HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-08-04, Page 1rs
Vola •!6 NO. 7
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
T���r When returninghome from the Or''
cul/C],, ange picnic at Cochrane, Mr. Raby, in
-"� • com en with his son, Geo. Baby
others, were thrown from a rig and
Mr. Raby's right leg was broken in
two places.
Miss Eva Carling, second directless
of St. Luke's Hospital, New York,who
has been visiting her parents, Mr and
Mrs•T B Carling, left Friday for To-
ronto, whence she and a friend will
take the St Lawrence trip before re-
turning to New York.
Jerry Knott, of the Exeter tannery
was off work the forepart of the week
owing to his system being poisoned by
the heat and drinking too much water
His left hand and .side were swollen.
The High School Department of the
Exeter Public School will reopen for
the Fall Term Se tember tith,with the
following staff. - W B Weidenhammer
1 A„ Principal; Miss E M Robb, first
in ch charge of theiCommercial MDepart
Misses May, Ethel and Ida Arm-
strong,ani Mies Merle Gould met with
a serious accident recently. The girls
had started out to take in the ball
game at Orediton when the horse ran
into a cow on the road and one of the
tugs was broken. This frightened the
horse and it ran away. In front of
Mr A Ford's the buggy struck a post
and the girls wej a thrown out. Ida
fell on her head bn the sidewalk and
her nose and face were badly bruised..
Miss. May fell on her left arm breaking
a bone below the elbow. Ethe1 • and
Merle escaped without injury. The
buggy and harness were badly dam-
,apical . . $5,000,000
Reserve . . . $5,900,000
Assets . . . $72,000,000
125 Branches, and Correspondents
throughout the world.
Every facility for the transaction of
Banking in all its branches,
nterest allowed on Savings accounts
at highest current rates.
Courteous treatment accorded to all
James Earle of the 7th concession
of Usborne lost three valuable heifers
by death last week, one dying on Fri-
day night and the other two Saturday.
It le without doubt the devilish deed
of some ill disposed wretch,aa Veterin-
ary Sweet of Exeter was called in' and
made an examination of the stomach
- of one of the animals when it was
found to contain arsenic. The cattle
were pasturing with a number of
others in the field. It is to be hoped
i be run down
will the guiltyparties
and brought to justice. -
lost two good cows from accidental
poisoning on Sunday. It appeers-Mr.
Amy had left a parcel of Paris green
in the buggy in the yard and in some.
manner the cattle broke open the par-
cel ate a quantity of the deadly poison
and as a result both died in a short
time. A horse also got a small qquasi•
tity but the prompt arrival of Vetet.
inarp Sweet of Exeter saved its life.
A steam engine and specially built
plow is doing good work in breaking
the ground for the sewer.
Rumor has it that W. .Henry h a s
been appointed conductor on the
G. T. R , to take the run between
t Stratford and Owen Sound and that
Geo. Lamont,of Whitechurch will take
Mr. Henry's place as agent at Wing -
The sewer contractors are rushing
their work alongrapidly and now have
the job completed up as far as Beaver
block. From the corner of Josephine
and Victoria streets a drain is being
put in the trench in addition to the
sewer pipe.
From the Cochrane, Alberta Advo-
cate of July 14th, we learn of a serious
accident which befell Jas. Raby, a for
Fall Term opens Aug. 29th
As unquestionably first-class in all Department;
Zonate nee
Mis. E. L Farnham, &children spent
a few days in Seaforth last week the
guest of her parents, D. and Mrs. Mc-
H. Hugill and W. McIntosh spent a
few days last week at Bayfield for the
benefit of their health.
Jos. Cooper, of Cleveland, Ohio, was
called home owing to his mother's ill.
While Mrs. Cooper, Sr., was -coming
downstairs she slipped and fell to the
bottom, hurting her back. We hope
soon to hear of her complete recovery.
Mrs. McDonald and children, of
Staffa, are visiting her sister, Miss
Maggie McDonald.
Samuel Johnston, of the Babylon
line, Stanley Tp., . committed suicide
last Thursday night by taking a dose
of carbolic acid. He had attended a
garden party at Varna in the evening.
On returning home he went out into
a field on his own farm and took his
life. He had been, in poor' health for a
year or more.
' Seaforth
For selling ]liquor Oi 'S"nndav; "i1
24th, Thos Stephens, of the Queen's
Hotel, and Broadfoot and McClellan
of the Commercial Hotel, were each
fined $50 and costs. Inspector Asquith,
of Centre Huron, prosecuted,
Holding that Mrs Emma Hicks. a
Seaforth widow, is entitled to the pro-
ceeds of a $5,000 20 -year policy,assign-
ed to her 12 years ago by Robt Wilson
of Seaforth, the divisional. court Tues-
day handed down judgment, setting
aside the judgment of Mr Justice
The Morrish Clothing g Co.
4•••••.eo !•eee•e•Noe••••e••••••N••e••• ••••cit•••••
See Last W'eek's
New bra
ForList of Prices
'.00000co.•.••••••••••••••• ♦••••O••••••••••••+•••+4
The Morrish Clothing Co
" A Square Deal For Every Man"
Britton. from whom the a peal was
made, The policy became a claim over
a year ago. It appears that Wilson
was not on good terms with his wife
when he made the assignment of the
policy to the widow, He later made a
document revoking the assignment,
which Judge Britton held was valid.
The divisional court dteagrees, and
sayssuch an assignment: cannot be re-
I Brown has installed a gasoline
engine and otherup-to-date machinery
in his Evaporator here and is better
qualified than ever to handle the
apple crop. .
The contract for the new enclosed
horse sbeds in connection with the
Methodist Church has been let. M.
Maines will do the carpenter work
and Wm Love will look after the
cement part. Material in old shed
will be utilized as far as possible.
Mies Maggie Floody, who spent
several months in Winnipeg waiting
on her now deceased sister, arrived
back home last week. She brought
the two younger children with her.
The G T R strike seems to be going
towards the 'company. The 0 P R
have been receiving the benefit while
the other line- was closed. The,
Doherty Co of Clinton teamed a car of
pianos to the 0 P It to ship out West,
and six cars of live stock. This is one
time when we have the advantages of
two roads. s --
Misses. A Anderson, F Mason, A
Gowan and J Steinhoff returned home
on Saturday from the Bend where
they enjoyed a week's outing. They
went down in Isaac Brown's auto:
Miss Fairservice visited friends here
on Sunday.
MATINEE - Thursday' afternoon of
last week a matinee wae.held on the
Driving Park in which a dozen or
more equines participated resulting in
keenly contested races, four heats be-
ing necessary in each of the three
races to decide the supremacy. Geo.
Henderson, of Seaforth, the veteran
starter, was in charge of that part of
the business and John Lmiggh and
Councillor Garter were in the Judges',
stand. The . awards were made as
follows: -
b Claes
Iced Dart -Livingston 2 2 1.1
Lucky Ina-Miilson ' 1 1 2.3
Black Harry -Galbraith 3 4.3 2
Teddy Mac, -McCaughey 4 3 4 x
B Class -
Jno Storm-Heffron 3 4 4 4'
Tony Reed -Johnston 2.1 1.1
Minnie L. -Litt 1 2 2 2
SIeegy Joe -Herrington 4 3 3 3
C Class
Jim Crow -Mason 4 2 2 3
Topsy Lee -Muldoon 11 3 1
Sidney Star Coulter ..:.2 2 1.2
Miss Bird -Brown • • 3 4 4 x
Horses were here from Lucknow,
Teeswater, Bluevale, Brussels. and
.Blyth. Track was in good shape and
the promoters were well pleased with
hesre'suit... - -•
Hoimeavl lle
It Johnson,Woodstock,was a visitor
for over Sunday at Fred Leonard's.
Mrs Beatty and son, Percy, of God -
oriels, are visiting at the home of the
former's aunt, Mre Robt Acheson.
Mr and Miss McMillan, of Hamilton,
visited at Aaron Hulle>'s recently.
Misses Elcoat, Tuckersmith, spent
Sunday at Wm Stanley's.
Norman and M Holland spent Sun-
day at Ebenezer.
Miss D A Holtnes leayes on Friday
for Vancouver, B. C. While there
she will attend the meeting of the
General Conference of the Methodist
Quarterly service will be held in the
Methodist Church at usual' hour at 10
o'clock next Sunday. Monday even.
ing the quarterly board will meet at'
7.30 in the church.
Misses Rumball of Morden. Mans.•
and Mr_Wilbur_ Ford, :Clinton, Yieited_
at thehome of their aunt, Mrs Will
Pickard, on Sunday.
Mr 0 ST .Hawke, Clinton, occupied
the pulpit oa Sunday morning and
Rey Greene in the evening: At the
evening service Miss Rumball, Mani-
tcba, and Mr Wilbur Ford, Clinton,
rendered a duet. entitled •"Let the
Savior in," and WillPickard and Will
Yeo also sang a duet, while offering
was being taken up, entitled "He
Snows." • •
Some from here attended the lawn
social at Varna, on Thursday last.
I The Summer Resort Miss J E Taylor,Stanley accompanied by!
Mise E Reid, Harlock. left Met Tires!,
Mrs. G. E. Parkes, Mrs. Clark and
Cyril, of Westminlster Grovie spent
the week's end in Seaforth, the guests
of Mrs. Alex. W
Mr. R. Y, McLean. of Toronto, visit,
ed for a few days with Mrs. W. D. Mc-
Lean. Westminister Grove.
Mr, and Mrs. John Harland, Mr.
Middleton, Misses Hattie Middleton
and Ida ,Holmes were guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Mcaorvie on Sunday.
Mr. F. W. Neelin and Miss Cora Cro•
coil, who have' been spending the past
two weeks at Kilakee Cottage, return,
ed to Buffalo on Monday,
Mr. Harold Kerr is spending a por•
tion of his vacation in Brussels.
Mrs, S. Holmes, Misses Holmes and
Beattie, of Seaforth. arrived on Mon-
day and will spend a month in Auto -
rest ao
toe Je
wett's Gro
Mrs. Walter Pickard was
in Sea -
for a few days during the past
Rev, Mr. Kerr,of Tilsonburg is spend-
4. severe electrical storm passed
over this town Monday afternoon
with a heavy downpour of rain. ' Dur-
ing the storm achimney on the con-
fectionery store of W A Grewar was
struck and the upper part shattered.
A lamp in Currie & Son's butcher shop
was struck, and a flying piece of brass
broke a small hole in the plate glass
window. One of the cross -arms of a
i bell telephone pole was struck and
the telephone in the Standard Bank
was destroyed. A large number of
telephones of the Independent Tele-
phone Co., were also tempararilyput
out of service.
The National roller mills,
owned b
Messrs •W and'R A Pryne, are being
overhauled and new turbines put in.
Good progress is being made with the
changes; which necessitated consider-
able blasting of the rock in the river
bed to provide for a new concrete
ing ten days with bis family at idleze
Mrs, Ross and Helen returned to
their home in0linton on Tuesday after
a month's vacation in hayfield..
Mrs. J. M. Best and family, of Sea -
forth are rusticating in one of the
Davidson cottages.
Mrs. James Watson and family are
new arrivals at Westminlster grove.
Owing to the White City scribes ab-
sence the weekly budget is not as
breezy .as usual but promises for the
future issues are bright. Will yenot
come back it ain Harold?
Mrs. Ed. Oantelon, of Clinton is
chaperoning Misses Minlu Pinning,
Kathleen East and Ross Levis. This
merry crowd havetaken the cottage,
recently vacated by Mrs. Rose.
Mrs. Ritchie and Miss Ritchie re-
turned to their home in Brantford, on
Monday. While here they occupied
Ad Lebitum cottage, Westminister
would not be advisable to select that other friends for a few days.
place as the site. tteeve. Bawden, of i Saturday evenining a special freight
Exeter, offered his grounds and house , train took a load oto- hogs from this
to the council but the committee was relief of station much tofarmers.
not favorably impressed: They have On Wednesday the good word that
a few otherplaces in mind but it is , .passed around was "The Strike is
expected that a site will be chosen in settled.
Gode. ich and a new building erected:. Rev Pearcy is visiting hie parents
A better and more convenient build- in Toronto this week and next and
ing would be the result and better will, not be here for Sunday . hut the
grounds than at either of the above pulpits will be supplied,
mentioned places could easily be ob- The Syndicate thresher started on
tarried in Goderich, The committee" Tuesday, The season's work has been.
is'on the watch and will continue to badly spoiled by the hail of last week:
look around for a suitable ready-made Several farmers has allowed their
sapitorium, hired man to leave since the hail;
The Goderich Collegiate Institute The weather has been very poor for
Board has accepted the resignation of harvesting lately.
Geo Lyon and Thos Scott walked
J W. Firth as science master at the
Collegiate Institute and offered the
position�to his brother, Thos Firth,
M A.; an honor graduate of.Toronto
University, who is at present employ-
ed on geological survey work north
of Lake Superior for the Bureau of
the G T R section for several nights
but it is not necessary now.
A young lad named Allan who has
been around here for a few years bas
Jof into trouble in Clinton. and sent•to
ail for a short term. tie has been a
Mines. The board agreed to raise the: nuisance since he came here and it is
salaries of Miss McArthur and Miss hoped he will never show back to this
Hodge to $2,000 and $700 respectively place.
and to increase Dr J M Field's salary Miss Fairservice, of Londesboro and
their friend
Mie Judd of Clinton and
Miss ,
as principal to $1,600. Mr. Lesely spent Sunday in 13russe,s•
Tuckeramlth with the former's sister, Mrs.. Wm.
]]firs - wase elted:'h`er frig` isl-Mr eine.--- ..`""`_"""-- .--
"H'Oari Miss Etta Lyon returned on Monday
W Young, Goderich, over Sunday. to London after a pleasant two week's
Frank Plewes sold a 4 year old mare
to Mr C Wallace at a goodprice. vacation here.
It wasboth a surprise and a treat Steve.Gray and wife. of Dallas,Texas,.
to see Sheldon Townsend in his place are visiting relatives here.
in Turner's Sunday School after an Rev. E. A. Fear, of Blyth, 'was a
absence of over a year in the West. caller at thearsonage last week.
We would like to see the rest of the Mre. Boydand little daughter Beth,
family back again. ` of Chicago, who have been visititig
There was a good attendance at here left for Lucknow on Monday to
Turner's League Sunday night. It spend a couple of weeks there.
was addressed . by the president H The funeral of the late Geo. Johnson
Carter. Sunday evening next, A. was held last Friday afternoon in the
Johns, Rockwood, will have charge. Methodist Church, Rev. J. H. Oster -
'Our obliging threshers F Layton bout B. D., having charge of the ser -
and Amos Townsend have commenced vice. Mr. Johnson was in his 85th
work again. The public. willflnd them year and was one of the pioneers of
No. 1' workmen, this community. He leaves a widow
DEATS Or ISSAO MOORS: -There and grown up family. Interment
passed away at his residence, Lot 13., took place in the old Londesboro Cern,
Con. 8 on Tuesday, July 26th, a pro••
etrRev. W, T. Pearcy is in Toronto en
neer of Hibbert; who has been in this o in a con le
Township for a number of years, in i y g p of week's holidays.
the person of Mr. Isaac .Moore, hi his The Syndicate Threshing. Machine
30th year. Deceased came out'from has been equipped with .a self feeder
-ski~Ireland many -pears- ago and has and put into commission. Its peculiar
day for the West, Mies Taylor goe0
to Strassburg, Sask., where she ex-
,pects to remain for some time.
Wrn aid Mrs Ford. Clinton, were
the guests of Mr and Mrs Harry,Diehl I'
from ' Saturday until Monday, they
iaalso iende. called on Varna. and. Bayfield
Mise Edna Beattie, Varna, was the
gut. of Misses Erma and Fannie
Diehl on Tuesday.
Rev F D Butchart of Cleveland, i
Ohio, spent a few days last week with
his mother, Mrs Butchart, returning
to hie work on Saturday.
Mrs John Moffat and Misses Camp-
bell and Maggie Moffat visited friends
at Grand Bend during the latter part
of last week,
Dr R R Ross, wife and daughter
Greta, and Miss. McNabb,all of Sea••
forth, visited at the homof Mr Baird
on Wednesday last w eek.
The nomination for the election of a
councillor to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of the late S Johnston
will be held at Varna on Monday,
August .8th,
almost continuously resi ed in this humis heard this week.
neighborhood. He is survived by one ' -.- .
son, Isaac, with whom he had resided j Hallett ,
for Several years ; one daughter, Miss Mrs. Wm. Vodden and Miss. Grace
Esther, of Hibbert Tp., g .with
residing "
p . are visitingthe' former's mother and
Jas. Hoggard. ' Deceased was a bro-
ggother relatives in Clinton at present.
therof Mrs. Chambers, of Queen St, Miss Florence Vodden is spending
(Minton."' The funeral took place Thurs- part of her holidays with her cousin,
day, July. 28th, to McTaggart Ceme• -Miss Bessie Waite, of Goderich:
Porter's U111
Mrs, W. Elliot and daughter of
Michigan are visiting at Wm. John-
ston's. •
Mrs. Dinsdale and daughter of
Kippen spent a few days at Chas,
McPhail's this week,
Miss Annie Walter's of Colborne is
spending a few days at Mrs. Burke's.
Howard Cox and sister Maggie spent
Sunday at Leeburn.
Hiram Cox is spending his holiday
in Toronto.
The many friends of Miss Shaw will
be pleased to hear that she is engaged
as teacher for the coming term.
The Goderich Rural Telephone Com-
pany, Ltd., are continuing to extend
their lines through all the townships
north and east of Goderich. They
hate just purchased a telephone line
owned by the Bell Telephone Company
between Auburn and Blyth. They
are also putting new lines all through
Hullett and Wawanosh townships.
The company has only recently been
formed and is pushing ahead.
Wednesday was Goderich civic holi-
day and the principal part of.the day's
programme was picnics. It is the
annual "picnic day' of the town and
every year, dozens of families and
soseeties gather at surrounding pointe
on the lake or river. > The largest of
the day was the Victoria Street Meth-
odist Sunday School picnic to Atrill's,
Point. 'the local team played a game
with Clinton, and the GO I team went
to Point Farm to play with Auburn,
The county council has hot yet
decided What to do in regard to build-
ing a sanitorfum in Huron, A com-
mittee froth the council, after looking
over thoroughly the McLean property
on the Huron road, decided that it
The southern part of Colborne and
the western part of I-Iullett Tps., were
laid waste last 'Wednesday w afternoon
by the worst hailstorm known in the
history of Huron County, The storm
blew up suddenly, and a heavy fall of
sleet and snow was followed by hail-
stones three inches in diameter. They
cut down the grain, pounded it into
the ground and left the
fields corn -
Miss E. Adams. daughter of Mrs
Thos A da m s has gone to London
where she has taken a position.
Wm Weymouth is not improving
as his friends would like to' see him:
•Jno. Snell and his sister of Wingham
and Miss Grace Tamblyn of Toronto
ere visited•their uncle Jno. Tamblyn
last week. •,:•
Miss M. Churchill is. visiting her.
sister Mrs Govier near Auburn.
• The synidcatemachine is busy thresh
ing farmers wheat.''
N. Harvey visited friends on the 9th
-con. Sunday.
Miss Sturdy spent a few days with
.friends on the 8th. con.
J. Patteraon of Hariock Sundayed
in Londesboro. .
Miss P. Bradford of Dungannon, .is
visiting her cousin. Mies Viva Mair
who has returned home for a time
till Millinery openings again.
Rev. B. H. Kitchen, Hamilton, ie
visiting at the home of his father.
Mise Marks attended the funeral of
her cousin, Mise Gardner, of Bayfield
on Thursday last.
R. Fitzsimmons, Clinton. shipped
hogs from our station on Satnrday,the
price being $8.90 per hundred. This
is the first live stock sent from here
sincethe strike. e k,
Among those who spent the London
Civic holiday here on Monday are Alex
Aikenhead and wifc,Albert Aikenhead
and family and Misses Maggie. McKen-
zie and Lizzie Aikenhead.
Misses Maggie and Bell Ross, Tor-
onto are visiting at their home.
Dr, 0. Sawers, of Napeee, paid a
short .visit at home last week.
Six tents of Indians are in the field
of B. R, Higgins, where tney are pull-
spending her vacation at. the Manse.
Geo. Hill and wife have returned
from their trip to England where they
have spent the summer.
Goderich Township
Council Met. at Holmesviliepureuant
to adjournment all members present.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap-
proved. Moved (1) By -Law No. 7; I910
fixing the rates of taxation, now read
pletely bare. Scarcely a building be passed. -Carried. ` (2) That the
was left with a whole pane of glass. Reeve and Clerk be appointed to ob-
The velocity of the hail was such that Pain informationfrom the Tp solicitor
shingles Were split and the corners in regard to persons being maintained
were knocked off hardwood rails, N: in Asylums by the Tp Railway taxes.
Kernighan, Reeve of Colborne, Wag Oar. (3) That the tollowing accounts
He unhitched his Nurses, but the aqt-
male were so infuriated by the hail
that they ran away. W hen he reach-
ed cover the hail had so bruised his
body that he had to receive medical 1
aid. When the afternoon C P R train importance discussed be left over for
from Goderich passed through McGaw further consideration, NW Trewartha
the station platform was covered with Clerk•
day with Mrs Oolhlough..-
be passed: -D J Burns, Lumber de-
livered, $43.50; L Aldworth, Damage
to rig, $1.50; Corrugated Pipe Co.,
$115.00. That Council adjourn to
meet the first Monday in September
at 1.30 o'clock, and other matters of
cuttingrain when the
storm started,
hail to a depth of four inches. I Mrs Appleby and Tommy spent Sun-
Geo and MTs Stevens, Walton, and
two children visited friends here on
Mr and Mrs Longman, London, are
visiting his father here.
Mise P Bradford visited her grand-
parents here,
Jas and Wlrs Webster, Toronto,visit-
ed the former's parents Mr and Mrs
Jae Webster and other friends from
Saturday until Tuesday,
Mrs Edwin 'Saville,' Clinton, visited
her parents, Jas and Mris Webster and
res Laura Sewers of Tilbury, is
Personal Notes.
Mrs. W. S: Harland and Miss Eva
Stevenson spend:
rich visiting with friends.
Mr. Walter Jackson, of Brantford, is
here on a visit.
Miss Margaret Davis,.who has been
visiting in London and Detroit has re-
turned home.
Mrs. W. Hislop and daughter of De-
troit, are visiting with the former's
parents, Mr and Mrs. Isaac ' Jackson,
Mr. Edwin G. Matthews, Principal i
of Listowel Business College, and Miss
AMU/Kier /Kier sal_w...01...Listowel,. laitQsj 1
Mr. and Mrs. W. Downs last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs visited
over Sunday and the holiday in List-
owel'and vicinity.
Rev. R. B. Stevenson and family of
Tavistock visited on Tuesday the for -
mere' sister, Mrs. W. S. •Downs, 1•`red-
Miss Eva Carter is visiting in God-
Miss May ' Joyner, of Smithville is
visiting her cousin, Miss Eva Carter.
Mrs Penton returned to Toronto, on
Friday last after a three weeks visit
with Mr Jas Livermore. ,
Mrs. Albert Carrick, of Windsor, is
spending a couple of weeks ' visiting
her sister, Mrs. John Carrick,
Miss Mabel MacLeod, of Goderich, is
also spending a few days with .Mrs.
John Carrick.
Miss Jean Dayment spent last week
in Bayfield the guest of her cousin,
Mrs. H. Dreeman. �.
Miss Gladies Herman and Jean Day-
ment left on Tuesday for Witmer on •
a visit to Miss M. Patterson. •
Mr. Otto , Fink made a business trip
Toronto Tuesday. y a
Rev. T. W . and Mrs. Cosens left on
Wednesday morning for three week's
Just Received °
Another Shipment of
Photographic Goods
Ensign Cameras „ (English)
- beet made $1.50 to $15
Developing Tanks . ,
Daylight Enlargers 3.00
Trepods (good value) .. -.. , .85c
Ruby Lamps, Ensign, Wel-
lington and Burnet filme. De-
veloping and Fixing Powders,
Printing -out Paper, Measuring
Glasses, Printing. Frames and
eyerything required by the
amateur photographer.
We do developing, printing
and mounting,
W.A. McConnell
Phm. B.
C.P.R. Telegraph Agency .
As there' are a number of brands of
CHEAP Photographic Supplies on
the market, we wart all who are
interested in
Amateur Photography
to remember .that -
Eastman's Kodaks, Films,
Papers and Supplies
• can be purchased in Clinton
only from
next week inGode• W.S.R. Holmes.
Phm B.
Manufactnring Chemist.
Id'r�,�!�1ti�'N!rNr�. �ti�•
Big Production.
To Vie Editor Of The New Era
Reports ere appearing in print of
big crops, in different parts of the
country. Old Ontario can show good
crops also, I have three parcels of
oats, which will run 80 to 100 bushels
to the acre. Yours respectfully.
hayfield, Aug. let, 1010.
NOM -Crop reports gladly received
end published. En.
Mrs D Dickinson and son Wilfrid
were spending their. holidays with
friends in Toronto.
Mr and Mrs Fred Alcock of Hamilton
here visiting friends in town a few
days this and last week,
Mr Josh Cook is spending his
holiday withhis familyat Iron Spring.
Miss Nora McLennan; of Toronto:
who is the guest of Miss D. O'Neil, at
Bayfield, spent a few days in Clinton:
Mr, Forward, a student who has for
some time been laboring with the
Ba tilt congregation at Preston. will
(D.V.).preach morning and evening in
Clinton, and afternoon at Auburn,
next Sabbath, 7th inst. Mr, Forward
is highly spoken of as a fluent and'im-
pressive speaker,and the congregation
is very fortunate in having an oppor-
tunity of hearing him. A cordial in-
vitation to all.
Mrs F W Watts returned home this
week,having completed a very success
fur Lecturing tour through Algoma.
Thunder Bay, Kenora and Rainy
River distriets. Good meetings were
held at almost every place, two meet-
ings had to be cancelled on account of
bush fires, while the attendance at
some places was small for the same
reason. At almost every place visited
the wish was expressed that Mrs Watts
be their delegate again next year.
This speaks well for Mrs Watts work.
Pe NeW
In order to supply the em..
ployees_of the nen factory, we
will keep the following Cured
Meats .
Smoked Roll -
Breakfast Ilacon
Skinned Backs
Long Clear Bacon
Bologna and
Fresh Sausage
Fresh Lake Huron Sal--•
mon Trout on Wednes-
days and Fridays.
Phone 43°
TMlisa Margaret Worthington passed
her Exams., of Elementary Industrial
Arts at the 0, A., C„ Guelph.
Mr W T Livermore of Dundalk,
second son of . Mrs Joseph Livermore
of town, was a visitor here last week. '
Mr Livermore's wife died about two
months ago.
Nya1 s Peptonized
Beef, Iron and
This is the delicious tonic
worth trying. It contains iron
to enrich the blood,. peptonized
beef to feed the tissues . and
Choice wine easanap
appetizer. If
you feel worn out, tired and run
down, you need a tonic. Yoii
couldn't find a better one than
this. We sell a great deal of it.
Like all Nyal remedies, it is of
the highest quality.
Price i$1,00'a Bottle.
Dispensing Chemist.
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
t ip►ital, PAID UP $3,500,000
Rest Fund, • $3,850,000
Has 80 Branches in Canada, and Agents and orrespoudents in all
the Principal Cities in the World.
tet all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Clinton Branch. - C E. DOWDING. Manager.