HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-06-09, Page 49 q�. `► What We Advertise we Sell; ouch- & What we sell Advertises us, Ladies' heady-to*wear Garments, Milliner' ;tadDress-Making. A Caseful of Ginghams To Clear at IOc. These are good quality of English and Can adian Ginghams, in good patterns, and are guar- anteed fast colors ; suitable for Children's and Ladles' Dresses. Would be good value at 1 z'c and 15c, but for vuick selling 122c See them in our window. Cool, Well=maade Gar- ments for Women Cost Small Sums at This Store. The coolest, prettiest kind of Wash Suits, bear very attractive prices in our Wash Garment section• and such excellent garments they are. Just as carefully made as cloth clothing, out of Cotton materials, of dependable quality, Even to the most minute details they will passcritical in- spection. They come in colors of pale blue,. mauve, pink and white. Very Special Suits at White Wash Skirts $7,50 Just what you need for this warm weather. These Skirts are p.1I made in the netvest styles, and are made of good quality English Repp. Prices $2.00 to $-t.00 Fancy- Parasols Our New Parasols for Ladies and Children are now on displa_y,_ in fancy and plain colors.. Prices range from 25c up to $5.00 SANCTi:JM lIi S11Ni,is. TRE NEw ERA extends a cordial welcome to the Co CouncillorsofBruce TI8E Rural Telephone grows apace and this 20th Century convenience will soon be as . commonplace as the cooking stove. A well managed line with a large list of subscribers is a valuable adjunct to any municipality. MONTREAL authorities are after cigarette dealers who are disposing of the "coffin nails" to minors. The cities and towns of Ontario could have a busy crusade along the same line if they were so minded, *Nr HAMILTON Times is running a col- umn on "Why don't men go to Church ?' many of the so called answers were placed in the balance - they would befound wanting. Could small share of the vigor, vim and valu- ation of the other six days of the week be transplanted into the Sabbath, pews in the various churches would be at a premium. Think it over and see if the NEW ERA is not correct, N•i410 CANADA is likely to share more largely in the trade of New Zealand owing to the visit of Dominion Trade Commissioner Beddoc. He is visiting the leading manufacturers of the Do- minion and practically proving the ad vantages to be derived at both ends of the line. A better stear>iship ser- vice has been established and as the WE are glad to . notice that a memorial flag g Bta ff is to be erected over the grave of Alex Muir who was, inspired to write the well-known and highiy prized Canadian National poem "The Maple Leaf." There's more than poetry in it as a careful analysis will show and AlexMuir's memory deserves to be honored. The ballads of a Nation have • often played a prominent part in stirring up to heroism and patriotism and: we are among the number who believe 4•The Maple Leaf" possesses this:. virtue,' Let it be sung., played and commented up- on more frequentlY. ' Cana.da will lose nothing by doing so, 00.6 A number of the American railroads are seeking to odvance .what they term "cut throat" passenger tariffs." Competition is said to be the life of trade but there must be profits enough to keep the wheels moving remunera- tively or the interest soon lags. Run- ning a business for pure fun soon ceases to be an avocation- as full of hilarity as some might "suppose, .A fair profit should be expected and is a necessity. The individual who always desires to 'beat you down' on your price is not nearly as honest as the custnmer who prefers to pay thestated and usually not extravagant figure. rasa SOME political hot head in Toronto advises the runningof municipal elec- tions along political lines. About the only person who has nerve to argue thatway is the fellow who thinks . his party has a cinch on the majority, relations are most cordial between Many'a municipality has been almost these two great countries the business ruined by the introduction of party should be mutually profitable. fights in local'elections, Itis all right to go at it hammer and tongs, if you feellike, in Provincial and Dominion contests but for the general good in the smaller arena the right men for the job should cut a wider swath than the fact of him saying his prayers to Mr. Borden or Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Municipal party polities is like ' a apple with a worm working at the core and all that requires to be done to see the effeets of both. is a little time. Steer clear of party in munici- pal affairs land realize thereby the Motto; "In union there is strength," **ter WHAT was acquired in youth as to manners and eustonis dies hard as people stet along. toward the meridian of life. A dear old brother put up a vigorous kick to the Presbyterian Gen oral Assembly against the singing of hymns and the use of an organin their church. We are afraid the hands of the clock will not be turned back to oblige the demurrer, Itwould bebetter since ho principle is involved, if the Wish them prosperity in the Went. 4obbecter would buy anew hymn book Miss Draper, of Gederich Tp., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hartley. Mr Harrison, of Goderich Tp., spent Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs Jno Hartley. A load of St Paul's church people drove out to Mr. Thompson's 10th con. Goderich Tp., to -day, (Thursday), and spent the afternoon there, Mr. Daniel McMillan, a natityp,,of Clinton, who left with his paretics 59 years ago for California is here on a visit with his cousin, Mrs. Harry Streets. He has prispered in the West, being interested in mines and real estate ; mines in Alaska, and real, estate in Seattle, Wash. He will be pleased for all old friends to call and see him at Mrs. H. Streets. Tuesday of this week Mr Chas. Twitchell and Mr Dan. McKenzie left for Detroit where they Will meet ;4Ir E. Twitchell and together they will take boat for the West. The Twit - shell brothers will stay in Winnipeg In the meantime while Mr Mckenzie will locate in Regina. ,'evrril Young ladies were down at the depot to see the youngentlemen off and wish them good luck, and hoping that they may soon return. Their many friends In town of the young gentlemen will y. The.. fps t New . Era and prove that he Can worship his MakR,r in hylpin*r as well is realms. Our prejudices have oboist a4 many lives as the proverbial cat but our greatest victory is often in their de. feat. s Personal- Note s it If those having relatives or friends visiting in town or going away notify us of the tact each week, we 4. would announce it in the Naw Elia.. Mr./ Gibb is in Sc, Mary's at present. Miss Wallace was a visitor in Moder ich on Saturday. Zurich, Ex Warden Lamont, of ,�urich, was in town last Friday. Mr, Wee, Walker made a business trip to Wingham on Monday. Miss Florence Garret attended the Wedding of Mies Verua Hills. Reeve Smyth is attending County Council at Goderich this week, Mr Chas., Kerr is here attending the C. C. 1. till examination time, Mrs Hartley and Miss Wallace were in Gue ph on Monday of this week. Mrs Horn, Miteheli, has been the guest of Mrs J Molf•ttt fora few days, Miss Bertha McRae was a visitior in Gederich on Wednesday -of this week. Mr. Thos, Hill and Dr.' Kirkby V 5, of Belgrave, were visitors in town last Friday. Mrs, Sutherland and daughter, Miss Hattie,' of I3ensall, were in town last Thursday. Mr and Mrs Stirling and Mr and Mrs Lee visited in ,Seaforth at the home of Mrs Smith. Mrs. John Ratcliffe will receive on Thursday afternoon and evening June the sixteenth. Mrs. Jas. Sims, of Blyth, spent a few days last week the guest of her father, Mr. Wm. Graham.. Mies Annabel McEwan, Clinton, has successfully presed her second year at Toronto University, Mr R. E. Manning was at Chatham last week fora short timeattendinpthe London Conference. Rev. C. R. Guiana and Mr. J. Rant?. ford are attending the Synod ofliuron at London this week. Mr A. T. Cooper attended the Lon- don Conference at Chatham part of. Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Fred Tucker of London spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. William Wheatley, of Clinton. Mr,Edgar Armstrong,and Miss Ken- nedy spent Sunday with their friend Miss Richardson,of Stanley. The many friends of Mr J. G. Medd will be pleased to learn that he is re- covering from ecovering.from his recent illness, Mr W. H. Kerr of Brussels, was in" town this •week. He was a visitor along with Bruce Ce. Councillors. Mre.•W. Q. Phillips, of Sarnia, well- known to many in Clinton was the guest" during 'the . past week of the Misses Bently. . . . • Miss McCullough, trimmer at Tozer -,Bc•Brown•r1e€t-for-hea.home-on-Monday. of this week. Miss Baker is still in charge of the rooms yet. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bell and their daughter Mandy, of . Belgrave where the guest of Mr. and Mrs, George David on Huron street on Sunday. Mrs D. Stevenson left on Saturday Iast for a couple 1 weeks visit with R. H. Haf. ofl at Aylmer Ont., May also visit St. Thomas and 'else where, During the past week and up to the time ofDill .,o r . Mr JohnJohn- ston, on Ra tenbuesa. ry Street' habeen serious ill and is still in a precarions condition Pneumonia is the cause. Messrs Stevens, Lobb, Wallis,Cooper, and Manning were at Chatham dur- ing the past week attending the ann- ual London Conference of the Metho- dist church. In addition Reveds 301• litfe, °peens and Greene were also there Mrs. Sheeley accompanied by her son and daughter arrived back in Olin. ton after a visit of nearly . six months in the South, last Friday.. Mrs. Shea- ley's many friends are 'indeed glad to eee'her•back to town again; Mrs, George Nott is spending a week visiting relatives and friends in God- erich and Carlow. Mrs. Cunningham, a daughter, lives in the latter place, white Mrs, Nott's sister-in-law, Mrs. Hart, lives in the' Co. town.' Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore cele- brated the 18th Anniversary of their marriage on Monday evening.June 6th h entertaining a few friends d to tea. y Their many friends in Clinton wish them many more years of happy wed- ded life, DADLOCI IN COJNC!L Councillor's Divided on Question of'lood Roads. One Side Wants an Engineer for Three Days, Other Wants to Proceed Without One. Conned met Monday evening, all the members were present. Minutes were read and adopted. A letter was received from Solicitor Brydone re the taxes on the Thresher Company. The Canada Foundry Co., of Toron- to. sent.a letterasking that their con- tract be closed up as Engineer Chip- man had passed their work. On motion of Coun Gihbings and Reeve Smyth, the Foundry Committee was to deal with Mr. Brydone's letter. Coun, Cooper read some letters in connection with the Canada Foundry Co. but theCounril decided to do troth ing till Engineer Chipman made his final report. Several sidewalk petitions have been handed •to the clerk:—South side, of Princess St., on Bond St,, north side of Walker St., north side of Gordon St., and were carried subject to inspection on motion by Scum Cooper and Reeve Smyth, Chairman Beacom, of the Street Oomiuittee,handed in his specification for Good Roads, and a discussion fol- lowed on' the ways the Committee. wanted to build the roads and the way Mr. McLean, of the Good Roads De - pertinent of Toronto, would have them built. Mr. Beacorn's report was lost and the amendment brought in that an Engineer be brought in for three days to get the levels, etc., was also lOst. Thus the Good Roads work is at a standstill, Moved by Beacom, secondedby Ma. son, that, the'Tillsonburg: •s eclficatloa for macadam roads be Adopted and our rode be built as therein specified.. Lost. For—Paisley, Mason, Remora, Smyth, Against —Qibbinge, Cooper, Jackson and Mayor. Moved by Couto Gibbings, seconded by Coun Cooper, That a combined speeiflcation of Tillsonburg and the Provincial Engineer and that the same be submitted to an engineer and also to employ said Engineer to give the grades on roads ; his time to be em- ployed not to exceed three days. For-Gibbings. Cooper, Jackson and Mayor. Against -•Paisley, Mason, Beacom, Smyth. - The financial report was read and carried. '.l'he 'Waterworks Connoittee grade their report and showed that 31 con- nections had keen made so far for wa- ter in houses and stores. Mr, Wheatrley addressed the Council relative to the water at Fair's mill which backs up on some of of his land. The .natter wile left, in the hands of the street conunittee. Coun Gibbings spoke on the coming visit of the Bruce Co. Council, and it was left in the hands of the Mayor, Council adjourned. District News Mullett Mr. `'V.0: Henry has passed hie third year examination in Arts and Medicne at Toronto University. - Mrs Wood of Exeter spent a few days with Mr and Mrs C. Hawk e, before leaving to spend the summer with her daughter at the Soo. Summerhill. The Orange Lodge meet on Monday evening, The Band boys are beginning prac- tice for the glorious Twelfth. The A Y P A held its regular meet- ingTuesday evening. The meetings. wil be discontinued at the end of this month. Annual picnic in connection with the Sunday School and ' Day School will be held on Wallace's Flats east of the village on Saturday next. Leeburn Miss Ruth Shaw, of Porter's Birt, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here Mr, and Mrs. Dempsey. of Goderich Township, were the guests of Alex. and Mrs. Stirling on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Ruston (nee Lizzie Link - later) from near Stratford is spending a few days ather home here and also called on a number of her old neigh. born. Her many frlende are much pleased to see her back again. The funeral ofthe late Peter Green, of Sheppardton, passed through our burg on Monday and was largely at- tended. Much sympathy is expressed to the bereaved friends. Onr pastor, Mr. James. Hamilton conducted service in St. Andrew's Church, Port Albert, lastSundayeven- ing. Patriotic Sunday still be held in the church here on the 20th of June, . Stanley MrAnderson, called at the home of . is..couain_JQJ° it,Butchart fast yr eek. Mrs John Bac-hart Ieft on Wednes- day•to s isit her daughter Mrs Legg at. Lyons, Elgin County. Mrs John Falconer, Bayfield, was visiting on the line for the last few days; she was the guest of Mrs John Gilmour. Miss Sarah DunbarandMiss Code of the Crowstand Indian School, are visiting on the line this week. They are the gi>,ests of Mrs Thos Baird. Thos Darvel, , F' Fraser, W Potter and R•McLeod went on the excursion to the Model Farm,Guelph.on Monday last. They rep -rt a good time. Alex Thomson, wife and Mrs J J Cameron, went to Georgetown on Thursday of last week to attend the funeral of a relative,the late J Rayner: Mr and Mrs Thomson returned on Tuesday. Londeslaoro Jas Hill is still very•much indisposed Roht, Young has sold bis„dricer,to J. Brunsden.' ' Rev 11 E Currie returned froni.Con- ference on Wednesday. A .Lawrence,.: of Welland, made a short visit here this week. Mrs; M. Mains and Mrs. J. Scott vis- ited in Bennriller on Saturday. On. Saturday last a fine lot of cattle were shipped from this station. . Knox Church will have its usual !garden party on the -Manse lawn on July 1st, Weddings are now the order of the day, one Iast week, two this a eek and more shorely. • The service in Knox Church will. next Sunday be conducted by. the Rev S Young, Clifford. Some young/nen are' going to give a gram•o-phone concert in the Township Hall on the evening of June 10th. Rev Mr Pearcy left for Toronto on Tuesday, He tries his final examine.• tion for degrees this week and will stay over in the (pity until next week. Mrs John Stephenson after a short visit here with her brothers returned to her home in Grey and will shortly' move to McLeod in the - Province of Alberta. R D Cameron, Lucknow, will give an address in the . Presbyterian church here on Thursday evening the 10th inst on Canadian Government ennui ties. Time 8 p in. Admission Free. At the closing exercises in come( tion with Woodstock Baptist College held on June 3rd, the Gold Medal given in the mannel training course was award ed to Wilfred Manning of Woodstock, Grandson of Mr Thos Manning, of Londeshoro; A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday afternoon at high noon at the home of Mr Wm Riley when Miss liege Was united in marriage to Mr L D Walters, London, The ceremony was performed by Mev. H E Curry. The bridal couple were unattended.. Miss Walters,sister of the groom,play- ed the Wedding • Match. The brides' wedding costume was white batiste. Her travelling gown was blue with tuscan hat to match, After lunch the happy couple, accompanied by many of their friends,drove to0linton where the bride and groom left on the 3 o'clock train for Newyork, accompan- ied by the best wishes cf their many friends.. After their honeymoon trip they will reside on Wharncliff Road, London. • The home of Mr and Mrs Win Hiles "Silver Leaf Farm" 73uliett, ;was the scene of a 'pretty home wedding on ,Wednesday, June 1st; when 'their only daughter Verna M„ was united in marriage to Mr Norman L tatter, of Seaforth. The officiating clergy. man was the Rev, \W L Biles, B A ., cousin of the bride, who has returned from the`United Free Church College, Glasgow, Scotland. 'The bridal party. entered the drawing room to the strains of Loghrin's wedding march • played by Miss Mend Jackson of Brussels. The bride who war given away by her father was charming in a ffown of ivorymerslinesilk,and carried a showereet boquet of cream roses. A veil of white tulle Wastastily arranged with orange blossoms. The brides- maids who were Miss A P Hiles, Kin- oardine,aud Miss. It Barizwell,Lucknow were prettily gowned in, white and carried bcquets of pink and white car• nations and ferns, The groom was supported by Mr H Carter and Mr W J Tamblyn of Londesbaro. The bride received many handsome anis costly gifts including a pearl pendant and. chain from the groom. The brides- maids and pianist and groomsmen re- ceivfd broaches and tie pins, also gifts of the groom, During the signing of the, registar Maude Lillian Hiles, Kin- cardine, sang "0 Promise Ale." After which the guests numbering n oneebun. Bred repaired to the dining room where a dainty dinner was served. The happy couple left on the morning train for Winnipeg and other Westeri. points. Mr and Mrs Carter will take up residence near Seaforth on their. return. Brrucefirid Miss Sadie. Bowey is 1I1 of erysilipis in her face A. number from this vicinity tock in the excursion to Guelph Monday last. Dan Ross bas bought out the Dixon Hotel, where he will conduct a Tem- perance House. The Sacrament will be admin ister• ed in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath. Rev R MacKay, Comerty, will preach the Preparatory Service Friday afternoon Bayfield Mr and Mrs J Stirling and Mrs Geo,. Crawford, of Pickford, Mich., were called home owing to the death cf their father the late Mr Wm Stirling The death of Wm Stirling wbioh• has been for some time looked for occurred on Saturday evening last and although the late Mr Stirling arrived at good long life of 74 years yet his very numerous friends were very sorrowful to realize that the end had some. Mr Stirling was a staunch Lib, eral and Presbyterian and the vast multitude that assembled to pay the last tribute to the remains described how highlytbelate Mr Stirling figured in the estimation of the Public, Mr. Stirling came to Canadafrom Scotland when he was 5 years old and .with his parents settled in . Goderich Tp, He lived on the farm, lot 33, Con 4, till a year ago last November when he mov- ed into this village. The deceased was married to his now bereft partner over 47 years ago and 13 children are living to hold in rememberance the kind words of a father. During the past winter'all the family has visited the parents with the exception of one, the children are:—J L of Pickford, Mich.; Mrs Donald McKenzie, Gode rich Twp; John, Pickford, Mich.; and George, Nanton, Alberta; Mra Fred Johnston, St Ignace, Mich; Maude,To- ronto; Mrs Geo Crawford, Pickford; Mrs L Lorree, Nanton; Josie, Lulu and Lottie at home and Alex on the home- stead. The deceased is also survived by 2 brothers David of Colborne and Alex who lives in Goderich. The next to follow was the death of. Mr Thos. Stinson which occurred on Mohday evening and although the late Thos Stinson resided in Stanley he-wasa!so-a prominentatigtire-in-our town havicg lived in it proximity tor almost a term of eighty years. Mr Stinson was Conservative politically and a member of Trinity church, Farmer Frank having a dog he want ed to dispose of at the price of a cart- ridge allowed it to follow 'him into town without a muzzle in hopes that the absence of the muzz'e would pro- cure the cartridge and a decent burial for the dog But Frank did not publish his wishes and as.the.sdorthyconstable drew his revolver in pu, suit of the dog he invited Frank to help him to round up the canine which the farmer was very willing to do, so that in a few minutes someone was guilty of man- slaughter. Frank then thanked the constable explaining that the dog was his and he wouldhave done so himself only for the price of the cartridge and trouble • of burial. When the trick was learned, some • say these was rabies in the air but the ,dog • was buried nevertheless and not by the farmer. Windham C I Won Cup Saturday afternoon at the Recrea- tionPark here the Wingham 0 I team defeated Seaforth C I team in thefinal football match for the Citizens' Band cup bya score of 2.0.. Fred• Chant lined upfive the teams at fi e o crock and soon had the ball going. During -the first half their was close shooting on. both ,goals -.but neither side scored,; The second halfWingham scored their first goal on a foul, the goalkeeper making a slip in knocking out the ball and the second one was scored on a rush. About `.fouls were made dur- ing the game which made it tiresome, The language used at the game bySea- forth players and rooters were not of the high order. Pnbllc Sehool Sports To the Bailor of the New Era Will you please allow me space in your paper this weak to talk to the people of Clinton for about a minute about our 4th Annual School;Scholars Sports to be held in the Park on Fri- day, lune 24. On the past three occasions they have been considered a big success and every one says they should be kept up The success is largely due b the merchants and citi- zens for their liberallity in giving money or prizes for it and the cheer, fullness in giving it. The Trustees are anxious to put another big show on again this year on the above date and are hoping that the Citizens and mer- chants will give again as willingly as they have in the past if they do the worst part of the lob wont he so had. It is a big day for the youngster and it is also a lot of fun for the grown up folks to, The Trustees will more than appreciate the assistance and encour- agement from every one, a Citizens committee ..along with the Trustees have the matter in hand and it now all depends on the amount collected for expense how big a; day we can make it. 11 you arenot seen personally with the book call on Ernie Hovey,. the Druggist who is the Sec and Treas of the big show and who will be tickled to death to receive your money and a few kind words, Thanking you in anticipation. - I am yours for the Boy and Girl FJ4ANk BALL, Chairman • Levu stock prices maintain their elevation in a most remarkable way and the Ontario farmer has good sea, son to shake hands With himself over it. Many an old score is being wiped out by the enhanced profits and a good start made in "laying by the penny for the rainy day." We all share in the good things thtit•come to the till. less of the soil. une 9ttl, 1910 ,.✓ . fr. --�:� r—'"-a--.y� ;—,..sew.- $UF— ---•• '���1,�'i' ��'�'.�•a+.• ~�M." F-•��' �l"'�•�'.�I'1'C�:4�.•r "]y��,►( rr: .+rr�,°^"� '""'+rix . • • • 4. • 4 ••• •• • •• • • jay/.� 4vi ti. 1.�� f�. ��,-•�.��+C_ ;%'�; • ♦ .l, • .Our Stock is Large and Com= •• • • • cooper Co., • -.CLINTON. .r, • 44+•,144.•+•++.14+•+.4441.•+.44+•+•+•+•+•+•44+•+•+•+.44+•• Fancy Chli a Is the •Most Appreciable We4ding Gift osip. plete iv Every Department I- • •4- • vr. O • pappowi—mo=armiNismemis‘, Terms Cash.' One Price Only Interes1 Ladies Young 1.1"1 g a1i C 6id. We are ` preparing for Saturday -Tables==2 of .� eaSOticlbie Trimmed-, Millinery t Very Special • Prices Table No. 1 One dozen only Assorted . Styles, at $2.00 each Table No. ,2 One dozen only Assorted, Very Stylish, at $0.00 each We prefer to_surprise you with value, rather than to use- lowin superlatives g gon paper and disappoint you when you come.. How- ever, we would advise you to get here early •. in the forenoon, while the assortment - is complete. The Peip re's Store. PLEASE DON'T ASK POR CREDIT. 10111111bniumnotiliCtallisnourun r•