Clinton New Era, 1910-04-14, Page 3n. ar .•a 1 opegsr igo.,TM +n.elilri. tl W. CUTLER., Painter and Paper finnan!'" An Work guaranteed,. Pricoe. reasogable. Residence nearly opposite the Collegiate Institmte. LOOS WANTED. • highest cash prices paid for Bass. Wood, afi t, Mr aplemill, Or Birch logs, de- • `The W, Doherty PIano & Orgii4 Co. L't'd Monunients Choice Designs Best Materials. Jas. 1oig, ,Opposite ;the,. Post Office Clinton, For & McLeod Having secured a commodious Grain -Storehouse,we re n kinds of grain,fr wh ch the yhighest prices will be paid. Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds of grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on •hand at the storehouse, Ford 82. McLeod G. T. R. STATION. CLINTON'. W. 8e WATTS & SON. -store openi at.7.30 a m. closes at 8 p m. We are Practical Boot and Shoe mak-' ere and repairers. Boots made to or. der from one to three days notice and repairing done while you wait. Farmers Attention We -have on hand several pairs of -our own make boots,just the thing for the Spring , wear. Vome in and see them. — - To our Londesboro Customors -All repairing left at the post office or at Mr R. Adams store will have my best attention. I will be at my store on Fridays. Give me a trial. W. H. WATTS & SON Opposite Post Office The Automatic Vacuum . CA R P;L T CLEANER VAOUUM CLEANING is now con- ceded, the world over,-tb be the only .ef oient and sanitary method for ex- tracting dust and dirt from Carpets,. Rugg, Floors, Upholstered Furniture, Draperies, Pillows, Mattresses, and in Tact everything that contains this -enemy of the homes,because, particu larly by the' "Automatic" way it gets ALL the dirt without moving any thing from its place, without injuring the most delicate fabrics. and without stirring up a particle of dust It replaces the broom,. the Carpet Sweeper and the dreaded old -fashion. ed house-31eaning days. For Sale or 9to Rent by A. E. TURNER Lei on III.'r-» SOOond QuartOlr, For April 17, 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Matt, xi, 1.19. Memory Vertigo. 4, 5 --Golden Text,, John v, S$ -=Commentary Respired by Rev. D. M. Stearns, After the commission of last leeaoq both Jesus and Hie disciples departed and went through the tolvns preaching. the gospel and healing. everywhere, gee verse 1, with, Mark vi, 12,13;.I.4ke or, 6. Wemay imagine the result from such a passage ao Matt, Iv, 24, In Luke t'it, 10.18, we read that after Jesus raised the widow's♦ sou to lite the people glorified God, saying that a great prophet is risen up among ns. and that God hath visited Elia people.. And this; rumor of Him went forth throughout all -Judea and throughout all the region roundabout. And the dis- elples of John showed him of all these things. This explains how, according to yerse 2 of our lesson. John beard. In the prison the works of Christ. We learn from chapter rev that John was put in prison -because be had fearlessly rebuked sin in high places, a danger- ous thing tO do if one's own comfort •is considered wbe0 the powers that.be are 41 league with the devil. So ' MI- caiah, son of Irma. found it when for speaking the truth he was put in pris. on and fed on the bread and water of affliction. Zechariah, son of Jeboiada, was stoned to death because he testi- fied that the people were in trouble be - enlist: they had forsaken the Lord (II Cbron. xviii. 25, 26; xxiv, 20, 24. The hatred of the world, however; is not strange. for the devil is the god of this age,- atiV•she is the great adversary of God and man. But 'when one is suffer- ing for righteousness' sake and our God, whose we are and whom we serve, seems not to hear. us' and sends no de- liverance -then it becomes very perplex- ing to any but the strongest faith, See Joseph as ulave and prisoner, Martha and Mary with a sick and dying broth- er and John the Baptist seemingly neglected and forgotten., In reply to John's question by his two disciples Jesus in that same hour wrought many miracles and said td the messengers, "Go and sbew John again those things which ye do hear and see": (verses 3.6; Luke vii, 20, 21). He also said as much as "Do not be offended, John, if 1 do not come to see you, and 'do not think it strange if I .do not release you." We must remember His words in John rel. 1-3; Isa. 1, 10. The messengers from John having departed, Jesus said to the multitudes ' concerning John that he was the one foretold by Isaiah and Malachi as the messenger who would'prepare the way of the Messkih (Isa. xl, 3; Dial, iii, ). -He oligo said that among`""=them thatr V are born of women there !lathnot risen a greater than John the Bap- tist (verse 11). We remember that Gabriel said, "He :shall be• great in the sight of the Lord, * * * he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, * * * he shall go before, Him in the" spirit and power of Elias" (Luke 1, 15.17) -not great in the sight of men, but ready to testify or suffer or die that God may be glorified. In connection with John's greatness our. Lord added, "He that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than: he" (verse 11): This has perplexed many because, perhaps, they have not noticed that Jesus did not say "the least in heaven," but the • least in the "kingdom- of heaven,,or. kingdom of God (Luke vis, 2$), which means the kingdom to be set up on this earth when Jesus: shall be king over• all the earth. When the: kingdom', Comes John "himself. shall tie greater than he ever was when here in humilia- tion. The least in the glorified body, - like Jesus Himself (I John iii, 2), shall bagreaterthangreatest the here in a mortal body. There is more light for us upon this in due time, but let us con- . sider the greatness of being "like Him" and so continually behold Him as to be more like Him now. • We Want to Land . your first order, because we know that the satisfaction you will derive from that will open 'your eyes to the fact that you cannot do better anywhere else that you can with us. You will Sind that we are not "all at sea" in our business, but thoroughly ''up - to - the minute" and watchful of the interests �f our customers, knowing that, by so Wing, we are really acting j;for our wn ultimate benefit. R. . DOWNS, Merchait Tailor, - Clinton; -e••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • Z How Many• in a Dozen_ • Twelve ! and you count ,= them to see if you get • •them, to. When you buy • a Wedding Ring and pay IP f• or 18k, you can't count i them, you take the deal- : er's word, and often get e 1,7K or less: We sell • Wedding Rings, and there • is exactly i8K in every 4 18K Ring. Test them any way you like. • s • • • • • • • • • • w • i INV. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician. Z •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Issuer of Marriage Licenses. alt 'MOM muresing venom* (versa 12) evidently refers to the violate* WW1 John was now isafcer'Iag ands which Jesus, the Hint. wan soon to Nutter at the hands Of the raters.. Poe Luke 1rt, 16, R. N`. They kilted the herald and alae Cruelly murdered the Ring They they Violently pressed against the kingdom and cawedits. postponement till He *hail come again In His glory. Stephen" gummed it up In his discourse when he said, "Yes stiff flecked and uncircumcised in heart and ,spars, ye do always resist the Holy • Ghost -al yoer father did, so do ye, Wbieh of the prophets have • not your father; persecuted/ And they have slain them which shewed before Of the Coming of the Jut' One; or whom yes have been, now the betrayers and tour; derera" (Act* Vii, 51, 52). John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah, and had they re- ceived him and the Mesaiali whom he" heralded the kingdom would have coma, (verse 14); but, having acted as. they did, the real. =Jab must come to herald the return of Christ in glory (Matt. xvit, 10-13). Let those receive it who can. They said that John had a demon, and Jesus they called a glutton and a winebibber and -a friend of publicans and sinners: We must not therefore. think it strange if we receive similar treatment and are numbered with trans- gressors, reviled and persecuted for His Hake, We must consider Him who endured lest we become weary. He g''sveth power to the faint, and to them that have no .might He inereaseth strength. ,._. NEW STRENGTH IN Tit SPRING Nature Needs Aid In Making New llealtb•Giving Blood In the spring the system needs ton- ing up.• In the spring to be healthy and strong you must have new blood, Nst as the treesmust have new sap. ature demands it and without this new blood you will feel weak and lan- guid. You have, twinges of rheumat- ism or the sharp stabbing pains of neu- ralgia. Often there are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the skin. In other cases there is merely a feeling. • of tiredness and a variable appetite; Any of these are signs that the blood is out of order -that the indoor life of winter has told upon you. What i i. needed to put you right is a tonic,,agd in all the world there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills actually .hake new, rich red blood -your greatest need in spring. This new 'blood drivesout disease; clears the skin and makes weak,easily tired men and women and children. bright active and strong. Miss A. M. Dugay, Lower Cove,' N. S., says -"I believe I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My blood seemed to have. turned to water. • I was pale as a sheet and-I.sufIered:,-- from „headaches,. and floating: spects seemed to be constant- ly before my eyes. As the trouble progressed my limbs began to swell, and it was feared thatdropsy had set. in and that my case was hopeless, U to this time two doctors bad attended me, but notwithstanding I kept grow- ing worse, It was at this juncture I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, - and after taking a few boxes 'I was much improved. 1 kept on using the Pills until I had taken eight boxes. when my health was completely re- stored." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi - Co., Brockville, Ont. A' Directory Of Breeders Of Pure Bred Stock • The Branch of the Live Stock Com. missioner at Ottawa has issued are . • vised edition of the Directory of breeders of pure bred live stock in Canada. According to the preface page the work is.a compilation of in- formation received through corres- pondence, from ` breeders in all the ,pro'vincea in regard to the size of their breading herds, and the number of males and females of the several breeds they have for sale. The Dir- ectory is prepared to assist persons in locating herds, studs and flocks in their respective neighborhoods, or in distant "provinces' from which pure tired animals may be rocured. t i stated in the Directory • that copies will be sent to ranchmen, stock Lreed- ers, secretaries of farmers' institutes, agricultural societies, live stcck associ- ations, and others who may apply for. them. D• rde Van's French . Female Pills • theWife's Friend A. 'reliable regulator; . never • fails While these pills rre exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system, they are strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr de Van's are sold at $5 e,box,or three for $10 Mailed to any address. ` The ;Scobell Drug Co. St. Catherines, Ont. Was All Rvin p s • ®w�• Weighed 125 Lbs. Now Weighs 185., Mrs. M. McGann, Debec:Junction, writes;"Lwish to tell you what Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills have done. for me. Three years ago I was so run down I could not d6 my own work. I went to a doctor, and he told me I had' heart trouble andthat my nerves were all unstrung. I. took his medicine, as he ordered me to do, but it did me no good. I then started to take Milburn's 'Ilei.i,t and Nerve Pills, and had only taken one box before .I- started to feel better, so I. continued their use. until I had taken several boxes, and I am now strong and well, and able to do my "own work When I commenced taking your pills I weighed 125 pounds, and now weigh 185 and have given birth to a lovely young daughter, which was a happy thing in the family. When I commenced taking Milburn's Heartand Nerve P' lls I could not s o upstairs'without resting before I got to the top. I can now go up without any trouble." The price of Milbitrn's Heart and Nerve Pills is 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1a5 art ail•dealers or mailed direct on receipt of pried by The T. Milburn Co,, United, Toronto, Ont. HORSEMEN ATTENTION , The season is approaching when you will need your- horsebills, THE NEW ERA. is again this year in the best pos. ition•to give you the best of service. Our cuts are the best, We print you. cards withtaste and despatch, and at a fiery reasonable figure, besides giv- ing those who get their eards here a two -weeks' notice of the route in the NEW En& (lsrgest circulation in the district), Free of charge, which in it- self is worth more than the whole price of the cards. nRt rifle'. MILLINERY r This is the question of importance with the Ladies .,just now, our Spring Opening the 25th and 26th of March. ,Ladies Colne and see the fine display of High Class Millinery. Paints -This is the time to trim up your homes And here is where y o ean find theBest and cheap. est -Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, ete. Seeds•-I+'a,rmers now - is the time to procure your Clover and 'Timothy seeds. We can supply you. Produce wanted for either trade or essh, R. Adams, Londesboro. • NORWAY PINE SYRUP. L Specially Calculated 'To "Cure All D1- 5158501 the Tluoat and. Lull Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sero Throat, Hoarseness, Croup, Pain: er Tighten* is the Chest; and all Broncbtal Trouble* yield quickly to the curative power's of this prince of pectoral remedies. It contain* all the virtues of the world famous Norway pine , tree, combined with Wild Cherry Bark, and the soothing, Healing end expeetorant properties of other excellentherbs and barksJoh, MrsJn retch, + Windsor, Ontario, ltast� 'writes: --"I was Harking troubled with a nes. Cough. ty hacking couch ♦ Cwed. for the past 8 i x n months and wet?: sed a +.-� ♦ lot of different re- medias but t b e y did me no good. At last I was ,advised by a friend to try Dr: Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and with the first few doses I found great relief andto-day my hack- ing cough has entirel_y disappeared and. I am never without Dr." Wood's Norway Pine Syrup in the house;" The price of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine "Syrup is 25 cents • per bottle. It is put up in .a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade .mark, sobe..euro and accept none of the many, substitutes of the original "Norway Pine Syrup." Manufactured only by The T. Milburn. Co., Limited. Toronto, 2nt. ` , Concerning Health Never begin to read, write or sew for several minutes after coming from darkness to light; . An excellent lotion 'for hands and face is made by pouring boiling water on a small bag of oatmeal. Press the bag gently, then pour off the clear part and add a little bay rum. a Never sit on the edge of a sick per. son's bed.'and do not place yonr chair so that he must strain his eyesinorder to see you. Get directly in the range of his vision when his head is comfort- ably placed on • the pillow and stay there. Court piaster is',_a good wrinkle remedy. Out the paster into triangle and strips to fit the Wrinkles and paste on in the night. Remove,in ` the morning and massage gently or five or ten minutes with a good cold cream Use a:strong plaster add one that will, stick well. The black variety is best for this purpose - Some people do not care to sleep with their bedroom windows open in winter for fear of catching cold. The following plan works splendidly: Pro- cure a piece of wood an inch or two inthickness and exactly the length of the bottom ledge -or thewindowframe Raise the lower sash insert the wood, then press the sash , down. This al- lows ,.a- current of air to -pass through - the room without causing a draught. Always'treat the hair carefully and, take the utmost care of it, avoiding everything likely to irritate the Scalp or to put strain and pressure upon either the hair or the scalp. ° Observe the greatest care in brushing toavoid dragging, twisting or breaking the hair: careless and rough brushing is. bad for the hair. The selection of a hair brush is of the first importance. A. brush that bites the scalps 'damages the hair; this is avoided by using one with long, flexible bristles. Never brush the hair when it is wet. Signals Ut Distress Clinton People Should Know How to Read and Heed2hem: Sick kidneys;give .many: signals. of distress. , The secretions are dark, :contain a sediment. Passages are frequent, scanty, pain- ful. ' Backache is constant day and night. Headaches and dizzy spells are fre- quent, • The weakened kidneys need quick help. Don't delay! • Use a special kidney remedy, Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick,kid- neys, backache, and urinary disorders Clinton evidence proves this state- ment. John West of Mary Street., Clinton Ont., says: -"Each little "cold I`con- tracted from being over heated or ex posure to cold weather would settle' across my back and kidneys, The urine would become highlycolored and filled with particles of sand like sediment. There was also a scalding in passing that was very, annoying My back was so tender " that when I would stoop tor any length of time I could scarcely straighten myself up again. There was also a .weakness there that was very noticeable when lifting anything of consequence. Booth's Kidney Pills were recommend ed by Mr Holmes the druggist and they quickly cured me of every sign ,of kidney trouble when all else 1 tried had failed and I am '•stronger and better in every way." Sold by Deal- •ers. Price 50 cents. The R T Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. ed , �. t,- 114 u .67f':Vilbi'=;n. V 0/0/1.740 CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis. Croup,.Coughs end Colds, or money back. Sold and guai *ntced by W. S. Holnyes, Clinton To Keep Sunshine In The Monte Don't show irritability over trifles. Don't keep on constantly . Reding fault. Don't withhold praise when praise is due. Don't matte the moat of trouble. Don't forget tnat health in the home is the best sunshine. b Doti't forget that a little encourage• itiF tit is always stimulating. Don't get downhearted if the gun - 'bine seems to disappear; remember t he sun can pierce the blackest ;Sends. -110me Notes. rice' Seated ds A a*lei a Coughs, Allen'is LungBatsain cur,;s Whets ell other ]remedes The tr Tsui* Jam liy an orate* Pateetiste. J,aexaMler the G get, being On ti viii► it to an Oriental potentate,, .learned hear juiitice was adminbstered, there. Tiro persons come Into court and be. vited the king's deCkion on the fol- lowing point: The one had bought a Mound of rubbish from the - other and on exploring it found it Contained a trey ere. Ile therefore wished to res turn it to the owner, but the owner refused to accept it. What was there to be done? Now, the decision wag that. as it happened that one of the two persons had a son and the other a daughter, they should be united in marriage and the treasure should be given to both of them as a dowry. Alexander, in some :surprise, pointed out that in his country the wetter would have been differently settled. Beth would h wo d bags been put to death and the government would have ap. propriated the treasure. The potentate then asked whether there were cattle in his country and whether the sun shone there and the rain fell. Being answered in the affirmative, he re- marked that he thought Providence had meant the rain and sunshine for the cattle only, for human beings of such inhuman disposition hardly de. served these heavenly boons: When -you go to the country take a tiu of Davis' Menthol Salve along. It is unequalled to relieve earache,sprain burns, sots and bruises, 2f1 cents. Proper attention to the hair and scalp is the best preventive of baldness. An occasional ap- plication of Bearine Hair Pom-- ade keeps the scalp in healthy condition. it nourishes the hair folicles and supplements the natural oil of the head. Bearine not only prevents fall- ing hair liut stimulates new growth. -50 cts a jar at your druggists. ENTHOL SL ,AVIS M SALVE' , A simple effective remedy for many little ills as well as some that are not considered . Mae: A compound with a Vaseline base, in coninnetion with Japanese Menthol and otherdru rs making an efficacious remedyfor Sore Throat, .• Bimna, $rulsee, as well as for Insect Bites,Seta Just the thing for campers, hunters, as well as for those that stay at homy • 25c a box. 'DAVIS & LAWRENCE, Montreal. Slight colds become adore offensive and sickening every day. The Inflammation extend., further Into the head, soon the oars begin to burr and ring, the head ache.,, the eyes pain droti:dtully, the nose gets plugged up, and this forces the patient to breathe throutt -the mouth. Vile, .flltby Secretions are forced back into the throat, requiring a great deal of coughing to keep the air passages /free, 8'IrialIY, this foul matter finds Its way into the stomach, causing dyspepsia and general ill -health. By this time the patient has SYSTEMIC CA. TARRH, which saps strength, •depletes the vital energtee till Cob* gumption is the unhappy result. BREATHE CATARRHOZONE It doesn't matter how long you. have Buffered, or how often you have felted to get relief, even, though Colds and Catarrh may affect every or- gen in your body, you can be hal- nmeoh rlgtsotg taeuredper of Care tarrli..tono, A few breaths through Ca- tarrhozone Inhaler clears the phlegm out of the throat and. stops coughing. The nos- trils are cleansed of oftenslve. mucous disobarge,and sneez- ing and sniffling stop at once. Partial loss of hear- ing and headache (very common symptoms of Ca- tarrh) are quickly cured,and in a short time every trace; of, Catarrh disappears, We are so confident that Catarrhozone will cure your Catarrh `that ,we are willing to refund the money .in every case a purchaser is not fully satisfied Catarrhozone has afforded a lasting benefit. Nothing could be fairer. Now is your chance to get cured. Get Catarrhozone to -day and satisfy yourself as to its wonderful curative powers. Two Months' Treatment Gnuranteed to cure. Price $1.00—Trial Size 50c. All Dealers or the OATAiUtROZONE COMPANY, Kingston, Ontaince 17, fee tvitt4 W.•R. COUNTER • _CLINT ON. Eggs for Hatching ' Rose Comb and Single' Comb Rhode' Island Red s Clock wing, tail and hackle; correct shape and ' -' . color, and NO SMUT, ' Eggs $1,50 per 15, $2 if shipped, ex- press prepaid, d,. Agent for Boston Dry Feed Hoppers, M C KAiJFMAN, ` Clinton Golden Laced Wyando is I have a;choice pen of this handsome fowl. 'They are the open -laced kind, 15 females mated to a cock bird winn- er of 2nd at Owen Sound. i. have proven them to be excellent layers: $1.00per 13. Onslow Crich,Clinton. Siuiie Comb Brown Leghorn Prize Winners at Clinton prize Show and Blyth Fall Show Eggs guaranteed to hatch, 15 eggs. for. 1. dollar.. , J. C. PO WNEY BlythP. O. Exhibition Single Comb White I.eghorns. Winners at the great Ontario, Eggs - $I.50 and $2.00. Most popular of Mediteranean Classes. • ' DURST BROS. BENMILLER. Lm Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds From poultry direct for Rhode Island $1.50 per setting of 15, or $2.75 per two settings, 3. H, GRAY. Londesboro. lm Chickens Wanted. 5000 chickens wanted next October and. November for fattening purpose. Will be shipping broilers up to the end of June. Now is the time to get the ineu bators and brooding hens busy. Prices sure to be high at the Holmesville Poultry Station. N, W, TREWARTH'A. Phone 4 on 142. WON CO A.I Before placing your orders.for your season's. supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stook and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland'ta hardware store, or With W, J. Stevenson, lit Electric Light Plaint. • WITH STEELSHANK The makers of the "grnpress" produce more high- grade shoes for women than any factory in Canada, and when you consider that three hundred thousand pairs of this modern shoe are sold every year in Can- ada to women who weals only the highest grade of footwear, and that almost every fourth woman you. ; meet will be wearing a pair of thea ress" Em there must be a cause. p f' WE ARE ONE OF THE 500 AGENTS. . J.ICLUPF. Clinton Agent Is a General Nuisance,• and Causes Sickness, but it Gan be Avoided by Using " DUSTBANE on sweeping da ty. "Dustbane, ' Moreover, dis- infects the room and restores Rugs to their original freshness The women swear by "Dust bane " when once they have used it. Don't have another dusty sweeping day, but get a 33e• package of Dustbane We are authorized by the manufacturers of "Dustbane " to send you a 35c can of their Sweeping Compound. We want you to use this on trial fc r p - a week. At tree end of this period, if not found satisfactory, we will take it back, and there will be no Charge for quantity used. It Does Away u -illi Dust on Sweeping Day. You want it. Sold in bbls, half bbls, andq uarter bbls, for stores, schools, churches, hospitals, banks, and public buildings, HarlandDi.tributors for Clinton • Canadian Factories St. John, N.B. Winnipeg, 'Man. 4�