HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-06-23, Page 1he
V01.1:0 NO.1
Capital ... ,$5, o o o, o o o
Reserve . . . $5,900,000
Assets . . . $72,000,000
125 Branches, and Correspondents
throughout the world.
Every facility for the transaction of
Banking in all its branches,
nterest allowed on Savings accounts
at highest current rates.
Courteous treatment accorded to all
R. E. MANNING, ,Nigr.
The town council has decided to
submit a by-law to the people for the
purpose of purchasing 400 horsepower
r electric current from the hydro -electric
The family of T G Neelin have gone
to Bayfield for theeummer.
Mrs L C Jackson and two children
left on Thursday for Philadelphia,
where she will visit for some time.
The death occurred in Egmondville
on Wednesda of Mrs Duncan Camp-
bell. Sheer survived by her husband
and one daughter, Miss Jennie. The
interment took place in Brussels on
A very enjoyable entertainment
was held in the Presbyterian Church,
me, on
T, ondviil Tuesdayevening.A
large audience was present, who
thoroughly enjoyed the programme
which consisted of readings by Mrs
Neil Shaw, Mr W 0 Landsborough,
Mrs D Carswell; solos, by Miss L
Anderson, Mrs John Archibald, Miss
A G Gemmill and Miss Rena Holman;
a duet by Miss Tena Burgard and Mr
Hudson, Mr John McNay made a
capable chairman. The entertain-
ment was under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid Society.
At the session of the county council
held in Goderich last week, the grant
to Collegiate institutes and high
schools was increased by $2,0004 This
means that, owing to the increased
number of pupils attending the Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute, they will in
future receive from the County an in -
.crease in, their grant of about $600.
Mrs Wm Ballantyne, who has been
in poor health for some time, passed
away on Friday. She is survived by
her husband and a grown -unfunny.
M}'ss Irene Dickson, daughter of J T'
Dickson, has taken her degree of B A
with honors, standing second in house
hold science. James A. Dickson her
brother,, takes first-class honors at
Toronto. University, standing third in
a class of W. and was awarded the
Fulton scholarship in science•.
Quite a number attended the circus
held in Winton Saturday.
The Telephone men are busy putting
an extension to the line tothe .west end
Mrs. Geo, McCully, of Stratford, is
at present the guest of her mother-in-
law, ,Mrs. McCully, of the village.
Next Sabbath will be Rev, Mr, Cur-
rie's last Sabbath as pastor of this cir-
cuit, as the Sunday following our uew
pastor Rev Mr Osterhout takes ubarge.
John and Mrs. Pepper and •son, of
i Deloraine. Man„ are at present the
`guest of Mrs. Pepper's parents, Gavin
and Mrs, Jamieson and other -friends.
The foil swing are trying t beEntrance
Iexaminations at Seaforth this week,
Hazel Lindsey, Maud Dunlop, Lillian
TClark, . Jennie Henderson, Laurence
Taylor and JohnArmstrong. We
'a ishthene success as their,teacherMiss
I A Farnham has spent quite a lot of ex -
Itra time in teaching them..
��,f,� only fnouncestheenaetnentofaer
daughter, Dorothp-Demorest, to Clare
• ance I .Rhnes, on of Mrs. George
Rhynas,' of Goderich. The marriage
will takep lace about the middle of
^Open all year. Eater any time. I Four large motars, the : gift of the
WRITE FOR HANDSOME CATALOGUE, militia department arrived here last
week from Kingston, and will be put
Despite the heroic efforts of bis
companion, John Haldane, a baker,.
John Ritchie, barber, was drowned:
red to
the Maitland River about
10 o'clock
Sunday morning. Ritchie went
down to the 0 P R bridge for a swim
He got across the river all right and.
climbed up on the bank. He turned
to Haldane suddenly and complained
that he was all in, "I think I will go
back," he said, "I am all out of
breath." When about half aay across
he sank out of sight. Haldane . went
to the rescue. The •drowning man.
clutched his companion in a death
grasp, and it took Haldane's whole
strength to .fight. himself free, and
that after a. . struggle in which he
thought that 'he was going to the
bottom. The alarm was given and an
expert swimmer brought the un-
conscious man to shore, Dr Kennedy.
was . on hand immediately, but all
attempts at resuscitation failed.
Ritchie came here a shcrt time ago.
from Brussels and, opened up a shop.
He was a member of the Presbyterian
Church and was married afew months
agoto Miss Bessie ' .
� e assistant
postmistress at Brussels, who is pros-.
trated with grief. Sixteenmen and
boys have been drowned here, and 14
of these met. death on a Sunday. •
The oil has been sant for with which
.to oil . the main business streets, and
the first application will be made
short' .
Preparations for celebrating. Dom-
inion Dayare going rapidly. forward;
An elaborate programme is out, and
I preparations arebeing made to accoree
rodate large crf)Wds.
Mrs:'114. H. Kerr: •bf Toronto, an-
• ♦
THE Bey WHO' •
♦The OLINTON NzrwEtta offers •• a book of nearly 000 pages, en- •
•titled ''The Canadian Farmer's• Manual of Agriculture, to the♦ farmer's son attending a rural ;
sebool who takes the bestmarks ♦
• at the next Entrance Examine- •
• tion to be held at Clinton. WYe 44.♦ would be glad if teachers would•make this known in the schools te• interested.o•oo•o4r000••••••poi•••o•••
in position, The 'council; are dividedin opinion as to where to place them,
as some say they are too ugly to
place in the parka.
R: U. Postlethwaite has been ap-
pointed chief of police byethe councilboard. Chief Yule, who is retiring, is
going. to Calgary, .Mr» Bostlethwitite
was fnrnierly a member of the• police
force, but retired. He was.chosen out
of half a dozen applications,A happy event was solemnized Tues-
day morning at St. •Peter's Church,
when MissMary Margaret Ralihan,became the bride of Eugene L. Dean.
The ttev. leather McRae performed the
ceremony at 10 o'clock. The bride
was: attended by Miss Catharine Doyle
and Victor J Dean, brother of the
groom, was best man, , The happy
couple areyleaving this afternoon on
an extended bridal tour to Toronto,
Buffalo and Niagara Fallsi Both are
well known, and a host: of friends
join. in congratulation and "best •wishes.
On theirreturn they will live in God-
erich Mr, Dean being a pa tact in the
•firm of Dean Bros., grocers.The home of Mr and Mrs James
Homey, East street, was the scene of
a very happy gathering Tuesday
night, it being the celebration oft ;their
golden wedding day. They Were; roar-ried in;London, Ont., June 2Q,1800,and
immediately started to clear a farmin the township of Usborne.:"A.fter a
residence of 17 years tbere,t'hey, .moved
to McKillop. Township, where' they
lived for I8 years. They removed Io••
years ago to Oolbore Township, and
far five years have beenresidents of
this town.. Eleven children were born
to theta,six sons and' five ' daughters,
all of whom lived to • manhood ,and
womanhood but one, and all the rest
hvin now. The are t. e r og y S >a y, f Car-
low ; William, •.of Owen Sound I Levi,
of Manitaba ; Thomas, of Brantford;
Edward, of Goderich ; Mrs. Jos. Car,
ter, of Auburn ; Mrs Bisbee and Mrs
McGregor, of Todwordg�ne., and Mrs
Kneeshaw apd' Mrs Sanderson, of God-
er'chi Al »
1 ,were re n tset the eunion but cne, and Mrs R A Locker,
of London, and Mrs D Brained, of. Ex-
ater, were also, •among' the guests.
There are 24 grandchildren:end . three
florney ace hale and hearty, and from
present•indications may live to cele-
brate t ibe 60th an ir n verset . ` e
A ursof .s'old.f>corn:the: childre y yetteeege_•the n. stoup pxespnts °
•A♦••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
The Morrish Clothingco.
Imagine what two months t.
of Summer Vacation means •
to a boy ! Months' of free- Z
dom—swimming, baseball,
etc. We've special outfit :4
tings'for this strenuous
period. . •
Wash Suit s, Flannel' , n
Suits, -.Cotton . Knickers, ♦••
Sweaters, Shirtwaists, •.
Boys' Wash: Suits, dark
patterns,fast colors, at. •
75e a Suit • '•
Boys' Wash Suits, neat pat-
terns, at $1.00 per Suit
Boys' Wash Suits, e x t ra
Special, at $1.50 per Suit
Boys' two - piece Flannel
Suits, sizes 26 to 33, at
$1.99 yer Suit. Just the
kind for' hot weather.
The College Suit
"Lion Brand "
Boys' Sweaters at from 50c
to SIM4
Boys' Cotton Knickers at 25c.
••♦• 7th UNVEILING of the Clock SATURDAY,
June 25th, at 4 p.m. Don't forget to bring your
Time Cards.
•E• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••41+1+14•444:
I The Morrish Clothin•g Co.
+ cc�r
A Square Deal For Every Bran
♦•••••••••14•••••o•o•i•i•••••i1 •••••••ii!•••••o•i•41
• Will Connell sports a rubber tired
Miss :Olive Sturdy took in the Ex-
cursion to Detroit.
We are sorry to.say Mrs. Acheson
18-0D the sick list. .
Harold Forster who has . been in
Buffale for some time, returned home
last week:
A number from.. here .took iii 'the
moonlight excursion at Goderich last.
Friday evening. .
Jno, and Mrs.• Potter and Elmer
drove to ,Mitchell' last week and.lspegb
a few 'days with friends there. •
.Mrs. 11. R. Forster, and children, of
Locust 'Hi fi ar
e Visitingat the
of theformer'sfather, WYea..
A J Courtice
has made quite an im-
provement to the appearance of his
house, by having a verandah erected.
Mr. Alex. and Misses Maggie and
Lizzie BBadour, of Oourtright visited
at their brother0harles last week,they
having come on the Steamer Grey-
hound. •
Rev. Mr. 1 olilfe, of Wesley .Church,
Clinton, and Rev.. Snowden ofthis
place•exchanged pulpits last Sunday
morning. Mr. Irwin also of. Clinton
occupied the pulpit in the evening:
Geo. Connell, nephew of Win. Con-
nell of.11th con., who had engaged
with Geo. Gould for the summer, had
the misfortune last week to break his.
leg while wrestling with another boy.
We hope to hear he will .soon be
around again.
LAWN SOCIAL:—The Annual Lawn
Socia under the auspices of theLeague
and Sunday School of the Methodist
Church, will be held on G. Holland's
Lawn, on Wednesday July 17th. Re-
freshments served from 6.to o p, mein -
eluding strawberries and cream, Tea,
Coffee. Oakes, ete. Clinton's Citizen's
Band will be present. Admission 15
and 25.1. Rigs wilt be run by Cook's
Livery, from ClintonTown Hall, com-
mencing at 7 p. m. Fare 150 for the
round trip.Should the.weather prove
unfavorabe, the Social.will be held in
e Church.
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
So Years of Earnest and Successful Service
It is an unusual and infrequent
pleasure to record the Golden Ju bilee
of a watchman upon the walls of Zion
as the majority either "fall" in the
harness" orare incapacitated and
compelled to retire. Rev Mr Greene,
who is two well and favorably known
to Macy at the readers of the Nrew
Rae, has served the church and every
other good cause with a zeal and cepa•
htlity that well deserves worsts of ap-
probation both here and hereafter.
His 'health has been remarkably good
and even yet he is active and ready
for a good day's work. His eyes are
not dimmed nor the acuteness of his •
hearing diminished and his clear
toned voice rings out the 'Old, old
story' with a power and readiness
quite remarkable at his time of life.
Ray Mr Greene has not grown old
in spirit in the ppassing years and is a
welcome member to any circle
'Whether young or old. Although
associated with W e s l e y Church,
Clinton, he is not many $abb:tths as
home and frequently has to refuse.
calls to preach owing to not possessing
the gift of •Omnipresence,
The following brief outline con -
corning the reverend gentleman will
give some,idea of his busy life and if
Rev Mr Greene could be persuaded to
put his experiencesinto book form we
are confident the story would prove
Most unique and full of interest:—
Rev Mr Greene was born in what is
now Hamilton theith
o the city of lam t on l
of December, 1833. At that time the
village had not a church of any de-
scription but a little Wesleyan chapel
which stood where the First Methodist
Church nawstands, and the head
the circuit was Ancaster. From the
age of 6 until he was 21 his life was
buried on.a bush farm near the now
village f Caledonia with hard work
which toughened him and little school
ing which he says has.all along been
a serious drawback to him. He was
in his 25th year before a serious.
thought of the ministry had come to
him, Mr Greene *as taken into.the
church by the late Rev. Thos
in the parental home Nov, Oth,, 1848,
and was received as a probationer for •
the ministry of the old Wesleyan
Conference, which' at that time ex-
tended from the island of Bermuda
to the foot of the Rocky mountains,
at the Conference of 1860, and sent to
the moulinette circuit in the Brock-
rockville District. There, . under the
superintendence of Rev. W M Patty -
son, he remained for two years and
spent his tnird yearon the old Matilda
circuit with Rev Wm Coleman.
These fields' weee found tall of
historic memories. "Chrysler's Chrysler s 1+arm
and the old memorable . "Windmill"
were objects of peculiar interest, and
it was a prlvilege-to-minister"ta—•Koine-
of the old eeeterans,. and listen to their.
recount: of heroic. scenes.. Then Meth-
had .a pageif interesting
•record - The er i
o � `t 'er'f'a�tl
,o h
ilk f no
'Evan'elaoys was . the •one in which
Bishop Asbury was .entertained when
we came across the river nearSt Regis
in 1811. The subject' of this' notice
spent hisrlth year at'• lctoria •0ollege,�
and on the fifth of Tune, 1864,., with 29
others—was ordained under the pres-
idency of the late Rev. Wm gabr on,
in the old : Elm : St. Church, Toronto.
From. that Conference Mr Greene was
sent to take charge of : the :Keppel
Miesion, which was just being•oppened,
and now embracesBrookholm,Kemble.
Wiarton, Oxenden.. Hepworth and
Shallow `Lake Oircuits.
Three of Me. Greene's busiest years
Mr and Mrs McPhaill, of Porter's
Bill, and Mrs Walker, of Peterboro,
were -visiting these ladies' parents, W.
and Mrs Ivison,
Mr Ivison for over a year has been
confined to the house because of a fall
sustained last year. His many friends
will be pleased to hear of his recov-
erMiss Ida Dinsdale spent a few daye.
in her father's, J B Dinsdale's home
before going to Srata Barbara,Cal.
She is an experienced stenegrapher
and will do well en her new home.
She accompanies Mr•and Mrs Vincent
Wood whose marriage was announced
last week. One of'Mr. Wood's brothers
goes also. We are loath to lose such
good Canadian Citizens but wish them
the hest of success in their new
Ones. Falconer and wife are home
on a yisit
Mr and Mrs Heath have returned on
their usual vacation. ,-
We are soa�ry to hear tliat.,MissIIate
Gardner is in a serious state df, illness.
Mr. Thomson has started his saw-
mill which will run during the sum-
A. stnall.nnmber of our people en -
toyed the Excursion on the Grey-
followed on what was then known as
"Artemesia Mission."
There were 15 preaching places, ern
brading at the present time Flesher.
ton, Markdale, Priceville, Dundalk,
Euphrasia circuits,and Eugeniaand . u and at
tht time the whole property sof the
Methodist Church would not amount
to more than 82000,00.
He' preached well up to 600 times
and spent 1-3 of the term in special
services; travelling at the rate of • 4,000
miles a year, mostly on horseback.
These were glorious times. ' God bless-
ed the labors m the salvation of hun-
dreds of souls, ^
From there Mr, Greene went to
Chatsworth; Invermay, (now Tara)
Hanover,Paisley,C esle and Port
Elgin, tus spending
4•. years success-
ively in the Owen Sound District.
The rest of his active ministry,or cath-.
her work in the active ranks, was
spent at Lucknow, Granton, Gorrie,
Fullerton and Holmesville,which'com-
p e41 years let d
wit a break.
Mr Greenedoes not remember losing
even a Sunday through sickness, a
most remarkable record. Since super-
annuation he has preached over 670
i es•about... years fit•havin full
charge of circuiwink,• According to
Mr. Greene's record.
During his ministry he has been
privileged to preach at least 6,340
tines, and honored by receiving into
membership of the Church about
1,380 persons. •
Many and great have been the
changes during his 50 years, and al-
though it seems a long time to look
back, yet, in the Provadence•of God,he
is stilt vi'g-�o ous agd ac ive.
The hearty congratulations of net
only Olintonians but thousands of
others will beexten ed. to thus worthy
'Gtis"pel •"ppioneel Who through' Iolig
r and tr in e' a ' e -
ea s itu tions often d m
Y g
castrated the Truth accompanied by
many cheering evidences •of success.'
Tp him a retrospect must be full of
happy associations ; and anticipated
blessed.re,.unions ' '
Rev. Mr. Greene has spent the past
10 years in Clinton and is ever ready
to aid in the promotion of every good
word and work. The NEW ERA voices
the sentiments of the people, o f this
locality in the hope that his life• ay
be .extenea1 (although now in'his 7th
year)as.: a benediction to the"om-
unty and that with him "At even-
tide it may be light."
Mrs .Wingate and, daughter, thi Mrs..
formerly n:rey, of DeCroit,��butform, y of ..a es. s
Place are
" er:cott
among the summ
Rey. Joseph: Elliott, of Goderich'
,preached an excellent sermon in St.
Andrews last Sabbath morning only
to : supply • the vacancy as the Rev.
gentleman is not a probationer.
A strawberry festival will be held
on Tuesday evening June.28th on the
lawn belonging to Mr. •Darrah on
Main Street. Tea will be served from
seven o'clock to 9 and as the celebrat-
ed Zurich Band has been engaged for
the occasion• plenty of good music is
assurrd. Don't miss the first out -door
entertainment of the season.
Porter's Hill
Mrs Flynn, of Detroit. spent Sun-
day in the neighborhood.
5' and Mrs McPhail and daughter
spent Sunday inKippen..
Mrs John McClure is spending a
few' days with friends in Michigan.
Quite a number of our young peo-
ple took in the moonlight Excursion
last Friday evening, • •
A quiet wedding was solemnized . ou
Wednesday evening by Rev. Hamil=
ton,of Goderich. The contracting par-
ties were Miss Fanny Lindsay and
ReidTorranoe,both of Goderich .Town-
ship. The wedding took place at the
home of the bride's mother. The
young couple are very popular and we
all join in wishing them a:happy and
prosperous,married life.
' Provincial Constable •skipper was
Tp. last week investl
where a farmer on. the 4th, •
had his barrel' of fluid for spraying his
orchard destroyed, We understand
that he succeeded in tracing the
wrong -doing to the guilty person.
Next Sunday Rev Mr Fortner will
preach his farewell sermon in Cole's
Church, also at the Bayfield ' and
Bethel churches. , .:The •. numerous
friends of Mr Fortner are indeedvery
sorry to see him leave, he . having
during the past year won the highest
esteem of his congregation. •
The Rev. and Mrs W li Dunbarhave
arrived from the old country. The
trip accross the. Atlantic was very
pleasant•and enjoyable, untill within
a few days of the steamers arrival
when Mrs Dunbar caught a chill from
the effects of which she not yet ret
covered,.' We trust howeverthat in.
the course of•a few days she will be
quite well again.
Miss Lillie Thompson,.. of the Bay-
field Line, left for the West last week.
The numerous friends of Miss Thomp-
son are sorry to losesuch.anestimable
young lady from their midst. She
will be much missed especially by the
congregation of• Cole's Church, she
having been a vainable member of the
choir for years, We wish. Miss
Thompson every successin her new
surroundings.. ••• ••
Lawn Social
On Wesley Church Lawn
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
Tuesday, July 5th
A good' program is being arranged,
Citizens' Rand in Attendance.
Charles Reid lost a valuable horse
this week.
Miss Sadie Uowey, who has been
very i11 for some tune past, we are
glad to learn, is recovering.
Mrs. George Swan, whom, we are
sorry to learn, has not been enjoying
the best of health for some time past,
has gone to Toronto to spend a month
or so. All hope for a speedy recovery.
LitwxjSooI..L --'.Che Presbyterians of
13rucefield purpose holding a lawn 'soc-
ial on the manse grounds on Wednes-
day evening July 0th. A good pro-
gram including the London Harpers.
is provided. Don't forget the date.
On Friday, June 24, the local Rogers
will journey to Brussels, when they
will meet in combat with the inter-
mediates of that place,in order to
decide which team will enter the
finals.: Both teams are coniposed of
big, husky fellows and excellent play-
ers, and doubtless a fast game is ex-
pected.will go
.Che local Rovers by
otor car, and about 200 rooterwil
also accompany thein to the northern
town and help cheer the boys to vict-
A lot of fine cattle were shipped last
Mrs Lonsberry has her father for a
4111111.181111111 •
are alright—the very best as -.
a rule -abut the English sure
has it on them in the manu-
facture of
Paris Green
There is none quite so good as.
A chemical test proves this true.
We sell BERGER'S, and no
other brand, and it costs you no
more that an inferior kind. Buy
the, green that never . fails to
bring results.
X41+ �► �Ic�,onnell
Phm,' B,
C.P.R. Telegraph Agency
Once Again
You will find
buy it necessary '
•We just
� want to remind you ou
visit at preeent, that we have .
Do not forget the Garden Party at,
Knox Church, July 1st. • Berger B Best
Wm Waydaughter Mary- '
are on a visitto friends in Michigan.
• ,
and we• are selling it this year•
30c per lb,
Misses Hutton and Bell took in the
excursion to Detroit last, Saturday
and returned on Monday,
• Colborne
Roy Baer and John Durst • went to
Detroit by steamer "Greyhound" ex-
cursion on Saturday last.
Lorne Groes, of Western College,
Napervelie, Ill., Sundayed on the
Maitland, the guest of Win Durst.
Harold Forster, Buffalo, is home on
a visit after an absence or several
years and expects to stay for some.
Mrs F Breckon and .son•Harold and
family, of Detroit, spent a few days
with friendson the Maitland this
Miss Jean Clutton arrived home on
.:E.ridey.last-from S.tratfard• Norma
School.. '
Miss C Williams is busy writing on
the Entrance amination in Gode.
n¢ ':El
h thi .
eli4 - •
ei hborhoocent
Severalin our n g w
on .the moonlight excursion at Gode-
rich on Friday evening
Miss Josephine Chisholm spent
Saturday and Sunday' with her aunt
Mrs W Chisholm, of Goderich. •
Walter Kingswell, Lock Cook and.
Michael Tobin went cn . •the excursion
to DetroitonSatuladayreturning home
on Monday evening.
Mrs.. All, Glutton left on.Tuesday to.
visit friends and•relatives in Tucker -
smith and to be present at the wed-
ding of her niece Miss Jean •Young-
Ston on Wednesday; June 22nd.
Mre W Stewart and her. two child-
ren, of Dakota, arrived on.'Friday .last
to visit MrsStewart's parents R and
Mrs Fulford and relatives and friends.
>Eleneall '
In a rather one-sided game of base
ball here Monday night Hensall de.
feated Exeter by a score (af 9 to 5,
Misner, who pitched, is .a find, the vie.
tory being mainly due to his fine work
in the box. Considering it being
Haneall's first game this year and
Exeter has not been defeated before
the'showing made by the home team,
is highly. creditable. The Hensel'
players all batted hard and fielded
Goderich To wnenit,
P Cole recently _ sold a colt for the
goodly sutn of $155.00.
Fred Middleton alsopurchased a
new driver from near Zurich,
Miss Emma Cooper is home from.
Toronto for a six weeke vacation.
Miss Dell Miller, of Clinton, was
last week visiting at her uncle's Mr.
Warwick Pole is now the owner of a
speedy pacing driver which he recent-
ly purchased.
Miss May-. Cooper accompanied by
her cousin, Miss•Smith, arrived home
from the West, after an absenee of
three years, and will visit for two
months at her. father's home George
Cooper, Oth • Con, Miss Cooper's old
friends ate glad to see her once again.
Will Hoggart spent Sunday with
his brother Chas Hoggart.
Mr and Mrs Fred Nott and two
children visited Hallett friends Sun.
A .F Johns returned from his school
at Rockwood to spend the holidays
at his home here.
'Miss E, Turner has resigned her
position as Teacher of S. S. No. 6 'and
expectsto go to the West again.
Messrs, Wallis and Irwin addressed
the League at Turner's church on Sun-
day evening and the meeting was en-
joyed by everyone. The League will
be glad to have the 'young gentleman
back any timeee
Ielowersunday will be observed atTur-
ner's Church next Sunday. Rev. T W
Oosens will preach the Sunday School`
Anniversary Service at '2 80 p, m,
ns of Clinton is
and Miss Lucy Stove
expected to address the .Epworth
League at 8 p. m.
GARDEN PAnTv:—A Garden Party
will be held under the auspices of the
Ladies' . Aid of Turners Church on
Tuesday evening3une228th at the Home
of Mrs., Walters Con. 2. The White
Dyke Band, of Clinton, will be in at-
tendanee, Supper will be served
p from O to 8 o'clock. A. good Supper
and dish of Ice Cream far all who are
present. Admission 25e, Children 15e,
We Buy . the - Best far Yoi
S Holmes..
Phin B.'
• Manufacturing Chemist.:
17+'Ntiti4g ..
�* h tt :.•
Sunda ed w i
A and -Mrs Colcloug Y th
Mrs Appleby.
John Hazelwood Sunday)ed with
Tuckersmlth friends.
Miss E Adams is. spending :a week
with Clinton friends. - '
Mr. H. Hale, -of Goderich, spent Sure.1
day`at his home here. •
• Quite a few people took in the
Circus at Clinton; and. moonlight ex.
cursions. • .
Jas McGill has bought a fine 3.year
old horse from a partyin Goderich • Tp
The price paid'was $225.
Mr and Miss M • W aymotitb left Sat-
urday for an extended trip to visit
Chas Peter's in Michigan,
The barn of Jos. Wheatley neail Har
lock was raised on Tuesday, June 14.
The day was fine and no accidents oc-
curred. The captains were John
Mills and Thos Neilans, the letters
side winning, -It is a large barn and
will be convenient when finished.
Matt. Mains, was the contractor.
WEDDING-- The home of 'Mr. and
Mrs. •Ylenry Adams was on Wednes-
day evening the scene of a very pretty-
rettywedding, when their eldest daughter
Elizabeth Jane was united in marriage
to Mr. Chas Francis Dexter. At 6
o'clock the ceremony took place in the
open air, the ofifoiating clergyman be-
ing Rev.. H E ,Currie; of Londesboro.
The bride' came forward leaning on
the arm ofher father to the strains
of the weddingmarch played by Miss
Laura Stewart cousin of the groom.
Thebride was clad in cream silk trim-
med with late and .embroidery, and
carried a bogiuet of carnations and
ferns. The guests numbered to about
sixty and after the ceremony and con-
gratulations all partook of a dainty
luncheon, The presents were numer-
ous which showed the esteem in which
the bride and groom are held, The
groom's gift to the bride was a gold
bracelet, The evening was spent in
In order to supply the ern.
ployees of the neve factory, we
will keep the following Cured
Meats - •
Smoked Roll •
Breakfast Bacon
Skinned Sacks
Long Clear Bacon
Bologna and.
Fresh Sausage
Fresh Lake Huron Sal-
mon Trout on Wednes-
days, and Fridays.
Phone 48 •
music, singing, etc.. after which the
bride and groom left for their farm
near Constance. '
Continued to Page 4.
The next holiday is Dominion. Day
one week from Priddy.
Sure- Death to
Berger's Paris
la the standard for quality,
Paris ' Green
is standard quality, and
• effectiveness. It does the work'
quickly, surely. there is never
any doubt of results, Abso-
lute certainty of results makes
BERGER'S the best Paris Green
to buy.
a. T21,E0V"E-sr
Dispensing Chemist.
he Molsons Bank.
Incorporated 1855
a �1ta1, PAID IJP $3,300,000
Rest Fund, • $3,300,000
Has73 Branches in: Canada antd Agents and orrespondellts in all
the Principal CHUM i:ll the World.
at•alt Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Clinton Branch, - C E, DOW D I N G, Manage.