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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-05-26, Page 7The beneficial effect of Iron 1)0, upon .the ystem weakened through i:llness„ overwork or anemia, is well known, Ver. rovim is a preparation whicb supplies the valuable element in the Most efficient way, com- bining with it the nourishing qualities of beef and the mild- ly stimulative effect of sherry wine. Verrovini costs $1.00 a bottle at druggists. Fashions Seen at a Carnegie Hall Musical Recital. AN OLD LADY AND HER SWIRL !The Art of Giving Pleasure -Hints on IHow to Get on With People Who Find Mrs. A. Haughty and Mrs. O. Snubby -A Peace Crusade. Dear Elsie --1 doe't knue when any- thiug has so Inuenetily satistied the as the recital of Mischa Eintali, the Bus - Olen boy violluist, at Carnegie hall last !week. The humeuse meeting was sitn- eply packed with a fastauuatee and en.' thusiastic audience. Hinnies playing is ,wonderful, mid be eerviiiiiS• gets TWIT. stone and soul sounds out of a viola' gthan any virtuoso I have ever heard. !!A. musical prodigy at teur, a genius of *he stringed testrument nine- teen, what will be be at twice the Age? I could bore you to death with eDy Mischa ravings. but 1 clu, dear, SJIIET-riura usitQuE X HOUSE FROCKS. evrish you could have heard him play dals °Wu arraugement of Schumann's ''Wanderer." I've forgetten the Ger- 1. IMENTHQL PLASTER FOR 13ACKACHR, smATicA. PLEURISY, STITCHES, CRICKS, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM Each 25c, in air-tiglit till box; yard rolls $1.00, can be cut to any, size. ) Beware of worthless imitations, Davis s; letWRENCE CO., Montreal. The Clinton Now Era • •Most cases of baldness are' due solely to neglect, oTile hair often becomes dry and dandruff forms because the hair glands do not supply enough nat. tural oil. Nothing overcomes ;this deficiency so effectively as • hat delicately perfumed, re- reshing hair pomade, I3earine. Avoid baldness ; apply I3earine o your hairoccasionally. All ruggists1 56 cts. a jar. Mau equivaieui ono 57r. wine tutu Whisky's "Faust Fautasie." Well, it's always merely a' step from the sublime to the ridiculous, and an Old lady. at the recital furuished the comedy part. This ancient specimen was evideutly a inetuher or what Dick calls the "sub- • merged Four Hundred." mai her years were surely the allotted threescore and, ten. The lady, judging iron) ner make- up, had'been ceuverted to the.doctrine that the date at a woutafi's birtn has nothing to du with her years.. Augeis aud ministers- of grace , feud we from sueu spectacles ef betnz- epee oat .age: What did she wear?. Thc.. very est and most unstutable addenda of the mode. Her bait -welt, her bah was or nature's coloring. This much she had conceded to „time, hut .it was fixed in the 'extreme eiviri style. Imagine seventy years or more et rem- ininity duue up in a swirl: Ou top of the c:oillure rested....or, to be more explieit, rousted, a huge ertniee turban eruanieuted Whil a pink orchid and: a youth nil, Weirdly gay aigret. aladam's furs . were of cx • same rival pelt. Her gown was made. so modishly floppy all round • as very seriously to impede bel' eotteriug seeps' as sue walked down tue aisle to net seat. • That old Woman's appearance die - gusted Me more than I suouid have allowed such a trifle td de. ' Bet has it ever. Elsa, 'struck you hew much- you -are intlueneed.' during tbe day by the moods of the people around you and tee trities ot exist7 ewe': If there is n cbilly atmospbere' at tbe 'breakfast table, if you reeelve a letter -bill would bit the mark imam -if some little incideet jars the hare mony of things, it seems to throw you out of gear and makes you,it fiot: downright unhappy, :at, leastawfully» uncomfortable for the entire. day; • A fit of sulks from the maid, an argument with' tbe butcher. put -.8 cloud on the borizon and give you .a dissatisfied, disconsolate feeling which Is twin sister to the blues. All these things are trifles; but trifles make up • a ktrge part of our life. There is no getting away from, the 'fact that - our happiness . 'depends a. great deal -upon the moodseand.teasee of the people we come In 'Conitiet ivith. and the impression they make Upon u. I can never get on with People..When they don't seem pleased with inee -I'm terribly. sensitive on this pit, .• If 1 feel that I'm not weIcotne I. simply can't be at hay best. Dick says that I'm foOlieh on , the subject and that you can't always tell from a person's manner what '.111st reel feelings are. You may think you can, but you can't. Mrs. A., he argues, perheps seems proud and reserved and you never feet at ease with her for fear of behig on," when, as a matter of..fnet, siti may be merely deeadfullv .ehy and Milady's Mirror The average womau has iteithee the time no inclination to make an elate), rate bedtime toilet, but there are es- sentials Which no woman can afford to negiect not only Mr present use,. but to checkmate Father Time and to .make us physically attractive mem- bers, of society. • • A prime factor in encouraging and retainieg health and good 'looks is 40,11,byc e4ilearonoulies. nutosf soil accumulated in a single day wben our work takes us into Idle big cities is.. remarkable, as. •evinced. by .a single experience. It Is eornetirnee a source Of annoy- ance to perforin little duties for our-. selves whet' we are tired, aud yet it woman is .anaply repaid: by her fresh, well groomed appearance he the naorte "mg. Furthermore, It is a great saving 'of time if she 17111St needs be oft early - the next day and cannot indulge in ea leisurely morning toilet. The daily bath hi adviiied to all wo- men who are physically strong enough to stand it. Not more than from five to tea minutest should be consumed in the bath, • A quick sponge off •in salt . water or a shower in - cold. water makes': a splendid tonic . and braCer.' One er two warm 'baths at night will • keep one reasonably clean at least.' • . aVliere a , warm bath is found .too stimulating at night to prevent sleep It `should then be taken 'in 'the morn.' Ing or late afternoon, but in eaen case a *old sponge off -should be taken to dote the pores. and preveat taking cold: . • Where a 'body bath Is not taken at • night a *arm toot bath will he foiled very. grateful to tired ant painful •feet. It •Is' very restful and -draws .the blood fro the brain, iiiducing sleep. Before • etarting• the night tenet re- move all binding clothing and slip on A long kimono and bedroom slippers, - those without heels, as Turkish • ones or sandals. • • • . • • Relax asmuch as possible, especially when inclined to be nervous, for 'When the tension ,is •taken off the nerves these iittle'preilminarlea 'tend to Make • obe quite sleeby.... . • Seemed details of the toilet may be • performed at the Same time. For ex, ample, remove all 'pins from the hair • imd when false pieces are. worn brush and comb these out ad lay before an. epen window to thoroughly air. Shake Mit the Mir .tharoughly and spread It' over the shoulders to ventilete arid rest the mote. Whew. a • foot 'bath is desired it is n • good plan to Mire it at this point. 'so that two thinge4eney progress at the seem' Owe, • When one is, not hurried, - five eieleutes! relaxation may. be in- dulged in. Be entre you • sit in yew, most- 'eutnfortehle rocker . .while toe nigbt toileteeptogressing. • The Superiors Bred Clyde SIR MIITTHEW (No. (14879), Vol. XXX) isioNrety Will leave his own stable, Auburn, and proceed north to Match's cornor then' east to Joe Johnson's for noon; then north to Con. 4; then west to Harvey MoDale's, for night. TUESDAY Proceed west to Ramsay's Black- smith Shop; then north to S. Thompson's for noon ; then west, through St. Augustine, and south to Prosperity Corner, and to Bert Jones' for night. WEDNESDkY South to Con. 3, and east to Joe Washington's for noon; then proceed south to Auburn for night. THURSDAY Will leave his own stable and go south, via Base Line, to Elias Ball's for noon, then south to Con. 8, Hallett, and then east to Wm Vodden's for night. FRIDAY Proceed north td 3on. 13, 'Hallett, and west to Jas Webster's for noon: then north, via Scott's Ride Road, to the Bound- ary Line; then west to his own stable, Auburn, where he will remain unt'l thelefollowing Mon' day m RAITHBY BROS. Proprietor and Manager The,Impart d Clydesdale Stallion DUNNYDECR41 -1Z No. (818() Canadianlitud Book, Vol. 17 No. (12557) Clydesdale Stud Book of Great Britain, Vol. 27. MONDAY Will leave his own stable, Lot 19, con. in,: Hallett, and proceed one -mile and -a - half east, and a-mile•and-a quarter north, to 1310 Can., then by way of Harlock, to James Watts', for noon; then to Boundary Line, and down the line to Mason's Hotel, Blyth, f night, where he will remain till noon of next day. TUESDAY noon will proceed home for night. Wednesday Proceed to Steward's corner then west to gravel Road, to Wm, Fear's, for noon; thence to Graham's Hotel, Clinton. for night. THUR iln.Y Proceed north one•mlle. and -it -quarter; then east to Frank Kettles' for noon; then east to John Scott's, Roxboro, for night. FRIDAY Proceed to Robert Dodds for noon; then to his own stable for night, where be will ;:remain till the following Monday. LEIPERle MOON, Props. W. H. MOON, Manager. .SCOTLAND'S HOPE (7400)-(13180) MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, lot 31, con. 13, Hallett. and proceed to Jacob Stoltz's, lot 33, con. 1, for noon ; then to David Wilson's. lot 24, con. 1, West Wawanosh, for night. TUESDAY -Proceed to A. Kirk's, con. 2, West Wawanosh, for noon, then to Mallough's Hotel. Dungannon, for night. WEDNESDAY Proceed to Bert Jones', con. 4, W. Wawanosh. for noon, then to Samuel Thompson's. Donnybrook. for night. THURSDAY -Proceed to J. Redmond's, Westfield, for noon ; then to Geo. rathergill'is, lot 34, con. 6. East Wriwanosh, for night. FRI- O 4.Y -Proceed to Daniel Kelly's, lot 22, con. 7. Morris, for noon ; then to M. H. Kelley's, Mt 0. con. 7 Morris, for night. SATURDAY=Proceed to Commercial Hotel, Blyth, for noon; then to Ole own Stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. McConnell & Manning, Props. R. McConnell, Manager Bi NEFIELD'S BA.RON (15505) MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Charles Mannings, con. 13. Hallett, and proceed to JaS. Reyrvilds, lot 22, con, 4, Hallett, for noon, then to Commercial Motel. Clinton, for night. TUES- PAY-Proceed to Thos. Mason's, 101127, Cob, 6, Mullett, for noon, then to his own stable for night. WEDNEsDAN-Proceed to Lawrence Plaetzer's, 101 40, ton. 14. Hallett, for noon: than tO users, Tarter's, lot 25 non. 1, W. ViIttwatiesh, for bight. THURSDAY -Proceed to Patriok etearnere, 51. Augatitins, for noon ; then to 33, Chamney's con. 0, East Veseveriosb. Mr night. FRIDAY -Pmeeed to Goo. Robertson's. eon. 10, tDatit wavamosh for teen ; then to MOM, 13elgrare, for night. BATtirtnAlt-Prooeed te Commereial Betel, Myth, for boob ; then to URI own atable, tvbefe ho Will roped tin the follow - leg Motozy meriting, MoCceitital A Ches, eteeniag. litelletter t,. not ming in syii.»». y witIl certain fictions of the. hereditary 'branch' of the British Parliament. The Lend -on Chronicle has been speculating On.the possible future of the Word 'lord": 'So far it has resisted the democrati- zation that has befallen 'lady.' No me talks of 'chorus lords' or begins a speech with 'ladies and lords.' In modern Greek, however, `lorcicis' means simply 'Mr.,' and it wouldbe rash to predict that our descendants will not all be 'lords' 'in the twenty- tirst century." Awe*. CARTE0 ITTLE BIER PILLS. SlokHeadache and relieve all the troubles Inci- dent to a bilious state or the eyetem, such as • Dizziness, Nausea, Drewsinees, Warms after eating, Pain in the Side, ezo, While thektnost rematicable euecese has been ehoWn iA Cluing <en,. IC Sleadaebe, yet Carter's Little Liver PM* ate equally valuable In Constipatien, caringendpre4 Venting this artneyingeomplaint, while theyalso correct all disordere of the istoniaeb. stimuletetbe liver and regulate the borrels. Even iftheyonkt owed AD DATir161t4Emilz't — SALIM Erm A thick adhesive ointment, Combined, with rtpanese Menthol and Vaseline, two of the most wonderful healing drugs known. It soothes, h eats and tends to restore those who suffer from Piles,•Eareche„ Rheu- matism. Chatham irritated and other skin troubles. The word "Salve" literally means be well or in good Health. Try ?Davis' Menthol Salve and you will be relieved. ors All Dealers. DAVIS te LAWRENCE CO., Montreal, I Among all people I.., eiteicing of the waved has .gever been conselered the. most effective remedy of immediate application for enale, bites,. In Africa a cupping inetrament is employed in emergencies\ef lite kind to drawout the. poieon.ed blood. The ancient fol. loaveci the same methods, and when Cate made his fatuous expedition through. the serpent infested Africae descrts he employed likany : savage snake eharners, caled ".pey:li." to fol Low the. army. They perfermed many . mysterious- ritee over men who were bitten, but. the° .eilicavy of their treat went appears to have cousiSted in suelcing the wounds. • THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson IL—Second Quarter, For May 29, 1940. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. 'Text of the Lesson, plat. xiv, 13-211 xv, 29 -39 --Memory Verne, 19, 20. Golden .Text, John vi, 35 Com. mentary hy Rev. M. Stearn*, in this lesson we are asked to con - Oilier two great miracles, whieh our Lord speaks of as °the t're loaves of the 5,000 and the seven loaves of the 4,000" (Matt. xvi. 0, 10) on one ocea- tion when He rebuked the disciples tor their lack of faith. The former is recorded by each of the four evangel- ists and ie the Only miracle recorded by the tour, while the latter is record- ed only by Matthew and Mark. In ,each case Jesus- bed compassiole upon the multitudes beeause Of their 'hun- ger, and He abundantly supplied their need by mirampously increasing a I very small . quantity of food. . When We consider who it was rho did this» . and how He had ted . minibus for Many years with bread iron] heav- en and had brought: water from a rock for them, how He had cared for Elijah by tile ravens and multiplied the widow's meal and oil aud made twenty loaves suffice for 100 men, there is nothing remarkable in His do- ing this great thirtg, for His very name is "Wonderful." If we consider the first. iniracle, the 5,000 • fed, we shall, 1 think, 'toyer the other also. The apostles had gathered toe Jesus and had told Him all that they had done and' taught, and fie had taken them aside to rest awhile, for there were so Many conaing.and goingthat they had no leisureeven to eat, (r am ,consid- ering the' lesson with, a harmony of the .goepeTs before me. The student of the lesson should do the same.) It is.said by John that the multitudes followed Him because they saw His intrudes Which He 'did on them that were diseased. Whatever their nes five ,was, He' took .advantage of their gathering tospeak to then] of the kingeorn of God and to heal them that :sad need of healing (John vi, 2; Luke,. ix, 11). . . • He was ever speaking of the king- doto'..end setting forth by word and deed tint'nature of it. If We were More Ake Him In this respect it would be better. When the day was far -spent Hisi disciples urged Him to Send the smultitudes away that. they 'Might go into the 'villages roundabout and .buy 'themselves breed,. but Ile ,said What Annie haVe 'Sounded' very - strange, "They need not depart; elle Ye them to ,eat." I believe that is still Ills message to ill who have the bread: et life. - There Is in churCh work eo- elpy an Andrew and *Philip • brother- hood, and if they aredoing as Andreav. end Philip did in John i, bringing men to es•Vrelle but in John Yi.. 115, sonnection with our lesson, we need to' take wanting and not example from Philip and •Aildrew; for the drat tlgtired as to:bow-he thought the- thou- sands .might be.fed, and Andrew Seems almost to . ask pardon for nimitiouing, Inch, a trifle as. the presence of a lad ••vith five loaves and two 'small fishes. TheY ' both seemed' utterly- to forget • who' Jesuit was.'• • They remind us of . the reeiintain,., or ' the dtlY of small thinge, 9 - Zach...'iV, ..7,- ,10,• forgetting i a verse•6 . pd its teaching; that: in the ,•,' work sof' he Lord all must be acm= pli.slied not by might ' nor' power' et roan; but hy the Spirit of the Lord. . - • . Whqn Jesus beard of the.lad's loaves; and fishes lie Mid, "Bring them hither Me." Now,. that is the one only thing to do always -Put ourselves ttnd . Witt What we are or have Wholly Red unreservedly' into . His hands, remem- bering that He »always knows what He 'will do, and when .Ells time. Comes to :act we may hear *Him say, "Now shalt thou see what I Will do"' (John . vi, 6; EX; ri, 1). It is never a question • of who We are, or what we have or can do; but only whet is Be, and what can Ile do. To • say . or .think "Can . God de .this?".'is M. speak against Him.' Jesus 'took the loaves and ashes ,and gaire thanks, looking tip to heav- en,. and, 'haying blessed the food,: He brake it and 'gave. it to the disciples. and by the multitude, and all . .did eat as much as they ewould .alid -were fined, and there remained over • and above all that was needed twelve .. baskets full of the fragments, one for each of the twelve apostles, • and the 5,000 men. besides women • and chile' drett, ha4. been filled, a multitude sat- isfied and the laborers twelve baskets richer thins when they started. Which was better -to send them' away.' or giVe them to eat/ "The disciples had nothing to , start with, but see the alettadance they had. at the clor1e. Setae ow has, said that this particular miracle was, the result of One little boy's giving -all he had to Jeans.. What a story that lad would have to tell his mother when be returned home of the wonders 'wrought by Jesus with her loaves and fislieS, and hew strange- ly toyful he must hare felt to see sueh a multitude so fed atid tilled with what be had given up! Surely he must have become a devoted follower of Jesus. How we would like to know the rest of his story! I believe' I am greatly Indebted to him for, tile, Way. the Lard has gracionsly» used me in Bible class and missione for ..over twenty years, Althotigh I had thelE and have now a very Snail church,. with a cOMparatively Oman salary, when yon sttaly this Imam I shall have received and passed On to tide - Akins in • twenti-otie years over hilt a m4111011 of 'dollars withoUt personal till4nl e1.tittiioo.nttrotti any. one. It is the .......-.... .............-- ......... • • . Explained: ;,The telf-made. •man; 'alter the ,man - nor of . his kind,. was explaining at great length, but with a careful avoid. awe ..of dbtails, how he had done it, A shabby, ,gental man, with a sneer oa his face, was among the listeners. "1 land,•,,d in this country witimut a cent' in my • pockets," exclaimed the self-made man proudly. "Yes, but there v. -ere tither pockets:" suggested the shabby. genteel man. • The innuendo 'passed unnoticed, however, as just.. then the self-made man was busily engaged in counting his small change. • • Drde Van's Frenhh Fent ale -PIUS- ° • • . Look to the :of Youreacieth.., you havetet gteu yoUr, • month: Meeh thought '401.*:1-'lt a bit: the 'expreesion-or it Istis all the Chaern It miglet, have. Try to catch Your- self ofiegnard sometime in your ror. You may be surprised to •find your fins framed. 18 cold, neevielt or • discontented Hues. Keep them in good condtion, red and giowing with heiiith and not roughened., and chapped with wind and cold.: See .to it that your teeth -are in as good 'condition as a dentist .or dental" surgery can Put them. Don't 'peat. don't screw your Month to one side • When talking. don4 parse' up the lips..: don't closetitem. so tight' thee they pos- itively. look. savage.- • • Cultivatea calm, pleasapt. cheerful expression without' a perpetual 'smile. '' • Add to your charm and; power oi pleasing in every,legitimate •way You . can. for yob» aro thus adding to your • •pleasuree. •yciur happiness. end. y•Out " .succese in. Life,' • . tlteWife's Friend A reliable regulator; ;never fails; While thee, pats rye exceedingly potverful Lure mlating the. generative portion of the female system, they are strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap imitations. :Ueda Van's are sold.. at, $5. abox,or three for $10 Mailed ttiany aideess.• 'The Scobell Deng CO. St. 011,therines, a Some sopm tee own,. If we are to take the grOwth of cities and towns in the Dominion 9f Can. ada represented by the provinces of kitinitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan there is a wonderful. future for sonic, of them. Winnipeg., thelaraest city; in eight 'years has increased °from 42,- 000 to 140,000. •••, • Other places for the past eight years • show this expansiou: Calgary from 4.900 tO 29,300; Edmonton from 2,600 25,000; Regina from 2,000 to 13,500; Brandon. fkom .5,600 to 13000;. •Suskae Won .from 113 to 12;200; Moose »Jaw.' .from 1,600 to 12,000; Lethbridge frora 2,100 to 10,000; Prince Albert from t,800 to 7.000; Portage la Prairie !rem 4,000 le 7.1100;, Fertile, froree 1,900 to 5.300i Medicine. "Hat ,.frorii 1,009 tO • Tie these places $47,000,000 .has been in...jestetl. in new bufidinge in the last %roe years, and in five years their -taxable value's have been in- ereased fkom an aggregate of nearly t57,000:00n to sboti+ --^neh000. 'Ache they weed be 'tamest priceless to thotiewee slitter fend this distressing coMplaint; butterfat., palely their goodness does notenclhereotndthere 'who once try theM will findtheele little pills valtt4 Able hi berating Ways that they will 'not be Wt. ling to do without them. But after snack her,11 HE Ts tho bane of do many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Carpels cure itwbus Others do not. Carter's TAttle Liver Pillt; 8T0 WI email and very easy to take. Oteor two pills make ft &Mb .They are Striet19' vegettaies ma do not grjpoeer !sum but by their gentle Mean pleaett all eine Pelelem. 0A9Trilight0199 00.. ION MT» 1101 hit at Irk zAti V Beautiful Hands. "qrs. Jamieson, the well known au» thoress, was a great admirer of beau, tifui bands.and thus expressedherseli on her favorite *voirit" in a woman. • "A white band," she wrote, -is n eery desirable ornament, and a hand cannever be white -unless it be kept clean, nor ie this all, -for if 'a young lady escele her companions in this re- she must keep her hauls in con - start motion, which will' cause the blood, to eirculate freely and have a ' Wonderful effeet. The motion !seems mended Is working at her needle, brightening her house and makIng.her-' self as useful as •poselble in the per: formance nf all domestic duties." Hair Hint. If a Wortmn Is troubled with a hldt- ouS growth of superfluous hair and it electrolysis is impoesible for ber Oh. tweezers are safer time depilatories» for the reason that these powders re- move tbe soft, dowby growth as wee . as the long hair and the tindevelopeo hairs come hack It the firm ot brie ties, No Wonsan should go about bur. dened With such an afdlction. The eel s Is certain When the electric needle 14 tised. Flat moles tan be taken awso by applying acetic acid. Proteet tie white skin aboat the blemish te.t alabinting with *timeline or a gonn. cream. Wood g's rhosphodine 0 The great Remedy. Tones and invigorate9 the whole nervOns Sratetn, makes now Bleed in Old Veins. Cures Alerv• tuft Debility, .21TentEd anti Drain Worry, Des, poritieniv, Sawa ireakerifl8 Emlesiens. fiperi. realorrhattpeold Preets of..lbusetr Breesitee. I Pried $1 per box, sixfor$s. thierwillpiesso. Six Will Cure. Seld bY all druggists or Mailed in Pilo. Pkg. 011 r00eirst of Wee. Atm pet/SO/ad iil&frf The W004 MIK1101Y1411 on. Moen*/ ,Tersonsik On1.1 HEALTHY '.CHILDREN, psyoioe. Her Robust Child -1 • Heart Trouble Cured, maTittorri°ttlyghof otnhee caperle°arraenotatroubledlawrgith. so 'rho st eltosnynoefatmhebaeretotroeus u trouble, down, the dheizazLyt sppealplisit,aates.smoYtohUerihnagyekeiwienrak, caord clammy hands and feet, ehortness of breath, semation 01 pins and needles, ' rush of bleed to the head, ete. Wherever there are sickly people with weak hearts atiibura's ileart and Nerve Pille wilt be found an effectual medicine. r16 • Mrs.Wm'Elliott Awus, 0 at., w rites :,- +Heart Trouble"lis with the great - e++ est.oftpleasure I write tCured. 't I have received b husing 1\lilburn's IleartY and Nerve Pills. I suffered greatly from heart trouble, weakness and. smothering spells. I used a great deal of doctor's medicines but received no benefit. .A. friend advised me to buy a box of your pills, which I did, and. soon found great relief. I highlyrecommend these pills to anyone suffering from heart trouble." Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers. or nis.iled direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., ' Limited Toronto, Out. + you s ating the bene- ifl not accessary for us to speak any words( ef our own, for the facts given below are strong, mensal to convince the Most ekepticat as to PSYCLIINE'S power to restore berate! Mr. John Sykes, of Victoria Harbor. sayse-' "When Nellie was about 4 years of age, she had Wasted away. so mueh that ehe looked Lire a little Bireleton. The doctor treated her for 2. or 3 months, but the child got worse, and the' doctor sald he could do nothing more. Wel called in another (teeter who told us every. thing had. been done and that the child coUl notget better. We decided to take the littl thing tea Montreal doctor, who said ber lung 'were filled with. pus and that she would bard to undergo an operation if we would save her life. The next day he Came, down from 1/10811081 and operated upon her, but tho operation Was a failure, as he was unable tct 561.807 pus front the lungs. "Wo were disappointed, and fully thought little Nellie will; nob going to get better, but it •was cruhim suffer to let hsuffer se. Ati t this me we heard whata wonderful medicine PSYCHINE was for the lungs. We had been reading norm of the advertisements in the papers of people who had been cured through PSYCHINR.. We thought it would suit out little girl, and so decided 10 give it's trial. This we did, and after Nellie had takeu the first bottle we raw an improrement. Gradually the little girl began to 411001, 894 07 the time Ire had used 8 or 9 bottles, ehe was quite viell. Thatwas two years ago, and ehe is as Well and robust to -day al the other children are. "WO have a great deal Vs' be thankful for. We firmly believe little Nellie would never have lived if we had not heard of PSYOBINE. We ihall be pleased to answer enquiries et any time." • For Sale by all Druggists end Dealers, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limlted, 'roronte. CH)(PRONOUNCEP fi- 0:44) STRENOTIIENS TAM S "r May 26th, MO 41444.40.14+044+11+444.1444.49.14* in a Dozen? Twelve t and you count t• • them to see if you ,get : them to. When you buy. 44, ; a Wedding Ring and pay : for 18K, you can't count : : them, you take the deal- Z er's word, and often get : I7K or less: We sell * Wedding Rings and there • • 2 it exactly 18K in every• 4: • * 18IC Ring Test them • • • : any way you like. • • • • • • W. R. Counter now Many 1 he Quenec Legisiature. At the present session of the Que. bee Legislature, there will be a move to establish something •like working - day hours into the proceedings of the Lower B.ouse. Mr. Arthur Plante, IYI.P.P. for Beauharnois, is a prime mover in the plan, and early itt the session be will introduce the neces- sary resolution. In an explanatory way it may be said that the popular idea that a re- presentative's attendance at the Par - Hamlett of whieb he is a member is a great big holiday, is a fallacy, as far as most Houses - are doncerned. Last session in Quebec, for instance, sessions lasting until two and three o'clock itt the morning were common, and sometimes at six a quorum» of members were ' still • at their posts, Then' there were committees at ten to be attended, as very often import- ant measures were under considera- tion there. . 'W. Plante has decided that a fixed hour for adjournment should he estab- lished, and he will by formal resole-, tion ask that the House should estab- fifth such. He will propose that at twelve o'clock, whether a debate or a speech 'is concluded or not, 'the House shouId rise. CORNS CURED MI 24 HOURS You can rafnlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft Or bleeding, lit tippling Putimin,s Corn EXtraCtOr. It never urns, eaves no sear, contain ileidg harmless because composed only of healing gums and balms. FlitY year% In Use. Cure guaranteed. Sold 07 811 druggists. ert.leatiee • Beebe SUbfaittiteS. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS 'CORN EXTRACTOR . • . :• . Jeweler Ana optician.: : • • • - • • issuer of • -; Marriage Licenses, . '• • Z ,• •••••••••••••••••••••••••, EUMAT IS it • CURED BY FIG PILLS. Not often do you hear of a 25c pre- paration being sold with a guarantee to you. An absolute guarantee goes with every box of FIG PILLS. They wi I cure Rheumatisin, Backache, Bladder Trouble, Frequent Urinating' Burning 'Sensation, Painful Stitches, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Trou- ble. If not your money back, BUGGIES Our new stock of Bike Bug- gies, with auto seats, and also piano -box Buggies, are now open for inspection. . We have also a number of re -built buggies, which are good, servicable rigs, and will be sold at reasonable prices. WAGONS and DEMOCRATS tise For Kolic:ay Earns. . A 'good way r milize the mall!: .Ch ;1st Inas Tags. 00(1 talUs and the nu• hieroti$ odds and ends of holly ribbon ,fro tu the di ft' ere t _pa el:ages .1s. twain ' from them. hOok Maras tor the- t.:Itrist; !WIS. hOOti8. » • ' • ' t be; sitiatie:4t 'vort1s mike. n • on rrow elit at the top. through winch draw a sls or el gin Mel; length nt narrow rib- bon. knotting 11 iirtnly With a short•V • son P,It•d (..1(1 so h , will !mid 'lie three yard:4 'Mounted in ibis way together at ibe ftirther ende Of the ribbon in an orneteente I knot and yori•.%%;lli- linve dii iiity . • usel ti nd • Most. appropriate -place Inareetetur your ,.uulidete. hooks. The' target:cards ehmild .be „slit id •' both bettor%) and top and shnuld have: a wider ribtitiii•'draWir' through -them', boelee sp that the card With .sentinient ;led » o1»milt10111 forms; the Center . and CIR. dSrd»wbelt the boot -mark is in' use'• •th8. hot* and 'the ribbon pro - !di tt above:. and. •below - % ...see the !Inge. .• . A POWERFUL» AND -EFFECTIVE CURE FOr. Catarrh, Bronchitis, .Coughs, Coldi, Asthma. Soothing &deems Are Carried to • the Sore, Congested Mem- bronco, — Cure .Quioltly and ComMetely. Diseases of the breathing organs are, as you know, excited by germs SO Minute that only the microscope can reveal them; they are lodged in the • titatteS, develop. there, and cause an the troubre. That is how consume-» tiori starts. If the cause of the disease can be carried by air, why not the remedy? This .conclusion lies at the root of the Ca arrhozone treatment. The instru- t through which you breathe frag- rant, healing Catarrhozone splits up into minute particles this invaluable healing and curative agent, thereby enabling the air to carry it to the re- motest remitications of the breathing organs, and diffuses itself over, their entire stet -faces. CATARRHOZONV ALWAYS CURES: It would be absolutely impossible to breathe through a Catarrhozone Inhal- er without carrying this liquid to the remotest parts of the breathing appa- ratus. Upon health9 tissue it has nq aetion, but upon diseased tissue rind • upon the micro-organisms which in- fect diseased tissues its action is se wonderfully eurative that the disease is completely abolished.. 'I'hen the tis., • sue heals. I am also agent for the Jackson Farm Wagon, built at St, George. Tnese Wagons are all up-to-date and guaranteed. •• My long experience in the business is a guarantee that all eigs soIcrty me are First Class, and well built, Repairing and PaintingPront pt ly Attended to. John Leslie, Cor. Huron and Orange Sts. P.V..7.r.77 • • • • • We Want to Land 11 your first order, because we know that the satisfaction you will derive from, that will open your eyes to the fact chat you cannot do better anywhere • else that you can with us. 'Yon will find that we are not."all at sea" in. our - business, butithoroughly, "up- to • the., tninute';'and4wataliful 0 i 30 nterests '3f oug customers, knowing that, by ed Joing, we are really actingEfor our ' wn ultimate benefit. • • EARLY TittEATItliENT IS WISE. CatarrhOzOne Is an ideal temedy for diseases of the throat, lungs, and na- sal passagesD If you have eatarrh, or bronchitis, or asthma, all are equally curable by Catarrhozone. These ills., , eases are all modifications of an in- flammatory condition of th# lining membranes tsf the throat and» nasal passages, Under tlise conditions wo Call it eatarrh. When it extends to the bronchial tubes, we call it bron- chats. The condition is the, sante, tho causes which produce the diseases are identical,. and • the remedy", Catarrh - ozone, acts equally promptly and am" Cieritly upori the differeat forms of this disease. Your ease is curable. Get Catarrhozone to -day; two monthes treatment (guaranteed) price $1; Vitali Size 60e.. Sold by all dealers, or the CatartlieZone gompany, Xing. AO, Ont. Q. A. DOWNS, Merchant Tailor, • Clinton, W. IL WATTS & SON s"ere opens at7,30 a m, closes at 8 pm. W:3 are Practical Boot and Shoe mak- e.s and repairers. Boots made to or- der from one to three days notice •and • repairing done wait. Formers Attention We have on hand several pairs of • our own make boots,just the thing for the Spring wear. (loam in and. me • - To our Londesboro CuStoinors. ' -All repairing left at the post office or at Mr R. Adams store will have my best attention. I will be at my store on Fridays, Give me atrial• W. II. WATTS & SON Petemite Post Office Ford. 82, McLeod Having secured» a commodious Grain Storehouse, we are now buying all kinds of grain, for which the 'highest prices will be paid. Bran, Shorts, Oorn and all kinds of grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on» hand at the storehouse. Ford & McLeod G. T. R. STATION. CLINTON. Lon u ment s Choice Designs Best Materials, Jas. Doi9, Opposite the Post Office Union, F:• W. CUTLER, Painter (tad Paper Hanger, All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable, RtSidetICelllearly opposite the .• Collegiate Institute. . House To Mt noose to Let. Apply to J, Ttritotiott &sous, t f, ..4