HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-06-23, Page 7.
/ , .
III 1. � #Inlk a 0t1afon 1O�_._..,,
.. - .. .... .�..---. .....-..-*.-.-x--�-....�-_ . e-
2 ,oMost cases of baldness are a were of 1lonmtbing to tire at. Awa r" �"'" Recommended and wo1d. by
71 • P *19..11.... 1�I�t••1- � •. dui salol rto neglect. hair they sight all abreast, erI`a ve pati r ..F, _
Bring would of serve. g � R. Adam, Londegbor
.. #_._. often becomes dry and dandruff "I'll take the left Iran, Miss Stara-
� �•- forms because the hair glands forth the center, Buck the right. $. LQW1iiAND, Clinton
.. There was no response.. All were too
�.: lv'EET . do not supply enough 11at- lutent ora the work before us to speak.
;..qjj lural. oil. Nothing overcomes I permitted the men; to come within a. •
:. , ' V. EX f' his deficient so effectively as : hundred yards, wbeu,staking deliberate
;f, N (G'� 1 y Y vnteen ears it took to .
,- tt(nl with the rest, I shat my man �e y
+-•� '- I that delicately perfumed, •re• through the heart. In another mo-
;.. t , d .
�. �• I:r ''' reshing hair pomade, Uewine. ment Ilelen's rifle cracked, and tae 11 find how to add Ones ectal in redient in elle
e,' ,t Cztpta!p P. �A�. I"1 ITCHMI-t ' +' avoid baldness ; ar ply i3earine ct!ater man. dropped. Buck, who was lrlght Way and amount t0 the pure lead and oil. and.
;f-, .} Author of Ohattunoo„a,. OU10sawauga,. Etc. excited, tired tv(!d and missed alto-
"` '' oto yfaux hair occasionally, All zinc of M L Pure Paints. Time well spent, for it makes
.� . 1.0 ' -; Copyright. Iro7, by harper & Broithtrs, '8;'i', i;etber. Ginger last his dead eom-
-'?�' _._ f• •. _ :..•.:..!...:,.. ...:..1«t e..;..;1..,..! ., • I :.•1.•�•;�:.:,-I•-}••=*'-I-. *•l -l••1..•:.:{:. druggists, 50 cts. a far. illetel•v and olid not fire at all, As Gin, these paints last twice as load as others; and protect . for
:;:..„a»' ..'e,» -f .{»2.1-.!_1} 1�..; :1,.F:I« �,«.-* .:,'� ..I"I- ..€..:-•1�F••1»l�-d••A-,»i 1-I�b •. - Kvr's. courage deserlell him Jack's came '" ti t .
, I better. Saves you was nd money on fault -full pain s
'"`a la t►er all oP u suddra.
_ V$fN Ito "Why don't yo' shoot. ringer?" she , Makes it Safe, as well as wise, for you to buy.
(O.,ntiuuc d trout teat wick-) i 64A V torefa uoofs w stit•ce;;s,ou. i V-1, - DAM 5 1
�d one, .two and at the third cocked /C cried, n:(ttl *lashing ekes, Snatching
. waren the point wuere rsuclt s uea4 my revolver. Through my half closed L his Butt britt aiming It at the retnaining + . I
appeared, expecting , Iran,' t♦ lea was rapidly getting down. Pure "
I to see it again, I lids l cast it glance .tit the guard, lila '
` t. I looked significantly the declivity, sae scut brut the rest of
but in its stead presently see two white eyes were Sint
Athick adhesive ointment, combined with for trsty with a lilup. Two inea were
polars. Stralulug my eyes, I discern i at, Ruck and G'iager'tq show them that JapaneseAlenthol and'Vaseline. two of the put out of the fight and the third dls- e
.he whites oP two eyes, then' a black I was ready, then motioned them to most svonderful healing drugs known. i
face. It soothes, heals andteudstorestorethose abled. 'a Z n t1.7
go. Waiting lou„ enough for them to who suffer from Pliles. Farache,Rheu-
It Is (*Inger. A white line appears put a Few hundred Sat•da between them matism. Cdatiing, irritated and outer '•i3y golfs," cried Huck, "we licked •
directly below the eyes, and lie is show- skintroublea. 'em, didn't we?'! Made is ever wanted color
And the camp and noticing that the The�vord"Salve'" literally means be well' [ tbpll:It It best not to discourage for ever
Ing his teeth in a smile. Ile raises his guards eyes were still shut, I prepared or in good Health. Try Davis' Menithot y painting purpose
arm, had, behold, another gum! ,lgutn t0 follow. Salveandyouwillberelieved, • biro by telling blit that this was only rid
_...._ All Dealers. . a ipreltminary skirallsh, but asked.Jack' Imperial, Varnish O ColGor Co. , . 9 .
a white line of teeth, and be puts the Rising slowly and silently, keeping DAVfS & LAWRa::YCE CO., Montreal. lot. the ammunition, and we all reload- Limited, of Toronto
I weapon down. live, 10, 1:i minutes my eyes fixed on the man by the tire, I � ed. Eataiilahed 188$
e4ppse. Ginger holds his ground. Has raising my revolver and taking as good Tile wounded man went back'to the 4
1 ,, �. . _.__. _ . _._ .. - ..
gone to sleep? No. Another five an &Iln es possible with bound wrists, c plain, who appeared greatly agitated ! f,ol
inutes, and he holds up another gun. I stoo4 on my feet. one step baric- ua tvuat naG in,ttpra,eit. pl
Ah, 1 see. Little Buck, with catlike ward, then .another, a third, a fourth, •'.heir starteA to awaken Captain over the result. Ile was evidently sur- 'p:
tread, is gathering in the arms. T hat's n fifth,, a sixth. . I toad reached • the (;oa t:inont, but l stol-lwd her. If you prised at the reception of his searching r, ofllr'I
well. Ile is far better fitted for such tinsbes where Ouc•k and Ginger hail haft I,ec=.n asSistetl to +•scape, this Nvot�lil .party The hien who had gone to the r11 I
de'icate work than a stiff old negro. been concealed and wa§ about to take lie 1'atai. Besides, frons what duct; bad Banks. hearing the tiring, rejoined their r
The little pantomime begins to take one more step which would secure colpo told me of the captain. I judged he leader. and two *nen who -had been In
shape In my mind and bring antlel pa- cealment when the f
p 1 guard opened his tvtntld have his n[;;lit's rest before the rust came forward. ,
tions of more than a tight for my own eyes and looked straight at me. st:Irting In pursuit, l told ,tack I would Hen ven preserve usl The captain has —& '
If 1 can escape and Buck and Surprise was his'last emotion, my t'gllow•you myself. and she was wild started up the slope oto be Lead of a •,1 didn't Joggle yo', Mars' Bic.+," Q
Ginger secure suHictent arms, it may Sgure tae last sif;ht he ever saw, I to c•oine with me, Ginger had seri you storming party oY eight men. "War, it you, Hel'n?" �
be possible for all our party to get to- (shot hien through ossi the head and before Ir'at'e the ptiwtutkm fwd renew the ill- I *was appalled. We bad but four ,,,o t
betpo and make a defense. I must the report had. Ceased it reverberate leaveVection e p had tonru: 1\'e seat hien guns and after firing a volley must re- "fionaebody did, or I'd 'a' hit h.im,
tell Ginger to get some ammunition. was in the bushes. tend Buck ahead. au,l they soon calue load before tiring another. S'F:e could, sho',, � R V U S LIFELESS
But with a guard looping straight at near enough to you to hear your horses' not expect to disable more than four rr „i,pr „ nnrty nowlisd brPolcfnct, It
me it is no easy task to convey an
CHAPTER KIT. hoof bents, then waltvd for us to coma men at the first fire; theft, the remaining ip� C �1 ■w .-
order by signs, and that to a stupid a nAn.laiaT arractt, 'up Soon after we lost trade or Voll, four would be upon us before we, could (To.be continued 'next week. DEBILITATED MEN
reload In quick tones 1 gave the or: - -
negro. Catching slgbt of a small stone
ESPITE the thickness of tate
but, hearing soulethtng come crashing
•. . . . . .
beside me, I put out my hand, yawning
to couceal my Intention, let it fall on
eurrounditig linderbrush. I
. made• quick pre gre%%. .lump-
down the mountain"--
"A stone."
followed the. direction of the
,,All load. I'll fire."
With that 1 Net drive and dropped a
. ..., .
the stone and soon had it between, the
lag clean over bushf�s, dartiitg
sound. In the s fly niorninr Iitick and
titan, Then, throwing down my gun,
. a :•
all His enemies, the; convefision a,f•� Surttr g,
p at $I x.00, to your measure, we.
establishment oP IIis know..it is Filling Gap
knuckle of my thumb and the point of
arotiltti tyres and fancier trio limbs.
Glu.erer came upon you unexpPctQdIi,
1, took Helen's •.and dropped another.,
m forefinger, as a boy holds a marble.
er running some, 10U aryls.. from. the
t a y
As soon as you had gone they rejoined
Buck bonded me his, and..I dropped a,
kingdom. . •I This
g • ted Serge has a smooth
Watching the ward's bead is turn-
ni S
ed, looking meaningly at Ginger, t"fire
guerrilla camp. I' Caine to a compara-
us, we shadowed you and yesterday
third. „
l_e son XIII.-Seooltd quarter,
the stone a short distance, hoping be
lively .o en space. Sceln a. figure
p 1 g
standing within it and. surmising it to
afternoon laid a plan -for your escape.
,. One
By jiminyl cried Buck, exposing
Lha head t0 seebetter.. "Ain't yo'
For June 26 1 I Q.
will understand the word ammuni.
Ile on o m friends I was about to
A wild, circumstance has l d to scheme.
ante has led to another, each
ly shot?" Ping.l went a bullet within
their .in.
in the . kingdom preferred:
tion. His face is a blank; it is evi-
dent that he does not know what I
call when a woman's voice cried
loll you more deeply: My God, .
an inch of his ear, had he ducked.
plied, pointing westward, a thicket'
..Haltl" I knew that I was covered by
what a load of obligattoul We ear't
"Beep downl" I cried as the lead rat-
I Thess.. iijl 13 II Thiess: :Then•
mean, and there is no prospect of his
a weapon and stopped sbart.
stay here. We'll starve. Buck, couldn't,
fled against the rocks in• front of us,.
shall the devil be shut up. in .the pit /�
■■�■ �e
for 1,000 years,. while his companions IO , a�* l.>t i o .,
getting it through his thick skull.
Ginger turned away, and I knew that
"Are yon"-
you slip out in lite darkness and find
and fired the fourth gun, again hitting
though I "winged" him,
Text: of the Lesson, Matt.'xiii, 24=30, .
be was speaking to his young master;
„Yes' acid you'o ,I
Iielen. this way.
'e1Co, scree; I'm vol goin out o' hyar.
my man. only
Indeed, I believe he dropped.to evade.
36--43-Memory Verses, 37, 38-Gold-
then Buck's waste Pace showed itself
She darted away: lhl.e a deer;. I soon
g „
I'm gain t stay an fiat oitb the rest.
the tire. By: tate time the first un:,had
on. Text; Matt, xiii; 43 -Commentary
Inquiringly behind the negroblack
overtook her, and together we ran per-
"But:you may save all our lives,"
been reloaded, and 1 -took aim at the
Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. .
one. I looked meaningly at Buck and
firing. He.
haps half a mile, when she began to
�� by dont you. go, Mr. Brandy-
captain. I was sure I hit him, but he
, In the second phase of this present
repeated the motion of
climb an ascent leadingto the base of
came on. Taking the next gun now
. age,. the. mysteries, of kingdom.
caught my meaning and, taking up a
gun, made a motion as if ramming a
an overhanging diff. `I saw .through
the "n large and a small figure
•`1? I must stay n1tG your sister and
ready, i fired at him again, but fust as,
I did so one of the men stepped III
set forth in the parable. of the tares .
cartridge,looks❑ at me inquiringly.mI
I ht H nt
climbing just "ahead of us and knew •
cousin. Besides, 1 m big and couldn't
get through as easit�'as ,fou'. .•
front of .him and received the shot.
of field, our Lord so plainly states
the victims of early.ipdisoretions and later es.
cesses, who are failures in lite—you are the
ones we can restore to manhood and revive •
the spark of energy and vitality. Aunt give
up in despair beeguse you have treated with
outer dootors, used electric bolts and tried
carious drug store nostrums•, .
Our. New Metlipd Treatment has snatched
hundreds from the brink of despair, has re-
stored happiness to hundreds of homes and
• has made successful men of those' who were
`• down, and out." We prescribe specific rem-
edies for each individual case according to the
symptoms and complications -we have no .
patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of
our wonderful success as our treatment can- .
not fail for we prescribe remedies adapted to V.
each individual case. Only curable cases ac- .
cepted. We have done business . throughout
Canada for over 20 Years.
PEADER'�eyou a•yictim? Have you lost
hope? Are ou intending to harry?
as your blood been isensed? Have you any
weakness? Our New Method Treatment will •
cure you.. what it has done for others it will
do for you, Consultation Free. No matter
who has treated you, write. for an honest
opinion Free of Charge. Book. Free.=-'
"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustimt-
indicated that he was r g . e we they were Ginger.and Buck. Iielen led This. finished the assault. 'The naen that both will grow together until the ed)on Dise1.ases of Men:
away and after a long absence came. the way a to :t recess in the cliff, and \Cell...l ain't a•goin 'to a}vay,, `
• y P if l Sim little." � - broke and fled and before. I could get harvest,` and that. the harvest. is the NO NAMES US1rD �WiTHOUT.WRTI-T1�Nf CONSENT. 'No name. on bone. or envoi-'
back and held up foot cartridges, two 1 saw nt once a position that �i@ could ore.. Everyt7,ingConfidentiaL Question List
In each band. Then, putting down the .1 -ky:" said Jack, "yo' needn't *go, another shot were far back toward thea end of the age; that it is impossible TREATMENT. . . .
P hold against a dozen. men so long as we � I'll go myself."• .. ' . position from which they had started. to understand_.how any one believing" -boges,--he.held..up .three._fingers.-amd L ..krarl-Eaod-etuel� rttrrntttritiotr: -w-wW -w - -� -, - _- _ __..�.... __ .._ - -... • -knew that they had secured three guns. "IIPIIo!" Tt w s ,lack's: cheery. voice. I o� •Jan do ntf�lihe t n i4se "" wo`""ril can- Too>i'" of`c a k"in`g1om' " `"��"�He nest held u Pour fingers of the , r Jac6, effect (,iusPr. Dem• grillers • C11,WTH-H XIII.. , during this age in, which the will of Ow. I�ENN•EDYA
P "Goody . Ainit 1 glad, to get out o .the ' ' shoot yo'i.. Wba', itlats': say.ef I go laaek n:rLEAGCERED.• Good' shall- be done on earth as it .Is ' ' `
other nand, pointing to the sleeping wilderness!" • ,COT. and Griswold St.
and I knew he proposed to � „ an yep 'en1 da apple ob he go down � TRANUD that men will never done in. heaven.. , The expression "the Michigan Ave. ,. 'Detroit, Mich.
guerrillas: P P ` 1'ni Ind enoufia, I sn(tl.as soon as learn the terrible advantage of. end of the world". Verses 39,.40, 49;'.
get one more gun. I couldgget"breath. to speak, "but you 'mong grillers fo' to got shot?' 1 going, { �.����� Alhletters from Canadaxnustbeaddressed
Buck was a long while capturing the I ., mars'," he added to nig - a force_ posted on : an Impreg- xxiv, 3 sxviii, .20) is literally "the. to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
wPmen..• i. Buf by this tine there was more call- nable position, protected . by . enol of the ago".• or, "the. consummation ' ment iii ,Windsor,. Oat. If you desire to.,
fourth gun. One of the men awoke, TT1ere• was no time for words. We g ,n pet tv a streak oP breas'tn•orl o anti .able• to pour shot of. the age" and is translated, by the: see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
the in„ among.the me • l o -
awned sat u and looked Into g •
yawned, P •set about ronin alit stone .tufo a gap. -• � _ �. - -- , ,w - - the-' I{ev:-'ver The " - no -.patients ...in- our Whndsor- o6ices -:which ;-are for Correspondence and
Ere, awned again, la down and was g a light appeared lu the east, and. 1 did riots n ii_ steep brit at an enemy. .'1 . o latter phrase in t
fi e, y g Y between two others, and, as soon as it , Iiaboratory for Canadian business .only. Address all letters as follows:
i Then the guard got u not darn let any one atrentpt to evade. mon, tato gir.is and n .bay had defeated ,end. of ,the planet on which we live
soon snoring. g g p was in position: had a continuous g ..DRS KENNEDY, Oat.
fitting. There was the cnf=my. Besides., I could now bee the e,uerrillas and, sent them back to. is nowhere foretold, but :even Peter, KENNEDY
from where he was s b I breastwork. The guerrillas were call-
a slight sound in the bushes, and he tr' offs' below, by' the lay ot•the laud that it would •be. their camp. • I. did,not Pear snottier at- who describes in strong. language, the Write for our pt3yate:address.
Ing to each other iu.the o fru o�sible. to i. tt',hat 1 dreaded was stitrt•:uion. purification which ``will take place,
listened attentively. Then he put some p
but they did not seem to know where. �,trocthin'■ must have oven: the uer- Iljdl ed, I could See plainly that our ene says, "Nevertheless we, according to
wood on the fire and sat down again. g g
himself before we were. 1 picked up one Of, rite, Suns t , _ g -
He had scarcely seated h in, thrown down Buck bad rilias tin il,uill,n of out whereabouts, rnics.iegre.preparina to carry oUt the' lits promise, look for new Heavens
. Ginger had t o Fur .ns soon • as It was light the could', -and a new earth wherein dwelleth
Ginger held up the fourth gun. one in his hands Ginger kept rine, aud• starvation plan, several of tbem went ' c
ee th(I st. ndI , loo6iu tip at. our. righteousness.". 'He also tells�us..that B ue Selr�e S.UifiS, t
1 moved slightly, showing my friinds h',ininri, one. s ng. ii) tl;iffereitt directions,: doubtless for 'snail oe reserves ane• n gieati moi f
w about to try
Helen seized the rf ia1 .�� b prlst,tton. t told. < a cru one to lie low, as the .world is Noah S clay perished.. P @ !�J
by my manner that I as o y '•�'bere do, come in? chtiped Jack., food. One. of them pussed'qu'to lvitbicl ., (
Login• th:it 'sotnc Cf lhe.outlaws wopld• by Wafer' tlxe. present world hs- reg rude oP'. redeemed gathered Prom all U�de� �y �.tl . o0
to get away. They appeared to under- •'Here." I, haudeil lies tae revolver.. b r.Zitge. nations. Then At tae crisis of iniquity, .. .
climb up to incost(gate had we, mil,vt „ , 1 k tl t id served.unto flre.(II iii, 5-7, 13j.. ,hi Th orderto`meet the demQnd we
In, wblch. therewerefive loaded chain-. Pi
plunk ected ib
ori. i tiv in 1e'th:nun itotu
iris I. f lu t , 4 l
I m goin:•to U. is one • . sa ,
P '.
7n this arable tit ood abed is rothe?t
the devil shall h;fif a Jong, s lferitl a Slue Sof .o.Suat f are
r,gg' or 1Ei.A0.... ;,,
bars, ansl told her to hold,on. to it, pts
she doub. less • need, tt tYe. alt
eve, rciii,iineei._rrtuceaied; •only sitc•ahing
Pltcl.. a _-..
•. i'i 'a re:
I:•Caugbt :has t]rm,. and gave. t• m'found.
o ut,those to whom''
•the:. word of. G. d, b
the of the: word, hast;. ood:
Jttius'•s ilyeot avith ... . ---. -
• woAat; the•Lord .. ! i. f,?d, de,in,style, rigfitu •to ,,
v rthraiv . of -: p , the•: knt nth .
it 1 .ILis saints :for the, o, a :f you tva,nG it. -";In uttrn
p g this-.$er
tool: position behind our, breastworks.
In ,,•:l,t>.,ri , then we-catY .tl)e l.uot of.,,
nice' below diriclE+, three. golnr. to the.
, .. ,. -; ... _ .,...
•. proof which fora sthile.at.l('aste;tusecT..soil
that I tvas'.in-eom-
seed ,. ;
and whom our Lord calls ,it
. a :•
all His enemies, the; convefision a,f•� Surttr g,
p at $I x.00, to your measure, we.
establishment oP IIis know..it is Filling Gap
ready to repel an assault,. at the saute
nest, thrce'to•the cast, While three be .
to rcmenlber
• children of the kingdom" Iii I Cor.,
Israel and.the a
It is then': that,. -according •
I time seelilg. the condition of our
grave through ne Ie6t.
g g g Y
Never Neglect a Cough or Cold, it can
, ", +
Gods tillage.
J, they aro,
kingdom. . •I This
g • ted Serge has a smooth
i pieces. rhe were cavalry carbines,
They y
gan to climb toward our fortress. (,)ne,
"I wish they'd attack•us said
"I 'a'
. InJilt
In John xis 24 our Lord taught that
to verse 43 :,of our chapter, the which
p " �� . � finish, which makes• it siiftable
all loaded and capped ready for use.
remained below; .hurl as' the light in-
the Irrepressible boy. could hitt
`butternut' if' n
if we would bear fruit we must be
, -k
righteous shall shine forth as the. §un' .Sunda wean. We also have it
-_of Father.' ! black, if
I"�rUeie are your horses?" I asked.
ci eased I sate it stns the' captain. .
that doggone somep
content to fall -into the -ground and
their .in.
in the . kingdom preferred:
"Picketed .down there," Iielen re-
S�'e four who lucre ;arxued with car=
'blues 'flee
hadn't .nggled my •arm."
dos•' It is for Hitn to.say where'we
Compare' Dan xis, 1 �; Zech. xiv, 4-9;.. f
IF 1
plied, pointing westward, a thicket'
knelt behind rocks, l to thle
There had_been nothing to•joggle the
are to be planted for the field' % His,
I Thess.. iijl 13 II Thiess: :Then•
not far from 'the road." .-
"Ilave you anythin to eat?"
exit ,tile deft; IIelen next, then I3uci:
behind the 'stone ave Bart moved to till
boy's arm, but I thought it best to.]et.
him keep up his pride -it would make
- �
... although'. at' present occupied by an
'the sower of the seed'
shall the devil be shut up. in .the pit /�
■■�■ �e
for 1,000 years,. while his companions IO , a�* l.>t i o .,
She glanced at, a parcel on the
the gap, with Ginger bringing ,up the
, him more serviceable -so I said notla-
enemy. good
hs the Son of Zan; the other sower is
the be and the false .prophet shall �r Vi• •
ground. "I got that in a cabin. There's
right end of the line. I was du;ececl-
#h enemy,ilio devil,• and he sow
go fo the lake of fire (Rev. xis and xx}. gents for British 'American Dyeing
1 some corn .pone and pork." '
. lent shot -L bad long been considered
. "I 41med right at the. middle of his
his otrn n,,prs)n
How fearful _ will be the ending of, t
g and Gleaning, o., Montreal. .
"Barely enougb, for one .meal. Any
one of the best in Tenuessee-and it
breast, - continued Buck, .but just *lien
'" "
he a stone, an I missed
.vW,ly ; 1hghqus
people like Cain (John' viii, '44; I John
like Cain
this evil age when `the ,Lord .cometh
the inhab-
water?" •• .
'turned out that Delon was not
jumped over
iii, 1(h121:., Outwardly• they look like
out of His place.to punish .
"There's some water trickling be=
roger the rocks back there;'
. Ginger was no shot at all. I selected
•the -man in advance for my especial ob•
"I thought some one joggled your:
wheat abd no doubt think that they
are wheat, but this story. of Cain shows
itants of the earth for their, iniquity, t
but what a comfort to know that Ills .
r Mcteod.
"That pone and pork means a chance,
. ject, designated the second for Helen,
arm?" ,.
where they stand and why he and
People shall be hidden safely during .
but its a slim• one. ,
and gave Buck the third. .They' n ere .
„ Some •one did. Ginger, ya . constarn-
.. Abel both, came: to 'worship God,: -but
the time of: the indignation (Isa; xxvi,
Helen set her lips, Jack turned pale;
;to fire after. me is the order named.
ed old .nigger, what d' yo' g6joggle me
�l Abel came 'in'' God's, appointed
only PP
'19-21)• Whets we attempt to consider haying seCureda,Comnaodious Gr&tM
Storehouse, we are now buying alll,
Ginger showed no emotion'
Ginger was to.Are at any who might be
fo'•,ititst a.s I teas goin tai pltnik hlm�"
way, revealed, to :Adam the way of
the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ kinds of. rain, for which theyaiglsest•,
while Buck remarked that he'd be
left standing. Jack had<only a revoly-.
sacrifice (Gen. Ill, 21). Cain brought
as the sinners substitute, the rode- ,Prices will' be paid. ,
—_ _., "
"d d if he didn't one of 'em
d I di her to i•ee back- She
h i P Gethsemane and .
bine er, an r
.g_'he guard opened his eyes and looked ;, . p j� the bust he had, but there was no con. ser a e agott es o
IP • straight at me. anyway. Aa for myself; I was aghast was tremblingi and in order to strengtb- Bad Cough ' gBran, Shorts
at the terrible fate that threatened en her b concentrating her mind on `- a� fession of "guilt, no sacrifice, no stied Calvary, we get some faint idea o! , Uorn and all kinds ora•,'
stand and gathered up the guns, Buck bravely y ' rain, Seeds and other feeds kept ole.
taking one and Ginger three, doing all h d W and so y y - • din. of blood. The multitude of such God's hatred of sin, the nature oP sin hand at the storehouse,
A If
so silently that no sound reached even
me. I waited, watching the guard in-
tently till he should nod. I had no ex- j
pectation of his going to sleep. I only
hoped to free myself from my thongs
before be should discover my move-
ment. He nodded. 1 moved. He open-
ed his eyes. I snored. He nodded again.
I grasped the knife. Thoughtful Buckl
He bad opened the blade., Drawing up
my knees, I cut the ropes that bound
my ankles, then felt in my boot leg for
the revolver. I was about to cock it
.whet 1 remembered that the guard
would bear the click. I thought I
would conceal the sound by a sneeze,
but a sneeze mighit disturb some of the
band. The owl, which had for some
time been silent, booted. It usually
,� ..
/ �\
those who. a so no y
risked ,all in my behalf:
"What brought you -Here?" I asked,
impatiently, of Helen.
"When you were taken from our
house I resolved to• follow. Blick Caine
in just as I started, -and: insisted on.
joining me.' .We traced yon to Colonel
Rutland's plan tation"-•-' ' .
"I see. It was you I heard coming
In after I went up stairs."
"Ginger took the horses to the stable
and was returning to the house when
he saw two men climb a tree near your
Window and enter your room. He
watched from a, distance and saw
them bring you out, but he could not
'tell wbetber they were taking you
away by force or assisting you to -es-
cape. Coming intft, house, be told
It wits Them All
today are tares, not •wheat; children
o! the wicked one, not the children of
and of the wrath of Go . "e are .
not. truly children of God redee�i ned
the wrtit�l o= Ford &
God.. Their end is the furnace of fire
where there 'shall ' be•* wailing and
by ,that precious blood;
.-God will be our portion, no- matter -McLeod,
. ,
gnash'hng of teeth. The language is.,
fearful but it is never used in refer-
what our religious professli on may be, - , • .
for it is the blood that: maketh an we N� WAITS
( i1. is 5, N
' .
delight in the rich
ence ; to' the openly wicked, only in,
atonement for the soul, and without .
Too much stress cannot be laid on the
.reference• to those who profess to be
what they are no the deceived ones
the 'shedding of bloody there Is no re-. store opens at 7,30 k in, closes at 8 p W.
mission (Lev. xvli. 11; Heb. tar. 22), 'Rte are Yractic-il Boot and Shoe mak.
. fact that when a person datehes cold it
must be attended to immediately or
of the devil {Matt viii, 12; .xiii, 42,'b0;
- eta and repairers. Boots made to or•
- - der from one to three days notice and,
serious results may follow.
Thousands have filled a consumptive
. xx11, ,13; xxlvr iii; xxv, 30; Luke iihi,
28). See also what is written of -those
,_ . repairing done while you waft.
.Was roubl ed Farltnerat Attention
grave through ne Ie6t.
g g g Y
Never Neglect a Cough or Cold, it can
who . hear the gospel, belt obby it not,
in II' Thess. 1, 7-9;.John til, 18, 36.
. , We have on hand several pairs of
have : but one result, It leaves the
from the time when the devil de-
With Dyspepsia, ourownng weaotsOomehe hhingsee
the Spring wear. Uome in and
throat or lungs, or both, affected.
+ hits. E. Brown,
ceived Eve by making her believe
that he would do better for her than
For Years Could Get No Relief them'
♦•Ottawa, Ont.,
God; up to the very end, of this age,
Until She Tried W. H. WATTS & SON
$- -_- Afraid vrr'stes - " Y ., have .
Of ♦ had a very
when he will persuade people .that to
-make a living they must john the
. __ _ =Opposite Post Of &6d --=�";'s
- _..,.
' Bufrdock Blood Bitters. -
on..- cough every winter
for a number of
which was
union of this or that nature, or, in'♦
other words, receive the mark the
-�"♦-♦♦+ •� , M r s. II e r m an %O� '
V T years. .I
afraid would turn
beast (Rev, xiii, 17>, he hos begat a
Benton, .
•+� Can Eat N.B., wd .
N.B., writes:
into consumption. I tried, a great man
Com dhes but only received teporary re ,
most pets tent deceiver, destroyer,
liar, murderer. See in Rev, xiv, 0.11;
•} Anything have used Burdock +t , "�'�' '
Bu ck
+ Now: Blood hitters artsl lienml.yel Wa011ea At1US
lief until I got a bottle of Dr. Wood's
xv, 2-4, the doom of all who worship.
-♦ find that few rue- Tho Oldest -established Cngt
,I t• j O u 11g.
O Id and
I Bitot my man through rite heart.
, .
Norway fine Syrup and after taking two
bottles m cough tubs cared. Tam never
the beast and the bliss of all who •
death to the,'prosperity of the
♦ dicincs can give
such relief in dy-.
1Hi11 in Huron County.
' .
delight in the rich
some duty I told her to ready to
hand us the ammunition after tae first .
bott u of Norway Rine S ru ."
without • ' S tv yi t e
Dr, Woods-N&wny Pine Syrup s
devil, Jas, II, 12, Rev. It 10, are good.
s pepsta and stomach troubles, I 'was
troubled for a number• c# years with.
As usual I shall be prepared to bu y
and gyve the 13iGHE5'1` GASH Fba
++i+' `AN
H .
essatlddeltcln S••
The guerrillas came on, every man
medicine you need. It strikes at the
foundation of all throat and lungcoin-
words c£ strong. consolation, must,
the taking :awa of the
not tbink o£ g Y
aar could et o relief until I
tried Burdock Blood Bitters. I took
WOOL, washed and tinpiashed,
or will exchange for my manufactured
�+ N.
' lies of ..
holding• a carbine. When they had cov-
hi of t e dlstane Y 'saw that
tired a t rd h e,
plaints, relieving or ouring all. Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Sore
church as the end of the age, for fol•
lowing that great event for which the
three bottles and became cured and I can
now oat anything without if humin trig.
You will fired a fine asaortntent of
tu s ',1','c1,
""'Z3nd Bed Spreads.
irMtt twit tlilti)
.. CO`'� AN �
Buck was about to fire out of turn, and .�
Throat, etc., and preventing Pneumonia
and Consumption,
righteous wait or should be waiting,
the coming of the .,ord -to the air for
I will highly recommend it to`all who are
troubled with stomach trouble." •
also a
u� � 1 lxoocl
e�pp y of TS .BLANII'.E�S, 130R.5R
perfeetion Coeoa�
I was.obli'ged to speak to him some-
p y+ I think the advanein
wast sharply, g.
So great has been the .suceem of this
on extol remedy, it is only natural that
w d y, •
His saints (I Thess; iv, 16.1$• I Zlor:
Burdock hitters has er establish.yea
1olors, RTSand YARN of various
l t -S 11 i is every
.. .
men beard me, for they stopped and
consulted, The captain, standing be-
y •
numerous persons have tried to imitate
it, Don't be imposed upon b talo
xv, G1•G3; Tit, ii,13; I Cor: i, 7; Thetis.
i, 101, the man 'of sin gall be revealed,
ed reputation, extending over 34 ears,
as >t g tfic for Dyspepsia in all its forms,
diseases from
The above goods are {Iuarnnteefl to
be pure wool and will rue satiefactroti.
low. called to them to go on, and, 'sep•
arating 'so as to leave s dozen yards
anything but "Dr. Wood's..' Put up in
a yellow wrapper; three, pine trees the
the antichrist, with his Companion thb
false prophet, and the age will run On
and all arising this cause.
For sale by all dealers, '
Jesse Gledhill
� 'ii'Itia fCow,+atfi Co. I.im#rid,
between each malt, skirmish fashion,
strain. watching eagerllf
trademark• rice 2u cents.
; F .
Manufactured only by The �`. ltialburii
ne of the
for some year�b tiring a rim
great tributatibit, the tame of Jacob iii
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
C o., I.fiaxited, Toronto, Ont,
$X��1ltlt,Ll� $
1. I3d
.>y w.-. ..
tbev started 11
• Co,, %fruited, Toronto, Ori.
'trouble, when the sealed 01 64 of 10 ttd'