HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-04-07, Page 7April
nth 1910.
The i llton New Era
Formulae Have Been Well Tried Out
Though the NA. -DRU -CO line of Medicinal and Toilet Preparatigns have been on sale
for a few months only, don't think for minute that in buying N.A.-DRU-CO goods you are
experimenting With new or untried preparations,
Their Origin
The twenty-one wholesale drug firms now united
in the "National" had all of them lengthy careers,
some for fifty to one hundred years, prior to the union.
Each firm, had acquired or developed a number of
valuable formulae for medicinal and toilet preparations,
all of which became the propertyof the "'National".
Since the union our expert chemists have carefully
gone over these formulae and selected the best for the
NA -DRU -CO line. Every formula has been carefully
studied by these experts, improved if possible, and
then. thoroughly tested again, in actual use, before
we consider it good enough to bear the NA -DRU -CO
Trade Mark.
An Example
There are therefore no experiments among.
NA -DRU -CO preparations. We have invested alto-
gether too much time, work and money • in the
NA -DSU -CO line to take any chances of discrediting it
with preparations that. Wright not prove satisfactory,.
We make absolutelycertain that each preparation is
satisfactory before we endorse itwith the NA -DRU -CO
Trade Mark.
Ask your physician or your druggist about the
firm behind NA -DRU -CO preparations and about the
NA -DRU -CO line, They can tell you, for we will
furnish them, on request, a full list of the ingredients
in any NA•DRU-CO article.
"Money Back"
If by any chance you should not be entirely
A good example of what we mean is NA -DRU -CO satisfied with any, NA -DRU -CO article you try, return •
Nervozone for Brain Vag or nervous break -down. the unused portion to the druggist from whom. you
The formula was pronounced the most scientific com- bought it and he veal refund your money -willingly,
bivation of nerve medicines, but this was not enough for too, because we return to him every cent he gives
us ; we had it tried out with a dozen different kind of back to you.
Bram workers -- School Teachers, Lawyers, Book- If your druggist should not have the particular
keepers -as well as Society leaders and home workers, NA -DRU -CO article you ask for in stock he can get
and everywhere the result was so good that we adopted it for you within two days from our nearest wholesale
it as one of the best of the NA -DRU -CO line. branch.
Camphor ice
Greaseless Toilet
Talcum Powder
Tooth Paste
Tooth Powder
NA -DRU -CO Preparations You'll Find Most Satisfactory.
Baby's Tablets Dyspepsia Tablets
Cm„i„ ` Carbolic Salve Headache Wafers
Cascara Laxatives (Tablets) Herb Tablets
Cod Liver oil Compound, Nervozone
Tasteless (2 Sizes) Pile Ointment
:National Drug and Chemical
Company of Canada; Limited
Wholesale Branches at:
Rheumatism Cure
Sugar of Milk
Stainless Iodine
e Cw Ointment
White UM' knout
h� .
Slather el "TilJier, O M saes Ito Maid?
O Ptiklit. 2957. by MCChsre.•PUIRIps&Co.
l -•1•m not' so sure,- Ueorgiana protest
ed. bat she laid her hand affectionate-
ly on Daisy's crru. .,.
."But _ -yaw miry-�be-=sure;' unice
s poke with a half gaspand almost
without volition. "He does love you."
"R'l.irtt?" Daisy turned upon her_ •
"Yes, Dr. Kinross does love her."
Eunice's voice sounded hollow to her-
self. She was dazed.
was a dull
dead weight upon her heart, an -unde-
fined lout keen sense of loss and 'pain.
Dr. Kinross and.. Georgianus. were _ es_
good as engaged." '
"He says he loves you," shc.repeated
There was a sob in her, throat that
ached intolerably. She felt an impera
Live need to get away by herself. Sho
suddenly sprang tin. and before the
other two girls could collect them-'
selves she was gone.
For an instant surprise' field both of
then! silent. ""•"'-:'
eclar"",Sbe'g a little bit off the top!" - de-
ed Daisy... - ea - - .,...:,,°,
"That.collkl Abe have meant?" won-
bbl'fy Iliffa. , a ,,, y,,'''
"I can't . get abOArd! ; said' Daisy. -'3
don't think she kneW herself.. I alw'ays
did think that earl aei-ed ag le sae and
66L Y1l eney lii4k-s"
utOur Prices Holler
Shoe Bargains for
Fifteen Days
On Saturday, April 2nd, we will commence
a Great Stock -Reducing Sale, continuing until
Saturday, April 16th. We want to reduceour
stock about $2,Ooo. In order to do- this quickly,..
we must and will make our prices "holler". Every-
thing we advertise shall be carried out to :the
letter. - Wei cannot give prices on all the lines on
sale, but you can shoe every member of the family
at Bargain prices.
7 pairs Men's patent colt button, G.W., reg. $5, Sale price $3.50
10 prs Velvet calf bluchers, G W, reg $4.50, Sale price .... 3.60,
14 pre Pat$nt colt blucher,,G W, reg. $5, Sale price •.... 3.9$
15 prs Box Calf and Dongola Kid bluchers and bale,reg 2.75
t$3.50, Sale price
24 pair's Men's kid and calf bluchers, reg. $2 25 and $2 50, I.79
Sale price... .
30 prs men's gun metal bluchers,, with toe cap, special .2.49
Sale price • e
20 pre boys' box calf bluchers, reg $2, Sale price 1 65
15 pre boys' chrome bluchers, reg $2, Sale price 1 55
10 pre boys' bale and bluchers, sale price
12 pre little gents' box calf bluchers, rep $1 85, Sale price 1 00
40 prs child's button and lace shoes, sale price....SOe and 75c
20 pairs ladies' patent colt blucher and. button G W, reg •
$4, Sale price 1.. -: 2 95
Extra Special -24 pairs ladies' patent colt, mat kid top,
just newly in, a beautiful fitting shoe, reg. $3,50, 2 $9
Special Sale price
15 prs ladies' kid bluchers and bale, reg $1.15 and $2 00,
Sale price
1 35
15 prs Patent Oxfords, G W and, turn sole, reg $8 and 2 49
$350, Sale price
10 pairs kid Oxfords, G W, patent toe cap, reg price $3, 2 35
Sale price '
30 pairs kid blucher Oxfords, patent toe cap, good fitting 15
goods, special at
10 pairs misses kid bluchers, sizes 11 to 2, reg price $1.75,
sale price ••••••••••••••• 1 35
12 prs Misses' Oxford Ties, sizes 11 to 2; reg $185, Sale price 99c
10 prs Misses B 0 Bluchers, sizes 11 to 2, Sale price 1 25
Special for Horse Show Day,
For every pair of old shoes exchanged for new ones, on
Show Day, we will allow : 25ea pair for men's and women's;
15c a pair for boys' and misses; I0c a pair for children's; 10c a pair
for Rubbers. -
Men's 'Working Shoes at Special Prices.
Our. $1.25 Men's Shoes is a reeord•bsealier. Special prices on
other lines.
1:on't miss this chance to get Spring .shoes at Bargain prices.
The goods are all new and up•to-date. We have no old stocks
to unload.
TERMS CASH -No goods
dsNot Satisfied
rOv 1. Your money
Se G
The t xpert Shoe Man git Clinton
atonal and pave tC over to the pawnor -
ed Eunice.
"Now, Mr. ,fornin„utar," be began.
when this transaction had been eotn-
pleted, leaving, the • farmer utterly
shaken out of his orllit, "1 :have a
piece of news for you and your wife
and for Eunice."
Eunice's face Was pale, and her
efes, intent upon his face, were burn-
ing bright, Ile wished that lie had the
power to read all her thoughts, .unique
young creature that she was. It was
distasteful. even painful, to have to
break his news to her in the presence
of these people. who. Indeed, seemed
her natural enemies. but it was appar-
ently unavoilAble.
"What's your news?" Mrs. Morning-
star curtly demanded, her curiosity
getting the better of her rage against
him, and her husband. too, bitter as
was bis chagrin, looked up keenly.,
suspicious of further calamity.
"Wben I spent the night in the
haunted room J made some discover-
ies. I found out, as •you know, about
the $4,000 belonging: to Eunice. 1
found out also some other things."
He paused an Instant. They all wait-
ed breathlessly.
"The man and woman who left Eu -
Mee here were not her parents."
"Now," exclaimed Mrs. Morningstar,
sou ain't tellin' us that!"
"09h, my souls!" breathed 011ie.
"Kin you- prove It?" demanded Air.
Morningstar. sullenly.
"What did they do with havin' her,
then, along with 'em?" cried Mrs.
"They had stolen her from her
"Well, I never!" exclaimed Mrs.
Morningstar, her eyes bulging.
"1 bad wished to talk to Eunice of
this . and other details alone, but as
you made that impossible I'll give you
the bare facts now, after which," he
added iu a tone of authority, "Eunice
will come with me to bear in private
what concerns no one but herself."
The Morningstars stared resentfully;
but leo one answered.
"Fier father;".Kinross went on, "was
W. W. Wolcott of.'New York. He was
a man of large means.. Eunice was
Ws only child. Iler aunt, Miss Wol-
cott of ,Washington, who believed her
to be dead, has meantime had posses-
sion of the fortune rightfully belonging
. _ to-Ennice:----She-Ls r• .adAnoweto ria -aka
"If Pete were still here I would ask
hien what he knows about her. She
is singular," Georgians agreed. ."But
what could she have meant?"
"She never saw Kinross, and Kin-
ross Hover saw you. She 'aas talks ig
through her hat" •
"Of course," Georgiana again agreed.
reluctantly. 'It would be'so much more
interesting if Daisy's conclusion' was
not so inevitable -If Eunice had net
been "talking through her hat."
Meantime Eunice, alone in the
"haunted" chamber,• seated on the side
of the bed and staring withunseeing
eyes into the darkness of the room,
groped in a greater darkness of sour as
she tried in her blind :ignorance of life
to understand her own great desola-
tion _•
Etiiageel to be married! What did
marriage mean to men like him? She
had an unhappy knowledge• of what it
meant to such as Abe and the other
countrymen about here. But to -a man
like. Dr. Kinross, a man with an intel-
lect- and a , soul as well as a body,
would not marriage mean ,something
different t0 such an he? •
Suddenly a hot wave of realization
swept over her. Some burning lines of
Browning came to her .mind: .
Be a god -and hold me with your charm.
13e a man -and hold mo with your arm.
Eunice sank down upon the • bed.- and.
buried.her face deepin the pillow: To
her trembling heart only one thing was
clear. That; which in the days just
past had made the sun in the heavens
shine for her as it had neves shene, be-
-fore, that was over.' He belonged to
another. What had, he to do with her
or she with him? She was .alone, ---ut-
terly and absolutely alone. •
T 5 o'clock in the afternoon •two
days later Kinross was once
more with- the assembled
Morningstars in the farm
kitchen, the entire family, including
Eunice, being present at the important
interview he was having with them.
The withdrawal o of Georgiana's all
pervading presence from the farm had .
made the family seem to Kinross on
his return quite shrunken and small.
He had wondered -how, after his
few days' absence and bis' fresh con-
tact with the world, Eunice would ap-
pear to him from the point of view of
his own and hen aunt's world, and it
seemed to him now ns he looked at .her
sitting opposite him ,at .,.the kitchen
table that she was even more detached
from her environment than he had at
first thought her and far more akin
to his own and her aunt's sphere of •
life than that of the farm -to which,
indeed, she seemed entirely alien.
He fancied toilny that the habitual.
melancholy of her eyes was intensified.
But surely the great news he had for
her would' quickly dissipate it and the
original "pale drab" of her existence
change tb rosy hues -perhaps,' alas, to
lurid ones -for in his heart he felt not
a little misgiving as to the possibly
baneful effect of her seeming good
Before returning he had !lent a mes-
sage ahead of him to Mr. Morningstar,
warning him to be ready against hie
arrival to pay over. to Eunice imme-
diately the sum of''•$3,0ii0 or be pre-
pared to accept the consequences.
The effect of this gommunication had
been to lead the Morningstars to 'urge
upon Bunke once more the suit' of
Abe, but neither their persuasions nor
their anger . bad succeeded in moving
On his,. arrival he had of course -in-
sisted upon seeing Eunice alone. tint
he had met with such violent opposi-
tion to this from both Air. and Mrs.
Morningstar that even the girl herself
drew back, unwilling to bravo the
stolen that would follow her open de-
fiance. Pie SAW that part, at least, of
what he had to tell her of her affairs
would have ,to be told in the presence
of the family. Surely the news would'
make her able to throw off the last
vestige of her yoke.
So, first, he lead forced Morningstar,
under the lash of his threats, to sign,
in a told perspiration of horror, the
draft for 000 (which in fact rept*,
sen r St a fourth of his possetf-
13ackache For
V Now Com-
ears pletelyr Cured
By The Use Of
Mrs. W. C. Doerr, 13 Brighton St.,
i,otelon, Ont., . writes:-" It is with
pleasure that 1 thank you for the good
ezeir Doan's Kidney Pills have done me,
tt•tve been troubled with backache for
•.'ea.1•S. Nothing helped me until a friend
i"r].1t;;`tt me a box of your Kidney Pills,
i be;tn to take then and took four boxes,
arta ant Nita to say that I am cured .en-
tirely arid. can do all my own work and
feel as gonl.ts 1 used to before taken sick.
1 am positive Doan's Kidney Pills are
all you clailn them to be, and I advise
all kidney sufferers to give them a fair
Let Doan's Kidney Pills do for you
what they have done for thousands of
others. They cure all forms of kidney
trouble and they cure to stay cured.
Price, 50 cents per box or -3 boxes for
S1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When ordering specify "Doan's,"
In disord&rs and dis=
eases of children drugs
seldom do good and
Often -do -harm..-
Careful feeding and
bathing are the babies'
remedies. .
Scott!s EmuIsioi
isthe food -medicine that
not only nourishes. them
most,but also regulates
their digestion... It is a
wonderful tonic, for chil-
dren of all ages. They
rapidly gain weight and
health on'small doses.
Send 1.0e.; name o£ Popei and this ad; for`•
our beautiful Savings Batik and Child's
Sketch -took. Each bank contains a
Good Luck. Penny.
126 Wellington -t., West, Toronto, Ont.
Sem,,..e t:•a e- M 7
"Kin you prove It?" Abe here re-
peated his father's demand,
"How did you find it out?" asked
"Haunted rooms reveal secrets," Kin-
ross answered, with a solemnity that
made the family shudder to a -man.
"How much is comin' to her?" inquir-
ed Abe covetously.
"A very great fortune."
While the family gaped, speechless,
he rose from the table and moved
around to Eunice',s side. .
"Miss Wolcott," he said, holding out
his band, "I congratulate you."
It took the Morningstars a long time
to grasp it, and Eunice herself seem-
ed dazed by it. She had not the least
conception of what a great fortune
meant. Kinross found her childlike
acceptance of the stupendous fact both
refreshing and amusing.
It required a vast deal of explaining
before he could make them all even be-
gin to understand the discovery he had
made. Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar were
_laud.in thetr_comments and -questions.
Even 011ie overcame her habitual shy-
nese before him and became articulate.
Only Eunice had nothing to say as she
sat motionless; with her eyes fixed'up-
on his face,when again he took his.
chair. opposite her.
"Now, just to think!" heavily breath-
ed Mrs. .,Morningstar. "Who'd 'a'
thunk it??" °
"Och, it minds rue of that there story
of Cinderella, ain't?" 011ie appealed to
Kinross, taking courage under the ex-
citement of the occasion to display her
knowledge of literature.
'Now, .see: }what you done me, mom,"
exclaimed Abe bitterly, "with your al=
ways jawin' Eunice fur Makin' up to
me! See what you cheated me out of!
If you'd of left us be, look at what I'd
be comin' into!"
"Yes, anyhow!" Mr. Morningstar also
bitterly reproached his wife.
But Mrs. Morningstar turned on the
latter resentfully. "Justif as y
wasn't always agin it as .much as me!"
"I only thought they oughtn't to emr
gage to marry till they was sure
oneet," he declared.
"Well, if you ain't"- But she checked •
herself judiciously. "That's all I. meant,
too" she also . declared, turning ap-
.pealu3siv to ii.nniee,' • --
(To be continued next week,
Vogt Thosphol i e;
The. Great English: �
Tones and. invigorates the whole'
nervous system, makes new
lood in old Veins. Cures Nerv.
ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des.
pendency, Sexual Wealancss, Fortise Sper
matornccea, and Effects or'Abuse or Excesses.
Price $1• per box, six for $5. One will please sic
will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receippA of price. New pamphlet
mailed free. The wool" Medicine Co.
&formerly Windsor) • Toronta►, Oast.
The Hind Ycu Rave Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over 0 years, has borne the signature or
and has been shade under hip per.
somal supervision since its Infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -ds -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children --Experience against Experiment.
Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing. Syrups. It is. Pleasant. - It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and. allays Feverishness. It cures Diarnccea.and Wind.
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. •It - assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and. Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -Tile Alother'S Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 3.0 Years.
• •
Inl.. .ateRealm of Sport• =.
•sss•••.•••.•ss•••••••••••• ••S••S•s•••••••••••••••s•• •
Ed. Darrow, Manager of the Montreal Base Ball team has
gathered his men at Columbia for practice, and
promises to be right up with the leaders this season
Drs. K. & K. are favorably known through-
'out Canada where they have done busi-
ushness for over 20 years. Thousands of patients
have been treated and cured by their great
skill and 'through the virtue of their New
Method Treatment. When you treat .
them you know you aro dealing with responwith-
sible physicians as they' own and occupy
their own office building in Detroit, valued.
at 95100,000. When they decide 'your case is
curable, all your worry is removed for you
know they will not deceive you. They
guarantee to euro all curable cases. No
matter how many doctors have failed to ,
beneflt you; no natter. how much money.
you have spent in vain; no matter how dis-
couraged you May be, don't give up in des-
pair until you get a free opinion from these
= r resent-
=lnh'ster. s e
cis ate
— I our e•�a
within the clutches of any secret baa b t•edech
is sapping your life by degrees; if you are
suffering from the results, of past indiscre-
tions; if your blood has been .tainted from
any private disease and you dare not marry;.
if you are married andlive in dread of symp-
toms breaking out and: exposing your past;
if you are suffering as the result of a mis-
spent life -Drs. K. & K. _are your Refuge.
Lay your; case before them confidentially and
they will tell you honestly if you are curable.
Or Das. K. & K. "
We Treat and Cure .
Books Free on Diseases of Men. If unable BLOOD and .URINARY COMPLAINTS
to call,' write for a Question Blank for . KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases
HOME TREATMENT . and all Diseases Peculiar to Men.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and'Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. .
All letters from Canada must be addressed
NOTICE to our ;Canadian Correspondence Depart-
ment'in,Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally•call at our Medical Institute in; Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which -are for Correspondence and
Laboratory ,for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows :
ar,•;+a fir our private address.
store opens at 7.30 a m, closes at 8 p m.
We are Practical Boot and Sltoe mak-
ers and repairers, Boots made to or-
der from oneto three days notice and
repairing done while you wait.
Fanners Attention
We have on hand several pairs of
our own make boots,just the thing for ' Agent for Boston Dry Feed Hoppers,
the. Spring wear. (come in and'see . 111 C
'AN, Clinton
To our Loiidesboro. Customors -
-All repairing left at the'post office • Golden La,eed Wyandots
or at Mr R. Adams store will have my I have a:choice pen of this:handsome
best attention. 1 will be at my 'store fowl. They are the open -laced kind,
on Fridays. Give me.a trial. 15 females mated to a cock bird winn-
t-1 'WAT.TS & SON er of 2nd at Owen Sound. I have,
proven them to be excellent layers:
Opposite Post office $1.00per 13. Onslow Crich, Clinton.
Eggs for Hatching.
Rose. Comb and Single Comb
Rhode Island Jteds
Good tying, tail and hackle; correct shape and
color, and No suoz.
Eggs $1.50 per 15, $2 if shipped, ex-
press prepaid,
S1n7oh3 Cue
quickly stops coughs, cures Colds, heals
the throat and lungs. • - - 25 cents.
Tenders for Dredging
EALED TENDERS addressed to the under-
1.7 signed, and endorsed Treaders for Dredg-
ing," will be received until Tuesday, April 12th,
1910 at •0.00 n m for dredging required at the
following places in theProvince of Ontario ,-
Bying Inlet, Cobourg. Goderich, (Kincardine,
Lion's Bead and Port Elgin), Owen Sound, Pie -
neo Island,Port Burwoll.(Port Elope and Whitby)
Rainy River, River Thames. Rondeau, Sault 5to
Tenders will not he considered unless made
on the form supplied and signed with the actual
signatures of tenderers,
Combined specification and form of tender
can be obtained on application to the Sooretary,
Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders
must include the towing' of the plant tb and front
the works. Only dredges can be employed which
are registered in Canada at the time of the filing
of tenders, Contractors must bo ready to begin
work within thirty davit Tater the date they have
been notitled of the aceeptanee of their tender,
An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, pay- s �e rias v v vv s v W
able to the order of the Honourable the Minister1f
of Publie works,for six thousand dollars ($0,000)
must accompany the 'tender. The ehoque will I Merchant Tailor, Clinton
be returned in case of non-accaatanee.of tender. �. - , ___
The Department does not bind itself to aecept
We Want' to Land
your first order, because we know that
the satisfaction you will derive from
that will open your eyes to the fact
that you cannot do better anywhere
Wee that you can with us; You will
find that we are not "all at sea" in our
business, but thoroughly "up- to the
minute" and watchful of the interests
of our„customers, knowing that, by so
icing, we are really. acting for our
Wit ultirnate benefit.
the lowest orany tender, 5
By order,
Derartmont of ?labile Works,
Ottawa, March 21 1010.
Ncwspapert will not bo paid for this advortleo-
meet if they insert it 'without authority from
hd Department,
Children Cry
C A S T O "" - I A