HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-04-14, Page 2The New .lira, published every Thursday at- . - the. WEw;Eua, Printing Moues, MAC STUMM . . . CLINTON,, Terms of subscription --$1 per year to advance ; $1.50 may be charged if n ot so paid. No paper discontinued Until all arrears are paid, unless at the aption of the publisher, The date to which every subscription, is paidis de, toted on the Zabel. Advertising rates. -Transient adver- tisements, 10 cents per nonparel. line !or first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch ooh as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," te, inserted once for 35 cents, or one u tonthfor$1.Communicatiotrs intended. dor publication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the same of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy of advertisements should be hent in early. Contract rates - The tollowingtable 'bows our rates for specified periods and space. 1 • yr. 6mo. 3mo. limo 1 Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $10 00 Column 40 00 25 00 15 00 600 Column 00 58 00 3 00 lir Column 800 10 0000 550 200 Inch 600 350 2.00 ' 00 Contract display advertising 10c per inch, per issue. W. H. KERR & SON EDITORIAL MUSINGS A little pad of fwltto eunder the face' wire of the dog's muzzle would prevent the canine from suffering from the wire rubbing into the skin, and would also show that you belonged to theft - mane Society. NN LONGBOAT must either ; quit the "booze" or scuttle his ship as a Mara. thoner. Tom is not unlike many a pale face in that be can't stand prosperity. If he had as level a bead as he has a trusty pair of legs we believe he has it in him to cause all his competitors to be tail enders. NN INVESTIGATION is BOW in progress over the new Alberta railway and we hope the probing will clear up the po- litical atmosphere as squabbling M. P, P.'s are about as difficult a batch to manage as can be gathered together. If there has .been crookedness• now is the time to clear it up. ow,* BRo. EVANS, of the Strathroy Age, has been appointed Postmaster of that town, this being the third Editor who has filled the post in the past 40 years. The trinity consisted of Hon. C. H. McIntosh, Hugh McColl and David Evans. We wish the new appointee a comfortable occupancy of office. THE palm branch bas Wez3 _in -_the tariff negotiations between Canada and the United States and the way opened for a Trade Conference in the near future to consider a general re- vision along the line of freer trade be- tween these two neighbors. If we can have fair play it will be to our advantage to deal. more largely with our American cousins. •In fact in thousands of instances the real blood relatiouship is not even as remote as cousins. Canada is no longer in swad- dling clothes but a well developed pro. gressive important part of the • great British Empire who must have no small say in the dictation of policies for the years to come. ONS SOMETHING of a stringent•. character will have to be done to offset the merging monopoly. Mitchell Advocate of last week says :-"Walter Thomson & Non have sold their mills to a big cereal merger, which takes over seven other concerns. Messrs. Thomson's sale include the mills at Seaforth, warehouse at Dublin, the mill and four elevators in Mitchell, and their big mills in London. Possession to he given May lst. It is not yet known whether the new Company will oper- ate the Mitchell, Dublin or Seaforth properties." One thing is certain the idea of the merger is to . control the trade and thereby have a good deal to say what the price will be. We know where harm of large proportions has been done by the "gobbling up" of industries, the result of which nearly always means the closing out in part or entirely of some of the institutions Monoply is a hard taskmaster and cares little for the people who have built their home and planned to re- main in a town tut whose avenues for earning the daily bread have been cut off by the barring of the factory doors, necessitating removal to some other place or change of occupation. Same is also often true of persons who have invested their capital in these institu- tions but must be controlled by the heavier stockholders who hold the reins and do the drivirg. The advent of the merger intoCanada is not in the best interests cf the community and those who are called upon to suffer have a good right to have their griev- ances redressed. Parliamentarians have a big field to work on in this matter that would be of utility to many. Who will be the Moses to lead the long suffering into the promise land ? PHOSPHONOL The Electric Restorer for Men [Restores every nerve in the body to Pits �.�s proper tension; restores yin and 'Vitality. Premature decay ca and all sexualeakn s averted w es a ort e at once. Phosphonol will make you• a new marl. Price $300 a box, or ° two for $5 00 Mailed to any address on receipt o'f price. The Scobell Drug. Co,, St. Catharines, Ont. i , s 1 Ch dr � e Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A 811.0 R I A 5i 41411TR SFRIN6 SHO'' The annual spring' ehow for horses and bulls, under the auspiciee of the Seaforth Agricultural Society, was held on Tuesdap of last week, IJnfor- tunately for the show, the weather was too fine for a large crowd to turn out, as the 1'iarreers are all busy on the hand and would not spare the time to come to town. But notwithstanding this, there was a fair crowd in tow. The weather however, did not affect the attendance of exhibitorsand as a consequence there was a. splendid show ofhorses in almost every depart' went, and the animals exhibited were all of a high order of merit. On the whole, the show was a success, and those who calve out were well repaid for the time spent. The following is a list of the prize winners :. Stallions -.-Aged Clydesdale -M o s s Trooper Champ ion,Robt.Birchell,Hib- bert ; Golden Chief,, Wm, Hodge, Hib. bert ; Huron Again, Thomas Dickson,. Seaforth. Three year old Clyde=-Glen- rae, Thomas McMichael and Son, Hul- let ; Huron Laddie,Josbua Pollard,Me- Killop ; Master Black, Thomas Dick- son, Seaforth. Two year old Clyde -J. Shortreed; Morris Blackband Selma. tion,TholxlasMcMichael and Son; King Lorne, T, Michael and Son. Canadian Bred Clyde under • three -Jas, Carlin, Hackney Stallion-Brayside G 01 d- stnith, Wm. Calfas, Zurich, Standard Bred Roadster --Hal. Sphiux,F. Kling, Seaforth ; Pilot Brino, D. T. Pinkney, Seaforth ; Ham Gazette,G. E. Hender- son, Heayy Drafths--Team, James Scott Cromarty ; Thomas Ryan, Hibbert ; W. Jefferson, Mitchell,Brood mare, T. Ryan ; John Fortune,Tu,kersmith ;W Dale, Tuckerstnith, Filly or gelding.� Princess Gartley,' W. Nott, T.`uoker- smith ; 2nd and 3rd,JamesScott,Crom- arty. Agricultural- Team, C. M, McGreg- or, Hulletk ; Wm. Rogers, Hibbert ; James Cornish, Clinton, Brood mare, Charles Wright, Tuckersmith ;Ernest Annis Hibbert ; W. Patrick, Tucker - smith, Filly or •gelding, Chas. Wright ; W. A. McKenzie, Logan ; W. Patrick. General Purpose- Team, D Pother. ingham, Tuckersmith; , And. Scott,. Seaforth, Sweepstakes -Princess Gartly, Wes Nott, Tuekerswith Mr•.Nott's filly was sired by Gartly Gold. SinglesroadsteraJohn Torranee,Olin. ton; Thos Hay, Cromarty; Dr 13 H Ross, Seaforth; Roeder team, Rev. T Davidson, Varna; Dr H H Roes; Jas. U McDonnell, Hensall. Single carriage Jas Norris, Hibbert; Turnbull and Mc- Intosh, Seaforth; L bortune, Tucker - smith. Carriage team, LFortune. Bulls -Aged. Shorthorn, W A. Mc- Kenzie, Logan; Jas McIntosh, Tucker - smith; P McKay, Tuckersmith. Iwo year old, R Charters and Son, Tuck- ersmith; Jas -Cowan, McKillop. One. year old, Alex Kerr, McKillop. Sweep stakes, W A McKenzie. Judges-Heavy'horses, John Brock- bank, Paris; light horses, Dr J 13 Reid, V. S., Guelph; cattle, E V Thompson, -Guelph. • Salvia, The New. 'American Hain Vigor --Ladies-can=now have -a luxuriant bead of real, fluffy, sparkling • hair, free from Dandruff, by using the new English -American Hair. Vigor, SAL- VIA.. Go to W A McOonnelis drug storeand purchase a • 50e k ottle. A guarantee goes with every bottle SALVIA contains Henna and Sage. SALVIA is used by the elite of•New York. Dandruff can be cured in ten. days. The hair is made soft. and fluffy. SALVIA will grow hair in abund- ance. A non -sticky, . daintily perfumed hair dressing. A large bottle only costs 50c,, and a money back proposition. Errors Ot Life The fourteen mistakes'of life Judge Rentoul re cantly told the <,Bartholo. mew club of London are: - To expect, to set up our Own 'stand- ard of right and wrong and expect everybody to conform to it,. To try to measure the enjoyment of others by our own. To expect uniformity of opinion in this world. To look tor judgment and experience in youth, . To endeavor to mold the disposi- tions of everybody alike. Not to yield to unimportant .trifles: To look for perfections in our own actions.. To worry ourselves and others about whatcan be remedied, . Not to alleviate it we can all that needs alleviation, Not . to make allowances for the weaknesses of others. To consider afiything impossible simply because we ourselves happen to be unable to perform it. To believe . only what our finite mortal minds can grasp. To live as if the moment the time, the day were so important that it would live forever. To estimate people -by some out- side quality, for it is that within which makes the man. Norris Chosen Leader Ey Mani- toba Liberals • Ata big Liberal Convention held in Winnipeg Tobias Crawford Norris,M. P P for (xriswold was the tendered un animous nomination of leader of the Manitoba Liberal party. Following ° Was the platform adopted by the Con - vention:-u Increased grants to rural schools. Compulsory education. A provincial university. Direct legislation by means of the initiative and referendum, Co-operation with municipalities in building good roads. 'Voters' lists prepared only for elec- tions from muracipal lists s,ppplement ed by personal registration. A non-partisan telephone commies - ion responsible to the legislature. Settlement of the boundary ques- tion by Manitoba receiving the lands and all natural resources of the added territory. A. reduction of $200 000 a year in the eost of administration, "Resident" majority vete in local option. Manic pal electors to have power of of limiting or reducing number of licensee, All iensees to beranted or re fused by county courtjudgesinstead of license commissioners. Public lands to be sold by public competition, except where sold to ac- tual settlers With settlement duties. Swa laude to be drained before sale itnd government to share ex. pensee of drainagedistricts when crown lands form part of the district. A nbn'partisan elevator conlmisssion HEADACHE AND Burdock Wood Bitters. Tilepresenee of headache nearly always ells tin that there is another disease tiaiA, :litlli)tlr",'tt we mal• not he aware of it.' is still exerang its baneful influence, , xl perhaps awaiting an opportunity to tssi'rt itself plainly. llurdwk Mold Bitters has, for years,. been curing; all kinds of headaches, and It cion will only give it a trial we are sure it mil (lo for you what it has done for thou- sands of others. John :*-4-4-4-4-4-4-+4Irs 1' Connors, ';' Headache Buu. J r 1 ra'• t q n, N.S., and ♦ writes:-" �I have been " Constipation+ troubled with head- * ♦ ache and constipation Cured. + for a long time. After •4+4+4-44+ .trying different doe. tors' medicine a friend asked me to try Burdock Blood hitters. 1 find I am completely cured after having taken three bottles. I can safely recon. mend it to all," For sale by all dealers. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. subject only to the legislature. A definite policy on agriculture. Railway taxes to be distributed on an equitable plan among the munici- palities, Beware' of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell, and completely derange the whole system, . when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such. articles should never be used except on prescriptions ansriaps fthhee 'frodamage etheyble willhdo is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure. manufactured by F J Cheney & Co ,Toledo, Ohio, contains no mercury and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken'internatly.and made in -Toledo. Ohio; by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi- monials free. Solw�aty druggists,price 75e per bottle Tali�;Hall's Family Pills for constipa ion . Woman'sWorld A CORSET STRIKE. • The Meat. Boycott In Line For Sub- " stantial Re -enforcement. A corsetstrike may engage the at- tention of the women after they have finished with the meat strike, for it is now considered "queenly" to go with- out the expensive and uncomfortable adornments, accordingto recent lnfor- •nation. -Besides,-stylish-corsets-are getting - so long it is unpleasant, to walk in them. Any girl will tell .you that. And . the' longer they make them the more they cost. Any married • man can tell you that the high cost of corsets has kept pace with the high cost of living. But the main thing just now Is that Queen Elizabeth of Roumaniahas cots eluded a triple alliance against the corsets. Three queens are bard ;to: beat. In• addition to Queen Elizabeth, there are Queen Alexandra of Eng,. land and Queeu Helena of Italy: All are bona Ode queens, who can wear - what what they please and afford ' to pay for It and have a vast burden of court eti- quette to manage. Queen Elizabeth told her court all about, it n day .or: two ago. • She ree- ,ecived a letter .from Queen Alexandra"< saying the latter had decided that n ,avonran's dress should follow her .nat. ural lines. Even if these lines are in. artistic; that is no reason why a wo- man should endanger her health and 7osterity, says the queen. The corset, opines Queen Alexandra, does not carry out the idea Of natural lines in dress. On the other hand. It thwarts such an idea' and gives the 'ooay a sort of a nom de plume. it is a fraud, often a snare and delusion, and Queen Alexandra was anxious that her disapproval be . published to the world. It' was this attitude of Queen Alex- andra, according to Queen Elizabeth, that caused the former to invent the princess idea of dress, for which many shapely women are so thankful. • "Hee majesty of England," went on Queen Elizabeth to bar courtiers. "de-. spises blouses, maintaining that the subdlyision of the female body by the blouse and skirt is unbeautiful if not a downright sacrilege." So Queen "Elizabeth indorsed Queen Alexandra and then proclaimed some views of her olkn. . "The corset," she declared. "is an Invention' of man, not of woman. Most hien judge a woman's beauty ac- cording to the standard of an expen- sive corset maker," Queen Elizabeth forthwith wrote a pamphlet setting down her reflections s� in ,g Find Them Marvellous This is Mrei. Chas. Brooks' Opinion of "Little Digesters" Here is a short but very eonvineing' letter which we received recently: TSL COL oust MEDICINE Co., 1 have been using "Little Digesters" far tome time. I still use thein and find theta marvellous. I recommend them Sincerely. MRS. CHAS, BROOKS. Trow, Wright Co;, Quo, Here is another letter, dated Nov. 90, 1909, almost equally brief and to the point: COLnatAN MewlIiee Co., Would say that the box of "Little Digesters" hat done me a lot of good. 1 think they aro all right for any Stomach Trouble, ANTHONY FISHER. Trout Creek P.O.,ParrySa. Dist., Ont. Letters like tbese aro the best pox• Bible proof that ''Little Digesters" do exactly what we elaihri-relieve and cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach Troubles. We are so sure that I' Little Digesters will euro that we offer to hand your honey back without hesi- tation if they fail. Put up in dainty little red boees II5e. at your druggists or ley mail Froin Coleman Medicine Coe ''pronto. 3y 41'1 len W Zra on the Snnjeet tttitt tai (*ritz ,tr wieu- Uteri all over Roumania. It was then that the queen of Italy became a part of the triple alliance. She gave away all her corsets -one for every gown-r-ancl wrote to Queen Ulla - abet!' as follows: "1 ata onpnsed to the corset on pritt- QUEEN ALEXANDRA. - HELENA OF ITALY, ELIZABETH OB HOUMANIA. eiple, because T think- it unhygienic and directly injurious to women, 'par- titularly to mother,„ Women who have studied the funcsions of the body will refuse to wear corsets. Only tilough!r'as mothers will imitate the tai-ofts of women afilranore giddy and allow their bodies -o be squeezed tightly and their organs co be dis- torted." Zam-Buk in 3,Accidents. It would'seem': that Zam-Buk, the famous healing balmwehear so highly, spoken of everywhere, is particularly useful in the family circle. A report "sent by Mrs. E. Davey,783 Ellice Ave., Winnipeg, will illustrate this, She says : "My little boy, of three, while playing, fell from a high, verandah to the ground,cutting his forehead badly. Instead of calling a doctor who would. undoubtedly have put in a number'of stitches,.I bathed the wound well, and applied Zam-Buff, The little fellow,al-` -though suffering keenly, soon had re- lief from his. pain. In the course of three week). by applying • "Zani.Bpk. daily, the wound in his forehead was nicely hailed. "Since then I have also _used Zam- Buk for a boil which came on my cheek and which proved very painful and looked unsightly. Zam-Buk soon drew the boil to a head and it then quickly banished it:" Another time my baby w s scalded on her left thigh and calf of leg with boiling water. This was a severe scald and the child suffered cruelly, scream- ing from pain. Directly it was done I thought to nse Zam-Buk, as we had a boa in the•house, and spreading some on lint I wrapped up the baby's limb. Next morning she rested much easier and I applied a fresh bandage with l Zam-Buk. I kept this treatment up daily and was rewarded by seeing a' great improvement each time 1. dressed the wound. In a very short space of time the scalds were all nicely healed. "I cannot recommend this wonder- ful healing preparation•too highly for family use,and I have such great faith in its healing powers that my house is never without a box." For all . skin injuries and diseases, piles, eczema, salt rheum and face sores Zt m-13uk is absolutely unequall- ed. 50 c.box at all druggists and stores or .post-free from Zam-Buk Co., Tor- onto,•for price. Refuse all substitutes. W. C. T. U. Liquor License and Lock-up. One of the strangest cases we have heard of amongst peculiar applications for liquor licenses comes from Scotts - town, Que., where an application for a license to sell liquor foreseeing some diflieulty in gettingsaid license offered in case,the license was granted, to pro- vide a lock-up and pay for the services of a constable. This fact was reported bya delegate to the Alliance Conven- tion in Montreal recently, The thing seemed so strange that the delegate was questioned concerning the matter whether the offer was really made in earnest and the 'leottstown delegate replied that it had been madein abso- lutely good faith but as Secttstown had had no license for eighteen years application was refused, It seems hard to believe that any man could have so little common -place as to make such an offer and yet there is no doubt that if a license were granted both lock-up and Constable would be needed, klut the granting of this means,the condemnation of the traffic Liquor and locks -ups go together, al- though l- tou h the trade mortally hates to acknowledge it. This Scottstown representative has let the cat out of the bag. ,.1101111,nor Local Option Sarnia Local Option advocates have joined hands figuratively speaking with theirP ort Huronbrethre s. Speakers from the other side of the river Met the Sarnians in a joint gath. ering at Sarnia, with a view of having both towns Indus in concert for local April ,t4014, 4400--`� meets you Italy -way ---does all your work 'is half the time .if you follow directions. Sunlight Soap -absolutely pure -saves clothes from le - Jury -bands from roughness - life from drudgery. %.,. -, IUt�{dtitla� option, The Port Huronites;realize that if they secure Local Option an d Sarnia does not, Sarnia hotels will do an increased . business. The hotel- keepers of Sarnia have formed a com- bine of their own each to pay fine of $200 if detected in selling liquor in prohibited hours. W CT 1J Press Cor. Without ,Alcohol A Strong Tonic WithoutAlcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood Purifier WithoutAlcohol A Great Alterative Without Alcobol A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer's Sarsaparilla WitheutAlcohol A . Wi pnbUslt our formulae Wbanish 100 . bol AroR.urn .atoms„ tiers W• y.nrw on. teectoroa Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They act directly on the liver,. cake more bile secreted. This is wh ' y are so valu- able In constipation, bi Cuteness, dys- pepsia, sick -headache. Ask your doctor. if he knows a better laxative pill. ...Urge Ivy the O. A Bare .. Loww.7191e*. "The foreigner" Question :"What are you doing with him ? Answ.ers "We are writing novels about him." -Ralph Connor: "We are lecturing • about him ' from him from Halifax to Vancouver" - Rev. J. S. Woodsworth. .'We are writing articles about him for the religious newspapers," -Arthur Ford and a host of other correspond- ents. "We are trying to teach his little children so that they will become good Canadians after he dead." -Kinder - garden and deaconess teachers. "We are buying .him "at election. times." -Politicians. "We are selling him bad wiskey."- Liquor dealers. "Weare striving to winbim for our church:" -,Some -denominations. -"We are struggling to•keep hint ; he belongs to us." -Others. "We are after his money ."--Livers by their wits. "We are getting'him to. or w k for us, for the lowest possible' pay, and now and then' we heat him out of that little. Oanadian emolovers, "We are letting him severely alone, as his habits are offensive to cur re• fined feelings:" -Respectable citizens. "We are trembling lest he .should outnumber us and get the upper hand in business and in municipal and pro- vincial affairs." -Some Canadians. The Mother's Aid. And Children's Friend 'Baby's Own Tablets are not intend- ed for babies only. This medicine is intended for children of all ages. It is gently laxative and comforting. It cures indigestion and other stomach troubles, constipation and simple fev- ers. Guaranteed free from poisonous opiates. : Mrs. Paul Carrier, Petite Mechine, Que., says :-"I find Baby's Own Tablets the best medicine 1 have ever used for children.• I have used them for most of the troubles that afflict little ones and have never known them to fail. Mothers should always keepthem on hand. Sold by all med- icine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Willian's Medicir Co., Brockville, Ont. "The D. & L." Iirnulsiou will build you up will make you fat and healthy. Especially beneficial 10 those who are "all run down." AMONG GIRLS (From The Washington Stat) They tally all at once with great ardor And nobody listens at all They start in and talk al the harder When any one else comes to cell, There's never a thought or suggestion In this conversonal chime, And yet they have had, beyond ghee - tion A perfectly lovely time 1 They make up a theatre party And gaze on the heroine's grief. Their sympathies, wholesome hearty. In copious tears find relief. And after the villain unsparing, Has slaughtered young hopes in their prime. They've had, you will hear them de- claring, A perfectly lovely time 1 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Eignaturo Of Lima Trunklallway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart- ... 8.30am 4.50pm. Centralia....-..,... 9.40 0.43 Exeter, 953 5.54 11ensall.,..... ,.,'.,10,08 6,00 Ripen 10.10 6.11 Blviceffeld 10,30 6,10 Clinton.... ...11.05 8,35 Londesboro U,8 6,52 Blyth..,,.,....r..,, 11.27 7.00 Belgrave ... 11.40 7.13 Wingbam, arrive.., 11.50 7.35 South Passenger Wingham, depart., 6.43 a m 3.33 p m Belgrave 6,54 3.44 Blyth......,..,.,7.08 3 b Londesboro 7.16 4.04 Ulinton 750 423 8rucefield 8,12 4.30 Ki en, 4.47 Heneall... , 8.82 4 02 5.05 Teter............... 8.48 Centralia 900 5.15 London, arrive 10 00 6.10 Buffalo and Uoderich West Passenger nm pm pm pm Stratford 10.00 12.20 5 2.1 10,20 Mitchell10,22 12,45 5.55 10,47 Seaforth 10,45 1.10 6.18 110.2 Clinton 11.07 1.25 0.40 11,28 Holmes ville.. , 11.16 1.33 646 11,38 Goderich 11.35 1.50 7,05 11,55 East Passenger am pm pm 7.10 2.40 4,50 Goderich Holmesville .,. 7.26 2.57 5,06 Clinton 7,35 307 5,15 Seatorth ..,....,7.52 3.25 5,32 Mitchell 8.16 3 48` 5,55 Stratfora 8.40 4.15 6.20 For Sale or Rent. Farm to__ Rent.. On the 2nd Concession, B R S., Tuckersmith. 100 acres possession April let, 1910. Will rent for one year only. Apply to LEVI STRONG,. Steelton, Ont. Kidney and t.iver Medicated Pad* W�eak,eN ., Vaipisln back T uuuibs. , Rheuutatic, Ncuraigta. All I.f- er and Stomach complaints. Alt kemale wee euess, painful and; irregular periods. men, 'Women' nod Cbtidzen are benefitted alike. Price one pair one dollar. mlut 0 quickly introduce will msil witit first order One Pair Free --that is two pairs on receipt of this ndvertisment and one dollar. Order today this cheap and reliable treatment, 15 S Address-TNE'MEDICATED PAD COMPANY 80 VICTORIA AVE, WINwSOR. 011x„ CA:apns PROFESSIONAL W. BEYJ)ONR. BARRISTER ti01'.ICITOii t OTAR PUBLIC, ETC, • CLINTON CHARLES B. HALE REAL ESTATE ANI) INSURANCE: Huron St., Clinton,. H. T..' RANO'Er Notary Public, Conveyancer. Financial and Real Estate: INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In - enrollee companies, Division Court ,office, Medi�..a1. >bR 41. W. THOMFSeN • mioian, Surgeon. Eto special attention given to diseases of;the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose. Eyes carefully examined and suitable glasses prescribed, Office and: Residence. Two doors west of the Commercial Motel Myron 6t, Dr. W. Gunn Dr. W. Gann, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S.. Mini. Offioe-Ontario Street, Clinton. N. R it calla at front door of office or residence, stattenbnry Farm to Rent Street. Q>Hee hours at spitai-1 to 3 p.m,; 7 to 9 n,m, PHYSICIAN, BURGEON. For Sale or Renteeoncbeur, etc„ office and residence on embers, se, opposite W. Farran's residence, The astram farm, Lot 28,9th Con. of Goderich Tp„ 80 acres is offered to rent, Apply to JOSH COOK, or to MRS. J. HALSTEAD Clinton. tf Goderich, DR. -J, W. SHAW. in Holmesville, 2 -of -an -acre of land, with a frame r good me house of seven rooms, hack kitchen, wood -shed and stable and a large framebuild- ing having been used as a chopping mill. Plenty of good water. Possession any time after the 10th of November. Apply to P. POTTOR, Huron Road For Sate. The w3 lot 24, in the Bayfield Concession, Tp. of Goderieh, 100 acres more or less, 85 .acres cleared aid under cultivation, the balance bush and pasture land ; good clay loam ; log house and large frame barn on the premises. This is. a fine stook farm. Apply to W. SCOTT, Bruce. field, or JOHN. McCOY, 46 King St., E„ Hamilton. • Shorthorns for Sale. Three young bulls, from 9 to 20 months' old,. 2 reds and 1 roan. A few good heifers, all sizes, y-Duke.>of-Rirhmnnd; alsoLo_ur_voung..:19rir shire Sows, due in April, and some small pigs, Call and see them before you buy, tf E 14 wISE', Clinton House and Lot for Sale. The conveniently -located house, next to T. Murphp's, •Rattenbury: street, containing nine rooms. The house is a. recently re -built one, and in excellent repair. Agood. new stable_ on the premises. ApPly to A. SEELEY,. For' Sale Frame house on Townsend street, 11 rooms, 1-4 acre, good water, house in good repair.:. Possession eiven right away. APPiy H T Rance : tf Farrar for Sale:. 50 acres sonth0a1f of lct 26, concession 12, Hullett,.,J mile north: of Londesboro, near church and school,. 2, good wells,. bank barn,' geed frame hol me ; 30 sores seede3. down h mostly clay' loam ;: good state of ltivation ; terms easy. Apply to John Garrett. House lor.•Sale. A good two story frame house, contain ing eight rooms also summer kitchen woodshed and good cellar. One quarter acre of land. • Apply to Miss Stirling, Mill Street. • NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts. issued, Interest allowed on deposits. DR. F. R. AXON • DENTIST Crown mid Bridge Work a Specially. Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago, and 11.0,D.S.. Toronto. Mayfield on - Mondays, May 1st to December HRR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST.. Maim over O'NEIL'S store. Special care token to make dental treat. • merit as painless as possible. W. IL CARR Veterinary Surgeon. Honor -graduate Ont. Vet, Coll., 1890 Special course atMcKillip, Chicago, 1910 Office opposite Graham Rouse. Night calls at Graham House. Day Phone 82; Night Phone 5. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general, Auction Nee GODERIOH' ONT 8:aim stone sales a sweat), Otoets. Naw EBA odice, Clinton, prl,motty abtenaed to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note discounted D. N. WATSON. • Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered, :immed- iate arrangements; for sale dates Can bennade by calling at the NEW ERA office, or with Frank Watson. at McEwan's grocery, , Charges nroder- ate and satisfaction guaranteed G.1D. McTaggart M. D. McTaggar MCTag, Hirt . Bios o BANKERS • ALBERT ST , CLINTON .A General' Banking ' Business transacted arae Back„. Painful ack,- Painful Stitches Cured in Ten Days, or Your Money Back The moment you suspect anyKKidney or Urinary disorder, or feel Rheumatic pains, begin taking. • rig Pills' FIG PILLS are sold with a guarantee to cure all Kidney, Bladder or Liver troubles, Indigestion and all Stomach Disorders. "FIG PILLS' are sold at all leading drug stores at 25c a box, or 5 for 8100. Suffered Terrible Paz ms From. Her Kidneys For Nino Months. 17 For Backache, Lame• or Weak Back --e . one of the Commonest and most. distressing symptoms of kidney inaction, there is :to remedy equal to Doan's Kidney Pills for taking out the stitches, twitches and twinges, limbering"up the stiff back, and giving perfect comfort. A medicine that strengthens the kid- neys so that they are' enabled to extract the poisonous uric acid from the blood and prevent the chief Cause of Rheuma- tism. Mr. Dougald A.Mclsaac, Broad Cove Banks, N.H., writes:-" I was troubled with my kidneys for nine months, and suffered with such terrible pains across the small of rely back all the time that I could hardly get around. After taking two boxes of 1)oan's"Kidney Pills I began to feel better, and by the' time I had taken three I was Co• , lC l,e,ely CU red.H Price , r I I hU Dents per box, or 3 for 51,25, all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. ; lilburhl Co., Limited, - Toronto, Ont. When ordering, specify "Dan's." &iIohb Cure tuidkly stops eou5hs. OErcO cold:,, heals the tbfo5t find tunas. , * - 211 Otntr. The McKillop`' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Tonna Props erty Only Insured,' • OFFICERS. J, B,. McLean, President; Seaforth Jas. Connolly, Vire Pres., God er ch Thos. E, Bays, . See:-Treas., Sea forth DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; John Watt; Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, 'Seaforth; J.Evans, . Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben. newels, Brodhagen, M. McEwa Clinton. Bach Director is inspector of losses In his own locality. AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed,l Hinchley Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond. vi11e; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville • Payments may be made at Tozer 8s Brown's, Clinton, or to 1t. 13, .Outt, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR emaiTox Fire, ' Life and Accident 'Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan • Oflmce Issac Street, nex door to New Era 108'°X eo1a in one day. 25c. a bottle at alt ,Drug Stores, Children Orr FOR FLETCHER'S C A 1'O R