HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-05-26, Page 6t IO
• r
When the daylight bill
passes you should have
two WattheS, one for stan-
dard time, the, other for
local time. We have a
full stock. If you want a,
finely finished and accur-
ately adjusted watch, get
it from us. Or' if it is to
be a cheap watch we can'
supply you with the just-
ly famous
One. Dollar
I ngersell
We have also a good
stock o f the' Dickens
watch chains, 'the kind
that is built for two.
W. H. Hellyar.
Jeweler and Optician,.
Meeting of the Huron
County Connell
i Births Illimiitog Vest*
nor; •
STIIVEN4.44,1Xallette May 214,60
Mr and Mrs Pan Stevens, eon.
NIASON.40,Blyth, on May 14th. to
Mr and Mr.. Wm Mon, a daughter.
• WAYMOUTIle. 131y134 to. Mr
• and Mrs John 'Weymouth, a daughter
The council of the County of Huron
will meet in the council c ambea, in
he Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the
7tti.oday of June next, at 3 o'clock.
A icounts againist the county must
be Faced with the Clerk before the
above date
Dated, May 23rd. 19010. •
Standard Elevator
Open for business under new
We are prepared to buy all kinds
of Grain, at market prices daily..
Have for sale the finest brands of
. Flour and Mill Feeds of all kinds.
The L. Snitter Company
Horse Clippers Sharpened.-
Having installed a machine fbe
sharpening all kinds of Horse Clippers,
1 am prepared to do such work on
short notice. Satisfaction assured.
Blacksmith, Clinton
For. Sate.
A thorough bred Aberdeen Angus
bull. Cow and hull calf. Latter 8
months old, Will be sold cheap. Mag-
nificent animals. Must he seen to be
appreciated. Apply to
Field Stone Wanted,
The Town of Clinton will pay $3.75 per Annuarlfeeting •
cord for field stone, for road building.
A ' . •
LEE--STIRLI1g0-a-At the Rectory
of Rev, B. Swite. of Jackson, Mich, on
May 20th., Reubie IL Stirling, third
daughter of Mr. and Mal. John
ling,.4b Edward J.,Lee.
LITTLE -Killed on the G. T. R..
track on May 21tb,Agnes Isabel Little,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Little,
liullett, aged 2 years, 3 months and 21
_Chu rat Chimes
The Pastor will preach next Sunday,
Subjects; -, Morning, "Moses the Man
of"It" Evening, "The Good Old
The Pitetor .will preach next Sunday
22nd inst. Morning subjectr--"Doubt.
lug the Messiahsliip of Jesus." Even-
ing subject- !The mistakes of Moses."
Men especially invited.
Rev, R. M. Millyard will preach
next Sunday, morning and evening,
Rev. T. W. Cosens will preach Sunday
School Anniversary sermons at Vic-
toria Street Methodist Church, God-
erich. •
• Home made cooking at Mr. Wiltse's
store, Saturday afterncon May 28th.
• .
Remniller Wtkallen Mills
The Oldest -established Custom
Mill in Huron County,
As usual I shall be prepared to buy
and give the HIGHEST CASH FOR
WOOL,' both washed and, unwashed,
or will exchange for my manufactured
You will find a flue assortment of
Hugs and Bed Spreads, ale° a good
BLANKETS and YARN of various.
The above goods are gaaranteed to
be pure wool and will give satisfaction.
Jesse Gledhill
Excuision to. Goderich
The Standby Schools of Fallarton have ar-
ranged for an Excursion to Goderich on
• • Friday,. June 3rd, 1910
.A Special Train will leave
titrat'or i at 8.15 alp. Foxe $1.00 Children .50
8.39 .85 .50
Mitchtll- 8.45 " .40
Dublin 8t4 " " .70 " .35
St. Columban 8.58 " " .70 " .35
Seaforth 9.10 " ' .65 " .85
Clinton 9.25'• " .50 " .25
arriving at Goderich at 9:55 a.m., return -
On fhb regular train, leaving Godetioh
at 4:30 p.m. . ••
Everybody come, with yeur children,
and enjoy a, pleasant day's, outing on the
shares of Lake Huron, • •
A garne of Baseball, and other sports,
have been arrangedlifor by the entertain-
ment comtnittee.
. .
Chickens Wanted.
5000 Chickens wanted llextOctoberand
November for fatterfing purpose. Will
be shipping broilers up to the end of
June. Now is the time to get the incu-
bators and brooding hens busy. Prices
sure' to be high at the Holmesville
Poultry Station. • • .
Phone 4 on 142. ' • •
• Chairman of Street Com.
Water connections made; steam pipe
fitting; electric light fixtures repaired and
installed, Al! work guaranteed. Prices
within t:3e reach of all. Kindly give me
a trial. THOS. BRITTON •
Teacher Wanted
A qualified teacher for S. S. No 3,
Goderich Township. Duties to com-
mence August 15th next, Applications,
stating salary expected, received up
to July 1st.
tf • H ill P
sec-Treas. o mese e
The Annual Meeting of the sub-
scribers of the Tuckersmith Mhincipal
Telephone system will be ,held in
Brucefield on Saturday June 4th Com-
mencing at'2 p. ma full attendance of
Subscribers is requested.
Print, raw%
Whin print blurs,
ritoble tosaper and
We nociflt-..1, 604it
. this cooditZon wh
ovIt b
4 y/'
ti,i 1
nO you ever find when read-
ing at night that the dif-
ferent letter run into one an-
other and confuse you ? If so,
you should consult us and
have your eyes examined at
once. We can make reading
a dornfort -and pleasure to you,
with properly -fitted glasses. cci,
J rii.
Jeweler and Opticiana
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Porter's Hill
Mrs. • Schnridt and daughter of home
ofStratford is visiting at the
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Near.
tem. •'
Miss Shaw is spending the holidays
at her borne Leeburn,
Mrs, Fred Start and two ehildgen
and Miss Sara Start are visiting at 0.
W. Potter's.
Miss Minnie Johnston left for Mit-
chell last week. •
Mrs. John Cox spent a few days in
Goderieh last week,
Lorne Tabor is spending the 24th at
.his home in Swehurg. ' •
Xis* eftrok I4a�y'maimed to Tor-
onto cm Tuesday, spending& brsr
dela at her borne batik
Mrs John Wilfoxd• Blyth. was I
visitor with her aistsr Mrs Thal
Annie. Ir., on the attb.
Mrs 61. MoTaggart, Blytb, spent a
few days In town the guest of her
mother, IgroTbaniPdon.
Miss Bessie Bays Saaforth. is the
guest of her uncle andtaunt, Mr and
Mrs J Rattenbury over Sunday.
W K Snider, ot Toronto, Provincial
Inspector of Hotels was registered, at
the Rettenbury House on Monday.
Mrs W Johnston,Blyth,adeoniOnaged
by her son and daughter. spent a few
days with relatives and frie
nds in
town, NI,
Miss McCuAloughi. of Mitchell, was
a vieitor with her taster Miss McCul-
lough over the holiday at the Batten -
bury House.
Mr. J. Ramey. Principal of the Pub -
lie School, will take charge' of the ger-
vices in the English church at Luck -
now on Sunday.
- Deputy Reeve-,11a,instock,of Barwick
Tp., was laid aside last week by a
stroke of paralysis. Many rrieadS are
yet hopeful of his recovery,
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Straith is seriously ill and a nurse is in
attendance. Her many friends a 11
wish a change for the better.
The many' friends �f Mr Hrane, of
dtratford, the wellacnewn bowlerovill
be sorry to learn that his aged mother
passed away on Sunday last.
Mr Walter Holmes, Toronto, spent
a few days in town the guest at the
home of hisaincle Mr B Chant and
also calling on friends in town. The
Queen City seems to agree with him.
In the recent Carleton Place Fire,
one of the heaviest losses was incurred
by the total destruction of tbe fine
Presbyterian Church of which Rev, A
A Scott,. brother of Postmaster Scott,
is pastor.
D. L. and Mrs. McIntyre, of. New-
market, spent a, few days th:s,
week with the tatters parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. A. MaKown, Their transit was
per motor car, which Mr. McIntyre
has recently purchased.
Miss Baia Stevenson, nurse, id Ch:.
cago, is visiting her sister, Mrs W S
Downs also her mother Mrs M Steven-
son who is in a rather serious condit-
ion the result of a partial stroke which
she suffered three weeks ago.
' In view of the probable establish.
went of a Hospital for consumptives
in Huron, Dr A. J Irwin left Tuesday
morning on a visit of inspection to
the Free Hospital for Consumptives at
Weeton, and the Mountain Sana.
torium, Hamilton. Wingham Ad-
vance, a •
Mr Ralph Tiplady, of the Base Line,
spent a few days this week -visiting
• friends in Toronto, a city" she bad not
seen for about 15 years. His daughter
Miss Evelyn, who:hee been attending
Toronto Faculty, ,returned home with
him on Wednesday...,
Prof GA Chant, of Tatonto University
brother of our et:Warded townsman,H.
B Chant, leaves shbrtly on a six weeks
trip to California, where he goes as;
Canadian representative to a meeting
of the AstranomicalSociety•of America
Mrs Chant will accompany him.
Mr Elgin Mason, 'son of Councillor
Thoa Mason.. of toWn, has secured a
good position in the Michigan Central
Depot at Detroit. Elgin has certainly
struck a good position for a boy of his
age and by good work will be ale to
secure good promogon.
Mr Hislop Dickson, Graduate this
year of lenox College, supplied the
pulpit of Willis Church last Sunda y
and will continue to do so for the
next two months, during Dr Stewart's
holidays. Dr Stewert expects to at.
tend the Aesembly. at Halifax:
. 'Mr Thos Aiken and" daughter, of
Boise City, Idaho. U. S. who has been
visiting Mr Sas VanEgmond, of Kul.
lett, 'left Monday •morning for a visit
With relatives in,Gnyboro,NOva Scotia
Mr Aikens is a brother of Mrs J 'Varga
bar and runs a large ranch in that
• While the Editor was in Liskeard
last week he had 'the pleasure of call-
ing on former Clinton people, Mrs
'White and family; Mrs Rutledge sr:,
Miss Rutledge and ElEiTry Rutledge
:who wa.s lookipg -for a o n s e.
to have when his wife and'. daughter
arrived. . They all are busy and report
favorably for that Northern country.
Mr Harry Rutledge is at present fore-
man of a gang of men who are',build-
ing a large switch from the tation
down, to the wharf. .
Personal Notes'
1f th‘sie having relatives or friends
visiting in town or going away
notify us of the fact each week, we
would announce it in the NEw Eat.
V1+444444 -44.4444H+0441
Miss Mary Milne; Blyth, visited in
Mr. W. T. O'Neil spent the holiday
in Toronto.
Dr and Mrs Will Sloan, spent the
holiday in town. •
Mr W MeTaggart, of Toronto, Spent
the holiday in town,
Miss Della Walker, of London, was,
fowii for the 24th;"'
Mr. Alex Davidson, of Stratford,
spent the 24th in town. :
Mr Karl Wilken, Goderich, was
home for the holidays. -
Mr, 3. W, Irwin. of London, celled
on old friends on Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs Gibbs. and children
spent the 24th in St Marys.
• Mr Thos Masonavas in Toronto this
• week with ,a.load of cattle.
Mr and Mrs J Bartley, spent the boll
days at Wroxeter and Blyth.
Mrs Wm Kerr, of Milbank, is visit-
ing her aunt, Mrs W S Dawes.
Mr and 1V183 Wesley Walker visited
Wingham relatives last Friday.
Mr. Donald Ross. of Toronto Univer-
sity, was home for the holidays.
• MissBadie East, of Stratford, spent'
the 24th at her home •in Hallett.
Miss Agnes Irwin', of Leaden, was,
renewin old friendships in town.
Miss Speiran and Miss ,A. Johnston,
of Goderich, spent the 24th in town.
Miss Gibbings is borne from Strat-
ford Business College for the holidays.
Miss Anni Moore, of Hensall, made
a short visit in town on Wednesday,
•Miss L Livingstone, of Blyth, wa
the guest of Miss Baker over the 24th.
Miss Rogers, Seaforth, spent a few
days with her friend Miss Lucile
Cement Tile for Sale .
Please take Notice that • any person
wanting anything in the lined cement
white tile can see same west of the
Electric Light Plant. Any informa-
tion can be supplied, byseeing Jabez
Rands, Blacksmith who is my agent.
Yours respectively '• '
Some Things You Need
Tomato plants, Garden Seeds, Corn, Mangle and Turnip Seeds,
Millett and Sunflower Seed. Then there are Hires, Rakes, Spades,
Shovels, Scythes and Snatbs, Our Boots and Shoes are selling well as
the price and quality are right. Overalls, Smocks and Pants for Men
and boys. Good and cheap groceries, always the best and at close
prices. School supplies also Bibles and Hymn'Books. I would like some
one to return my large Scissors for Cutting tin, Highestprice for But-
ter and Eggs. Kindly rush in the Eggs at 18e Friday evening, as price
goes down soon.
R. Adams, Londesboro,
Furniture Time
ia here again for the wise house-
keeper, Caine and probe yourself
to belong to that class, by selecting
the new suite or separate pieces your
home needs.
We'll Recto the
Furniture Von Select
until after the Spring housecleaning
if you Say so, Then it will come to
you, Spick and span, CO add beauty
to your sprok and span house. -
The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy nit hind* of Furniture.
HOOVER & BALL. •Pintagall AND
Mrs Geo Potts, is making a months
visit with her daughter, .(Elva,) Mrs'
• Mrs. 0. J. Wallis had a few friends
in to meet Mr. Warburton on Monday
evening. • ,
Miss Rachel Bates,' town, spent the
24th at the home a her parents at
Miss Margaret McDonald, of Listo.
wel, was the guest of Miss Kate Scott,
this week,
Miss Daisy. Middleton entertains to,
night (Thursday)ln honor of her guest,
Miss McBride.
Mrs. 3. S. Shields, of Caistorvilie,
Spent the holidays' with her mother,
Mrs. Kaufman, Sr. •
Mrs Reynolds, Goderieli, and Mrs
Bond, Toronto, were guests of Mr and
Mr -John Gibbings.
Round Trip Summer Tourist
at low rates, June 1st to 'Sept, 20th, to
Portland and Astoria, Ore. Seattle,
Tacoma, Everett and • Bellingham,
Wash., Victoria, Vancouver and New
Westminster, B C., San Prancisco,
Los Angeles and San Diego, Cal. Re.
turn limit Oct. 31st, 1910.
• IliOnieseekers Excursions4o
Western Canada.
Via Chicago, May 81st and June 14th;
via Sarnia and Northern Nev. Co.
Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.80 p.m., May
80th and June 15th.
Ssilings of passenger steamers from
Sarnia for Soo and Port Arthur every
Wednesday and Saturday at 3.;10 p.
Also additional sailings on Irriday,
May 20th "tlonday, May 80th and for
Duluth 1Vlay 20th, Sailings from Ool-
lingwoodi 1,30 p. tc.,_ and Owen Sound
UAW, p. Jilt Wednesday and Saturdays
• for Soo and Georgian Bay porta,
Secure tickets and full infornitction
A 0 Paulson, Depot agent
10kIN 'LANSFORD,. Town Agent
You will regret you did
not attend one of Can-
ada's High Grade Busi-
ness Colleges, located at
W Ingham
/V elland
Now is the time to enter.
Our graduates receive from MG
to $1500 per annum.
Mail Courses in LOA different
Write for particulars
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
.. ..... NIJ•nsItglhelati ......
• Former Aide. Married.
Che marriage of Capt.. Harry Gra-
British Ministr at
Lisbon, interests many Cansdian 'rho
knew Capt. Graham in the days wban
he was aide-de-camp to Lord mint'.
The people who knew very little ab
him are 'familiar.. with "Ruthlees
Rhymes for Heartless Homes" and
other pleasant ditties. Ottawa peo-
ple remember him for his eloVerneaa
in organizing entertainments and Malt-
ing things pleasant at Rideau. He31;
Since those days he has' been secre-
tary to Lord Rosebery, and hips Writ-
ten numerous volumes. e:The bride
end bridegroom received 'a number.ot
beautiful presents, gid, a tremendeus•.
ly fashionable gathering attended the
marriage it St. Margeret'S,
tor. Viscountess Erritigtort, who- 'es,
toady Ruby Elliot,- was Marriech, there
It) Lord Cromer's son, close upon two
years ego,. was pretest, but Leto
• Charles Fitztotturice,' vrho Lady
Violet Elliot, has a . small baby at
:home, and is staying quietly at Lens,
downs House. •
Women Discover It le Cheaper to Go
to. the' Grocer's In Person.
One effect of the talk about the in -
Creased --'cost ot. living nee been to'
lessen the telephobe trade .oa tee gro-
cerit and to bring customers often fact
to Pave with the. grocer blinself.
Housewives under, stress of ' real or
fancied necessity for economizing take
an bour le the morning' for' marketing.
Clerk No. 23, who for years perhaps
has varied op every morning a score of
houses and taken orders from mistress
or amid. begins to know the faces of
customers whose yolces alone' he bad
know', before, N6..23, being properly
devoted to the Mite -etas oX his em.
ploser, has bad the habit of casinos
to his twenty Customers on the wire
:the kiest and most expensive a rth'Ies
of the season. Now and then when a,
particularly large wholesale order of
perishable stun' bad te be hustled out
quickly No. 28 told of bargains and
thus rept up the fiction that he bad
the customers' best interest at heart.
Mit No. 28 ailsvays ktiewoWell enough
that too earnest e datotion to the in
terests of the customer would shorten
his term o' usefulness with his em-
Nowadays • customers belonging to
the telephone trade, are hearing of•
things that No, 28 never so much as
hinted at. For example, they have
learned of entirely edible fish at one-
third the prices qtreted glibly by No.
23 every Friday morning -rabbits at
two for a quarter. Otte good enough
for an, occasional family luncheon; of
exeellent apples at good deal less
than $1,50 a dozen and now and then
of a .Saturday of game and other deli-
cacies at ridiculously low prices.
Meanwhile the competition between
the frugal folk, who have always done
their marketing in person, and the tel-
ephone trade, that has dust learned the
trick, is slowly boosting bargain orlon
of 'the grocers, As to NO. 23, his work
is doubling up because he could wait.
on two or three of the telephone trade
While one careful httyer Molted about
for bargains,
• • +++++
iSt of
Await you at this store during the coming week.
Space %ill only permit of mention of a very few,
aimthat each sale shall advertise this
store as Th 6 Store of Big Values
About 200 yards of beautiful pure bleached Table
wide and extra good value at 65c. Priced
..... ... 01.1••••••••00 .. * **** • ... 41114
2 Specials in Lace Curtains
• 20 pair extra linetee captains. 00 in. wide, Si yards
long and a regular $1.50 Curtain. Special this week 98c
Also about 20 pair good large Lace Curtains, extra ants
value at 00e a. pair. Spenial this week., „ U010
*1,00 Corsets 69c
Another shipment of these Corsets has just arrived,
and are a superior lot to the last shipment, which
everyone pronounced "wonderful value," but rather
than put these with our regular stock, out they go this
week at ....
Don't Fail to See Our 40c Corset
I's a wonder. Made belong Directoire styae, of nice
quality White Coutil, with four hose supporters, and 49g
big value at a small price
sp!,504.1 valnea in Prints, Ginghams and Wash Linens. etc., al
this week.
Some big snaps in the Clothing and Shoe Departments,
Don't buy without seeing them.
Plumsteel Bros.
• lowyer001111010100001000wol,
• Summer jtat
If you want a •
I We handle them. *
I We Lowest Prices.
thg- 8t. CO. og
The makers of the "Empress" produce more high-
grade shoes for women than any factory in Canada,
and when, you, consider that three hundred thousand
pairs of this modern shoe are sold every year in Can-
ada to women who wear only the highest grade of
footwear,:and that almost every, fourth woman ion
meet will be wearing a -pair of the "Empress" there
must be a'cause. WE ARE ONE OF THE 500 AGENT&
Slabs For Sale" . , 1 , - Pasture • . •
1.. ,• • .• ,.. .
The undersigned , is , prepared when
.. season opens to take cattle and horses
Cut right length for range.- - topasture, For terms apply to .
I ' sue. HAMILTON, 01intm MR: A. .1. MoMURRA'ir,. •
I Phone 52 ' ' ' . - ' I • • Olintona
Balance of our Metcalf Stock
-along with our New Spring Line. of goods, which we .recently purchased. We have
made plans for an entire new line, and are bound to dispose of our present stock
to make room for same.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware
. . •. at AlmOst UOur Own Price..
'40 per cent, off
Every LOCKET in our store. See the
assortment ih Odd.Fellows' and
IVIa.soni,c. Round, fnal, etc.
40 pe cent. off
40 ccgt. off our Special' line, of
SCARP PINS, of signets, etc., in all'
.the latest designs.
500er cent. off
BROOCHES' of' all kinds 0 be sold at
above discount, until the present line is
disposed of.
25 per cent. off
,CLOCKS, in Kitchen, Mantel, Gilt,
'Alarm, Musical, etc. A big selection
to choose fiom.
Swerware at onerquarter off.
25 per cent off Rings, Ladies' or gents' Hampden a n d Waltham i jewel
Chains,. Fobs, Cuff Links, Mechanics, • Watch W.rovernents, in Nickel Cases,
etc., while they last. only $.5o.
Sole Ag e sit fo
Watches and
' Edisonsafietor
Edwin T. Adams,
1 Graduate
Graduate -
• Watchmaker