HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-07-07, Page 1k Minton Nei • VO 401 O.3 CLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY 7, 1910 visiting in Port Stanley. Jnhn Sterling left for Port Stanley RoyalBaRk on Thursday morning last. Messrs.Russell, of Glamols, spent OF OANADA Sunday in the neighborhood. HEAD OFFICE, - MONTREAL Capital . . . $S,00 o, o o o Reserve Richard McClennan returned home from Detroit on Thursday last, Norman McDougall called on friends. in the neighborhood last week. John and Mrs. Cox spent a few days at Sprinkbank, returning home Mon - Miss Ala McDonald, of Detroit, spent a few days this week under the parental roof. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Irwin and daughter of Winnipeg visited at John Blair's last week. Miss Minnie Johnston returned: to Mitchell on Monday, having spent a few days at home. O. W. Potter and son Harvey re- turntd home on Monday having spent a few days at Curries. Mrs. Sterling returned home from Port Stanley last week, her grand-. daughter Mina *organ accompanying her Misting sting who was called home on Tuesday last to attend. the funeral of his father Henry Hastings, return ed to Toronto on Monday. $5,900,000 day evening Assets . . . $72,000,000 125 Branches, and Correspondents throughout the world. ,Every facility for the trandaction of Banking in all its branches, nterest allowed on Savings accounts at highest current rates. Courteous treatment accorded to all customers. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON (BRANCH Seatorth a* The Ogilvie Milling Company are having a large addition built to their business office. Miss Thompson, of Tuckersmith,left this week for Europe. She was ac- .eompanied by Rev. and Mrs, J. W. Hodgins and Lloyd Hoagins, of Strat- ford. Dr. Thomas McQuaid, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., is here on a visit to rela- tives and friends. The doctor is a graduate of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. Wm. Ament sold a fine team of working horses to Jos. Archibald this week. One of the team weighed 1,850 pounds and the other 1,750, and the xi rice was over the $600 mark. About half a dozen of Tuckeremith farmers were up before Police Magis- trate Holmsted oh Saturday far in- teraction of the dog by-law. Fines were imposed upon all but one, whose case was dismissed. Edge & Gutleridge have in the past week secured several large contracts from the C. P. R. They are for works on the railway station buildings, -round houses, etc., in the Midland .dis- 'trict, the contract being in the neigh- borhood of $90,000. The Bell Engine, and Thresher Com- pany has now in course of construc- tion two threshing outfits for exhibi• tion at the Winnipeg g i fair, andwtwo of P the same kind for the Brandon lair, 'The engines are 30 horsepower, while the separators are of the largest size. Porter's Hi11 Miss Rhoda and Elms, Betties tt es are A SUPERIOR SCHOOL TORONTO, ONT. 44)pen all year. Enter any time, WRITE FOR HANDSOME CATALOGUE, Holmesville Miss Myrtle I.a}is visited for a few days at Brussels. A number from here spent the 1st of July in Gode 'ich. Miss Edna Levis spent Sunday. with Miss Edith Levis. Thos. and Mrs. Ford, of Berlin', visit- ed at Jno. Ford's this week. The Woolens' Institute will meet on Monday afternoon, July 11th at 2 :30 p, m, at Mrs. Mulholland's. Miss Smillie of Toronto will address meet- ing. Everybody welcome. The Rev. 0 R Gunne, M. A., rector of Clinton will D.V. preach in St. John's Church, Holmesville, on Sun- day next at 3 o'clock. It is hoped that there will be a large turnout on the occasion.. . GARDEN PARTY - The Methodist Church had delightful weather for their Garden. Party on Wednesday night on the lawn of G. Hollands. A large crowd was presen Land theClinton Citizen'sBand gave and excellent mus- ical program. Auburn SCHOOL Raman -The following is the report of the Senior Department of Auburn Public School for the month of June :- Intermediate IV - Examined in Geography, Literature, Composition and Arithmetic. Earl Raithby, Jennie Stalker. Rena Barr, Alfred Lemp. Jr. IV -,-.Examined in Geography, Literature, Composition and Arithmetic: -Reggie Mann, Effie Stoltz, Ellen Philipps. Sr. TIl-Exam- ined in Spelling, A rithmetic, Geogra- phy and Grammar: -Lena Plunkett, Agnes Creighton, Willie Carter, Ar- thur Lemp, Jr. IlI-Examined in Spelling,.Auithmetie,,,•Geograph.vsand. Grammar -Elwin Raithb_y, Berdie Ferguson, Olive Taman.- earl Mac- Pherson Teacher. Goderich There passed away at his home, 250 Huron street, Toronto on Monday. James A. MacKay, who had lived re• tired in Toronto for thea past fifteen years.- Born in Goderich. Mr. Mac- Kay was in business there for some years up to the time of his removal to ••••••.•••..••..•.•.•..... •••.•.•.••••..••••••••••••. The Morrish Clothing Co. • ORDERED CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING ..• ••. '� g. .y..3. .4.-l••4••3••II••4••4• •� �1••II••1••1•-l••l�•II••1•�l••II••1••1••i�•1• i••l��r•F-4•.l•.l•.1•� -4••3•-3••1• •4• 4•-i• �• 4• •fi•�4•:•k•�§;d••4• �,. . • • �• • • nveiling of the Cloc •,. • . • • ' • • • • • • • or eat Just one • Saturday more, -July 9th •• • and the WeeklyUnveilingof the CLOCK • • • 4 • CONTEST will be completed. ,scFor the last week, SATURDAY, July 9th, to make the -contest ' more interesting We will Give $6.00 in Cas. The person holding a Time Card nearest the time the clock stops will receive $3.00 .in cash ; the second $2, and the third . $1. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 • • . • . . . . • • . . •• • •. . • O • • ••. . • . A ticket given with everyy $ $1.00 Cash •• Purchase. Any ticket good until contest closes -July gth. i • • • Clock unveiled at 4 p.n,, shar p • i •+•+4+•+4+t•.+.+•4 Mt +• 04••+•444••3•4••4••••••4•• I 2 • . • •••44•11•••1'•••••••••••••••e414.4••••••••••••••••••4: The Morrish Clothing Co. A Square Deal For Every Man" • • W. H. Kerr &• Son, Editors and Publishers Hose Of industry Statistics i909 County Of Huron House of Refuge . at Clinton From the June number of the• Municipal World, we glean the following statistics relative to the Houses of Industry in Ontario for 1900. It will be seen that the average cost per week varies from 92c in Huron to $2:94 in Simcoe. This is no doubt due to a different system of keeping accounts, says the Muni- cipal World and a uniform system of House of Industry accounting should be installed if statistics such as these are to be of value for the purpose of com- paring results. The kickers in Huron County whowere so much opposed to our House of Refuge,should read this report and see how our home ranks com- pare with those of other counties. Following is the statistics. COUNTY Value of Buildings Value of Contents'. Value of Land re o Brant • , . ' Bruce Elgin i" Essex . ' Grey . Hastings Huron Kent Lambton Lanark n Leeds and Grenville.. . ...... :_„......... `� '"""21'000-00`--25130'00-r-15000-00 $ 20000 01) 22000 00 -� ..3780 OU 30000 00 16500 00 41506 00 25000 00 20000 00 . 18000 00 22516 00 20000 00 30000 00 . 10000 00 ' 48000 00 22000 00 31000. 00 12000 00 22000 00 24350 00 25000 00 30000 00 33226 00 3438300 35000 00 11600 00 ` 35000 i 30000 00 $ 1800 00 $ 3500 00 1200'00 3500.00 2500 00 9944 00 4000 00 6000 00 . 2000 00 4000 00 6500 00 . 7000.4/0 2000 00 3500'.00 1900 00 5000 00 ; 3000 00 6000"00 4488 42 6500 00 .2000'00 4000 00 5000 00 5000 00 . 2000 00 4000 00 172.4 00 4140 00 - 2000 00 4000.00 3000 00 7000 00 1500 00 5000 00 ,.2000 00 3200 00 2150.00. 5500 00 1255.00 2000 00 2000 00 4500 00 ' 2400 00 ' "7000 00 ' 3040 00 7777 00 :.5000 00 15000 00 2050.00 3690 00 • 4000 00, 2000 00 5000 GO 5000 00 .61 . '61 100 . 50 97 69 472 50 60 78 100 "'-"79"' ' 66 - 90 45 48 100 50 53 ' 96, 100. 45 100 70 100 60 . 58 70 Nee Inco o." Middlesex Norfolk ' Northumberland and Durham.: Ontario', Oxford • Peel Perth .... Peterborough : Prescott and .Russell Prince Edward ... Simcoe Victoria ' .. -. Waterloo Welland Wellington York .. ammi=teemeenermas RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES Average No.. of Inmates e p, '. y O CD .. :-. a, Municipal Treasurer Sale of. Products and Stock From all Other Sources Nor Expense 'Etc For Capital Account $ 5879 51.1$ .775 29 $... . $ 6542 41 $ 47 . a ' 2 67 3700 21 . 182 75 427 90 4310 86 • 46 1 55 5126 06 617 58 214 30 6329: 13 54 ' 1 60 4847 01 1443.05 484701 ' 38 I 63 4000 74 822 95 190 00 4852 87 39 1 90 6882 44 479 28 796 35 6882 44 54 . ' 1 79 4355 34 1008 93 76300. .. 6430 82 90 .92 3.4 3398 20...... -•. 47148 ' 3667 46 43 .1 62 6142 19 ' 330 00'............ 5909 29 52 1 77. 700548 977 48 3418 71 7005 48 5927 18 70 166 • 4199 76 188 96 ' 440 50 5622 22 57 . 1 69 a-X80.39.,.--1-r07.:33.a- -70018...... .-,-588&-30 ava aaaa .r ........,.,.:36..,,,.� -� .., -1-'58- 11485 99 462 49 533 48 , 12501 90 67 293 3146 74 198 06 3856 99 53 1 39 940132 618 39 371 39 10391 10 . 70 2' 85 5648 35 447 05 .1372 34 7460 74 . 57 2 13 6355 61 560 86 97 00 ' 5640 39 '67 1 61 1769 12 839 70 2608 82 28 1 21 3853 82 ` _`322 OI 1879 36 6055 19 63 .. 1 89 6897 34.. 441 70 244 51 6897 34 28 1 70 3704 7.1 102 88 771' 17 3704 71 .......•29 ' ' 1 94 286016 ' 399.78 120 20 2.347 69 ` ' 23 . 194 : 8719 63 1835 33.......... 10554 96 . 69 2 94 5279 05 409 84 81403 ' 6502 92 ...... 60 1 68 • 7607 32 1758 24 645 50 . 10283 46 .... 93 1 41 2809 06 .575 15 1335 21 ' 4719 42 . 56 96 6525 92 242 58 . ' 345 25 5582 51 .. 70 ` 129 '654000 . 76 13 326 50 7594 86 73 1 54 Toronto. He had been ill for ' a long time, but his condition lonly 'a short time ago became such as "to give his friends concern. The remains were taken'Wednseday morning .for inter- ment at Goderich. There 'survive i s MacKay; with whom' he made his •home; there -nephews,. -Donald -18 Toronto; :'Robert- of Pittsburg, Dr. Adams, Toronto, and Miss . Adams. 'Deceased, who was unmarried, was a member of the Presbyterian'Uhurch and in politics was a Liberal. • Brussels Sophia ;'Rapapooth. before Judge Murphy for divorce S a t u r d a y at Detroit said she met Victor U. Rapapoth and .went with him to Brussels, Out., to be married in 1907. He promised to take her to London, England, for the honeymoon, she said, and while in Toronto she handed him her money, $500,' and a gold bracelet. S ie has never seen him since. Constance • Mrs G F Dale spent a few days at Fullerton visiting friends there. Mr L Proctor spent a few days the guest of his mother Mrs Jas Proctor. Mrs L Clark, of Bengali, spent a few clays the guest of her triend Miss Annie McMichael. 'Quite a number around here attend- ed the school picnic at Harloek, Our Constance boys won a nice foot -ball for beating the Westfield boys at the game. Mrs Jas Proctor left on Monday for London where she will spend a week with her son there, then she starts for Idaho where she will spend some - trine with her son Richard Proctor, Promotion Exams.. Total marks 725. Required to pass 362: -Flossie Lowrie 518; Chas Lowrie 368; Myrtle Lawson 498; Irene Riley 515; Janet Lindsay 493; Harvey Taylor 556; Geo. Clarke 513; Arnold Oolclough 367; Fred Armstrong 458; Clarence Clarke 457: Leo Stephenson 416; Annie Taylor 416; Lizzie Riley 310.=A R Farnham. Miss E. and M. Brown and their grandmother, Mrs. Stevens of Londes- born visited John Stevens and H. Cud- more of Tuckersmith last week. Nt bile Robert Crawford was return -.I ing home teem Chur on Sunday night, the horses' nit broke and ' the linimaLbecaw,e•i nmanage'Able.'_It ra' - into the fence and was' soon stopped.. The occupant was not hurt but the buggy went to the repair shop. DEATH -After a illness ' extending, over some years Miss Maggie Letitia Henry, aged 3I years, 3 mohths and 19 at'her brother's days, passed away home on Saturday of last week. The.. fuinei al was held on Monday and in- terment was made at Bjyth Union. Cemetery. Report of Junior Department of U S S No.5,Hallett, for the Winn month of June: -Jr 1 -Edna Raithby, Sidney McClinchey,(equal) 456;Arthur Yungblut,432;Emil Lemp,431; Clayton Ladd, 401; Bert Earle, 375, Jr Pt 2 - Elden Stoltz 479.. Inter. Pt 2 -Mary Barr, 514; Eddie Earle, 397. Sr Pt 2 - Victor Lemp 824; Frank . Raithby; 754; Glen Rarthby.675;Auirey Dawson 5')2; Harvey Armstrong 459; Harvey Dawson 428. Jr 2- Maggie Taman 1381; Ethel Murdoch 1100; Gertie Ladd 1044; E Schultz 937; L Schultz 915. Sr 2 -Iona MoClinchey 1404;• Roy Barr 1266; Lureatha McKnight 1264; Harry Beadle 1031;Graeme Symington 1023; Georgina Beadle 913; Fred Earle 831; Lewis Ruddy 798;'L Yungblut 792; Victor Yungblut 785.• Average 26. -Cora B. Ferguson, teacher.. • tion of the road, which • ' had gravel piled in ridges. on the.centre,• not giv- ing sufficient clearance for .the heavy i. car. Mr. Holmes and his son, who 1 were in the driving seats of: the car andthe other passengers landed under' P g the' tonneau. Mrs: Holmes and Mr. n ane wvr,g,l he mnt ieverelv_injured, but are now in comfortable quarters at the Commercial Hotel, in this place, where all the party were immediately conveyed in a carriage and another car and attended by Dr. Milne. They I will return to Toronto on the morning ' train. When some farmers ' near the scene of the accident were applied • to ' for assistance they refused any help; and so deep is their antipathy to auto- mobiles that they even expressed the wished that more of such cars would meet with accidents. The touring party had started from Toronto in. Mr. Holme's car last week, and had travell- ed several hundred miles touring west- ern Ontario, coming round by Palmer. ston and Wingham, and were on the way returning by London and Hamil- ton to To 'onto, Mr. Holmes is a barris- ter in Toronto, and Mr Lane a well- known the • same city. capitalist fromnre Mullett Harlock picnic was well attended, Miss Goodfellow is, visiting Mies M. Snell. Miss Ada Brigham is on a 6 week's to her sister. Miss M, Crawford is home for two weeks vacation. Miss M. Lee is spending a week with friends in Blyth. Miss Eva Shobbrock is 'visiting friends at Exeter. J. McCool spent Friday with his sister in Wingham, Miss I. Hazelwood visited her sister, Mrs. Hoggart one day last week. Miss Eva. Rapson was the' guest of J. and Mrs. Philips a few days last week. Miss M. Livermore. of London Road, visited 'her friend, Miss May Adams,' last week. Mies Maud Lyon and Mr. and Mrs. Lear have gone on a trip to visit rel- atives in the West. 4. • • Tuckersmith D. Cudmore bought a fine 3 year old horse from Mr. Grummet. Mrs.¢Jas. Nott spent this week with her daughter, Mrs, McCannel, of Ex- eter. Mrs. Jos, Stevens, of Londesboro, visited friends on the London Road, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Goldthrope, of Sea forth, spent last Thursday with her sister, Mrs. W. Rogerson. Blyth . About 6 o'clock Sunday morning a heavy 60 horse -power touring car was flying thru Blyth on,its way to Tor- onto, when it suddenly swerved to the 'side of the road, skidded on the wet grass at the edge, and, without any warningaturged turtle in the ditch, imprisoning its eight passengers, with the exception or those on the front seats, who jumped. Only the height of the back of the car saved the lives of those in the tonneau. This kept in two tors of heavy machinery from crushing them to death, In about ten 'irinittes all succeeded in crawling out of the debris, saturated with gaeoline; which flowed down like a waterfall from the tank. The wife of the owner of the car had her shoulder dislocated and was badly bruised about the body, and one of the other passengeas ' was unable' to walk from injuries sustain. ed to his back, • The cause given (for the accident was the dangerous condi A Shocking Accident At'. i`Iolmesvil�e ' .N. Albert Proctor b Shot Nephew w . Y p Walkerburn Miss Annie Jackson has been 'visit- ing at her home. Miss Margeret Jackson spending the holidays at her home. Miss Mary Patterson, of Clinton''is spending the holidays at home. Miss Hess left on Friday for 'her home in Zurich for the holidays. Joe. Scott, of Toronto, spent a cou- ple of days at his home last week. S. S. No. 3, held its annual picnic in Ball's bush last Thursday, June 30. Miss Mary and Colin Fingland are spending the holidays at their home. Mrs. Arthur, of Parry Sound, is visiting at her brothers, W. Jackson. Miss Gertie Bielby, et Morris, spent a few days with her friend Miss Dora Scott. Miss Iva Govier, of London, has been visiting at her home and other• friends. Goderich Township Mr. John McGuire spent the past week visiting friends in Cleveland Mr W Dunbar will (D.V.) take the services at Myth on Sunday where lie officiated on Sunday last. Miss Scott, London, formerly of Brussels, is visiting her brother Mr A Scott, Bayfield Line. Mrs Tasker, Sr., of Tuckeremith, is also visiting at the same residence. COUNCIL MEETING:-- The regular ` Urr meeting of Goderich Tenn ,hrp ou oil met at Holmesville on July 4th. 1910. The minutes. of the last meeting were read and approved A petition signed by a number of ratepayers was presented requesting aid for the fam- ily of the late Henry ilastin $75,00 Was granted, $30.00 for fusneral ex- penses and $45,00 for maintenance of . the family. The Amendment to By., (Continued to Page 4) Canadian Manufactured Goods are alright -the very best as a rule -but the English sure has it on them in the menu, facture of Paris Green There is none quite so good as BERGER'S A chemical test proves this true. We sell BERGER'S, and no other brand, and it posts you no more that an inferior kind, Buy the green that never fails to bring results. W. A. McConnell Phm. B. C.,P.R. 'Telegraph Agency x111,641A4.1~10111111V11.110SM Once Again You will find it necessary to buy Paris Green We just want to remind you that we have Berger's Best and we are selling it this year at 30c per lb. We Buy the Best for You W.S.R. Holmes Phm B. Manufacturing Chemist. = $ ....,,..,...,14,..;,.....s....,...s TheKeW,� Factor In order to supply the em- ployees of the new factory, we. will keep the following Cured Meats . Smoited Roll e• ' Breakfast • Bacon -Skinned Backs Long Clear Bacon Bologna and Fresh Sausage Fish Fresh Lake Huron Sal- mon Trout on Wednes- days and Fridays. Last Sunday morning about' I 30 Albert Proctor. a lad of I7 years, was alcidentally killed byhis little nephew, Joseph Palmer, aged 13 years while they were playing burglar and police. man. Mrs. Palmer had only come, Detroit on Saturday o and bought an air -rifle to her son, who lives with hisgrand-mother Mrs. Wm. Proctor, gra and on Sunday morning, Mrs. Proctor acccompanied by her daughter•kft to walk down by the river leaving the two boys in the kitchen. The lads were' playing with the air -rifle and started to play burglar and policeman. In a few minutes the• youngest boy picked up the shot gun that was standing in the corner and pulling the trigger the gun shot off the shot hitting the other boy above the left. eye and taking the side of his head off. Death was instant.. The little fellow who realizing what had happened, ran to where the wo- men were and then over to neighbors. Word was sent to Dr. Thompson who drove out and saw the body and on Monday had a jury summoned and an inquest was held at the home. Those summoned as jury were Jacob Taylor (foreman) John Harland, W. J. • .Tozer, Roht. Downs, Jas. Ford, A. Morrish, F. Jackson, D. Cantelon, It. J. Miller, C. WallisW. Paisley, Rich- ard Downs, John Cover, Geo. Rend• er and John Cantelon. The lure viewed the body and heard what. the young Palmer boy had to say and adjourned till next Monday, when the inquest will be resumed in the Coun- cil Chamher, Clinton at 4 o'clock to hear more evidence. A • number of witnesses being summoned, The sudden death of the boy was a shock to everyone and muchsympathy was expressed to the widowed mot- her, whose only support on the farm T oN-I THE HUB GROCER. Phone 48 • was the boy and to Mrs. Palmer, sis- ter of deceased and her little son, he being unconsolable, as the two lads were the greatest of friends and al- ways together. '• The funeral took place to Goderich on Wednesday. t Sure Death to Bugs Berger's Paris Green is the standard a d for quality, and ty, effectiveness. It does the work quickly, surely. .There is, never any doubt of results. _ Abso- lute certainty of results makes BERGER'S the best Paris Green to buy. ��i,t1FO^•R SALE BY••����L1 J. 1 . 0v. Dispensing Chemist. he Molsons . Incorporated 1855 capital, PAID UP $3, 500;000 - Rest Fund, • $3,500,000 Bank - rre i ' Has 73 Branches in Canada, and Agents and o spo ndents n all the Principal Cities in the World, A GENERAL BANKING BITSINESSTRANSACTED. , SAVINGS- BANK LE.PKRTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton B'rarich. - - C. IDOWDING, Manager; •