HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-04-14, Page 55 ; T,ry
AP61:1.>lth 1010
T1 _ 9 7 r,{..•- ,. �.....,... - - . .-, _• � •, w? - % - - ..¢- : �", - �;u "'p` -11 - yi. .`'t ".,...,".'
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- � 7
1 i
r i $ XarWges a Vi1s
. 1
�iscountI +
• ."�� .i,
S. �+
a I
a .
44 . .
. + We are offering the
," . large discount of 5 We $0 +
I * per cent. on every line of
China in stock, This is •+
. " a great opportunity to +:
• purchase pieces of Fancy +
�a 1 Nina at greatly, reduced t.
. prices during rile next 30.
• h e
days. Dgsigns of t
+ br ghtest�and daintiest ar ,
+ titles are shown. �"
P -.... 1:A.L+ :
+ I+l.
A 66 iece Tea Set
M of Haviland. t i m o g e s t
+' Clhina, for I1;6.5o. Regu* 'I:
+, lar price was $27,501
• J� r 1 I
+ Jeweler and Optician,
VIssuer of Marriage Iieensele
4 ,
Superitltend. Systematic ' ( 1
Mrs, R. J. Miller, Mrs, Cosens was'ap.
pointed delegate to the , Brancli,x}7Qet- :
i n to be held i Windsor and Mra
g. n W
1t a th .well to theDietric„ Convention to
be in Blyth•
At the annual meeting of the Trans.
fer.Committee of theMethodist church
belt! in Toronto last week from Lon-
don Conference: •-Superannuated min-
Intern-, Rom M L. Pearon; Rev. A Lang.
ford ` or to Toronto.
'bot Active .minie-
ters; -Rev OF Salton, of Stratford to
Saskatchewan. Ministers to London
Conference; Rev F M Woolton, from
nkat • Re J 1
a chewan, v . Durrant, from
New Brunswick.,
' . '.
All.tho hemlets have beau, called in,
' r
caps will be used • exclusively in
Any perAon fovnd cutting timber, dig-
of Toronto being unable to preach
camp 'this year,. although many of the
KING XcUILL AN•.- By' Rev. J. A
next Sunday; the morning. -and even-
ear Gita hat's a in
w w w s..
r; 9, Hallett, will be prossouted. Im
ing.services will be conducted bythe
Smith, Pastor of Centenary Metho
__ ~
-Pastor.. The Sunday. Rev.
also..- Aif issue of new of an
' Boase To Lc
dist Church ow ril list, bliss Isahell ,,
W.1+. King, bath Rain
olive-green shade is to be made some
time t`liis year; blit it will not be made
in time.for camp.
Maldillan to .L Of
The Sundav School Aiiniversary her-
mons will be reached next Sunda
. "
Sous. t f.
morning and evening by Rev.Dr. Dot .
4 -
cLDtelCl At UDC
all of. Kxoderich. " n "t a afternoon, gall, , I he ft noon,
an open session of the 'school ill.
e w be:
P _ ,. h
Annual Oonventlon.of Methodist Wo
$ANNA••^-i8W1'I2RR-At Clintoll
. men's Missionary Society.
April zParsouliat
b ep
�<> ,'
Mesh distn ge, Rev. T.Sc
ley Voeons. Norman Rating. of .Sea
forth,: to Miss Gladys, Isabel Switzer,
'services are anticipated. On -the fol.,.
lowing' Monday evening Dr 'Dougall
of Tuckeromitb.
JO ..l'•
:_, _ 4
of .april12tb, by Rev. Dr, Medd, u
Forest. Miss Lulu M.. daughter of Mrs
Wm-•faudmore of Exeter, to W. R
will be given, Rev. Mr. Cosens 'Will
preach in Goderich on Sunday. .
ided into•.tbree periods, viz„ morning
session at 10:30 o'clock-; afternoon
a 8Numm
I >W
[ Rortont. aP Lethbripge, Alberta.
session at -2: 30 o'clock, and the evo i-
The 1ntei national Roble 1�0
Methodist Church held on Monday..
STIRLING -In Goderich Tp.; on
Western. Canada
evening,the fr officers were.
elected: -Honorary President Rev.. T.
R ... n P'
Tuesday. April 12th, Eliza Stonebous e
, wife of Oacltge Sterling, aged 45'. Tears,
bar ad
e e _ y a Blyth delegate, to which
Mr's: '(Rev.) Conway, Nile
Througli the metropolis t ourti 2nd Vile' President, Miss
thence via Duluth and Fort Frances, Dell Taylor; 3rd ice President: Mrs
D Mrs
. * ' ,4"-'
Cfo 0
q AC1HESON•-In. Gaiderlch Tp,, n? Bp
ll 8th Robert Aohescn in bis 76th
and St. Pauls.
ea oils a
of Minn I
. Adam Mc Murray; Recording Secre-
( tary, Harold Pickett; Cor.: Secretary,
meedu ill e offered-; e
w b aff there will be
g ,
greetjngs..from sister •societies, to "
Homeseekers Miss Rena Pickett; Treasurer. De-
I , .". _ I
,7. ear.
erioh, will reply -; Mrs. %.Sparling;. of
Winghana, will give,a paper .on "The
dditles and xlleavel'ties
BRIUKEND> N-;- In Clinton, o
April Rh, John' 13rickenden, aged 7
League Gf the. Ontario Street' Metho-
i Aprik 199 ilial' a rd and 17th dist Church held last; . Friday evening
• exist
years 2months 4pd8'days.
Zp the evening chair will be
MOON,ln • l3ullett, on Saturday,
Proportionate rates to other points dent, Grace Walker; 3rd ^trice Weal- P
dent, Morwennow J'udd;4th Vice Pres"
ar�oe aeI.. Iry.
April 9th, 'Edith M..11,.,t eldest dough
'ter p $enry B. and MOO., Moon, aged
f: 13 t3
Blyth Mission Band ;Nita. (Rev.) F. J.
Oaten will a.ige an address on' (Rev..)
9 years d 1 yontha and 14 days,a
gation Company, Aid of the Ontario Street Methodist
: . o
CAMPBELL:,- $Q11XZLL-� At til e
Uur Commisaign.' J. Ii. Leech, Or
.. .
f preabvxerinia mange, Grand Bend, ou
A O Pattison, Depot agent 1st Vice President, Mrs T3 Wiltse; 2nd
We,cewry;a notable; stook .of
,April4th,Mies•l,mmw tizabethSchnel
I'iCeventiolt Of TubereuYbsis •
Watches, fhlQake, Golil .end Dia.
' daughter pf .lohn Setuaell,of Zurtch,to
C77 NewDiscovenesbyanold physician The annual meeting of the W, M.'S,
N. C:N.Tabletsforinternal use. C.N. A ,of the Ontario St, Methodist Church
mond Riti�@, ftipd ,rnh>ly oth,e r'
e� e C to el of. Edmonton,
or ball
Mr e • B & p ,
of the crusade against con-
It an pre'tty-,%ings that
'Bask..' , ,
I, ing effects then has ever before been offered. 9 Mrs. Rev.) Cosens
• erers from vitat weakness and lost vigor. that ,1st.Vice !'resident
Mrs,: G. Oourtloe • 2od is
make a. nue is the d .. laY' in h
._ _�..
" 1n W ash n o
gt n, . the autumn
of 1908 to consider the further
JEWrtmep line. Cur tt y of
Department is also worthy of
1%%,,%1 rV %V,% %%,%*%0W
rch Chimes 0
1 six cents postage. Address-7'NE NEriVINECO. Rathwell; Trees„ Mrs, James Steep;
Call in and look over
anads in common with the rest of
Our Fine Stock.
Back of our Furniture .
gated in the renewed and increased ac
tiv ty which resulted from the dellber.
a anniversar sermons .will k e
I The Y m
atfoils of the congress.
-, , j:;; '•
reaohed ,l;iy Rev.:. McGillivray,, of
!I . L r
Lin !._ _ I S o M E F IT A N Y.T Ii R B
W. H.
• '
Willis Church, on Sabbath:
� May Sth. e: is a fine preacher and
a r.
1 orh ern .
w t ,
el _ h t
} a g
C Rev Mr Hamilton, of Goderich,
Jeweler and"Optician- 'I
preached very acceptably on Sunday
last. The music by the choir was
( rendered .with good effect„ Miss Edith
i Torrance, who left last week for Tor•
onto ,will be early missed in the
Clintont o
Market Report k
1 0 r Glenn Cook who
Cholr,.a.s will IFS .M G n ..
left'this week for Petroha,
Corrected every Thursday afternoon
Last Monday evening the Youn -
i People's Guild' held their monthl Y
Wheat, (new)........ 1 02 to 1 03'
social evening, . The children were
...........035 to 0
Oats (old). 40
, ( )
also a Home Mission Ban
a s resent and
Barley ............... 0 45 to 0 49
was organized by Mrs., (Rev). Larkin',
Peas ................. 0 75 to 0 $0
of Seaforth. Mr. Cowen, of Seaforth,
Eggs ................. 0 17 to 0 18-
'0 22
was also p�resent and delivered an ad
Butter ............... u 21. to
Hogs .................. 9 35 to 9 35
dress on Missions. The officers of the
band wet -e eleeted •as follows :. Hon _:
Potatoes .::.......... 0 30 to 0 30
orary President -Mrs. (Dr) Stewart
President; -Mrs. J. McUodd ;gist. Vic 0
President -Laurie Greig; 2nd Vic
Kitchen Girl Wanted
• Se re
President -Marjorie Chowan , c
tary-Hazel, ('Neil ; Pioneer Secretary
-dean Scott; Treaeurer-Wille Hall
(food wages. Apply- Joe .lia.tenliar
PP Y y
Pianist -Gladys Chowen. A shot
attenbnr House. R y $
program was then given after wfiic
refre hments were stye The e served... es
ecutive of this band will meet.. Friday
evening at th@:home of Mrs.J.11dcLeod
The undersigned is prepared when
WESLEV . , : :
season opens to take cattle and horses
to pasture, For terms apply to
The Pastorwill-preach' on Sunda
next his morning subject -"Su . plica.
Saints Evenin
. n
.-tion;fonall .sub'ect.,
'Immortality," BI.11 are .welcome.
The annual meeting.of tlae W. M. S
will be in Sunday
•••- --
held the .Schon
room tkiiw-Thursday: evening - at
Good girl wanted, for general housework.
o'clock. Election of Officers and other
Apply to MRS. T JACKSON, Jr., High St.
Different Corps Will Be At Lon.
don in Jeune are Announced.
G The following . troops will go into
h training at, London when cam opens opens
• on Carling's Heights on June 13, -First
l f n r Brigade., composed of the
. Twenty sixt(Mddlesex, Twenty.
seventh (Lambton), Twenty=eighth
P th) ntg Se o d 1 f t
• ( er regime c n n an r
Brigade, composed of the Twenty
v ninth (Waterloo), Thirtieth (Welling:
ton), Thirty-second (Bruce), " .and,
. -Thirty-third" (Hurons) -xe iments : No.
I Company, :Qanadian Army Slervice •
S. Corps, section A. No. 15 Field Ambu
1 lance 06rps,'Signalling Corps of :Mill
8. tary District No. 1, K Company.of the
Royal Canadiali Regiment, No 1 de.-
tachment of the Cada Tian Army Pay
' . '.
All.tho hemlets have beau, called in,
' r
Owing to.,Rev. C. J. Cameron, B.A.,. Wand
caps will be used • exclusively in
Any perAon fovnd cutting timber, dig-
of Toronto being unable to preach
camp 'this year,. although many of the
�' on
in on Lite 12 and 13 _4companiesill
ging or trespassing
next Sunday; the morning. -and even-
ear Gita hat's a in
w w w s..
r; 9, Hallett, will be prossouted. Im
ing.services will be conducted bythe
the past, -and have.' caps with them
__ ~
-Pastor.. The Sunday. Rev.
also..- Aif issue of new of an
' Boase To Lc
Mr. Cameron is expected to be present. ,
olive-green shade is to be made some
time t`liis year; blit it will not be made
in time.for camp.
House to Let. Apply to J. Twitchell
The Sundav School Aiiniversary her-
mons will be reached next Sunda
. "
Sous. t f.
morning and evening by Rev.Dr. Dot .
. , ;fVILL ZpCElET'AT; IiLYTI[ ,
4 -
cLDtelCl At UDC
all of. Kxoderich. " n "t a afternoon, gall, , I he ft noon,
an open session of the 'school ill.
e w be:
P _ ,. h
Annual Oonventlon.of Methodist Wo
. -
he d pben a special; address to child t
. men's Missionary Society.
re will be, tf'eliveied.., - S ec`al music
P 1
n capable- wd4n an for
Gl bbd girl r P
will` be fu ni shed and ver i tercet"
r n . In
Y g
T e annual co v t n of the • e
h nen io God
- housework. Highest `wages Apply
by letter or personally to Mrs S. H.
'services are anticipated. On -the fol.,.
lowing' Monday evening Dr 'Dougall
richDiatrict Women's Missionary Sec
lett' will • be• held, in the Methodist
Smith.. Hotel '_Normandie. 1 t.
will ive his
s le tura on Ben
chureh,'Blyth, on Thursday; April 21
Her", when 100 .stereroptican views
The, program for the day will -be div-•
a s
will be given, Rev. Mr. Cosens 'Will
preach in Goderich on Sunday. .
ided into•.tbree periods, viz„ morning
session at 10:30 o'clock-; afternoon
a 8Numm
At the annual meeting of the Ep-•,
worth' League of the Ontario tatreet
session at -2: 30 o'clock, and the evo i-
The 1ntei national Roble 1�0
Methodist Church held on Monday..
'ing session. at 8' o'clock. •
At the afternoon session Mrs: Har.
Western. Canada
evening,the fr officers were.
elected: -Honorary President Rev.. T.
neon, of .London, will •give a ` Bible
;.dnaddress of welcome will
W. Cosens; President, Miss Minnie`
of Chicago, = Ker; list Vice President. 'Miss Hattie
bar ad
e e _ y a Blyth delegate, to which
Mr's: '(Rev.) Conway, Nile
Througli the metropolis t ourti 2nd Vile' President, Miss
thence via Duluth and Fort Frances, Dell Taylor; 3rd ice President: Mrs
D Mrs
of will reply.
The-distriot.organizer will be,nomina.t-,
or tbrough Chicago and the twin titres .
S Downs, 4th Vice President,
ed ;invitations as to the next place of
and St. Pauls.
ea oils a
of Minn I
. Adam Mc Murray; Recording Secre-
( tary, Harold Pickett; Cor.: Secretary,
meedu ill e offered-; e
w b aff there will be
g ,
greetjngs..from sister •societies, to "
Homeseekers Miss Rena Pickett; Treasurer. De-
which,Mrs. (Rev. Dr,) Dougail,of Glod- :
Witt Assistant Pian st,iMi siss tv4 "t'-.
erioh, will reply -; Mrs. %.Sparling;. of
Winghana, will give,a paper .on "The
EXCfirslolls At theannualmeetss ' of the Junior
white Slave Traffic"; paper will be
read b Mrs. Tre artha of Holmes -
League Gf the. Ontario Street' Metho-
i Aprik 199 ilial' a rd and 17th dist Church held last; . Friday evening
ville, and the question drawer will. be
read answered by Miss Freeman, of
'Winnipeg and return $32.00 the following officers were elected:-
Su erintendent ,
Edmonton and return $42.50 P � ,• Mrs ; Rev. Oo9ens•.
Zp the evening chair will be
President, Elmer Beacons; lit Vice
Tickets good for 60 days. President, olive Cole; gad Vice.Presi-
. ,the
taken by Rev.' W. R. Oooper,of Blyth','
Proportionate rates to other points dent, Grace Walker; 3rd ^trice Weal- P
dent, Morwennow J'udd;4th Vice Pres"
who will: give an address ; missionary
concert exercises will be given b the
n y'✓ h
in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al•
harts. Above rates apply on certain iclent; Cela Beacon: ;Secretary, Zulu
Blyth Mission Band ;Nita. (Rev.) F. J.
Oaten will a.ige an address on' (Rev..)
es via Sarnia and Northern Navi- Howe; Treasurer, Fred Thompson.
gat At the annual meeting of the Ladies
Place in Worldwinnill"'• and Mrs.
'of will on_'
gation Company, Aid of the Ontario Street Methodist
Harrison, London, speak
St cure tibkets and full information Church, the following officers were
Uur Commisaign.' J. Ii. Leech, Or
from elected:-President,.lVtra.Jaeob Taylor;
ger. .. 1 .
A O Pattison, Depot agent 1st Vice President, Mrs T3 Wiltse; 2nd
. ' •
JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agent Vice President, Mrs Janet Smith; Rem
cording Secretary, Mrs R B Carter;
I'iCeventiolt Of TubereuYbsis •
Treasurer Mrs John G}ibbings.
C77 NewDiscovenesbyanold physician The annual meeting of the W, M.'S,
N. C:N.Tabletsforinternal use. C.N. A ,of the Ontario St, Methodist Church
The year 1909 will be marked in the
calendar as area letter in the
1 local nouriaher for external use.
AND local
in conjunct- `pee held Tuesday evening. The fol,i
of the crusade against con-
The two -both used
ion at the same time produces more lowing Officers "Were � electod:-$on.
C.N. A■ invigorating, vitalizing and rejuveniatt- eresident, Mrs. S. Crich
sumption, The movement received a
I, ing effects then has ever before been offered. 9 Mrs. Rev.) Cosens
• erers from vitat weakness and lost vigor. that ,1st.Vice !'resident
Mrs,: G. Oourtloe • 2od is
great impulse from the congress of dig
tin�Xu_ighed physicians which was held
1, U f3. in
one of each e Presi -
saps the pleasures of life, will find ,, ,
V roduces wonderful invigorating. enlarging axil •debt, dors. Janet Smith, 3rd vice Pres-
" 1n W ash n o
gt n, . the autumn
of 1908 to consider the further
lasting results. Free Trial Semple 'sande In Ment Mrs. Janet Smith ; Ree. Secy i
plain package oil receipt of this advertlsmeatand Mrs.'�W. Manning; Cor. Secy., Mrs, S.
measures to be taken to stain out
this dte the life
1 six cents postage. Address-7'NE NEriVINECO. Rathwell; Trees„ Mrs, James Steep;
idful enemytoy and
ha piness of mankid.
• 90 VICTORIA AVE.. wn?nsoit, ONT.02"ADA
anads in common with the rest of
" .. ... ... ..
' ..
North America,perhaps we should say
the whole civilized world, has
Back of our Furniture .
gated in the renewed and increased ac
tiv ty which resulted from the dellber.
.' G •
(/; �° `
atfoils of the congress.
%' �J z
;r is our guarantee and that of the maker
�Veversince the •organization of the
Canadian Association for the Proven.
!I . L r
Lin !._ _ I S o M E F IT A N Y.T Ii R B
tion of Tuberculasis has there been
suchactivity dianlaverl in Ca.nn.d,i. in
to put together merely to sell'. Curs is
(lade' bly "experts for long and eatisfaot-
ory+ tsae, Ana this serbieeablenese' is
combined with an artisoo appmranoe
Which ; renoers it unsually attractive.
A'visit to our wareroome will pleaso
both yourself and us.
, .
71ie" Cheapost Spot ha :l°3 &OP ifs! lilsy' all kinds 61 Parbiittre.
��••��, r r. a PURNITuRE AND
a..V V Y E�,1►t &' BALL, MaRTAV-6
new associations, have been- formed
which are showing in many oases a
vigorous activity. Several new in
stttutione for the relief and treatment
of consumptives have been opeinod
and the demand for our literature has
been larger than ever. Take it all in
all low was a :year of sweat nrourepa in
in Montreal on
ike this one of thl
meeting in the
A• High O rade
The three factors in the so -
�beir slic.
ed. This
tial pres-
with :the
Spring Term Opening$
Manch 29t1t and April 4till i
Write for particulars , R
. -, %
-- _ .
GEO. SPOTTON, Wincipal. t
,..,.... ,,N,•..,..,...,,H,,:,1..,• ..............0.40....40w.,,,,. 01
J ,iter •C"!uIture
W en the " time comes tor,. setting.
at e,plante dig 'the ground over
lalloy raking the top flue and smooth.
ake wbole with a spit .or. garden
rowel deep enough to tboroughly
,overall the roots, Hold •the' plant
vith one hand and with the e o r
w the
)our on sufficient water tQ wash floe
larticies of earth all over the roots.
When this, has been done to all . the
ili,nte finish filling the hole with fine
fry earth, Part of this fine earth' will
kbsorb,anp surplus water from around
:he roots leaving the groundidstmdist-
inou h ew root f
a n ormaton, while
:he balance will form a mulch on top.
and prevent the rapid evaporation of
the moisture, in , kiigh case it will not
be necessary to give any, more water
Por the net d'a or o
ac two. Select if '
Y Select.
dull or cloudy day for plant-
ing out, or one in which the sun is not
very strong. I have read where people
recommended "planting out Altera i .
the. blazing sun. Nowt sunshine is
good fol 'Asters and they enjoy it;
but it is, quite possible,- to have too
much even of a good thing,. The As
sters that are planted out in the ,blaz-
ing sun and left without shade , or
shelter, and pull through .such- a try-
ing ordeal, do so in spite of, and not
because of. the'
con itions - un
which they were, set oRt+' Somettees
after -plants are well 'established the
sun beats down so fiercely that, not
withstanding• water and mulch the
noble Aster hangs bis head. It is well
known that plants. root much moire
readily in darkness • than in light and
while Asters like sunlightand sunshine
there-isa time .when•they` have-nat-
suficient strength" to endure: it, and
that time i.awhen first+set out. •In all
the walks of life a. slight : disturbance
of the organic syst,pm -renders indul•
gence, or use of even the common:ne-
cessities of life to, the usual extent in-•
advisable. This.rule is especially.ap-
plicable.to young plant life.
When a young plant has had its
roots t rn.
o and -mutilated
it must be
Iyen a
few a s in i h �o
d wh c .recover
"physical equilibrium.' before it. is
capable of enjoying to the greatest
extent even such'a necessity as bright
sunshine. Some'times nature. voila
old Sol's face in'order to moderate the
-intensity of his fierceness. But , if
nature does not do' it then we must
shade t
h he !ants .for a few daysin'
order to
get the best results.• Shingles
inserted ip'the ground on the sunny
aide in order to ward off the 'midday
sun ill usual
w 1 be euffici nt Or e
- Y }� Y
a be covered
with flower pots aur -
n1! Y
in the ho es
g tt t part of, the day. But
if'young:planta; when: takenfrbm the.
seed bed are..planted singly 'in two-'
inch flower pots, instead of.' boxes or
frames, tbey may be set rightoitt with-
out any disturbance to the roots, and.
will require no shading. B oweyer.
the Aster suffers .as little frpm the
disturbance of transplanting .as -any
Rower growing; and quite frequently
lives in spite of of the crudest and
most tortrous metbodof haudling. .
The distance Aster plants should be
set apart depends on the: 'variety, the
richness of the soil in which they are
to grow and the amount of cultiva-
t ey are, to receive. If the in-
tention is to givedhigh -culture set the
'dwarf varieties eight inches, apart;
Victoria, Daybreak and the other
medium . early varieties twelve to
fifteen inches while bile the late, ran
a b ch-
ine' kinds should have from�eighteen
inches to two feet: • •
To, grow Asters successfully there
are, in addition to rich soil;two things
absolutely necessary, i. o., thorough
tilling of :the soil during the -early
stages of the Aster's. growth, and
frequent water'ings during dry, hot
weather; especially'during the bloom-
ing, period. As soon after each rain
or watering with the hose or watering
pot.as can be done without tbe'grcund
sticking, the surface soil should be
loosened with a hoe or'small rake to -a
depth pf one and one half to twt
inches Care should be taken, how,
ever, not to hoe too closely to tb(
plant at this, depth as the Aster throw
roots very close to the surface soil
not onlyprevents the formation of 8
crust which would exclude the air ani
smother the roots but it enageia thi
roots to strike down deeper reducing
the danger of uprooting by wind:whils
cutworms, wireworms and other like
enemies can find no abiding place it
ground; that is coostantlyystirred.
Asters should never be allowed ti
suffer is the least from the want • or,
water. Water in the evening unless
the nights are very cool, in whiel
case; if, the hose is used, the watering
had betterrbe done in the morning
But water any- time, morning, noon
or night, in any kind of weather
rather than have theins suffer fron
thirst. The plants• when watered.
should never be merely, sprinkl3d, but
i:ltn brntir,A nhnnlel miun.va. hn anrnnnl
watering them every i
It the plants are mai
become so large as to
ails the operation of
inch mulch of straw,
or half rotted Manu
will be.
of June I
sg. made 1
not the s
of the 1
II _. 1
es' a
). to
anger -
a two
le finest bloom ,fol exhl
sea, pinch out the cents
e plants begin to branck
ly about mix of the aid
grow, removing all tb
and branches, The whol
a*.ren th of tbs plant to thu tecta to � -. -._ _
g g
tha development oQ thw tlali dam T + `
Soarers. ties that the planta have an Spial! profits " ±� .lAlieliS i s
abundance of plant -ford In a aolubla ..
form, Sheepmanuro to a sato and curt , - -
_ t
aboutt fertilizer and ma be hoed In Pums�ee l Bros,
about the planta. or ,dissolved In ,�fi ., 4
water and poured about the roots..
Nitrate of pods ie a powerful stiinulat4 _ — , .• 17 0 INV
but the greatest care must b8 exercfs- .
ed in its use, Broadcast it evenly up- .Oci rVir.airisir ]� �p .,
an the ground,U the rate of one pound 4s.R R -I 4
to, the square rod, just previous to '
watering, being careful not to put any
of the sada on the leaves: When used for .th *S week e
I n above quantity four or five applies-
tione may safely be made at intervals Special' No.. 1. --About 2;i: -pair IN bite Fletto Blankets, guoil - .
during the season. size and quality, pink and blue binders-taclear 05 cents
The Aster, owfug very largely pier. .
haps to its high breeding seeing to Special No RTAbout 2000 yards rood quality LineuTowelling
have an u4asual number of troubles: Good _ve:lue, at 90 a yard to clear On a yard.
rimeandspace prevent us from, en- 4W . - opts,
term into details regarding all of Special No 8 -About 100 pairs Ladies Dongola Kid B
them, wireworms, white grubs and pumps and Oxfords, All new, and good value at $1,03 to $1,85-- ;
,utworme are the larvae of various pecial this week i11.2►. ,
�llougoftheugworst enemiesAnd
of the '� Special No 4 -About 25 pairs Missea Patent Oxfords -sizes 11
lower garden. `No means has yet to 2, Regular $1,50 value --to clear 88 cents; t • ,
been found of poiaoning them a>Gd the .. The4lines. are all exceptional value and cannot be replaced 4. .
only remedy seems to be the thorough these prices, so be on time to secure your share of these bargain
>nd frequent tillage of the Kround.1.
Che cutworm may bedestrpged by ills See our Men's new Sats,: All the new lines ars here and
ase of poisoned bran as recommended t;pecjallyYpriced this week. ,?'
In Sweet Pea culture..
, The "Aster,Bug" Is a name given in •,Don't fail to get our prices on Men's and Boy's Ready-to-wear
lifferent localities to the Bllstr•beetle Clothing as we can save you dollars on each and every purchase
Eied•.headed Flea -beetle and Gtarnished fig thia Del: rtmeut.. 13 .. . •'
Plant bus; or. A'$rown•fly ." These may our & 14Ien's Suits •wb rite •oIearn at $5,95. Tt's an Eve
rie destroved by the use`of insectliadey r $ g
Pane green used I oz to $ gals of water ' p .- ' .
%ad used as for potatoes is very effee- •' + 3 5 s to clear at. 2,09 .
Give. If a spray i used n e of + Also our Boys $ , !illi).: . $
P aY a Arse at , I.
Lad i preferable i
e e e to Par i '' , full ^ of startP►n Bargains, n , in
s r is green. is, ' Department ' r s
P g n M Uur. .Shoe Departure is b in .p g 8
me oz Arsenate of Lead:paste in one Men's,: Women's and Childxen'd new.and noby footwear. ,
ballon of wa-ter. Hellebore; diluted •
with'flve.parts fire ashes or air -slacked The Home of: L01, Prices.
lime may be used dry with a bellows' ; ; .. ,
or sitter: If used as +t spray, mix one
oz. to three gallons of water. „•,. . _
Root lice cause the, plant to have a,
wilted, sickly appearance; Ali"exansh. u„:. .�' 'L I ,
nation of the roots will ,reveal the ,., .
is characterized b a eilowish bleach-
Preeenee of hundreds of bluish lice. altbou h not insult stin it y y +
�eed.be, g e g,
rhess may ; be destroyed -by freshly self until
the plant is ready',' to btoott ed appearance of the °at%ated plout.•-If
y p b e <,
ma tobacco ter. Steep. in the plant -l.Qome the flower; i of the
de,wa e .one .bund . g found. wilted and d p •.
P P when ill dying. h.
same color as he leaves, Sometimes
of temg of tobacco m
t a
sIn, al o
w ions . f
R i ri
water and when cool' pour about the: The` i�sventive is frequent , st r ng one side of a branch .will be normal
Tobacco about- the atherdiseased the same effect _ , .
roots 'of affected plants. `"' ba . and . drying of the surface soil , �`
dust worked juto the earth .around the: plant. at all stages of its dgrowth" being noticeable in the flower at' the
good drainage and the avoi• ance. of _end There i n .i encs hat the
the roots is also very effective.. But iow dam and sour. soil. Flowers of 4 s o ev d t
better than all the remedies is a pre• p ed freely about tate base disease is' contagious. .among plants,
sulphur, duet res y bo
ventive. - A good coat of . hardwood but as this point is still in doubt, and
of the stems is considered by some tc ; as there is no knowntemed wewould . ,
ashes dug into the ground early in the e a reventive, a y'
add the remove and des r atio f
ie 1 to a.o
spring will luau
a n
w re against bot lice..
But i tY!ustbe ut early in orr err The show disease ti the As, all plants affected with; the yellows,.. '
P y the cause of which is still: in doubt,
that the lye may be extracted before . . .
plantfng'out time or it will burn •. the .
plants. .
Stein rot is a fungus disease 'that, �"�•n►
WW MMWW sill
enters the outer bark of the !ant and1.
frequently has
its ince inception tion :in the .' ,
P ,,�q�
,. .
- _- _. w �._ are-- '
. .I•.: , SLocs . Music
- ' O
1l1 n
• i'The 'leis t" lIta��e
y .A
. l
�� to '
NIO11 � 1S s
�:, � e •, ty � .
��, ' Have you taken advantage of our Stock -R9 •
+ °- ' '�'��"+'� ducin � 'Sale, It 'has been a inone ..saver to' those
.I . g - y .
�•• •� who have patronized alt. Ssturda , Aril . i6th, is t
• - ' P�.
4 w r , ... _.Y P, , _ _
`Phis store -1s .noted for :, � .1.-
�• the last day. lid you need Shoes for S rin , do
�.. - ,� Y P .. g
�• Hi h.class Milliner , We -'• not miss this.chance'to buy thein, 'at front. 15. W
•� g .- y +.. •
•� • . 25 per, less'thill regular lir ees..
, guarantee dd' satlsfac-
,1, • ug . . g .
tion, acid . .:. •t•: . :
. ,� A !Few pecials for .$ ' rday
•+t• 2 5 for.:'.... .35
Ladies gid Oxfords regular -price
.1. , �,. .1. + g P e $1.7 ,
. . �l1
rse - .�.
P s
. Ladies Pat. Bluchers, re rice $3.50, for ...... , .. 2:"!Fi
.i, .
,I•' •I• 11Ien'g Bax Calf, Velour Calf' and Tari Calf, regu-
•1• O
very.: , '' .t• lar.$4.Uil and $4.59, n ecial rice. 3.1i
.l._. y •. P P .
.•It, + ' Misses' Kid. Bluchers; mat, kid top, sizes.112, regu- ,
'lar. 2.00 Special at. .... 1:60
•1, a.. . $. , P1.
__ 9
. . •t•
. + , .• .
•I• .1. .
. I L 11".L..
,1, .
.11 .^ I ` � :,".
RIA+L ; . 11.T
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. �+ � .. � .
I. . .. - + � I
. . o
Pe are here to see that every -hous. . .
e has one. It
' r hart our tastes in music are, whether
doesn't matte �v
_ the Sextette from Lucia -
you1. prefer Grand Opera or Rag,
.or the one from Floradora,' you can enjoy Just pour- par
` f m sic : ' ust� when ou want, it . right in
tibular kind o u , i�
your ow1.n home,' with .an EDIS�. , ,Pa3C)NQG. APSI.E
+ '., .�_.. 111,1.
s ant or a week s novelty, but a life-time"s
It ish.t ,lust all eAening s enjoyment, y
companion-�-a sort of musical member of the family, that doesn't have: to be '
is la. Hear all the new tones on the new Atnerai Records.
coaxed top y .
I .
If you are,interest6dy drop us a cardi and have a Phonograph sent toe your
I house, on trial. . ' '
. . b .b - • `
phonographs from $i6.5 up
j' .
. •.
I. * .... ... •
I I win,
Jeweler .
I . .. .1 ams� I �;I . TO Ad. BLYTHa
! Ed . . . - i
. „
Agent for ]Edison and Victor �'ho�n g�r�phS
' .4