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OLINTON, ONT., JULY 28, 1910.
IT looks as if the next census of Can-
ada will show a population of at least
eight million. This is the growing
time of this glorious Dominion. Long
may it continue.
RUSSIA and Japan have kissed and
made it up.. Some of the other Na-
tions do not appear to be a bit pleased
about it either. Apparently they
would rather bear the swoop of the
eagle than the cooing of the dove.
More than Nations are built that way.
A revised bulletin has been issued
by theDeparture of Agriculture.giving
in detail the law regarding fruit pack-
ages wad marking. As its stands now
the regulations are combined in the
Inspection and Sale Act which pre-
scribes the size of apple barrels and
berry boxes 'that are to be used in
packing for sale. Under the heading
of general notes on theoperation of the
law it is stated that inspectors
will not examine particular lots of
fruit at the request of buyers or sellers.
When not under specific directions,
inspectors will use their discretion as
to where they can beat employ their
time a ithin the district assigned thea,.
Inspectors will avoid anything which
would delay unnecessarily the move-
• ment of fruit or which would interfere
..,..._with-.tba aterestauf thosa...•concerneeL,
in the fruit trade, except in so far
as action may be necessary to prevent
violation of the Act. Packages which
have been inspected are to be closed
by the inspector• and left,, in market-
able order after examination, un•ess
the owner prefers to take l:narge of
such opened packages.
If the grower sells his fruit unpack-
ed, the Act does not apply to him in
any particular. If he sells his fruit in
uncovered barrel or boxes, the Act
requires only that the top of each
package shall be no better than the
fruit throughout the package. If the
grower packs his own fruit he aocepts
the responsibility of the packing, as
describes in the following paragraph :
For the packer (the owner at the
time of packing) -Section 320 of the
Act requires that the person who owns
the fruit when it is packed in closed
barrels or boxes must mark plainly
on earth package : I. His name and
pont-office address. 2. The nametlf the
variety of the fruit. 3. The grade- of
the fruit, whether it is "Fancy," 1•No.
1." ••No. 2 " or No. 3."
If he marks the package "Fancy', .
the fruit must be practically perfect.
The packer should aim in packing
grade No. I to discard every• injured
or defective fruit, and not to delib-
erately include ten per cent, of inter-
ior specimens. This margin is meant
to make the work of grading easier
and more rapid than if absolute per-
fection were exacted. Ten per cent.
is presumed to be the margin within
which an honest packer can do rapid
work, using every endeavor to make
each specimen conform to the general
standard for the grade.
Even the twenty per eent. margin
in grade No, 2 must he composed of
specimens not less than nearly medium
size, including no culls.
The Act makes no restriction as to
the quality of fruit which is marked
"No. 3."
The owner at the time of
packing is
responsible if the face of each
p ckage
does not represent the contents. Over -
facing is an offence against the Act,
which is most severly dealt with by
the courts.
Whether he is putting up his own
fruit or that of another
man who does the packing is required
to pack the fruit in accordance with
the law. Ile should read the whole
Act carefully.
The apple operator for his own pro-
tection should see that his workmen
are familiar with the Inspection and
Sale Act. Where the apple operator
buys apples already packed, he should
note particuiarly that the fruit is
marked as required. To avoid possible
complications. in case of fraudulent
packing all contracts should stipulate
clearly whether the apples are pur-
chased packed in barrels or whether
they are purchased to be packed by
the buyer. Apples should not be bought
or sold with the stipulation subject
to government inspection. There is
no eucb thing as ".Government inepec-
tien," meaning a "certificate" or report
guaranteeing the quality of a particu-
lar lot of fruit.
Suffersm rheunlatism find in-
staant rrelieff nr"The D. &. L. Menthol
Plaster. Be sure and get thei
Made by Davis & Lawrence Co. nee
'Tia agood plan to throw a little
manure around young trees, after a
Scrub the dairy house and utensils
,and dispose of the scrub cows, that it
maybewell e
with you.
Always begin hitching by fastening
the lines. Carelessness in that respect
has caused hundreds of ruff-a•ways.
The pen is mightier than the sword,
especially the hog pen(
lows Now Era
July 3&b, 1910
Will Meet in St, Cath-
Masonic Grand Lodge Sessions
Concluded Friday.
At ahe 55th annual communication
of tale Masonic .Grand Lodge, which
convened at Belleville last week be.
tween 600 and 700 delegates were pres-
ent. !Many more would have been
present but for the G. T. R. strike.
Judge McWatt, of Sarnia, grand
master; presided, and in his annualad-
dress said the revenue of the grand
lodge last year was 341,207.39, with an
expenditure of $25,216 53. Grants for
benevolence totalled $26 631.34, On
Mal 31, 1910, the membership was 46,-
000 Tnere were 413 lodges on the roll.
The grand treasurer's report showed
that the asset of the grand lodge were
$1I4,13950. T e.grand master heavily
scored the pr ctice of dancing, card
playing and ba queting in lodge rooms
and saidMason y should be above such
The annual a moven ion o"£'f"he-Griiii11-
Lodge of Mas ns concluded Friday'
afternoon, after one of the most pleas -
alit meetings on record.
St, Catharines was chosen asthe
next place of meeting by 531. Toronto
got 308 votes, •.
M. W. Bro, D. F. MaeWatt, Sarnia,
grand master ;.R. W. Bro. Aubrey
hite.. Toronto, D. G. M. ; R. W. Bro.
R. L. Gunn, Hamilton,grand secretary
and M. W. Bro. E: T. Malone,Toronto,
were ee-elected by ecclaniation,: and
Grand Senior Warden Lewis 1b. Ter-
williger, Belleville, also goes in by ac-
Grand Master Mac Watt has appoint.
ed the following V. W. to brothers of
the board of general purposes : Wm,
Rea, Ottawa P. W. Harcourt, Toroh
to ; S. E. Cornell, Sarnia ; J. E. Merri-
Catharines, St. cath '
Urines and . a d James Liddel
Brantford. The members elected to
the board were ; R. W. Bros. W. D.
McPherson,(Toronto). S. A. Luke (Ot.
tawa), Jr he Hoodless (Hamilton),. A
Shaw, (Kingston), A,"J. Young (North
Bay), D. dela Rosa, St. Catharines,
was elected grand chaplain on .the se•
cond ballot, by a large majority, H.
R. H. Kener. Peterboro, was, elected
grand.junior warden, and H. T. Smith;
Toronto, grand registrar.
• The recommendation of the board of
general purposes was adopted increas-
ing the salary of the grand secretary,
R. L. Gunn, of Hamilton, to $2000.
Davis' Menthol Salve is a handy
pleasant and efficacious household
remedy for insect and mosquito bites
and stings, skin diseases, piles, etc.
Try it. 25e. per tin;
Schc,ols Will Exhibit.
Work by Their Pupils at. the Canadian
1 National Exhibition.
o oo s f Ontario are taking a
big interest in the coming Canadian
National Exhibition. Those which
hays alread decided to exhibit are
Ha it
t yy
an ..Be
, ors, Wood-
sto , .London, Port Hope, Cobourg,
Peterborough. Ottawa and Toronto.
The exhibits will consist of writing,
drawing, map -drawing, manual train-
ing and domestic science. .
Pimples are caused by bad blood.
There is only one way to get rid of them
outward applications are no good, and
that is to get at the seat of the trouble,
by using a good reliable blood medicine.
Burdock Blood Bitters has been on th
market for over 30 years, and is one of the
most reliable blood cleansers procurable.
It removes all the . poisonous hatter
from the blood, and. leaves a beautiful
clear complexion.
Mr. Philip S. Cobb, Crapaud, P,E,L
writes: "About a year ago my neck and
entirely l
covered d '
h pimples,
i le
nearlyevery ver
I could think of, and gtting no relief, 1 ca
at last thought of Burdock Blood Bitters , a
and decided to try a bottle.
After the first bottle was done the t
pimples were almost gone, eo I got a
another and after finishing r it they,.
disappeared, tired
PPe , and I now have a • w
beautiful, clear conkplexion free from all w
ailments of the akin. To all persona , y
troubled with pimpled or any othe
y r elan
diseases- er
highly re
men I
d Burd I
Blood Bitters, Burdock h
Cure them." feel quite sore it Will r m
Manufactured only by The T. lilbtirtil ' an
"The British `Grenadiers" at the
Royal Proclamation of the Event to be Held Canadian National Exhibition
this year.
Next June.
• Britain's Best Band
The picturesque ceremony attendant
upon the accession of KingGeorge was
re-enacted, 'last Thursday, when the
various officers of arms proclaimed
His Majesty's pleasure: that the corona-
tion of the King and Queen take place
in June 1911,on a day to be later deter-
Sir Alfred, Scott, Scott-Gatty, Gar-
ter King of Arms, mounted the colon-
Ude of the Friary Court in Sts James
'Palace and read the royal proclama
Lion.. Grouped about him were the
officers of arms, the high bailiff of
Westminster,and the LifeGuards. The
Duke of Connaught andother mem-
bers of the royal tamily looked on
from Marlborough House.
The proceedings were repeated at
(.;haring Cross and at Temple Bar.
where admittance .to the ancient city
of London was solemnly demanded,
and also at the royal exchange.
Helpless and Broken` Down, Dr..
-•.-•.-..l�illiams'.;,Piilk,:L'i11s.�Game ��.
to the Rescue.
There are many who think anaemia
is a trouble confined to growing girls
and women but this is not the case.
Thousands of men are anaemic, and
attribute their growing weakness to
mental -or physical overwork, 'or
worry, and who do nate appear to
realize that they areswiftlypassing
into that condition known as gener.tl
debility and • that their trouble is
due entirely to the fact that their
blood is watery and impure. If t h e
trouble is not taken in time, they
pass from one stage to another until
the breakdownis complete, and often
until a cure is beyond hope. To, nie
in all walks of like there is no med
eine so valuable as Dr. William
Pink Pills. If you feel jaded, weak o
worn out these Pills will make th
rich; red blood that puts vim • and
energy into every portion of the body.
Making. good blond is '•the mission cf
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and good
blood is the one secret of good health
and vigorous life, An excellent case
in point is that of Mr. R. W. Ellis,
of Balcarres, Sask., who say's : "Just
four years .ago I was in ,England
making preparations to fulfil the
long cherished ambition of coming to
Canada.. My health at that time
was normal,.though I was never very
Suffragettes are new women in dis-
Men make up their minds, women
make up their faces.
The hairpin goes to extremes when
it is used as a button hook.
Many a homely girl has reached a
man's heart with her cooking.
What will the politicians do when
all the wires are put underground?
Too many people look upon a
friend as a person they can make use
n 1 of,
i'- . A man's wife is never more econo-
when buys she u
s hiss
Some men are as anxious to acquire
reputations as - others ' ate to •>fbse
theirs. a -
Some parents -train their children
in the way" they should go by hiring it
Did you ever noticehow.- the taint
gets off money when you lay your
own hands on it?
Men can beat women running -ex-
cept when it comes to running up 'a
bill in a dry -goods store.
strong. Three weeks hero e the .time •
of my departure I was overcome with WESTERN •
a feeling , of general weakness and
faintness which rendered me so inert 9-17, London,
and. lifeless . that my days were
shrouded in gloom: Consultation
with a doctor brought . me no consol-
ation. . Debility was my , trouble and
I was on the point of a breakdown,
in your condition means
death; said the doctor. "You must
have a complete rest." A rest, how- : •n theMain Building.
• The management of the Western
Fair, London, Ontario, is putting
forth every effort this year to make
the Exhibition more .attractive than
ever, not only for Exhibitors, but
Visitors also. A great change will be
made in the arrangement' of exhibits
ver,. was out of the uestion a fort -
to ea transforms.' into a "Made -in -London''
e r sin The Annex
q used.as au art Gallery last 9ear will be
h 1 '
o ids . I
had an then e
g d n back
earn my daily bread. The next Exhibit, which
will certainly be new
years were a series of misery and de- and interesting Ample
spair, : body and brain undermined provision
witha, comp tint the doctor could
only call debility, but apparently
could n t cure. Snatching holidays
when Mould I struggled on until the
opening of 1909,'when completely
prostrated I was compelled to go to
my parents and became a burden to
them. -My life was simply an exist-
ence and friends said, behind my back, consumption, partment. The Honey Exhibit
"In A 90 promises! to be large this• year and
Williams Pint. Pills. Three months
I h will be made in the Gallery for the
special exhibits. The Dairy Building
be i
of particular t interest t with. the
new cold storage system for the cheese
exhibits. The Cash prizes in the
Cheese and Butter Departments are
large, and in addition Six Silver Chips
have been kindly donated to this de -
Art Exhibit, and many other new an
pill• I, 9.I began taking . Dr, the practical demonstration of the
care of bee will b f teat t t
s wi e o gg ea in eras
later, on July lst, I sailed from Liv-
erpool to the general public. `1'he 'Dog and
on the Tunisian for Montreal, Oat Shows will again be a feature of
full of new life, energy and Hope, In thfs year's exhibition. Great interest
this great country I am making good has been taken in these Departments
and I awe it all to Dr. Williams in the past and thin' year promises to
Pink Fills. In three months they eclipse them all. Two Hundred and
changed ma from a nervous wreck to Forty Dollars has been added to the
a healthy man, When doctors failed Cash prizes in the Poultry Department
they succeeded, and I honestly believe in addition to which Ten Silver Cups
th1!y caved my life." have been kindly givers by the London
You can procure this great h ealth- Poultry and Plet Stookb
giving medicine from any dealer or by and others, making in • all a splendid
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for list in this department. P
:32.50 from The Dr.. Williams Medicine All information `regarding any de -
Co., Brockville, Ont. partments of the Exhibition will be
• ' given on application to the Secretary,
A. M. Hunt, London, Ont.
Science is slowly kill( romance.
ent ,,
fled a le +'
p thysmo ra h for scion lie- Prune in rune is a and 1
f3 P tf g m o d rule
g . that is worth rememberinK,
i Machine to Measure Love,
Y jg
The latest invention
n an histrum
lly testing the warmth of lovers' !'
ectlons. The person wboae feelings
re to b weighed e w l
bed n e balance g th baa ce pitta
his or her arm into a rubber hag.
hlch is then drawn tight and filled
its water. Names of young Men or
oung women, as the case may be, are
trodueed, and if the name stirs the
east the pills° rises and the Indicator
ounts np. if the naii'le leaves the
bject unmoved the pulse remains
tlouary.aLondon Gentlewomlw,
Co., Limited Toronto, Ont, lsta
l'or ,enfants and Children,
The Kind You Bawl Aiways Bought
Bears the
Signetm.0 of
The Bandof the Grenadier Guards
which is being. brought • across the
o cean to play at the Canadian Nation-
al Exhibition is being widely advertis-
ed as the chief musical attraction at
the Japan-British,Exhibition. That is
further evidence tbat it is all that is
claim( d' for it, viz ; that it the finest
military band in England, bard that
means the worid,for even the Germans
admit that the British Military Bands
excel' alt others.
Henn, Leaves and; Sage
Will Grow Hair
It has only recently been diseaver-
e that Henna Leaves contain the
ingredient to grew new hair. • Eng-
-land,aline,-.Pairis-haaa._becnnia detoaa
with preparations containing the ex-
tract of Henna to grow hair. and
every one of •these preparations have
an enormous _ sale. All other hair
tonics are- practically at a stand-
stil], . and the ones containing the
Henna are found in every home.
Society ladies purchase then! by t h e
dozea bottles. On the -streets of
London and Paris can be seen women
with beautiful, luxuriant heads of real
fluffy hair. The same women only a
few months ago had their heads decor-
ated with artificial hair. The first one
of these preparations.to reach Canada
is called SALVIA, and is sold and
guaranteed by Mr. W. A. McConnell.
SALVIA will grow hair in abundance'
end Cure Dandruff in ten days, or.
your money a back. Alar a bottle,
Y g
Population 0 f Nations
, .China . is - enerally regarded . as.
having the largest populatiOnof any
nation in the world. The latest in -
formation suggests that India .. may
have a greater population', thoug h
that is not, strictly creaking, one
nation.: Following are the latest esti-
mates of the people of the different
leading nations:
Chinese Empire., , ..........400.000,000
British Empire. 365,000,000
Russia.- ........:. . . •130,000,000
United States 91,000,000
German Empire 56,000,000
Austria•Hungary....... ; ...:47.000,000
Japan '45.000,000
France . , .30,000,000
Hyderabad .38,6110,000
Italy .33,000,000
Turkey 25,000,000
Spain 20,000,000
I Siam . ..... ..20,000,000
Mysore 18,000,000
Uaroda 15,000,000
Gwalfar. . ..... .......... ..:.14,000,000
co 14,000,000
The population of Great Britain
and Ireland is probably 45,000,000.
Young girls frequently require. a
good invigoraiing and blood making
tonic. P'e'r
this purpose nothing equals
Ferrovim, which is prepared .from
fresh lean beef! Oil/sate of Iron and
pure old Spanish Sherry Wine. It
stimulatei,the digestion and strength-
ens the whole.body. $1.00 a bottle. •
Milburn's Lara -Liver pills
Constipation is one of the most
prevalent troubles the human race is
subject to, and is the greatest cause of
many of our ailments. Keep the Bowels
Open and 'you will very seldom be sick.
7drs. M. Bell, 467 Harris St. Van-
sou ?3
ver, .0 w 'tes.-
ri I
, had tried many
rem(forConstipation remediesCo sti a
p tion a n
d never found
any so satisfactory as your Milburn's
Laxa-Liver Pills.
We always keep them in the house a-
Would not be without them.
"I recommended them o anecom
m emt neighbor
hb or
land she is highly enthusiastic about hem,
as her's is a verydifficult t case, and she
expected no good results from them,
m y imagine her surprise, and
gratification when she found that they
completely cured her."
Mtlburn's t axa-liver Pille are 25e per
vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or
will be mailed direct on receipt ofrice by -
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
MU ,"en Or
Grand TrunkRaiiway System
Roilwa T Table
London,:Huron and. Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart.... 8.30ana 4.50 p
Centralia 030 5.43
Exeter 0:53 5,54
1•l eneall . 40,08 6.05
Kipper . , .. , , 10.16 .6.11
Brucefield . ..., 10.30 6.19
,05 6.35
11.18 6.52.
11.27 7.00
11 40 '713'
Wingbam, arrive.,,.
Wingham, depart..
Blyth...ebe.. ..
Brucefield ebbe......,
Kippen .............
Hensall...... •,.,..•
London, arrive.,.,,
11.50 '7.35
6.54 3.44
7.08 3.56
7,16 4.04
750 423
8.12 4.39.
8.23 4.47
8.332 4 52
8,48 5.05
000 5.15
10 00 6.10
Buffalo and tloderich
West • Passenger
am pm pm pm
Stratford .10.00 12.20 5 25 10,20
Mitchell ..10.22 12,45 5.55 10.47
Seafortb........10.45 1.10 6.18 11,12
Clinton ..11,07 1.25 6.40 11,28
Holmes viae. ,...11.16 1,33 646 I1,38
Goderich.,......11-35 1,50 7,05 11,55
' East Passenger
Goderich ' 7.10 2440 4.50
Holmesville .... 7.26 2.57 5.06
Clinton 7,35 307 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32
Mitchell • 8.16 348 6.55
Stratfora......,..,8.40 4.15 6.20
For Sale or Rent.
Farm to Rent
the Ostratn farm, Lot 28,9th Con. o1 Goderich
Tp.. 50 aeres is offered to rent. Apply to
Clinton in Goderich.
Mouse and Lot tor Sale.
The conveniently -located house, next to T.
Murphp's, Rattenbury street, containing. nine
rooms. The house is a recently re -built one,
and in excellent repair. A good, new stable on
the premises. Apply to A. SEELEY. '
House To La
House to Let. Apply to J, Twitchell
&Sous. t f.
Field Stone Wanted.
The Town of Clinton will pay $3,75 per
cord for field stone, for road building.
. Apply to THOS. BEACOM,
Chairman of Street Com.
Farm For Sale or to -Rent
Being 36 acres, mostly in grass, and
well watered ; small orchard, frame
mouse--and---•iiarnr -- T•wo ••-•miles---iron!--
Clinton, on Ruron Road. Apply to
' MRS. GUNN. Holmesviile.
For Sale
House and Lot and Cottage, half an
acre of ground; hard and soft water,
known as the. late Mrs, Thomas' gar-
den for sale. - Apply to
6t ONSLOW CRICH Clinton.
Horse Clippers Sharpened.
Having installed a machine for
sharpening all kinds of Horse Clippers,
1 am prepared to do such work on
short notice. Satisfaction assured.
Blacksmith, Clinton
Teacher Wanted
A qualified teacher for` . S.S. No 3,
Goderich Township.: Duties to com-
mence August 16th next, Applications,
stating "salary expected, received up
to July lst.
tf Sec-Treas,•.Holmesville P.O.
Teacher for School Section ._ No5.
Hullett Male or Female, holding second
Mass Certificate state salary and
experience. Duties to commence,after
Midsummer Holidays personal Appi-
cations preferred. Address WILLIAM
McCOOL Secy. Treas.
Londesboro P. 0.
Chickens Wanted: -
5000 chickens wanted next Octoberand
November for fattening purpose. Will
be shipping broilers up to the end of
June. Now is the time to get the incu-
bators and brooding. hens "busy. Prices
sure to be - high at the .Holmesville
Poultry Station.
Phone 4 on
Farm to Refit,
Aood 100. acre farm on Lot 32, ()on.11, Mullett, is offered for rent by the
undersigned. There is a. good bank
barn, running water and windmill on
the property. Ii miles from Londes-
boro, and one mile from school.
• Apply to CHAS. H. MANNING.
Farm for sale
Centre part Lot 35 containing 48
acres and North 50 acres on Lot 30; 10
acres or more good hard wood bush
good Barn, stabling underneath,
good Hog Pen and driving shed small
Orchard, Frame House cellar under
Cood well water at House and Spring
reek running through Lot 35, For
price, apply to R. SCOTT. 'Box 88,
Blyth. or on Lot 35 Ccn,18 Hullett. 2m
Befog Part Lot 17 and' Part 18, on
the 8th Con. Hullett, containing 811
acres. Good frame house and bank
barn, good
drive shed andstone i
pen, with henhouse above. For par-
ticulars, apply to W. H. HESK,
Londesboro P.O,, or on the premises.
Cottage for Sale.
A comfortable Cottage, on. Mary St.,
in.good condition. Apply to
13.4R1418TE1t OQLI/ITQii
1 UBJ 1O, ETC.
Huron St., Clinton,
Notary Publiq, Conveyancer, •
Financial and. Real Estate.,.
INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In,
eurance Companies.
Division Court Once.
OR 64. W. THOMPSoili],.
licfan, Surgeon. Etc
special attention given to diseases ofthe
Eye, Ear. Throat, and Noes,
Eyes carefully examined. and suitable siasse,
Office and Residence,
Two doers west of the Commercial Motor
Stamen St.
Dr. W. Gunn,
Dr, W. Gunn, L. R. C, Z., L. It C, f3., *di■•
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla *I
front door of office or residence, aatjwnbor
Office hours at apital-1 to 9 p.m.; 7 to 9 vain
• DR• J. W. SHAW,
ccoucheur, ete„ office and residence on ,
tenbury 8t,. opnosi$e W. Farran'e resident(,
Csowu and'Briege Work a seer -tette.
Graduate of Chicago, and 0.0,0.8...
Bayfield ou'Mondays, clay Iet la Deeeasbeoe
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
$peoial Dare taken to make dental treat -
meat as painless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction tew-
It aim stoag sates a speousiti thdeis at a a
Nsw Ea& office, Clinton, pra.mli y attended
to. Terms reasonable. Partners' sale note
Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron,.
Correspondence promptly answered. immed-
iate arrangements for sale dates can be made
by calling at the NEW ERA office, or with Prank..
Watson at McEwan's. grocery, Chargee moder-
ate and satisfaction guaranteed
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros,.,
General Banking Busing=
transacted '
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Farm and isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured.
OFFICERS. - J. B. McLean, !'resident, Seaforth
Jas. Connolly, Viee Pres,, Goderob
Thos, E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth.
Jas. Connelly,'Holmesville' ohs
Dale aatt, Harlock• G. D l ;
Clinton;C nM.
Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech...'
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bea
newels, Brodhagen, M. McEwa.
Each Directoris inspector of.losses la.
his own locality.
Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed,l Hinchley
Seaforth; James Cumming, Emends
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments may ,be made at Tozer '& ,
Brown's, Clinton, or to R. H. Cutts
• eL11NTON
. Fire, Life and Accident
Insurance -•
Real *state bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Issas Street, nex door bq' New
1�8 tax a
in one day. 25c. a bottle at all Drug:
We are appointing Sales Agouti; now hi every
unrepresented county, for the season of I910.
Over 55 per cent. of the year's business is done..
duringew weekly for Summer rendereed. pay
elusive territory and supply Belling outfit free,
Over 600 acres under cultivation °
Our acreage 15 mentioned as it is important
that you should represent fi firm Of good stand-
ing and size. We supply strictly first grade •
stock and guarantee delivery in good condition. -
We want the best and meat reliable agent in
every District. Established 'over 85 years, ror
further particulars write
Pelham Nursery -Co,,
Before placing your order4 for
your season's supply of Coal, get
p The very best goods
carried in stock and cold at the
w st possible price.
Orders may be left at Davie.
& Rowland'( Hardware store, or
Wi J• Steven son, .
*t BlKtrie Light Pulite