The Clinton New Era, 1910-06-23, Page 3• ,111110 23rd .19t0 .010111•10.1.10, In The Northland eobalt The Eldorado of New Ontario How The Miners First got to Cobalt. Rossland was a theory. Rat Port- 4 1909 30,253.48 age and the Seine River Country was ' a delusion. Cobalt is a fact -an in- 1 Total 77,708.07 controvestible stupendous fact. In 4 The 29 000 tons of ore sent out by :Lossland and at Rat Portage they used • Cobalt Mines last year are estimated the Assayer's crucible to prove values. to have procured 25,01)0,000 ounces of Cobalt proves values by putting car- I silver or an average production of 800 loads of ore through the smelter. The 1 ounces per ton. original discovery of Cobalt was in) Cobalt's dividends remain, however, November 1003, but it took a year for , the true index of the Camp's great - those who were conversant with the ; ness. discovery to realize its importance and 1 During the past three years Cobalt it was only in May 1905 that the camp ) mines have paid over fifteen million began to get busy, During those dollars in dividends and profits. years people could hardly tell which , During 1909 the camp.. or its shipp• was the real mines or which were only ling mines distributed in profits and wild cat propositions. dividends over six million dollars, Nip - T da Cobalt is a changed camp. issing. LaRose and Crown Reserve rhe real mines are paying proposi- tions. Prospects are known as pro- spects ; wild cats are things of the past. The value of Ontario's mineral out- put for the first nine months of 1909 reached a total of $16,962,000. T h e leading item in the mineral output is silver. 18,751,549 ounces. valued at $9,385,5000 were produced in the camps of Northern Ontario. In addition to its silver the pig iron output, which is second in importance, for the same period was valued at $4,095,935can be secured, but nothing else, and There was also taken out of the as the surface is not pleasant to the hie hospitsliti and the generous enter. tainineht. Which, included a opeciai train. to Goderich provided by him, The next session of the 4council will be held in Walkerton. South Bruce Aeseisment returner recently made publi reveal a decrease of popu lation in the last 10 years of nearly25 per cent. Migration to the west is largely responsible for this condition of affairs. Said a prominent O runty "'L'he drain on our popu tattoo tx•emendous. Forsaken farms ant,. deserted bons,s everywhere at- test how potent is the call of the Western wheat fields. But I hope to see a change. 1 prophesy that, at no distant date, a return movement -will take place. The fauns will again be take rf up, the houses will be re - .occupied by a more coutented, if not a wore generally wealthy citizenship; alai it is not enreasonithie to expect that the lands of old Ontario will soon double in value. • a The beneficial effect iron upon the system weakened -through illness, overwork or anemia, is well known, Fer- rovim is a preparation which supplies the valuable element in the most efficient way, com- bining with it the nourishing qualities of beef and the mild- ly stimulative effect of sherry wine. rerrovim costs 1.00 a bottle at druggists. each being responsible for over one million dollars Cobalt is just about straight North from Toronto. The entire townsite is owned by the 'mines, and the whole region is composed of chains and pro- spects were there are no mines. The city is said to have 5,000 people with- out counting the mine workers and floating population of several thous- ands. Cobalt is not a town of homes, however. No one lives there who can help himself. Surface rights or leases. North Country • iron ore valued at nearly half a million dollars. While Cobalt was in the "boom tiine," the city was visited by fire and scores of unsightly shacks were swept away new and substantial buildings -hasta.replaced -&-e-eighteen-bars.axlitAsta,mtga tp.,contain Cobalt maintains al' supremacy 17,800 ounces and to be . worth $9,8 the greatest silver -producing area in They leave Canada for the trip across the world. Statistics of 1909 are now forthcomthe Atlantic to the bullion brokers of - the Bank of England at London, Eng., ing and have the 'official endorsement -Brit- :of Mines for the Province of Ontario on June Fron the Empress of iod. The smelter returns for the last ain. for the first nine months of that per- • It is not quite a month since the O'Brein made their last shipment of three months, while approximate, are equally reliable. bullion from the cyanide mill. Cobalt's shipments from the year of The bullion hipments from the camp eye, all all who can do so go to Halley - bury four miles north, to live. Cobalt Nugget ; Yesterday the O'Bien expressed out eighteen more bars of silver making altogether 1240 pounds of the white metal. • These ° now stand : the first discoveries are : unces.Value. TONNAGE MENTHOL PLASTER • FOR BACKACHE, SCIATICA, PLEURISY. STITCHES. CRICKS, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM Each 25c, in air -tight tin box; yard rolls $1.00, can be cut to any size. 4 Beware of worthless imitations. DAVIS & LAWRENCE Co:, Montreal. Church heirs Evangelists Crossley and Hunter closed their twenty-sixth year toget- her in evangelistic work on. Sunday May 29th, at. Wt odbridge. During the year campaigns have been held in Blyth, Essex, New Liskerd, Aurora, Renfew, St. Marys, Almonte, Toronto Ailsa Craig,Lietowel and Woodbridge. The old friends of Rev. Dr. Cook, - former pastor of Ontario St. Church, here, bat now .of Gerard St. Church, Toronto, will regret to hear of the very serious illness of his wife, who, for the past throe months, has been in such a condition as to cause her friends grave anxiety, and who yet is very far from being well. • Makes Hair Grow. O'Brien Buffalo • . 103.166 $53,775 1904 158.55 1905 2,336 01 . 68,500 34,260 1906 5,836.59 Crown Reserve 15,931 8,623 907 15,851,34 1908 25,362.10 187•,597 596,648 YEAR SCOTT'S EMULSION is now a summer as well as a winter remedy. It has the same invigorating and strength -producing ef- fect in summer as in whiter, Try it in a little cold milk or water, ALL, DRUGGISTS 500 yards 1. It. Johnston, Dungannon, No. 2. score...5 5 5 5 4 5 4-83 2 J, Johnston, Dungannon, No. 1, score, 3 4 4 5 4 5 5-32 3. H. Bellamy, Dungannon, No. 2, s zore . .. • 4 5 5 4 5 4 5-32 WO yards °I. G Beadle, Auburn 5 4 4 4 5 5 5-32 2, Elliott, Whitechurch ...4 4 5 5 4 5-32 3. W. Reid, Dungannon,, No. 1 • .1 • • ... A 5 4 5 4 5 5 4-32 Tyros 1, W. Cantwell, Colborne; 2, 5 Dea- eon ; 3, W. Webster, St Helen's. The special prizes were won by: -B. J. Crawford, Dungannon No. 1; It John- ston, Dungannon N. 2 ; Geo. Young- blut,• Auburn ; R. Carrick. White, W. Boles, Lanes, F. D McLennan; Lochalsh. 5, Westlake, Goderich Tp.; H. Knox. Auburn ; T. McCann, Dun- gannon No. 2. At the meeting held at the close of the shoot a committee was appointed to arrange for a shoot of 50 men with the Oxford County Rifle League at the Government ranges at Goderich. TONIC TREATMENT taking the Pills until she had' need began to feel bet ter. She continued ten boxes; when her health, was fully fOR INDIGESTION restored and she 3ou1d take any kind of food without the least discomfort. Since that time she has not had the The Process of Indigest- sligest return of the trouble." • Thousands of cured men and women ion is Controlled by the , speak from experience of the benefits derived from Dr. Williams' Pink Piller Blood and Nerves. in cases of indigestion, anaemia, rheu- matism, general weakness, pains in -- the back and side, neuralgia, St. Vitus If you have indigestion and you he- dance and the troubles that afflict :gin a course of treatment to make your women and growing.girls. These Pills stomach strunger,you are on the right are sold by all medicine dealers or by ' track for a real cure. You can never mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from the Dr, Williams' Medicine W. A. McConnell,laas an inigorator that will grow. haitnar money back. JriieJo take care of ypur hair is when you have air to tare care of. If your hair is getting thin, grad- ually falling out, it can't be long before the spot appears. The greatest remedy to :stop the hair from falling is SALVIA., the Great American Hair Grower, first discovered in England. SALVIA fur- nishes nourishment to the hair roots and acts so quickly that people are amazed, • And rernenaber, ir destroys the Dandruff geam, the little pest that saps the life that should go to the hair from the roots. SALVIA is sold by W. A. McCon- nell under a positive guarantee to cure Dandruff, stop Falling Hair and Itching Scalp in ten days, or money back. A large bottle costs 50 cents. The. word "SALV IA"- (Latin for sage) is on every bottle. • cure yourself by eating pre-digestde foods, or by taking purgative medic - cines. The stomach is not doing its own work under these treatments, and there can be no real cure until the stomach is strong enough to di- gest all the food necessary to main- tain the body in normal health. The great aini of the tonic tieatment for indigestion in all forms is to strength- en the stomach to a point where all 'foods eaten witl digest eesily and nour- ish the body. A tonic that will strengthen the stomach is what is needed, as the process of digestion is controlled by the blood and nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal tonic. They actually make new, rich blood, and thus bring strength and tone to the stomach. This has been proved over and over again, and thou- sands of grateful people have not hesi- tated to say so. Here is an instance -Miss Eva Tocher, Balmoral, Man., says; -"I am writing this letter on be- half of my mother wbo wishes you to know how much Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for her. For several years she had been greatly troubled with indigestion and notwithstanding the medicine she was taking the trou- ble was growing worse. Every meal was dreaded, and left behind it a feel- ing of nausea and severe pains. As this continued she began to lose strength and energy, and was hardly Friday evening. At its conclusion, able to ao any housework. Acting on Reeve Joynt vvas presented tan beha'f the advice of a friend she began to ' orthe county council, with a gold - take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,and sodit headed cane in aelzhoWledgentent of Co., Brockville, Ont. Lucknow Bruce country council, 'which has been in session here since June 6, concluded its labors Saturday. A committee was appointed to confer with the county council of Huron in the matter of establishing a joint home for tuberciilat patients and incurables. The Huron council reported as being in sympathy with the suggestion, but no definite decision has yet been reached. Lucknow has been suggested as a possible site for such home. The council will memorialize the "Ontario Government to • pass some legislation whereby any municipality, where cattle are affected by lump - jaw, will have power to prevent such diseased cattle from running at large. A by-law was passed providing for the final equiization of the county in cases of appeal being made by the county judge. A grant of $1,500 was mado to the; County Hospital at Walkertonand one of $500 to the hosiptal at Kincar- dine. ' The county rate for 1910 will be 2,49 mills as compared with 2.15 last year. A banquet in honor of the visiting councillors was given by the town on LAM B0Ch,Pdifill11 SOIChtS kW- irt the too sudden and unexpeot. ed descent or flying machine:, The blizzard.cellare CUP Wooten' Yankee owned will have to be borro wed. •••• LONG winded,' dry, drony addressee, sermons, speeches or editorials are no good, We are sorry for two classes of people in this connection viz, those who deliver them and those who are supposed to. listen, Short, sharp, mien meaty expositions give tone, zest and enthusiasm and grow the fruits of profitable service and usetutness. At the big W. 0. T. U., meeting in Glas- gow recently one hundred speeches were made in one hundred minutes. That was going some wasn't it ? But we do not hesitate to say that those who attended the gathering would never forget it nor would the vim and clash of the occassion lose its influence for many a day, Let us seek to be dynamic rather than dogmatic; to be impersonal rather than puerile and tc, turn on the power in our efforts to better the condition of the world loath at Koine and abroad, Be brief, busy and buoyant. •4.. T is said3he • Duke of Connaught wiil succeed Earl Grey as Governor General of Canada. Before coming here he will visit South Africa and open Parliament. The Duke will be heartily welcomed to this Dominion and we hope his tenure of office will be one of „pleasure anctprosperity. **ow LAST week 25 men who are doing time in North Bay Jail were taken to Matheson, on the Temiskaming and NorthernOntarioRailway,from which point they will engage in road making toward the Porcupine gold mines. The toilers will wear civilian clothing in- stead of prison garb, and the outcome of the new order of things will be close- ly watched. . , CINDER the.\l'ure Food inspection work in Montreal 20 gallons of fer- mented maple syrup, selling at $1.00 per gallon were seized one day last week and 22 owners of milk cans were brought to book for leaving the latter unwashed. More power to the inspec• tors in compelling dealers to play fair - with the public. Surely the prices are high enough, admitting of sufficient proflt to .warrant cleanliness. •••• A clever but very unique journalistic eured in Ten Jays, or Your Money Back.. • The moment you suspect any Kid- ney or Urinary disorder, or feel Rheumatic pains, begin taking Fig Pills FIG PILLS are sold with a guarantee to cure all Kidney, Bladder or Liver' troubles, Indigestion and all Stomach Disorders. • FIG PILLS are sold at all leading drog stores at 25c. a box, or five for $1.0o. HURON COUNTY . 6•••••./. , Employing Printers A Conference to be held in Stratford on June 24th of the Publishers. and Printers of the North- • western District ' Mr. Hal. B. D only of the Reformer Simcoe, president'of the Weekly sec" tion of the Canadian Press Associa- tion, was in. Stratford arranging for a conference of the employing printers of this district there on Friday, June 24th. The conference will be held in the board room of the City hall in two sessions, one at 10 a.m. and another at 2._p m. £he district will cover the co ultifiel-- or-liraterroral-Pgith, Hui car, Bruce and the western sections of Wefiington and Grey along theline of the Grand Trunk. Mr John D. Imrie, editor of Printer and Publisher Toronto, will give an address on modern methods for ascertaining cost of production, and other specie - RIFLE LEAGUE Dungannon Team Succeeded in Holding the County Cup The summer shoot of the Huron County Rifle League was held at Point Farm last week. The day was bright and warm with enough wind off the lake to make the shootir g vary. Ten teams of ten men each competed. Seven shots with a sighter were fired at the 200 and 500 -yard ranges, Dun- gannon team No 1 averaged more than inners and succeeded in holding the county cup. The average value per shot made by the hundred nien was 3.4. The following was the standing Of the teams: - 200 500 yds yds Tot'l. figure passed off the stage of action when Goldwin Smith died. While we could not agree with many things, he said he nevertheless wielded a trench- • ent pen which was accompanied by considerable influence. Those who are supposed to know say he was .- worth a, million of dollars in this world's goods. • •0011 • THREE• important requisites to health,that should not be lost sight of are good wholesome food; plenty of i•sleep in well ventilated ; rooms, and lists willalsop • hearty, vigorous exercise, A 'tansy In the evening there, will be a meet- ' betttfrfor both body a mind lugof the executive of the Cana • than that of indelence o eisure. Press Association under the presidency• of Mr J. F. McKay, business manager Plenty to do and a willi nese to do of the Toronto Globe. it is a panacea for many an ailment, either imaginary or realistic. A Sate Medicine THE BEST apo SHOE, WE SELL !OR ARCH INSTEP WITH STEEL SHANK The makers of the "Empress" produce more high- grade shoes for women than any factory in Canada, and whenyou consider that three hundred thousand pairs of this modern shoe are sold every year in Can- ada to women who wear only the highest grade of footwear, and that almost every fourth woman you meet will be wearing a pair of the "Empress" there must be a cause. WE ARE ONE OF THE 500 AGENTS. J. CLUFF Agent = - = Clinton For All Children MAYOR GUERIN, of Montreal, who attended the funeral of the late King The mothers whose little ones are Edward, makes the suggestion that ill not only wish for a medicine that King George should be crowned as will make their babies better but one King of Canada as well as Great that positively cannot do any barna. lets. They are Sold under the posi- India. He thinks we should, not be Such. a naedieine is 13abys Own Tab Britain and Ireland and Emperor of '- rive guarantee'bf a governmearOtana-. lumped with "the Dominions across other harmful drug. They alwa/s do • the land of the future and information concerning it was never more anxious ly sought after nor more carefully studied. Let all our trade relations and immigration plans tend to strengthen this condition so • that Canada will be the great magnet to the Old World. King George is King of Canada as far as patriotism and loyalty to him and the great British interests are concerned but the addit- ional prominence as suggested by Mayor Guerin would do us a great deal ofgood, The coming of the Duke of Connaught as Governor General would be regardedas a special mark of favor from the Motherland. Hurrah! for Canada. UNDER the title of "Beeswax Club" a gang of ruffians and law breakers has been carrying On their nefarious business in Montreal. They should be taught that honey greatly enhances the value of beeswax and that unless they enrich and improve their lives • they must be excluded from the Social hive. No halfway dealing with such gentry is any good, they have to be taught the lesson of subordination and the value of human life. All the "beeswaxers" do not live in Montreal. • Dungannon, No. 1.. 277 289 566 Colborne 274 253 527 Goderich Tp 267 257 b24 Auburn 272 238 510 Whiteehurch. .... . 249 241 490 Dungannon, No. 2249 239 488 Loch alsh 253 222 475 St. Helen's, No 1250 216 460 Lanes 234 210 444 St. Helen's. No 2224 171 395 The medals were won by P. Rundle, Goderich Township ; C. McNeil, Col- borne. and A. Long, Lochalsh. The winners of first money were : Some Things You Need Tomato plants, Garden Seeds, Corn, Mangle and Turnip Seeds, Millett and Sunflower Seed. Then there are Hoes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Scythes and Snaths, Our Boots and Shoes are selling well as the price and quality are right. Overalls, Smocks and Pants for Men and boys. Good and cheap groceries, always the best and at close pricer]. School supplies also Bibles and Hymn Books. I would like some one to return my large Scissors for ending tin. Highest price for But- ter and Eggs. Kindly rush in the Eggs at 18e Friday evening, as price goes down soon. R. Adams, Londesboro. 11111111111111IN lyst to contain no opiate narcotic or the seas." Our :krentity should be good; they cannot possibly do anti given in the King's title. Canada is -not even to the new born baby. Con cerning them Mrs J E Z Marchnnd, Ste Anne de la Perade. Que., writes:. -"I find Baby's Own Tablets indis- pensible. As soon as I find one of my children not feeling well I administer the Tablets and 1 am never disap- pointed in the result. I would not be without them and am enclosing fifty cents for two more boxes." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr Williams Medicine Co„Brockville,Ont. His Friend Said r‘ If They' Don't Help or , Cure You I Will,Stand The Price." SANCTUM MUSINGS • (Wrapis said to lead the world for sobriety. Even with this high en - conium there is plenty of room for progressive crusades. . *V* VIOLENT thunderstorms have caused serious damage in Germany, Russia, and other European countries. They were accompanied by cloudbursts,and destructive lightning. Numerous deaths are reported: as a consequence. •••• THEDominion Government Annuity proposition is one that may be studied with beneficial results both morally, physically and financially. policy of thrift carefully and systematically followed can only have one 'result - abiding good. •••41 WHILE quite a commotion was pre- dicted over proposed changes in the Corenation oath the various churches assembled in their higher Courtir' di( not warm up very much on the ques- tion and thediscussions were neither long nor virulent. woe** ALREADY in West Huron the query as to who will carry the Liber al banner at the next Dominion Elec- tion is a question being. talked over. It is expected that a nomniating. Con vention naay be held next Pall. Barr- ister Lewis, of Goderich is the M. P., at the present time and will probably seek re election, ION* To the list of commonplace acci. dents and smash ups is now added aeroplane escapades. In England and +-444-+-44-*+ Mr. J. B. Rusk, ilza 4- Orangeville, Ont., oom,„,,,, -writes,:-5-LI-had-hren Curedp + troubled with Dys- + , + pepsin, and Liver +++++44-4-4 Complaint and tried many :different re- medies but obtained Iittle•or no benefit. A friend advised me to give your Laxa-Liver Pills a trial, but 1 told. him 1 had tried so many "euro ails" that I was tired paying out money for things giving me no benefit. He said, '1f they don't help, or cure yon, will stand the price.' So seeing his faith in the Pills, I bought two vials,.aed I was not deceived, for they 'were therest I ever used. They gave relief which has had a more lasting effect than •any medicine I have ever used, and the beauty about thein is, they are small and easy to take. I believe them to be the best medicine for Liver Trouble there is to be found." Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00, at alt dealers, or will be sent direct by mail on reelpt of pri- ce. The .iiiiCo., lAtnited, Toroiato, Ont. UST Is a General Nuisance, and Causes Sickness, but it Can.be Avoided by Using DU -ST B AN E on sweeping da,ay. "Dustbane," moreover, dis-. infects the room and restores Rugs to their original freshness. The women swear by "Dust - bane" when once they have used it. • DMA have another dusty sweeping-duy, bit get a 35e package of s' Dustbane are authorized by the manufacturers of " Dustbane " to send you a 35c can of their Sweeping Compound. We want youto use this on trial for one week. At the end. of this period, if not found satisfactory, we will take it back, and there will be no charge for quantity used. It Does Away with Dust on • Sweeping Day. You want it. Sold in bbls, half bbls, and quarter bbls, for stores, schools, churches, hospitals, banks, and public buildings, Harland Bros. Distributors tor Clinton Canadian Factories St. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Man. ERIBMIRBIMINIMIS- • imiummtiamessammimmow • Important Announcement „WAR Holmes desires to announce to the readers or Clinton -that-they have Secured the agency for Parisian Sage, the marvelous dandruff- cure and delightful hair dressing. W S It Holmes is glad to state that Parisian Sage is a rigidly guaranteed hair restorer. It Mires dandruff in two weeks by killing the dandruff microbes; it stops falling hair; it cures all scalp diseases, or money back. It is a mo sI pleasant hair dressing, especially for ladies, as it makes the hair soft and lustrotte. The price is Only 50 cents a large bottle at W S 13 Holmes or by express, all charges lave - paid, from Giroux Mfg 0o., Fort Erie, Ont. •Y Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S A S.11.0 I LA Germany a number at spectators were • Ba.rga.insinFurnitti re Carpets and Shades We want to clear out all teese goods before July, ist. Low prices will do it Dining Itoom Sets Buffet, with long bevel mirror, lined drawers, leaded glass doors. Six • leather -seated chairs; large Extension Table, round or square, i -cut oak finish. Reg, 370, foa $63.00 Combination Sideboard and China Cabinet. • A beautiful piece for your Dining Rwm. Four styles', • $23, $25, ,$26 and $55. Dresser and tand • Princess Dresser, large oval mirror, 8 drawers, stand with high towel rack, reg. $20, for $18.00 White and Brass Beds Sanitary, beautiful and corefortable, $3.00 to $15 each Brussels Carpet Reds, green and faWns, reg. 31.25, for $1.00 per yard Cork Linoleums Made in Scotland, 2 yds, 3 yds and 4 yds wide, reg. 60; 40c. '45c and 50c sq yd Window Shades, Picture Pralines. Room Moulding, etc., at low prices. for • gyellew M01111111eritS F: W. CUTLER, Choice Designs Bea Materials. \Jas. 13oig. Opposite the Post Office blinton Painter and Paper manger. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Residence nearly opposite the t Collegiate Institute,