HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-05-26, Page 1• 72311, rrifPri:'"471YrTr.t.-7"747.7 e von 45 No." 4A. OUNTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 26, 1910 Royal Bank OF OANNADA IMO OJfJ' .O , ., MQNTREA L ,Capital . r ' • ,. $,,OOO,OQ;O :Rri serVO • . • $S,9OO,0O0 4ssels . • . $72,000,000 425 Branches, and Oorresppondente • throughput the wprld. Every facility for the transaction of'', Banking in all its branches, nterest allowed on Savings accounts at highest current rates. ',Courteous treatment accorded to all customers. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH anamoommewegmlimirlomisarqrsimemeasoomme WIngham 'At the annual meeting of the Wing- ham district Methodist 'church, thy; •following resolution Was moved be Rev. R. S. Baker of Teeswater, and . se- • conded by Mr. 1.) C. Taylorof Lues now: "Resolved •that. we express .our. approval of the excellent manner in which the Ontario Government isen- forcing the local option law; that we • consider the expenditure required for the enforcement as -money well -spent and the highest interest- of the Pro- vince ; and that we express the hope that the Government, will not allow the question of expense to hamper the - wide -spread enforcement of the law. 'The resolution was carried unanimous- ly. to the United States or Canada is a been.,appointed to Unite visionary project, according to Sir El. ward Morris, Premier of the bland, who expressed his view at a farewell dinner given in his honor at the Hoff man House, New York. States. iS f JKD.sk,A1 D Ev(C)RR,I.i, Annexation of. Newfoundland either Exeter About 12 o'clock Friday eight fire was discovered in the large two-story brick house owned by A. Bedford. The fire bad gained such headway that when in- side ire engine arrived the n - w hole n side of the building was. in flames and all the contents were destroyed. Part- ly insured. The origin of the fire is kin •in the n as there was noone ,un -known, e , 'lock in • tile o'clock -house after about three h afternoon.., Seaforth The four-year-old son of Mrs Mar- garet Scott, ar-garetScott, of Windsor was abducted by a partyin an auto .Saturday. Mrs Scott the boys mother was nuirried-to Leroy Scott in London, Ont., 'five ears ago. The couplele moved ed to De= A SUPERIOR SC$OOL ELLIOTT, CI TORONTO. ,ONT.• ^^Open all year. Enter any time, WRITE FOR HANDSOME OATAQG•UR. ice troit where' they were divorced, d one year later, to child being . ear thech iii the mother. Mrs • ; Scott believes her former husband is at the bottom ot the abduction and the Buffalo author- ities have been wired to arrest him on sight. Windsor police using another. auto chased the abductors as far as ap ant Sunday the guest of her parents Ridgetown, when all trace • of them Geo and Mrs Riley. was lost. The machine used by the John Riley, jr., new wears a broad latter ran at 50 miles an. hour. _ Leroy m ilebecause of f th e arrival of a Scott is a son J, Scott, of Seafo tb. baby,boyat his home. ' •$is wife wap formerly Miss Margaret • Adam and Mrs Gl azterand children a theguest Virils resident father was also a prom of Stapleton spent Sunday g. near the track as the train was about inenc resident ' of Seaforth. It is al- of Thos and Mrs Pollard. due as he himself was going across' the, leged that the husband did .not treat The Woman's Missionary 'Society which be had e hishorses w g o err a d she succeeded intend having a wilting': on Thera- but a to see. e his wife - pr p y, n g q � but a few hours before put ou£•to pas- ture. accident It was purely anthere being a sharp curve there and down hill. The team was a few minutes be- hind time. 'The driver. 'applied the emergencybrakes and brought the train to a standstill in a very few rode. anddid al back 1 came n The train erect they could for the. little_ one but life was extinct, Mr. and Mrs. Little have the heartfelt . sympathy of• the :com- munity in this the• hour of their be+. reavement. Mrs. Little was. in Clinton at the time . of the accident.' What h had: ub sad she a sit o 1 stomk d Seems y been very delicate' up to a short time ago only to be called home by so sad an end. SENOR JUAN RIANO Envoy and .minister of : Spain has SIR WILLIAM. VANHOliNE Who has retired from tee ►position ors. !rect. of Chairman of the Board of D t of the C. R. stance CHILD KILLED'ON RAILROAD eon.. Mrs Wright, ht Seaforth, , i s.vivisiting g her daughter, Mrs J Riley, jr,, t Little daughter of J. and Mrs, Little, Miss Jennie Love is spending the Hallett,. Killed on the, 24th 24th with friends at St Thomas. • Wm Riley, Londesboro, is moving a barn for Mr• Wm Britton from one oat distressin accident occurred to the other.: A m g Place s and Mrs iia it. 1 mile north of the village, about 10 Chas Haggit, Tuckersmith,minutes after 4 on Tuesday afternoon, when . the three year old daughter of J. and Mrs. Little walked directly in front of the 4,04 passenger train and was instantly killed. The father left i utesbefore ae onlyfew •tn the househ and warned the: children. not to go in securing a divorce from him, Her father, it is said, is worth about $100,- 000,and on one occasion he started his no• -business.-•• u =-- sou-in-law°irt"a4pia In a clean and well -contested game ors at Stratford, 24th r cot on the , of football Seaforth went' down before the Strat- ford eleven by.a.score of 2 to. 0. The line-ups were as follo;v8 Seaforth- Goal, Westcott; backs, Sproat and Van Egmond ; half -backs, McKay, Archibald and Robinson: centre,J. Sproat ;1eft forwards, Turner • and Bellrihtforwarda J. McKay and Reid. Stratford -Goal, Haigh ;;backs, Fitz-patrick and E. Clarke ; half -backs, Cameron, Murray and Clarke ; &Antre, Glass ; left forwards. Preston and Mathies ; right forwards, Turnbull and Round. Referee-McOuteheon. day. afternoon. The Londesboro ladies are expected to be there Mallett. Jas McOool sports a new buggy. • John Freeman sP ept Sunday with his cousin Miss M Crawford. Miss M Livermore, Clinton, .went Sunday with friends on the 9th. _. Robt Hunter, Tuckersmith, and .2 childi en visited Mrs Appleby on Sun:; day: his osit- •• reel resigned e has d b tt Mr Gorbett read for and is now ion on the G T R 9, mason work. r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The No rr is h �lOth 11 g 4ORDERED CLOTHING READYIMDE C LOTIIING,♦' • ♦44444:••l•••g'0 ♦•l•�4444 ♦ ••• No, ♦ • • • •♦ ♦ • ,♦ ♦ 0 ♦ •♦ ♦ • • • 4 •2 ♦ ♦ 4 2 4 2 2 4b 2 •4 .4•Z i The THi: D UNVEILING 'of the Clock will ' take place on ,. • Saturday, at :oo o'clock sharp Bring your tickets and come with the crowd, One I,, ticket given with every dollar CASE purchase. Your tickets are good each and every week. Don't lose them, .'2 it♦solos♦♦h♦coo••••••...♦ooi** .000t►oo/fr ••••,•oo+' Tuckersmith Clydesdales for Canada. -A corres- pondent writes to' hs. from Scotland as follows,under date of May 12th . From advice to hand, we hear that Messrs. Da'e and Nott, ot Buffett, are sailing borne on the steamship Athenia, of the Donaldson line, with a choice consign: inent of Clydesdales and one Hackney.. The hackney colt, "Shewhill Sing,". the *inner ;ofeecond,prize,both.at Ayr and Glasgoyv shows, in immense clan- k, has been 'Secured by Mr. Dile, He is got by the great breeding horse, '•-natthiae,' and out of the. well-known show mare, "Worcester Sauce." A brother- to this colt won lst prize at New York and Chicago and 2nd at To- ronto last fall. lle will be hard to beat in. Canada. Mr. Dale has also secured .two choicely bred yearling fillies, the � bee being :purchased -from Mr. J. Y. ♦ one beingf Crieff, being a notable win- e bavin ' •won 1st rues at Cr left C�h eS nr. R P lot ' and Perth, as 'well as 1st. and Derby • sweepstakes at the grea"t show at Glas- 2 gow last week, She is got by the $5,- 000 horse,_ "'Silver :Cup,' . a son of "Bar- ♦ ` on's Pride," and out of the champion ♦ stakes the sweepstakes es ne w mare Veroni Troub p ♦ winner both . at Glasgow and• Ayr. •beautiful earlin a y by g ♦ 'Radium," one of "Hiawatha's" best 2 ♦ -sons, and descended on the dam's side from a noted race of mares. Mr Nott's ♦ purchases have been made from that veteran breeder, Mr. James Picken, W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers The Pen is Mig1tier Than Ebe Sword 52nd .Assoc'. ation 0 • Delightful trip to New Qntar o Annual (lathering ofCanadian Press Tuesday and Wednesday of last weekwelt attended, interesting, and most' practical, sessions of the. called - Ian Peen °Association were held in the audience room of the, King Edward I Hotel, Toronto. It wars the 52nd an- nual gathering of this important body at whose yearly conferences topics of importance tothe craft, but of rto small moment to the business circles and the general public of this tair land; are freely discussed and• general- lyor crownedmeasurably withso. theThere successwas desired.alarge, attendance -over 200 -and very in- structive discussions followed the in. troduction of the varied subjects on ' the progr-mitt, : ` J. F, y," 1. Vice President, of TorontoMcKaGlobelst.presided' most capp- ably, the President, L. S, Channell, having departed this life last . July, deeply regretted. Annual report, pre, seated by Jr. R. Bone, of Toronto Star, the well known hard• working Secre- tary -Treasurer of the Aesooiatien (and who by the wa is related; to the Bebe family of East Vawanooh township); amAly, attested that the . Canadian Press Association is nota decadent but a vital, popular institution able to give a good reason for its existence. It has 362 members, With cash receipts last year ot $758.00 from •fees and .a balance of $765. Initiation cpsts $3.00 and annual ticket $2.00, During. the sessions the inembers divided along the line of Daily and. ' W k. •• Journals and in conferences follows:- Left Toronto Wednesday , night,reached North Bay 7 a m. Thui'8' day, breakfast on train; arrived at Cobalt at 10 a in aid. after public re. ception in opera house visited nume• rous silver mines where hind: op was served; left Cobalt at 2 for Uaileybury arriving at 2.25 p m and had an •enjoy- abie stay for a few hours before going to Liskeard,where a very fine banquet was tendered at. the Canada House• bq., the Temiskan,ing Press Association; at midnight g.oe-away for Cochrane, the terminus' of the T .& N 0 Railway I and the junctidnal point with the great Errand Trunk Pacific, which was �: c onne11 reached at 7 a, m, Friday, bs@ak-( W. fasting in the diners. At 10' o clociclfol. lowing an interesting ramble through this enibyro city of the North, we tra• versed the new G T P tor 30 or40 miles Westward, and had the never -to -be- theforgotten experience of lunching at aalliellIKIMMIE construction 'K. ey atm the Me agof ami river. Started. South from Cochrane at 8 m, made a short call at � onteith a sfact n Results In baking, are obtained when you use Baking Powder Our powder is made frons the hest Oreani of Tartar and Blear, bonate of Soda that we can buy, and combined in just the right proportions to give the best pos- sible results. If you have never used 11, ask' for a sample. ° Phm. B. •C.P.R. Telegraph Agency where is located a govern .' exit Ex- ] z perimental Farm that is doing a good ,sr ve used work and crops growing nicely. Un- fortunately our party was tied up on ; Now get,the Best, the siding at Matheson• all night and until 10 next morning awing to an un - as en train t a r fortunate accidento s ge tr n p going northward by which two coaches were thrown off the track with 60 pas- sengers. by spreading rails. Only 3 were injured and those quite slightly but the wreck had to be cleared before the rest, ee-g dealt with many of the puzzling queer, we could pass.: tions often arising in the routine of .,te Englehart made an interesting stop • a r 'o s o w a e various e work nn tb u pe year'sP r short time, Vere l c Saturday for t m. offices and he would be a dull member Virg P ii l3 a ay a have a Conservatory' who did not benefit by these Oats.. Serer garden & N and la Qo i Amon the sub; eats were the die- flower l foliage plants ich fbrnich R 1 the. flower and foliage plants which appointing libel law, rate cards, prem- will beautify :the respective depot sums, value of editorial, job }printing rounds along the line. Tema ami,. and its cost,half tonwork. prices tor l; g advertising, ciren#ation, machine work. unfair postal regulations, in- surance rates, etc. . Our readers may rest. assured that the value of the newspaper to the community at large was not minimized.. No small interest was evoked by the attendance of Colonel Watteraon an old and distinguished journalist, of Louisville, Kentucky,. Editor `'of the Courier -Journal, who most eitt rta in- ingly discussed "Modern JOnrnt)isp With'the craft Tuesday afterpiibn. -Tn. his clear headed optimistic manner he .i g showed that if the p�'is'tb-be" might. ier than the sword it must be wielded with dimness, kindness, activity and a broad horizn. Our Americanaricsn cousin was_ entertained at a luncheon after- ward. • Another veteran "visitor .was Sir McKenzie Bowell. Although up in "she is a highly hl respected, ' pile �ei y theg g always welcome visitor and • member of the Association.: He commenced new sPaper experience ce in 1835. Deeply *impressive and fie g• retftil' were the resolutions , ` and 'addresses bearing on the decease ;of King Ed- ward VII and the membersof the. As-. sociation who had fallen during the past: year. The Press banquet arrang-. ed foe Tuesday evening was with- drawn owing to•the King.s•death. Officers were elected :-President; J: F. McKay, lst Vice, `fi. W. Young ;. 2nd Vice, J. R. Bone ; Sec., Treas., •J. H. Cranston ; Auditors, . L. Eadie and. W.J. Elliott• ; Asst. Sec.. W.A. Craik;:' O'Beirne.. M U Bei Climi W. ,. Executive, W. e , J. A. McKay and L.J. Tarte. -- • The WeeklySection :newspapers will be officerd bv'', H. li. ,Donly Chairman.; W. A; Fry, .Sec , and H. B. Elliott, C. F. Stoneand H.P Moore, executive. Sessions of the Conven-. tion concluded Wednesday at 5 p. m+ One of'the beat on record. , UFE Tci THE Notermaaan • From Mr. James Pickers; Torrs, he has Here re We Clothe Men • Torre, Kirkcudbright, and include the Walks ♦ three year old colt, "The Viking," a in all 'W rand aim • of the world renowned . i . "Prince of Lyle," full, brother to the of Li▪ fe.- .' three thousand guinea horse- "Prince ' . ♦ of Albion,"on the dam's side he is equally well bred, being descended We clothe the middle -. 2 from a race of mares that have been aged man,the c o l l e g e o famous fox generations. His_other • horse is Baron Wallace, a grand son of . man, the school boy and • "Baron's Pride. He is atypical: short the little man from three : legged, thick horse, very good in feet ♦ and ankles, and had the Z7.5 pret�otum years' upwards. • in•the Terse district last year, Mr. •Nott has also secured a good yearling * Boys' Suits at from . 2 filly or exceptionally good breeding, • her sire being "Earl of Angus," by $1.9u to $l0 • "Prince Thomas," out of a "Baron's Nipped ii! the bud' of life., ' By the cold hand of death, Jesus took her home to be With him. at rest, It might also be added.that just 11 years ago the 3rd of this.`niontn that John. Smith,. the section*foreman,: met bis death about 150 feet from the same, place and by the same train. Victoria, Dav Art Clinton All that wes`to be seen in Clinton on Victoria day was three baseball.mat- ches, two in the morning and the. big League -match •in' the afternoon: The first game was between theTigers and Giants with Thomas .Hawins as Um- pire. The Giants.took the first league game by a score of 18 to 12, owing Ito the fact that the Tigers had hard :work to connect with Jack Mc: Caughey.'s curves,- • Following are Athe boys. who took, part. Tigers: -amens, Wilken, Rum- Hall; Roy Forrester, Ross ' Forrester, Holtzhauer, Graham, Harland, Patter- son, Giants: -J.. Cook, Cluff, Pinning,' Hill, Cook, McCaughey, Ford, Wallis, Rutledge. • Tigers -31 2 0 3101'1-12 Giants -210 54 1 0'3 2-18 • Right after this game the Pirates and Cubs played an exhibition match.. the latter winning by a score of 10-4. Dr. Seam was Umpire. The young Blayers were : -Cubs: -R. Harland, eacom, F. Rice, R. Rice, Twitchell, Oluff, McCaughey, Kitty, 1[. Harland, Pirates: -- Webb, , Hill, Doherty, Grant, Levy, Hall, Itathwell, Walker, Greig. • Men's Sits at from $4.99 to $22 - Ask to see our $22,00 Suit) made-to-order. It's a winner. exall lolet alcurn is the finest round and purest g Borated talcum with a fragrant one of nature's beauty spots, where odor of fresh cut violets, We the pencil pushers were counting on.. recommend it because it is the the delight of a 'steamboat excursion best money can buy, among the many islands, was reached. 215 cents at 4'm Saturdayand a visit mads to , the pharf but thdelay at Matheson' renderedt n impossible. he lake tripim ossible. A flying run landed: us at North Bay once more at 7.30 where we . were most hospitably • entertained to an elaborate banquet, with musical ac- companiment,and after a look through fine churches belonging to the and Metho- dist.Roniantlatholic,and Presbyterian bodies.... a:visit,..tga _splendid_"new Normal School, we hied to :the Opera house where a brief program of toasts: was most felicitiously gone through of silverware. esentations and and docks .made. t2 Messrs MacDonald,. Gorman and Black. 10.30 p •m Satur- day saw our train steaming out of this hustling railway centre for Toronto at which hichcity we arrived Sunday morn- ing at 7 o'clock, after our delightful trip of 480 miles to Go Kiane, tired but amazed at the extent, beauty, wealth andpossibilities of this delight- ful Province of Ontario and fully con- vinced that the half has never been told of the wonderful Northland . to whichwe propose to refer in succeed- ing�-. issues. The friendships renewed,new friends met, the kaleidscopio' change of view good cheer evidenced to the party Fresh. Sausage along the route,. the hospitality ; and ; everywhere comes back like a pleasant dream to be lived overin the passing the green a otsin the e s as one of years journalistic lite. While many xcel Fresh Lame ddr sses and s eeches: were• de-- yenta e P livered at. various points the wit, wis- dom and `oracular 'honors • were sus. tained by the Press psrty, of which the worthy President came in for a full share, Among . the newspaper :men from W, T. O NEI i.f Huron Co. who availed themselves of the outing were Editore•W 1) McLean, THE HUB ,GROCER Prodiptly at I0 o'clock- Wednesday Seaforth; W J Mitchell and J L Kerr, • and W H Kerr, Brussels, n d of 5 com Ose Clinton;, night a: co special' train. pPhone 48 pullmen-ebaches; 2 dining cars, official Former Editors of Blyth Standard, Government car and a baggage_ van Messrs, Watson and Bradwin, were, pulied'out of'. the Union station, To- also aboard aper Grand Trunk, en route to Sabbath morning we were pleased ronto, ... . North Bay and the far north. It car- is attending the Metropolitan church, woodlands. , ried 140 newspaper.men off for a holi-to see Rev. Kenneth J. Beaton whose day of a: few das in the much talked father is a well-known resident of:Mr. J. E. Hovey and Mr. E. J. Can - of but little known New Ontario. Clinton, in the pulpit; His discourse telon_took. in the Gun Shoot at Strat- Senators Jeffrey . and Bowell, Denis on Mission work in Toronto was earn - high 011 the 24th. They both'made Murphy, the latter one of the Com- est, eloquent and practical. In the high average but could not get inside. f both' Evangelistwould not do if listenedto in weIt miseioners of the Temiskaming and eveningthe 'money. North Ontario Railway and J D Mac- Booth, son of the great General Booth our experts cleaned up theprizes every Donald, District Passenger Agent, Gt. He preached a plain,heart'reaching ex. T R., accompanied the party,. Jas. pository sermon in Carleton' Street Gorman, being in charge of the dining Methbclist church of whom Rev, 'R, car. arrangements..• The three latter : J. Treleaven, a former Huron Co., Ipastor on. Pau[ s gentlemen left nothing undone to at- . boy, is thesuccessful p sto returningto were v nience Red.! Shipwreck'. As we t cone sure the comfort, , N Pirates -30 0 0 0 010 0- 4 Oubs-031220011--10 "Play Ball!" was the cheerful note that sounded on Tuesday , afternoon by_Umpire Potts, when the Perth • Pride' mare From the choice breed- Huron League season of 1910 was ing and rare individual merit these opened by Goderich and Clinton cross r cans to leave bats. Manager Hawkins had many horses possess, they a e b new faces on his team while the Gose-. I♦ their mark for good in Canada." rich squad was changed too. Tasker : .- the hoe .pitcher was as steady as a • Stanley rock and was practically unhittable, The recent rains have made a great having. 11 strikeouts. Frank- Me- • improvement in spring mope and veg. Caughey had:the honor of starting the etation. first double play and Murray is wan Mr T Brown and wife of Blyth, cut a sure run off by his throw home.• visited at the home of Graham Bros., Goderich tried out two pitchers, Bell at the end of last week. who pitched the first 5 innings struck Mr. G. Graham is in Toronto this out 5 Clinton Mayers; and MeO reath of Toronto, finished the game striking out three men. Umpire Potts gave good satisfaction and the orowdenjoy- ed the game. F'oliowingis the line-up and score:- • Goderich R 0 Clinton It 0 'Webb if 0 2 Hawkins c 0 4 • . 2 The �or��sh Clothing Cor . . � ��. week, He went in charge of cattle and will do some visiting while in the city. Mr, Geo. Hill and Wife left on Wed- nesdav of this week for a trip to Eng- land to visit relatives and acquaint- ances there. Mr A Thomson 5f the Bayileld Mcureath Sb&p 1084 3 Johnston ib 0 3 Road, is at, present engaged by the O Dean in 02 McDonald 2b 0 3 Tuckersmith Council to work the llivme s s 0 3 W Johnston of 2 2 grader. in their Tp. Doyle 2b b 4 McGaughey 3b 2 2 The Lane brothers of Tuckersmith WiSgins rt 0 3 Twitchell s s 1 3 are •non+ busy preparing to build a Clruickshank of 0 4 Draper rf 1 barn on the Tomilinson farm, London Dean c 0 3 Me +'wail if 0 IRoad. They had the cementwall bulli Bgll p 03 Tasker p 12 • lest fall, �- W.S.R. Holmes emx S_ _- Manufacturing Chemist.: - '� `Phm B. r• Manufacturing Chemist,' �s� �� � actQr�. supply' th e. em- In order to rd• ` we' the newfactory, plpyeea of wilt keep the following Cured - Meats Smoked Roll Breakfast Bacon Skinned Backs Long Clear Bacon Bologna and Fish- ' flitron Mon Trout` on Wednes days and Fridays.. pleasure of the large contingent. The bill of fare in the diners was generous, fi seasonable. and most inviting, served our comfortable rf uarters at the Prince George Hotel we noticed that the ice create parlors were doing a thriving business in Toronto the 'Good,. COMMISSIONER OF • THE T. & No Or • Al are Deal For Avery Hoy" District News Condoned on127 1 2i Goderich--0 0 0 0 01 000-1 Nu.s lob s•ss N ISH i • eIiSss Sas fNiSM Page •Clinton- 0203200 0 x ••7 Cli • 1. a.- ... Additional 'P ersOnalS Messrs. C. Hoare and R Ball were visitors at Exeter on Tuesday. t, Mrs, F. W. Sutherland,,of Toronto, spent a few days of this week with her sister. Mrs. Br'anifeld, George Warburton, M. D., General Secretary of Toronto Y. 111. O A., took a much needed holiday after his strew nous Building Cainpaign,with Edward Jenkins, also of the Toronto Associa tion, at his home on Woodlands Farm. Mr. Warburton is a veteran flshermau and tried his luck ,with great success in the region of lienmiller. Mrs. D Cameron also spent the holiday at JAMES Ti. ENGT,1:;HART. with prontpttiese,neatnettsand gentility Coaches were roomy, luiturioug and. well appointed with ample accormo• dation for all both day and night and no better pleased company ever travel led over the route or enjoyed It more. Oondnotor lteesor was in charge of at 411 >uranehes. `Jntereat allorWed at highest'current rate. trThhe Itinerary was ,constituted as Clinton Brat chl. • ., C E: DOWDING. Manager . .GAs Co9 ale 's 1 • Perfumes Wedding March, Bouquet Cashmere Bouquet, Monad Violet,. Italian ' Violet Le France. Rose Toilet Water Dastylis, Cashmere Bon- quet. Violet and Rose. Talcums Daetylia, Violet and Clash. mere Bouquet. Dental Powders and Ribbon Dental Cream Toilet Soaps, etc► ntianQPowders, brSl3rgSk B e's. "; HCV+.. Dispensing Chemist. .10.11.1111111111.111111.11111.1011111111111111 The pons 1ank Incorporated 1555 caal, PAID UP ,, lRestpitFund, $3$3,500500,01 000 0Y ...; - _ in Canada,and Agents and orrelipondents u all lFias 73 >dranevlleel -1 Cities in the World. the`Frine p A (IENER.AL RANKING IIIISINESSyTIIA1iSACTED. • SAV 1NC5 BANK DEPARTMENT. .4116.