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The Clinton New Era, 1910-08-04, Page 2
1 1 f t c tl s .. for as respondent the for his was Association Buk nsect baby's No Purely Buk i3arrieton fiarrist S,irkton Milverton Mitchell Mildmay oronto... evietook Ingham 'I ood BLIND OBEDIENCE. •• -, e Did es the Jude. Told Mira end Was �y 3l C ,r @ + FOR fLTHEI�rS i i�"'� .J►NA The New bra • Is Pahlished,everyThureday at the NEw;ExA, tOtinting) House,: 7H4At1 mom QLIIV'�QNa, • • ' �N40♦♦.Nle > 11MMER MONTHS FATAL t TO SMALL •GHILDRENt et fitment, the role reminded' of the dere of his tmperfal sway, Violeta are usu+tlly propagated from runners although they ,P he alalead ♦ from Heed or Autttngr. here area << ' Well Paid For itvir.• A gentleman bac# a bead ardenar - ._� BRDONE, Terrains of cub eription�-$1 per year nadvance ; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are id, unless at the option of the publisher, The date to which which subscription is paid) de- every the label, Advertisingrates.-Transient &dver.- easements, 10 cents er non 1. line P for first Insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequentineertion, SmallExeter .dvertisementa not to exceed one inch ash as Lost Straed, !Stolen, "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen; to, inserted once for Dents, or one .monthfor$1.Communicationsintended for publication must, ea a ee guarantee of good faith, be accompanied bythe ame of the writer. To insure publication in current esus copy of advertisements should be sent in early.• Contract rtes -The Yollowingtable shows our rates for specified periods itiid apace. 1 yr. 6mo. 3mo, Imo 1 Column $7500 $40 00 $25 00 $10 00 Oolumn 40 00 26 00 lb 00 800 l Column 26 00 15 00 800 300 Column 18 00 10 00 550 200 1 Inch 800 350 200 00 3ontract display advertising ,10c per inch, per issue. W. H. I�ERIt & SON • • ♦oo • • • ♦ • ♦ • "--,....-- 4 Every mother moat know how fatal the summer months are to small children. Cholera • y •and etomsch rtroubles are to 1 ♦ common at this time and many a. precious life is sou#%d oat after only a.few hours illness, • As a safeguard mTablets urshould • keep Babr:0 n in house, An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent atom• ach and bowel troubles. or if the trouble comes on suddenly, will bringg�the little one through safely, Mrs. R. E. Sanford, in- y,« verarv, Ont., writes:-- My baby waesickly for over a week = with stomach bowel ttou- ♦ blas and cried night and day, nothing helped her till I gbegan"Well, giving her Baby's Own Tablets, but they helped her right away and now she is a bighealth y child with fine rosy cheeps, The Tablets are certainly a wonderful medicine and I re- commend them to all my friends who have children." - • Sold by medicine dealers or by ♦ mail at 25 Dente a box from The 2 Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ ♦ Brockville; Ont. ♦ ♦ number of diea,dvantager about rain. • ing violets from seed without any corresponding advantages, especially for the amateur. In the first place it taken about a year for the seed to e it has been planted germinate afteP Cense g0010y the ground where it le cannot be used for any other purpose during that time. AnotherdteadVani- age fattest seed rtrawn violets do not ♦ .always come true in form or calor, Taking everything into consideration ♦ the amateur, unless be. wishes to do • some experimenting will find props gation from runneas much the more satfefactor wayAbout y of increasing the supply. ,They may also be propagated • tBlyyth...,.. by iVielan of the Old crowns but this •method is not recommended as the •and old plants become worn out and al- though the planta resulting from this division may at first show much of of the old time vigor it is soon lost, and if this method ie continued for any length of time the resultant : plants will have deteriorated into the ♦; moat common stock, • For the violet bed select 'partially ♦h shaded location. Dense shade is not _ good for them, but they must be pro- tected durin the hottestpart of the g dap or the sun will scorch them. A situation that admits the earlymorn- ing sun, or after it has well passed the meridan will be suitable. Prepare digging' wbo Paver thought of baying a holiday Extend TrunkRalllway System BARRISTER 130IaICTTOIi, sOTAR - " L or mwtza g a day 1rop1 wont x941 lie somewhat surprised his employer by -R--^ Railway Time Table " PUBLIC. ETC, oi;iNT03>7 tea is the result of care and experience asking him rr he .cupid have. "ni=t Ndday od." Sts regtiest wasfmmedlatety grants ed, but on the Saturday be did got LODdon, Huron and Bruce, North Passengervot f3 London. depart,8.30a m 4.50 p m Centralia,,..,...., CHARLES H. HALE REAL ESTATE AND INt3UR flNChv. Huron St,, Clinton,. , in blending --roust be the combination of flue flavor, • smooth strength and richness. Because these elements are sbow up, and a week went past, and then a fortnight, and ;still no alga or l4iike. The gehtlewan reluctantly .eni, toed another man in Mike's place. p y three months. afterward be was surprised on going tato the grounds to find Mike at work just as if nothing had happened. .9,40 5.48 8.53 5.64 Heusail .. 10.08 8.06 Kippen 10,16 6.11 Brumfield ... 10.30 6.19 Clfaton.,,„,..,11.05 6,35. Londeeboro 11.18 8.b2 ` 11.27 7.00 Bel grave.,,,..., 11.40 7.18 H. T■i Notary Public, Conveyancer,. Financial and Real I'ratate.- INsuRANCE AGENT—Ropi�eentins 14 Fire turiknce Companies. DivlBion Court Oras. all so generously Included in lied , Rose Tea itBel well merits the term WLondesboro •pees "good tel," "Where have you been. MIebael?” he asked, sort, it's !Dike this: Yon re - mimber the• day you let me of!? 1 had to appear at the coort as a wit- When I gets there I sees the cold gine with the wigprescribed, ie vitt and 'is specs on the tipof 'ie nose, r Wmgham, arrive... 11.50 7.3a South Passenger Win hoof, depart., 6,43 a m 3,33m rave......, ..... 6.54 3.44 p Blyth, 7,pg 368 , 7.10 4.04 Clinton, .... .. .. 7,50 4,23 Hrucefteld' 8.12 4.39 Kippers $• 4.47 • M@C1�,8,�• DR .. W. THOMP OK 'O ! . liclan,. Surgeon. Eto w eneulal attention g1vQn to diseases ot:thr Ere, Ear. Throat, Nos•, t Eyes carefully exaniinsd, and suitable glatt•ai. Office and Residence. ,. , _ -. - "'Michael Dooley.' 'e.liensall y, sez ' 8.32 4.52 TWO a�� ,aa` of u,o Ge.menfal now " f µ'Yin, some sez I. Exeter• • • • • • • •• •, •• 8.48 5..05 name Bt ED i EGo OS -� „, a' into that box,'pays 'e. "'Right ght, sorra sez Lsr. "'Swear; sez '� . 'e Centralia 900 5.15 London, arrive10 00 6.10 Buffalo and l}oderich West Dr. W. Gunn ° A,fittna L. U. C, pal Q L. office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls e! 'front Dor ,,, „� i I5 • Qotl tea" �� ----� "1 did as told me, though I don't use bad ;Ian sttage as a rule Passenger P p p Stratford 2G of office or residence, Satt�aburr eeeeti Office hours •+ ? TTRRii� �T NEW �.J..11�! 01 ERA ♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦/♦♦♦♦♦♦ f♦♦♦/♦ the bed by as deepas can be spade• done with the or diggingfork "'Three months for of ...10.00 12,20 5 10.20 al spl;al-i to 8 p m,; 7 to 9 pan 1 1 v1% CLINTON. ONT., AUG. 4, 1910.t$f.iglf aa w^.� �A� R� hh 11 breaking the ground up loose and fine all the way." through, Throw on enough air=s aked lime , to cover the gPHYSICIAN. ground. If the soil is •clap or sandy .contimpt Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5. 5 10.47 N�Veit SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recornmend It COOIt' eez'e. "And they've only fast let me out. sor� »-Pearson•s. $eaforth,...,10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 8.40 11.28 Holmeaville . 11.16 1,33 646 I1,.38 Goderich.. X,50 7.05 11,55 OK. J. W.SHAW. • 9unQ1soN. econcheor, etc., office and residenw on tenbgrySt., JOHN SWAN IS DEAD,A NOTED NEWS- PAPERMAN. .or�i�ulture ,!♦s>,jh")<ss R1�1Y1N1NliY11�' THE VIOLET add a couple inches of leaf -mould or wood dirt. As they • delight to this kind of soil there is very little dander of adding too much. Add to this a/1:111 two inch layer of manure so wellQoderich rotted as to be almost indietinguinh• able.trom earth, Dig this all together 84 ,...;.11.35 opposite w. patron's reeldepee, ACCUSED AS A WITCH.East Passenger A Murder Mystery Tried For "Conversing With ." • Devil In the Form. of a Cat. p m p m 7.10 240 4,50 Holmeaville 7.26 2.57 5.06 Clinton 7.35 3,07 5.15 DR. F. A. AVON sl&1tTI8T • C•own and Bridge week a Specialty: -- • Dr Crippen, ,who at one time hand- led Munyon's remedies in Toronto,but who bad been living in London, Eng„ Jane Wenham was Indicted at the Hertfordshire assizes on March 4, 1712, for. "conversing with the devil in the Seatorth ,, 7.52 3.25 5,32 Mitchell .. 8.16 3'48 K,55 Stratford 8 40 4.15 6.20 Graduate or C.C,17.S.. Chicago, and R.o,D 5.. Toronto. Bayfield on`Atoadays, Play Ist it�illeeetrbeat• Well -Known Editorial Writer Ofpp `The Globe -Was War Corres- pondent In South Africa. In kindly ehowere and sunshine born, The traces of ,the dull, gray morn, Out mixing thoroughly. If the• soil is sandy and leaf -mold or wood dirt are not obtainable add more manure; if the soil is heavyclay add sand to make, it friable. The for some years subsequent to this, is "form of a cat," under the provisions of charged with murdering his wifeinthe latter city. Early in the present year Orippen gave out the announcement that his wife had gone 'abroad on a visit and later .announced that she died there, Meantime, Crippen and his stenographer were living together as man and wife in the formers apart- the act of 1604, repealed in 1736. Her prosecutors wished to have her also indicted for Practicing witchcraft to the harm of Ann Thorn, a servant gin siateea years old, but this was not allowed, although evidence was. pro- For Sale or Rent. Farm to. Rent - TpTh as esm oseed t math,Con. of Gtoderioh DR. H. FOWLER DENTIST. a over O NEIL S store. . Ql care special oars taken to wake dental treat. mens as paintese se possible, • After months of suffering, John klexander Ewan, associate editor .of the Globes, died at 1 : 40 last Thurs- lay morning at his home, 10 Victoria venue. Born Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1854, le came ino Toronto when n boy and earned the or typographical art in The Globe office. Ino rap he wentai on the staff and Me Mail and Empiretat Ottawa. Then a time he was editorial writer on The World, returning The lobe in 892. a writer of a seriesaof widely aego on ifs and conditions in Quebec. achiev- ng a national reputation as war cor- for The Globe in Uuba,and ater inn Troops. AHefrica in South Africa with the icao "covered" the big Pennsylvania coal strike his proper score pears• ago, and g last series of special articles were n the o s viaduct, gleaned tom a trip to the United states. He well known at the Ottawa Perlia- Buildings. Mr. Ewan Mr. Ewan was of the Civic a an was of presidentthe of Canadian, Na- Lentil and Ontario Clubs, as an ex- resident of the Ward One Liberal and a member of St. Mat- haw'stion aChurch. He is survived a R tdow and erre darrghter;- ' :�bxatlee ,nd two sisters, all in Toronto: The Globe this morning says of him : 'No one was so beloved by his col- eagues of The Globe or by the other lewspapermen thruout the Dominion, is well as'-anextrt the Do nut*, ircle friends outside of nary large irele of the late air, Ewan. Every y Lewapaper man who visited Toronto i the course of hiin s work or on plea- ure ben ,look dor a friendly onThe chat or xchange of opinions. To the younger iewspaper men of the lefty he wag a indly godfather." • from its summer and sheltered nooks The blue eye of the Violet looks. -Whittier "Sweet Violet" sang the ,poet and all down through the ages the have snug the violet's praises, poetsn vstead of n history o! the Violet could at but give us its autobiography what t interestingt give bookait would be. sceneswhich what wonderful stories could it of things which it has witijeseed- stories of life and it h vita d hate fidelityandandespair, oy an I sorrow,rll o which have contributed their share to the production of life'& great drama' But true to the virtue. ith, which the blue violet represents, it utters note a Mee word and keeps within itself the secrets of the past. A storyis told of the reatNa oleon g P when in the heyday of his power and. glory and all France shpower n Josephine's birthday was at ,hand and there was to be "great doings."Now Josephine had been born in Martinique and had and had all the love of flowers and all characteristic of .• the habitants of the West Indies. head- ad- dition to her love for flowers she was, decidedly extravagant .in dress and when Napoleon asked her to name he -gift bhe-wo'ald pre fe'i'"."froui, ILin, imagine his surprise when she su g gested a bunch of violets, when he expected 'her to name some. costly article of dress or `jewelry. He sent to the florists for a quantity them hut were net ofin thosem utheye they arencultivatedand . a days as season to -day, the wild violet gand was past they were not to be had. and the `shopkeepers could not supply did him.Napoleon chafed. ashe al fras ustrated, He sent by sen hisplans ecial messenger to'VEr sallies with instructions not to return' until th'e violets had been procured. But return he did, and with that with- wood- dirt and manure not only supply plant food but assist in retaining moisture well as keeping the soil loose and Porous, The violet must never be allowed to suffer from thirst. The frequency with which they are watered must searbe eg aid dtbe he dr n the ess f the quality' they are growing. If the soil' is a good loam, well enriched, with. decaying. vegetable matter such Re y g• g leat•inold, wood -dirt and well rotted' manure, and has been dug fairly deep and the surface soil kept loose an d(the (ins, the same amount of water will not these required ass. would s the case if conditions .were less favorable But under all circumstances keep the surface soil loose and fine by frequent hoeings especially after each' rain or watering• with' the wateringpot, or hose.This not onlykeeps down P weeds but admits air• - to the roots which aids very materially in counter- acting certain. diseases to which this plant is liable. During the revere hot g weather spread around the planta a mulch of any.cearse material to pro- tett the roots from tile` drying action of.the sun and toconservethe moisture in the ground, . Violets bloom in early ' e ring and, ear snood na b kp f � e -Plante in-etth� of out six seasons usually time they about lis months from the time, they ,are set outdoors. Violets planted out . in September:will be found in bloom almost as soon as the snow is off, and the winter covering remoyed;-while• those planted in April. or Map .will' commence blooming about September continue right up in the• face of winter, starting again in early coring, The violets of . our ancestors were. much more hardy' and robust and would stand more abuse and thrive With less care than thepresent day highly bred, artistocratic members of the family, but the quality of bloom in inverse menta. Suspicion having been aroused Crippen and the woman disappeared. duced at the trial to show what injury had been done the victim by means of crooked pinsTHOMAS and by JOSH COOK, or to MRs, J. HALSTEAD Clinton tr aoderich, GUNDRY a and a search of the recuses revealed a bodypartly burned with lime, in the cellar of the place- lately occupied by them.` It is believed the pair have since been discovered under the name of Robinson, as father and son woman havingThe donned men's clothes) on the Steamer Montrose bound for placing cakes and cats' hairs in Ann thorn s pi110W an how the prisoner hat?"caused the death of some cattle simply by walking through bh a turnip Held. . " " jury brought her 1n guilty. and Mr. Justice Powellthe passed sen - IIO•ul3e an LOt tOr bale. - The convenientlylocated house, neat to T. rooms e c lent repair street, containing nine rooms. The bonnie a recently re -built one. and in excellent repair,. A -good, new stable on premises. apply to A. BEELEY, Live stock and general Auction ae� GODERIOH ON.T kin m'tois sales a specutd, (Mese et fit NEW Eos niece, Clinton arbmnuy attenaed ore disc Terms reasonable. 'Farmers sale not. Doused. • Montreal and due there Saturday. The suspects are under arrest on board, Scotland detective tence of death, but took steps to quash the verdict .• Wenham's prosecutors' House To Let D 'N WATSON:iter N. and a yard is follow ing them on another ship. ' • published en account of the case, but their arguments were Pulverized by scientific men.. Jane `kentiam herself House to Let. Apply to J. Twitchell pp y 8c �Jous. t f, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huroa_ Oornesponat t e promptly answered. frames-.. iate arrangements, for sale dates can bei mads by caning the e µ M A Shining Mark was liberated and taken under the Colonel protection of Plummer, who • Field Stone Wanted, at NEW ERA office, or with tank:, Watson at McEwan's grocery, Charges moder- ate and satisfaction guaranteed . - What Parisian Sage did for Chas S. Baker, it will do for. you. Read t h e following : gave her a cotta e: and we are -told -. g by Dr. Hutchinson . that in 1720 the whole country was fully convinced of her innocence. -London Spectator. The Town of Clinton will pay -$8,75 per °Ord for field atone, for road befitting. BEACOM, Apply to THOS.•Chairman Ohairmaa of Street Qom, G. D. McTaggartM.D. MoTaggar M agger 1VIcTaggar't Bros. HANKERS "I was so bald and such a� shining mark for friends,that I,as a last re- sort, tried your Parisian Sage (after In the Nursery,' Farm For Sale or. to Rent • ALBERT S7L'• t • CLINTON •-tr in se+yer'si--botttes cif -the 1'ii t5'I i;" hair rei to and highd priced s t called hair restorers), andI to say I' _I!the nurser cvi Wv,..--,, 9 4ii41v._is �nt�prow - _ - "" tected b outside bars, dammer a large y ge Being 30 acres, mostly in grass, and screw or nail into the - groove of the. well watered; small orchard, frame --"Geilp`rfs-'C•'•'Ban--&ing. Business transacted- am glad now have a heavy growth of nee hair after carrying my shining mark for. over seven sesta., I gladly recommend . Ps,risianSage to all afflicted with hold- lower sash so that the window• cannot house and barn, Two miles from be raised more than•six inches. Clinton, on Hur. Road. Apply to MRS, GUNN. Tlolmeayule. If the top sash is drawn down, thisdeposits. is. NOTES DIBOO1JNTED Draitsfsaned. Interest allow on 'news., Chas. S.•Baker, 491 Main St., quite enough for ventilation, and; no matter East, Rochester, N. Y. how ingenious or venturesome For Sale the little ones may be, cannot they The McKillop Parisian Sage, the only natural hair restorer, is guaranteed by W. S. R,. Holmes to cure dandruff, stop falling: hair and cure itching of the scalp, or money back. It is the ladies' favorite hair dressing; because it adds charm 8, Holis wriggle -through the small lower open- a and Lot and Cottage, half an mg• • acre of ground, hard and soft water, • Provide each little -one in the nursery knownen osale. late Apply to Thomas' gar- den for Apply to with its own towel, sponge, hairbrush6t ONSLOW •.CtICH Clinton. and toothbrush and teach children reu ' Mutual -t, Fire Insurance Co. :; li'rOpo Re- and Isolated Toter, arty Only insured. OFFICERS. and luxuriance to the hair, 50.cents a bottle. Ask W. S. R. Holmes about. it, ,the that it fs not right to use each other's . J. B. McLean, -President - Seaforth •things. Ilnrse t lllipers, Sharpened. •Jas. Connell th g y, .Vice Pres., Goder ch save You Remembered It :' out the coveted flowers: Napoleon p enraged to think that he, - the first person in France, the man who bid was ratio to their hardiness. In the Pall when theground is freez- ing up for the winter spread over the. two three • I3sic>irtishes should be kept perfect. Thos. E. Hays, See:•T.reas,, Seaforth.4 - k�o You Know, This Flower? Amon theguests • ata summer.ha g • tel 'tn Vermont was a scientist from Boston, noted for :his botanical y. COleli'and ft'equent)y washe(1.• in Having led, a . machine for s1 all DIRECTORS. kinds soda •water; •' larpen.ng reof TJorse Clippers, lam piopared to do such' work- on Jas. Connell `Holm sville John Sponges, too, should. be treated in short'notice. Satisfaction assured, y' e • Watt, Jas., the same way; ' and - when the are JABEZ RAND ' .Clinton;' .. • h; Dalegrans; �' Chesney,, and slimy they should tie clean= Blacksmith, Clinton wool ' •• J ' Grie a `, . , Evans Beech- 9 J. G. Grieyei Winthrop, Ben When packing for the country cot- age, don't forget your box of Zara- 1 Blisters, sunburn, scratches,the stings, etc., if not immediately ttended to, are likely to spoilBut your Leasure: 7.�m-Buk ensures y o u gainst troubles from these: Take am•Buk,instead of "taking chances" ! Zara-Buk is antiseptic ; kills all Dison in wounds, whether from barb-' d wire fence, or insect sting. Soothes Ching feet and blistered hands heals chafed places ; cools those sun. urn patches, and prevents freckles. mother should be without it. herbal in its composition. Zara- is always superior to the ordinary intments containing animal oils and tts,and mineral coloring matter. All g feta and stores sell Buk, but void harmful substitutes, '--”" fair to conquer all Europe and whosebed q p ambition even extended to thesea.girt isle across the way, could nc t secure a bunch of violets for love or money. But somewhere in Paris Napoleon had an admirer who was a lover. of flowersas and hearing of that .Monarch's, quest for violet's went- to his own ' garden where was a' patch of the cveted flowers that had been tended. with' skilful care,and gathering g g a bunch of the precious bloom sent them to Napoleon. Being , somewhat super-'„ ohis delight knew no bounds,earlier and he imagined the fates must hav- sent them for it had been declared.im- possible to obtain them. His success on this occasion was, he thought, but on typhical of'the success he :should achieve in the future in overcomin g almost insurmountable obstacles to' the accomplishment of his plans: With boyish glee he mounted his fastest , a, gr inch layer of ratraan ;costae manvie well shaken fig e other coarse - litter to soften torhe keen edge of'. Jack teeth g Frost'sgreasy duringthe severe winter n rather. those varieties which are listed mse and Sti hard . sun s 'MarteLouise-, yare not soloed for outdoor planting in the North temper- ate zone, The most satisfactory. place to grow .violets is iii the • cold. franie•sas they bloom much later in the fall and in the spring. But do 'not close the frame for the winter at the first sign of. frost as a • little cold weather at this. time will begood for them, preparing them for the more severe weather later on. rt the nights are cold and the days • fine, the sash should be.ulo in in the. evening and opened d againinthe morning; keeping it opened during the day, When the -re• searches, a' woman desirous' pressing himewitli her atorea::of gen- ed b 1 r; Y P acing them in.:botling water fn which soda -two ounces to each.. r t been . ,T- •. ne)veis, Brodha en, • M. DicEavtl . Teacher .Wanted. g Clinton.' era! lcnowled e• Also _she affected a deep interest ira�all matters pertaining to botany.mance "I qua of water -has dissolved and left for twenty-four hours . to soak.God Afterwtlard rinse ih vinegar and water. A altfied Each . teacher ,for S. S. No 3, Director is inspector of losses In eEich Township. Duties to coin• his own locality. August lex next, Applications, AGENTS. suppose," said the woman one - stating salary expected, received up Root Hinchley day, "that. you find almost. all' the mountain flowers around here? _ "I 8nd a great many,":said the.sci• to July 1st. Smith,. iIarlock; Ed.t ` GEO.'H o!mesvD villa; Seaforth; James Cumming; Eginonde tf Sec-Treas. Holmeaville P.U...ville; J. W. Yeo, Holrnesville •i Payments may be''at r&. "There's one species of flower," she P continued, "of which I've read as al: r T ♦� / � �( \� Wanted made Tozer Brown's, Clinton, . or to R, U. Cat;., • Brownch . ways being on the hills, and I've al- ways wanted to see it. Perhaps you' an pick me some.", t 'fend what'ts this flower, madam?"• •+The 'purple.gloaming,' you know. IVO ,,,� should dearly love to possess somaldire Minneapolis Journal. \ /, � AJ 0 Oa Te ocher for School Section NoS. Hallett Male or School Female, holding on second Class Certificate state salary • and` experiice.•-Duties to•commence after Midsummer Holidays personal Appi= cations preferred. Address WILLIAM McCOOL Secy.Treas. Lon desboro P. 0. _ ` -- JACOB T A Y L O '' .• W41NTO1H - '- - Life ,and Accident - ' • Insurance t 910 FALL FAIRS _- twoo l ..Oct.. 8 and 4 Byfield Sept 27, 28 loth Oot 4, 5 tassels Oot 6,7 nngannon Oot 7 'cater Sept 19, 20 ordwioh • Oct 1 nelph Sept 20, 21, 22 oderioh Sept 19, 20, 21 Sept 29, 30 the Sept 21,9 22 Oot 6, 7 neknow Sept 22, :3 ietowel - Sept2O, 21 steed and rode like mad all the way to- Malmaison where Josephine had gone to inspect her rose gardens, and there d h presented her with the violets. Soid pleased was Josephine with this proof of Napoleon's affection that she made the violet the flower of the Fre fell court. Then every loyal Frenchman went violet mad. In the darkest days of Napoleon's career,when • it was dangerous to speak favorablyof him the women wore violet ribbons and the men asked each other, "Do you love violets?" Napcleon returned to love v fol and death. Hen was banished dt to the island of St Helena where, with the violet as his only congenial coin panion, he spent the closing wears of weather becomes suflicientlp cold ‘lo indicate that our "Lady of the snows is about to take' her annual plunge into the real Canadian winter,close the sash and cover with boards, This will not only afford additional protect- fen from the cold, but will resist the9ChickensWanted. weight of snow which is likely to ac- cumulate during the winter, and star vent.it Crushing through the glass. Whenever the weather is fine soca hg g during the winter raise the sash a few inches to admit light and air, and the plants, in the spring, will show :their appreciation of thesee little attentions by the earliness and quality 'as well as qua • ntity of their bloom. •Just Imagined "Why don't they have women on juries? she asked. "Imagine a woi4ian sittipg through a • long .argument bya lawyer and net interrupting, was the answer she re.Do " The -Wheels of.tBusiness flux • Clessitttd.Want Ads',furulth lubricant" good- lad -4 business machinery you want an -employer or; an'em. Have you comethiog to tell oris 5000 chickens wanted n Wi d November for fpurpose, Will• be June, in shipping broilers up te end of Now is the time se get the encu• bators and brooding hens busy, Prices Reel estate bought and s+uld. Money to loan - _ Office Issas Street, nes door to New- Era calved.-$n>pa10 Express. ployeo44 there something you wish^ b,,uiiy2 . ; sure to be high at the Holmesyille Poultry Station. - Wit. le a brushwood, judgment is tint. . her. The Stat makes. the brlghtesl * No nutter.how large or, h•*rum.11 your budueu it. Condcesed;Adatwill;im' prove it -Oil upy �T N. W. TREWARTHA. • `0x Phone 4 on 142. IN flames, but the other gives the most lasting heat. •�.••-»N•-'1• Farnl•to Rent. Cold in ondon Sept 9-17 Sept 29, 30 Sept 20; 21• his life tending the beds of his favorite THE DEADLY HOIISE FLY. • one day. 25c.a bottle at all„Drugs A farm . ggood100 acre on Lot 32, Con.Stores. t Forest Sept 28 29•.....�..., Sept26, 27 itawa almereton Sept 9-17 272dand arkhill.. Septot 4 5 Epley Sept 27, 28 Marys Sept 27, 28 alorth Sept 22, 28 ratford Sept 15, 16 ti Aug27to Sept12 g pbags Sept 19, 20 (imager Oot 5, 6 verton Oot 4 oodetook Sept 19, 20 Sept 21, 22, 23 alkerton Oor,15, 16 • de Vathe n's French Female Pills 1. reliable regulator;WFrien d fails hile reliable these pills rre exceedingly $ y werful in regulating the generative rtion of the female system, they are stip safe to use. Refuse all cheap itations. Dr de Van's are sold at $6 �x,or three for 810 Mailed SHARP kNIfE-LIKEman PAINS Would Go Through II • • Thousands of people go about their • dell work on the verge of death and et Iv7 don t know it. • Every once in a while a pain will seem to shoot through the heart but little attention is Paid to it at the time, and i11 is only when a violent shock comes that the weakness of the heart is apparent, There is only one cure . and that M MILBURN'S MART AND NERVE PILLS, Mrs. J. E. Nixon, Riverview, Ont., writso:- Tao ears I suffered wit! a bad pain aroundys ago heart. a Unita it would almost stop beatfn and then , they •chats knife -tike pilin wood seem to though it, As I had heard Milbum's Plies kill a greater number of hu. beings than all the beasts of prey poisonous serpents, for they spread disease. Flies like orders of filth ; a pleasant- smelling substance, the fragrance of flowers, geraniums, mignonet, lavend•We er or any perfumery will serve to drive them away. Sprinkle your gar- can with lime or kerosene oil, Here are some cheap. ways to get rid of flies : Heat a shovel and put t wenty drops of carbolic acid , on it the vapor will kill them. Dissolve one dram of iliclaromate of potash in two ounces of water and add a little eligar. Put the solution in shallow dishes about the house, ly e n n pint of ful of formalinor fon aldet in a room will kill flies, Burn _pyrethrum power in the room. This stupefies the flies so that may be swept up and burned. ----=•-•---•---» 11,I3ullett is offered for rent by the Private Sale. udersigned, There is a good bank barn, running water and windmill NOTICE. J 1 1 Sffered froNear Trouple A num er of household on 'the property. I miles. from Londes- and Nervousness for Six Years p articles, in. eluding walnut, quarter -cut oak and furniture, maple furniture, ruga, per- carpets,as, boro,Aand�one mile from school. Weare appointing Sales Agents now in scary Apply to CHAS. H. MANNING. unrepresented county, for the season of 1910. Over 65 Lost All .Desire To Live. tiers, china, cut lamp fixtures, ornaments, silverware, clocks, oil paintings, and water colors, g per emnm the mon 's business is done • pay goad Farm for sale - money weekly for cervices rendered. Give ex- elusive territory and supply WAS FINALLY CURED BY THE USE OF MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS �� Mr, Regis. Lavallee, Sorel, Que., writes: For six years, at least, I suffered front heart trouble and nervousness which °m from ine all.deeire to work soli eventook to live. "When I found myself in this condition sewing machine, wood cook stove, small coal heater, coal -oil heater, cutter robes, and a new upright piano are offered forprivate sale everyafternoon from ' ' 2 to 6 o'clock, •at the residence former. ly occupied by Richard Ransford, Huron Vit„ Clinton. MARAA1tET U NE1LL, Proprietress, • selling outfit free. Centre part Lot. 35 containing 48 Over 600 acres under cultivation acres and North 50 acres on Lot 38;10 Our Hersage is mentioned as it is important acres or more good hard wood bush that you should represent a firm of good stand- good Barn,stablingunderneath,ing and size, we supply strictly Ant grads • . stock and guarantee delivery in good condition, gaud Hog Pen and driving shed small We want the best and most reliable agent r . Orchard, Frame House cellar under every District Established over 9"u years, For good welt water at Rouse and, Sprint{ fdrthor particulate write creek running though Lot 35, For Pelham .Narver Co.,---.•—�_ price, apply to R. $COT C, Box 8t3, y and getting worse T took the medicine the odor prescribed for me but Splendid Farm for Sale Blyth, or on Lot 35 Con.13 Hallett; 2m TORONTO, ONT” without any res , ,« g itthe paper avenin I was reading when I saw your advt,, so cut --� The undersigned offers for sale his Farm for Sale: —'" out and the next day went to the druggist and procured a'box, and Sino that time nervous system has been in , my eonclitioii, perfect. "lie assured, gentlemen that I will never be without 1Sfilbnrni9 Heart and Nerve pills for theygave me ntrength toarn, work and' support my !nether, who is an farm of 125 acres, on the 12th Con. of Hallett, 44 miles from BI th 9 ,l each from Clinton and 'int es Seaforth,one mile from school and 11 Miles from Harlock P.O. `There is on the Premises a brick house, with summer kitchen, good soft -water cistern,atie good bask with altjtbles and a pig pen, sheep pen and driving house, with loft . Being fart Lot 17 and Part IS on the 8th Oon,. Hallett contain`814 in acres. Good frame ;louse an Hank barn, good drive shed and stone pig pen, with hen -house above. Far par- late apply to W. -1i. HEnJ4 P y+ LondesboroP.O., or on the premises,• AMI • Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, et our rices, The verybust goodsg carne in t tied stock and sold at the lowest possible Priem, Order may be left at to anygo areae. The Scobell Drug Cu. St. then. Ont. '-"--•• Heart and Nerve fills were a ggrand • remedy for the heart I emit: and got a two boxes of them an when I had only ,alf ` PIIUSPI#ONUL Tlie ['ratting On A Good Name and :cluing the public is what the im• tore of the publicis "The D. do 50Milbr ' Menthol Plaster are doing Dont fooled, Insist on the -gen one,"The & L."price rCdrOatb, used a box and a I was enttretp free from pain." Milbtim's Scott and nerve Pine are boat Hf 3 boxes and for ve,2ti, at an its dealers or box, r mailed direct ,2 i its of receipt by The T+ 11#Itbtlm Co Limned, sexual Oat. Phoephonol Electric Restorer tor hien RestoreS;every nerve in the bodyto proper tension; restores vita to prt ,. Premature d e' y e ay and all weakness averted at once, will make you a new infirm widow and of whom I am the only support•„ of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills drained, slice©;two acres of orchard, 10 (teres hush; all well fenced and under. and in Cottage for Sates & Itowland'e hardware store, or re, or. with are 50c per box, or 3 boxes for el 26, at all tion, desists et mailed direct on reCeiltt of Chance price by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, reasonable, Toronto- Ant good State Of cu'tiva- also three wells. This ie a rate to secure a good farm, • Terms Apply to HENRY T,Ti.AIt, r , . �._, ,„_ A comfortable cotta e, on Mar an good etindition• Appgpp1' to y fit" ,. MRS WHITEHEAD, • J. Stevenson, at B1iaittl'Id Unlit Plant. t ir P a Z P a b 0 f d a B B 13 D E G G L L L M O P R St Se St T Te Ti • W po 0 eti im ab ad. Ca de( ita L.' be D. VF [it1AD L111'Ld2, 11