HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-08-11, Page 1l
Wirt 48 rlo. a
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
RnYal Mr..aod.. Mrs. Daniel; Devereaux, o
a k Ohica o, are here on a visit to Mr, and
Mrs. John Devereaux, .sr., and other
Mre. Arch. Scott and Miss Tenn Gov -
r AD OJ FIDE - MONTREAL enlock left this week on a visit :to Ot.
, taws and Montreal. "
+C8 ita/ . . $5,00 0 0 0 0 AMayon aWndMness. dM, 'Deal lumnwere hine
Reserve . . . $5,900,000
4sscts . . . $12,000,000
d25 Branches, and Correspondents
throughout the world.
Every facility for the transaction of
I3auking in all its branches,
nterest allowed on Savings accounts
at highest current rates.
%Courteous treatment accorded to all
iY lnohem
Wingham Fall Fair ; date, Septem-
Ther 29 and 30.
At the test well on Monday, the
-drillers were down 75 feet. A satis-
factory supply ie not expected at less
4 '200 feet.
East Wawanosh Voter's Lists for
1910, are in the hands of Clerk Porter-
field. The number on the list is as
follows: -Sub -division No.-
I 90 . No. 2
, - No.3-124 ; No.4 116 - ; No. 5-
'76: total -564.
f law ale 's o 1y four or five miles
from Wingham, butduring'the strike,
.a letter from Bluevale to Wingham
was tairen from Bluevale east to List-
owel, thence south to Stratford.thence
west to Clinton, and finally north to
A son of Dr. Rutledge's of Wingham
is reporter on the Montreal Witness,
and went out last week as a strike-
breaker on the G. r, R., in order to re.
,port for- the Witness, He came off
safely on a passenger t,ain, and our -
posed trying a similar run on a freight.
Seat ortit
Mrs. Dunlop, wife of the. late 0. M.
Dunlop, passed away on Sunday last
an her 73rd year. The remahne were
.interred in the Maitland Bank ceme-
tery on Tuesday.
Douglas Wilson was in 'town this
week on a visit to his father, D. D.
''Wilson, and other friends. Mr.
. son has been appointed manager of
the Dominion Bank at Strathcona,
Alta., and is leaving at once tp accept
the --position. -
Miss Iva Dodds, daughter of Mr: and
Mrs. John Dodds,has successfully pass-
ed her senior grade vocal examination
•at Toronto Conservatory of Music.
Mayor McCallum has proclaimed
Wednesday, August 10 as Civic Hall.
Fall Term opens Aug. 29th
is unquestionably first-class in all Department;
wedding of the former's brother.
The families or Rev. Ur, Laakin.J,M,
Best, H. Edge, Jas. Watson and. S. T.
Holmen went to Bayfield We week to
spend a few more weeks at the lake
Mr, John Robb, who has an interest
in a large term in Alberta, returned
from the West thie'week. Mr,• Robb
reports the crops a failure in his sec-
tion this season,
Mrs. J. E. L. Pangman and two
children, of Toronto are on a visit to
Mre. Pangman's mother, Mre. F. Case,
Maple Hall.
The Choir of the Methodist Church
and the Maple Leaf Orchestra will pit•
nic at Bayfield on Civic Holiday.
'Porter's. Hill
Mise Owens, of Toronto, is visiting
at John Torrance's.
George and Mrs, Vanderburg, spent
Sunday in Goderich.
Mrs. Thos. Elliott, of Holmesville, is
visiting at John Blair's.
Alpert Rutledge and Miss Evans, of
St. Mary's are visiting at Hall Rut -
Mrs,George Weston and son,Harold,
of Bayfield, spent a couple of days at
John Cox's this week.
Miss Annie McDougall returned
home from Port Staple Saturday
m y on a y
last, where she has been spending a
few weeks
Mrs .R Clarke and Miss E Clarke re-
turned from their trip at St,. Marie
and Muskoka on Saturday.
Mies Jennie Love is spending a week
with her parents at Walton.
Mrs R B Stephenson and son are
visiting her parents Mr and Mre. Thos.
Andrew at Gorrie. -
Master Cecil Hill, Beigraye, is the
guest of his cousin Master Wilfrid'
W and Mrs McGavin, Leadbury,
spent Sunday the guest of Chas and.
Mrs McGreggor..
Miss Lottie Tibble of the U S is visit-
ing her aunt Mrs Sandy McMichael.
Owing to the fact that he was un-
able to procure his release , from • the
clerkship of the town, Jos. Senior has
withdrawn his application for the
position of choir -leader in the James
street Methodist church, wbich•hd'0.
ready been accepted: -
The fourth and last section of the:
water tower is being put on last week.
The Exeter ,voters list has been
issued and was first posted up in the
clerk's office on the 23rd of July.
Parties desiring to appeal to have
their names placed on the list or any
r change made must have their appeals
lodged with the clerk within thirty
says of the above date. There are
664 names on the. list. Of these;
632 are entitled to vote at municipal
elections ; 459 at both municipal and
parliamentary elections ; 173 at mun-
icipal elections only and 32 at parlia-
mentary elections only. There are
329 eligible to serve as jurors. There
are ]23 female voters on the list. di-
vided as follows : Division No. 1, 38 ;
No. 2, 28 ; No. 3. 22. No. 4. 35.
The Morrish Clothing Co.
•••••••••• •••••••••►••••••••••••••••••• •'••••••••
The Last Week
You'd Have to Hurry..
If you have not already taken advantage of our
SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE, which ends when
the lights go out on SATURDAY NIGHT, Aug. 13.
Hundreds of buyers take advantage of these SALES.
every year, and stock up with everything in Clothing,
Headwear and Toggery that they can possibly use.
Plenty of good things left. Run your eye along .these
lines, and see what you'll miss if you stayy away from
Men's Straw Hats at Hall Price.
Men's Colored Felt Hats, reg. $2.50, for $1.75
Men's Felt Hats, braken lines, reg. $1.50
and $2.50, for 50e
Men's two-piece Suits, reg. $io and $12
for . 7.50
Men's tTo-piece Suits, reg. $8.5o, for • • 5,00
Five only Men's black Coat and Vests to
clear at 2,50
25 oniy lath Century Stilts, reg. $18 and
and $20, for 15,00
to only Boys' Two-piece Suits, to clear
at 1.25
13 only Boy's3-piece single-breastedSuits -
reg $5 and $6, to clear at ' 2.54
to Men's heavy wool Sox, reg. 25c. for... 15e
15 Men's heavy wool Sox, reg., 18c,....2 tor25c:
Eight dozen colored Shirts, stiff and soft
bosom, reg. 75C, $1 and $1.25. to
clear. at ..........................r 50e
The Morrish Clothing- Co.
" A Squ " re Deal For Every Ilin"
la The Sumer
Resort favorably known here we join our con
o gratulation, with those of their many
I, friends. r
The Godericl` Rural Telephone Co..
have the line completed far enoughto
install their phones in the 'pillage with
connections to station and north into
East Wawanosh as far as Redmond,,
also to Blyth. The proposals are, to
have, before fall a belt line- A,uhurn,
Westfield, Diingannon, Kintail, GFode-
rich, Ben miller, and Carlow.
Orem HOLIDAY -- On Wednesday,
the annual outing took place, Though
many of our residents went elsewhere
there was just about the usual crowd
drove over to Point Farm, many from
surrounding country helping to'large-
ly well the crowd.
Mr Forward who delighted the
Baptist congregation en much on Sun-
day last with such an excellent ad-
dregs will occupy the pulpit again on
Sunday afternoon next. All who can
ahould hear him.
Mies Jennie Nicholson and cousin of
Buffalo are visiting her mother.
Cora Washington and friend are
visiting Fern Symington.
Geo McFarlane, Guelph, is spending
a week or so in the Symington house-
Banker Goehons is back from his
holidays, and John H Jackson goes
back to town. Mr Nicholl, Cobourg is
now Junior clerk here
• Mrs Harry•McBrien, ' Detroit, spent
last week among relatives hereabouts.
Mrs Yoe, Palmerston, is visiting her
daughter, Mre Joe Carter.
Bob Jones and wife arrived last
week from Vancouver,. he returned in
few days leaving die
wife fe withher
mother here. She is
in a poor state
of health.
We wish to congratulate our second.
class pupils on their success: -John E
Jackson, Roy H Munro,Milton Pheffer
'Miss Ida Hickingbottom and Frank
Cora B Ferguson leaves on Saturday
for her work, as village school teacher
at Cainsviile.
.Roy Munro is in the Blyth' Post
ffice this week.
Heavy shipping of cattle and hogs
have left recently.
Rey. Mr Mann is visiting at his old
home in Point" , Edward Co. Miss
Mann and the boys preceeded him a
couple of weeks ago.
H E Knox took a rundown to Guelph
for Wednesday and Thursday.
Our new village school teacher and
bride. arrived on 'Tuesday -0 P R and
have taken up:residencein R A Robert
sons dwelling house.
Many improvements are being made
adding to the good appearance of our
village. The Auburn House has an en
tire fresh coat of paint and the whole
front street looks the • better for it.
We have reason to be .proud of our
-temperance-lromile,both`as to manage-
ment and accommodation, as the good
use the public makeof it. A 0 Jack-
ackson has torn down his stable, building
,a larger one further back. A Asquith
has painted hie house as has also J.
Molden besides otherwise improving.
it. J Carter is putting a cement wall
under his house. Geo Youngblut has
built an addition to his dwelling on
Main. street. The Ferguson house is
being painted.
Miss Edith Neelin returned home on
Wednesday, for two weeks.
Monday was the first day the fisher-
men were able to go to their nets on
account of the heavy seas for the past
week. They were out from 6 a,
till 8 p. m. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Beattie, Nell
Beattie, Haro'd Beet, and Misses
Gillespies, of Seaforth, visited at Auto.
rest cottage on Sunday.
Miss Florence Beattie returned to
her bonne in Seaforth after a pleasant
week's holidays inBayfleld.
Rev. and Mre. Leonard Bartlett and
family, of Dungannon, called at Bay-
field on their way. to Grand Bend in
his launch. He visited at Idyleze cott-
Misses Jda Wilkin, Hattie Holloway
Iva Levis arrived in the
city last
week, where they will spend a week at
Miss Margaret Charters, of Tucker -
smith is visiting in the village.
Mrs. J. B. Hoover and family are
occupying one of Mark's cottage for
the month of August.
The worst storm of the season struck
Bayfield on Wednesday of last week.
A strong wind accompanied by a
heavy down -pour of rain and hail suc-
ceeded in doing a large amount of
damage in and around Bayfield. The
storm on the lake was the worst seen
for many a day.
Rev. W. E. Kerr returned to his
home in Tillsonburg, after spending a
couple•of weeks in the White City. •
Frank Keegan sold his gasol'ne
launch to Wm. Jowett on Wednesday
Messrs Kidd and Munroe were Sun-
day visitors at the Monfort cottage,
Westminister grove.
Mise McLennan, of Toronto, is t n e
guest of Miss Delia O'Neil.
Mies Lucy Brandon, who hasbeen.
the guest of Miss Belle O'Neil for the
past month left for her home in Tor-
onto on Monday. •
Miss Grace (Muff left the Whits Oity
foil a two weak's visit at her home in
The campers had a beach fire on
Sunday night which 'was well attend-
ed: •
Mise Della Gillespie is the guest of
Miss Edna Holmes at Autorest cott-
" FredTi
Tisdale returned to his'home
in Buffalo after a month's visit with
Broder McTaggart.
Mrs. Geo, E. Henderson,of Seaforth,
lathe guest of Mrs. T. G, Neelin, at
Kilakee cottage.
Mre. Sterling, of Bayfield: left this
week on an extended visit with friends
in St. Ignace. She left via., the
steamer St, Ignace from Gbderich.
Mr, Bert. Case left last week for his
home: in Detroit after an. ' extended
visit at the Queen's Hotel,
Dr. McBride, who has been vssiting
at Osokosy cottage for the past two
weeks, left for Hamilton on Monday.
The Ontario St, and Wesley, Metho-
dist Church Leagues of Clinton held
their picnic in Bayfield on Tuesday.
The campers have been enjoyingg • The Bayfield Tennis Club had their
several dances in Jewett's pavillion of annual picnic at Jowett's grove on:9at-
late, Saturday night was the biggest urday afternoon.
of all, a number from Clinton being Invitations are out for a.ho to be
given in Jewett's pavilion • on Friday'
evenidg. The Blackstone Orchestra of
Goderich will supply the music.
The Goderich
BY Scouts, sou
o a branch,
present. Harvey Stevenson, of Sea -
forth supplied the music. -
Harold Kerr returned to the White
City on Thursday last, after a week's.
sojourn with friends in Clinton, Brum- of the Canadian Boy Scouts,' who have
els and Wingham. He also took in been camping at Iron Springs for a
the Old Boy's Reunion at Lucknow. couple of weeks, arranged with Dr.
Mre, Edge andfour children• AndSith_to.-hay ams with -the -White;•
-miss Tufford, of Seaforth; are at•tue-1 Sox,n-:
O Fay afternoon about
Commercial Hotel fora month., of the boys drove down
Mr. T. Jowett and daughter, Mrs- and after being treated to lunch at
Dr. Wright were in Seaforth last Fowler's'resturant by Dr. Smith, went
week. to Clan Gregor square where the op
Misses Southgate and A. Wilson re- posing team awaited them. A couple
fie) Ba the
turned home on Friday 'after two. of y d boys were late in arriv-
week's visit with Mrs. W. D. McLean. ing so their places were filled till they
Clarence Copp, Clarence Rance, Wil. came. • The catcher, Willard Sturgeon
ber Ford, Dean Courtice .and. William had been pulling flag . all day and
came on the field without any sapper.
The game was the best one seen on the
diamond this year. Both teams were
out for blood and both got, it for ' the
score ended in a tie. The first inn-
ings looked bad for our boys,especiaily
when the scorekeeper made a mistake,
and counted:3.instead of 2 runs. How-
ever the Bayfielders showed them-
selves capable, of • handling 'ateam
much bigger than themselves and pull-
ed out the game, with a score of 8-8."
The battery for the White. Sox was
Nath. Erwin and Williard Sturgeon ;
Ethat.Priofdham. the enemies scouts H. Maedel
• -
Doherty, of Clinto.,,: are spending a
couple of weeks in Jewett's grove..
Mr. G. E. Parkes, manager of the•
Bank of Commerce, of Dunnville, is in
the City for a short'time.
Mr. W. C. T. Morson, of the Bank
of Commerce, of Seafortn, is spending
his -vacation with his family in West -
minister grove.`
Miss Margaret Galbraith, of Gode.
rich visited at Kilakee cottage last
week. •
Last. Thursday" was . Bayfield Civic
Holiday. A large, crowd went from
here to the Bend which was •celebrat-
ing•its. Gala Day.
William Warnock, who sustained.
severe injuries in a fall from the roof
of his house 1
we is s
improved •
Dr. Field has received from Major
Shannon, London, a gratifying' report
of the Collegiate. cadet,, which; corps
was recently inspected,
Joseph Horton, of Goderich, died of
apoplexy on a boat running out of Chi
cago. The remains were interred here.
Mr. Horton's wife predeceased him
about three months.
Mr. Doherty, traffic: manager of the
Inland lines, paid a visit to town and
appointed Oswald Sturdy agent of the
company here: The latter is now
lessee of the newpackage freight sheds
built by the town at the waterfront.
The rental for the first year is to be
Members of Eureka Lodge, No. 103,
R. T. of T., spent a social evening Fri.
day at the home of Thomas Naftel,
South street. Mr. Naftell is a charter
member of the order, and only recent -
iv recovered from an attack of illness
His fellow members on this occasion
presented him with a gold -headed cane
and a boquet of flower,.
Jas Black, Winnipeg, brother of
Wm Black, of •Tuckersmith, has just
been promoted to • the position of
freight claims agent o2 the Saskatehe-
job. Theemount of - coal used " was
1,515 lbs or about 108lbs• of coal per
acre. The work was done by a Bell
twenty horsepower traction engine,
built in 1904 by the Robert Bell Engine
& Thresher Company,Ltd.,at Seaforth
and Mr Tyndall says the engine could
easily handle eight plows in this sod,
which would have completed the Work
in very much less time.
Brucefield •
Miss Alice Rattenbury has returned
from visiting friends' in Toronto.
Misses Mary and. Jennie Beatty,
Westminister, are visiting relatives in
the village.
Andrew Murdock, Detroit; is visit-
ing at his home, He attended the
Highland garnes in Lucknow. He
came with the Highlanders of Detroit.
He made a fine looking Highlandman
dressed in his kilts.
pletifarvon.esting. is . now,, nearing com-,
Mrs Myers, London, is the guest of
her brother Robt Young.
Rev Mr Taylor, Varna, assisted in
the Presbyterian services on Sabbath
Dr Jae Baird and wife of Hemming -
ford, Quebec, is visiting friends in our
village, He will take up a practice in
Montreal on his return. He is one of
our Brucetield boys who have done
well In his chosen profession.
wan Division of the O P R., with
heaegnaiters ,at Moose Jaw. Mr
With her friend Miss L, Gooier.
Miss Vera Lobb visited Mrs, R.
Manning a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Harrison, Saltford,and
three children spent Sunday with Wm
Mr. and Mrs. N. Sundercook spent
Sunday with A. Weymouth.
Farmers are cutting their oats rat-
her green for fear of another hail
S. McCool has returned home from
Stratford, where he spent a week.
Mrs. S. Appleby spent Thursday
with her cousin,R. Hunter, of Stanley.
Misses E. and K. Brown, of Clinton,
visited relatives on the 18th Con„ last
rods long, containing 14. acres, and •
Fear's culvert on the Gravel • Road
finished the work nest day having' has been replaced by a cement top,
spent in all 18 1-2 hours at the work.
Part of the time he used two Cock-
shutt two -furrow "gangs and the bal-
ance of the time he , had three two
furrow gangs turning six furrows.
This he considers 18 extremely good
work and with land in the present
dry condition would not like to under- Rtibeirin
take to do the job at all with horses. The marriage of Mr. J. Earnest
Mr Tyndall is an expert engineer, as Robertson, Secretary of Brnee County
well as a good farmer and believes Y M 0 A to Miss 0lat a E Idustan of
that this is the proper way to plow in Pine River, is announced to take place
fair sized fields. He says it is a great on the 17th Inst; After a short trip
advantage to get the work done eo they. will take up their residence in
quickly and also in getting a first class Walketton, .A both are well and
Black has until this promotion held Mise J. Wilson spent a few days
the position of assistant claims agent
in Winnipeg, He has been in the
employ of the 0 P R for many years
and this recognition of his ability will
be appreciated not only by Mr Black,
but lay his many old Huron friends.
Harry Tyndall, the well-known
thresher and farmer of Tuckersmith,
near Seaforth, has been making some
experiments in plowing with his
traction engine, and demonstrating
very fully that with a good strong
engine plowing can be done cheaper
by steam than by any other method,
provided of course
the fields areot
too small. On Tuesday, July 26th
at nine o'clock,Mr Tyndall commenced
plowing a field . of sod, which is 80
A load of young people of the 8th
and Oth Con„spent Thursday, at Gode-
Mies E. Beck, of Goderich, visited
her couaih, Miss Cora Me06o1 last
Godei;ich Township
Mies May Oolhlough spent a -few
days With her cousin, Miss M Colhlough
of Blyth. • • •
Miss:M_ Brown and Mrs Wm. Stevens
Londesboro, spent Friday with Miss
B Woon,
Misses Ella and Edna Lee and Miss
Flossie Brown,Londesboro, spent Sun
day in Clinton,with Mrs S Lee.
Misses Grace and Clara Tamblyn, of'.
Toronto, are visiting their uncle John
W Tamblyn,
Miss Jennie Harrison ., spent a week
with ber friend Miss K Waymouth.
Mrs Brunsdon andie
M s Lillie. and
Mr and Mrs R Brundson visited a few
days last week ss ith Rev G. W.
Andrews at Bluevale.
Miss Maines, London, is spending a
coufrle of weekswith her parents here.
• Mrs Longman and little child, Lon-
don. are visiting here.
Mr and Mrs Boyd and Beth who
have been attending the Old Boys re-
union at Lueknow have returned.
Miss Wa tsrs, London, left for home
on Monday after a pleasant visit with
friends here.
Rev. Mr Edgar Of St. Davide preach
ed very accepptab•y in the'Presbyterian
church last Sunday afternoon.
Quarterly communion service was
held in the Methodist church last Sun-
day morning in charge of the Pastor
Rev J .H Osterhout, B A B D. In the
evening a musical service was held to
which proved very interesting to the
very large 3engregation assembled.
Mr Brethwaite, Detroit, is visiting
his parents here this•week.•
Mr Wallace, Bayfield, is spending a
a few days in the neighborhood.
Mrs Bell and Miss Alice Bell spent
Sunday at Wingham.
Rev. and Mrs Osterhout and family
are having a short holiday.
Mrs. Samuel Lee,of Clinton,is spend-
ing a week at the home of Mr. Wm.
Berries are very scarce this year as
the bushes have been blited with the
hail storm.
Apples are scarce t is year and it
looks as if fruit will be dear.
The Rev, Mr Edgar of St. Jacobs
had charge of the services in the Pres.
churches here last Sunday,
The Rev. Mr Richardson of Kippen
is expected to supply the pulpits. next
Mrs Rogesson of London has been
calling on some friends here this week
Henry Holmes, of Ottawa is here on
a visit at present.
D W Boyd, of Chicago, after spend-
ing a few days at Lucknow and here
returned home on Wednesday.
Miss E Mains is home from London
for a holiday trip. ,
School re opens next Monday. The
trustees of S. 5 No. 8 did not get any
applications for the junior room al.
though they had an edvt in daily Globe
for several days.
J. button shipped a car of old wheat
title week. '
Me. A. Braithwaite Of Detroit is
visiting under the parental roof this
Miss V. Lobb was the guest of her
friend Miss It. Manning last week.
Miss Helen Waters of Londesboro
was the guest of her Cousin Miss T.
Cole last week,
Miss Zella Lawerance of Welland is
the guest of her cousin Mins 4 . Jiraith-
waite for a few weeks in the holiday.
Mies Lizzie and Ella Gioueher are
visiting their sister Mrs. M. Brown in
their holiday.
Miss E. Jameson who has been visit-
ing in Toronto Ws re t u r n e d home
tits week.
Mr H. Snell is recovering speedily
front, his fall and his many friends
pope to see him out again soon as it
a busy time for a farmer to laid up, II
Mr, Wall a c e is the guest of bis
daughter Mrs Jim, Garrett.
Miss Ida H A. Taylor left this week
to visit friends in Grey.
Mies 13.,L Graham of Seaforth is
Visiting on the line this week. She..
is the guest of Mrs Geo. Baird..
Miss Minnie Walker and Miss Bessie
Smith of Olinton were visiting at the
home of Mrs John Gilmour during the
first of the, week.
Miss Jean Mustard of New York is`
home for her holiday.
William Forsyth of Gr eensb or o
North Carolina visiting at the Home of
Mr Malcolm McEwen this week. Re
is a brother of Mrs Mal, McEwen and
was a resident of Tuckersmith many
years ago.
Rev.John McEwen son of Mr.
Malcolm McEwen is at home this week.
Miss Kate Rayner of Georgetown is.
this week visiting at, the home of her
uncle Mr Alex, Thomson.
- The dog owned by Mr Thomas
Pennington which had to be destroyed
owing to his hired boy Ormond Alcock
striking hie hand
the dogsteeth whilst throwing a stone
and the animals head had to be sent
away to Toronto tor inspection was
declared to -be free from Rabies, It
seems a great shame that such a valu-
able and innocent beast had •to, be
killed through a boys carelessness.
The dog was in perfect health and
was always at home. ' He will be miss
ed on the farm as he was a great
favorite as well as the most useful 1
and intelligent dog in Colborne Tp.
W J Andrew,late of Blyth but now
of Auburn, received word last week
that he is heir to five million dollars,he
being one of the eighty direct heirs to
the Baker fortune now about to be
Last week Lux Hill aeceived a car of
red pressed brick to be used in tbe
construction ofa residence which is
being erected on Queen street,opposite.
the Methodist church by Mrs John
Co Olerk and Mrs
were guests of Rev. and Mrs Fear the
latter being their daughter. Mrs Fears,
birxhdayoaa,sn�heMPnd 3t•and
Fear's the Tuesday they were here, so
the visit was well timed for the anni-
The Blyth Independent Telephone
Co. have let the contract for 80 miles
of their proposed line to Mr Beattie,
of Toronto who figures
w on having the
line in operatioby the close of
November. Supplies have been order-
ed and the work will be pushed. The
question of connection with other
local systems is not yet fully decided;
At the recent examination, called
Entrance to the Normal School, five
pupils of Blyth School were successful
as follows:-Jno. Morrikt, R H Munro,
J M Pfeffer, T F Straughan; and 11
Watt. Roy Denholm and Miss Grace.
Stewart, of this place, wrote at Olin -
That is the best way to deters
mine the superiority of one
article over another. In our
line of
:we challenge all competitors to
produce anything BETTER or
as GOOD as our English Canter.
as and Supplies.
If you have used ENSIGN
goods, you know.
If you have not, and will give
them atrial, you will, be easily
Results count;. not talk.
W..A McConnell
Phm. B.
O.P.R. Telegraph Agency
NNiti t+'i NWV, M
Aethere are a number of brands of
CHEAP Photographic Supplies on
• the market, we wart ell who are
interested to read this ad.
resultwhen the Amateur Photo-
grapher uses
Eastman's Kodaks, Films,
Papers and Supplies
A Kodak for picture 2ix4f, $3.00
A Kodak for picture 3i_x4t, • 4.00.
A Kodak for picture 3ix3i, 5.00
.We have them cheaper, also
dealer, but the machines numer-
ated above will do as good work
as other makes at much larger
price. Drop in for a catalogue.
W.S.R. Holmes
•.----• .
Miss Linklater left on Saturday to
spend a few days at. Paisley.
Miss Eva Keen and brother Oliver
Goderich,are spending some days with:
Mrs Glutton. •
A`good many relatives and friends
'attended the funeral of Joseph Horton
on Saturday. As . this was his birth
place he was well-kncwn throughout
the Tp. His call came very suddenly
while in apparent good health taking
a trip on boat with his son Joe. He
dropped dead while talking with his
daughter -ba -law. - Much sympathy is
felt for the family of sons as it is only
three months since their mother -died..
Those from a distance who attended 1
the funeral were: -Mr and Mrs H.
Hirton, Toronto; Mr and Mrs Horton
from Ste St Marie; Mr and Mrs Mc-
Callum, Pontiac;, and Miss . 0 Rye,
Personal Notes.
Mr and Mrs Fred Brown,and family
of Petrolea, renewed acquaintance-
ships in town this and last week.
Miss Mabel Oantelon left for Toronto
this week, where she will.attend the'
Millinery Openings. •
Miss Sara . Stevens, nurse, who has
been assisting her sister, Mrs. W. S.
Downs, with the nursing of their mot-
her, left on Tuesday to visit with
friends in Rima, prior to returning to
resume her duties in Chicago.
Miss Ida Tebbutt is spending a week
with Goderich friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Thob. Jackson, Jr., ar-
rived home from their trip to the Old
Country this week.
Mr. Sherriff, of the Molsons Bank,
isrelieving at the branch at St.Mary's.
The Rev Mr Ford, of Wesley church
left on Monday morning to attend
the General.0onference of the•Metho.
dist Church which meets in Victoria,
B. C. Re expects to be away for four +
weeks. The pulpit for the first two.)
Sundays, Aug. 14th to 21st will be oc-
cupied by the Rev. E " Treleaven, Of
Lucknow, a brother of Mr J .W
Treleaven, principal of our Collegiate
Phm B.
acturing --
Nr �►!%ti•v1ti1!ib1'Ka
.4Q New.
In order, to supply the em-
ployees of the new factory, we
will keep ” the following Cured
Smoked Roll
Breakfast Bacon
Skinned Backs
Long Clear Bacon
Bologna and -
Fresh Sausage •.
Fi s
Fresh Lake Huron Sal.
mon Trout on Wednes..
days and Fridays.
W. T. O'NEiL
Phone 48
Institute; the next two Sundays the
I Rev Mr Greene will supply. ear Ford
expects to be back to take his own
work on Sunday, Sept. llth. He will
visit his son, Mr Arthur Ford, of the
Winnipeg Telegram on the trip. We
wish him a pleasant journey and a
safe return,
Nyal's Peptonized
Beef, Iron and
Wine -
This is the delicious. tonic
worth trying. It contains iron
to enrich the blood, peptonized
beef to feed the tissues and
choice wine as an appetizer. If
you feel worn out, tired and run
down, you need a tonic. You
couldn't find a better one than
this. We sell it great deal -of it.
Like all Nyal remedies, it is of
the highest quality.
Price 81.00 a Bottle.
Dispensing Chemist,
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1851%
Capital, PAID yr $3,500,000
Rest band, •: $3,$50,000
Bas 80 .Branches in Canada, and Agents and arrespalxdents in ail
the Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branehell. Interest allowed at ahoswt Current rater
Clinton Branch. . C ', DOWDING. Manager,