HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-06-09, Page 3; ..., t .01 sssu r-° N Juno 04 19 t rte .. . ". w--.,....-0 ... - . - - , JL.. . I , a °+o �. tatlAuhd �cFla;► p+�tr �. � M ,_ fw�' - TO ' Iota e � " ' ` _ .. e'�' askatehewan ,. Warned. --��- . :rine Province Will Orglirtiire Univer- LAB N'SUKDAY f t�"' LAX""+.► 1"` Af•� r I _. _.. ,. _ �- am onXI...-Second Quarter, for' - Julne,1Z, 1910. ar.,, ._ tieabtxrh wit#p> 4 , nuali ht itiinITile itlipgl► h t�si4 wing Q91s B rhiiat+:Raalwd ienttfuuysuppllQd With laat food. ba leaves appear to be b the +�nie ON►f3h'd or * 'Rl'�Il AM4` stty With Dara. S'. at it is the intention of the au. astimulrl,t9,0 l SIVLWt'�k i+'LTRit'. .•�.,-- -. pp +41.Qa ar with aloins fi� i not risk P1iis. Aorities of the University of Sas• r THE l'NTERNA�'10NA1. �����$, tit. eted the *i soon ruln.the buil- Dnu)t .�,., .... katchewan to profit by the experi- Cleaa the coated tongaA, sweeten- the -�"''- ,d'wriii with eulphur,'fir ,,pray with Bordeau 1d>xtura or.atitalntton of oiie+� Pot- Victims of Indigestion bt+tv0 emral be wenn two evils -aft the one t 'encs of the older universities is evi- breath, dent after a perusal of the pxeaident's i;ly clear .away all. waste and powon- ttrifiterlal fromthesystemiiiNature', Text of the Leeson, Mott, XV, 21.28. assiunl enl li, d. t, two gallons ,paters , ehoi Amiln t�e, #it#est ,pegs p# > o.day itat►d ce a.. starvation na which onsof c4+port. Whatever is good, will ae a aclaptecl. instance, the system of Constipatioa, tsy manner, anti prevent ata well as ��i� p Sick Heada,ebe, Biliousness, Merry Verses, 21, 2Z• •-Gyrld*n Text, .. $re nu4ntierga man* of the old; fasliiart- grHat spirits, of weaknea ,he other Band Toro- and f; .I'or 'esidenGe in college in vc;no xn Eng- #leartkiurn, Catarrh of the Stomach, Sour e Matt, xv, 26-Pot►+nrentarlr 1?,..pared ed eariFta which haves but .ane eriod of bloom a year, in June and July, when ring in .n themselvesr to take nourishment the soot@ suslering inflict- land will be adopted to soma' ext^nt. •$to%ach, p h nd h set arising Water Brash, and all troubiea from proII ls. state of the Li ex disordered by Rev. P. M, atoorns, A the blooua ngost profusely. The Jiybrid perpetut~laare raagntficQnt,but ed spited# by each se chifor :a cure• they find; In the search si# of ,333 acres y* are ting aside nearly 300 acres for a Jiro. J (;. 4i'estber l f3► This chapter .begins with queatfan from the•` Pharisees, "Why do Thy die - .the word "per etual' is liable to mss pp have sir ppeeriods of common lead as they all iia _ dare medicines upset the stomach and render the food more dif loult to campus. This is to provide for future growth, nearly every university have 4, n,,writes; +Swan suffered red Suffered t5 -" I au!%red for years, eiplees transgress. the tradition of the emersi' to which Jesus replied, "°`V11- rest. They flower mat p rofusely ing early summer, and if given the flow- digest. Lazratives are violent and � so-calledp I°eaoode'nm f ing suffered because short views were n the beginning. The work of Qr for Rears. � more than tonsils can " tell, from liver trouble, do ye, also transgress the, compialid- "To proper attention -til ave other era at periods throughout the season. rell the. cause ed f n4 y the trouble and the stomach steadily higher education will not be, divided among separate institutions, and in } I tried several hinds u1 but could get meat. of God2" Then He added, have made the commandment ot.God When the first period of bloom is, aver the bush should be cut tack from grows weaker, The° c )mmon sense wap of curing this university the instruction will b� no so liberal that the, farms ill ieceive !'ills. medicine, relief until I got gilburn'a Laxa-Liver I theta too highly of none effect by your tru ttt,OWt one third to one half, This will in• d u now growth, and oh the branches w g .-the . Indigestion is;the Dr. Williams,way making of new, rich blood. by g 4 the College of Agriculture him on an for a training that will lace l m g p. :cannot praise what they haus clone for me:'" quoting,from the prophet ,Isaiah con. ceming, those whose worship is only which form as a result of this pruning i flowers will ba borne.. hardy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that ayes tone to the weakened s stein an in. y • equality with the most skilful Gtigin- eer or professional practitioner. all er, Price 25 cents a vial, or 5 for.. $1,00, at dealers, .or mailed direct on receipt of le from the mouth and lips, while their = hearts are fax fibro God (Ise axis, 13; Each fall all except the most varieties should have the tops care vigorates the distressed difzestive or- Dp. Williams Pink Pills have In this connection great is price the Uuivorsity" of :i tseni:ain. Toronto, The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Out. • Ezek. xrxiil, 31). Paul tells us that fully wrapped in several thicknesses of burlap and bent to the grouad;tying gang, cured thousands of the worst cases of indigestion, through their simple tonic given which includes within its ,:rope sub- diverse as. the ct iticism of even the wisdom of words (he trust fife human wisdom of men's . to a stake. All verities ahonld have of treatment and one excellent' example jects its pootry and the curing cd oneese. The SeaUty of Pansies. iiiean words) may snake the crosis, Qf Christ the roots protected by a _covering straw, half rotted manure or other of these cuaes is the case of Miss M. Y.. O. Roberge, Morel,. Que., who Plans have been recommended that ample for the estab- pansies, as. a rule, are 01fricult flow- The stents lire short, of none erect (I Cor. I,17); So between coarse litter. says : ,,For upwards of nine years I almost continuously the tor. make .provision era li::hment of : 1• A College of Liberal Arts and and to arrange, file clear little heads of the flower mere outward forth and the wisdom of man the gospel �vould';seem to be 00""690"006"6900"O"o suffered tures of indfgestlon. At times I had Scionce with Schools of Music, Art are apt to twist about In a IlicsF�t .era- fashion. The tllustrotiop shows greatly hindered, and yet par Lord is • A FEW PERTINENT POINT `• ERS no appetite at others there was. a craving for food, butwhateverl took and Commerce, voking 2. A College of ,Agriculturo with i clriightful solution of the truuhle of not dise'oamged (Ise. alit 4). In a lesson which we are soon to have we will, hear Him say, "Let wheat and tares grow together till the harvest," but in verse 13 of this chapter He ME warns us in these words: "Every plant which pay Heavenly Father bath not planted shall be rooted up.!* Let us see to it that we are indeed "trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified" (Isa. 1xi, 3). - • . • tablespoonfuls of coal oil. This and after using the Pills for & coup a Loct. I Courses, and Farmers' Clubs. AliTIaTIO ARriANorntzs\T Or rAN9IT9, I cannot help thittkin0 that from • has never failed with me. of months I found myself completely . The ideals of the new t:*uiversity such religious formalism and hypoc- , Pull out all surplus shoots on cured,and have not since had a twinge arrangement A small Isowi Is filled risy our Lord went away' into the. ,48 the dahlia . do not leave more of the trouble.. T gratefully recom- are, outlined in one of the president's with wet sand, .which gives :i tirlia • than two stalks to each plant s , mend Dr. Williamas Pink Pills to all concluding remarks: coasts of Tyre and Sidon to he re- ;h the secure these against wind • • who suffer from any form of ,indigos•° If our university is to > rvci the foundation in �vhlGb w Istaoe the Yiail freshed by some.real faith. fo'r, know- • aandnd insects. „ • tion. province in the things thatbide,' it stems. Pieces of the plant's own toll-, ing all things and all people, He knew .: but �. h� ti n erg placed among. t of la d ;, Do not line the ground after Thrdugh their, action 'on the blood should provide both the schoolsafie are p what. 13e would` find where He was • a rain or watering while it is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such science, where mastery over nature. is any kind of substantial foliage may be going, and we do not read of any • taught, and the school of the huinani- }} other .result of this visit except the • wet enough to stick, Wait un- troubles as anaemia, indigestion,, g ehtisen instead. The best tfninto plant • til it is dry enough to Pulver- sick headache• ,,.' rheumatism- and all ties where men learn the 'purpose sho of . pansi'es is 'early tn' March. and an healing .of this woman's daughter. • forms -of ner�ova troubles such as life and the art of 'living. It should, abundance of bloom will follow the .,.This incident is found only here and • ize. • tus' dance, 'and par- conserve the best of file past, and . • Ia all spraying operations nenralralysit.,V} P same season. in !Bark viI• where we:red that He • ger well under the leaves, it # tial paralysis: = 'These Pills are es- meet the needs of the future." , entered into a house. and'-w.euld.liase._ . is here the insects congre(;ate, pecially • valuable to growing girls The following appointments have Keep an eye on any large , �i and women and cure the headaches been made: AN EXCELLENT REMEDY no ruin snow it .That would lead us • shrubs and conifers that were • sideaches and other pains known only Win. John Rutherford, B.S.A. to think that He came aside; poeisibly 0 planted this spring and see that : to them. Hold by all medicine deal• (Tor.), Dean and Professor of, Animal FOR ALL BABIES. - tor, physical rest as well as the re- , the roots are not allowed to • era or by mail at 50 cents a box -or sig Husbandry. He has served on the -_._ freshment from the faith of a gentile.- • •dry. • hoses for t$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' . s4affs of file Agricultural Collegerr of gab 's Own Tablets are an excel- This woman, whose daughter was • Latvns that bake up badly in Medicine 0o., Brockville, 'Ont. Ontario, Iowa, and Manitoba, and is p fi troubled by an unclean demon, having . summer should not be too close- •-.--•- _ Deputy Commissioner of Agricult.ra lent remedy for babies :of all ages. They cure all stomach and bowel i cut. for the Province of Saskatchewan. troubles ; make teething' eas dispel herd o4 Him. came and fell at. His 9 P>y+'t.,l•UALi 1 Y. George Herbert Ling, B.A. (Tor.), y p feet and besought Him to heal .her •••A••tlp••NAN�A�•NM•NA Professor of Mathematics• Prof. Lina worms ;and make baby fat, good-na= daughter. Note that she heard of Hirai, it Gets a Jolt From One Who Never was one of the most distinguish,. Lured andhealthye They are sold un- The questions keep ever coming. Are students of his time• in. mathematics der the guarantee of a Government p P RT AND . can Be on Time. ,it Toronto and Columbia. At tl:e analyst to contain absolutely. flo. opi- any hearing of Him through met Are OUTDOORS 0 so much is said about the.virtue of .ate or narcotic, and thuethey. can. be my life and testimony all for Him? U�, unetualit that people who o in for time of his appointnnerit he was ,t=l- given to the new born baby with per- Might soave others hear if. I was will- Zr. B p y p ' g Coll Professor of Mathematics xn "Baby's Own ing to go or, more self denying W or- it to any great. extent are exceedingly Coluilitzia .University. tett safety.Mrs, Benoit Martin, uppish and diSaGraGable. Punctuality -oleic R dge O ig, P Sc_ (McGill!., ..Agigon, Que., writes: t3aby-der to-,belp..other-s-.to-go?- Tlm-apostles - • .._.:.E.oerg._..athletc, evEr..g ball-�laysr. w Y- - Tabit3 -are-an-ekeellent""1Cetllezly"-for „ ever swimmer, every canoeist, every "has iis"baT side; 7u§i its everytl3iug" professor of Agrictxlttiral Engineeitn); are again in evidence with their send y else has. People should remember . and. 'Superintendent of Buildin ;,gr• babies aridshouldld be in every. home man or woman who loves outdoor life' where there are young children. her. away, for stip crieth alter as" this. If they are on tithe they only (sreig tool. his degree' in Methal: ical Sold b medicine dealers or, b mail (verse 23). It is so much easier to and exercise, should keep a box of serve to throw into embarrassing re- ls'ngineenXig tit RcG�ll, and After-. at 25 c nts a box from. TheDr. Wil- turn down the many appeals for help, Tam-Buk handy. l liams'•Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat, Zam•Buk is a purely herbal prepare- lief the poor' souls- who come •flurry= warns spent several years in railroad just to be let alone. - So few of tis tion, which, as soon as applied to cute. ing in ten minutes late. It is smug w=ork with the Crintic�la; Atlantic ' and bruises, burns, sprains, blisters, etc., to be precisely punctual. It is raising t}ie Cai:adian Northern Pa4lways, ` =—•-�'-- V seem to learn to live wholly for oth- u hi hl beneficial operations. yo.ursell .above the rest of mankind, Three years ago. he was appointed prn. • ers, far the good we can do rather The Holy seta .. than the good ,we -can get. Y h'irst,its antiseptic properties render refusing to partake in 'its frailties. The fes�or in the �l tnitoba Agrictiitur.td Toast as. Medicine. "Did you ever by why toast the wound free from all danger from ideal thing froii the point. of view of College. Spirit needs io have rnore.fulT control blood poisoning. Next,• its soothing courtesy to others and recent humility Reginal.l 'John Bateman, M.A; recommended #or, invallds? said a doc of ;ns. properties relieve and ease the pain about your own attainments is to be (Tran. Coll. Dub.), Professor of ling• tor. "The reason fs that toast.id predi She "addressed Him as "O Lord, thou 'Then its rich, herbal balms penetrate always ten minutes lilt' or at least to dish and French for one year. Bested bread. Son of David," but'as the Son of Da - the tissue, and, set up the wonderful appear so.. Arthur. Woxoti, B.A. (DaI:); . and . ,,What makes fresh bread trying for vid she, being a gentile, had, no claim process of healing. Barbed wire If you are to, tIieet at the package B.A. ,and B,C.L. (Oxon.), Assistant Invalids is the starch in it. upon Him, and He answered her not scratches.. insect stings, skin diseases, Professor s Classics for one year: Starch is very hard to, digest. It g office in the. Grand Central station •+ such aseczema, heat rashes, ring- at 4 o'clock sit afetly,in the middle of Fifteen scholarships;, ranging, from th word; Vile mast never tolerate n worm, babies' heat sores, chafed places the hall until twelve minutes after $100 to $75 each, have been offered needs'a good Is to take hold o!. thought e# any unkindness or even within Zam-Buk'e h e for : -competition, and a nomination the soggy, starch in bread and change lack of cansideratian on the part of sore feet -ail come four; then when you have seen .th power. It also eases and curse piles. other person dash. un, followed by to'a scholarship has been placed at it to strengtlieuing, ratlmtilating des- Jesus, not even when He addressed All druggists and stores. Avoid imita- p porters anti fairly dripping the disposal of .each of the Collegiate trio. His. own mother as He' did in. Sohn panting. p lustitutes and High Schools of the "But when you crit bread thin and ii 4. He was never anything lint love, tions. _ with explanation3; wait until the'ar- . second .in which to province. ' ..toast it brown the bre itself changes, rival lies hada c �1 .. th faith to de Grin. That, in, fact: never say is,)"V4e11, and cove is kind An Epoch In Sltowdom recover self -'respect and stroll up: with a most .that we ca A P inaugurate a remark on 'Timbuktti •or the best way Dr 'de Yam's French Female Ping .is •what the brown color .in toast,.indl- ' I do not Understand." 1 But, we. must When Mr rHaagit ser decided to is 15th year as w stYccesafut Pur Yeybr ` to'cultivate "carrots: This will insure thCWife's' Ft,ientd cines=that the starch is gone and despBtly {rust Him..; In this case He di y ,of first class amusements to the'public' youry popularity_and show you to be a . A .reliable `regulator; never fails trin has taken its place., The stuff is pay no doubt preparing. her for ..the• lie mapped out his route from coast to . person of kindness ,and forethought. While these. pills rre exceedinglp .predigested. blessing He was ready to bestow'... He, coast, opening bis season In early At any. rate, it is - bette.r than a piti- powerful in regulating the generative oSo we feed our invalids on toast; a said to the disciples, "1 am not sent: March at Shreveport. • Since then the less standing at the place where. you portionof the ferrule system, they are dish as thoroughly predigested as any, but unto the lost sheep of the house of show has traversed the Sta4eg of Texas said you would be; your superiority strictly-safeto use. Refuse all cheap of the most famous breakfast foods.". „ - California, Arkansas, Kansas, Okla- increasirig every .minute, and con imitations. Dr de Van's are sold.at $55 Israel. . 3iome lllincis, Indiana, West Virginia fronting, upbraiding silently, the abox,or three•for•$10• Mailed to ,any Her nest appeal is simply "Lord, �fitucky, Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio, person who promised to: meet you be• address: The Scobell Drug Co. St: "Y"-'� help me," and now she gives Sim His North Carolina, South Carolin,t and cause you appeared a. rather likeable Catherine, Out. WoMeli S Wass right place in relation to her, but He part of Georgia; and before closing- sort, but, who finds, you in your .Parc - ------ -. • replied, "It is not meet to take the will make Florida, Alabama, Mississippi ply of punctuality' the Very reverse of • To Coote cereals Perteciiy.. children's bread and cast It to dogs•" and Louisiana, establishing a trans likeable. ThLy does seem to our ears almost too .continental record never attempted For e. it remembered flint .just as To could ontmeatl or :any Bind of ce- Clinton . Women are Finding Relict by any show in any one season. The at Last' mach to bear, but He will. never try real' as thoroll„hl ua ft needs to be show has used 58 railroads so far this some people cannot be on'time'othgro . tootled requires more time than -cal) cannot= o save Clic r skins be late. S, It does seem that women have more .as too much (I .Cor, s, 13),• He knew season, exhibiting twice dailywith the t 4t a whit. of credit usually be ;;iven in our liurried break- than a fair share .of the aches and what -He was -doing, and it was all exception of Sunday. Nature has been .hat they deserve .. y • love, no matter how It.100k.9 to tis• o the mighty Has shows 2or it and should, in fact, be ropri- fast getting; a with o all cooker 'pains ep upt' mast at enditt t dui 8 in erten-to her reply:-ITutb, Lord, yet very good t g y this season, having been exceptionally marded when they do it ostentatious- blessed.as yet spite of constantly aching backs, or the dogs •eat o! the crumbs which fall so in the wild animal department. Iv iincl in public. to do the work overni„ht. headaches, dizzy spells,, bearing down from their masters, tables„ The Tic -' bob* camel, Lulu, is easily the . So the best stibstitIM' is to Put the pains; they must stoop over when to favorite -baby, with the baby elephant cereal on, the stow at Supper time, tet stoop means torture. They mug walk tory is hers. ' She' bas won; she gave close behind. Daily you can witness it come to at good boil, then turn the and bend and work tvftti.raeking pains Him His place' as Lord+ and now she the children of the different cities L %�] fire out and leave it in; that same .spot and many aches from kidney .ills, gid- takes here, the. lowest, a gentile dog: Kicking their favorite baby in the big Caught Cold until iiretikfast tiwe without 'lifting neys cause more. suffering than •any Now )men to Jesus: "O woman, great . menagerie, which is most always the I the lid. The beat already, generated. other organ of the body. Keep the is thy �t,L Be it ti to thee even as baby camel. The mighty Haag shows thou. wilt, For this. saying go thy will exhibit at Olinton, June 18th. y W Working will iinisb cooking the gt'tifns SO'that miaint kidneys Read of altremedy for all thtat needs to tae ,lone in the.morn- kidneys only that helps and cures the way. The devil is gone out of t9) it 29. • Mark v ) (verse 28 . add , m a daughter” bottom, a ht bo you d u Rearinefeeds the dry and unhealthy ��j ./, ing is to stir, lt• from the kidneyb and is endorsed by'people y g Incalp, softens and gives vim to the . I n irY aI. e1r• a little water possibly .and reheat for know. ,a, 111i: .,rt I . She believed his .word, returned home Bair, 50c. ajar. I serving. - j'`'�Mrs J Cook, of Joseph St„ Clinton, and found her daughter well. . c Of course the �essei 'must , be of out., says:—"After suffering with a The1.re was,a great realized need, Her 1Clistreetling, TiCkliing SOUSA-. severe attack of LaGri pe, my back daughter's trouble was her own. It Big Circus Iii crockery, euatnel ilii «filch there art p was so tender and weals that I could was nothing foreign, nothing tb which Your visit to the mashie Hagg titin In the Throat: in breakfii 1111 in ittasoi long. .for d the the lid scarcely get around.' A continual, she could be in any degree indifferent. -shows at Clinton afternoon and. even- _ • to be left had ing, June 18th, will not complete with- hi recto Mince must be na tight ttw possfiile to retain heirbearing a or not the down kidneys and settled in nd• She knew she had come to one pvvha, out a tour of the colossal canvas Mr. Albert MacPhee, C g I Caught file steam whicb dues so much of � the ed around and my aides, My head would Gould help her, and she would not let equerry, even though von are not a N•S•, writes:-- In Oct., 11)b8, has a work. But dais metbod is •i. great ache constantly and there was often a go. The lessons for us are easy. May lover and admirer of�blooded stock, it cold by working in water, and time and gas snver, stud file cereal is dizzy feeling and spats an earingbe- we In them to heart. He is always is claimed you will f3nd,an hourof gen- g tntlGh more dif,+ec,th rl, fore my eyes. Y felt lan$utd and poor- ��thie Ly Jesus:' Comparo ,this eine pleasure and much to interest very bad cough Sand that distressing; ri It th n tyle t cools ly in my general health and although great faith" with that of chapter you inspecting the droves .of Horses tickling sensation in my throat so I ed by glifca.. boiling, It is lbs tireless and cries, For the last year agents could not rilcep at night, and my lungs cooper idea applied to Coln, •uten• I knew my sickness had weal~ened viii, 10, and Hots that in each case it have been in the different arts of the .were so very sore I had to give u work. sits. __ and disordered the kidneys, I found was the great faith o! n gentile. Con, g p nothing to hereat me. ! learned of trattt the little faith of th, disctples. world making purchases for this depar- Our doctor gave me medicine but it did . Booth's Kidney. Pills through an ad- ment, with a result that today 8that of me no coil so I got a;bottle of Dr. GPood'a stale Bread. vertisement and. procuring a, box at in Matt. ^v1, 30; viii, 2fi; siv, 31; svl, 8,. Mighty Haag show possesses, on g A leaf of stale bread can be -,cepa d. , Mr Holmes' Pharmacy, commenced and let us ti�ve faith in God, the faith largest, most varied and costly collet- Norway pine Syrup and by the time I in a wet towel, placed in 'a steamer treatment. It was a comparatively, that 'faints not, doubts not, wavers tion of representative members of the had used two bottlea I etas entirely and steamed tender. short time when I had been relieved hot, 'but clings belfeVingly and expect equine tamely which wealth can pro- Cold biscuits left from breakfast can of the headaches and dizziness. My antly (Matt xxi, 21, 22), in order to ask cure, and it is doubtful if anywhere oared. I a�rti always xecomiuending it to be toasted, of a good method is to eyes Began to clear and a a Wn -1n faith we must reme ber John xv, near the like has been exhibited be nay friends. strop and well. Thep gradually 7, .end I' Sohn lit, 81, 22 So much is Com- -fore. Certainly never by any travels Br. Wood's Norway pine Syrup coin- hastily dip them Into water, place inti lett my back and sides and I strength Ing shows. Ladies and children ars ares 'the tent healing virtues of the a bread .pan and heat in the oven. tined. I am very rateful to $cosh s meant by abiding, keeping His Com- articularly invited to visit this horse . b p° • other absorbent, Very old bread should lie Crumbled Tridnel+Pills fot t9e speedyrelief'giivemandments and with a clear Con - Artie y without Norway pine tree with and added to breakfast Calces and Wie and wilt gladly recommend them."science doing the'things that are pleas- air. which all may safely do withot escort, as uniformed and courteous rat• expectorant and soothing Ir edicines of . served with maple sirup So1cY�Dealers.. Price W cents, . The •mg in His sight., Then we must re'- tendants are always present to look. recognized worth, and is absolutely harms- Old bread, broken into stroll pieces R T Booth Co., Ltd., Port Erie, Ont., member tt w Jap, ly, 2, 3, le9t we asst after the welfare of callers, prompt evil safe for the cure of . �`� ieab, p and dampened with mlik, makes a Sole Canadian Agents. smlml, . ,,ace all saucepans sofa uettiea liar Coughs, Colla, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore good pudding plaeec in alternate lay- r-- ..•� -+• 'use on the gas stove made of tit[, W I'll Throat , Pain or Tightness in the Cheat, era with 'tart apples. Dot with butter, "" . ,ceps, bottotntx Slightly Coneavtc. 'ti,t• and iillThroatandLungTroubled. cinnamon or nutmeg, sweeten, cover 111101111i draws the gas up tinder the Vessel lira Beware Of imitations. o£ I1r; Wood's with milk and bake. e Syrup. ,Ask for it and ' An old bread crust, •known as theM (� TOKI A uvea a great deal of sits, y tirr+'' Norway I'tn Sy pH For In£auto and Children. pint kettle tnadtY thtta hails t{it'i"e !Alia in8ist on"getting yPhat you ask for. & It is table useful for cleaning a vege• C ' , AR , A ; Utes• quicker tbatt otle made -w tue ot• put ;ip in, it y'ello'w wrappers three pine -- � The Kind You have Always X0got 110 Binary rrny, which means a f;reat q:at ahil dr 4 � �"�" Bto"111tis, Crat,I,, Giugiiit tr�'�d>tr � . ing In the gas bill in- a y'sat• "A 11•r trees the trade mark, dna the price 25 money bl,ck. Sold and >E'aatidlt wd bt ,,ea'i'a the Cents. pans and kettles iiatlde in tills wa; AS W . Bn 44„ I cost no more than, those rdado wltl' 'u6nufadured only, by The T. Milbum 0"',► `1 VLE� l+tl W. S. Re �10I1110840'Ci�il<1t011 >atttve of "-, Ott bot$pmb, Co., Limited, 'Poronto, 00t, • ...�,-...,.�.,�.."...... _.1. V w �: ' e r a -sir-, Ever.Y. � W., o anli '�. .. � a 11 knows that the foundation of a well -furnished room, a good 'Carpet. We carry a large stock of Carpet Squares, to many sizes and patterns. Also Brussels, Tapestry, Wools and. Unions in the rolls. T LATEST, STYLES IN THREE-PIECE - PARLOR SUITS , looseCushion$ , Polished Maho alay, only I ., PARLOR TABLES, BES, N Polished Mahogany and Quarter -cut Oak; .round. • .1 . square and oval, at $4.50, $6 and $7.50 , . • MUSIC CABINETS - i; Latest styles, with sliding. shelves' and mirrors. 04ESSER and STAND. I • Large lie -el glass, 3 drawers, high towel rack, $9.00 11 Big, plump Mattress, $3; Wire Bed Springs, $2;, Window Shades, purtain Poles, Tapestry Curtains, Stair Pads., Room Moulding,. Vieture Frames, etc., at low price.. • • • J. � 14. eheiiew. Bring your Departmental Store Catalogue. ,Vire will meet their price. Blyth WOE AND MUSIC EMPORIUM. T _T caused me the greatest pangs. s the result of the trouble 'I •suffered schools of Forestry, Domestic Science, ,incl Veterinary Science, 1%- Shoes Now is the time to let the Pelargoniumsrest. Do not give from violent headaches, and I ieew pale and weak. I tried many differ- 3 A College of Education with Practice Schools.. • .10 them any water until the soil ent medicines ; some gave n.e. a little 4 A College of Law. • is fairly baked. relief, but none gave me any perman- 5. A College of Medicine with School iTE N. FIT hon Q E The Burdock which thus far ent benefit until I began using Dr. I only of pharmacy and adjacent Hospitals. • has successfully,, resisted all efforts to dislodge may be com• Williams' Pink Pills, rad taken .these a few weeks when I found g A College .of Dentistry_ 7. A College of Engineering. • pletely destroyed by .cutting the such`help a,s I had not found before.. The after eating gradually dig• .,g An Extension Depattmetat male- Technical • • off the top close to ground and pouring on three of four pains appeared, my appetite grew heft I + ing provision for local Schools Correspondence Classes, will, hear Him say, "Let wheat and tares grow together till the harvest," but in verse 13 of this chapter He ME warns us in these words: "Every plant which pay Heavenly Father bath not planted shall be rooted up.!* Let us see to it that we are indeed "trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified" (Isa. 1xi, 3). - • . • tablespoonfuls of coal oil. This and after using the Pills for & coup a Loct. I Courses, and Farmers' Clubs. AliTIaTIO ARriANorntzs\T Or rAN9IT9, I cannot help thittkin0 that from • has never failed with me. of months I found myself completely . The ideals of the new t:*uiversity such religious formalism and hypoc- , Pull out all surplus shoots on cured,and have not since had a twinge arrangement A small Isowi Is filled risy our Lord went away' into the. ,48 the dahlia . do not leave more of the trouble.. T gratefully recom- are, outlined in one of the president's with wet sand, .which gives :i tirlia • than two stalks to each plant s , mend Dr. Williamas Pink Pills to all concluding remarks: coasts of Tyre and Sidon to he re- ;h the secure these against wind • • who suffer from any form of ,indigos•° If our university is to > rvci the foundation in �vhlGb w Istaoe the Yiail freshed by some.real faith. fo'r, know- • aandnd insects. „ • tion. province in the things thatbide,' it stems. Pieces of the plant's own toll-, ing all things and all people, He knew .: but �. h� ti n erg placed among. t of la d ;, Do not line the ground after Thrdugh their, action 'on the blood should provide both the schoolsafie are p what. 13e would` find where He was • a rain or watering while it is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such science, where mastery over nature. is any kind of substantial foliage may be going, and we do not read of any • taught, and the school of the huinani- }} other .result of this visit except the • wet enough to stick, Wait un- troubles as anaemia, indigestion,, g ehtisen instead. The best tfninto plant • til it is dry enough to Pulver- sick headache• ,,.' rheumatism- and all ties where men learn the 'purpose sho of . pansi'es is 'early tn' March. and an healing .of this woman's daughter. • forms -of ner�ova troubles such as life and the art of 'living. It should, abundance of bloom will follow the .,.This incident is found only here and • ize. • tus' dance, 'and par- conserve the best of file past, and . • Ia all spraying operations nenralralysit.,V} P same season. in !Bark viI• where we:red that He • ger well under the leaves, it # tial paralysis: = 'These Pills are es- meet the needs of the future." , entered into a house. and'-w.euld.liase._ . is here the insects congre(;ate, pecially • valuable to growing girls The following appointments have Keep an eye on any large , �i and women and cure the headaches been made: AN EXCELLENT REMEDY no ruin snow it .That would lead us • shrubs and conifers that were • sideaches and other pains known only Win. John Rutherford, B.S.A. to think that He came aside; poeisibly 0 planted this spring and see that : to them. Hold by all medicine deal• (Tor.), Dean and Professor of, Animal FOR ALL BABIES. - tor, physical rest as well as the re- , the roots are not allowed to • era or by mail at 50 cents a box -or sig Husbandry. He has served on the -_._ freshment from the faith of a gentile.- • •dry. • hoses for t$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' . s4affs of file Agricultural Collegerr of gab 's Own Tablets are an excel- This woman, whose daughter was • Latvns that bake up badly in Medicine 0o., Brockville, 'Ont. Ontario, Iowa, and Manitoba, and is p fi troubled by an unclean demon, having . summer should not be too close- •-.--•- _ Deputy Commissioner of Agricult.ra lent remedy for babies :of all ages. They cure all stomach and bowel i cut. for the Province of Saskatchewan. troubles ; make teething' eas dispel herd o4 Him. came and fell at. His 9 P>y+'t.,l•UALi 1 Y. George Herbert Ling, B.A. (Tor.), y p feet and besought Him to heal .her •••A••tlp••NAN�A�•NM•NA Professor of Mathematics• Prof. Lina worms ;and make baby fat, good-na= daughter. Note that she heard of Hirai, it Gets a Jolt From One Who Never was one of the most distinguish,. Lured andhealthye They are sold un- The questions keep ever coming. Are students of his time• in. mathematics der the guarantee of a Government p P RT AND . can Be on Time. ,it Toronto and Columbia. At tl:e analyst to contain absolutely. flo. opi- any hearing of Him through met Are OUTDOORS 0 so much is said about the.virtue of .ate or narcotic, and thuethey. can. be my life and testimony all for Him? U�, unetualit that people who o in for time of his appointnnerit he was ,t=l- given to the new born baby with per- Might soave others hear if. I was will- Zr. B p y p ' g Coll Professor of Mathematics xn "Baby's Own ing to go or, more self denying W or- it to any great. extent are exceedingly Coluilitzia .University. tett safety.Mrs, Benoit Martin, uppish and diSaGraGable. Punctuality -oleic R dge O ig, P Sc_ (McGill!., ..Agigon, Que., writes: t3aby-der to-,belp..other-s-.to-go?- Tlm-apostles - • .._.:.E.oerg._..athletc, evEr..g ball-�laysr. w Y- - Tabit3 -are-an-ekeellent""1Cetllezly"-for „ ever swimmer, every canoeist, every "has iis"baT side; 7u§i its everytl3iug" professor of Agrictxlttiral Engineeitn); are again in evidence with their send y else has. People should remember . and. 'Superintendent of Buildin ;,gr• babies aridshouldld be in every. home man or woman who loves outdoor life' where there are young children. her. away, for stip crieth alter as" this. If they are on tithe they only (sreig tool. his degree' in Methal: ical Sold b medicine dealers or, b mail (verse 23). It is so much easier to and exercise, should keep a box of serve to throw into embarrassing re- ls'ngineenXig tit RcG�ll, and After-. at 25 c nts a box from. TheDr. Wil- turn down the many appeals for help, Tam-Buk handy. l liams'•Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat, Zam•Buk is a purely herbal prepare- lief the poor' souls- who come •flurry= warns spent several years in railroad just to be let alone. - So few of tis tion, which, as soon as applied to cute. ing in ten minutes late. It is smug w=ork with the Crintic�la; Atlantic ' and bruises, burns, sprains, blisters, etc., to be precisely punctual. It is raising t}ie Cai:adian Northern Pa4lways, ` =—•-�'-- V seem to learn to live wholly for oth- u hi hl beneficial operations. yo.ursell .above the rest of mankind, Three years ago. he was appointed prn. • ers, far the good we can do rather The Holy seta .. than the good ,we -can get. Y h'irst,its antiseptic properties render refusing to partake in 'its frailties. The fes�or in the �l tnitoba Agrictiitur.td Toast as. Medicine. "Did you ever by why toast the wound free from all danger from ideal thing froii the point. of view of College. Spirit needs io have rnore.fulT control blood poisoning. Next,• its soothing courtesy to others and recent humility Reginal.l 'John Bateman, M.A; recommended #or, invallds? said a doc of ;ns. properties relieve and ease the pain about your own attainments is to be (Tran. Coll. Dub.), Professor of ling• tor. "The reason fs that toast.id predi She "addressed Him as "O Lord, thou 'Then its rich, herbal balms penetrate always ten minutes lilt' or at least to dish and French for one year. Bested bread. Son of David," but'as the Son of Da - the tissue, and, set up the wonderful appear so.. Arthur. Woxoti, B.A. (DaI:); . and . ,,What makes fresh bread trying for vid she, being a gentile, had, no claim process of healing. Barbed wire If you are to, tIieet at the package B.A. ,and B,C.L. (Oxon.), Assistant Invalids is the starch in it. upon Him, and He answered her not scratches.. insect stings, skin diseases, Professor s Classics for one year: Starch is very hard to, digest. It g office in the. Grand Central station •+ such aseczema, heat rashes, ring- at 4 o'clock sit afetly,in the middle of Fifteen scholarships;, ranging, from th word; Vile mast never tolerate n worm, babies' heat sores, chafed places the hall until twelve minutes after $100 to $75 each, have been offered needs'a good Is to take hold o!. thought e# any unkindness or even within Zam-Buk'e h e for : -competition, and a nomination the soggy, starch in bread and change lack of cansideratian on the part of sore feet -ail come four; then when you have seen .th power. It also eases and curse piles. other person dash. un, followed by to'a scholarship has been placed at it to strengtlieuing, ratlmtilating des- Jesus, not even when He addressed All druggists and stores. Avoid imita- p porters anti fairly dripping the disposal of .each of the Collegiate trio. His. own mother as He' did in. Sohn panting. p lustitutes and High Schools of the "But when you crit bread thin and ii 4. He was never anything lint love, tions. _ with explanation3; wait until the'ar- . second .in which to province. ' ..toast it brown the bre itself changes, rival lies hada c �1 .. th faith to de Grin. That, in, fact: never say is,)"V4e11, and cove is kind An Epoch In Sltowdom recover self -'respect and stroll up: with a most .that we ca A P inaugurate a remark on 'Timbuktti •or the best way Dr 'de Yam's French Female Ping .is •what the brown color .in toast,.indl- ' I do not Understand." 1 But, we. must When Mr rHaagit ser decided to is 15th year as w stYccesafut Pur Yeybr ` to'cultivate "carrots: This will insure thCWife's' Ft,ientd cines=that the starch is gone and despBtly {rust Him..; In this case He di y ,of first class amusements to the'public' youry popularity_and show you to be a . A .reliable `regulator; never fails trin has taken its place., The stuff is pay no doubt preparing. her for ..the• lie mapped out his route from coast to . person of kindness ,and forethought. While these. pills rre exceedinglp .predigested. blessing He was ready to bestow'... He, coast, opening bis season In early At any. rate, it is - bette.r than a piti- powerful in regulating the generative oSo we feed our invalids on toast; a said to the disciples, "1 am not sent: March at Shreveport. • Since then the less standing at the place where. you portionof the ferrule system, they are dish as thoroughly predigested as any, but unto the lost sheep of the house of show has traversed the Sta4eg of Texas said you would be; your superiority strictly-safeto use. Refuse all cheap of the most famous breakfast foods.". „ - California, Arkansas, Kansas, Okla- increasirig every .minute, and con imitations. Dr de Van's are sold.at $55 Israel. . 3iome lllincis, Indiana, West Virginia fronting, upbraiding silently, the abox,or three•for•$10• Mailed to ,any Her nest appeal is simply "Lord, �fitucky, Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio, person who promised to: meet you be• address: The Scobell Drug Co. St: "Y"-'� help me," and now she gives Sim His North Carolina, South Carolin,t and cause you appeared a. rather likeable Catherine, Out. WoMeli S Wass right place in relation to her, but He part of Georgia; and before closing- sort, but, who finds, you in your .Parc - ------ -. • replied, "It is not meet to take the will make Florida, Alabama, Mississippi ply of punctuality' the Very reverse of • To Coote cereals Perteciiy.. children's bread and cast It to dogs•" and Louisiana, establishing a trans likeable. ThLy does seem to our ears almost too .continental record never attempted For e. it remembered flint .just as To could ontmeatl or :any Bind of ce- Clinton . Women are Finding Relict by any show in any one season. The at Last' mach to bear, but He will. never try real' as thoroll„hl ua ft needs to be show has used 58 railroads so far this some people cannot be on'time'othgro . tootled requires more time than -cal) cannot= o save Clic r skins be late. S, It does seem that women have more .as too much (I .Cor, s, 13),• He knew season, exhibiting twice dailywith the t 4t a whit. of credit usually be ;;iven in our liurried break- than a fair share .of the aches and what -He was -doing, and it was all exception of Sunday. Nature has been .hat they deserve .. y • love, no matter how It.100k.9 to tis• o the mighty Has shows 2or it and should, in fact, be ropri- fast getting; a with o all cooker 'pains ep upt' mast at enditt t dui 8 in erten-to her reply:-ITutb, Lord, yet very good t g y this season, having been exceptionally marded when they do it ostentatious- blessed.as yet spite of constantly aching backs, or the dogs •eat o! the crumbs which fall so in the wild animal department. Iv iincl in public. to do the work overni„ht. headaches, dizzy spells,, bearing down from their masters, tables„ The Tic -' bob* camel, Lulu, is easily the . So the best stibstitIM' is to Put the pains; they must stoop over when to favorite -baby, with the baby elephant cereal on, the stow at Supper time, tet stoop means torture. They mug walk tory is hers. ' She' bas won; she gave close behind. Daily you can witness it come to at good boil, then turn the and bend and work tvftti.raeking pains Him His place' as Lord+ and now she the children of the different cities L %�] fire out and leave it in; that same .spot and many aches from kidney .ills, gid- takes here, the. lowest, a gentile dog: Kicking their favorite baby in the big Caught Cold until iiretikfast tiwe without 'lifting neys cause more. suffering than •any Now )men to Jesus: "O woman, great . menagerie, which is most always the I the lid. The beat already, generated. other organ of the body. Keep the is thy �t,L Be it ti to thee even as baby camel. The mighty Haag shows thou. wilt, For this. saying go thy will exhibit at Olinton, June 18th. y W Working will iinisb cooking the gt'tifns SO'that miaint kidneys Read of altremedy for all thtat needs to tae ,lone in the.morn- kidneys only that helps and cures the way. The devil is gone out of t9) it 29. • Mark v ) (verse 28 . add , m a daughter” bottom, a ht bo you d u Rearinefeeds the dry and unhealthy ��j ./, ing is to stir, lt• from the kidneyb and is endorsed by'people y g Incalp, softens and gives vim to the . I n irY aI. e1r• a little water possibly .and reheat for know. ,a, 111i: .,rt I . She believed his .word, returned home Bair, 50c. ajar. I serving. - j'`'�Mrs J Cook, of Joseph St„ Clinton, and found her daughter well. . c Of course the �essei 'must , be of out., says:—"After suffering with a The1.re was,a great realized need, Her 1Clistreetling, TiCkliing SOUSA-. severe attack of LaGri pe, my back daughter's trouble was her own. It Big Circus Iii crockery, euatnel ilii «filch there art p was so tender and weals that I could was nothing foreign, nothing tb which Your visit to the mashie Hagg titin In the Throat: in breakfii 1111 in ittasoi long. .for d the the lid scarcely get around.' A continual, she could be in any degree indifferent. -shows at Clinton afternoon and. even- _ • to be left had ing, June 18th, will not complete with- hi recto Mince must be na tight ttw possfiile to retain heirbearing a or not the down kidneys and settled in nd• She knew she had come to one pvvha, out a tour of the colossal canvas Mr. Albert MacPhee, C g I Caught file steam whicb dues so much of � the ed around and my aides, My head would Gould help her, and she would not let equerry, even though von are not a N•S•, writes:-- In Oct., 11)b8, has a work. But dais metbod is •i. great ache constantly and there was often a go. The lessons for us are easy. May lover and admirer of�blooded stock, it cold by working in water, and time and gas snver, stud file cereal is dizzy feeling and spats an earingbe- we In them to heart. He is always is claimed you will f3nd,an hourof gen- g tntlGh more dif,+ec,th rl, fore my eyes. Y felt lan$utd and poor- ��thie Ly Jesus:' Comparo ,this eine pleasure and much to interest very bad cough Sand that distressing; ri It th n tyle t cools ly in my general health and although great faith" with that of chapter you inspecting the droves .of Horses tickling sensation in my throat so I ed by glifca.. boiling, It is lbs tireless and cries, For the last year agents could not rilcep at night, and my lungs cooper idea applied to Coln, •uten• I knew my sickness had weal~ened viii, 10, and Hots that in each case it have been in the different arts of the .were so very sore I had to give u work. sits. __ and disordered the kidneys, I found was the great faith o! n gentile. Con, g p nothing to hereat me. ! learned of trattt the little faith of th, disctples. world making purchases for this depar- Our doctor gave me medicine but it did . Booth's Kidney. Pills through an ad- ment, with a result that today 8that of me no coil so I got a;bottle of Dr. GPood'a stale Bread. vertisement and. procuring a, box at in Matt. ^v1, 30; viii, 2fi; siv, 31; svl, 8,. Mighty Haag show possesses, on g A leaf of stale bread can be -,cepa d. , Mr Holmes' Pharmacy, commenced and let us ti�ve faith in God, the faith largest, most varied and costly collet- Norway pine Syrup and by the time I in a wet towel, placed in 'a steamer treatment. It was a comparatively, that 'faints not, doubts not, wavers tion of representative members of the had used two bottlea I etas entirely and steamed tender. short time when I had been relieved hot, 'but clings belfeVingly and expect equine tamely which wealth can pro- Cold biscuits left from breakfast can of the headaches and dizziness. My antly (Matt xxi, 21, 22), in order to ask cure, and it is doubtful if anywhere oared. I a�rti always xecomiuending it to be toasted, of a good method is to eyes Began to clear and a a Wn -1n faith we must reme ber John xv, near the like has been exhibited be nay friends. strop and well. Thep gradually 7, .end I' Sohn lit, 81, 22 So much is Com- -fore. Certainly never by any travels Br. Wood's Norway pine Syrup coin- hastily dip them Into water, place inti lett my back and sides and I strength Ing shows. Ladies and children ars ares 'the tent healing virtues of the a bread .pan and heat in the oven. tined. I am very rateful to $cosh s meant by abiding, keeping His Com- articularly invited to visit this horse . b p° • other absorbent, Very old bread should lie Crumbled Tridnel+Pills fot t9e speedyrelief'giivemandments and with a clear Con - Artie y without Norway pine tree with and added to breakfast Calces and Wie and wilt gladly recommend them."science doing the'things that are pleas- air. which all may safely do withot escort, as uniformed and courteous rat• expectorant and soothing Ir edicines of . served with maple sirup So1cY�Dealers.. Price W cents, . The •mg in His sight., Then we must re'- tendants are always present to look. recognized worth, and is absolutely harms- Old bread, broken into stroll pieces R T Booth Co., Ltd., Port Erie, Ont., member tt w Jap, ly, 2, 3, le9t we asst after the welfare of callers, prompt evil safe for the cure of . �`� ieab, p and dampened with mlik, makes a Sole Canadian Agents. smlml, . ,,ace all saucepans sofa uettiea liar Coughs, Colla, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore good pudding plaeec in alternate lay- r-- ..•� -+• 'use on the gas stove made of tit[, W I'll Throat , Pain or Tightness in the Cheat, era with 'tart apples. Dot with butter, "" . ,ceps, bottotntx Slightly Coneavtc. 'ti,t• and iillThroatandLungTroubled. cinnamon or nutmeg, sweeten, cover 111101111i draws the gas up tinder the Vessel lira Beware Of imitations. o£ I1r; Wood's with milk and bake. e Syrup. ,Ask for it and ' An old bread crust, •known as theM (� TOKI A uvea a great deal of sits, y tirr+'' Norway I'tn Sy pH For In£auto and Children. pint kettle tnadtY thtta hails t{it'i"e !Alia in8ist on"getting yPhat you ask for. & It is table useful for cleaning a vege• C ' , AR , A ; Utes• quicker tbatt otle made -w tue ot• put ;ip in, it y'ello'w wrappers three pine -- � The Kind You have Always X0got 110 Binary rrny, which means a f;reat q:at ahil dr 4 � �"�" Bto"111tis, Crat,I,, Giugiiit tr�'�d>tr � . ing In the gas bill in- a y'sat• "A 11•r trees the trade mark, dna the price 25 money bl,ck. Sold and >E'aatidlt wd bt ,,ea'i'a the Cents. pans and kettles iiatlde in tills wa; AS W . Bn 44„ I cost no more than, those rdado wltl' 'u6nufadured only, by The T. Milbum 0"',► `1 VLE� l+tl W. S. Re �10I1110840'Ci�il<1t011 >atttve of "-, Ott bot$pmb, Co., Limited, 'Poronto, 00t, • ...�,-...,.�.,�.."...... _.1. V w �: ' e r a -sir-, Ever.Y. � W., o anli '�. .. � a 11 knows that the foundation of a well -furnished room, a good 'Carpet. We carry a large stock of Carpet Squares, to many sizes and patterns. Also Brussels, Tapestry, Wools and. Unions in the rolls. T LATEST, STYLES IN THREE-PIECE - PARLOR SUITS , looseCushion$ , Polished Maho alay, only I ., PARLOR TABLES, BES, N Polished Mahogany and Quarter -cut Oak; .round. • .1 . square and oval, at $4.50, $6 and $7.50 , . • MUSIC CABINETS - i; Latest styles, with sliding. shelves' and mirrors. 04ESSER and STAND. I • Large lie -el glass, 3 drawers, high towel rack, $9.00 11 Big, plump Mattress, $3; Wire Bed Springs, $2;, Window Shades, purtain Poles, Tapestry Curtains, Stair Pads., Room Moulding,. Vieture Frames, etc., at low price.. • • • J. � 14. eheiiew. Bring your Departmental Store Catalogue. ,Vire will meet their price. Blyth WOE AND MUSIC EMPORIUM. .1'.. I Thin s - Yo1.u- Need I .... . .. .. Some L.g . Tomato lants,Gaiden.Seeds; Coga,.,Mang'le, and Turnip` Seeds,"11 .: p Rakes, S adea '`M`llett slid Sunflower Se'ed.' Then- fliers -are !loss; . p + I11 � , Shovels,. Scythes and Siiaths, Our Boots and Shoes are' selling well as quality the'price 8 and ualit are right. Overalls,.Srdocks and Pants for Men and bo s. Good and. cheap . groceries.. always the best and at close rices.' School supplies also Bibles and Hymn Books. I would like some prices. return my largge Scissors for cutting tin. Highest price, for But- , ter and Eggs. • Kindly rush in the Egga at 18c Friday evening, as price goes down . soon. . R. Adam11 Is, Lox�deslooro... . I . � . I : . . - . I I . . I .D - IU .S. . - I ... � I . � Is a General _N•uisance, - and Causes Sickness, but it Can be Avoided by Using. E• I.... . I on sweeping daa,y. "Dustbane," Moreover, dis- . infects the room: and restores Rugs to their original t reshness. The women swear by "Dust- - bane " when onceithey have used it► D6n t ha ve anothe'ir dusty sweeping day, but get a 35c package. of 11 Dustbane 99 We are authorized by the tnanufacturers of {, Dustbane " to send you a 35C can of* their 1 • .Sweeping p ee in Com ound. We want sou to use this • i on trial for one week. At the end of this period, if not found satisfactory, we will take It back, and these will. b6 no charge for quantity used. I • It Does Away with Dust on ,SWeep ng Day. Too Want its _ , . I i bbls half bb1s, and quarter bbls, •,for stores, ,+' Sold n schools; churches, hospitals, banks, and public buildings, - . Distributolrs j-��.i`l�,�i�,, Bros. for Clinton el iCftnhditan r4gtorlcs St. Johns, N.K+, '101t tipier�, r fain. i S. C. Rathwell C. Hoare • 1%- Shoes .. Music .. THE REGINA SdQE ' the Mamoth . FOR` WOMEN Foio �f - <. J music U iTE N. FIT hon Q E No matter how `nice The iii NEW " Music YourSpring-_costume 11 :. BOOM..:- - . ks, it *111 not. appear at its best, unless you _ .- .._ .. Music lovers are delighted ' with this book. Come and have nice -fitting Shoe. see them. The price is '75 Cents. Trp a pair of Regina Ox- . fords , or Pumps. We have. thein in all sizes and widths. . HARMONICAS REir'INAcS wealr we11, fit well, lookwoll. Yea, we have them, in all. letters and kinds. : Prices 95c up t0 $1,00• - - DERBY SKOES FOR 11iEN. - . NEWCOMBE and `` -'l�ie�erkry-••is-a-Shoe-tliat•• SI1LIiVi'oCli. Tl �`7ti11� 1T '` ' """ " fita and wears. We have them in Patent poli, Velour PIANOS palf and Vici Sid. - - Price $4.00 and • $4.50 ALWAYS IN STOCK.J„ •r. , C athwell C. Hoare MR �� • 11 e its . Dollar Do s Duty! D r our. a The Place Where Y ..A., ����jj��ss��M��j� WF ,]�S MIMM tri i Yui v 1MCT11'Y'1 �,1� , . .1'.. I Thin s - Yo1.u- Need I .... . .. .. Some L.g . Tomato lants,Gaiden.Seeds; Coga,.,Mang'le, and Turnip` Seeds,"11 .: p Rakes, S adea '`M`llett slid Sunflower Se'ed.' Then- fliers -are !loss; . p + I11 � , Shovels,. Scythes and Siiaths, Our Boots and Shoes are' selling well as quality the'price 8 and ualit are right. Overalls,.Srdocks and Pants for Men and bo s. Good and. cheap . groceries.. always the best and at close rices.' School supplies also Bibles and Hymn Books. I would like some prices. return my largge Scissors for cutting tin. Highest price, for But- , ter and Eggs. • Kindly rush in the Egga at 18c Friday evening, as price goes down . soon. . R. Adam11 Is, Lox�deslooro... . I . � . I : . . - . I I . . I .D - IU .S. . - I ... � I . � Is a General _N•uisance, - and Causes Sickness, but it Can be Avoided by Using. E• I.... . I on sweeping daa,y. "Dustbane," Moreover, dis- . infects the room: and restores Rugs to their original t reshness. The women swear by "Dust- - bane " when onceithey have used it► D6n t ha ve anothe'ir dusty sweeping day, but get a 35c package. of 11 Dustbane 99 We are authorized by the tnanufacturers of {, Dustbane " to send you a 35C can of* their 1 • .Sweeping p ee in Com ound. We want sou to use this • i on trial for one week. At the end of this period, if not found satisfactory, we will take It back, and these will. b6 no charge for quantity used. I • It Does Away with Dust on ,SWeep ng Day. Too Want its _ , . I i bbls half bb1s, and quarter bbls, •,for stores, ,+' Sold n schools; churches, hospitals, banks, and public buildings, - . Distributolrs j-��.i`l�,�i�,, Bros. for Clinton el iCftnhditan r4gtorlcs St. Johns, N.K+, '101t tipier�, r fain. i