HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-08-04, Page 8E ., I U ,. 1.' TO, R f WW N MW SATURDAY - BARGAIN.S-1 50c and 75c Sibs far 25c Twenty ends sof Fancy Silk, in stripess, checks and plain, lengths run from eta 4 yards each. To tihm'...>:p our Silk Depart- ment, we are putting these of sale Saturday at 255 per yard 25c and 50C Belts for10C About two dozen. Ladies' `White Wash. Belts, assorted buckles, some are slightly soiled. Clearing them out Saturday . at 10c each 25c Children's Tats far 15c Children's Straw Hats, fancy bands, regular price 25c _ Saturday at He each 50c Children's Hats for 39c Children's Straw Hats, silk ribbon band, regular 5oc. Satui<day at 39c -each Big Snaps in Millin_ ery We have about; fifteen Spring Hats left, worth from $4.00 to $7.00 each. Saturday' we will give you your choice at $1,00 each Staple Bargains. PrintRemnants at per yard ......................... ..•....... 8c Flannellette Remnants' at ....... :..................................... White Cotton at ................:... ........:.......::. 8c Apron Gingham at ....................................... 8c Fancy Gingham ,,. at .................... ,...:.. ....... gc Good Towelling „ at.. ............. ............ .5c 121cToweling , ` at ................... .. ' 10c roc Toweling << at .................... ................ 8c 221c Factory Cotton, at ....................................... ...........................:. Ioc Ioc Factory Cotton at .............. :.. ,.......... sc BROWN.�. CLINTON NEW ERAball was played•on'the Town Park: on Friday last, between: the Western Foundry Co., and Clinton baseball j team. it was a•good game,,twd, one of DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, ocu the best played here for several years:' list, Specialist. will be at W. S. R. At. the end of the ninth innings, 'the Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Aug, score was 2-2. . In the tenth innings, 16th. Glasses property fitted, deafnessClinton scored, giving the game to the catarrh and fouling eyesight treated, visitors by a score of 3-2. Look for All day. another good game before long., New Text Books About Advertising The new fist of text books for the It's the constant drop of water school year 1910-1I • is ready. So it That wears away the stone, is announced by the minister of Educa- It's the constant exerciser tion, that the printed circular would That developes all the bone. be issued at once by the department It's the constant advertiser getting forth the majority of chap es That brings the bacon home. in the old list. - There may be a few more, b,it the principle new text -books Best Played Game will be ready for schools when they The following is clapped from the open in August or September, Win am Advance which refers to the boli game recently played in A Wide`Awake Farmer Fingham ;— A lively game of base- Peter Whitlock, of .iTsborne:: town - SPECIAL ;SAVINGS FOR SATURDAY vx --v AND ALL NEXT WEEK to Regular $I,00 Galvanized Wash T'u'bs, fb�,...:...:.. .90 u O u u is • ,f .80 - :, �, d'l' 70 - 14 -qt. Tin Pails,far...•........:....:..............:................. 115 Io -qt. Tin Pails, for .......... , .k ,,.. .I2 A good Tin Dipper for.....,. 4....I...., ...... , 4 A few sizes Wrought Nails........+ ....... ......to lbs. for :25 Extension Ladders. Just received a lot of Extension Ladders, Just .the thing for apple picking. Plumbing - See our display of Plumbing Goods, Baths, Siinks Lavatories, Closets, Gardeni IIose, Nozzles, Sprays, Hydrants, etc, P We can, furnish and install anything in the line,!` See Work Ol�o�r��a' 19 caths,% at$d.,So, HARLANB 9TOUS AND AA40WA,119. 7 f'!k''T. a - .. { .. ' g,., U acm no �. Aug, 4th 110m irhl bar. gsilke a dt►141the4 rpm A��a - a as a tormslr. , Ka die iri lei Edward (irrk,hc tARA,� �a► . bay 094 with. two a!t at the 14W Uoupcll will meat next Mondry oven 1.00 Tba mWitiox Ona mounted on "Tueoday a double Dahliw which ing. rpeairlly doffed and con. WAS grown Ila blas dower garden, This q, rtructeGi so that they gala be so kind is voldom seen and iso. sort of Huron Co. Won. n. Uct anyUfa on ttia farms in the novelty to the do er lavom At the Lucknow Old Boy'+s Reunion, � New Sdr3wing loads, the Huron, Ca Councillors won, from ; y At Sts Old Trlcka from Bruce Ca councillors In the tug= cis c g l+coni the Dail� Standard, Kingston. of -war. They lost the first pull but got Is a good Summer game, and we offer a a tb Teacher The Colla lAte Board have been for. we clip the to lowing Itera which the next two. sine which will be foun desirable ill style tu,nate to engage Mr. Nall Mclaachern, refers to a former townsman, in the of Midland as Scienoe Teacber. Mr. person of P. Spaldia�l�;- Skip Spald• A Rare Treat finish, fjoallt�' slid price, WiliC�l f'alxge � McEachern as a` �raduate, of Toronto 1pr's team defeated Dr. Watson in A rare treat is in store for the people University and D4edallistinCbeniistry. bowling by a rather onesided score, of Clinton next mouth Mrs. Howard He will no doubt give goad satisfaction $aturday night on: Queen's grounds. Huinpbrys (nee Urn" Wali) wlllbe here �`�•r �l � .50here, The staff is flow complete, from Jaeksanvige, Florida, and ' ive 90C $3 News items always W4140me At Tlie House Of lttefiage a high Class Concert: in the Town Wall Tux Naw ERA will, be glad; to re- Tbs owo latest lumatea to be ad- Wateh for further ,particulars next ' celve items ;concerning persolie visit, Witted to toe county, house of refuge week. Ing in: town. ,They are of general in- at Clinton are Angus MacDonald, of terest, Often people come and Ito Bayfield, and Robert Dun► ar, of Sad a Smash ,Ham i when ibany would have been glad to Wroxeter, There are now eighty-five Sunday evening A. Seeley was know they were In town that they people in the house. There has not coming up Isaac street with his auto Our trade in, this nine has been inuch might call on them, been a death in the institution since when the ateerinipr gear broke and big t the first of ,lune, showing that the old auto bit they post in front of New Era better than usual this season, The reason ' Clinton Teacher Chosen people can stand a lot of hot weather. ofce, The auto was badly damaged. may be our advantageous prices At a special ineeti'ng of the Col- Minor LUcalf# Painful Injury. '► n ,, 2egiate Institute Beard of Strathroy, �1�� �V � • M ' the committee recommended that A, AvaUST. In attempting to relieve con�ggestion rr j 7 vas 'a�j P. Gundry, B. A„ of Clinton, a THE obserdant amateur gardener is in "Blower" at the farr<ia of Ifir conn ' science specialist, be appointed to the just now learning of the human side Gardiner, con, 9, Goclerich'.1�'p, Wednes a position of prineipat ata salary of of bis garden products and finds. that 'day afternoon, Mr. A. Oartney, of v __,_,_. __�•____ �� $1,85x1 The report was adopted, Mr. town received a severe cut on his rigbt un corn has ears,, potatoes have eyes. y will at once undertake the squashes have necks, cucumbers have elbow, which required medical atten T preparation ofthe annual school cal' warts, cabba es have beads, celery tion• Unless the' bone is Injured, or. �d•ender. g complicaticu arises, Mr. XeUartuey hasa heart, wheat has a beard, andgrapes have skin. 'will not long be laid up, Fair eO,, Zurich , Zurich's ch's lost ORO"WATzgN is already under way Four of. Zurich's Bowlers drove to' Standing of League Clinton last Friday and played two for the local Option battle next Janu- friendly amee with two rinks of Olin- tonLost OFTEN Bowlers, In the afternoon, the THE Wonderland is closed for a visitors defeated L. Cautelon, G. Rob. couple. of weeks. Clinton 4 1 800 ��T arton, R. Graham and Bert Hoovey by SEVARAL rinks of bowlers go'to Mitchell 1 2 333 ALWAYS THE$E�`"r rt a score 14--16, In the evening how' Goderich next week. Groderich 1 3 25Q , ever Jas. Fair, W, A. McConnell, Ed." THERE were many visitors passing Travellers Cantelou and .R. Graham defeated through Clinton on their way . to the = - them by a score of 25 —16. The players Old Boy's Reunion at Lucknow. Miss S R Courtite starts this week; ---- ----- from Zurich were P. Lamont, P. Sep- for Yokohama, Japan.. & long journey MplNNiH*"00" •di•tr•r •dw••nNA••*•N••••aA•N " �ple .and 'A. Hess, `TRAINS have been running late ser- for a lady to take, Miss Courtice is oral days during the past week. going out as a missionary.--r-Rev J E The Settlement Of The Strike Excursion To Detroit OUR reporter -was shown a beauti- Ford leaves on the Sth for Victoria, B Big 1, O. O. F. Excursion to Sarnia . ful White Legbern chick, hatched by C, to attend the great Methodist Con. ' _ Started July 16 —Ended August 2. Al and Detroit on Saturday, August 13th, a plgeon. It was known' that the pig- ference,—Mr Henry and family left tat The schedule o£ wages eon was setting, but that she bad hens for Grand Forka, • N. Dakota.—Miss � : offered by Mr Hays on July 18, decided Train will leave Clinton n 7: 0. a, W. to eggs was unknown,until•a smart chick Deverell left 30th for along extended on -the board of conciliation, which was the -oiler , on which, the Fare -to Sarnia afa and return $11.60. Face dropped from the nest. 'There was no tour through Canada, the States, and. men struck, becomes effective from May 1 last, from. Sarnia and Detroit and return is Ing up in Winnipeg. The above were ' „ , sign of any pigeon• eggs, all ticketed by the Grand Trunk Town T. given by the C. P• , S cents 'via steamer, lash n r ' The rates of. pay and the conditions of service Special train will leave Sarnia on re- Agency,' R. become effective on the G. p. R, on January 1, 1912, turn tri at 10 o'clock Sorry To Loose Their Pastor p p. m. on Mon- • The men in the train and yard service will return to work as rt"J day, Auguattl6th. Take- in this pop- I'a.stor.'and.Mrs. Uharlesworth were xt Was A New Game - I " - soon as the company finds. positions for them. utstr trip, pleasantlysurprised on. Tuesday even- After the Baseball match on Mon• Finger Injured ing, when in tlh�e midst of their pack" day beveral. memliers of the Bowling The company will retain as many bf the men who wonted during Saturday morning, when endeavor• ing up a number of the members of Club invited the Indiana down to the the strike as'.t ey wish. y g. epee Baptist Church dropped in and • in to ut u a. car window at the G Green and an enjoyable evening was p p after spending a pleasant time in soc. No reference is made in the afire ment-regarding• pensions. T Depot,littleGladys Soare,daugbter ial intercourse, Mrs, T. Watts read the: spent, This was the, first time. they of Mr. and Mrs D Sours (deaf mute) following address :— ever saw the game a d with their had a finger severely injured., by the stay over on Tuesday nig�t were again • aN•N•00000000a••NNo•000400 CUNN�aN!••u•NM��ao window failing down upon it. Gladys Lear Mr. and Mrs. Charleswortb:-- busy on thegreen, Several of them _ was on her way to visit friends at New The sorrow that your departure along with Manager Green would soots _ Hamburg, but decided to postpone causes us, we are not able fully to ex- be experts at the game with a little A Former Clintonian On The 00*0N•rwn0•0"000 •"00" her visit until her nerves and injuries press neither by words nor acts. The practice...- Seene • were in good shape. separation that is about to tape place _ M is painful to us as aChurch,. However Accident At Factory Additional. intei<est is given to the • capture of the much sought for D1, Feurteea calls we .believe that Providence has so >' g Z>te Good )!actors Friday of last week, as Mr. Geo. Crippen, at Father Point, last Sunday — ordered it His provfdencea are some* Cook was operating p from the fact that amort the The Monetary Times, of Toronto, tinges dark and obscure to us Factory, abuzz- loner g • ,yet. we the Piano Factor ,his two front fin 13` prase • , summarizes the good factors in the know that he doeth all'thilis well • y ct re resentatives upon the scene was 0 In eight hours received by our Enr •• financial and commerwiai situation of c, . eta of his right hand came in contact E Archibald, B A.,. formerly areal- ployMent Department on wednes- that Ail. things work. for with the. knives of the machine, re dent of Clinton, who is doing fine = wey,&lcy i rIndicate the chances, Canada in part as follows: - good to them that Love'God," Be as Bank deposits larger. suiting in the loss of the fingers store re ortial service .for 'that hustlin • placing consldent , cured of this dear friends that our P g young people in good office post, 19 Bank stearin s larger. said. e, Cook was new hand at the tions. We cannot supply halt the g g 40 sorrow " on this: "occasion will- . not evening daily -The Toronto Star. Mr ..Railroad earnings bigger. l machine, but has learned that no mat Archibald is a clever writer. and is • calls we receive, for lack of pater - g gg hinder . us from expressing our best ter what material comes in the wa of • . sal• .It you want &good training, • 'Industrial conditions good.' . wishes for. OU. Before .leaving us y .working his: way to the top. and a good salary when reads, at. Trade increasin y such tools, Will be taken _ tend our school. THE CENTRAL Increasing. would you, kindiyaccept this small gift therefrom, He wi11 be off work forBUSINESS COLLEGE, TOROK- • Crop area greater.-., just to remind you of the friends- you sometime: ntor Locals:.'To. • Investment greater., have left behind you in ClintonBap: 'Immigration greater: y ------r-- • Lar er inflow of ca# ital. tilt Cburch, and the days we have Despite the heavy of last Fri• -labored together in Christian fellow- Lost /►t Goderich. day afternoon, the first of the home a W. H. SHAW Principal. g p progress. ship. Wednesday afternoon` our League 'and home games in the intermediate Much construction in ro rasa. Yonge ds Gerrard sits:. Toronto Mineral production good, p' boys were defeated in Goderich, by a football series between. Niagara Falls • .. Mergers eliminating foolish competi= :Yours on .Behalf of the Church. score of 5 - 3. rhe boys were minus and Green River was played at Green a6di•�Nu•d•N�NNN•Ni tion. "Mrs. Livermore then handed Mrs. Riley Johnston and Ray Rpmball River, The Falls 'team were accom- Chariesworth a beautiful selection of filled in at first and did his work well, parted by a large crowd, who came by. blarkdale �Vaterworksy Silver ware, The recipient .wag- eo but the whole'outfit not being. pro- special train. Green :River won•by a Under •the atrection of cLairman, completely taken by surprise she thrfesee es in re get going with score of 2 -to I. The game.was fast and The Child,ron's Guide. Ennis the waterworks system is . could' eeareely find words • to express three games in three days, interesting thioug houL. A.ncvel way of carom a evin has progressiog satisfactorily.. Up. to the her thanks, but both •.she and Mr. Goderich 20010011x•--5 g g h present i x I installations have been Charlesworth, tbaanked the friends not : Clinton . -100000x120 - 3 THE Indians `defeated .Goderich on been discovered by an old nim" who made, with a dozen or so yet to do. only for this gift, but for the love and Tuesday afternoon' by a scdre of .14-1, lives in London. Just . close to hist $821;57 has been collected and handed ,loyalty they had shown to them dur- Battersea—McCreath, Dean; Tasker, One Indian remarked.thatthe could homb there is a point where five bus Hawkins. y g over to the treasurer, about. three, ing tE e*r stay and .they would haye ..have made it.40: roads mget, and crossing. through ,sill: quarters of which was for installation •liiost pleasant memories of their work S11cCessful Candidates the tra>c something of as ordeal E work, the balance for water service. in Clinton, , Mr. - and Mrs. Charles FORD &McLeod: have . had a new But numbers o ethin children have A .narked Improvement has been worth left for London. on Wednesday, Following are the. -names -of the sup•• made at the in -take. The course of where Mr Obarleswor'th will preach cessful :candidates who passed the sign played• above their.Flour grid Need to do 14 much 4o the anxiety of their ' the stream leading to the filtering bed for some tithe. before taking another, 'NormtLl Entrance Exams at the Clin- store. moth, has been changed thereby securing an charge.:: ton Collegiate:-- Sezea;h :Brawn Do. �.:..� 8o "Old Joe," as be. is call ample supply of pure water free from A goody number of the Con re a- Wit Coaene, honors • Brid ie Cum .r his name is William it upob y g g (honors); g Uiam Witicro� hit upon, • sediment: r Further. improvements are ,tion were at the Station to the. Good- Mips, R F Denholm, Bell Dgaper,May Auborn the idea of taking' tate children 'across„ under way at the tank and pumping bye to the Dastar sand his wife. Jones, (honers);.ClarenceKilt .Harve y X - And now ;he Is to .be seen eve station, ?The - sysCem . is growin' .in. W Reid- bunora Grace Mr. F w r9 day. , (, ., ), l3. SCevvart, or ard,of:Preston, will preach , pickfB Favor weekly and.wben complete g yea. Tenth Ann Eva'.M' Stinson. Suuda afternoo i g h1s; way caretnLy -past tram- ual Report y n n the Baptiste: 'way cars and,, nd .through, the 'crowded. . promise of toeing watt nigh if not alto- church here. Fie is hirhly spoken of ether selfaust nin Standard The following is the Tenth ;Annual Eddie Miller Won traffic With a small "child clinging � R' .• g —( ) : as a' speaker, and ail are invited to 1'in$' to , Report from the music Studio of Pro- With a view of. enkindlipg'friendly come. and hoar hien. each arm, while on the pavement be - Special County Coxutiil Meetits aessor and Mts. Campbell (in connec- rival hind a small crowd of other .children lt;' tion with Toronto and London Con- y.among the boys TOE Naw A special meeting of the county. ERs ofered a' book bearing the title are awaiting their turn. ,ouncit was held on Tuesday of last sarvatories of Music:) since'coming. to . "The Canadian, Farmer's Manual" to He reckons' to take abaut.300 school week for the ur ow of considering (ipron County.. Number of examine. the farmer's son attending a rural childrel across the: p c g tions tried (in February and July 1910) school taking t p�•p road, in thin wap the report of the committee appointed ,thirty' g' the highest marks at 'CENTRAL iiA� ever ;number of suGcessfui students, Clinton Entrance examination, Eddie y day ,and lives entirely on the. to.exim piopos tion, which app sans- . twenty-seven. Intermediate Piano— tips given him b grateful tarium pioposition, which approved Miller, Summerhill. was. the victor �' y (t parents, pp Pass --Miss M. McNaughton, Seaforth: ' and will of course receive the reward. Sashes are with a more. The )f the A P McLean property as a Junior Piano—Pass—Miss Cora Geil, STRATt`ORD, OIvT. ` suitable site for such an institution. .Seaforth. 1st Close .Honors—Elsie. T>3u Nztw FRA wishes him success as broad belts now so popular are coin - Che council drove out to inspect the he climbs the rungs of the educational tinned 1n soft knots` and tones ends site and apparently werenotfavorabl Lobb, Clinton ; Laura Stewart.Londes. The largest and best practical Training e y koro; Dell Millar, Clinton, Honors— ladder. School in estern Ontario. There is no -vben the gown to . be ornamented is inpressed, with What they saw.. A better to th Douliatoa. Our acoreas are Ruby Hili, Clinton.; Myrtle Morrie; . thorough and. Practical, our teachers are ex- of light, summery texture. Wide flow - lumber contended that the .Bowden Blyth: Primary. Piano—lat'Class Hon- E>ttrnnee to Fneuities of Educa• perieaced, and we assist graduates to Bred ribbon. in om adoui• a ! property at Exeter was more suitable, ora -Mamie 13x11, Clinton'; Ida .Love, tion. positions, an have three departments to P p patterns, avh/le others held that tlaecountytown Seaforth ; Lulu Docherty, Egmoud- Jas. A. Cameron, Part 1; E. D. W COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND. TELEG. soft broken plaids of a dainty 2olor an ' ;vas the place for county institutions. Ville Bella Del at Bayfield. Hon= nourtice, Part .I and Part"II; RazeI J. RAPHY• Write at once.for our free oat&-' white, new • satin brocade in soft self k motion was presented • by Council- ars —Ester Bell,Blyeh ; Marice SproatElebat, Part II; Mary I. Pearson, Part rogue, tones and the ever beautiful messa. ora Leckie and Monroe which pro- gippen. Paas=Sate. Perdue, Olin.' •1, Thos. Sanders, Part I; Frank A. tines are all sought by the foresighted Tided that no action be taken in choos-' ton ; Maud Morrison ; Leadliury. Jun- Tamblyn, Part, I; W. J. W, Tamblyn, D. A. l�Cj ,SCiltlll surnmes� girl ng. a site until. the .meeting of. the for Theory, including Harinony,Count- Part I. The sash or girdle of ribbons or even o. •ouneil in December at Exeter, and erpoint and .History, Honors—•Bertba PRINCIPAL nR'9llk fir the yard. is ha much a fash- leat the committee ore further site Armstrong. Brussels; Edith White, Address And Presentation lou for the. child as leavor to secure o more suitable site Hensall. Rudiments, Harmony and grownup, dear the county town if possible.. It History — Gladys, Brandt, Hensall, A very pleasant evening was "spent ' vas moved in amendment by Uauncil- Rudiments and Harmon Elsie Lobb at the Home of Miss Emma Six ith on I° ors Geiger and G}oyenlock that the y— Thursday evening,, where the ,young ,,I�,l„I„I„I,�•,I„t,...;„i;,,II,;l„I„3,•�•t„II„I„l;,t„l„t„L,�II„3„3„1„II,.,6„II„l 44. ,I, . 3awden pro arty at, Exeter be ur- Clinton. Harmony and Rudiments,' .l..g, .I..l..l..p,.l,.l..l,.1,.1„ l„I,.I, pp p Primary 'Theory, 1st Class Honors -, ladies of Ontario St. Church met in ,i, based for $3,700,. to be used as a sari Gretta Kennedy, Wingham ; Dell honor of Miss Sybil Uourtice, who is .1. ariuin, only patients from Huron Millar, Clinton,, Fred Henry, Olinton, soon to leave for Japan. Afters cou• ,'y; ounty to be admitted; that the insti- g pie of hours of social conversation, �,��� .q. Honors=- Dell Burwash, Win halm• ts• utson be governed by 'three trustees games, ate, and a ;splendsd repast the s a board of control and the Warden Pupils received at Studio, ane time. followin address was read and • Miss y y g Clagses resumed, September 5th.' Courtic was presented with a. silver 'I' f the count Onl ei ht councillors . oted for the amendment and the teapot, showing the high esteem in C motion was declared carried. The Says Good -Bye To The Clinton whichsheis heldinher cirele offriends. .I. )atter is therefore left over to the Anel Attburu Baptist Churcl►C 3. Miss Courtice is a young lady of sterl• •i+ . ' ear n Sal 'I'C1 tecember meeting. ing character,and will be much missed' ,� g e .1. Rev, T. Charlesovoeth, who has thin- among the young people, but her ,1. lstered to the Clinton and Auburn bright smile and excellent talents will Cow mp Blind his ad alhd to riin Churches for manly two years and a mean much to those in darkened + We are still • busy clearing out the balance of Accompanying his annual letter, in half, preached his farewell sermons on Japan.. our Summer stock.'or the past three weeks �we Which he asks the readers of the NEW Sfinday last. In the Course of pis re- Clinton July 28th,1910, RA to send him the names and also margg hg referred to the hi's r t + ' ie otst-office addresses of an boa p To Miss Sybil Court'tee, the hadt good StICceSs Ili cleaning up odd lines, ,; 4 AAtp y y feeling that had existed between Past - y �. but there's more to o et, itl� Men's, Women's girls, known. to them, whose ey9- or and people, and the fact that durr -Clinton, Ont. g y t Is so defective that the cannot ing his Paatorate the Clinton Church ttend the Public Schools with advan• Dear Sybil: and Children's Oxfords Pumps and Slippers had been thoroughly renovated and ' ► •l• tge, Principal Gardiner, of° the On- relighted,and the old debt cleared off, �+Cl`e, a few of your friends, re- •t• which will be Closets out at Wholesale rices for trio Institution for the Education of presenting, as we believe, many others '1` P a goodly number had also been added «o A Blind, at Brantford, sends us a to the Church by Baptism, The fines who are interested in your appoint- •II ,i, od on which he hits'printed, wittout ances had also been In better shape ment to the Mission Field, wish to ex- •i• • . ,l. ►k, 'the letters used by the blind in than for some years and a lamer press our sincere appreciation of the •3- lair reading. These letters are com- amount raised for Missions. He thank, high honor which is conferred upon + 'I' N ck and Colored Oxfords, bled of raised dots or pointe, ar- ed the Congregation for the loyal and you. � � inged in two horizontal .rowa, and faithful way in which 'thea had stood We cannot and will not forget the .p. •l• ie combinations of points thaC ha.Ve by hits and helped him in the work, pleasant intercourse we have enjoyed r e' eon contrived to repreaent the vagi At Auburn a handsome new Church 'while we have been associated toget- + -Patent Leather, i(Xd and Gun as literary,, numeral and musical bad been built and almost paid for and her in the past,and while there is with ha'raaters Are most ingenious- Point iia a feeling of regrot atthe thought of g additions to the membership have also fitters are much easier to react with faken place there. Mr. Oharlesworth's separation, we Clare not murmur,, in- + Metal Calf PU m i .t. asmuch as we are convinced that you PS Slippers peers he finders than line letters, and blind ministry has been characterized by + i hildren Gaon Learn to' road and writo earnest and faithful are in the path of duty, under His preaching of the watchful ease who has said, "I will + + rtitin boing, and music a ns, the Gospel, and his d! ni:et * onlns have Guide Thee with mine Eye." Ii<epaitillK lleatl,y dome and rritirig bash done with a• steel stylus been touch enjoyed not only by his � „� ad a brass frame which they calla own people but by many rlthers out. And now, dear Sybil, we wish to as-. .I, + late. The School ,for the Blind is gide, In the morning and aftetnoon aura gou'b£ oursgmpathy and prayers, •ice Promptly attended to, iaintained by the Ontario Govern. he took for his textJ'ohn 14--1 to 3 and that you may be brought in safety' to, + ° lent as a part of our free - school sys• in the ovenfil 1 fl 0-•-2 A your destination, and that you mal+ udder ter of answer ftg ,the ttnli7Ur thtj' of the friends fromrAuburki Auburn drove over, An- for the evening service, Oda the Au- tter burn Choir rendered A selection. Mrs, and Hoover also sang a nolo both Movninic and eveblho. be instrumental in wibifing man soula to Christ. We ask that Y. witI accept this small token of aur friend. ship in the spirit In which it is given. Signed by Your girl friends, r FRED JACKSON