HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-05-12, Page 84
i A f•7E ,,�.••IM, tole
nPssit!mo Olub dste+►ted ., nlized.
- M���� . �� , ����� �1� �� _ • Uri � t`u>�avd tA,ftai'�1uit+1,�BAittH
mPaaett►apie 310064 ]icy. Eaalt; (1,01 a
- - h N. Fitt tatuon u
4 __ .: _ ..._.....__... ....... -. _. _ w�Eulonit pd� Mitchel',
all Paper Stock
e1 i R
n Poem
• , M -,`
b T'hpiegcpukta gra ebi agar at u alta p# 1S a'collect On trif lewne$$ and i�rX��OSY�tyi �i1
aJ1 t
+ a lu silo street Citizens.
E • y to bed, ar arty, surpassingly ne til its nu glete
Early. est ns".. v t
H And early to rise, pass•
nd az Hale s cornet any mi*ritgr ialts patterns and colorings
' A,d.b n kba sktQe.
! _ aril its expanse. offers an invitin
40norabl Ife field for
a utlolt g select
W .E :1Duuc n o Lou
a f rine l of town, re- as well' as novel and useful s>a estions for a pro-
„ r tv a suita ItS-
. �AW111ft M� S AIF. ceb'� edhapora£le tilentotj and
on "HO 1
a '� shop,"
practical del:oralion.
d -,to co c r an
od,�, , n i successful 1 e
i e souveni or an attic a F� � 'Pr �
d4 a u fu barber d ,
, in acompetitign coudnctedby�'Adonis'
in a barber's Monthly published in
Our stock of Te>a}s and Bo7W4Cloth1ng is now 'complete In, every detail Jaekson rae olry At o(ler ala '��
and they co prase thi best 'values from several, of the lar est xna c were
The staff of the Jackson. Mfg, Uo.
!; . /
�., ort last week 0n account of
nufa tur8rs. off work
the Annual atock-tailing, The factory
0 19' tWo• end thre8+ xeCe wQ1'sted B,nC +t ir
ween Si�i.ts, from $3 �� Up B€i s' re -opened oa Monday and for the.
sh Sults • �`� surumer months the staff will conn
y:ni . Q+ ••��'p.AWorsteda4. weeads mance work at a m. and gnst at 5 r
from R� 1 . n 1:R►L i i.7I�ir�yHrl } C�+r o'clock, so that they miry geGtbe bene- A
ices. Men s..(Jdd .
nts, In Tweeds and worsteds, all s�2es,� A is
l fit of the long sunamee evenings,—God vE''
y g , g • Working Shirts, Overalls 8prices. � --rich Signal,
�"e also carr a ax e. range o f Every L><ttle .Bit Helps
sweaters, eY'S } y A half Day's work in the Park Next AND
} tsF a Caps, F,ali0y Shirts} Cine, oil ars � � Monday morning with fo charge for
S 1k Tied r p
Fi a n�a (� ^�* their time to full •improbe the appear.
' � ( Cardigan an !J } anoe of the acme will be given by the Retailers o f - L''
'�'� } 0i�l�its, :•Handkerchiefs, ' Braces and folldwing ;.-Lock and Bob Ores; Thos.
V hdex''i�► a Xt t • Shipley, Frank Evans
w,•, Much Wall Paper
e } 1�. +1r1r��. prices, �. and $illy. . •. ,
A Jack and Billy Steep, with teatma
and .J c Grimes an a _ to of Of the Beier cuss.
We r� �" � 'rt�ur ���������� �� ��, 4 others, whose mares we could not
�b8� ofttheiPa,rk s ticls kled to death at
••a. °
• the liberal offer of these:enerous
citizens to come forward and
give their services free to such a good '
cause and we believe it is the ambition �j
a � � Deal Is oflk' .
�, • hings
of the chairman of the YarkUomniittee ;!� ;:,, est wee a deal for the Waverly'
r n i to commence at the West end and im- . �--, Daae lads being
bg made but as posses.
rove its a 1 sion could no e
prove ppearance fox the flee of the given
young ladies for Tennis and .other STRA7r•ORD, OIvT, 1 the deal was declared off for the time
of -neryBaines. being.
r,e Demonstration edepar�mentis 0al)hMb°�R Vets'
' The great Pro
rx'• D Drainage az j RQRT13ANii or TEXoEQRAPRY„ Itrie p
_ M The Ontario Agriculture College is We assist graduates to. positions. The. de- Mr. Frank McOaughy, bas taken a
emphasizing then value of drainage Deas the suvPlYr The 4hr eelmRosti�re eptly' Goods n in Tozer & - Brotivn's Tarp
Never an our history have we had a more col�ap�ete rangy a �� • Dr dr en r St.,,,
,�• �+� again this summer, for which purpose, Placed are receiving'$30, $50 and $100 per
�y e� Goods, ainaue demonstrations are bei u' �h espeotively. Business men --tate Bicycle riders still stfek to the side-
Carpets Curtains �' Hol ra g our graduates are the beet. Fnter our walks. Some narrow escapes hay' "
1 (; ,�! �. i1ClothS �i tl l U , held in many parts of the province. classes NOW, Get our tree catalogue, y p e
�� �' •. .7 g ,osier, �!xlil%ns, The following demonstrations are liaPPenecl at nightfall Now 'is' the `
Collars, 7,J nder�'(1''ea,r,. �y a announced for this county: (1) At Mr. Q. A. McLachlin time to put the brakes on,
Pbltewear, �+ m— b olderites,.,f,aces, Corsets; Gloves ve>ill a W; IV. Coq ers,Ooneessi'on 1.,. London A meettiist of all the members of the:
Cottons, Shirtings' §h.eetings, Table Linens Gln hams Prl Rasa, Stan ur 2 Wednesday May PRINCIPAL Odyf 11AssacH 11 n will be held in file
�- [►` , • ' 18, at file hour of 2 o'clock, (2) At Mr; ti e ow a, on Tuesday eveningg".
}. - b ! nfs,.. Towela�ng Cre. .John Jackson Cron. 5 , Qrey' Township k sharp to comnlete all
tOriS,c`l/teens, Silks, nes at7a'C1 G i
usllns ash ('i . ' �r on Saturday May 21, at the hour of 10 --� _ _ 1 _ details fo> the summer program.
' ' '% , a Oods, RBr�dy-to-w@ar (,oats, Sults and n'claotr. These meetings should. be of Every biiy sl#ould be out.
Skirts, at prices Ghat defy ;cc�a etx�Yo ' a.
Iv -U.+ to dragnaTe trivosv a dl seside I the.ne Gats tic Cooking
P 1 ies Airl of Ontario StreetSchool Board
discussion of the, particular problems' 'Oburoh will haver a fine oissoctment o£ The regular monthly meeting of the
` • of thuse farmers„ tliera will be a de- homemade, cooking for sale at' a Public School Board held in the Tow n
. ` at HasReffnem
monist ation of methods of finding the Wiltses store on Saturday q£ this. Hall On May 5th, Present Chairman
.7 a t. �' fall oser a ditch,• . determining the week. Hall rind Messrs. Cottle, e
There is CLASS and grass, digging true to grade etc, C Dr. Ball, J; E.' Hovey. gMinutees of
mone�r-e'a, Viing deatinction in our Milli�rxer 7�hose of run readers interested in tlyd of Thanks last meeting • 'read and appi.oved,
has 'Drought u- ,,�rox,� a hug, ,ne: « fa> he y that drainage should not miss this meeting, The tamily of the late Uhartes Over. Principal Ha, tley made.his ire
" s .° a a( of �i�'hat@ ex Anyone wishing information about bury, of CIinton,di sire.to express their the month of A cit and was secs for 4
'w orth your , W SxIe >E0 in expected.. It. is pted
g our .stat,errient,Repair work r4 " the drainage work should write .Pro• sincere thanks to -the -Masonic frater- on moution of Cottle and ICetnp, - Miss
mp 'ly done, feasor• W. H. Day, C, A. 0., Guelph, nit of St, Thomas far their kindnes Fisher wary granted $5 for her work on
c �uestY ate - p..
T. lli, L. A', a.tworic lin Toronto in connection with the.funeral. services the Honor Roll, .which is placed in th-e
in, St. Thomas and to the friends in Prfnc;pal room. Several accounts
The undertaking to raise $000,000 for Clinton during their pad bereavement ; were' Passed. The Property Committee
Y. M. 0, A'; purposes -in Toronto, and and ,,particularly to Mr. Bah,of Clinton ! was instructed to procure. the necess
of nearly idh esulted in the rnagnificentstim who accompanied the remains, . sign: ary amour of coat.
nine das (a feat $700 ODO bwhchubs
orlbbrokee the d in ed by the me yrs of the family; a •�'tte Nigitt '
world's record in. this direction has Cliinton on PiIa3* 24th rusedaysevening about 10 : 30 the
s special i Owing
to Chef neo IE '-,this _ •. TITre'e)3asehait-inatchew--w!IY-be°on--citizens were aroused that afire had
vicinity, owing to the fact that 1Vir Ed.
Jenkins holds a Close relationship' to : the
b gogram an May nth at ..(llinttin.'; .ls lte�0ut.~•I�ttvxs�disa>7verPd in~ the, --7 •
morning at 9:30 the Tigers and double frame house on Kirk stilet,
' this wbrk.. He is. the youngest son of g owned .by E, palter, but was ..un.
• Mr Th6inas Jenkins, of the''Huron road Giants will openup the ball season at occupied. , When the firemen got,
11-a., m., the Cutis -will try -and take g
Goderich township, and' a .brother. of the Pirates into Cam At 3 o'clook there the names were through the '
' Mrs C. J. Wallis, bf town; and occupies P• *roof.. Two lines of hose were lard and
the. responsible, position. of Educatiouai Goderich and: Clinton will. -open the after a short fight the firemen had the
Secretary for the Y. M, C; A: of Tor Huron and Perth Lpariie, A good fire udder c ontr°l: The arson wire
�✓ ,> • . arae may be: ex acted. p c
anti, a position that - a il(tyr no smolt g - • y. p,. wanted to see the Waterworks acted
amount n
f kinsutive rbitit and toot, in case of A tire choose a good- t'inte',
b d Vr.Jen , many friendshere wilt All New To its, Year as the.etand-plpe, ryas empty, awing to
e glad to know that be le, regard - in the fa66 that the HU ter Bridge g t
nowt; DOwnie's famous dog and pony
a Toronto as.•ane •a .tie brightest and of Jtincardine, 'the' Contaractors were
mostsffahleyouugmeneverrrssociated shows with marry iiew acts. and feat painting the'inside.' Engineer Pratt
( .• with Y..kl. C. A.. work in Coronto and soon bad the machinery loin and the.
CLINTON NE�X1 ,---• they have hod some goad ones; �� � y firemen Were ;ibis t leave t§
ures Added this year roilIexhiht undo
s in this town,Wednesday,.Ma
ERS smoking after. ,tile meal. It reaches golden cipportunitp to benefit his tie show ,ig decidedly the hest of o. build`• .
him when in approachable' Candi- >:dliows"was tlirust aside.'. " .
#Strawberries . Colder �:'Cddin,: its kind fn'the svorld, and: never Earle ins standing though a littte. Che worse
tion. Then canooG a .o Lust Saturda W J (�' 'Che " n satisfaction, ` The .°
to give the best 'o£ f the fir , One citizemsaid this was
DR. UV + done toy an other b °t 3' Neil, .hid the T1 ell the"beautifirt residence entertainment "is' sometbin to
be said in fav
first strawberries on Sale at 20 cents A of Mr D Graham of Ingersoll, striatty mare,] aria or of the
DNS, London, Sur eon lieu-' v y er advertising scheme New Water �('agon. a; 1, was the en'o s wa:tercvorks as with
g + contrived by the brightest brans work• The ne heir scene. of a h+a gathering 1 y the' distinction. o£ being the.. the engine at the
list, Specialist,
will be at W, cF?` Ii w Water' Wagon was put in-
Holmes' Drug store, on Tae 115g a1o>;g that'lfne',
PPY g fi on Mon- only show. 'traveling under canvas; P'at flses the buildings . burnt down.
24t . --day May :: - to. cOtptuissign o S 'turd" ,afternoon Annnal DIY-- - da rrab6r- that• inter re is some .Insure e
y. Iteiatives• and. friends 'ii��'t rhe n e on the place.
b Glasses property fitted. deafness et>lllg ins, nearly a'h}ind'red,�. frotYi differen feryis in no way with'the be -
catarrh a Another Side't %t last,week,' t
o The Qnest><on Dista oft lief. creed • or religion, and is endorsed
and fouling eyesight treats J The annual me¢tin of<`W'est Huron P ile'1'rcvini e'and.ehp`Uii` `
All day. { r
States;' mgt: to celebrate, the' ited :by file clergy aqd school superintend-
ltloi►leseekess EreiRrsxoets :, Fa mars' Institute, kill'.be held.ab golden„ entswherever't• 1!r•N
Th a HerSsall Observer of last. week To wgddui of Mr +Lad: Mrs G.raltiam A. i exhibtta, T,he prices •d4lONONl7�sl# .
'Western Canada •. Nile on Wed'nesday,nitine,l5th ' t?; of, admission ;s:re children' 2a .Cts r -
made the faltilwing conimebt :--The a unique feature. of the gathering vitae ,
'tiiaking inlprovementsNew Si sidults 35 dis. •. ,
CLINTONLINTON Nets En,A was. recently offer- Through metropolis of Obics o
the large number present, Mr. Graham' '. • ,
ed an advertisement: from, a TorontoiS has never sou ht
thence v.ia Duluth and Fort Frances, .`. R I�owlancl, the well kno' zi hard. g public' honors,'al- A Good Show Cdntilt� : •
A stone foundation is being departmental store but the proprjetnr or through Chicago 'and -the twin ; ware Xerchant.in .town has though rppeatedly err ed talo so but
� • Why�� •
under the house occupied b9 P Fred • •
refused it out of respect to the feelings 'cities of Minneapolis and StPwul..May new signs abaye the door' ' of his place as a' JuWce of ,the gPeace,. License ' Downie's Wo'rld's Best dog and
t Off.
Muteh, near the power house. Mr, . °f the Koine merchants. Now there is 17;stid 31. Vfa Sarnia and Northern of business. (Jommissioner, member Of the Annual uor►y shows' will'• exhibit under canvas ,• a e�art ii'
Wm- Elliott is doing the work. gtrestinn. Brother 1Vavik*ation Company, Steamer leaves in this t Wednesda - Ma' 25. which' will lead yon into r • .
another side to that •
and General Conferences of the Methow • town, y, y It • .good salaried position t Enter our •
Kerr had an. opportunity to.. bring -Sarnia 3,30 P: tin;, Msy 30th; Secure' Will se A .ReCord itrocaker, dist Church andtbeUominionAliiance is a good show and thorou hl worth � • collegexow,.and be ready for a
k to Cltn-oh some of the ' money tickets and full information from his courtesy and �' situation in the fall, whea.bueiqosa
What The New Era: Does judgment attpndin The entire- train. load of • situation a its best. we aro burinloeatna ,�
sound ud mart g•
The news b, er g sentaway'by thepeople there to the de- Grand Trunk Agents, Registrar Coats will have more have been invalushie t° his Church animals. which: includes. the:: new _' ~yeti bualifiea. young people ever +
P P goes• rf ht into • the partmentat stores. He cosildhave spent than, one rose to.look after . this year. and community, Darin his long ear of which . • Why net lot us' help y iiy
reader's house —doWir g and features for this y h Great Matt any day No vacstion, cater
goes in and sits h' he the money among the business men of Territory 1uCreased• His lovely plantation is looking the happy marri6d' life The, Globe h chief, the small, the tiniest els ha , • •
with him, Itis on the table when he) OlintOn and caused general re'oiein i pink of perfection, and .under favor- been a daily visits as elephant • logos free. write THE CENTRAL.
r to the home.:.Mr in all the land, is : the prinorpal:one, • TOSLNESS COLLEGE,
eats, and in his hands when he is throw heat the communit hat a Mr. James Stewart, of Stratford,dis•) able weather conditions the year 1910 and Mrs Graham are enjoyin the H, ve all been trained to erform
3 y'i:w trim manager of Perth County far the will be a , record .breaker.—rGoderich very best of .health. Mr Graham. is some new act.. which entirely eclipse o
Star, ' - ... • -_.
Excelsior Life, has-hadthe-paunty of well-known in Clinton, he ha in
all their fOrmor efforts. The DownieV.
Huron and Part of Bruce and Welling- i been fol" years the: owner q .� brows this ear is: -near]: '. •
of the Y y tvrioP. it8-, V i'rincipai,
W. 13 SHAT
ton added to tits territory: The bus. Handing Ott.i The Lllcenses Electric Light Plant, and bein also former size and' vasti better the — its„ Toronto`
g a y n• Songs Gerrarii
�•. #Haag in #dice in this added territory Inspector Asquith, :of Centre Huron ever before. The prices •
relative Of Mr W Dabertq; and iris p ` es of admission. •
`� j amounts to over half a, million dollars, District, was in town on Monday many friends here will juin their good are children 25 .cts.:atld adults 35 Cts; � �r`r•�,��••N•tdti '
t handing out the now licenses far 19T0 ° wishes t0 those of others in hoping f ora ro N
Middleton Manning: Wedding him and hie life . partner long life and
�r.�•-.From the Whitby Gazette. the clip Wants Loanof Rhgille hapPlileas, ._
Next Week''the following notice which' refers to The Mavor has received a 'letter The. Lite 11Irs.111taeMath% d••II....�+.d'�••��F�••t..l..l..l..i.:�+++++4;+4;
fhemar Ciintanians •.—On !Tuesday fast from Garside 'James Co„ Brussels .b:� ,•i�•t••i-•1• F
the marriage of Miss Franeis Willard asking for-t�e.use Of engine,while the The death Of Mrs.W'rliram MacMath, �' � '" '� 1 °'`d l •'1'"'`'i' '°�'�'1"t• '�"1............. .1..¢.l..i..q,.g„1, ;.g.�
You should take steps R•heri something neat and nobby in' Mann, , da►rggh��ter of xtev.fi. M. Man- ane Brussels owns is bein re aired, which was.recorded ifi these. columns '
house-cleaning, and see our : Bra$s >F:aztenslont [7artoin nin,to �r. T. E; Mddleton,l'eterboro, P last tVeek, removed woman who had
The letter will be placed, before the:: seen this' village emerge from the �
6Gc and lac Sten•Ladders Rods ,teak place quiet] at the Methodist Council, . forest. andwho in her ion residence
arsons a Whitgv,
All sizes and prices, from 5e n Ofiiciatin ' b the bride's father
r ;;. The wedding p$rty was: In lienor Of Geor�C' V: here ar d t ere 'est and affec•
small, comprhlho4r only• the families°
had a ne spaKe in
tion of all with whom she came eon- 'Shoe's
Gi'aniteWer@ and immediate friends .of the bride Ali the flags, the Public buildings tict. Mrs. MacMath, whOse maiden
Dish Pans, re and
were raised on Monday in honor of
and groom, 'Little' 11liis•Doris .Milner, l Baine war Jane Grey, was barn near,
g, 55c, for , ...34C 1'l t, niece of the bride, acted as. flower, our navy King George V' but were Belfast, Ireland, efghtp-five year a
Water Pails reg. floc, for...00c. ; q ]'ails .,,, 1u,C' j lowered later in the day in respect for qhs came from Ireland' to� go,
Pie Plates reg. 156 Por..... 1046 . 10-qe, Pails ,.. girl, and eonducted _ the bridal party the late King. Island, in this Prof Amherst
Pie Plates, reg: 12c far...... "2e; into the Prettily decorated parlors Province, when it young
Child's Plates, reg, 100 for.. g ,XXX 1Jafry Pails, our o'w'n ' during the playing of the wedding 111(11st Do lids Woman and was ]parried there, over In some cases it seems 1111. OS ible for a
make, only.... , , march by Miss Date Manning. Dr. � i>giesa sixty years , a50 to tile. late William � w
P binan .
50C and Mrs. Middleton left on the even., Tuesday of this week, Commere. MacMath.. Ftttyfive years ago thea* to 11avr� her feet sttCC 5if 1 ,
came to this place,' which was then • e u1 yti ed, aper. eSpeClally
ir)g train for Tordnta and paints west. , baggage amounting to 42 camenothio but bush and
A Saving in Shovels men witha
See c'ut biirich Of tiSCfu1 They will reside in Peterbora, where trunks arrived at the Rat enbu> , , took up the s 'f
both are - 'id$ly known•and are two of House UP till the 3 train, y farm an whish they continued to rem 0 1 a neat atls� daioty appearance�iS desired, I?t1t
A few s, for. 10119 -handled round -point hottsehbld sill �leS in Olir the oitys moat popular yanlig people, ,
Shovels, for ........ 45e i side oath death removednthem. Mr.-
....... tkle ��I IN l�U ,rj'�{7� combines X11 these with
big. window, Sm.tll Locals lktacMath died seven years ago last
018, extra
round -point Shov. Arm Fractured ADVERTIS in the New E'ra, fall. They were blessed with a farmily
els, extra qquality solid stool of three, sons and six daughters, of cert 'n of Satisfaction in wear, f a
shank, reg. J35c, far +, ....... our, Cho1Cp . Ar l[ oc. :: It e � in full far allose whom two sans and three daughters
O1go HAVEN'T pal
The mane #riends of Dr. J. A. Rob. beautiful March cls sP surviy�e. 'The sons are James, of daughter,, ' ertson, of Stratford, will :be .sorry to . O Dtt want +ids �- cotideiised, so that
D S''$ANl:•�-thC Gartllt J� wCepiiu Ca>11t1►btitnrX. — It- ' ° learn that lie xs again Can�necs to is the tett the ton. and Robert, of Detroit
dIslhfents home with a broken wrist. The his
` ram's .err stones with a .tale- :daughtev.9, Miss Jennie 'and the `rhe makers of * LINDO SHOES fc►r wotnell
the room and kills moths and gerttfs. ace tried, always used. We doe R brevity, rind elassrlled eo that non • of Dungmn.
have a large number of nuatOtlner�, using Dustbane, and in artier for was recovering; from a week's they are as readily , Mrs. HAmlen, of Goderich and
to in serious'iAlness and last Tuesda wen i irate street a y found as is a deli. Mrs,,Stobie, of Seaforth. ' are experts In the Selection . of lasts and measure -
Crease lire number, the Dsistbane 112) . (10„ Of I#oston, have •' y t - ddress, are serving more Math had been or Mrs, Mac• rEr
Peirmi'ssian tq sell, ALL +ik; CIE K, there#. 35c can for 5c n us but in his runabout to enjoy Lhe fresh 'People to day than ever befa f many years a
liir of such an ideal evening, me was l P1tErTx soon there will a faithful member . of the Methodii3t ments -and make nothing but women's s17ti1e5,
Every purchaser next next ween can have a"Cake 'clutter YtRI>,L far gljtting slang ninety fn the auto slid meaning taken Bram that be a ltr,ral church, although .fox• some time her g
the asking, either Pl:i in or scolliped. while passing the residence of one of So.and•s0 paid a flying visit b lobs' ittnes's had prevented here #rein attend•
his patients on 3Ohn street decided t0 to -day, _ wn ins at the house' of warship. Before .
Tb those#making appli'estiod for - afet, frdni:•the' make a; call, On his return he turned THE horses of w her illness she was very acts a in.good
Water Works the crank to 'start the machine to the rn Steep, took it run works and her kindness an w
wyaatl:ei�', the pan furnish avid Install aYiytiii�ig in, the, line- If f but mselveaon Rrtda last , d sympathp ' - ,
you or ottingg�a ltbver,the crank flew back, cnilght before' any damn ,but were towards diose in 1410 nes's ' of trouble Usiv Agenti5<rt s~Bink, Bath, Wash 13asin•etc, call and let us figure tvitli you, . o stri in�• flim on the swrsst, badly splinw >;e seas done, wfll ]snit be remembered, • Thli fun.. Usi " r
Cerin THE Waterwagon broke down last eral, twMah took place �odnesda
g it, Dr. Lorne Robertson was 1 Thursday afternoon on the M y
Main last week to iinngannnn comets was
A ants #`o IttrrWtix `I 'i11iolii 0411it Und' bow), Ile �$ n �idatr�loy �alat felt, 4kir40 .had hint ' Street. An axle was the cause, � ��l'
t trill Koros, he doctor Tlttt bus was oft dirt S largely attended. Rev... : G, Bartlete JACKSON
i ' spent a bad night last night and the was being re -varnished, e yet it conducted the aerviees sad the It, ! .
a0010f7tt-1vi11 r0bakil'p �s,ttse blip. dis- � Gook. believes Ked, Prapri%etar ; bearers�svere alt relatives of thepr « l� yOtl w l
4 'T!) '1E'j _ AN A' ► .btu some t u%i: lir o tt5ok y' n lia'�ipg e' er thin itch, of O f ; U
iY n� , soli] i It tsar. fine arcni r: eaecl 1 has IinbOn ' , t
ri his pluoe.,
is zd 11'�,�PPwn in t ' y Stobie, of SeMaforth•;.
- ,. .:., -•, .3. .;favi, g,;,i�,ade• '-Tlrxt'fla rt . VV.. ;fvoxili� ,+?f
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