan-
ada, is once more acting as adminis-
trator of the Government, and is to
all effects and purposes clothed with
the same authority and power as the
Governor-General. The right of the
administrator to be styled "His Ex-
cellency, was asserted by Sir H. El-
zear Taschereau, formerly Chief Jus-
tice, while acting as administrator in.
the interval between the departure of .
the tarl of Minto,: and the arrival of
.His Excellency Earl Grey, and he
was inforrned by. the Secretary. bf
State for -the Colonies, in reply to an
enquiry, that the administrator is
rightly Styled Elis Excellency."
Judge Girouard's son, Col. Sir Percy
Girouard, as governor and comman-
der -in -chid of the East Africa Protec-
torate, is also entitled to the designa-
tion "His Excellency." 1. am told,
with how much truth I tlo not know,
that noother family in. the British
Empire has ever before had the hon-
or of having two of its members en-
titled to be so addressed. Whether.
the coincidt;nce is absolutely unique
or not, it is sufficiently rare to de-
serve notice, particularly in Canada,
and more particularly as the Girou-
ard family is a purely French•Cana-
dian one. Judge Girouard, who was
born at . St. Timothee, beside the Ce-
dar Rapids, in 1836, isa descendant
of Antoine Girouard, of Montclucon,
France, wholes private secretary to
Governor de .'•axnerai at Montreal in
1720. The family has remained in
Canada ever since.
1"or Infants and Children.' `
Tho Kind You. Nave Always Bought
Hears the
Signature of
New Brunswick's Clever Sons.
Although the Marirme Provinces do,
riot loom up so conspicuously as do
the new westdrn provinces in the di-
rection rection of material dovelopmn , the
still seem to keep tip their record for
producing clever men. Ili one single
week three sons 6f the northern sec-
tion of New Brunswick have Come
conspicuously to' the front. The great
railway lawyer, ,Creelrean, once of
Richibuoto, has become a director of
the Canadian Pacific. Mr. Mitchell
from the Miramiehi has become Atter•
ney-General in the Sifton Ministry of
Alberta. Prof. James McCurdy, of To-
route TJniversity, a native of Chat.
ham, and a graduate of the 'Unit+ersity
of New Brunswick, has been appoint,
ed to the charge of the school of Orien-
tal Research at Jerusalem, under the
auspices of the.Ateheologioai Institute
of. Ailaeriea. -
O tildren Cry
Mortgage. Sale of Residence
In Clinton.
UNDER AND BY VtW] UE .of the. powers
contained in ascertain mortgage, which will be
produced at the time ofsale, there will be offer-
ed for. sale by public' auction. by ' Thomas
Gundry. auctioneer, at the TOWN HALL,'
CLINTON. on SATURDAY, the 27th day of•
in theafternoon hL 1 Number Twenty one. on
Huron Street. and Lot Number Forty on Mary
St., both in the Town of Clinton, containing to-
gether ono -half acre of land; more or less. On
the property there is 'a nine -room cottage, a
small stable and other outbuildings:. The house
is heated throughout with an up-to-date hot
water system, wired for electric lightingaud
contains an excellent bath room and all modern
conveniences. The property is one of the most
most attractive. and the house one of the most
comfortable to be found in Clinton.
For terms and conditions of sale, apply to
W. BRYDONE, Clinton.
Solicitor for the Vendor.
Dated this 6th day of July, 1910. $
Business &Shorthand
s s S
Resident and. Mail Courses
Catalogues Free
J. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt. Jr.. C.A..
Principal. Vice -Principal.
Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping
butter -the best sheet on the market, in packages,
not printed : .
600 Sheets for 50c. 200 Sheets for 25c
Better ill
Have your name, farm and post -office neatly printed
and make a reputatod for your product. We use
only special butter paper ink, guaranteed not to run
or to injure the butter.
1000 for $1.75 1000 tor $3.00 51000 for $7,00
Wrap your butter, and get two cents per pound
more than if unwrapped.
We also would be pleased to supply you with printed
Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements,
Envelopes, Wedding Invitations or Announcements,
Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Calling Cards, in
fact anything in the printing line you may require.
The elinton Nes Era
_- . . hits,' '..I,i\6.:..A..