The Clinton New Era, 1910-07-07, Page 31 given KET people who are usueTly ', fix liaten ori to #� h i �► 416iow 1401 News Children Ory healthy , occasi=ll ui�reSUNDSCH00L l Y � sod sealpis the best preventive ' llliiUn�r L.ctetla Year - of baldness. ,fin occasional a C A� T Q� � A j , $60'o A, SO1Yte kala Of a f 0Ad tonic x �' Cr- � � �' Olcl pewgpaPere for dole at Tbn N>� � r rovim that excellent combi• plication of Bearine Hair Pow. »a,� orrice. a lwrae bundle forliaentA, 0 ' Lesson Ii.,Tbird Quarter, For., ade keeps the sial in health The Nmw LA4 to spy addresil in the Q nation of beef, iron and sherry P . y British possessions tothe end of the Blue Serge Suits t4 Frame p1° eons wine, if taken when the Sys- July 10, 1510 condition, it nourishes the year fpr 50 cents. hair foltcles and supplements Order $!Z.00 tem is run down from Over- "�'�"'�" ppletnents Five new subscribers during the • poet weak, That speaks well for the Ib order to meet the demand we are _ work or a slight cold, will THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. the natural +oil of the head. • ♦ rept during July and August when N525 EnA as a home paper. Oily, Way a F ar,m�er $. Wine two feed's a are anon h.'' revent a more serlou5 illness.. Beariue not Only prevents fall- 525 telephones are now on the list otade I a Blue Berge Suit for $17,Mlnut t e dings a is never to give the �•O 'm ivies Streit thtocon- ' 111 hair but stimulates new of Brussele,Grey and MorrisIndepend. Made in style, ri . a up n the inter Can Earn extra Donep g Text of the Lesson; Comprehensive g ent line and still there s more to follow � You want it. Inputting this $ergo birds too much or too little , I have a know ft is Filling a Gap ` . f y valescents and all thi11=�J100t 'blooded Quarterly Review --Golden Text, John growth, rJQ Cts afar at your ThQ pp, hgure on 1,000 within the y -„ _ foundthe best on to feed them is n e� next twelve months. This Imported Serge has a smooth scatter food in one fly, and. than go on people. ,ip1,00 a IiOttle, vi, s3•—Corotnentary Prepared by druggists. Solt up at $17,00, o roger measure wp , e "On 200 pairs of pigeons I have to the next, giving a little to each un- Rev. P. M: Stearns, cleared $1300 a year for the las; four til all have had "some, 'Chen I go back During the last week we have re- finish, which makes it suitable for e tis," declared the alfa of a Pennsyl- ) o where I began and do it all over r, N At the close of the first quarter we "N��O�, ceivad from two different Yankee Sunday wear. We also have it in ywnia farmer when the writes asked again, until the birds gree indications BW , THO took the Laster lesson instead of the firms letters prepaid for return with black, if preferred. the Par do this. in a i ' DAM S�wL American stamps. Yankees generally 5 about the chances women on m of havin had enough. T review, so that w e have had no re, are a, shrewd and businesslike class of SATISFACTION GUARANTEEIP. had of making money. "I had been leisurely planner so that the birds PLASTERS eo le but many of them seem to fall a sebool teacher when I married, and. will have an opportunity to feed their . view this year until now. We will P P nun and so sill empty their crops ice the lesson titles and Golden Testa * down in this particular matter, seem- p having seen a lot of farmers and their y g partly p y P CURES every eort,of Musculdt pato. g A simple effective remedy for many little Ing to forget that tlmercan stamps �ar �r&Co „ - wives while teaching in rural coin- before my return. This is one way to such as Sciatica, Stitches, Cricks, Tic, of the second quarter and then code v ills as well as some that are not considered Q. e g e r + jibing of the Muscles, Lumbago $ are of no more value for postage in munities I determined that I would insure the feeding of the squabs." ltttt',e: Acompouudwithayaselinebase,in I 1 would kee a hired " Il t e toed is r sed on the farm and Headache, Don't throw throw away or to summarize the lessons of. the conjunction with Japanese Menthol aria Canada than Canadian clamps would be different. P A h ail money for worthless imitations, by un otherdru¢srmakin¢anefficacrousremedyfor be in the United States. Agents for British American Dyeing girl, paying her wages by money earn - and I pay my husband market prices scrupulous makers, Get the genuine. year to date: ed by keeping bees and chickens t for it. I have no particular' mixture _ Each plaster 25c. in isnair-tichttin 1, -.`The Power of Faith," matt. is, Sore'cpr1.Hiiins,grnlse•. " �} ping Co., Montreal, profit. but usually vejust about what (,here box; i yard roll $1.00. Mailed upon 18-34, Golden Text, Mark ix, 23, straaus. sprain.. Chickens as, Mousers and Clea P " stuck to that idea for nearly ten ie on hand of Kalfir corn, wheat receipt of price, or sample for sc. 2. -"The Mission of the Twelve." , well ib3n¢ forpcomrcete9'hunters, as The latest Rood quality to be credit. I eta W, fl WATTS 8� gON years, and during that time never screenings, millet, hemp, rape, peas WE GUARANTEE that they will relieve matt, ix, 35, t0 x, 15, 4Q-42; Golden welt as fol those that stay at home. ed to the Rhode Island Red, is that of * ,cleared more than $5t, a year on my and hulled oats, During the summer pain quicker than any other plaster. 25c, a box.. r being death to mice. At a certain . i •chickens. It was always the bees that Text, ,Hatt x, S. store opens ct 7,30 a of closes at 8 nam, y I usiially,aive lsss Corn and more peas DAVIS & LAWRENCE Cp:, nforitteal, 3. ---Th, Question of John the Bap• DAVIS & LAwREives, Moatreai. • poultry yard in town in the presence We are Practical Boot and Shoe mak- paid my girl. Finally I heard of a aEe and oats. of visitors, a number of young Red, e>re and repairers, Boole made to or. in Montgomery County, this s , list," Matt. xi, 1.19; Golden Test, John g , g der from one to three days notice and y Green food is not neceaeary,though chickins ave chase to a mouse can his who was making a fortune raising pigeons will eat grass. I have heard -•-• --- _ v, 36• • the rascal and made dessert for their repairing done while you waik . squabs. that pigeons require meat in some 4, -"Warning and Invitation;' Matt,. • • Q evening meal, Another reason why Farmers Attention -The children had always had a few way, have never seen any indication ♦♦♦♦♦����♦���♦♦7♦�♦��♦♦♦♦� xi, 20 30; 'Golden -`J ext, Matt: xi, 28. D istriet News farrael should keep Rhode Island pairs of pigeons flying around the of it. Plenty of good grain and an ; WHY BRIDES LIKF JUNK u. -"Two Sabbath Incidents," Matt. Reds l We have on hand several pairs of lace, eating u the garden and doing abundance of clean water is all that ♦ ♦ xii, 1-14; Golden Test, Matt. xii 7, -- our own make boots,juet the thing for . P g P I have found necesear to et lar e, ♦ . -_• ♦ , , Ii'Itat About That Vacation? the S rip U everything else we didn't want them ♦ G,-` 7,emperauce Lesson, Prov. a in see to, but I. had never thought of raja= 1B1�►th• • y g g p' g war. oma ' and a b health s uabs to the a e for mar• • Zf you don't know where to , go, or them, ing the birds. Being discouraged b i keting�' q g uc new ♦ June is the month of brides. * 32 iii, 29 35; Golden Tent, Prov. acini. Wedding invitations are out for the what it . will cost you, better ask W. H. WATTS & " SON my experience as a chicken raiser, ''I believe it is well to introd e • There are brides in. other marriage of Miss Lizzle N S., daugh.. Busy Man's Travel Bureau, no charge aietermined to pay the man in Mont- breeding stock eyery year or so, * months of course, but the * ?.-"Growing Hatred to Jesus," Matt:. ter of W. A. and Mrs. Carter,.Blytb, is made to readers of Busy Man's for Opposite Post Office . gomery County a visit. Again it was though I dont feel that I have been ♦ number doesn't compare with ♦ xii. 22-42; Golden Text, Matta xil, 30. to Will A Grimshaw, of Detroit, the service. We are in receipt of the the bees that paid expenses. in. the business long enough for my ♦ June. ♦ 8. -"Death of John the Baptist," Ceremony will take lace Tuesday of July number of Busy Man's, the big, - - a, "There were several thousand pairs opinion to be worth vervmuch. Inthe ♦ This is because, as static- 2; • ' of pigeons on this Montgomery (join- beginning I would always advise the • ♦ Hiatt. xiv, 1-1. Golden Telt, Prov. next week at I2 o'clock,. bright Outing Number. It is so full t farm and it was quite evident that g g y ♦ tics show, more matrimonial ♦ xm i, 32 Last week the barber shop belong• of good things that reading it gives W 00 . y buying of well -mated birds. When ♦ engagements are entered into -..The Multitudes Fed," Matt civ. ing to the late John Ritchie, in Wing- one the feeling of having enjoyed a the owner not only knew his business, ,you raise your own breeding stock ft in March than any other ♦ ham, was sold to Dave Somers, recent vacation, and if you really are to have _ but was interested in his birds. He I itis necessary to have a separate en, ♦ month• Then the dear 1r1 is ♦ 13-21; xv, 29-39; Golden Text, John vi, i of Blyth, now in .Winnie Mr l y p P g' v D g• a vacation you cannot afford to miss �� .gave me all the in I wanted, to put the young birds in until they ♦ given. three months to get ♦ 35. Somers is expected horse this week the July number. The publishers are BPIi1D�sler Woollen Mills and I was so much encouraged that I mate. After they, have mated they, * readyin. By marrying in June ,* 10. -"Jesus Walks .on the Sea," and will take possession shortly, particularly anxious to have more of The Oldest -established Ctlston went back and invested in twenty should be put in a nesting pen, and al- ♦ vnu can buy a spring hat for • Matt. xiy, 22-3G; Golden Text, Matt. Mins BRADNoax CALLED - At 4 our citizens know Busy Mans and parrs of homers and an equal number lowed to begin breeding. ♦ . per cent. ♦ xiv, 33, o'clock Sunday. afternoon Mie John offer to send a copy FREE to any Mill in Huron County. of runts. "Where a farmer's wife has no chil- ♦ Bradnock an old and highly esteemed As usual I shall he prepared to buy "Following the advlael had received gran or where her children are old You can go on a bridal tour ♦. 11. "'Phe Canaanjtish Woman," g, reader of this paper who fe genuinely R ♦ without taking furs and a foot ♦ Matt. av, 21-23; Golden -Teat, Mstt. member of this community was called interested in clean, wholesome recrea- and give the I3IGHE5T CASH FOR I bought only mated birds, and as a enough not to require her constant at ♦ warmer along. ♦ to her reward in the skies. She had tion. A postal card, with your name WOOL, both washed and unwashed, consequei.ce I began to make money , tention she can make money by de. . Only a dollar a dozenforroses, : xv, 28.E „ been in failing health for the past 2J and address, to Busy Man's, 111 Uni-, or willlsexchange for my manufactured from the start. At the end of that year 1 voting her extra time to chickens, : instead of a dollar apiece.. You ♦ 12.- Parable of the r Sower, Matt. years and her demise was not unex versify Ave., Toronto, will. secure you my profits were sufficient to lead my i where she is situated as I am, with ♦ save $11 right in the beginn- • xiii, 1-9, 18-23, Golden Text, Jas. 1, 21. wpted. Deceaseds birthplace was this copy. We know holy good Busv You will find a fine .assortment of husband to advise nae to sell all the three little ones to look after, pigeons ♦ ing. j 13. -"Parable of the Tares," Matt. VPigtonshire, Scotland, and she came Man's is,alnd we would b6 glad1o, have Kugs .and Bed Spreads, alto a good -chickens exceptingjust enough to�keep are much to be preferred. • ♦ Tf you are going to live on ♦ siti, 24.30, 36.43; Golden Text, Matt. to Canada 40 years ago, locating in our citizens who fish hunt, canoe or supply of BED BLANKETS, HORSE the family supplied with eggs, and de- "In calculating the, coat of m ♦ • ' BLANKE`.PS and YARN of various R Y our father-in-law you will ♦ East Wawanosh, her maiden name o on vacations, take advantage of vote my moneyand time to pigeons. pigeons you must remember that all xiii, 43. being Rachel. Cowan,,- she being a colors.. According to iri experience it takes find him better -natured in Third Quarter, No, 1. --"Pictures of g Chis liberal offer, g y p my stuff comes fcorn the farm'and at ♦ June. Hia gas bills have court- ♦ • „ sister to Jno., Alex, Isaac and David, . The above goods are guaranteed to four times as much time and money the rates my husband would receive # menced to decline, while he ♦ the Iiingdom, Matt: xiii, 31-33, 44- Cowan of this locality, Her sisters be pure; wool and will, give satisfaction. toraise chickens as tc raise squabs. from an outsider. That makes it ♦ can still wear his winter hat, ♦ 52; Golden 'feat, Rom.. xiv, 17, are Mrs Jno Andrews, of Hallett, Dr de Yan's French Female Pills. " .IeSSe G�edh1ll Incubators and brooders are not need- cheaper than it would be if the cost ♦ June is the month of senti- A simple outline of the book thus and Mrs A Day, of, Wingham, Iii theWife's Friend ed for one thing. Pigeons hatch their of delivery had to be taken into ac- .* ment, and the only one in Che • * far would be according to chapters: the. year 1875 the subject of ,this A reliable regulator; : never fails - own eggs. They are careful to keep count. ,lhe market price of squabs ♦ twelve when the heart of a ♦ i -The genealogy and birth of ' the notice was united in marriage to the While these pills rre exceedingly RLNIIIIILLER / the young squabs covered for the first ranges from $3 to $7, the best prices ♦ pawnbroker expands toward ♦ , late John Bradnock who predeceased powerful in -regulating the generative' �I few da s or until the young birds bein received in the winter. As our ♦ Bing; .ii -Phe visit of the wise men P g g y g ♦ his customers. ♦ her by 23 years, The children are:-= portion of the female system, they'are grow feathers. They also attend to farm is quite near Philadelphia the ,e If you are to pass your hon- ♦ and the flight into Egypt; iii -Testi- Jno„ of Cypress River, Man.; Mrs U strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap �+ � We 'C UTLE R feeding their young, which relieves cast of expressage is not heavy. That ♦ eV moon in the country . you * mony of John the Baptist and of God Whitney, of Detroit; Mrs W :Dobie, imitations. Dr de Van's are sold at $5 you of mixing and sometimes even is an item that should.alway be con• will find the moat tender, and ♦• the Father at' the• baptism; iv -The and Thos„ of East Wawanosh; and abo'x,or three for $10 Mailed to any. cooking food, as they have to do for sidered by persons thinking of raising ♦ poetic radishes in June. ♦ Bing and the devil, the King's call Miss Janette, of Detroit. Two daugh- address. The ,Scobell Drug Ca. St, pain ter and Paper Hangar. young chicks. All that you have to squabs for profit, ♦ Don't delay a good thing. ♦ to repentance" and His call to the first ters, Grace and Aggle are deceased, Catherines, -Ont. All work guaranteed. do is to give the old bird the proper 0 You. may be • min -struck in * disciples; v-vil-Theof. the king- the latter being killed. by accident. '' Prices' reasonable, food. ♦ July. • dori,; viii and is -The Dings creel. Mrs'Bradnocit, who was in her 61st 00"04•••••R "SesNM•N• \ "When the squab is from 20 to 25 There is more Catarrh in this sec ♦ The reason given for so •♦ year, was a splendid neighbor, a wise • • Residence nearly opposite the days old it is ready for market, and tion There the country, than all other * many proposals in March is . ♦ tea s; x -The mission of the twelve; careful wife,'a lovingmother and her if properly fattened should weigh • diseases put together, and until 'the ♦ the high winds. A feller blows s1 -The Thug's rejection b the pea • JUST A REMINDER. • Collegiate Institute. 1 something under one poudd, Squabs a y demise takes away a f)iithful member = g sold wholesale by the dozen and last few years was supposed to . be in ♦ in and the words, blow out be- ♦ ple; zii-7-'he• King's rejection by the of the Presbyterian Church.. Funeral are , ♦ fore he knows, olid then he has ♦ rulers- `and His estimation of them; Was Tuesday afternoon t6' the Union. _ • curable., For great many . years We are'all prone to •forget, of the Sfaildard weigh is eight pounds to doctors ronounce'd' ilia local disease • to ice theuiaik•or go through .� xiii-The seven parables covering the cemetery; . Rev. J,L Small, B A.., her • Monuments the dozen, but where there is a cross p with a breach -of• romise suit. ♦ astor � conducted a suitable" service, course, and due allowance must and prescribed local remedies, and by Z D present age, or the mystery of the p a • bP made;for the frailitiea of of runts and homers the weight is Tal- constantl failin to' cure with local ! The bereaved members of the family Choice DeSi signs moat four pounds heavier. I often y. g kingdom, xiv=John beheaded, .5,000. • memory. - reminder once in g1. haves uabe that weigh a pound each. treatment, pronounced, it incurable. ♦�♦�♦♦♦���♦♦•♦N♦N••�♦�N will share in ; the sympathy. . of the • • q Science has proven catarrh to be a fed,• Jesus walking. on the sea; av awhied oil not, hope ije con. • .... _ _.. er--•the _home>� -.- . ..W. >. - Necessit of heart worship, the great _ _ Many persona prof _-� - community. • -is, out.of place. Our 'rate • Best Materials, conatitut?o"nal"'disease''a� therefore: -v: - `---•for-subscriber"s.:oa nosed with dragons, because of the ticles. faith of a': woman, ;(SZK'S"i'ecl `-"" $1. when •_ - ..� o.• cr g re wires constitutional treatment. Make Your 'Toilet- Ar w After the age�of.'&O people find afdin advance. Look at your a larger number of squabs, but I have. HMI's Catarrh Cure, manufactured An irl call have the very best tot-�, 'The Old Testament is. full -of testi- that their strength is not what it used p � Lis• �� Ui c found most money in the larger size b N J Chane & -Co., Toledo, Uhio, y g label and,if it shows you in ar •! squabs, When 1t comes to the sues- . y y he Tial articles'iP she will make them: her mony concerning a kingdom of peace to be, and they frequently suffer from • rears, please remit so as to pay, . • bppoaite'the.Post: Office. Tinton, tion of health I have found them is the only constitutional cure on t self, .and many of them offered for and righteousness for all nations with sudden exhaustion, and weak heart v it some time in.�advance. market. It is taken internally. in Owing to the postage, our about equal. doses from 10 to drops to a'tea spoon, stile aid the°arores will often do a per- Israel as the center and an immortal theioinviTorating etoo c Ferrovi9n,' "The pigeon house must be kept fuse It acts directly dron the blood and manent lujliry to a delicate„ skin. pian 'as. ]ling on the throne of David. g rate to American subscribers i l 0 R' M w.i n clean or the death rate among the composed of fresh beef,Ci mate of Iron $1.50 a year. It . is essentialUrd lXs ..1' i V L. 4.O a mucous surfaces:of the system. They . Should a lotion be needed for perspira• as literally : a kingdom on" thin earth and pure old Spanish Sherry Wine. tr that this be paid in advance. • • squabs will eat up all profit. The offer one hundred. dollars for , any cion. stir oue �uuce of hydrate or• as were Babylon; Medo-Persia, Greece Nothin could be more .beneficial in roofs of all my pigeon houses are as g • Address THE NEw ERA, Olin - case it fails to cure. Send , for ,eircu- c hlo a l ' in ane pint of soft • tioiled wa- and home, the kingdoms of this world such cases. $1.00 a bottle. • ton, and rem'it`by registered let: :. Having secured a commodious Grain impervious to rain and snow as the r keel.-) in a Bottle, ApP?y with having become the 'kingdom of our ..-- -- •' • Storehouse, we are now buying, all Lars and testimonials. ter or' money "order.; • roof of the best dwelling, but "at all Address: F. J; CHENEY &•CO.,Toledo 1e'' .and k i T.0 FILE RECIPES.. : • kinds of grain, afor id.which the highest times there should to an abundanceuf Ohio. soft old Itn(rn and allow: the lotion to Lord. and of HisChrist (Rev, xi, 151. • • prices -will be paid. . 11 ventilation_ Concrete floors are the rlr;i o❑ the akin. 'fro keep the bands in `Great.violence has been done to the - . • 11 best because they keep out rats,which gold by Druggists, 75c. g.ScriptureReports `Saved of Nineteen Lectures, �•M•Nti ofteeg•••MN•N• 0 ' • Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds 'of are the word enemy of the squab Take Halls Family Pills for consti- good eonditlon ,keep a preparation of plain. teaching of by assert - ser I keep m floors covered at Dation. .vinegar. and cornmeal ready for use ing that there is no future for Israel Not One. Ever.. Used.. __ JT grain, Seeds and other feeds kept. oil raiser, p y , and atter «aching clothes or doing any as &nation, that the chnreh is now Many housekeepers clip recipPc and. hand at the storehouse. least an inch deep in sand and air- . lime. This is raked over once R1TIG. work "that soils the hands wash them the true Israel, that the kingdom of •directions for cookery from'.newspa The•Boston lacked THE COOK AND TFIE C /� a week and a fresh sprinkling of lime' 'lu warm suds. rube the hands well God is within tis and that Christ will pars and '.magazines and. file them Hopper. a •Ford . &,..McLeod D not have a l ingdom' on- this earth. In liOpper. _ - added. A Problem Worthy the Attention of.Al)1, • w"nth the cornmetil mi•stur"e, then dry away in .envelopes }ing' boxes in a —_ `,The nests are built along the back. s uti rub a few drops of boneyand wa reply to these Pour false and unscrip- useless. 'way.. A tvonl who saved Maas of gatvaniaed3ron, of the house in six tiers, allowing two. Earnest Women. '- with swiaginggrid:mesh; ter well :into the ,skiii: An excellent lural assertions see Jer, ssaitt. Note full' reports of niueteen ' courses of ;.: . arid, follows grain onto " ds. In each ways awake.gs;i ,,Oprof amused tli'at He.said God's kingdom is among o ed her`'os eo. maticelly,,klclaing,in bests for each pair of birds. It al incl, safe face powder is made by sift- cool.ery.IE_ctures and enj y p, ,. w till, "all, is consumed, nest there is a shallow earthen dish, woudcrmeut In gre.: says Marietta,,, ore rice owder yon -or in, the` midst of..you�(uot.with- place U-(3cGI�S in : hale a pound. oP _ P session conPeasrd tLiat she had never ixc,s3zos. Made e into hese , _ :_.. -dna' _.. _ fi ��... ,, -, � „ :. ..... -,._ , . M d nest is built. I use t as s eakfn to untie ,. .ux w.....: ,. u�.•. . e .Ww w. ... <...... :. �n which the 1,;1Qd iu 'Table Talk, alien l hear learn- ,� in yotr), for. -Hew p g dishes or saucers because they are re- eight or ten times sari then acidin� a tiled onr3 cecYpe but oP all-thtit remark. - pVBITE 1 oR CIAulm-AR Olxr Iew stock ofyBfl?;e' Bug - a dishes a ail and cleaned atter the ed men, especially bishops, tell school- lievers who were ready to kill Him a y p P• fen' drops of oil of rose. and a. Tillie stile collection. 1 n her case it .was Save labor, save tinme;:'save feed, save money • g'1P,S, With auto seats, and also squs.bs are taken out:' ;inti thiit. in urcler to secure hnsBands t irmlt]C'1P. ybU_ want. the powder tint- (LUke SVIi, 20, 21, margin), and, as to Conservatism that kept her bound .to . "Tobacco stems and refuse from to- s learn to Ue, nod cooks. ed: Use of the best cucumber .creams His saying "My kingdom L4 not of a Yety mailings; But there are other AI C KAUFIIIAN. Clinton piano -box Buggies, are HOW bairn factories make the best miler- they .rnu t g this world" (John xviii, 2G), see in the ia{s for the birds to use for n ests. A .Just ,is though 1 man ever thinks se= is. made by cutting up .awn large cu- . reasons why .some women do not by open :for inspection. o d su l should -be kept in each same _ verse His explanation in the o pp y P riuusl of cooking when ire' is really c'umbera into Balt a cupful of water new ways. Fn some Families.members p�" i We have also a •ni6imber of gen for this purpose. Where hay or 3 ag lb Idea is absurd and allowing them to simmer for half words, "My kingdom is not from are unwilling to alit any'dish that they ��e Bac,PaiOfut straw is used it is next to impossible and truly in love. e d an hour; then strain,, sad a cupful of hence."• Believers are .born from are not accustomed to or .that their : g h re=built buggies, which are to keep the pacts and birds free from Yet it is undeniable that a large pro- boilii)g water, ten grains of powdered above and are not of the world,. but fathers did not eat Before •them. !n SIIIQ11Lal good, servicable rigs, and will vermin. My runs or flying yards are portion' 'bf unhapj)y marriages result borax and enough tincture'of. benzoin they are fn'the world, so His king- other Households time is limited, and ' all covered with wire patting and from an imperfect' khowledge of the to make the water look milky and bot- dom -will be on the earth, but not by famfllar cookery is more easily done; A be sold at reasonable. prices. built in such a way as to have a tree sublime art of cookery on the part of tie when cool The shin may be kept earthly power. it will come from This latter reason has some weight, VurBtd ]ln Tian �a�S, Or or the shade of one gvere at leasts, heaven with Hlm when •IIs comes in Your Money BzitCfl. WAGONS and part of it. Though pigeons are fond the Rife. A11 aensiBle women know in tine condition by using a little bo yet the conservative cook is likely to Of the sun and take delight in sun that their power -and influence in the rax in the water every time: the face His glory. As believers we are joint overlook new ways that, after a- Pew The moment you suspect any Kid- �+ iiaths,there are days in the summer heirs with Him of this kingdom, kings , rove to 'be shorter or Hey or Urinary disorder, or feel DEMOCRATS y Hume is .inseparable from their nisi= and hands are washed and then rub trios would p, Rheumatic pains, begin takigg when they seek the shade." n and priests unto God, and we shall tical ability to prepare healthful and bin, this lotion well into the skin. An better than the old: In the winter my houses are heat- ,. reign. on. the earth (Rom: viii, 16, 17; • • I am also agent for the JaCksoln hot water pipes, which I am ttpPetizing foods for those under their excellent fluid for keeping the scalp It is strange, but altogether true, i11S ed with P P char e. The problem of our time is clean and free from dandruff is made Itev, v, 'J. 101• "That we may walk that many housewives place implicit Farm Wagon, built at St,, George. sure eaves enough squabs from perish- g P worthy of His kingdom and glory 'These Wagons are all up-to-date and Ing of cold to make the additional ex- to increase the nuwber oP, careful and with half a teaspoonful of: the borax let us understand the promises to Da- Ct?illi in rather inde5uite recipes for FIG PILLS are sold with a guarantee guaranteed. rise an economy. At feeding time urte{ligent cooks and so lift the race Powder. 9i small piece: of 'gum rain• id and Abraham; -believing fully: the Aunt cane's cake or Betsy Jones' ap• to cure all Kidney,, Bladder or Liver My long experience in .the .business pe y the windows and doors of each hquse uu iu a higher plane of life, phot and hale n pint of soft water, and v ple pudding;. but,. given a rule from troubles, Indigestion all Stomach : is a stuarantee that all rigs sold by we sped regardless of weather to bf. roblem supernatural. birth of. the Tlessiah g are op g it is clear to me that t s p nue 'of the best and safest washes for 2 23h Let us worship . !)ria of rhe modern teat books, they. Disorders. . are First1. Class,`and well built. allow the Birds to flv. I keepa plenti- ) 11. the mouth _lied teeth, is made by add (Hiatt. 1, 1, 0 gill use it with ' suspicion and will FIG PILLS are Bold at all leading fol supply of clean drinking water worthy as it. is of the attention of a , Him as .did the wise men and' be as drug stores at 2fic. a box; or five for Repairing and PaintingPr d mpt s pply in summer in the fly, in earnest wonreu, cannot be satisfactori-, tui; one ounce of the powder to one - want to add a' little more of.one,thinfi 1,00, ,airing Attended to. wit obedient as: Joseph. and Mary (Matt .• winter in the hoose. The drinkin Iy solved by educating women alone. pint of Bolling 'water and then before r or cat down another ingredient just $ g it is cold adding half a teaspoonful of il, 11, 13-1,,), Let us continually give. a trltie.. The;, seem to resent being yy • troughs araall of iron and are cleaned Mim is ars important factor in the all honor to Him whom -the rattier John L,eslle, . once each day, Sunda,ya included. I lroinr•, and it {s as much the I>usineas spirits of camphor.- the hair tonic .told exactly how to d. a, thing. in ♦♦4•♦d♦�♦�♦,l,♦•%�•1•♦•1♦•l•♦9+♦1,��, and the Spirit so honored'(Matt. iii, ♦ feed my flocks three timesja day,•ex- should be rubbed well into the scalp their mir+ds the miscellaneous, colleo- uf ,) ipso to know what foods are help once a week, About two teaspoon- the w Let us overcome the devil by , tion, printed and sold for charitable Cor. Duron and Orange Sts. fill and what harmful as .it is u wom- the word of God, as Jesus did, and ♦ �(Ow M a� ----- - - itri's, In the stress' of modern Business Culs of the mouth wash in half a glass purposes, or the rules for cakes and ♦ *How LIl * �- _ become His faithful followers (Matt. Dies sandwiched between the . testi- life it is unreasonable to expect a of mvaher. is the proper proportion, and ♦ the finid whitens the teeth and keeps iv, 4, 7, 10, 2Q, 22). Being heirs of niciuy of miraculous cures are Ear Bet- • ° • married man to do actual cooking. it aurin a kingdom, let us manifest the : in a Duze��� ,�- Troubl;ad i h he does it some part of bis work out- the gums in a healthy condition. : ter authority than the exact formula ♦ spirit of it and make the hastening of in Clie pliblic.scliool cookery text book side the home must suffer:. ' f;ut tP lin - �' _ it our first' business always (Matt. v, or o[ the advanced schools by domes- t Twelve! I and you C,Ount Backache For surprised Her.. at:not ran work ire cars always crib- 1G; v1, 33). Being of good cheer be - rise. I II t should therefore be taught A gentleman' who had spent the cause of sins forgiven, let us be filled tic science. them to see If you .get greater portion of his life in Canada it la noticed that housewives are Now Com- haw to criticise 1ntelllgently in such a with the Spirit and go about doing, ,,gpeGiuily slow to adopt new methods them, t0. When you buy * '� Years., ictal Cared relates an amusing experieiice which good as He did (Matt:. L4, 2, 22; Acts F 8 any as to help his wife and not try befel him. to breadmaking which take from the • a Wedding Ring and pay 1411110 . $y The Use Of , her temper to its utmost limits, He had been on a hunting expedi• g+ 38), process almost all tbp uncertainty. in ♦ ♦ >� k r r y Domestic ttuhappine5s usually arises tion for several clays in the back- As His witnesses we must depend Cacti it is almost impossible with the Zfor T81�, yOtl cant 'count ♦ v���,..; DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. in one of two w?tysr-either the wife is woods roughing it rath(,r severely, upon the Spirit always and fear noth• �_ . � -- - . g g Y modern recipe spin a fresh yeast cake thein, you take .the deal- I�� yam' Mrs. W. C. Doerr, 13 Brighton St., incompetent olid its it Lntur•al const` and on, taking a seat in a railway car.' Ing, not even death .(Matt. g, 20, 28= g er's word and often et • London, Ont., writes: -"It is with to fail' in making alight, sweet )oaf, g ♦ "- n T_ r% L , d quence ultra sensitive to criticism or ria;e returning homewards he looked 30)• Wholly submitted to God, we. In the old way a little yeast and much � � We Sell ♦ ""-' ,pleasure that I thank you for the goo us Begrimed and weather-beaten, a tinte were used; in the . new method ♦ ♦ � �� our Doan's Kidney Pills have done me.. rile .wife is really it good cook. But her .may know 'and make it manifest that I 1�. dr .less: + trapper as ever brought his skins into His yoke is easy and His burden light' more yeast is taken, and the time irotn i �Yedding Rings, and there 0 'Have been troubled with Backache efII for husband has been gpoileci and reader a settlement, (ngatt. sI, . 25-30). Having become to, sifting the flour to taking the loaf years. Nothing helped me until a fri ed bearish by living at good hotels aloe Mo happened to fired a seat next to Him as brother, sister, mother, our: g g IS exactly I $)� -in every t)rought mea box of your Kidney Pills, restaurants `where '+many hands make a young lady- -evidently belonging to from the oven is reduced to Live hours. Z Test them ♦ We Want t0 L'aC1i1 I began to take them and took four boxes, light work." Boston -who, after taking stock of hearts y elle so frill of Him that: +.Blit the bread tastes of the yeasty ♦ 18 Ring. ♦ g lad to say that I am cured en- and am y There fs only one remedy for this linin far a few minutes, remarked: out of the abundance of peace and joy! asserts the unprogressive cook. -Just 0 any Way you like. your first order, because we know thiat3 inial and rain do all my owir work and Boys ting" it{s must "Don't,.you find an utttrrly passion- which He will give us Oe shall al -I so years ago? conservative men and ♦ the satisfaction you will derive'rain 1 tans good as I used to before taken sick. t start of affairs, y fi t itya„lQea women, worrying over the passing of ♦ that it open your byte try the' fart fee g ' Kidne Pills are barn cookery aide By side, as they fol >;ym atihy wind na.ture's host ut• w k His Aa (Ma.i,k. zU.1•- ♦ t cahoot do better anywhere P I am positive Doan s y , carn.ite aspirations among, the .sky a the Brick oven, were sure that dread . W •• R Counter ♦ ". all y-ou claim them to be, and I advise ' lea n other ntces5ary knowledge., Tile topping mountains and the clirn aisles _=�'`�'• baker, to a stoV'e tasted of the iron. . • ♦ eine th can with us.. 5�ou will Q1 kidney sufferers to gyve them a ftiir b3 who knows what to eat and holy cf the horizon -teaching forests, iiiy ,moi find that we aro not all at sea in our trial." to help, not hinder, digestion in the gti>ocl Ynati? ' a The best housekeeper selects wisely ♦ • business, but tliorou hl. `up - to -the Let Doan's Kidney Pills do for you kitchen: -will be a 'kind and helpful "Oh, yes," replied tine apparent JelVoler soli Optician. •, � � ��O �' /� Prow the old iways and takes readily ♦ minute" and watchfu ,o£ the interests what they have done for thousands of iritic ,to lits wife. The wife who l,)icltwoodsman; "and i also ani fre. A to. the new that are proved good by • of aur customers, knowing that, by so others. They cure all forma of kidney and art of cookery a).uantly drown into an exaltation of For Infants abet Children,' those rvho iiave superior 4ppoitunitv,, 0 doing we a enefitly acting for otic trouble and $hey curt to stay cured, I.nows the sciencelSSller Of ♦ wn ultimate benefit. and"� �/ u ` you hf for experiment and study, li the ♦ (� �/ c Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for will consult her husband"s taste and solatsinfinity of absbtractiContiguity Tho Kinn You flake Algia S U g science of household economics 'de - Price., Z A. VO 11 NV $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on blend It with her own, knowing that 1yhcn my Boise, stumbles." � Marna a Licenses.% s , Q• • 1► reran t of rice by The T. Milburn Co., the masculine t)olnt of view in cook. "Tricl(•e(1'! said the yonlig lady. }dears the Q fancied on the average family kitchen � k united Toronto, Ont. try, as in all else, is a valuable cor• much slir))rrsed, "I had no x1ra. the for a(lrancement it would do little �' Merchant Tailor, , Clintons, L „ i aturo of a z_�. more thin tnitrk time. When ordrtr►ng specify "DOMIs," 0 rw:tive of the feminine. lowr,r vlaas(+.s felt like that. -`lvit-Hits. L ��������F��F��r����1��1� ' ., �