HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-06-23, Page 5• June *3rd 1910 The Clinton New Era Gifts for June irides If you are in doubt what to give ; If you want something that won't likely be duplicated ; If you are hunting a gift that will be as cred- itable to your good taste as to your good nature ; If you desire a gift that will be as new as the bride herself, and much admired : Call on us To=day New goods have just arrived. W. H. Hellyar. Jeweler and Optician, House Wanted. A good house wanted to rent for a term. Apply to G. M. Yates at the DOHERTY PIANO CO, or P. 0. Bor 176. Teacher Wanted A qualified teacher for S. S. • No 3, Goderich Township. Duties to com- mence August 15th next, Applications,' stating salary expected, received up to July lst. GEO. HOLLAND tf Sec-Treas. Holmesville P.U. Clinton Market Report, Wheat, (new) 0 85 to 0 85 Oats, (old) 0 30 to 0 32 Barley 0 40 to 0 42 Peas.... . _. 060 to 0.60 Eggs lin-to 0 18 Butter 0 16 to 0 18 Hogs 8 85 to 8 85 Potatoes 0 30 to 0 30 - Toronto Markets Hay Fall Wheat Oats Cattle, butchers Cattle, Exporters Sheep Lambs Wool But ter Es Hugs Chickens Straw $14to 15.50. .90 to .95 ,87 to .38 $5.00to.575 $7.00to7.75 '5,00to5.50 7 00 to 8,00 19 to 20c 20e to 23c 24 to 27c $8.90 18 20c 700to7.550 .70 .54 .53 to .54. Potatoes .60 to.75 Peas R Buckwheat Births Marriages du Deaths 0000 BORN WALIrER--In Clinton, on Juoe 13th to Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Walker, a son. URQUHART—Birth at the Manse L'etowel, June 10th, prematurely, to Rev, D. W S. and Mrs. Urquhart, a sots, still -born. MARRIED TORRANCE—LINDSAY --- At the home of the bride's mother, in Godes rich '1'p., on Wednesday, by Rev Mr Hamilton, Goderich; Mr Reid J'or- rance to Miss Fanny Lindsay, both of the Township. DEXTER-ADAMS—At the home of the bride's parents, on June lath, by Rev. H. E. Currie Miss Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, to Air. Charles Francis Dexter all of I3ullett. WEATU.ERWAA — CANTELON— At the residence of the brides parents on Tuesday, June 21st, by Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, Mr, Andrew, Weatherwax, of Orillia, to Miss Ida Isbel°Pearl,second. daughter of Alr and Mrs David Cante- lon, of town, Night Man Wanted. At Hatel Bedford Livery stables Goderich steady employment, good wages, cne who thoroughly under- stands horses. Apply at once to E & T. M. DAVIS Goderioh. ]louse and Lot for Sale The comfortable home, on Frederick Street Clinton, owned by the under= signed, is offered for Sale. The house contains three Bedrooms. diningroom parlor, and kitchen, Good hard and soft water. Garden in first-class con- dition. Apply on porperty JAS. TUCKER, Frederick St. Wanted Teacher for School Section Nos. Hullett Male or Female, holding second Class 'Certificate state salary and experience. Duties to commence after Midsummer Holidays personal Appi- cations preferred. Address WILLIAM McCOOL Secy. Treas. Londesboro P. 0. • Men Wanted • Good men, to work on the, Street good wages. Apply to T. BEACOM- Chairman Street Committe Clinton. Standard Elevator Phone 64.. WANTED, to buy a young general purpose horse, and a light wagon or democrat. Highest prices paid for good, clean grain. The L. Suitter Company Piano for Sale An up -right ; nearly new. Will he sold Cheap. Apply at once to Box 262, Clinton, or NEW BRA. Wanted Dining -room girl wanted. Apply at I1'ATTENBURY HOUSE It For Sale House and Lot and:Cottage,"half.' an, acre of ground, hard and :soft water, known as the late,; Mrs, Thomas' gar- den. for sale.' Apply to 1 65 ONSLOW CRICH Clinton.. +1.raaro IS. C. Rathwell Shoes SHOE AND MUSIC EMPORIUM. C. Hoare Music Summer Shoes for Boys and Girls Now is the time to buy Outing Shoes for the holidays. Although rub- ber goods have advanc- ed in price, we will sell our Boys' and Girls' Outing Shoes, in sizes from 1 to 5, at 65c. These are first - class goods ; this is a special price. All sizes in Child's and Misses' Barefoot San- dals, from hoc up to $I.25. Try us for Repairing. LS. C. Rathwell Sheet Music We always aim to keep in stock the latest songs. and instrumentals, or if we have not what you want in stock, we will procure it on short notice. A full supply of Vio- lin Supplies always in stock, Try us when you need any of the following ;— Violin Bows, Strings, Midges and Rosen Harmonicas of every kind and letter to stock. • e C. Hoare '■i jJ Place Where Your''ssDollssarr,,Does �� its Duty CSr�u'1M ulMMMPG'YY MMil11T1TifY'1s1r1M PAMM Furniture Time is 'here again for the wise honee- keeper. Come and prove yourself to belong to that ()lass, by ',cleating the new suite or separate pieces your home needs. 1Vc'll Keep the Fttrnituit a You Select until atter the Spring houseoleaning if you say So. Then it will come to you, spiels and span, to add beauty to your Spick andspan house, The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy all kinds of Furniture. HOOVER & BALL, FtNNDETABD N gape Brides Our stock is comp'ete with articles suitable for Wedding Presents which. will be 'enduring, and carry your heartiest wishes tor future happiness, High•gi'ade Watehcs Fancy ()locks Pearl .roeehes Diamond Kings 18R... Bridling hings...1SIf Sterling and Plated Silverware which always, makes a useful gift._ CHIilAWAEE'. A discount of 25 per cent. will be givenoff ell China. A. J. Grigg Jeweler and Optician, Issuer of Marriage Licenses HAAG'S ELEPHANT LOST IN OAT -FIELD The "Mixed" Waited Till The Searching Party Found It ' Here is a hot weather story that will. suit the most fashionable summer .resort. It comes from Palmerston and is vouched for by a man who name from the North yesterday. According to this man from the North the Haag Sho,ws,.' in a couple, of box cars, . were on their way to Hanover. The trains upiirirtlretop everywlsgre- All you need to do is to walk, down a sideroad and get on the "Mixed." It will wait for you a mile away whether you walk or run it is all the same,.you can catch it. Anyway, at one .of these numerous stops an elephant got out .of the car backwards and started to meander up thd'road for a'1ook at the fine crops in Brune County. ' The alarm was given. All hands, to the number of one started • after the valuably. asset. Mr Elephant was en- joying the pure country air and had wandered into 0 field of oats. Feeling tired,' it lay down and the solitary, searcher hunted and hunted,` from one end of the field to the other, but could note anything s e of the elephant. He went back to the train andthe conductor and the engineer decided to. RANO RI[�K RAr.i.WA,.. 11 {I".5:Y$TE'M' NOTICE; TAI9E NOTICE that the Municipal Council o(3 the Corporation of the Town pf Clinton in- tends to construct granolithie sidewalks, as per schedule below, and to assess the final cost thereof upon the property abating thereon, and to bo benefited thereb . end that statement showing the lands liable to pay he said atese- mont, and names of the owners thereof, so far 45 they can bo ascertained from the la+rt revised Assessment Roll, is now filed at the ofli®e of the Clerk of the Mun'cipality. and is open to in- spection durins,office hour:t. SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED WA LKS On the north side of Bond St., front Matilda Street to Lot Number 94, 4 feat in width. Esti- mated cost of work, $131.60, of which $15,00 is to bo provided out of the general funis of the Municipality. On the north side of walker Street, from Vic- toria St. to Lot Number 73, 4 feet in wi.1• h. Esti- mated cost of work 4018 40, of which 505 20 1s to provided out of the general funds at the Municipality On the south side of Princess Street, from Shipley Street. to Lot Number 431 or 510. 4 feet in width. Estimated cost of work 567,60. of which $516 40 is to be provided out ot the gener- al fund of the Municipality. On the north side of Cutter Street. from King Street to Victoria Street, 4 feat in ai tth. lsri. stated cost of work $104'20. of which $26 20 is to bo provided out of the general tunds of the mumu pality. On the south'side of Gordon Street, from Vic- toria Street to Matilda Street, 4 feet in width. Estimated cost of work $353.80. of which $77.40 is to bo provided out of the general funds o1 the Municipality. On the north side of Gordon Street from Vic- tori•l Street to James Street, 4 feet . in width. Estimated cost of work 5110,80 of which $54 40 is to beprovided out of the general fundi of theMa icipality. On the west side of Raglan gtrcot fiomRatton- bury Street to Princess -Street. 4 feet in width, Estimated cost of work $116.00 of which $11.50 is to bo provided out of the general funds of the Municipality. A COURT OF REVISION will bo held on Monday the 11th day of Ju'y 1010 at 8 o'clock P. M: in the Council. Chamber for the, purpose of hearing compiaiats against the perp )sed assessment or accurancy of trout - age melt ,urements or of any complaint which Persons intsr..sted may desire to make and is by law cogri,ablo by the Court. Dated at Clinton thi e.13th of June 1010, D. L. MACPHERSON, Clerk. go and help find the lost one.. This took about an hour, but finally atter much persuasion, the value ble asset was taken back to the train and show. The whistle tooted and the "mixed" started, It was only five hours late reaching Hanover. EDITORIAL Mi1SINGS THE "White Man's plague" goes on with its direful tale of sorrow and death while some of the County Coun- cils and other legislative bodies squab. ble over the expenditure of a few dol- lars. Put away your impecuniosity and save the victims of this terrible disease by the newest and beet meth- ods available. There's a big field to oc- cupy. . THE poorJews are feeling the weight of the Russian tear's great .paw once more and are being driven from their homes. If there is'a day of retribution Russia will, have a black. night to pass through to atone for their inhumanity *N* DOMINION DAY Iteturn Tickets at Single Fare Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit •or Port Huron, Mich., Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y. Good'going•Junc 30th and July lst, return limit July 4th. Northern Navigation Co. Grand. Trunk Route. Sailings of passenger steamers from Sarnia for Soo and Port Arthur and Driluth every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 3,30 p.m. Only the Wednesday and Saturday steamers go to Duluth. Sailings from Collingwood 1,30 p. m., and Owen Sound 11.45 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays •for Soo and Georgian" Bay ports. Secure tickets and full information from A 0 Pattison, Depot agent JOHN ,RANSFORD, Town Agent w..gdb,rJp,.. You will regret you did not attend one of Can- ada's High Grade Busi- ness Colleges, located at Peterborough Orangeville Walkerton Wingham Welland Clinton Now is the time to enter. Our graduates receive from $400 to $1500 per annum. . Mail Courses in 100 different subjects, Write for particulars, CLINTON BUSINESS. COLLEGE Ma„ BowDEN,the gentlemanly leader of the opposition inthe-Dominion P_ar liament, is carrying on his program of political meetings and...making an ear• nest endeavor to etithuse his party. He urges, organization, the bolding of nominating conventions at an early date and pressure brought to only run the strong men. His attack on•Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his Cabinet is wanting in force. Thinking people de- mand an affirmative as well as a nega- tiveand endeavoring to belittle the Government,with as fine a record. as they .possess, without attempting• to outline a workable policy of their own will not catch many votes outside; of those who .vote always on the one side. Good audiences have 'greeted Mr. Bois den and where possible Liberals should go and hear the speeiihes and put them alongside the addresses of the governs went supporters and thereby l.ra- perly size up the true situation. This is not the day of narrowness and big= otry but the morning of a great Na- tional awakening :and in the forward march Canada must be on the alert and stride toward Nationhood. Gtlso. Sro'trorr, Principal. �rnurwru.r.•r.ne.drrn.,•.ar.Mu+rnr..rd o,..nu+v.rvnr.n,,w: ++nen" ^++n ++++++0*4 SPORT'S ;14+4"4444+44444+144441; Pine weather favored the opening of the Canadian racing circuit •at Sca- forth, and with the track in good con- dition, the time made Was fast. The 2,50 heat was keenly contested every foot of the way in each heat. • Five horses werebunched together so as to be covered with a pair of blankets. ,Red Bars, driven by Uri Pierce, was the winner .in.straight heats, In the 2.10 pace, the honors fell to Bob Mana- ger, driven by E C Lewis, of Michigan. Summary: 2 50 pace, horse and driver— Red' Bars, 1s g., by Mombars (Uri Pierce) .,1 1 1 Flying Jib (.1 McPhee) ' 2 5 5 Minnie W (E. O. Lewis) 5 3 2 Floss 1-1 (W. Hodgins).... .... 3 4 3 The Jap (W Hutchinson).. 4 5 4 Time -2.30i, 2 17i, 217l 2.11, pace, horse and dr Iyer Bob Manager, •b. g., by Man- ager (E 0 Lewis) 2 1 1 .1 Lucy Dillard (P W Action)2 4 4 2 Reuben (C Jones) 3 3 2 ' 4 Jenny Price (A Johnson)4 4 3 3 Time -2.15i, 2.141, 2.19. Named race, half -mile heats, horse and driver- Little Elk (A Johnson) ........:1 0 1 Garry Chimes (F Tour) 2 0 3 Birdie Forest (J Hume) 5 •3 2 Be'LLambert (L Crow) 4 4 4 Time -1.081, 1.051, 1.07. At Mildmay last Friday night Brus- sels defeated that team by a score Of 2:0 At Brussels' on Monday night thehome team won again by the same score. A game was ' played at St Marys Thursday in the intermediate series of the C, L. A. betwee St. Mary's and Seaforth, resultin in an easy victory for St, Mary's. he score was 10 to 2. Referee"- ' er of Preston. LISTOWEL RACES ON JUNE 30, .JULY 1st. Two Big Days of Sport—Single Pare on All Railroads—Special Train Ser. vice. exciting finished tare assured, and a full program ot racing each afternoon with baseball and athletic events will provide a big quarter's worth, the admission to the grounds having been cut to 25 cents. $,ingle fare on all railroads good for the twn days. It is expected that a specialtrainwill he arranged on the evening of July i,st over the G. T. R. as far as Strat- ford Record crowds are expected to the biggest race meet ever held in Listowel,. You are cordially invited to come with the crowd. ENTRANCE EXAMS This week Principal Hartley has 55 pupils writing on the Entrance liixan- inations at the Collegiate. The tier. age age of the young students is 13 Years. The following are the names and the schools they are from.— Clinton Public 'School Agnew, Sarah Ileum, Elmer 0 Bradshaw, EE,thel Oluff, Newman Cole, Olive (look, Maudie Cook, Milton Crawford, Fred Doherty, Al Ford, Fred 0 Glazier. Pearl , . , Gunn, Marion hall, Mayrre Harland, Clifford Harland. Harvey Hearn, Vida. Hibbs, Marion Howe, Lulu J'nnor. Anna Pearl McTaggart, George., Morris, Jean O'Neil, Earl Ross, Bessie Rutledge, Willfarn Scott, Stewart Thompson. F, G Walker William Wasmann, Edna Wilken, Irene Goderich Township Cantelon, Emma, S. S. No. 9 Connell, Alma Minnie, S S No 3 Elliott, L.ilia.n May, S'S No 11 Finlay, Adela Mary, S S No 9 Jenkins, Frank Allison, S 3 No 3 Lowery, 'Harold, S S. No 4 Mair, Carl George, 8 S No 3 Middleton, Jean, S S No 9 Palmer, 'Joseph William, S S No 3...: Rowden, Cecil Welwood, S 8 No 11..., Sinclair, Ida May, 5 5 No 4 • Goderich.and Hullett Govier, Katie. -Un. S S No 12 Mair, • Lynn, Un, S S No 12 McBrien, Etta Irene, Un. S. S. No 12. . Miller, •Eddie, Un. S S No 12 Hullett Blake, Frank, . S. S. No.2 Cart Wright, Evelyn May, S. SNo. 2, , Oolelough. •Anna May, S S No 3. Hunter, Emma Jane, 5 S No 2 Separate School, Hullett • Carbert, Bridget Veronica, 'S, S. No, 2 Carbert, Alice Mary, S..S. No. 2..::.: Carbert, Eileen Mary, S. S. No. 2 Flynn, James Thomas, S S No Quigley, Kathlyne Mary, 5 8 No 2: Stanley Glen, F.dward John, S S No 1 -McGGregors—i1athenine,--S-S No 1 Church Chimes; Another Week of Special Price Reductions at Plumsteel Bros. A Few Extra Specials for Friday and Saturday Shoppers. Don't Fail to see These Lines. $1.00 Ladies' Kid Gloves, .69e About 50 pair only Ladies' fine quality Kid Gloves, in black, blue and tan, sizes 6 to 74. A beautiful L+(lp • glove, and our leader at $1.00. Special for Saturday Ua7Y Children's Dresses at 19e About two dozen only Children's Dresses, made of good quality blue Print, with white spot,, and a bar- gain at 35c, Special Friday and Saturday Men"s and Boys' IlowTies at Ge 100 good quality Silk Bow- Ties, made in nine pat- terns, and -rhe kind von usually pay 20c and 25c for, Special Friday and Saturday 190 50 Dozens of Bargains in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes all next week. See our Men's Summer 1'nder wear at 25c and Men's Snnlnier Socks at 10c, They are worth more stoney, Men's Made -tat -measure Clothin;. Although we are in the Ready -Made Clothing Business, and can show you a big assortmel't of new and nobby Suits, Over. coats and O11t'. Trousers, still we find then who are hard to fit, And some who wish something a little. better than the readyto= wear garment, and. to those we wish to say that we are. doing a big made to.order business, and cat► show -you a large assort- ment of Tweeds and Worsteds from which we will snake you a. Suit to your treasure at a "Big- Saving" over ordinary ordered work. Come in and let us show you these goods, and give ;yoni our priers and explain our system. Plunnsteel Bros. "Then laid they their hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost." To those whil enter into the seryiee of confirmation with their hearts right great pi ivileges are bestowed. (1)•God's favor rests upon them, (2) Their sins are blotted out and as long as their intentions and elforts are to- ward the Ohristlike life their failings and short coining will not he counted against them. .(3) They have the.as- surance of resurrection to eternal life. (4) God's Holy Spirit is given to them and they should nourish the new life within them by frequent attendance at the Holy Communion. Although true confirmati ion bestows these bless ed privileges it also improves responsi- bilities. (1) Yo trust renounce the Devil and all his works. These are to be found in your own mind and bears and in the actions of others. It is not a sin to be tempted but it is a sin to entertain and dwell upon the temp- tation tili you 3 ield to it. You must renonnce evil companions.- (2) You must renounce the pompe, desires and vainities of the world. (3) You must renounce the sins of the blest, . not only those grosser .sine but also those sips that aivide people and kilt love out of life. Beware of explanat- ions of the faith that explain it away. Keep God's will andcommandments and walk in the same all the days of your life. Test your life, not by the lives of your associates but bythe" life of Christ. The choir . the anthem, "The' Lord Retnentbereth His Own." • Terms' eash. One Price.Only IN WILLIS Next Sunday evening Rev. W T Pearcy, AI A., of Londesboro, will preach in the evening. This • will be Mr Pearcy's first sermon to the eon gregation as he has just been recently inducted to the Londesboro charge. . ONTARIO STREET Last Monday eveningat theEpworth Leafe meeting, Mr()Hawke gave an inter sting address on. "Africa": Mr. Hate has visited. that Countryand gave many pointers on that Country. Miss -..Emma' Lavis gave an instiu- mental solo,. ` h WESLEY The Ladies aid of Wesley Methodist Church will hold • a lawn Social on .Wesley Church grounds on Tuesday evening. July 5th. . Rev. W. J, Jolliffe will close his min istry in Wesley church' next Sunday preaching morning and evening. Sunday next'26th June,is.,to be choir Sunday in the above church. • Special music' will be given at both services, and the offertories for- the day millibe devoted to, paying' for. the music recent ly purchased. The Listowel Races on June 30th and July 1st this year promise to be better than ever. There are big en- tries in all the e1►ents so that close and SALVATION ARMY On Tuesday Capt. Brown, of Goder- ich, and Capt. Crawford, of Seafortb, assisted the local corpse and gave an entertainment at the House of Refuge. Their music and singing was very much enjoyed. On Sunday next the subjects will be "Three Broken Barriers," and 'An Un- answered nanswered Prayer." ST, PAUL'S Bishop Williams of Huron conduct- ed a confirmation service in St Paul's on Sunday morning last when 13 were received into the full fellowship af the church. In his address to those to be confirmed the Bishop chose his text, Bargains • 1 :S5 00 Tats s REDUCED TO $3S0 N •' • • 44444 • CANTELOfl oat di at Cora eV Ni •N•••••••••••••N••NlMr 1111MINKINIF We want, to enjoy the afternoon with the young people and witness the'r. contests. The 'store will close at 1:00 p.m: Now, that leaves us only 41 hours for business.. To do a full day's selling in less than half -a -day, is the . task we ' have set for ourselves. ;How are we to do it ? This Way By sellingto you your 'choice of any 'Trimmed Ilat in our stock, on Friday forenoon, ' - • ::.�•••-'For '$1.9$ "By putting on .sale.a new stock of Embroideries, just received, that for quality, variety, style and value, we believe has never before been seen . in this town.. They came in late. We have put prices much below ordinary wholesale. quotations. � simmer Corsets '12 pair only to hand; bouget to sell for 75c. We put them on s>;1e Friday morning • at 56c per pair Friday Forenoon We will sell Men's Wool Tweed Pants. worth $1 25, Friday for 90c per pair These prices are positively for Friday forenoon, only, and are quoted for the sole purpose of giving us a busy forenoon. The chance is yours. Act promptly. IRWINS The People's Store PLEASE DON'T ASI( FOR CREDIT.