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The Clinton New Era, 1910-07-14, Page 5
. I N 1 ... ,.. 1uil�r..t4th. 1910 . IK . . , I . I M I'm to r 6 ' A -, �q 'rbOT011ston now l.fra -�, m _ .,.,..... a 'ikh';'rRebacca 13" rpt Qf ilia Inta Alexander Jahnriton ed ?0 _ r• ill �aop of $1 th w i e ht to 5 • ag yt;ars, , y , aq n kn nce s pas mite there. by In" roe- DI Brown, Leslie J Wasmann, Bertha Brown, H Qwntelou, r M McAllister, MoiNTOSH•.-la . Toronto, July 1st, �j)� town on Satuirdaya ' ennd Btinday in A agust. L $rogden, Robt Ti Reid. M Cairburt,N Garrett, >< Miler, L Graig Our Lillie McIntosh, (daughter of the late V h al Y 'Mr. Allan: Couliff, of Toronto, was ; ' The following Interesting personal, From Form Il to Form IV. --,C A F Martin, 0 past, 14 Sims,J� Shanahan Sohn. I►lelntosh) tarmerly of 13ruceaeld,,•,• a leiter fm town averSundav, resin appeared theBlobeofSaturday: tlylaillie, Ida Taylor, Jessie Huchanan, M Adams, A Haul, 1, Macdonald. -.—�,-� -- . „� Mies Sbirlev Bawden to Spending her i "Mrand Mrs Jail Shepherd,Cllutor, Mamie Lamout, Mary A Taylor, ConiDdEilcl:l& DiPTttAi.t Egantix a�rl0 " ^ d e holidays, visiting relatives in Hnpaall. announce alae engagement of their i Isabella Glen, N, Watch ��`��'��'��'�' "'SA�'u' ""'Mr W. R. Counter spent a few days ; eecand daughter, Blanche Josephine, �oiu il'arm IlioFortn llL•- Mar'orie The following have completed the hurCh Gilmer marriage e S Kemp of Ottawa, The Irw. in , M*ry Jackson, Marion Commerchal coar6e at, the Collegiate Mrs. Gavfer a,nd rhildre• Il tape placQ on the last � visiting at his old horns .fawn,, Siinoe.. marriage will � Irwin, earl Diehl, $1?i Mustard,: Chias..and passed the examlmatlt)n far rite "'�r•MOW'�'4"U1'v6^Nr11'Nir n were the Wedneedap an July.' The New Era Wise,, ladna. Iavis, ac Commercial Diploma -Marjorie ilfan« aueata of Mrs. H. Cnntbe for the past Wight add that Mlsu Ahepherd is e. Murrayy ksan, Repair H&YTIST I - week'. charmingyoung lady whose man H R Cantelon, Ed air Torrance niuq, Marg Jackson, violet Ba a; Services as usual on Sunday next,.; I ( Mr Percy Onuch N onpe more in i y Helena Middleton,. Myrtle u' BFsele Walker, Dorothy' pall, ;l; e• ghe P,astar will occupy the pulpit ip store . and, Mrs. Rose is taking her friends of will happiness Ineherhmarrialga Barge, Bespie Wa#ker, � Ruby Wi See P;ekett, _ the evening, • i Vacation at Bayfield. She has, been a, most successful and Albert Cooper. Pitizu WINNERS Department 1. , • highly -valued teacher, and poet here in. I From vorm. I toForyoll-- E ,Holland • 'wgSLE Y Mies Jennie Robertson left , n S•itnr- tended. buebr•nd , while attending , F Sloman, J Afkenbead, 1?; L on,'(�1 The followlgg, Students having' made Last 6nnday was review Sunday in day for n two weeks tiislt with rale« Ottatsa 1Yormal :school,. i We1ri,Hattfe Turner, Harold Turner, the hirheet marks throughout the the Sabbath t3ehool, and short address rives at Brantford. , _ ^ ,,, I Byrom Hill, Veas Lobb, Austin Hoare, term. fn thein respective foams .are -�� awarded the PrioBcfency Prizes" -Form !8 one t0 which we call fes. were given by the pastor, 1tev. Mr. i liars Flak hail word from Peter• ' I Grace Walker, E Johnson, M fibowen 'r Ford, aril htr. Ri Holmes, of Toronto. . ^ borough, England, titer lrPr brother COLLEGIJ►Ti, INSTIT19TE A McConnell, tJ Draper .'M Shi le , ,f "' Part 1 -Jae. Mitchell; Form iti fart qp your special attention, as Mr. Iiobt, Holmes was, when a resi- �,I was m.,wried. there last week. PBUMO'f'kQNS ( p y 2 -Hazel Elcoat; Form 4 -May Jones; dent, here. leader of the Sunday morn. 'E-+ Mrs 11•lnxh Ross is vNiting with her -` , Mce'lfnchey, C Paisley, L: Ford, E ' Form 3-4lva M Brown; Form 2 -- we do not allow a piece lug clasei and the members thereof - , parents. Mr and Mrs Roht• Me.xwell,of Names In order of m(-rit;_ ' Leitch, D. Copp. C Nickolsob, J Kelly, Leonard A SSmillieWlirm I -Emmeline took advantage of his presence last.. the Bluf.va)e Road, no,ar Winghreul. From Vorm III to Form IV. -Elva A. Brunsdep, E 'Pattlsoo,' p Marr, F Holland. of work to leave our Re- Sunday, to°give him a handsome - . lNir, Wfll McQracken and Misses Elymn book, Amanda and Carrie lulcOraekPn, of ---- ""'�""'� ", _- • Mies AonabellaMcEwen will address Brussels, were viaitors in town over pair Department until",it the League next Monday evening, .----�" ` Sunday. Miss Myrtlp"Morrie.. of Toronto, is " ONTARIO STREET hereon a visit with rolativep, llbo A. passes a riggid inspee- t C nrticeMwllt addreani Unta fes. S bit' . y g y Dur stock fs com 'ete with • will also visit at Blyth ape other s io Bering P-��rna�.e Clef. . ,, tion, and is thorou hl articles suitable for points. g g' }' League, make this the strong ineetfng le ,111 of the season, As Miss. Courtice. leaves �y� The wife of Customs Vollectnr satisfactory. for Japan inside of a month, may she v' edding Presents Wiseman, who liar: been' visiting fn . ����� ��� carry with her increased atrengtb and Toronto and Muskoka, returned home . faith for her work because of the in- which' will; be • enduring, and on Saturday. . .1 •- I —�—, ,�+�, �. .. . • terest and lovkshown in the lar a at- carry your heartiest wishes tor., Rev T. W, Charlesworth preached. You know tbe.system .of this store is never to carry aver gpods from one season to another.: Co ' tendance, This is for you, wf0 you: future.happineas. at tha'London South Baptist Church ultuene g be there? , on Sunday last, . . H. Hellyar. v , High grails,>��� y ATJ QY X11. L' '16 M 7 i . . n' Fiinry ()loeks' Mrs. Will Plumsteel was under the: I f . • ,St Andrew's Presbyterian Church , 'd'octor s care for a taw days last week Jeweler and Opticians. . Blyth, will celebrate its jubilee, Pearl: t#roa('bPs blit 16'0 hie•to be around a in we ar ! We will start the biggest sale weever held in Blyth. Come expecting bargains and we guarantee You will not be di October 9 and 10, " ]Diamond !ting'; pleased to state. a appointed, We oiler .our entire stock, amounting to $12,000; for 0 -days at such ridiculously logy prices that it will .a • There are t57,MI families and 279,• ISK••• Weddlfl • "Jogs you to conte, rain or Rhine, for the bargains we offer. Bargains in General Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks Ladies, • Sterlin SK t MMr.aRoht, olmes, Surveyor of Cue, Ready. -to -wear Goods, Cottons; .,Shoetings, Alan's Furnishings, Ready-towear L`lothing,. Boots and' Shorts, Trunks, Grips, Sterling And ['laced tome t Toronto. was a. visitor her a Groceries, Stationery, etc. We will positively reduce Prices in every Department for this. great July Sale. . During July and August,M� Silverware. r•verSurtday. Ile came up on the Huron Old Boy's Excursion' ill Store Will CIOSe at which always makes a useful . Ohas. B', 1'Viiliame, a wholesale mfr• . Igift• chant of orontowas a guest the borne "Groceries La.C� ieS'' W l] iteWeax and Under-- of A. Cantelon's from Saturday' until .30 p,m., except Satur- BALED TENDERS addressed to the under. CHRIWARE Monday. . Red path's best granulated Sugar,.'...-.•100Ibe. •for $0 50 rovear S signed, and endorsed "Tender for Supply. �. Kra W T O'Nell accompanied by 100 bare Comfort Soap for , ... • ., ..... , , a 79 Ladies' White Underskirts all sizes re . $L00 [or • L Ing (foal for the Dominion Buildings,,,will be A discount of :.5per cent, will be Ir • • • • „ ,� +�. , ,� , <<g 79 nights, and nights received until 4:00 p.m.. on Tuesday, .anat 16. Misseh Hazpt and Jessie, ,and tart 3 79 „ 1.50.. .. 09 g g given off all China. 100 bars 5unliglit Soap for, , ......... 1010, for the supply of Dost for the Public, went to BtLvfield for the 'vacation, on: .2 quarts best White Wine Vinegar [or. ,,. , •, ...... . 15 " " 2.'2.5 1 75 • 1}uildinga d. spehonttheIIild Porn. Monday of this week. 2 lOc. bottles Extract Vanilla for..., ............... 15 's k�` " `` " 8.00 ,,.. 2 19 for holidays. Combined epegifiatthe cad room of tender 11 can be obtained on appilgation at we office. Mr Gilles Gilchrist; a well known 2 loc. bottles Liquid, Shoe Polish. •.................. in �� Corset Covers ` , . for 20c., SOc & 50 Persons tendering are notified that tenders. will not be considered unless made on t3ie. R.J. G.rfb� enmwPrcial traveller. and only son of 210o. ;ins (2 in-!� Shoe Polish for .................. 1.5 �) " Fine Votton Vests, -regular 15c. ... for loc. & . 12i Mrs; Oilcbrist. Rattenbur $ , printed forms supplied, and signed with their. y t,, was 2 loc. packages best Corn Starch for ... ; ., :. 15 ' "`. 20d. for, ....... , .. 19 • it {, 41 " 1., actual signatures . ew ler sand Optician, innrried this week.. ' Guaranteed fresh Soda Biscuits, reg, 30c, tin for... 25 25c; for.....,. ,,., lg Births Marriages' .� Deaths Esoh tender must be aocompanied by an' ao l „ u „ • „ „ �i tsepted cheque on µchartered bank. payable to Mr. and Mrs. W F."Elliott, of Tion. Clothes Pins, best quality, 4 doz. for . , .........:... , " 35sa, for..... • .. • •.• 25 issuer Of Marriage Liven ; s San, called on tl}e Nt+w Era on Frfday Green and Black Tea, regular 80c, par lb.., 51bs for, 1 2; 50c, for... .. , , :40 the order of the Honourable the Minister of , , ', BURN Public Warks, equal to ten per Dent. (io p,a,l of last while en route toLondon after a vis Best Rolled Oats, 90 ib. sack for ... . .......... .... . 2.25 " " Drawers 2oc. for.. ........ 20 • I- I 1 the amount of the tender. which will be for Royal Yeast. per package... •.... 4 ' CRAWFORD-In Clinton on July feiteditthe Person tendering -decline to enter" it.atGoderieb. Mr. Elliott is connect- p ge •• .. .,, • 11, to Mr, and Mrs. David Crawford, a into a contract when called upon to do so, or ed with the London Wee Press..' 12 Nutmeg's for ...... , , , .... 5 ,_ ` fail to- complete the- work contracted for, If 6 tins Gillett's L,ye.................................. , - eon. the tender be not accepted, the cheque will, be The St. Mary's Journal of lost week r .• 10 �%1CtOr7 a Lawns, FerS� a 1 LaW11S Colle BEZZO-In Clinton, on July llth,to returned. s e�s ej had the following personal : "- Miss New Tomatoes per cin,,... , . ,., . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bezzo, a daughter. thew storemnY e d r°otbinditeeutoaccept ti lbs. Pearl Rrce.,.,.,,.,..,,. ,...., .......... 25 Victoria Lawns, reanlar l2 c a yard for. ....,. 9 Myrtle Murry 8f Toronto, vfsfted her Crown Fruit Jars in all sizes at reduced prices. • . 15o a YAM for.... , •. 10 SfiRUTON-In Clinton, on Jnly 11, By order London, Ontario grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Thome �' " . .20c a yard for......... , „, ; 15 to lir and Mrs Ed Scruton, a son. R. C. DESROCHERs, Q R�p g •iron this week.. She left on Tuesday �'' 1, 25c a yard fora... ., is Department of Public works, Asat. Secretary. D�dlll�+S ��/� ShoFROM for Clinton. • • . • �`+1. Oe,� .Slaughtered wns, `': 25c a yard for.... • . 1,9; DIED �+a7 V h Persian La , Ottawa, July s, talo. Miss Mary Chant, eldest dauebter of. " . "' 35b a yard for.. I_ ,...:. 25 S4,',ARL1NG-In Clinton, on. J ul Nswspapers.will not be paid for this advertise.' Sub-ects Mr H-13 Chant, who has been fillip a . I, , ,,. y mentif thev insert it without authority from Please take a look a,t these ' Shoes. They ..are., new ' SOC a'.yard for...... 2g 8th, Elizabeth Hamilton, relict of the the Department. position as Milliner at Belleville, has tock but.broken lots.' Bargapns in'Cottons, 1Repsr Linens:. Etc. late 3 days. Seen bparlfng aged 91 years and, Resfdeat_' Anil Mail Courses ' completed the season and will remain . home until the season re' -opens. in .Ladiesr'Oxfords in Kid and Patent, regular $1,50:.$ 1 25 y I �' CIOULOGUE jFREE Septeniter. i1 Slippers, regular $1.25 for. � 98 . STRAITH-In Clinton on July 8th, Mary Hatmeg, relict ,of the Late P. s J. W. Westervelt,' a: w. Westervelt, Jr,,.c.A, lY)r.. Dash Hammer, formerly c f �1.• " " Laced, regultr $1,85 for... 1 10 Pr1I1tS Straith. ,Y , Principal, : Vice-Prineipiet Olirtton, hitt for a. ngrYrber o1? years a Hit;h,Shaes, laced Donaola, .regtilax 51.50.:.. 1 25 2000 yards Paints worth 10c. a yard for 8 JOHNSTON-In Stanley Tp, Juty resfdeno of Toronto, expects .to move " $2:00.,. 2.50 1000 aids Prints Worth'12. a a and f . 10 " ' :' , ` ". , ` , $2,a0.... 1 '70. y All guaranteed to wash olid fast colors . Only Line ReiLl'i114 , ail Zjle. — to Alberta in thA contcae of a few Iiia'. weeks. where he will engap' p- in farm. •" " 1` Bal or Blucher '$3 00 2 25 _ Sommer ReaOrts: members fn .lire Presbgterian ing. Several members of his family' ` " Heavy Shoes at 950:, $1 25, 51:50 and:...... 1 Ili First Come Furst Served. Church in Canada. Last year 48fI, are living out there. Mali's Fina Shoes, regular for........ • •, . , . 1 25 Clinton arkei•Vpor • Slurring as o a 526rr00� vete �i .n- or-Miesibus-arrd The el, s o iVlr- B -Rooves wr me-Bvx-Gal•f Bals;�sgulax.", ,-fes (new) 085 to 0 SS Beautiful Lake of Bay Benevolences and sum of " $4.04$,• • • . - U S-^F~71i' 1I �i3 'S -"$Z.. (�1Q Yn ^� Whe.it new ....,... Georgian Bay 304 was •raised tor:all purposes; he veru much. pleased to know tbat " lien's Patent Oxfords . $8.25, '' , ..... 2 ,50 his ligtle.aon, who. has Been under- " `1 „ Bluchers "` _'5 00 " „ , • . ' . 8'75 , Barley ............... 0 40 to 0 46 Tensa ami - „ lfen s Faucy Shirts worth :$1.00. sale price . 75. Algonquin>~oing treatment in Torantn, is rapid- . Working Shoes, regular $1.50 tor....,.. • , , .. 1.00 , , • Peas .................065 to 0 70 . . Park "'"�i'^t",„^""l'^i^'t^'t"'l^'"�"''l"""'�^'l+ 1 . 114en s Fancy Shirrs worth 75a to 90c, sale price:; ., 69 Eggs ................. 0 17 to 0 17 1111aganetawan River. ly s to bin wird .Mrs Hoover ex- i1 .� ., 1,75 for.... 1 26 Ahen's,Summer.'Vests worth: $1.50 'sale' rice.-:...,.. 1'00• Frreiich River 44- *1' Sects to bring him home in a few « ,� 1 Z:00 for.,.. 60 Alen's Stimi:ler. Vests worth 5'L.00, ale price. ,,. •,. 1 25 Butter ��++ 1 Butter ............... U']7 to 0 18 S P O R T t) , Hoge ................. 8 65 to 8 65 StOiiy Loke 44- days. 2:b0 for..*,., :.-- ,1. A5 ,lien's :'inn I3aibri an Potatoes .........:... U 20` to 0 ?6 KawartLa Y.akeS ` - . Mr R D Bayley. of Marseill'eg,Mich„ Boys' Fine and Coarse Shoes.75c., 05c:, $1.00. kt,25 1 50 gc Shirts and Drawers =fn +ts y , , fiincy colors, regular 500 lines for,....'. ,......' 40.. Lake.Coue$leLing, Etc. i�``'"' + •. 4(,J�4 And formerly of. the firm of 'Foster.& r'rlssns ir'So FSOlacndc r ot�tt uned,tegular $1.20, for. 1 00 llelr's Fire I3al. Shirts and Drawers for. 25 ' r Bayley, photographers.' is at. present Childre Shoes,, ed buttoned, several ;differ- , • Sall1bgs of -P a Godeiich.lost at Mitchell on Monday running the photo allery of Mr E ant.lines, must,be cleared as'they. are broken M s Good Woiking Braces. -.15c, 20c, tae; B:Sc and 40 . Toronto Markets r, aS Lne1er g y ay g lots .., ...:,.,. ,.:50c., 60c.:75c„ 96c, 1.10 Large Sto- k of 1'run"- anti Grips•at very low prices. . y evenin b a score of 9 $. Murray Ponle, St Catharines, .while the latter Hay ...................... $17 to 21.00 .St(,oanzers. . ' McEwen w.aS:Utnpire. is visiting in England. l5 pairs allin's fine $2:00 Dona;ola Btucliers for., ,...' 1 35' . Fall Wheat .............. 1,U0 to 1.U2- Bailin s, f passenger steamers. from The �Vinnipe Rowiri Olub . 14ir_J A Irtvfn' and Mr R +� Mann;n 10 $8.60.13ax Calf 131etchers; for..... ; ..... 2 85 y ��p Ladies .and Children s Oats... ............:. 39 to •40 Sarnia fo% Soo and. Port Arthur and the final beat fog the Stewards' Chia were, 'at : Hensall on Stinday. ' The 60.. << Ladies' S1,50 Dongola Bluchers for. 1 15 t• T . Cattle, butchers .......... $6. 5 to 4.75 Duluth every Monday, Wednesday Iengi Oup at Hanley, England b two former . entleman . cnndnettad etre 2a $2.25 0hocolate Bluchers and Oxfoi•da 1 50 GOtt� H Cattle, Exportera........$i,lt) to 4,10 and Saturday at 3.30'' p.m+•• going lengthsr gnrvir' 6 the Methodist Ch» rch in ..SpaC6 will. not ,permit a full list of l'leds. n os ere Sheep ............... L .....$4.7h to 4,75 through to Duluth. Bailin s from Col. � _ 'tile absence of the pastor, $Rev. �Mr ',,, (lie sti:Fine Black Cotton ,Hose, Lambs..... I.............. 8.25 to 8.25 lin wood 1.30 . .. 1 , P look C all sizes, 3 psiirs 25 g p: m., and wen Sound ' ONTARIO Govern � ' Millyard. , • 1 , Wool .................... 19 to 2Uc 11.45 p. yrr.,. Wednesdays andlene- fur- rumen has puGthe Ilan. r . ��T ,, ,,, i. .+. „ .ribbed 1e 25c:g, 25c ,... lU .......... 20�to21c days for'iooand Mrs Jae.:&Icllath,anci'ohildrenleave. G -1Y1 ha111S and.,vY cLSh oQdrS < •�1 .1 •, , .2 But ter......... Georgian' Baris. on prize SgY t pfetures, $20U.00 is the. g • ... J. air : 2 Safi .. 25 in afew days an a visit. to .her old i BoS*s' Aeavj� Ribbed Biist@r Brow Hos 5c• 20c Eggs..,,,... •. ............ I8 to 19c Sailings from Mrdland.1:30 p,mfine with $25,00 per, day for Vroiation` home in the viefnity of Sin ciao.. Mr. 2,000 wds• Ginghkins, sold`eveiywhere. at 12ac per n Q •J : , 20Hogs.. . ......... . . . ...... $9 50 tang 3.15 p.m, to' Parry Souand ' ' ,.• p 1; 10 Mens Sox aceorted colors ......10c.,.15c: Oc. 25c. •86 Chickens .................. 16 to 16e wa ort dail n, tt' Sunda after the ,lst, That s,;all,ri lit no ' McMath will probably aecon.pany.her, yard, sale price.....:. Ile ` + 2 Y p s y, p y.. g , w. if ' .. n s T.weed:Pants.... , .: °..1,00, $1.25 Straw..... •.,-., •. •.:..... • $9'.00 .. • :' Fars f+ar as Toronto. and from there pro. I;000 yards Muslin, worth 15c•per yard for.:,....... 10 , $1.50, $1.70 200 theaaw.ab out. ail prize fights in our R Colored and At -t. Musjins worth frpm.10c. t: I'Jc a . 11Ien s Overalls...: ,::..........6ic., 75c:,.JOc.,. $1,00 L 10 Peas ....................... 7# to 76c Secure tickets and .foil information ceecion a: prospecting tour to the west... 4 , : `� Rye ....................... ` .(38 from r .. ` nee: (run under. the labled name 14liria yard, sale price per,y,ai .• ' 8 , Probi.r itT d ..... .:,. ..,.. . .. Mr n left 1 . Buckwheat ............... .53 to .54 A O•Pattfson, Depot agent ' of boxing bouts) a good would be'done day morning Mr Winnipeg sand Huron . Shlrtln S' COtt nS Flannels ' Potatoes .................. 60 to .75 g the youth beyond.calculation. . from ,there•to Vancouver, .B, .C: and g . . tteS JOHN RANSFQRD' .Tow1.n A Agent- r.:from there t chis ehoame in ' Beattie, Umbrellas .and Para sols Gf' aranteed Indigo 13lire; also Black and• White e . • Wash.; he ha pl a ant - time.visit , U .:, 75 - Rock 'drill are on sale while they la.st at per yd' 12i , „ , „ ** Umbrellas worth,41,00 each .... Ing his rPlativa5.e and friends for 6 ' • i White Bleached Cotton, .86 inches wide,, worth SOc S "�""t'^l"i!'^�" Parasols worth $1.25 to $1.75,. AVe give you your r1 ,, - weeks, hn intends to revisit his native . . I choice for.; •.! ......... .. f10 %none' wide worth 15c. s i2 . Persona/ ,Notes .4' town in the future.. . . _ 1 00 Fa0tor Cotton, q eoial.... , .5o., $c., loc., 1210 and 15. • ►)tt• * Rev. Geo. Leech and wife, .Parkdale, , . Flanne ettes;,regular 7c, per yard for,. •,: . 0 Furniture Tonne * If:thosehavingrelatives or friends was the guest of Mr Ralph. Tiplady, " 9c. per yard for,...,.. , 7J N visiting. in town or Ding away . over Bunday. Mr Leech is one of the` Dees& GOOds and S1lk Dept. `� 1Qc and 11c. per yard for. ,... 8 is here again for the wise hoose - would announce it in ehN v E famous Leech family, of Blueda]e,. so. p yard for . , .. , ..... • . ' 10 - keeper. Qome and rope'- oaraeif .' S0 yards Black Taffata.Sih., 1 yard. wide, quality ,, e' p y many of whose mbmbers were elergv- Biankets ii/4 regular $1.6o for.. ..... 1 25 to belong to.ibat class, by .seledting than. and is nearly the last,.•if not the gutiranteed, worth $1,25 a yard for.....,. ...,. �JO . the new suite or aeparate picots your ` ` ' ` ` " " "` ' '+` Colored Taffeta and Dlessaline Silk,.worth up to 76c .—.�. bone ,needs. Mr. W. J. Ker, of Walkerton, is re. haat surgrvrng member of thefaurily, per.yard.....:........:.... 39 1 • . a vara, sale price T4 Wes S and` T'oWelllr . . mewing old friendships in town, Mrs, ,Richard Hammett. and daugb- Uress°Goods in all the.new shades worth up to 65c • We'll a Rev. J. and Mies Greene arrived ter Miss Leila and grandchildren, Mat. a yard,. sale pride per yard.., ...:. ,.:.. :48 ' �"/ $ ep the ter Rob and Miss Erma Hammett cif Torx+els worth 16c for..... + . 10 ' Ahome from their visit last Saturday, + Compare. Quality and and yoa'Will real- ' Towels worth 2©c, for........ , .. , C Furniture Yon Select Serforth.and 11Zra. J. Hamilton and ize•that•this Is a Bar Situ. ' '15 Capt. Crapgle of Toronto, • was a daughter Miss Editb, of Illinios..and ' g Towels worth 25c. for........'.... g D,;ess Goods w6rt1: up to $1.25 per yard, sale price. S9 until after the Spring houseoletinfng visitor withll2r. Jas. Smith over Sun. Mrs. W. F. Kress and Mins Harrel and Dress Goods worth u to $1.00 per and sale rice.: 75 Towels worth 35c, for..,,., .... .... .............: •2,3: . if you -SAY So. Then it will Coyne to flay.. p p Y p you, ep 0k snd`Spsir, to add beauty ., Master Wilbervf,Preston, spent Sun- White, also Black, Japan Taffetta Sills; worth 50e Towels worth 500, for:., •,, .,: • .,.. , •....... ... day at the home of Mr. F. Lockwood - : Towelling worth So. for ........ . . .................. 46 to gear epfck'and span house, y Mrs.. Stephenson, of Toronto, netts . ayard, sale price per yard::... • QO of Mrs, Jas. Smith, spent Suh3ay with of the Gravel Road North. "" ' Towellin . . her aunt. . • The .many friends of Mr "Jack" ' ��' �., •..�._ owelling worth' 120. for.. .:, ., ., ,,,, Xa Rev, Mr•Jol iffe of Lucknow, was Crooks, formerly of ,the Morrish & 'Table 1.Linens and Napkins �y---�-• The Cheapest Spot in Harop to bay all Idnds of Firrtlitcrre. . renewing old friendships in town on Crooks firm, were indeed ;clad to _ . • �•�••�,� Thureday. welcome him back to town onTueaday 'fable Linen worth 85c. to 87ie'ayd.,.sale price...,; - 25 Lace. Curtains H HOOVER $ Q � FIIRhTITU'RE AND. Mins Bertha Gilkinedn, of Atwood evemog. 'Sir Croolts came directly 'Cable Linen worth 50o to 60c. a yd,'sale price...... 44 +••a• . UNbER7`AKiN is visiting at the home of her aunt` from Port Arthur by boat toy Owen Table: Linen worth 75c to 956 a yd, sale price....... X69 .`e will' sell. yell sante chffa r.Ge CU1'Ea1t15 _ Mrs,. W. S., Downs. ' .Mound. He imtemda to go to.2oronto ':'able Napkrna worth $1.00 to $1.25 a doz far. ,..... 89 while the' Sale i5 fi p Here are the rices - 1'1!fdaybut ruin be. here :oft: and on Table Napkins, worth $1.75 to $2'.00 a doz for•,::... 1 i39 b p Mr. Jobez-Randshas been off fluty, during the next two months. His Regular S6c. 2>� yards Lace Curtains for.'.,...: L ,, , r } tbiaweek, and his .many friends will work. evidently. agrees with him, • . wish him good health in future, . 25 �... 50c 2s ,r, 40 1 .750.8 �, ,, _ 60 Mr. W, A. Stevenson, of. Toronto, The New Era had &friendlly call from Sma.11wares Dept, `• $1,.00 3 11 •i 4.......... SPEC i AL PRICES INN Mr D C McInnis, of Exeter aformer . 80 ` . Spent the week end with his' sister . ' ' `• 1.25 8 " " member of the Co Council on Friday Pins, per.paper....,. ,,, ,, `1 14 14 a. W. S. Downs and also to 'visit , : • . • • • .. . "' 1. " 1.66 3 1. . i . 1 PLAIN BROOCHES . 'his mother who is ill, . l+lst. fir McInnis accompanied by his Needles, 3c a paper or 2 fat:... ...,..,,.. ... 5 1.7113 .......... 1 Dos wife and Postmaster and Mrs- Christie Hair pine, per paper..... , . • ....., ... .. , ..... 1 1. „ _ ,.. Mr. -and Mrs: H. T. Pento,'n, Master Atlas Hamilton, Stratford, and Mise• King, Collar Buttons at per aper......, . • ... 2.20 3l • ... • • • .. 1 9$ pp .. 10 ,,.. 4.00 8 %{ ,. Suitable for Engravll�g.11 Iiierbert and Miss Murial of Torouto Caring. of Toronto, a former Clinton. White Linen Finished Handkerchiefs, rajg, roc. for, 5 ,r ;, • • • • * • • s 19 have visited with Mr, and Mrs. James fair wept on a driving tour from. Fancy Handkerchiefs, regular 5e. to loc for'....., :. 4 ' 6'00 8 • • • • •. • : 4 09 The Latest Spring Novelty, all shapes. and' sues : Livermore for a few days. Foster to Clinton and Beaforth. They Black and Colored Silk Ribbons; worth• up to 20c - I'rilted, and Plain Cutafn Mnslfn.....,150., 20a, and 25, . We are sorra to. report that Mr, spent some tfine l+'ridwy . molrnibg call. per yard for..., ........ I ... , ........ ,. 10 .. _ A, 1`hos; i3awkfns manager of .the Rahe Ing at the House of Refuge, Mr Me. Bleak and Colored Satin 1Zibbens, worth up to 25c t Reg. $1.25 for Y rOO Ball Club, has �een off dutlt for the Innia calve co Exeter or rather to a per yard for.,.., ..........,: , worth up *to 2 . la Stationery Dept, - 1. past few days, on account a stepping farm near there in X88(1, 500 yards fine Lace and Insertion at per yard..... ?I , . � • 9`. On a nail last Saturda . p "I p y // y , Ueg. Blackstone. of Goderieh, wlln 4 pairs Shoe Laces, for.... ................ • •.....: 5 Underwood s or Japanese Inks, Black, per bottle.., 4 Reg. $'1.Vn, four '75' o We are pleased to announce that is wall -known in Clinton Is the .latest Safety Pins lar a er card re ular 5c. for,..., ..,. 3 Lead Pencils, with or without rubber tips, per doz. 10 - Miss Itazel Oneil has auccesatuity paste victim of dog bites, haVi • been at. C`cats'. Cotton S Dols per dor.. ........... • ... , ..: 65 Pen Holders, regular 50, each, 2 for,, , , , , ,,, , ,, , , , , f, , Envelopes, regular lOc packn a for. ed her intermediate eaalnfriation iu• tacked by , a canine •belonging to oath Brushes, regular 15c, far .................... 10 • - g • • • • • • • • • 5 r Reg. 'Wrrting.P'aper in Pads, regular 25c. for..;.....,,., 1 Re . 1�iUC, fell 4 . Music and took hanorS ' fn Musical George Jardine, Goderieh township on 1000 yds. Embroidery regular Sc, loc and 12e for., . 5 ll *` History+, in 0 o n n e c t i o n with the Sunday last and bitten on the left Writing f slier in large Pads, regular 20a, for,, , , ., I5 ^ Toronto Conseryatory of Music, fores.rm. By advice of a ' h akian the - _ _ _ Writing Paper in large Pads, regular 16c. for.,.,.. a , 3' 1b _! ; Reg. 500 fOP Mrs, J. E. nd Master Rose p Large size Scribbling Bovtkg, regular 5a, for,. ,,..,. 4 ! 17,r ; Murrayy dog rasa killed and the head sant to (; and Miseids Helen and (Irate were. Vie- Toronto for examination, tint. the re, ors'ets a,nd Girdles . . a , itors with Lr, and "Mrs, perit was no ai n of reales. '!'Ile l;orsets worth f rbc to &tic for ......:....:. . „. . ThampsotY g 44 • . Rei, ��i 1, ,f ( �';16C. over Banda.. The two girls are eon•. bite was not a pa#nful one, but would Corsets worth 75c to 900 for ............... •....... 68 - . Mill De :artment . i . tinning their visit with their uncle . have been most serious had the animal. Corsets worth $1.26 far............ ......:.......... 98 p . . b ° , x quickly y All the balance of our Milliner St Our resent stoclt Can not last Lori at'these Cres, and aunt for sometime, not been urckl driven o$ b tate: Carsetswot"th51:5ofor,,..,,.•..,.,., ,...,...,. 1x9 y pcj� p �. . 7,hefollowing,two personal a Reared owner,, . Corsets worth $2.00 for ........................... t 1 49 will•be sold .at less til9;i half t r rge. in the London Advettisea of Monday Tho many+ friends in toatrr of l#ev, (4, Girdles regular 85c for., ....., .,. ... , ...... 0. 25 rice. .,l' a regular Order one while the assartmelt'ts 1"a.1. ,><txly 11th; -MV, Rud Mrs. I e e l p , Taylor, of 195.8ruce street left today F' Hatton D, of Stratford, will be . y sorry to learn "'that last week he was - .. IMAM&n*d ' . Confexenf a tin�,y�{{ of the Genera suddenly stricken with an attack of . , : • , • , t etethadi>,t Church nf•appendicitis. He wag at onto taken Big, Bargains in 'N er1 s Clothing, Hats, Caps, Overalls, � tc. EdWin • In 'Victoria in August. They will stop to the hospital and an . operation, per. i * off at W innlpeg, and, other western .formed. and the , ° patient is doing as Acari Sweep of Hammel Goods, We Appreciate Your Trsde, butter and eggs Taken:as,0asla at this Aft ; SI<Ie tylo to vigil friends. Mr, William well all can be expected, Dr. Salton y �saylor, o Chita' o l3 vlSitfn nig g expected to leave last .week with a Stere Closes Tuesday and Thursday Evenings at 6.3o. brother, Israel and S. L, Tallier, of squad of the boy Scouts for Algott. g g Satisfaction guaranteed. t"s' city. Mr. Taylor ]lame td Clinton uin Park for a holiday outing 'bat & C• En rarrirl done �'teP.0• on Tuesday and w111 probably stay is hag been cancelled. Meuse Jaw for the month. . Mfir wll�w , ,: . . .., . ex. Ipects to have Iter. Dr, Salton corn. 10 r �E Blyth 11 1. I # I . V : . I . - . --..— —.—._._ _ _.__.. _-_ ____..—_ _.__. _ ... _._. ---------- . - _-__ --I -