HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-06-23, Page 8The el to11i1 New Ire
J1,1R1.01 2.3 1;o9;
The Men's$Iore
Straw Hats
'i. he season for Straw Hats is coming fast.
You will need one, and now is the time to buy,
when the stock is at its best, We are showing
a large range of Panama's, Boaters and Sailors,
Prom $i oo up to $6.5o
Outing fiats
Our range of Linen and ,Fibre Outing Hats.
is Larger this season than ever, and we are show-
ing several new shapes
From 25C up
Negligee Shirts
Soft - fronted 'Negligee Shirts, in great
variety of choice patterns, from all the leading
From 75c up to $105D
Outing Shirts
In great variety of weaves plain and strip -
'ed, in white, tans, greys, hello, sky, etc,, all
Sizes, 12 up to 18,
From 5oc up to $1:50
Boys two and three-piece
Suits, of Serge, Tweed's
and ' Worsteds, in great
variety, in all thepopular
styles to fit all ages, from 2•
years up.
From $3.00 to $9.00 •
Boys' Wash Suits, 60c - up
Many--"miger--S L E-47••••••
Opportunities to.. Save !Mone
.s cp ��'
l re Durir g i Sumuaer Sale
We are putting several good bargains on
our counters for this sale.. Space will not
perrnlit us to quote ai11 the Specials,
Come in and. see for yourself. Alt cut
Remnants of Prints, 8c -
Anotherlot of manufacturers' retia
flouts of Prints, Better value than
the last one, lends run from two to
eight yards, full yard wide, gC
worth 144, Circus Day ..
Rellillant§- Flannelette, 8c
Manufacturers' remnants of striped
o Flannelette. one yard wide, ends run
from two to ten yards, worth
12?c, Circus Dai* . 8C
Remnants of Toweling, Se
Manufacturers' remnants of brash
Toweling, plain and colored bor-
ders, worth 14c, Circus Day..... SC
Remnants of Cotton, 8e
Menotti cturers' remnants of Whits
Cotton, splendid quality and wide
width, worth 14c, Circus Day.... $c
Remnants of
White Flannelettes 8c -
Manufacturers' remnants of good
quality White Flannelette,, wide
• width, worth 14e and 14c, lengths run
from two to eight yards, Circus
g5c Ladies' Dolts, 15c
Five dozen Ladies' Leather Belts,
asso.ited colors, regular lac, Cir- 'lfic
cum Day
50c and 69e Lustres, $Dc •
Ten pieces of Farcy Lustre Dress
Goods, in stripes and checks and plain.
colors, anti two-tone, in navy, black,
grey, rose, reseda, wisteria, and'
red,�Iregular 50c and 60c. for .. , . e C
Two pair Bose for 25c
Ten dozen black and tan Cotton
.Hese, sizes 8 to 10, splendid value,
Circus Day, only
Two pain for 25c
$5.00 Skirts -for $3.79
Twelve. more Ladies' Mack, navy
and bzown Panama Skirts, trimmed
with Silk Ribbon and buttons., ,The
same quality as we put on sale last.
Saturday, Reg. $5.00. Circus $3 $,
Dap only
Odd d Skirts, $ 1,9$
*Fifteen only Ladies' Odd Skirts, of
Cheviot and Broadcloth, in. _black,
blue and brown; all sizes. A clearing
up of our Skirt Department. Worth
$5 00 to $8.•00. All at one price
Circus .pay.
$5.00 •and $6 0o Millinery for $3.5o
Circus Day vie are putting on sale 12 more New Spring
Hats, worth from $5.00 to $6.00, comprising the best values
in our stock, Miss Baker will be pleased to make any alter-
ations to suirlpurchasers. We' woL jdadvise early
shopping, for these are all at one cash price3,
$ 5Q
Holiday's will boon be here.
Ptsr;, loot at the label on your
flection In Manitoba •
The Manitoba Legislature was die.
solved this afternoon, and to -night the
date of the election was announced for
Monday, July 11; with nominations
one week earlier, July 4. '
A Rad Habit
Several boys and girls have got into
the habit of using chalk on tluildinge.
This is not very nice to see and the
"artists" are anything but famous at
Itht.ir work.
Big Crowd On Saturday
The Circus brought a big crowd to
town last .Saturday. Both morning
traina.had three extra coaches an to
handle the crowd and a great many,
i drove in. The day was an ideal one
I for the ,circus.
Sloe Stores ('laded
Oornnieneing next laionday all the
shoe stores will eke at 11.30 p Ext dur-
ing the summer mouths except
Saturday nights and nights before a
Crops Look Well
A note from Chas, H, I3aniy, of
Watrous, Soak., states that the crops
are looking fine in the West and wea•
ther warm. Mr. Il:anly is leaving
Wtatrous and is going 'to Lethbridge.
A Good Sueccss
The Garden Party held on the spac-
ious grounds of Mr. Peter •Cantelop on
Thursday evening last, under the aus-
pices of, the Wesley Epworth League,
was a good success. The evening was
warm aid the musical program ren-
dered by the Citizens Band was excel-
lent. Everybody enjoyed themselves
as the icecream,strawberries, cake and
home made candy were Al and the
waiters looked after everyone, The
proceeds amounted to $00.
Prospects For Fruit Notwithstanding the heavy trosts
ot late, the fruit crop hereabouts does
not seem to have been materially
ajtected by it. In early apples such as
red astrachans and the Duchesse both
stow an enormous yield., Fall pippins
an average crap, - Snow apples and
russets are very heavily loaded,and so
are the greenings. This being the off-
year for spies they will not be accord.
ing to the . bloom, more than half a
crop. Cherries show well and will be.
a good crop. Plums, late bloom, are
heavily loaded. Small fruits such as
paspberries, currants and gooseberries
also present a good showing.
No Riding Now
The Mayor has instructed the Police
to arrest all bicycle riders who take to
sidewalk. This islocking the.door after
the horse has been stolen, as Rev. Mr.
Newcombe was injured last Friday
evening though by accident by a boy
and a bicycle being on the . sidewalk.
The young ladwas playing with some
girls and as they went to catch him he
jumped on his bicycle and staved to
ride down the sidewalk. ' Seeing Mr.
Newcombe he jumped off, but in so
doing he fell against him which put
the old gentleman off his balance and
he fell oyer the wheel. breaking a rib.
"He Irtt "'beau c•o-n-f1-n-e--d---tp---•bed-
euffering from his heart owing to the
shock, but is now as well ascan be
First Class, Water
Dr J A Amyot has' reported to the
Medical health Officer at different
times since tha Town Artisian Welts
were'sunk and splendid reports have
been received each time, the last re-
port ie dated .•dune. 10th, the parts of
Chlorine reported have been from 6
to 8 to.the million which will be seen
is• almost pure. Samples of water
from surface .wells . have also been
sent at different times and sane idea
of how these compare may be gather-
ed from -the report which shows that
one well which is -said by the owner
to be one of the best inTown contains
40 parts to the niillioe. Our citizens
may be very thankful that the best of
water can now be supplied by our up-
to-date system of Waterworks.
Dis '
>piasal Of°Train
The Police Magistrate has received•
the followi g letter from J A Cart-
wright, Deputy Attorney General:
"Toronto, June IOth,1910
Dear Sir, -I have once - more to call
your attention to the lawwithregard
to tramps and vagrants. It is desired
that men of this class who it is be-
lieved are responsible for a large num-
ber of burglaries and other crimes: of
violence should be driven out of the.
Province, and it has been found that
the best reaults are obtainaed by im.
posing the full term of imprisonment
in the Ventral Prison allowed by law.
The practice of giving them the option
of a fine or of leaving the municipality
has in its results been found most un•
satisfactory, and 1 am directed to say
that'when any men of this class are
brought before you it is desired that
you should administer the law strictly
and rigorously, as in this way alone
can .serious crime be prevented. In-
structions of this nature have been
sent out previonsly,but have not been
acted on as they should have been,and
it is expected that strict attention
will be paid to the directions which
are herein contained. As the railway
authorities are co-operating with this
Department, I. have to ask you at all
Manes to assist the railway constables
,who may be acting in this class of
crises." »
DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ocu-
list, Specialist. will be ar W. 8. R.
Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday July
19th. Glasses property fitted, deafness,
catarrh and taming eyesight treated,
All day.
School Scholars Spot is
To -morrow afternoon (Friday) the
Annual School Scholars Sports will be
held, and besides the races there will
be two baseball matches ; the Citizens
Band, Will McLeod, Comic Vocalist
and Daveer will take part. Every-
body should take a half holiday and
enjoy it with the scholars at the Park.
The sweetpeas are in bloom, •
We print .garden ,party posters"
promptly and give a .free local of the•
event in the paper. '. '
wn -
ill d
A couple of weeks ago Olarence Kel-
let was in Clinton posting bills for the
Haag circus in - the stores. Friday
last he was run over by a train.and in-
stantly, killed, the body being terribly
A Circulation Booster ,
A newspaper offered a prize for the
best answer to the conundrum "Why
is a newspaper like a' woman?" The
prize was won by a woman in Okla•
homa, who sent in - the followings
"Because every .man should have one
of his own and not run after his
25c= =Window -1=25c
Our lac window, of last week, was such a. huge
success, that we have decided to have a 25c window.
commencing Saturday next, and continuing all through
next week. In making these Bargain Lots, in many
cases articles are qriced less than cost, or at a very
small margin of profit, and for thatreason, are sold,only.
the week advertised, and for. cash at the prices,. given.
Be sure and see our 25c window, as there will be good
value in a lot of useful articles.
The Good Old
Summer Time
would be much more enjoyable to many, were it not fox
the ever present worry of preparing meals.' A Gasoline
or Coal Oil Stove in the kitchen, reduces the noust
worry to
a minimum. No heat,d no anxiety about y
> � the
cooking -dust solid comfort. Now is your chance to
have that comfort :
51800 Gasoline Stove for $115 00
17.00 Gasoline Stove .. ... for 14 50
7.60 Gasoline Stove . .,foe 6 75
6,50 Gasoline Stove ,.,..."for 5 50
7.50 Gassline Stove, second
band, for 4 50
15.00 Gasoline Stove '" " (oven) 7 S0
900 New Perfection Oil Stove, (oven) 8 00
Plumbing llupplies of all kinds.
High School Entrance- Exams corn -
menet d on Wednesday .
The Test -
Tlie man who thinks he knows it, all
is never -
the 'fat father o •
h fa boyold b 1 enough"
to ask questions. •
Y g
No Kick Coarsing
An angler would have no, kick cora-
hag if the fish bit as peraistentlyas the
mosijuitoes.do at the Garden Parties
that have been recently held in town,.
The White Grub '
The *bite grub has made its appear-
ance in this neighborhood as well as
farther south. The white grub is the
larvae of the June bug which • lays its
eggs among the tufts of grass in the
hayfields and pasture land. The first
year it does very little damage but
the second year it commences feeding
upon the roots of the grass and grain'
so that they are completely destroy-
ed. It was thought that the depreda-
tions of this pest wereconfined to
the southern counties but this section
is also suffering. Its work is said to
be as destructive as thatof the wire
Tho Haag Circus
The big Haag railroad southern cir-
cus arrived in town last Saturday
morning at about 4 o'clock and by
seven o'clock the big tent was up in
the Recreation Park and everything
ready for the afternoon show. At
11 o'clock a parade was fornied at the
park and came down William, Victoria
Main Streets and back . to the park,
The parade was as fine a one as has
been seen here in some time. There
were wild animals, bands, clowns. el-
ephants, camels acrobats, and finally,
but not least, the steam callow, on
which the very popular tune, "Put on
Your Old Grey Bonnet" was played.
The streets were lined with people,
The show is strictly a southern one,
1 and this is the first time in .sixteen
years that it has crossed the Mason
and Dixon line and it Cants directly
'from the South into Canada. The
show in the afternoon wab first class
and there was nothing obnoxious.
'King Georgethe pride of the circus
-the camel born at Welland three
weeks ago -was the big attraction in
the,nneneverie. A trio of jumbo el•
ephants, a caravan of camels and
numerous other wild animals com-
pleted this end of shote. The work
of the imperial Japanese troupe, bill-
ed es the most sensational of the show
was wonderful. Head balancing on a
swinging trapeze and remarkable
hand work kept the audience spell+
bound while the Orientals were in the
rin The bareback riders, elowns
and acrobats pleased immensely. The
stunts performed by the trio of ele-
phants -•--always favorites with a cir•
bus cru d
w were equal, if not better,
thanolintonians have even in years.
A good crowd was at the evening
show. The Circus leftSaturday night
for Palmerston.
`Building'Wew Office
The KincardineReviewhas let the con-
tract for . a new 2 -story brick building.
The lower floor to be for',newepaper
and•'uppe 1itted. np with offi'oes and
living, rooms and then they'say"a mem-
her of Parliament has -no umoney. We
hope the proprietor, Hugh Clark,
ai. P, P., will be long spared to enjoy
his new quarters when finished:
Do It Now
You have often. wished you were a
subscriber of the old home paper, but
you have never got up to the oint of
planking down you. dollar. Now here
is your opportunity.For your spec-
ial benefit we are. going to make this
offer We will send The NEW ERA to
any new subscriber in Canada until
January 1. 1011 for fifty cents.
Fire Friday Evening
Last Friday evening at 6 t 30 the
barn of H. Garrick, just near the Base
Line and Loridesboro Road was not-
ticed to be on fire and by the time the
fireman got there roof. had "fallen in.
Mr, Carrick was sleeping.in his chair
at the time, but was lucky to get his
horse and harness out. He lost his
sleigh, coal, hay etc. How the fire
started is a mystery as Mr. Carrick
states he had not been in the loft for
over a month.. He had $50 -insurance
on the. barn. The fireman • were unable
to throw water as the hose amnia' not
reach to the barn,
How Mitchell Saw It
The following clipped from the
Mitchell Advocate:- An ' interesting
game of baseball played in the Deter-
son Park last Friday afternoon be.
tween the Clinton and Mitchell nines
resulted in a victory for the visiting
team by the close score of 7 to 6.
Punctually at 5 •oclock, Mr VV. R..
Davis pitched the first ball to Mr T S
li'ord; and Dr Burritt knocked a foul.
Immediately after the Mitchell nine
took the field. The opening three or
four innings were rather ragged, and
the need of constant .practice was
made apparent, but after that both
teams tightened up, and the game
from the fifth 'innings to the end was
as fast as anything seen here last year
The work of Parker, tb e home pitcher
was the feature of the afternoon. He
pitched a good game, and would have
won but for the poor, support he re-
ceived at the start. Besides this, he
madetwo hits, one of them for two
bases, and he also fielded h.is position'
in sensational style. - The game wound
up in a .hair-raising finish, Mitchell
came to bat needing one run to tie in
the ninth. Two batters went out and
then Mortson reached fled and stole
second, A hit would score hien, and
Matheson, the next batter, hit a
terriffic drive to deep eentrethat look-
ed good for three bases, but Clinton's
centre, fielder a€teralongrun,captured
the ball by a leap in the air. Hard
luck! It was a beautiful hit, but it
Watt also a wonderful catch,
Bamboo Shades are the CHEAPEST and •
EST we know to provide shade and com-
fort. We have them in many sizes, .and.
two .colors. • Prices less than last year.
are good to test in, cool to sleep in, com-
fortable to read i i, Our stock is liberal in
assortment and price' We invite your in-
Elc1ro 0, Faireo.
School Scholar Sports
The 4th annual !School Scholars 4
Sports to be held Friday will likely be
the biggest and best days entertain- i
Extent yet held if only the weatheris f
fine. Some big and new attractions I
are being put on that will plase both
old and young. The Push Ball game
between the Collegiate and Pastime
Club will he something new to see.
The ball used is 6 ft high, weigh 48
lbs and will be the second time played
in Canada. The Ball alone, is worth
$250 while the new feature will be the
Cockney fight, The Jockey Tug of
War, Billy McLeod Canada's Coinic
entertainer, The Children's Slide, The
Lady Ball Player, the Comfort Soap
Race, and many more things not put
on the programme. Everything is
free and everybody welcome; The
procession starts from the school at
120 and the committee would like
everyone who will to march in the
procession and also join in the spirit
of the fun,and make it .a big days fun.
A PrettyWedding
The spacious home of Mr and Mrs
David Cantelon, on Raglan Street,was
the scene of a verypretty wedding on
Tuesday, June 21, when their second
daughter Ida Isabel Peari, and Mr
Andrew Weatherwax. of .Orillia. were
married. The house was nicely decor-
ated with marguerites,orangeblosso. ns
and ferns and the wedding pitrty,enter
ing the room to the . music of.the 1
Lohenarin Wedding March.,played by '(
Miss Ida G Iiolmes, of Toronto, took i
..Lheianlaces under a bower of palms
and ferns, where th sl !"'but-~im= " --
pressive ceremony was performed by,
Rev W 1 • Jolliffe, The bride, who
was given away by her father, looked
sweet and dainty in cream silk crepe, 1
with veil and orangeblossom?. Lunch•
eon was served in the dining room,
and Mr and Mrs Weatherwax took'
the 5.15' train for. Toronto and other tt
points, the bride's going away'Irown
being of king blue broadcloth. After
a short trip they will take up their
residence in ;Orilliah where the groom
has, purchased a home. Mr Weather-
wax, who is a comparative stranger.
to Clinton, is a very fine .young man,
being manager of the Men's Furnish-
ings Department of the Northway &
0o. Store. Aiuong the guests .present
Mitelieli Uloids The Trophy
The thirdannual tournament of
the Faill'1'rophy Association opened
to the Goderich branch was played at
Mitchell last Thursdayafternoon. Mit-
chell was successful in holding the
trophy. The result Was as follows 1-
" • .Preliminaries.
Clinton Stratford
Hoover, sk.... 22 McOurdq, sk... 0
AmSeent.rt. shk.... 22 Ueda sk...... 231
I•'irst Rona. •
Clinton Goderich
Hoover, sk.... 10 Davis, sk...,.. 20
Mitchell Clinton
Burritt, alt.... 18 Forrester, sk.. 14
Seaforth Goderich •
Grey, sk......18 McLean,
Stretford Mitchell
Frame, sk....1S Cole, sk,..:,... 19.
•Second. Round
Goderich Mitchell.
Davis, sk.... 11 Burritt, sk...... 19
' Goderich Mitchell
Mol,ean, h.+..18 Cole, sk 22
The final round has Biot yet been
pplayed, When the donor of the, t o-.
hi �Mr, raid arrived he received a
great ovation. The Ganite of St'
Mary's were unable to be contestants
through unavoidable circumstances,
The Great Praotiotll Training Sebool of
Ontario. Three departments. COMMER-
We assist graduates to positions, The de-
mand upon us for trained help greatly ex-
ceeds the supply. The three most recently
placed are receiving $40, $30 and $100 per
month respectively. Business . men state
our graduates aro the best. Enter our
classes NOW. Get our free catalogue,
D, A. McL,aehlin
from out of town were Mr and Mr°
Weatherwax, of Tillsonburg; Mr Ed •
ward Floody, Toronto; Misses Ida and
Louisa Holmes, Toronto;, Mies Ruby °
and Mr Arthur McLean; Goderic h;
and Miss Edna Holmes, Seaforth.
The New Era throws the Editorial
slipper at the hap py Couple.
Local brief .
The crops are looking fine now,
School Children's sports on Friday
of this week. .
Schools close on Friday for the Sum-
mer holidays.
Clinton plays at Goderich oil
Dominion Day.
The Bowling •green : 'is -a favorite.
;•spot t'lydse"-daye----�,,-••�...�.... . •.
Don't forget the garden party to-
night tinderthe auspices of the 'Young
People's Guild of Willis church.
The High Court meeting ot the I.
0. F. will be held in the City of Handl.
ton on the 23rd and 24t13.' of August'
next. . • -
A circular has been issued by the
Education Department to the effect '
that. the special grant given, on ac-
;:outit of..teachers'• certificates, is. to.
be paid to the Trustees and not to the
teachers, as was done by order of a
circ ular. last year.
• follows present session and leads
• into Pall Term for Students in all ••
departments of the Central Busi•
nese College, Toronto. The largest,
most influential school in Canada t
for training young people. and
• placing them in good positions.
• Start any day. No vacation, Cato--
• logae free. Write THE CENTRAL
•'. TO.
• . W. H. SHAW Principal.
Youge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto
Another Fire a.
:At 8 o'clock Tuesday.nightafter the,
base ball match was over the stable
just east of Fair's mill was discovered
to be on fire. • : With in :four minutes
from the time the bell rang, two lines
of hose were throwing water on the
blaze and confined it to the barn; Mc.
Fair may consider himself lucky• for
having.•sucli good ;firemen; and the
waterworks, for by the time the
engine,would have got started, the big
mill might have been on fire. The
heat was intense andthe building
around the fire were will soaked by a
third hose. In 12 minutes .the . pumps -
• in the.power house were moving.
The Stad pipe has paid for.itselfinthree
• last fire, .Clinton has, had; Mr: •Fair
• had just had his Barn cleaned out and
raised and the menwere to :start to
put a cement floor in it. It, was ru-
mored that the last two fires had been
set •on fire,. and if so, the firebug
ought to be caught and a lesson given
e••••••••••••••••••••••••• . hint, ,•
4.44.444 4.44'•1.44 +.•l +4.4•+-•3-x4.•X44+++>r+++4.+•sF+++++++
mrnter footwear
SATURDAY next , we comtnence.our regu 1*
'far Clearing Sale of Summer Shoes, and for range
and quality, . this season's offerings are especially
fine. Allnew goods of this season's make
R CINI10 Shoos, High Grade �'.
' Ladies' tan Russia CAR oxfords, Goodyear welts, reg $4.00.
*. Saturday price ........ :..... ... ..I13 00 • 3-
+ Ladies' tan Rusafa Calf Oxfords,�Wing tip. reg.4i 00; �tur-
day price.,.-....,........ ,,........,....Y..... ...:...a 00 .;:i
Saturday ice ..00
,l,chocolate Kid'Oxfords, reg. t4 00, to ay li i 3 4-
.h REGINA Shoes'ta„,
t Ladies' all Patent Leather Oxfords, reg. $3,00, Saturday
Price ' .
'tel' Ladies' Patent Leather Pumps, reg. , $3.00, Satarday .1
price iii sg.
Ladies' Gun Metal Calf Pumps, reg. $3.00, Saturday 'l+
price . . ................... .:2 25 �"
4 Ladies'
.yG�Yun Metal Kid Pumps, regular $2,75, Saturday
'4. .• .priee..,Y... ,'• . YY. ....,,.I..,til' OO
Ladies' Patent Calf -Button Oxfoird, reg. $3.00, for+2i 60
+i+ . , 2
.l, Ladies Chocolate ii~id C>tford,°reg+ $3 00, tor ...
:l. Ladies' Black Dongola Kid Oxford. reg. $2.00, for 1 60
4* Ladlec Black Dc)ngoia Kid Oxford, reg. ff1.75; for .. ,.,..•1 40
Ladies' Black Dongola Kid Oxford, reg. $1..50, for t 20
* All, children's lines at clearing prices, . Our range.
is large and complete. Prices quoted are for
4ti 4.4.4+4.4�-4�4"4`'4:4.4.4•r444.4•'Sr4•t440r'hr+b4.4•'4•+l`4•44.4•+1++1,4;4 ,F,.
"al" -
Fred Jackson t
While vols Wait
>IE4.4.4.4+� ++1• `r3.4•+4' r+++ '4•+4•�E�4:4.4• tFd•+4.4•+4•+1•'l'++++ ' *++++3:'i*Z1+41