HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-05-12, Page 5' s • - r,11 *•• Giipt.., • WI4en the daOight bill passes yon' 4160 have' two watcheS,,one for stan' dard time, the other for local time. We • have a full stock. If you want a finely finished and accur ately adjusted watch, get it from us: Or if it is to be a cheap watch we can supply you with the just- ly famous. • One Dollar In-gersoll We have also a good stock o f the Dickens watch chains,: the 'Odd that is built for W. H4 Hellyar. Jeweler and Optician , E4'r?'14s ....0UINAglak.•;49 n, MaY17, 'to Mrand MiteJ. Belnhaed a sou. ! STREETS -In Clinton, May 7, to Krsattd gra Calvin St.reete,a daughter 1(.1aDWELLsstin Mullett, on MAY Isad, to Mr, and Mre. Robt; Caldwell, t? son. CARTER- In Stapleton on April 29Sit, lhesivife of Isea,c Carter, a son. • ELLIOTT-In 13rncefield on May 9th the wife of John T. Eiliott,a daughter. MAT:tRIED. BAKER, -1,8E013-In Beucefield,by Rev. E H Sewers, May 4th, Swims 13aker to Wra Leech all of Stanley, MeNEfL -000K---At the residence • of Mutt. Wm. Nliirrity, ,Battenbury Street, On Wednesday, May nth. by ttev. Mr. Jol itre B. U. L., Mr. Will- • iam W. Stook, eldest son of Mr. H. Cook, of .Huilett Tp.,, to Miss Ellen Jane McNeil, of Clinton), DIED. AIKEN BEAD -in Tuckerstu th, M a3t 5, Agues Martin, Wife of J Aikenhead. Standard' Elevator Open for business under new management. We are prepared to buy all kinds of Grain, at market prices daily. Have for sale the finest brands of Flour and. Mill Feeds of all kinds, The L. Suitter Company House to Rent. On Princess St-, west, formerly own - tied by W, Collyer. Stone cellar, hard e ni soft water, all modern conveniences. Apply to ARTHUR OANI'ELON, t May goth A. Holiday The Dominion Government has or. dereu every public building in Coned& to be draped in mourning, and will proclaisa a nubile holiday on the day of the Kings funeral. Applications for Waterworks Up to -date light cot n 'ctiotts have been made with the Wit.terworks for household •purposes. Following are those who are using the town water: - J. B. Hoover, Mayor Taylor, W.•4 R. Counter, Albert Turner, Mrs. Junior, Geo. McLennan, ff R. 5. (Muand A. T. (Popov. The last three connections are made in the steret. About 75 more have applied, • °nor Roll A very cleverly executed pen and ink Honor Roll was made by Mies Fisher, sister of Miss Fisher, the C. C. I. teacher, for Principal Hartley's room. On this roll are the names of t lose who have p +seed out of the Prix! cipal's room with Honors in '08 and '09 and still have room for a few years to come: Miss Fisher is to be congratu- lated upon her work. Young Girl Wanted The undersigned wants a young girl at mice to help to dostbe Jioesework. Apply; US Mrs Murray, tiattenbury Street. Pasture The undersigned is prepared when season opens to take cattle and horses to pasture. For terms apply to ' MR. A. J. McMUHRAY, • Clinton Girl Wanted. Good girl wantedfor general housework. AppIY to rues. JACKSON, Jr., High St. House To Let, - House to Let. Apply to J. Twitchell & Sous. t f. Announces His, Regrets Mr, Dunbar very much regrets the. disappointment caused the members of St. James Church Middleton;St. Johns Holmesville, and St. Peters Summer- hill on Sunday last. arising from the fact that the Bishop having cancelled the existing arrangements for Mission arys services,no intimation was given him either direct or by those whom he considered responsible to notify him of the change. . Received the Shield Last week' the Lord Strathcona's Nelson Shield arrived at the •Public School and will be found in Principal Hartley's room. The shield is given for Commemorative and Competitive Purposes. The shield is mounted on an oak base. At the top is a copper) ribbon with the name of Clinton 'en- graved - on it- and-ats the -b'ottomsis a, copper carrier for the- name oft the winner and holder for the year. On the top of the carrier are these words "Warden of the Shield for this year" and at the bottom is "Palman Qui Meruit Febat.l' Tlfe shield is 13 ifiehtia: by 81 inches. On theupper corners are the 'oak and Maple Leaf. In the upper centre is the historic ship "Vic- tory" under full sail. In the lower centre is the bust of Nelson, on one side of which is his immortal flag sig- nal "England expects every man to do his duty, . and on the other the date of the momentous day in the Empire's history. At the bottom, upon the scroll are the following words: "Made of copper from R. M. Ships "Victory" and Toudroyant.' Presented by Lord Stratbcona and .5101.10 _Royal G. C. M. G.,• through the Britishand Foreign Sailors Society for Canadian Schools, 1907. E. R. 17J1. -.- When Pint Blurs \ X44-1444444440 r44-f+U e m'- - - Whenri put blurs, ir.'' , W.F. 4.-szooa ,0,....1 t. . • ritabltuperend-• (Played Monday Nig dia...t.v 0-Woodstock 0 We posttivela cure Berlin ail , -11 Stratfora...sAss.Valt Shia coadition with Tavistock 1-Seaforth ' ' 0 selsW.....Fi.tol-liEs,17wrmteoErrE ...v04±" vitaa Oistelitataw 8 - • t 114 -.01410041A _.. Ethel 041.0 • 4 The' Listowel Vollegia.te •IostitiSte football' team captured the Hough • Cup Saturday from the Berlin Collegi- ate Itsetitnte- team by defeating the • nialders, by a score .of 3 to 0. The gable was witnessed by a large crowd and was fast from the beginning to the last. The challengers 'had the ad.vante.ge in weight, but nevertheless play throtighout was even, with the exception that the Listowelites shot straight for the ggoel, while the locale shot wide and recklessly. The score at half time was 2-0, Ballantyr e and Bassett doing the scoring, while in the second period Ballantyne added another, and cinched the game and the cup, which was won a year ago by Berlin from Galt. Jas Bennett, of Galt, was the referee, Dyou ever find when read - 1 -0 ing at night that the dif- ferent letter run into one an- other and confuse you ? If so, you should consult us and have your eyes examined at gate. We can make reading a-domfort and pleasure to you, with properly-fittedoglasses, J. Grigg Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses 'S S Convention and Ruri-Deeanal . Meeting Toronto Markets Ma7nitoba, Wheat -Nn. 1 northern, 41.04; No 2 northern, $.102, track, lake ports: Oats -Canadian western oats, No 2, 36c.; No 8, $5e, lake ports; Ontario No 3, 33c to 340 at points of shipment., Wheat- No 2 mixed or white, $1.03 to $1.04 outside. •• s, Buckwheat -No %'510 to 511c out side, Barley -No 2, 52o to 53c; No 3X, 510; Manitoba flour- Quotations at To - No 3, 470 outside. 4 ronto are: First patents, .50; eecond patents $5; strong bakers', 34.90; 90 per Sunday School Convention and rani- cent patents, 27s 6d bid, c. 1. f„ Was. The following is the program of the decanal meeting of the Deanery of Huron, which was held in St George's school room Godetich, on Wednesday May 11: • ' The members will meet in the school Room of St George's Church at 11 A,)4 1 -Opening Service. • 2 -Chairman's Address. 3 -Reports of Sunday Schools. 12.30 -Adjourn for lunch. • 2 P. 31. Subjects for discussion: 1 -Paper, "The Relation of Sunday 'Schools to Missions,' by Mrs Hart- ley, Clinton: 2 -Paper "The Boy in the Home," by Rev.'T II Farr, Gorrie. 3 -Paper by Miss Hawkins, Wing - ham. 4 -Paper, ty Rev. D. W. Collins, Exeter. Time permitting, discussion may be invited on other subjects of import- ance to Sunday School Work. 4.30 to 580 - Meeting of Deanery Chapter. 7.30 -Service in St •George's Church. Preacher, Rev. C 0 Parton.. A1oad of the --young peoples_want_ from Isere to attend the Convention. A full report will be given next week. • gow. Mill feed -Manitoba bran, $10 per ton; shorts, $21, track, Toronto; On - tam bran, $20 in 'hags. Shorts 500 ' snore. • Peas -No 2, 71c to 72c outside. Corn-Kiln-dried,.No 3 yellow, 69c Toronto freight, all rail ; No 3 yellow, kiln -dried, 650.; c. Collingwood or Midland. Rye -No 2, 67c to 68c. • Ontario flour -Wheat flour for ex- port, $4.05, Montreal.car lots, buyers' bags. Sheep, ewes, sold -at $5 to $0 per cwt.; rams at $4 to $5; yearlings at $7 to 88 per cwt.; spring lambs, $4 to $7 each. Prices for Inge were firm. Selects fed and watered at'the market, $9.25, and $9 f. o. b. cars at country points. Choice butchers, steers and heifers, 85 90 to $0.65; exporters at 80.60 to $7.20; cows, 3450 tos$5.65; bulls $4,50 to $5.65. Clinton Market Report. Wheat, (new)...,.... 0 95 to- 0 95 „, . 0 30 So 0 30 Barley ...... 0 40 to 0 PeaS ... 0 65 to- 0 65 Eggs 0 18 to 0 19 0 21 to 0 Z2 ;ss, 8 85 to 885 .. 0 3Q to 030 Yeti Will regret you did not attend one of °an - B .us ada's High Grade Busi- ness Colleges, located at Peterborough OravIgevi Ile Walkerton Wingham W elland Clinton Now is the time to entec. Our graduates receive front. 3400 to $1500 per annum. Mail Courses in .100 different subjects. Write for particulars CLINTON . BUSINESS COLLEGE GEo. Sierrrosr, Principal. 1 s S • VICTORIA DAY Single Fare for Round Trip: OF le Await you at his store ciarVng the coming 'week. Space vv ill only permit of mention of a very Tew, but we aim that each 'sale shall advertim. this store as The Store of Big Values • . A. Table lahten Speein4 --. d About 200 yards of .0, liettutifei pure bleached Table Linen, 62 in. wide and extra, good value at 65c. Priced 42c to clear Id . • ... 2 Specials in. Lace Curtains 20 pair extra, tine Lace Custains, 00 in. wide, 31 yards inn long and a regular $1.50 Chrtain, Special this week Also (shout 20 pair good large Lace Curtains, extra Ann value at 90c a pair. Special this week s . • $41,ou • •431,00 Corsets 69c Another shipment of these Corsets has just arrie(1, . and are a superior lot to the last shipment, 'which everyone pronounced. ,"wonderful value," but rather than put these with out, regular stock, out they go this ti., 69n week at 1,. . .1'.1 I's a wonder. Made its long Directoire stye, of nice A rDon't Fail to See Our 49e1Do set • quality White Coutil, with four hose supportere, and itec big value at, a small price „ .. Special valnes in Prints, Gioghams and Wash Linens. etc., al . , this week, big somesnaps in the Clothing and Shoe Departments. , Don't buy without seeing them. 7.41#611?!111*.!imilimmisswaAlwasr 41. Plurnsteel Bros. • Between allnetatione in Alanada. also sessma to Niagara/ Falls and. Buffalo, N.Y: Detroit and Portlieron, Mich. s! • Tickets good going May 23rdttnd 24th. Return Unlit May g6th. UPPER LAKE 'STEAMERS Saltines from Sarnia-10BM V 1:11-t" for Soo end Port Arthur. NeYOilth,d4th and 18th; for Duluth,•lltay lath ands,20th. Sailings from Collingwqpd, 1:30 P. me and Owen Sound 11.15•ttr3,, W,edne:idays and Saturdays for Sob and GeorgisossRay. Secure tickets and full information from • . .. . , i 0 Pattison, Depot agent JOHN BAMFORD, Town Agent +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 + + * 4. + TH + $ BEST + + + 4. *SWS HILE .°. ° 4* + + + + +• + 4. 4-•.. _ ..-1. * . +++++ . • + + * If you want a + . Butter tekphone men are. trimming Hogs 'the *iFeei; in. town this week..• : • Potatoes. AFTER along and sticcessful peetor- ate of 31 years Rev Dr Milligan has re- signed his charge of Old St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Di • health le the cause, Horse Clippers Sharpened. Having installed a machine for sharpening all kinds of Horse Clippers, 1 am prepared to do such work on short notice. Satisfaction assured. JABEZ RAND Blacksmith, Clinton For Sale. --- A thorough bred Aberdeen Angus bull. Cow and bull calf. Latter 8 months old, Will be sold cheap. Mag- nificent animals. Must he seen to he appreciated. Apply to JOHN RANSFORD Clinton Slabs For Sale Ont right length for range JAS. HAMILTON, Clinton Phone 52 Bose Comb Brown Leghorns My entire stook of Leghorns of lo hens and pullets and 2 cockerels including all my winners are for sale, a bargain on the tut. Also eggs for hatching until:fowl are sold at $1.0e per 13 or S2 per 30, if settled foe at tne house or 25o a setting extra if if packed for. shipping, , C. F. EASOM, Clinton, 0 pposite,Commercial. WATERWORKS. Water conneotions made ; steam pipe fitting; electric light fixtures repaired and installed, All work guaranteed. Prices within the reaoh of all. Kindly give me a trial. THOS. BRITTON Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF MULLETT' Notice is hereby given that the Court for the Reyision of the Assessment Roll of the Town. ship of Hullett will be held in the Township Hall on SATURDAY,. the 28th DAY OF 1V1AY. at the heur of 10 o'clock &rm. for the purpose of hearing and settling;complaints against the said Assessnient Roll. Persons having business at the Court, will Please attend at the said time and place, with- out further notice. JAMES CANIPBET4,, Clerk Hullett, Iklay 10th, 1910. • AgentsWanted In all localities, for the new "Parkyte Sanitary Closet." Latest invention in sanitation for private tesidenceee, schools rnd hcitele. Liberal commissions. Address 11. M. SUCKLING & CO., 408 Si. Nicholas Bldg., Montteeal, Que. . • Teacher Wanted OOMING IN 11 ALL ITS GLQR!U A (testified teacher for HS. No. 5, Mor - Xis Township; dntiea to commence August i5th next. ,Applicatiens. stating salary expected, received up to elese of June 4th. GEO, W. PROCTOR, See•Treas., Relgrave, P,O, Furniture Time is here again for the wise house, beeper. Come and prove yourself to belong to that olass, by selecting the new suite or separate pieces your home needs. Weil Keep the Furilitute You Select until after the Spring houseoleaning it you say so. Then it Will come to you, spiok and spins, to sda beauty to your spick end span house. , The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy all kinds of Eurniture. IT. DOO, PONY AND TRAINED -WILD ANIMAL SHOWS 100 Strange and Curious Animal Actors=100 The Only Big Show Corning to this Section this Season. °OVER & BALL FURNITORE AND A ititTAitiN * • . • A grand colossal aggregatiop of wonderful performing Elephants, Horses,. Ponies, Pigs, Goats, Dogs and Monkeys, beautiful Tropical Birds, renowned and daring acts, aerial exploits, long distance leaps. • wonderful Bicyclists, high wire dives. New Glorious Free Street Parade at 12.30 Noon. .1E4 FLYING MA 11111E OR AEROPLANE Thtt7;gnot.°1 4. Stylish 1: Summer flat * + +., + + 4. We handle them. •.4. + . + + , + 1 We ' are. also .selling $ • at Lowest Prices. - . . + 4. 4. 3: . +++++ s. + -va• t. '41 & - ,--811TH STEEL The, makers of the "Erap'Xi" produe more higi grade shoes for women than any factory in Canada, and when you consider that three hundred thousand • pairs of this modern shoe are sold every year in Can- ada to women who wear only the highest grade of • footwear, and that almost every fourth woman you , meet will be wearing a pair of the "Empress" there must be a cause. WE ARE ONE OF THE 500 AGENTS. . • . = Clinton • Agent = - ' 4:44+++++++++444.444444.14444•44 ' VisImilmolmrlitat~milgumNIMMOMOVIONAINII~WaMAINOWIVird aiM CLEAN -TV SALEX-si. PROF. DE OkSHEN, the World's Greatest Flying Machine Experti will give a demonstration of this wonderful machine at every performance. Remember the day and date -2 performances daily, rain or shine. DOors 'open at 1 and 7 p. In., under our colossal scope of Waterproof Canvas. 1111 a*. Watria,,,4 Sober Reliable Men tee Drive Team and Wolk on Tents. Good wages "I: and Steady ivork pant:need. Apply at the grounds on day ef shoes voirixalta aziX.Aor e LIN.TeN Wednesday 25 may ----OF THE ° Balance of our Metcalf Stock along with our New Spring Line Of goods, which we recently purchased. We have made plans for an entire new line, and are bound to dispose of our present stock to make room for same. • • Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware at Almost Uour Own Price. 40 per cent. off - Every LOCKET in our store. See the assortment in Odd Fellow s' and Masonic. Round, oval, etc. .40 pr cenr. off 40 per cent. off our Special line of SCARF PINS, of signets,. etc., in all the latest designs. 25 per cent. off 50 peti cents:off - s, BROOCHES of all kinds to be sold at above discount, until the present line is disposed of. • CLOCKS, in. Kitchen, Mantel, Gilt, Alarm, Musical, etd. A big selection to choose from. Siverware at onerquarter off. 25 per cent. off Rings, Ladies' or gents' Hanipden n d Waltham 17 jewel Chains, Fobs, Cuff Links, Mechanips, Watch Movements, in Nickel Cases, etc., while they last. - only $7.5o. Sole Agent for -nl. di, jor, : iis I) either. Gr:ver ... notooden Lit VW .11 1.1 14 11 , Adams, Engraver. ' Graduate liVateires and „ Fdlson&Victor ' 131;r111, H phaaogtaphs. .. Watchmaker 1 4■0101001001.010611101~10WWWWWwiemornskiwa~010101~10001100010"11011k .....110.1.1140.40,1100.1111.004.1110111 e•••00•001,10,,,,m0..-.... '