HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-04-28, Page 8f :r eanm Carpets, Rugs, Curtains and Linoieuin..s Our stock of Douse Furnishings is now complete in every'detail, in Lace Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Brussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpets,Rugs, Mats, Linoleums Oilcloths Jap.Mattings, Door Mats, Carpet . Sweepers, etc. The > range is large, and you are not confined, to a few designs. Anything you want, and we do nort stoc1, we can easily get for you.. We solicit your inspection and will be pleased to .show you our range. Lace Curtains You will find the patterns we have assembled have been chosen tasteful- ly and carefully. Every new feature is represented, though, of course,the conventional designs are amply repre- sented. Our .purchases were ;made direct, and involve Nottinghams, Brussels, Nets, Tambound Nets and, others. Prices run II' on* up ° to $6.00 Tapastry Curtains In plain colors and two-tone ef- fects, ffects, in red, green and brort n, sever- al new designs. From $2.75 up to $6.00 Jap. Mattings For Bed Rooms, Jap. MattiAgs are becoming quite popular for sum- mer use. They are pretty, clean and cool. We are showing a splendid range At 20e per yard Carpets We niak. and Lay alt Piece Car— pets FREE. • We are showing an exceptionally good rang&of designs and colorings in Tapestry, Brussels and Wool Car- pets, in the different qualities, and invite your : inspection, .whether you purchase or not. . Prices"run tram 33c up Japanese Yutak iRugs We are showing aii exceptionally large range of Jap: Rugs. with bor- der to match running all around, in sizes il' yard by 2 at 40c, 2 yards' .by 3, at $ l CAU, 3 yds " by 3 . at $3 00. Ask to see the range. ° Linoleums Ten' new Spring patterns of -Nairn's Scotch Linoleum to •choose from. Two weights at 50e and 60c per yard Floor Mats SPEC.IaAL-25 Wilton Floor Mats, 27 in. by 54 in. No two alike, in floral, animal. and . maple leaf designs, splendid quality, fast colors, worth $3.50, Special for $2,75 IRi4 Other Floor Mats• from 50c up Rugs We are showing the largest range. of Floor Rugs in town, in. Brussels, Tapestry, Wiltons, Velvets and Wool, at prices that defy competition; if you are in need •of a Rug, come when the range is the largest. Floor 'Oil .Cloths Floor Oil. Cloth, in t, i?, and 2 yds wide. At 2$e per yaid Best Evidence of the • Splendid Values can Best be Learned by, a Visit to the Store. or. Try a Package of Me1agaanar Tee at tcEwan'e popery. v.tta Me*d*y Poll your votes early. If you .want good roads; and streets well lighted. Mark your ballot for then]. Conucll Meeting Council will meet nn Monday even. ing of next week. An important ques- tion will be ''Will the two .bylaws be read the third time?" It will be for the electors to decide. New Rigs a During the past week T W Clliott, the well known lively man, has placed a number of new buggies and a two- seated pleascre rig in his barn, Mr Elliott believes in beiugup-to•date and pleasing his customers. Here's An Idea A number of wire receptacles for waste paper, etc., have been placed on the sides of poles at intervals through out the business centre of the town. The above is clipped from the Listowel Banner and the receptacles would be a good thing if a few were placed in the front streets of Clinton, Keep Tour Dog Muzzled The danger period for dogs is' not vet over and.no relaxation of the muS,z- ling order for dogs should be allowed. Parties who permit their dogs togo unmuzzled run the risk of having them shot,as well as laying themselves open too a fine. Now Era Oct. 2S, 1909 Last Friday Miss Mountcastle kindly gave us a NEwEit . dated January 6th, which was missing from our file, and we now ask our readers to look and see if a New ERA dated Oct, 28, 1000,. can be found so that we may have the year. complete. We are indeed indebt- ed to Miss Mountcastle for the one handed in. • Carpet -Ball League Standing • \Von Lost ' L. O. L 12. 8 600 (1, O, F'. 0•. 7 W. O. W. 8 10 I O F 8 10 A. O. F. 7 9 ,mist Two Other Days The Barrie Saturday .mornilig has the following. comment to . make ; Christmas Day is to be dry hereafter in Ontario, New Year's is also when- ever municipal elections are held on that day. The 17th of March and the 12th of July willprobably be the next dates when the bars will be banished.. Drivers Be Careful Dont drive over boulevards or leave your horse .untied on the streets. Driving over boulevards or cutting street corners spoils good looking streets, leaving horses untied on the streets is a dangerous practice, to say nothing of the damagethat may, re- sult. The Police should enforce both laws to the limit. . Front Old Country • . 1NTSUIMIKM=NeW CLINTON NEW ERA DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ocn.. hs, t Specialist.. will be at W. 8. R Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday May 24th. Glasses property_fitted: deafness, catarrh and fauling eyesight treated, ' All day. Married Monday Monday of this week a quiet wed- ding took place at the Wesley church parsonage, when W. J. Jolliffe, B O L, united in marriage Miss Minnie Wes- ton, of Goderich Township, but who has resided in Clinton, and Mr. Archie Agnew. The happy couple left on the four train for Detroit. The many friends of the young couple all wish them happiness and prosperity. New 1Viitd4Ws • New plateglass windows.were placed in the stores of A. J. Morrish and Geo. Barge this week." ' Also We windows in,the-sttores'of Tozer 46' Brown and1. ' Fred Jaoksofr were lowered and. refit • tel. , < .. . • 562 944 444 437 3 earls Corn Yeas or Tomatoes for We Wonder When 1 ' • Engagem%nt Anicoltniecd Rev. W. M: Martin, B. D.,'and Mrs. Martin, of London South, formerly of Exeter, announce the engagement of their daughter, Anna Elizabeth, to Dr John Nisbet Gunn, of Calgary,;Aita., son of . Mr. and Mrs. Hector Gunn, of Toronto. The marriage will take place •i about the end of May, The ,'many friends in town of Dr. John Gunn will extend, congratulations to him, The Dr. was very popular while practising here with his uncle, Dr. Gunn, and Miss Martin is also well-known here, having sung in the churches at differ-. ent times • Watch for This Spttce each Week WILL INTEREST YOUgmmai You can proht by this Special Selling Event. We have decided to adopt a Special Weekly Cash Bargain List, quoting cut prices on a number of articles every week, and at prices that w ill compare with any : of ..the city stores. 11 List of Our'Speciizil Cash Prices .for all Next Week. The warm season will soon be he here. Secure a good Gaso- line Stove at a low price: $4 50 Gasoline Stove for $4.00 6.50 Gasoline Stove for 6,00 17.00 Gasoline Stove for 14.50• 18 Op Gasoline Stove for 15.50 A Saving in Shovels. -Long handled, round point shovels, for 45c Long handled, round point Shovels, extra quality, solid steel shank, only 65c Wood handled Wire Toasters, reg. 15c for 10c Victor Flour Sifters, reg. 1oC for Seeding is just about over, and this is a good time for Fencing, ,especial�l_y� as our price for Coiled Spring Wire,�rfor all next week. Will be only; 43x+'} 5 Here is a Bargain in lawn ]Howells $4.75 Lawn Mowers for' ..$4.25 5.00 Lawn M)wers for .. 4.50 5.50 Lawn Mowers for . 5.00 6.00 Lawn Mowers, bail bear- ings, for.,.,.,,$5.50 Oil can, filled with• oil, thrown in 5 -foot Step Ladders ........650 6 foot Step Ladders 75e Oval Tin Pudding Dishes for Se Oval Tin Pudding Dishes with rim, for Se 4 gal, Galvanized Gasoline Clans, with air pressure .pump, pre- vents all evaporation, regular price, S145,'for... , ......$1.2 5 1 secondhand family Sewing Machine.* -$3,00; 1 Ma• l e frwng Lathr, $4.00 Agtetiii4 for Slierwhi Williams Paint find Dnstbaane. liARLANI): I3 .•OS„.. S $TO1tES AND INAKOWARE. When are the" open air Band 25e. at Mee roan's Groceryc con - cots to begin i' ! Saturday Afternoon Oil' To the Street Committee µ l :Commencing last Saturday the em: • loyees of the Doherty'Piano -it Organ a rd afternoon "vin Stu a t h o'v`iri'•'ofa Co., arch g y Gentlemen ,-1 • eg leave to draw p your attention o t e o et g holidays,", The Bas :ball club of the drain or culverts 'on +t19e -west side of Albert St., opposite Fair's mill, It is ; Factory have started to make goo dangerous to pedestrians. I tripped. use. of the, holiday by practicing at the. on it and had a severe fall this morn- •I park. . ing and might: easily have had broken • Of Mrs 1V>tu .McMath bones. Trusting that you will see to DCailat its; safety. 1 remain, Our Wali Paper Stock is a collection of newness .arid originality, An extensive variety, surpassingly fine in its comple to ness, IVfany meritorious patterns and colorings and its expanse offers an inviting field for selection • as well as novel and useful suggestions for a pro- per and practical decoralion. --•rer,rarignerallar7 1'HE Wo D Pair eo. , OFTEN„ THE, CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST AND Retailers of much Wall Paper of the better class. O •••••••••••••••••••••••7•• SPRING i TERM . g • w.> 0 j • • From March son merges into our V • Sutnmer Session from. July 4th and ,.i affords continuous opportunity for . • • . bright young people to qualify for • good. business positions.' 0 u r • • School, THE CENTRAL BUSI- • • NESS COLLEGE OF TORONTO. . 0 0 invites your consideration. Cats- • logue mailed free pn reuuest. • n Last Tuesday a family by the name of Fesk, came to Clinton, sent by the Salvation Army to work for a farmer near here but when they arrived the farmer did notwant them. The Sal- vation Army Stiff here •gotthem ay house and fixed them as comfortable as-possible-and-the=head of -the -house'- is now working with the Waterworks contractor. • There • passed' away, on Monday, April 20th, A RATEPAYER 25th•inst., Mrs. Wm. McMath, mother • ' of our townsman, Mr Jas. i4lcMath, in 5+takes Moved veil • her $o .h year. The funeral place Barn n Do of to=day ('Thursday,) to Dungannon Last, Week 16. Fitzsimons Uptight the Cemetery. f ame barn on• the x.roperty rete lt1y. . by Frank" O'N it and moved it to his Work Of. An Artist own property as there was nobarn an a theproperty he purchased. Last Saturday, the Editor of The Brief' Locals May flowers are blooming. 1 New Era received by rnai .a folder on which was .the pictures of Xing Ed.. ward and Queen Alexandria, and also a book, full ofillustrations of the Sunday will be May Day, The silt- wonderful papers, The Montreal Star mer weather will soon be here, and Family Herald and Weekly Star Irrespective of the size of your house A small card dropped out of the book endeavor co make your lawn the finestwith the senders name. Mr Hugh. G and most attractive in town; Brewer formerly of town but now in poles on the streets. TheyMontreal. We return our thanks to Pafnt the P' Mr Brewer. for the: kindnessof sending are disfigurin>t even when paintee. the folder and book to us. ' . They look hideous without paint. Resolve never to throw paper on the Choir Entertained streets. Now that the streets are clean Last Thursday evening Wesley let us all make an effort to keep them Church Choir was entertained at the clean, • • home of their leader and Organist, Every effort put forth ordollar spent prof. Brown. After an ' enjoyable to improve. our town's appearance will evening spent the choir decided to be returned two -fold in the satisfaction oxganize and have officers and the fnhowing were chosen• -Hon. Pres.. LogkS Good • The new To'runto Star Weekly looks good to the New Bra and willnodoubt go aliead"with Joe Clark at its helm. The Weekly. has good writers and in- teresting articles have already appear ed: The management made a -wise move :in placing Mr Clark as Editor ,as hisaarticlee are always interesting to the .readers., Does •Advertising Pay This question has been asked thous- ands of times and we can say yes to the question. "Last Thursday; John Leslie , the' well•known Carriage Maker of Clinton placed a four inch advertisement in the NEw ERA and in the evening Mr Leslie , called into the bifice:and said he sold a buggie the direct result of the ativt, in the paper This ought to prove tothe hardheart- ed that advertising'tto'ea pliy .,--•,•-• guaranteed. • Destroy the young weeds that are starting on your property and your surroundings wilt be unproved through Secretary, F H Chant; Treasurer,Miss out the season. -N Hill; Convenor of Social Committee South Huron LicensesMiss It Doherty. A vote of thanks was tendered to Prof, and Mrs Brown. At a meeting' of the Board of License Commissioners held. at Hensall, on Mother Dread April 23rd, the Licenses granted •for On Saturday afternoon of last week the License District of South Huron at Guelph, after a brief illness, Mrs A. ore as follows:-- iieCranston died at the residence of her smi in-law, Rev R d M Glassford. Deceased wasrborn in the' County of Hatton seventy-six years ago, but all of her married' life was spent in the township of Albion, county ot Peel, where she resided for nearly 48 yyears. V Hotel,when his hotel is completed; She is a rgived by her husband, one p % daughter, Mrs R J M Glassford. and .T Perrnin, Commercial Hotel. six sons -Mr 0 J Cranston, Caledon, Rev,:.W J. J'bliffe',' President, 11 I+: Rorke; 1st Vice President, Miss L Reid; 2nd Vice President, Miss Turner Bayfield --.Mrs M. Elliott, Albion Hotel; W Jlianlon° Commercial Hotel, 1 month to seil out. Exeter --L W Palmer, Commercial Hotel; W T Atcheson, Central Hotel; J Morley, Metropolitan Hotel, Hensel'. -- Jas Coxworth, Queen's Where You Vote • •Following are the Polling booths for the two Bylaws next Monday and. the men who will look after your vote : - Polling. Sub -Division No. 1 -St, An- drews Ward, at the Town Hall, Wel- ter Manning Deputy Returning Offi- cer, E. Saville. P011 9CLerk. P o 1 l in g• Sub -Division No. 2 -St, James Ward,at the Apple Evaporator, 1. D. Jobnson,•Deputy tteturuingOffi- cer, A. F. Cudmore, Poll Clerk. W. H. SHAW i:'rinolpal. • • • Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto - • • ••••NN•••••••••••••••••• warm weather, Subscribe Now The NEw ERA till January •1st, 1911, for new subscribers for 50 cents. Sub- scribe now, A. new story will be start B>! iellets. • THE spraying season is on with the fruit growers. 'HORSEMEN get your route cards at the NEW ERA, office. A shortage in maple syrup has,. prompted Jack Oonuck to get, busy hunting up substitutes. The craze to shootbirds, squirrels and other animals is robbing Ontario forests of the life which make . our woodlands charming resorts.. ed in a week or se: Ice-cream parlor are being put in cheerful order for the approaching; _ - Housecleaning le now in order, Re - 40c, Black Tea Special for 25e at Mc- ceptions and "at homes" are unsea- Ewan's grocery, . , sonable until the carpets are dusted and clean curtains adorn parlor win - 50 Years The Editor doves With last•week's issue of the :Mit-.1 Tuts is the season of the year when chell Advocate, W. R. Davis celebrat- the amateur gardener sits up nights ed the fiftieth anniversary of both the reading the seed catalogue and fignxrea paper and his as Editor. The NEw out how many of the gorgeously hued ERA extends congratulations to the 20xplants30, and flodwersclay, hebeltcan. raise in his backyar A Chat about the S. 'A. Hay.- R. R, Johnston, Dominion Rote', Zurich; J P Ilan, Commercial Hotel, Zurich; „Mrs Wm Nicholson, Blake iio;el, 3 mos. to make necessary improvements. Stephen -- Wm Moffatt, Duiterln House, ilentralia;A.ugnst Iiill,Oentral Hotel, Crediton; Ezra Brenner, Breni •ner;fiouse,Grand Bend; WniZi'mmer. ;Cosi nieifcial Hotel. ,il!ltsliVrood; B Caw. nfnghama, Wihiva hotel, ,KKl iva; Jos. ' East; Rev J A Cranston, Collingwood; Mr R J Cranstoii,Caledon, East; Rev. R A Cranston, Palmerston; Rev, W. T Cranston, Delaware; and Dir D L Cranston, mathematical master of Port Arthur High School. The inter - relent took place on Tuesday from the old home, Caledon,East, to Bolton Cemetery. Deceased was woman of the highest personal diameter, and will he mourned by a wide circle et I Ziler, Ontario 'louse, Mt. Carmel, friends. Dir. L(yranstltl, wai•torni- .wos extensionto see if hewill ilond tc erly a teacliar lin. tin . G. (i..i tld. is lila house properly. A, Clark, IJredi• married to at dafig;hter of JrJbled Mrs ton, 3 mos to dispose hisstock. J :Torrance. +..e',^rai �: y• w,dit...v _• • ., i..,,1.. a,:1:E41i .,-{ -=`d '„ . W.; .;d.•...::.. flt, Editor and his paper. A Great Scarcity • Although the Clinton Business Coll- ege is affiiated with a Chain of Schools Army is doing in Canada:- training eleven hundred students per We have 904 Social Institutions. 20, year, Mr. Spotton informs us he. is 000 persons sleep underour roofs every unable to . fid hundreds of excellent, in who would either be homeless osiitions offered his. graduates. HeGln the haunts of vice_,a,nd shame if they were not with us. We also sup• ply about 20,000 cheap and .free Meals every day. During the last twelve months we have supplied 59,743 men • with either temporary or permanent work. Then listen to the following A short paragraph given below gives the .readers an idea what the Salvation repot1 s a great deart - of malc-steno- graphers. Rayner-Suitter. ' A pretty wedding took place at the hofne of Mr. and Mrs. • Lewis Suitter,' list; showing what was doneinGanada Glencoe, on Saturday.afternoon.' April last year : 2nd, at 2 o'clock, . when • their eldest 'Helpless little children cared for 991; daughter; May, ,cv.Ls 'united in 'mar- unfortunate girls received :into our riage to Harold Rayner, youngest son' homes, 1,010 ; No. of girls left homes of Dr. and Mrs.,A. C. Rayner, of Pres. and prisoners doinginterviewsatisfactorilyed,2$,336 No , 855 ; No...of , ton, England. While the wedding • . of march was being played by Miss Bain, of met on discharge, 1,953 ;No. •of ex -Prisoners found -employment, of Woodstock, the couple took their 813 ; No. of Meals stand under an alcove of carnations _ supplied' ex -Prison - and pine, the ceremony being perform oners, 4,:;x14 ;. No, pieces clothing given ed byRev. George Weir. Little Miss ex -Prisoners, 1,930; No of ex -Prisoners JaneElliott, daintily dressed in pale: 1 disindzwith fares,lieo12to ex-Prisoners,ght' blue silk,' acted as flower girl, they ' 2,785, g ' Up 'be- ing otherwise unattended. The bride was -beautifully: gowned in ivory satin, with to1levei and-"orang orange blossoms, After the ceremony; the guests, nail- .t a� '" at d . w o ..da. r ••abouta n Abe 1, h le luncheon. Mr, and `Mrs.' Rayner by the C. P. R., at 5 o'clopk for Tor - 'onto amid the best wishes'of their. many friends. They were the recipi- te of many beautiful and valuable Polling Sub -Division No, 3-St.Johns Ward, at the Clinton Thresher • Co. of- fice, .1, C. McMath, Deputy Returning Officer, H. Alexander, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No. ` 4. -St. Georges Ward at Leslie's Carriage Shop, S, J. Andrews • Deputy Return- ing Officer, Jim. Cnnninghame, Poll. . Clerk. 4.4.4•+++++++++4•4••i••II••l•++•1•i• lek++4r• •i•+4-1•.b++•i•'.4•+ 4i.++++++ i.+++ Y +++++++*+++4 ++++4 +++++++++ 4.+4.44++++++++++SII• k++_ 1-1 '•§r•t 114 en gifts, testifying to the high esteem in which they are held. Those who at.' tended` the wedding from a distance were': -Mrs, Bain and' Miss Bain, of , Woodstock ; Mrs. Stricker,' of Berlin ; Mrs. Campbell, of Milbank ; Mr. and Mrs. Ackert.; of Ingersoll Mr, Gray, of Ingersoll ; Mr. and Mrs. T. X. Poole, of London, and M. C. Elliott, of Inger- s >ll. Mr. and Mrs. Rayner have ar- rived in town and has a taken up housekeepingin the home owned by Mrs. French on Townsend Street. QE l� ,T AL- .STRATFORD. 6hiT. -The Great Practical Training School of Ontario. Three departutents, 'COMMER- CIAL, SHORTHAND or TELEGRAPHY, We assist graduates to positions. The de- mand upon us for trained holo greatly ex- celdsthe supply. The threemost recently placed are receiving $40, .$30 and 8100 per month respectively'. Business men state o it graduates are the best. Fnter our classes NOW. Get our free catalogue. . D." A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL' Choir Gives Banquet - An enjoyable evening was spent by the Glencoe Presbyterian. choir in the Sunday School Hall on Friday even ing April 15th when a banquet was tendered to several valued members. who are leaving Glencoe and in con- sequence had to sever their connection' with the choir, The regrettable fea- ture of the occasion was these re- movals, otherwise the evening was one of unalloyed happiness and pleas- ure: A spread of several courses was provided by the ladies that would have done credit to the best caterers. After- wards a, programme of speech was in- troduced, Rev, Mr. Weir presiding, in which the following toasts were hon- ored : -"Our Guests". by M. O. Camp- bell and Lewais Suitter ; "The Choir", by A. E. Sutherland and W. A, Aus- tin ; "The Ladies", by P. B, Wade and John McCracken ; "The New Mem- bers," by Mr. Austin 1 -"Our Congrega- tion", by Mr. Weir and Mr. Strachan. it. selection by the male quartette was very much appreciated. After singing "Auld Lang Syne" and goodbyes were exchanged the gathering dispersed. Mr. Suitter and family are removing to Clinton, where Mr. Suitter purposes engaging in a wholesale and retail grain and feed business. The family will be missed in Glencoe. Mr.Suitter, during his eight years' residence here, took a keen interest in municipal and church affairs, serving on the council and high school boards with credit, and lending his assistance in various w ys to improve the moral and social status of the•community. Mrs. Suitter devoted'much time and energy to the various departments of the church work, where she also. be missed. The NEW ERA joins the citizens of Clinton in welcoming Mr. Suittter apd family to town. elindo Shoes In sone cases it seems impossible for a woman to have her feet successfully fitted, and especially so if a neat and dainty appearance's desired, but the .RELINDO SHOE combines all these, with a certain of satisfaction in wear. The makers of-RELINDO SHOES for 'women areexp erts in the' selection of lasts and measure - merits and make nothing but women's shoes. Agent ut Exclusive RD JACKSON Rw a lires you � art +++.+++$14++++4.+4+++++ t•44i'.1.1'4.MM44'a,.I„g"t•.t"t,M.t,.ta.. ,t'.l'.g' +++++++++•l••l•• ++++++++++1•• e'i!+c'""1'40143• +4+ ;+401:•5 4.44 .•rt+ +'M+ �r•' ++ .,..✓ a :< i r, ,..W"_f ,Y:d-.w rs. ..h..x. .ra , t -J: ,7....,.,, .. i �;�.r•.,. ,,sX`.:.: .i....w.L.4,"�•.x,;.,3.,, Ca. dvY_:..e..,.,a,,..fa' :. .. 1 +G'3..•7N?R+.'..r' as . °_s. 0.1',41.? .Mlk."d;" <.:.sMf;�`dtif!"ila';?4ft".!tipc:'.�r - • ; �..Wa•. -,+r�,.4.. :"f• '.t'.'i4.,. ..�;tAw�'.Rzu'a•..-sq.'s;. J 1 , •