HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-07-07, Page 4Ladies Ready-to,wear f arments::
111111lnery and Ilress-ftiring..
The Last Cal, for
As our Milliners are leaving for ' their vacation
shortly, we are going to clear the balance of our
Trimmed Hats at half-price :
$10 Hats, now $5.00 •
$8 Hats, now $4.00
$6 Hats, now $0,00
$4• flats, now $2.00
Any Straw Shape in Show Room toir 49e.
Come while the assortment is good.
More Wash Goods . eceived
This Week.
Just opened this week another lot of New
Wash Goods, including striped Dress Litten and
Plain Colored Repp, for suits and skirts, We are
showing an immense range of Wash Materials this
year. We know our prices are right.
Fine Dress Ginghams, ilk, 12p, 15e and 25c
Dress Mustins, lOe, 12c, 14c, 20e, 25c and 05e
Linen Suitings, all colors, 25c, ` 35c and 40e
Indian Head, white only, •. . 20c and 25c
Lots of other kinds, at different prices.
Good, Cool Underwear at
_Low Prices •
You will find here only the very best brands,
and we are pleased to announce that our stock is
remarkably large and varied, and of a%i quality. •that
will add to the good reputation of this store..
Prices 12&c to 60c a garment.
Summer Waists
' Warm days awaken interest in the large and
varied assortment of cool white Waists we have in
stock. Prices range from 50c up to $5,00
..Ask to see our 9c Waist.
„„ alnimmomoommommiew
Bayfield. = The Summer Resort
t•Mr. and Mrs. D S Cluff were' visitor
here on Sunday,
Mrs. D. McCoryie returned home on
Saturday for a few days,
Mrs. Nether visited atJno, McNaugh
ton's, Varna, during the past week.
Miss Rosie Palmer, of Varna, is vis-
iting at Davidson's in Westminster
Mr. G. E. Parks and family, of Dun.
ville, are summering at Westminster
Mr. W, Peobinson and Miss Mamie
Murray, of Seaforth, were Sundaying
Mrs 3 G Switzer. of Tuckersmith,
was the guest cf Mrs George Woods
last week.
W E Southgate and Stewart Scott,
of Seaforth, were also guests at. Kil-
kare cottage.
The English Church of Summerhill
held their annual picniesin Bayfield on
Monday last.
Messrs Alex Brandt, Norman Cook
and Hanson Petty were Bayfield visi-
tors recently.
Mr. Clifford Harland has been under
the weather for a few day or two but
is about again.
Messrs William and Walter Pickard
of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors at
Kilkare cottage.
Mrs. George Mete Chesney is now
settled for the summer in one of the
Marks cottages.
Mr. and Mrs. George Barge and fam-
ily, of Clinton, visited at Idyleze Cot-
tage on Sunday.
Miss Clara Richardson and Mr. Will
Davidson were visitors atWestminster
grove over Sunday.
Mr. James Scott and bride are visit-
ing the formers daughter, Mrs Walter
Pickard, this week.
Mr. Richard, of Detroit, is the guest
of his wife and family in their summer
cottage, Cedar mere.
The SIuff family, of Clinton, arrived.
on Thursday last to occupy their cot.
tage for the summer.
Mrs Ross and Minlue Pinning, of
Clinton,were visitors at$wityerkieken
cottage over Sunday.
Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Kerr and family,
of Tiltsonhurg, are summering at Idyl-
eze cottage, J ewett's grove.
Miss Polly McMichael, of Seafotth,
has returned to her home after spend.
ing a month at Kilkare cottage.
Mr Lindner, Ethel Pickard and Mil-
dred Jones, of Seaforth, were visiting
Mrs. Geo. McL, Chesney on Sunday.
Donald McLean was.
on the sick list
for several days during the past week.
We are pleased to report his -recovery.
The tug, Tumach, was ib the harbor
on Monday on its way to Port Prank.'
for spites for the new elevator at God.
Reginald Marks! who has been teach.
ing school at Union, returned to his
home at Bayfield on Thursday of last;
s week.
Tee choir of the Presbyterian
church, Seafortr, bell their annual
• picnic in Jewett's . grove on Thursday
of this week, .
Mr, and Mrs, '1'. B. McKim and fam-
ily, of. London, Mr Charles Wilson and
Miss Olive Wilson;' of Stratford,are
spending two weeks at Autoriss tiot-
tage. 0
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Armour and chit-
dren,'of Clinton, Mrs Doyle and da.ugh
ter, of Toronto, and Miss Walton . of
Goderich, visited friends in the grove
on Sunday.
Mrs. L. 0. Charlesworth, of Blytb,
who has been the guest of Mrs. F. G.
Neelin at Kilakee cottage, , Jewett's
grove, for the past two weeks, return-
ed home on Monday. Mr Charlesworth
S f dayed in Bayfield.
Dr Iierbert Switzer and family ar-
rived here from Michigan in his very
handsome automobile and was aedom.
panied by Dr . Hueston of Swartz
Creek, Mich.. They also visited ler
Switzers parents in Goderich. They
left here for a ten day tour.
A real classy game of baseball was
witnessed by a fair crowd on Friday of
ternoon when .the Clinton "lied Sox"
defeated the Bayfield "r;•Victors" by a
score of 0.5. The game was well,piayed;
throughout, at many times becoming
very exciting. The batteries were Bea-
com and 1,MoTaggart.
The glorious first was celebrated, in
Bayfield in a right ro at'style and nev-
er in the history of the village has.
there been such a crowd as on Friday
last. The weather was all that could
be desired for a day at the lake shore
and from early morning riga of every
description were pouring into the laic -
talc grounds from all directions.. The
lake was•as calm as a mill pond and
every boat was laden with pleasure
seekers and the puttutt of Jewett's.
Kegans and Whaddon s Naptha launch
es were continually heard as load after
load of people put out on the lake for
a merry ride.; There were several very'
interesting baseball matches played on
ndlseneThe ywas cd by a die in Jew-
grove. ,
District News
Goderich Township
, (Continued from Page 1)
Law No, 4. was reliealed but the muzz
lingBy.Law still remains in force. The
following accounts were recommend -
paid W..Coate,Hegistry Search,
75 cents. George Levis, Wheeled
Scraper 84;950, A HMCo. 'fialance on m
in August at 1 130 p.. tda.• N. W, Trees.
Seth*, °lark.
Dlitr/ IN TUN WzaT--Word wee x4-
calved. beet Week mating that Alphel
Huck, wife of D J Burda had e
away at Provost, Alberta, oft July let.
Deceased had gone out west this
wining far her health, but all that
climate or medical iekill ,could do wall
unavailable. The boo was brought
back to Ontario.
held fr
the residence of her tether, Robert
aafterno onthe m
. Interent0th Coneon beingmade
at Clinton cemetery. To the: husband
and other relatives the .sympathy of
the neighborhood is extended.
REcgPTioes- On Monday, Tuesda
and Wednesday evenings of last week
Mr and Mrs Wm Dunbar gape a re-
ception in honorof their son's wedding
In response to their hearty invitations
the members of the three churches,
St. James. Middleton, St. Johne,.
flolmesville, St Peters, Summerhill,
meblyaentertained. r home Thed parishire oers
found the occasion an, opportune one
for expressing their high appreciation:
of their incumbentsindefatigable
services and accordingon behalf of
the respective congregations, Messrs.'
John Middleton, jr,, Sam Sturdy and
John Lowery each presented btu with.
an address expressive of the esteem in
which he was held by his. people an
according his and his young wife.
hearty welcome back to their field o
labor that they both may be ion
spared to work together for the e
tension of Christ's Kingdom.. Hand-
some presents r ccompanied each ad-
dress to which the Rev •.Mr Dunbar
briefly replied thanking therm heartily
for the welcome they had tendered
Mrs Dunbar and himself for the good
wishes for their future prosperity and
happiness and tor their generous
gifts, which he and his wife greatly
appreciated. .Very pleasant and en-
joyable � y ble tinier were spent by the many
rriends who assembled in the respec-
tive evenings and hearty were the con i
gratulations offered Rev. Mr Dunbar
and his bride A vote of thanks was
passed to Mr and 'Mrs Wm, Dunbar
for their kindness in entertaining
them moved by Mr Sams Sturdy,
seconded by Mr Wm. Johnston.-
Leat Friday's program etwrected
nod /deed crowd. to Blyth, and the
9'a p na ass Darned out in good
,tyle. (Jalithumplan p a rad e
brought out the grotesque and laugh-
able, the best prize going to Ur Maher,
of Blyth, who represented a bear. He
had a hot time. A Collinson Rave ars
o#t e
h b doctor us oct and
y r
rI O
h w how to
h w run a washes.
A Base Bali match between Beigrave
interest Westfield
nines cafforded nin no
for the victory. Belgrave won by 3
runs and an innings.
sthevict rsoBheearlierrmmatch
met Blyth, the home team winning
eaeily- by 10: to 5. The visitors were
blanked 5 times, Beigrave kept. the
runs down fairly well excepting in the
2nd and Oth innings.
The racing events were hotly 60, -
well fitted and excellent time
made as the records will show. Track
was in good shape, In the 2.30 race as
horses were scoring for 2nd haat M.
ionofsulkeys,nNoserious. damage was
done however. The beast was taken
from the race, Score of races were as
follows: --
Named race.: mile heats
a l J> lefiron, Blyth.,... .. 1 1 2
f 2 B Herrington, Blyth 2 3 3
3 E (Cardiff, Brussels... 3 2 4
$, 4 l:1 Grieve, Leadbury 4 4 1
Time -1.15,,1.17, 1.14
2,50 Race -
1 E Livingstone, Blyth , 1 1 5 5 1
2 Tom Murdock Hensall, .. "2 '2 12 3
3 F McOaugbey, Blyth.. , 5 4 2 1 2
4J111Gelbraith,Brueeels.... 33334
5 L 0 Oherlesworth, Blyth.. 4 5 4 4
T1.im30e-L041e,1.05s, 1 08i, 1.07$, I,Q5e
1 A Millson, Lucknow 1 1 1
2 I Johnston, Bluevale,,,.,.,2 2 2.
3 A Patterson 4 3 3
4 Mr Litt, Teeswater 3
Jitne-1,09}, 1.10, 1.104
Starter was George Henderson, of
Seaforth, and the Judges Jos. Carter
and 0. Knechtel.
Committee managed the day's pro-
ceedings very well and were able to
strike a balance sheetat its close of a
satisfactory character, Clinton Band'
discoursed excellent music during the
day, Elam Livingston was President
and P. McIntosh, Secretary.
Mr and Mrs 'H C Holland • and Mr
and Mrs Laphara visited at Goderich,
on Saturday,
Illullett . - •
Mr. and Mrs Geo Lapham,of Alymer
pent last week at Fair View farm,
t the home .of. Mr and Mrs 11 C
Rolland. .
Miss L Tichborne, teacher .of S S
No. Il, has returned to her hone for
Londesboro •
Miss 1?. Lawson• is visiting hergrend-
mother here,_
Mrs Lepper, of London,: paid a visit
to her f ether, Geo Johnston over the
Mrs: T W Robertgn returned from
the London Ho.pitai almost fully re-
Mrs D , W Boyd and daughter,'of
Chicago, arrived here on Saturday at
the home of R Adams and are spend-
ing a few days in Lucknow at present
Knox church Social was a decided
success. The. gate receipts the largest
-for years; everything passed off fine.
There .wasa picaic party went to
-Gdde tell -front : fi a Jii'ly-fe
some: parties went visiting other pI
so everybody enjoyed themselves.
Knox Church S S held a picnic at
Goderich on Wednesday' 9f this week.
Iiad a fine time there; but not quite
so fine for all coming home as . one
wagon upset. and was broken.
The Methodist, Social carte -off on
Thursday evening. -More later.
Remember the Women's Meeting. in
the Peeresters Hall, Saturday even -
Mrs Dennie and master Frankie has
returned to London after .spending
a few weeks with her f ether Mr.
Francis Brown.
L 0 L SPneree-Orangemen's special.
will leave Londesboro at 9.55 a iii on
July 12th . for Wing�ham. Returning
special leaves • Wingham at 080.
Special rates for this trip.
A large 'emery for grinding plow
points is new runrrfng in the - grist
Stanley •
I Miss May Stoddart, of Detroit, is the
[guest of her uncle, Mr. Robt. Pearson,
this week.
Mrs. J, 3,' Cameron returned to her
home after a month's sojourn withlvirs
J Rayner, of Georgetown. •
Mr Peter McDonald and his sistc r
Annie, made a short. visit. to the Mc-
Cowan home last week.
The Lane brothers entertained their
many friends to a party in their new
barn on Wednesday evening last.
Mrs Hoppa,. of Windsor, Mrs. South,
of London, Mrs Lonie and daughter,
also of London, were visiting at the,
home of Mrs Jno. McGowan -last week.
Miss' Maggie McEwen; who is teach-
ing at. Pelee, Essex Co. this year, arriv-
ed last week at the home of her father,
Mr. M, MoEyeen to spend her holidays
there. , . •
n rae-McKenei�a riti'd firmiiy; S ta'ni • ;
aces visited relatives et Brussels, fast week.
S Whitmore, who was injured by
being,crushed by a horse against the.
manger, is recovering slowly,
John Aikenhead and faintly, Lon-
don, are visiting ..relatives in . the
T [Dunlop anal bride, are spending
their honeymoon at Muskoka. •They
will reside at Dashwooci,.
Rev Mr Smith, of Hamilton Dist,
has charge of thePresbyterianchurch.
Earl Kaiser, who has taken.. up
book-keeping 'tit Clinton Business Col-
lege, . has' taken . a positiion- at the
Farmers' }Sank, at • Dashwood.
Mr and Mrs Whitmore. entertained
friends Friday last. •
Mrs RR Higgins and family visited
last week at the home •of Jos, Grey,
New.N iagara
John Swan has a beautiful field of
New Methodist Minister
at •Londesboro
,rlllll@liptttli[ ..,0101n�(Ullnumtuunu.
Rev. J H Osterhout, E. D., who
opened his pastorate on Londesboro'
circuit last Sabbath under auspicious
circumstances had been the popular
and energetic pastor of Kintore Circuit
for the past tern(, where his energy
along financial, pastoral, society and
citizenship lines has been crowned
with success. Ile takes an active in.
terest in both Masonic and Odd Fel.
low circles as wen and was President
of Stratord District .Epworth League
in which department be is an earnest
worker. -
1tev Mr Osterhout Is a native of
Kent County, having been born at
Northwood,where be received his pub•
lie school education. 13e afterwards
attended the Eidgetown High School
and the Chatham Collegiate Institute.
Eleven years ago he graduated with
honors from Toronto University, re
delving the B. A. degree and alati re,
celved the D. I). degree from 'Victoria
University, completing both courstg
before his ordination. Ile wasordein-
ed to the work of the Methodist
ministry at thenaeetrngg �of the London
held in Wingham His
Thompson "s Bridge $125.'d0, ' Road e
OttromisiOneadjourned toYmn ste y the iees #first Monday b
iniaterial career has thus far been
ignalle successful. Not only is he an
earnest, eloquent and zealous tireaeher
tit he is also a man among men, one
who is ever ready to "put his hand to
( the plow" wherever a good work trio
be done; and whatever be undertakes
he puts his whole energy into. Dur.
ing his residence -at Wroxeter and
Kintore. Rev. Mr Osterhout took
an active interest inthe. welfare of the
places,and was given positions of .hon-
er and responsibility,.
Londesboro' is to be congratulated
on the appointment of their new pas-
tor who is faithfully and ably support
cd by Mrs Osterhout, We wish thein
a term of genuine success and believe
they 1
wit b 1
e loyally backed u
congregationsat:Londesboro ,anid
The annual report of . the Kintore
circu]t of the 1V[ethodist church,whielt
has just been issued shows the Circuit
to have had •a most successful year
under the pastorate of Rale J II
Osterhout. During the year $1.000
and interest was paid on the ,Kintore
church, thus completing the payment
for the nevi, church. During the yens
there were: baptisms, 4; marriages, 3;
funerals, 8; 5 members died during
the year; 20 removed by letter: 0 Were
received into membersh]te Present
members: Kintoro, 102; Browns, 52;
M;c$iin's, 31. Total 187,
wheat near our vitlage,lt 11 said to be
the beet field ba the neighborboo4.
Miss Mcneth and cousin Miss Rte,
of Kinlon. Man., are gueetw at the
home of Are Gorden near Egmond.
Mrs McCartney ie visiting relatives
et Brussels.
The Bret game of the Finals for the
c omptonshipo#Western.
Ontario was played in Niagara Falls
that place and tt. he Roversoof Bruce -
hroughou e and was
av rtof
Niagara. Palis by a seotce of 3-2, The
b'inal game will be played on the Park
ground at Brucefield on Monday
evening July Ilth, game called at 0 80
p,m. Thia will be a hard and fest
game. Cone out and cheer the boys
to victory.
Standing of League
Won Lost, g,
t►oderich - 0 0 1,000
Mitchell 0 2 '001k
Small Locals= •
Complaints as to•odors and nuisances
should be phoned direct to the Chief
of Police.
The London train was an hour late
Wednesday night.'
Has Orders to Leave
Capt, Geo. Taylor, of the Salvation
received orders from head:..
quarters bepdtr Clinton
n the IStbUto the present, he
does notknow where he will be located.
A lleligbtful ll:iii<t
A most welcome rain fell Thursday,
Had it lasted all day, it would not
have been too much.
Special To Stratford '
The L O L spacial will leave Clinton
at 9o'clock sharp and fare is 3110,
Tbe'train is due to leave Holxneeyille
at 8.50 4nd fare 31.20, Train leaves.
Stratford in the evening a t 7,80.
Another Blaze
Fire was discovered in the store.
house of Ford h McLeod on Wednes.
day evening at 0 : 30, but wasput out
before any great damage was done.
Just as we go to press, the fire
alarm again rings;; this time, it being
It was extingu shed before any cdam.
age was .done. Owing to the dry
weather, our citizens must take extra
care of their premises.
Away At Guelph+ '
This week J. B. .Hoover to
strong rink . to attend the Gu
bowling tournament, His rink
composed. of J. Stevenson,J. Wise
and. J. E. Odurtice. -
This week, Mr. Will Plurnstee]
iamily.nioved to the cottage, Tow
end St , owned. by Mr. H. Plumate
Mr. John Stevenson has moved_ i
the house on Huron St., which
recently rebuilt, and Mr. A. McKo
has occupied the house vacated by t
fornrer,'on Mill St.
Mr Jas Pair has had his house . re=
painted, and it now makes' as fine ap-
:The body is cream, with red and green
trimmings.'. The work was done by
Ld, (Cap) .Cook, . who : has a large
reputation ....,.The Skating Rink is
receiving k new roof -covering, which
is being applied by Messrs Harland
Bros., and is the famous 'Brantford"
. -
A Saving of 50 to Too per cent. on staple. goods. See iv.
advertisement in last week's paper.
• •
I The new thingfor
horne workers. + •
Complete outfits are now on sale. e
• C6 0 er
6011 *
4 ee
form filled up as this was in strict
compliance with the mortgagee's re-
quest was a sufiicientcompliance with
the statute. We are also of opinion
that other objeetionstaken by counsel
for defendants at the close of the
plaintiffs case were fatal to plaintiff's
right to recover, Appeal disn.issed
with costs,
For Our Personal Column
TUE NNiv: FRA is always pleased to
receive a list of visitors at your home.
When you have friends staying, with
you, or when you are going on a trip,
let us have the statement for our per-
sonal column. It is your fault i£ these
facts are not mentioned from time to
The New Era. Pays
Last week a small advt., was in-
serted by a young boy-, of town, want•
ing work on a farm, -before we were
haif through printing, a well-known,
farrier and a NEW Eit . subscriber was.'
in and made arrangements to meet
the young man. in 'the evening and
at the meeting the young man went
week to work for the farmer.
This shciild convince the most hard-
hearted that the NEw ERA is the
paper to place all advts„ in and se-
cure your wants,
Terms Cash.
A Surprise Party
On Monday night the Ontario street
Choir drove out- to the honor of Mr
Periy Plumsteei on the London Road,
and presented Mr and Mrs Piumstcei
with two pictures in recognition of
this work as metnbers ofthe choir. A
pleasant'time was spent by all.
On Wednesday of this week a well-
known Clinton boy'. was married, at
Kagawong, Manitoulin Island, to Miss
Mary Pearl, daughter of James and
Mrs Carter; ,The young 'couple' will
reside in, Welland where the groom is
Pe nriptil sof: the 'Bt sinees College.
there. Mr King's many. friends 'in
town will all join in wishing hire and
his bride happiness through life.
Webb -Mead -
St. Pant's Church was the scene of a
very pretty wedding at high -noon on
Wednesday of this week, when .Mr.
William C. Medd, of Peterborough,
and Miss Matilda H. - 0., daughter af•-.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Webb 'were united
in marriage, Rev, C. R. Gonne net -
formed the ceremony. The wedding
march was played by Miss Bentley.
The bride, who was given away by
`her father, wore a gown of cream silk,
with bridal veil and orange blossoms,
and carried a bouquet of bridal roses.
Miss Mead, sister of groom, who .at-
tended the bride, wasattired in bilk
embroidery mull, with hat to match,
and carried pink roses ; the groom
was supported by Mr. Frank. Dean, of
Toronto, Miss Eva Garter, : cousin of
the bride, was ring bearer, . and was
dressed in silk embroidery mull, and
carried a beautiful floral basket of
white sweet peas. After a dainty
wedding breakfast the happy couple
couple left for a trip to Detroit and
other points amid showers of'confetti
the bride's going away in a stone color
silk with' tuscan turban to match.
About 75 guests were present. The
presents were numerous and costly,
the groom's present to the bride being
a locket and chain, to the•bridesinald
a gold bracelet, to fiowergirl, .goad
ring and to the grootnsman it tie pin.
Among the guests from out of town
were:- Mrs Chas Robinson, Gonne
Mrs JJ Casemore, Sant St Marie;
Miss Nellie Mead, Mr Frank Dean,
Mr John Pinniger, all of Toronto; Ed
Carter, Goderich; Mr and Mrs Fred
Joyner and family of Sniithville
Ontario. The happy couple will coat=
mence haasekeeping iti lseterboroti h
with the best wishes of their numer-
ous friends.
Wade q. 13i'Il--A.. 0. I"facdonneil, 1C
C., for plafntilr. W, Proudfoot, K 0•
aidHayes tC
en .
Ali Aappeal by plaintiff, assig. •
nee of Matthew henry Craig, to set
Attlee certain chattel mortgages, and
for an order for payment over by de.
fett,l+tnte,82 amounts realized . by sale
therenucler to plaintiff. :Defendants
Conntetc-claimed, At trial judgment
wee lt igen dismissing action and coun-
ter claim; both with costs, .lodgment
The appeal le on the ground that the
Wel judge in his finding of fact
that jyhe defc+ndants solieitor was
rtnnitirized to fill up the blanks in the
chattel mortgage aR wag done. and
that he Dried in his finding of taw that
the blank form, so signed and sealed
atute. We sufficient
compliance ithat the
One Price Only
a,„They.are Here in Seven: eotors
That is, at the'time of .writing. Some are,
alreadysold out others may be when . you
read this ad;
The Daintiest ` 'olor
in hair -line stripes all pure Silk Mauve.
and white Resida • and white Myrtle, and
white,, black •and white, and pink and. white.
The best impression, as to value, ,is made
in quoting the price
• ��� C�a��1y
Embroidered Dutch Collars, assorted pat-
terns, regular value 25c. On sale Saturday,
15c ver yard
You Want a -Parasol
to match your Dress or Suit. See the
splendid assortment we . are showing in
plain and combination' colors, at from
$1.00 to $3.50 each
s • it.. Colored• Hosiery
We have.a very complete range of colors,
in Cotton, Lace, Lisle and Silk, including
pink, rose, resida, grey, champaign, mauve
sky and navy blue, copenhagen and white.
Several Attractive Lines
Have recently been added to ' our Ladies'
• Underwear Department, which is now re-.
plete with the•most-wanted goods for the
approaching holiday
pp g season.
or -
maEr me AT
I N a?
The People's le's S