HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-06-30, Page 31
talned MO the beet soli that esu, be PAM AND TOITIJUS
bad;utdinirer garden Well Ifrlpne batter
can be procured. If manure is haltd
to get lige street sweepinga; or bone
3 ?+ 't�f ` t 3�i - oneapint to the busiuel�oProportion
as or soft
R OM;t, When bone weal ie used add. a light
tiY�+ Ir �rink.le of wood ashes if they are to
be had, If ordinary garden soil is used
and It is medium heavy add a light
sprinkle of wood quantity of sand, or
coal ashessifted fine, say about one'.
third, In one word use the best
materials at hand, We have given
them in the order in which we con-
sider them best adapted for the pur-
pose, the idea being to secure in ad-
vance of planting time a compost
with all the necessary elements thor-
oughly incorporatedwith the soil
ready to be taken up .and digested by
the plant and convected into leaf,
branch and bloom as soon ae plant
and soil come together.
This compost may be made any
time of Lite year but preferably in
the springer summer. If made in the.
spring it will decay much more rapid-
ly during the warm summer weather
than during the cold fall and winter,
and will be in Shape for pot planting
in the fall. If the compost, is to be
used for planting line rooted plants
such as Begonias, Ferns and Prim-
roses, add one part wood dirt or leaf
mold to two parts of the compost.
Never use wood dirt or leafniold alone
They have nct sufficient fertility for
flowering plants and are apttobecome
sour if watered freely.
It the heap is made near thehouse
or in full view of any public place it
may be hid from view by planting
Morning Glories or running ;Nastur-
tiums on the. top which will soon,
not only bide the unsightly pile from
view but make it one of the attrac-
tive spots of the garden. When pos-
sible it would be a good plan to turn
the heap over once during the season
by slicing it down the side with a
spade. mixing it well together. When
wanted for use slice it down the side
and sift it through an ash sifter and it
will be ready for potting plants or
putting on the flower bed.
• •+•+•+•4•4•i•i-O44+•+0+•+•+•
• ERS.� ••
•Remove flowers as soon as r
• they begin to fade. This not .l.
• only adds to the appearance ' •
but prolones the period of •
Time now to make a second •
planting of Oandytuft, Sweet
Alyssum and Mignonette to re- ,i;
place those which will soon• •
run out. These give the best
flowers in the fall. •
Do not water window boxes •
in bright sunshine. Do it in +
the evening of early morning, •
. and do it well.
:j • Feed rambler roses to eti-
• courage long vigorous shoots
from the base,
•p Look well after the grasson t
• the lawn. Do not allow it to 3•, .� .-------
erieroach on the flower bed. •
•i.' Avoid injuring the vines +
• when gathering Sweet Pea •
r pull + not pick bloom. Use the scissors, .do •
o th
emoif . 4-
•Prune back Spireas, Spriia-
• gas and other flowering shrubs •
• as soon as they are dcne flow +
• ering. Any newly planted •
shrubs that are growing freely '1'
p. should receive a s•
evere prun-. T
i m•
oot cutting of Pelargon-
luras now l o make flowering •. I
plants for next spring.
Pull out the small weed. Re- '
• member if left it will 80011 be
Prompt Relief and Cure
Can Be Obtained Through
Dr. Williams' Pink
To make a flower bed which will
not require to be rel it/4e every year,
mark it out the desired size and
shape. 1F the top soil is a fairly good
loam remove it to the depth of ten
or twelve inches placing it carefully
at one side for further use. Dig the
bottom of the bed as deep as can be
done with the digging fork or spade
breaking it loose and fine. If this
bottom soil is heavy clay take part
of it away and substitute an equal
quantity of sand and wood -dirt in
equal parts, mixing sane clay and
wood -dirt all together. The sand will
assist in draining off surplus water
while the wood dirt will hold a suf-
ficient quantity of moisture in reserve
to besp the plants over a period
of drought. This wood•dirt is the
decayed remains of logs and stumps—
that black, soft mellow dirt \Pound in
woods, around trees and in the hol-
low places. If this dirt cannot be ob-
tained saw -lust may be used in lib-
eral quantities although it will be
• some considerable time before it will
be sufficiently decayed to be as valu-
able as the wood dirt. If it is not
convenient to use either of the above
mix in a considerable quantity of
manure. The more thoroughly decom-
• •posed this is the better although
not absolutely necessary at this
depth. But whatever is used mix it
thoroughly through the sail. Then
put in a four -inch layer of the top
soil which was carefully saved for the
purpose. (If this top soil is not a
good loam it would be better to pro-
ceed according to directions given be-
low for snaking compost.) Add a
two inch Layer of well rotted manure
from the horse stable. This fertilizer
is preferable to any other for the
majority of outdoor floriferous plants.
Mix this thoroughly, then add an-
other layer of soil and manure mix-
ing as before. Leave the surface of
the bed slightly higher in the centre
than at the outer edge. This not
only gives the bed a nice rounded
effect but helps in draining off any
surplus water. It the bed is intended
'for flowering plants and manure from
the cow stable has been used sprinkle
over the top about one pint of pure
bone-n.eal, to the square yard. Mix
this web into tbe soil. The manure
will furnish the nitrogen, and the
bone -meal the phosphoric acid, two
elements so essential to flowering
, plants. Do not use bone flour for a
bed of this kind. Bone -meal and
bone -flour are powerful fertilizers.
The former is unevenly ground and
the finer particles decompose rapidly
in the warm moist earth, while the
larger particles decay much More
slowly, extending their period of use-
.• fulness over a considerable time.
flour is bolted, or
fine as the finest dust, consequently,
for immediate effect a given quan-
tity of bone flour would be a score of
times more powerful than the same
• quantity of bone meal, but its period
of usefullness would be equally short.
The beet time to make a bed of this
kind is in the fall aS it- is netatt' &Vs-
-easy to get well rotted manure especi-
• ally in the larger towns and cities,and
tbe moist ground of fall and winter
will have the effect of counteracting
the burning action of most partially.
rotted manures, especially street
sweepings or that from the horse
stable, and bring it into good condition
• by the spring, Wherever partially rot -
rotted manure free stable is used great
• care must be takers to keep the ground
constantly Moist, as this fertilizer
contains a large amount of ammonia
.and its burning action on the soil will
cause the plants to shrivel up and die
before their period of bloom is half
Indigestion is a condition in which
the stomach is more or less a}astble to
digest the food, Even a light case of
indigestion means much misery, but
when the troubie is at its wuret the
life of the sufferer is one of constane.
and acute misery. Indigestion is re-
cognized. by a burning sensation
the stomach, bloating, an oppressive
feeling of weight, belchingwind,pains
in the region of the heart, often vom-
iting and nausea, and a dread of food;
for tke misery it causes. Dieting and
the use of pre-digested foods may
give soiree relief, but will never cure
indigestion, The workof indigestion
depends upon the blood and the
nerves and the only way to cure in-
digestion is to so tone up the stomach
that it will do the work that nature
intended it should do. The very
best way to cure a week stomach is
through a course of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Theserenew the blood,
strengthen the nerves and thus give
tone to the stomach, and enable iG to
do its work with ease and comfort.
No one suflering from indigestion in
even the slightest farm should neglect
the trouble for an instant to do so
means that it obtains a firmer hold,
and daily the misery and suffering is
increased, and the cure made more
difficult. At the first approach of the
trouble take Dr 'Williams` Pink Pills
and it will speedily disappear. These
Pills will cure even the -host obstin-
ate case of indigestion, but naturally
it takes longer to do so Mr, Philip
Lafleur. St. Jerome, Que.. says :—
Oaf t
—""After I leftcollege, when •I • had.'
studied hard for four years, I suffer-
ed ea much from indigestion that I
found it difficult to earn my living I
was troubled with terrible pain', a
bloating feeling, and a sourness in the
stomach. Thiel led to a loss of
appetite and I began to show signs
of a nervons breakdown. I tried sev-
eral different treatments without find-
ing any apparent relief, and my nervi
ous system had grown. so shattered
that.l could not work. A priest who
was interested in me advised me to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I
followed bis advice. It was not long
before they began to bring me back
to health,• and in the course of a cou-
ple of months my stomach was as
sound as ever ; my nereous system
strong and vigorous, and I have Since
enjoyed the hest of health. I owe all
this to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for
which I shall always feel grateful."
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes . for
$2.50Brookvillefm The Dr
OWilliams' Medicine
Lesson L --Third Quarter, For
July 3, 1910.
[ eget brie but perfect !nary Imam*
Text of the Lesson, Matt. xiii, 31-33,
44.52 --.Memory Verse, 44—Golden
Text, Rom. xiv, 17—Commentary
Prepared by Rev. O. M. Stearns.
Having considered two of these sev-
en parables, we ase asked in tbis les-
son to take up the remaining five. We
conclude from verse 53 that all the
seven formed .one discourse, spoken at
one time,'four publicly and three. with
the explanation of the second. more
privately to the disciples only (verse
36). We must remember tbat He is
in the whole discourse describing dif-
ferent phases of this present age from
Ills rejection nutil Lits coming again.
the mysteries of the kingdom. What-
ever symbol or figure Lie explains
stands good for the wbole discourse—
as, for example, "the field is the
world," the birds represent .the wicked
one, the enemy is the devil, the har-
vest is the end of the age. • In the first
parable only perhaps a fourth part of
the seed bears fruit, at least only a
part without saying bow much. In
the second the children of God and
of the wicked one continue side by
side throughout the whale age, In the
third there is the unnatural growth
front the least of all seeds, not only of
an herb, but of a tree, in the branches
of which the birds of the air lodge.
in the fourth, the parable of the
leaven, a woman is seen leavening, or
corrupting, her food, for from Ex. all,
where the houses bad to be searched
and all leaven put away, all through
the Bible leaven is without exception
a symbol of evil, Our Lord taught to
beware of the leaven of the Pbarisees
and of the Sadducees (xvi, 6), and Pani
taught to put away the leaven of
malice and wickedness and use the
unleavened bread of sincerity and
truth (1 Cor. v, 8). The rule in an the
sacrifices was "burn no leaven nor
any honey" (Lev. 11, 11), but there was
one exception made in reference to a
tlia1TGsgiving offering, and leaven was
commanded to represent the evil that
was in their thanksgiving (Lev. vii,
12, 13, and Amos iv; 5). This woman
evidently represents the professing
church thoroughly corrupting her
teaching, and it is even now, as was
foretold in II Tim. hi, 5; iv, 3, a• form
of godliness • denying the power and a
refusal to endure sound doctrine. Uni-
tarianism and
infidelity Are
.pulpit where onlythe puregosPel
ought to be preached. 'Sarah did bet-
ter when she tools three nletteliree, of,
meal and baked unleavened cakes for
her visitors (Gen, xviin,. 6). With the
-devil catcilin •away the seed or'hin
.. sowing tares,
desire„ the fruit,
ing the church, causing false doctrine
to be taught, it does not look encour-
aging, but we are glad' that He is not
discouraged and that He has . told us
what to expect (Ise. xlii, 4).
Let, us hear the other "parables' spo-
paken in the 'house to •the disciples.
First there ls, a field ;with treasure
hidden in it which•.a man buys, bay-
ing sold all that he had in order to
buy it (verse 44). Tbfs cannot repre
sent the sinner obtaining salvation,
for salvation cannot be bought. . It is
wholly and only of free grace. .Neither
money nor .good works can obtain it.
And where is there even a hint that
salvation is to be hidden? Is it' not
• rather to be proclaimec};to all ,people?
Let us hold fast the teaching of the
previous parables, and. all will be clear'
and easy. ,The field is the world, and
there is onlyonewho can buyit, and
it is written of Him that; though He
was• rich, for our sakes He, became
poor. Wby should He need to btiy it
or redeem it? . Because; although he
created it,. He gave it to Adam, and
Adam mortgaged it tp the devil, who
was bold enough to say to out"' Lord
that he owned it (Matt. iv, 8, 9). Rom.
viii, 21; Rev. sail, 3, and other texts
teach that . it shall yet be fully deliv-
ered. Ex. six, 5, and references teach
us that the treasure is Israel, through,
.whom He wilt yet bless all nations.
'Op to the present, through all this age,,
she, is a bidden treasure, . and few
preachers make any reference to her
or look ,for .any -future for her, but
such should give heal to Jer. xxxiii,
24-26; in, 17; Isa. lea .
In tile parable of the pearl it must
be the same manwho gave up all that
he had in order to obtain it. As pearls
come from the sea, this . pearl -must
represent the church gathered from
the sea Of nations and in due time to
be a glorious church, not having spot
or 'wrinkle or any such thing, holy and
without blemish (Eph. v, 27)—a per -
To make the best compost for pot-
ting plants or flower beds, sod about
two inches thick should be cut from
some old .commons or pasture field.
Place three layers of these sods in a
pile with the grass side down. Spread
over this about two inches of manure,
-then another six inches of sod, then
more manure, alternating the layers
until the pile is as high as desired. If
there are no facilities at hand forkeep-
ing the pile moist during the summer
it would be better not to make it over
two feet thick as the rains would not
penetrate much deeper. If the garden
hose is at hand or the heap is made
near the house where it would be con-
venient to throw all thedish and wsah
water, it may be made higher and
these will assist greatly in its decom-
, ;position as well as adding much to its
fertility. In order to rot property the
heap must not he kept either wet or
dry Moist all the way through is the
best condition to iesure the thorough
assimilation and digestion of the
various • fertilizing elements in the
If sod for this purpose cannot he ob-
Invest 25 cents in a box of,
Davis'"Menthol Salve (;The
D. & L.") and be prepared for
a hundred ailments, which may
not be dangerous but are very
annoying and painful, like neu-
ralgia, earache, sprains, burns,
bruises, insect stings, cuts,piles,
etc. It is •a household remedy
always useful for some trouble,
and should be kept in 'the
family medicine closet.
Good Advice For Young
Welted to ism Who piercliflsed her, He.
said of Israel, "Thy beauty was pear
feet throu>llt my comellnee4 which 1G
bad put open thee" (Tarek- xvi. 14J.
When the time ox the nnystery h$4
passed the pearl --the chutrchmehall be
manifestly one with CUM. and israet
shall be manifestly Itis treasure in the
eyes of all nations. While the parable
of the net may have some reference
to the gathering at the end of the age,
we- must remember that Ile said to
some of Ills first followers, "Follow
me. and 1 will wake you fishers of
men 6(51att. iv, 39). Througl'6 all the
age the net has been gathering good
and bad, not taking all the lisle in the
sea and not gathering only the good
ones, but gathering of every kind, a
great separation to taste place at tiee
end of the age. Some consider verses,
G1 and 52 an additional parable.
14enryOlews, the. New York bank-
er, in the course of an address at
the annual commencement of the
State Uniyersity of Kentucky, at Lex -
in ton last. week, when the degree of
•,,,DA �,:,,
59 Canadians Who Have
Been Given Titles.
(Continued from Page 4.)
to more than one order, appear under
more than one bead :
Sir William Clouston
Sir William Johnson
Sir John Beverly Robinson
Sir• Cyril S. Rose
• Sir George Stephen
Sir James Stuart
Sir Charier Tupper
K. C. B.
Sir Archibald Douglas
Sir John Reade -
Sir Wilfred Laurier
Sir Richard Cartwright
Lord. Strathcona and Mount Royal
Sir Charles Tupper •
Knights Bachelors.
I,,�,vs,e•„oogerred on him,•iaid
"And now a word for .the young
leen only : Next to the unwisdgm of
selecting and following bad and in-
competent advisorsin the matters of
business, there are also certain per-
sons wbom, if you wish i to do well
and make •a' fortune honesty, you.
should be careful to avoid. Youwill
not always know them by their ap-
pearance ; in fact that is often the
,worst rule to go by, for they are gen-
erally well disguised. It is in their
mariner and conversationthat you will
find them out, and, that this be the
easier,I have made a collection of their
characteristics, as follows
Avoid a man who vilifies his bene-
factor ; •
Dandruff is Now a Thing
or The Past
To he troubled with the pest Dan.
ruff, is merely through ignorance,
There has lately been discovered a
preparation called • SALVIA that
absolutely destroys the germ. This
preparation is sold with a s
guarantee to cure Dandruff and to
make tbe hair grow, or your money is
SALVIA makes the hair grow in
The hair becomes soft and huffy.
'A non -sticky, daintily perfumed,guar•
anteed preparation,used and endorsee
by the elite of England and Paris.
Mr W A McOoonell has just im.
ported anothershipment of SALVIA.
A large bottle. for 50 cents,
Prepared from the grease
of the Canadian • Bear,
Delicately perfumed.
The Standard Pomade
for 40 Years.
1 All Dealers Soc. per Jearr.
•4 Danis & Lawrence Co., Montreal. •
Standard Elevator
Phone 64.
WANTED, to buy a young general
purpose horse. and a light wagon or
demo crat.
'Highest prices paid for good,
clean gain
The L. Suitter Company
Our new stock of Bike Bug-
gies, with auto seats, and also
piano -box Buggies, are now
open for inspection.
We have also a number of
ire -built buggies, which are
good, servicable rigs, and will
he sold at reasonable prices.
WAGONS and •
Roosevelt Returned Home
"Teddy" Roosevelt arrived home in
New Y ork on Saturday which;com-
pleted the most remarkable trip ever
accomplished by a private Citizen.
On March 23, 1909,.left New York
as the head of the Smithsonian African
Scientific Expedition. -
In Italy, between steamers,he meets
King Victor at audience. , •
On April 23, arrives at IYIontbasa,
where jungle itinerary properly be-
gins, and soon after echoes of experi-
ences in the jungle reach the outside
On May 14, 1909, emerges from the
jungle at Khartoum where he meets
Mrs Roosevelt and. their daughter
Entertained with alniost,reyal hon•
ors, he proceeds to Cairo.
In Cairo, address on British Rule
throw Nationalists into wild excites
ment and a student demonstration is
made against him.
In Rome, is drawn into controvery
with Vatican, tails to meet the Pope,
but is entertained by King Victor.
In Austria, is received by Emperor
Franz J'osepb, and visits the tomb of
the Hamburgs, while the heaven
also agent forthe Jackson
Warm Wagon, built at St. George.
These Wagons are all up-to,date and
My'Iong experience in the business
is a guarantee that all rigs sold by me
are First ()lass, an.i well built.
Repairing and Pain Ong Pro mpt
ly Attended to.
Wbo.unjustly accuses others of bad
Who never has a gond word for any-
body , '
• Who, when •he drinks, habitually
•' drinks ;alone ; • '
Whceboasts of the superiority of his
fitmily. ;
Who talks religion downtown in
connection with his daily bus-.
' inese affiairs ;
Who talks recklessly 'against the
virture of respectable women ;
' Who runs in debt with no apparent
intention of paying ; '
Who borrows small sums on hisno to
or check dated ahead ;
Who wail not work for an honest
living ;
Who looks down upon those who do;
Who is always prating . about his
own virtures ;
Who imputes bad motives
• trying to do good ;
Who betrays confidence;
Who lies ;
Who is honest only forpolicy's sake;
Who deceives his wife and boasts of
it to others; •
,Who chews tobacco in a public con.
veyence ; •
John Leslie,
Cor. Huron and Orange Sts.'
In Paris, reviews troops, addressed
assembly, and is entertained by Presi-
dent Faure.
In Christiena,addressed Nobel Prize
committee on international peace,
In 'Berlin, is the guest of the Em-
peror and review troops,.an honor
hitherto reserved for royalty.
,In London ie the United States
representative at King Edward's
funeral, and delivers addresses on
Alleged dangers that threaten, the
British Btti ire.
to rhos.
Who gets• intoxicated in public
places ;
Who partakes of hospitality and
talks behind his entertainer's
Who borrows money from a friend
and then blackguards the lend-
Sept.Oth to 17th, London, Ont.
The management of the Western
Fair, London, Ont., have for some
years bad under consideration the ins
stalling of a cold storage system in
their already we'1' equipped Dairy
Building, but not until this year has
the planbeen adopted. Workmen
are busy at the present time with this
work, and when the Exhibition opens
this year, exhibitors and visitors Will
find one of the best and most up-to-
date equipments for Cheese Exhibits
found anywhere.. rive Silver Cups
have been denoted towhrd the Cheese
Department and one , to the Butter
Making Competition, in addition to
the Cash prizes offered, all of whid'a
should make the Dairy Building one
of the most attractive pieces of this
Year's Exhibition, Prize Lists, Entry
Forms, and all information promptly
given en application to A M Hunt,
Secretary, London, Ontario.
Sir Hugh Montagu Allan
Sir Henry Bate
Sir John A. Boyd
• Sir Louis °assault
Sir William Mortimer Clark
Sir Glennolm Faiconbridge
Sir John Garneau
Sir Richard Scott
v -
Sir Aemilius
Sir Alex Lacoste
Sir Francois Langelier
Sir. James Lemoine
Sir William MacDonald •
Sir William Meredith •
Sir William Mulock
Sir Horatio Parker
• Sir Henry Peilatt
Sir George W. Rosa
Sir Samuel Strong
Sir Melbourne. Tait
Sir IL E. Taschereati
sir T. W. Taschereau
Sir .Themes Taylor
Sir Edmund Walker
Sir James Pliny Whitney -•
One fact Is better than ten hear
says.—Ask De Burgess, Supt. Hos-
pital for Insane, Montreal, for .Itis
opinion of "The D. & L." Menthol
Plaster. The genuine made only by
Dais & Lawrence Oo,
Troubled With
For Years.
Any irregularity of the bow0ls is 'al-
ways 'dangerous to your health and
, •uld be corrected at once for if this is
not done constipation and allsorts of
diseases are liable to attack you,
.'Iilburn's Laxa-Liver Pills acre Cote.stipation and all Stomach., Liver and
Bowel •complaints.
Mr, henry Pearce, 49 Standish. Ave.,
Owen Sound, Ont., writes:— "Having
been troibled for years with constipation,
and trying various so-called remedies
which did me no good whatever, I wan
d d totry AIilburn's Lax.. Liver
K. C. Ii. G.
Sir Frederick Borden
Sir Mackenzie Bowell
Sir John Alexander Boyd' •
Sir John Carling
Sir. Malachy Bowes Daly
Sir Louis Davies •
'Sir G. A. Drummond, C. V. 0.
-Sir Charles Fitzpatrick
Sir Sandford Fielding.
Sir E 1' Q Girouard D. S. O.
Sir James R Gowan.
Sir James Grant.
Sir Louis' Jetta' +. .
Sir P N H Lake, C. B.
Sir Daniel McMillan.
Sir William Mulock. •
Sir 0 A P Pelletier,
Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper.
Sir Wm. Van Horne (honorary).
G. C. Y. 0.
Admiral Archibald Douglas.
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy.
Lords Strathcona and Mount Royal.
We have .a very large assortment of Tiffany and
Flat Band
Wedding Rings
in to, 14 and 18-kt., at very reasonable prices.
Imported, oo Day Clocks
The latest novelty. Very richly finished at $11.00.
Mantel Clocks $4,50 and tsp.
•0000000000••l0N0MONe•t Ie•0•01140••O41N00•••
Z Inspect our stock of Silverware, Clocks, S
0 Jewelry, etc., before buying. It costs noth- i
ing to look.
Dr de Van's French Female Pills
theWife's Friend.•
A reliable • regulator; never fails
While these pills rre exceedingly
powerful in regulating the generative
portion of the fethale system, they are
strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap
imitations. Dr de Van's are sold at
abox,or three for $10 Mailed to any
address. The Se obeli Drug Co. St.
Catherines,' Ont.
't ea tilscutes.
One quart of flour, one teaspoonful
of salt. one teaspoonful or sugar. three
teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one ta-
blespoonful of lard. one pint of sweet
milk or water—water makes 'them
more tender than milk. Sift together
the flour, salt, sugar and baking pow-
der. Ilub in the lard cold. Add milk
or water to form lute a soft slough as
can be handled. Flour the board and
roll out,- cut with a small tin cutter•
and bake'. iii a good hot oven twenty
milintes'. . -w. , • „-.-.,,sem
Electric Restorer 1'or' gen
Itestores'every nerve in the body to
its proper tension; restores vier and
vitality. Premature decay and all
sexual weakness averted at onee,
Phosphonol will melte volt a new
Separator Not at 1 -aura.
Some farmers leave pails of nlil't
setting around on the frozen );round
or hang them up some pinee wiele
" "cuss"
lite do the chores
the cream separator and its maker be
persue c - , cause the machine cannot separate lit
Pills. I have found them most bene- nu el cream from chilled milk 00 froo
ficial; they are, indeed, a splendid pill,
and I can heartily recommend them to all
those who suffer from constipation:'
Price 25 cents e, vial or 5 for
milk separated as near animal heat las
at all dealers, or sent diesel on receipt Qhi]4lf1 Cry.'�'`t�+�R'S
of price by The T. Milburn Co. Limited,
Toronto, Oat.
I AS'To " lA
.110•0.seseeseilemo0000000 00.000••••00••••0.01
Any one member of each family who sends us
their name and address on a postal card, on or be-
fore June 15th, will receive one of our elegant
Souvenirs, to be sent out during December.
Edwin T. Adams,
Engraving done Free. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Is a General Nuisance, and Causes Sickness,
but it Can be Avoided by Using
swee in• claa-y,-•-J Dustbarne,�.L :uaoreov-ec, dig -a
..qn F g°
infects the room • and restores Rugs to their
original freshness The - women swear by "Dust- - 'r
bane " when once they have used it.
Don't have another dusty sweepin; day,. but
get a 35c package of i4'l)ustbane
X01. We are authorized by the manufacturers of
" Dustbane " to send you a 35C can of their
Sweeping Compound. We want you to use this
on trial for one week. At the end of this period,
if not found satisfactory, we will take it back,
and there will be no charge for quantity used.
It Does Away with Dust on. Sweeping Day.
You want it.
Sold in• bbls, half bbls, and quarter bbls, for stores,
schools; • churches, hospitals, banks,
and .public buildings,
Harland Bros. tor Clinton
• Canadian Factories St. JTohn, N.B.; Winnipeg, 'Man.
,Bargains in Furniture
Carpets and Shades
We want to clear out all teese goods before July Ist,
Low prices will do it ;
Dining itoonl Sets
Buffet, with long bevel mirror, lined. drawers, leaded glass •
doors. Six leather•seated chairs ; large Extension Table,
round or square, l -cut oak finish. Reg, $70, foa $63.00
Combination Sideboard and China Cabinet
A beautiful piece for your Dining Room. Four styles,
$23, $25, $26 and $lis.
Dresser and Etand
Princess Dresser, large oval mirror, 3 drawers,' stand with
high towel rack, reg, $20, for $1$.00
White and Brass Beds
Sanitary, beautiful and comfortable, $3.00 to $15 each
Brussels Carpet
Reds, green and fawns, reg. $L25, for $1.00 per yard
Cork Linoleums
Made in Scotland, 2 yds, 3 yds and 4 yds wide, reg. 00e, for
40e, 45e and 5Oc s4 yd • •
Windo4 Shades, Picture Frames, Room Moulding, etc., -
at low prices.
,Y. H. eheIlew
The NewEra is Mc People's Papet