HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-04-07, Page 3• Woman'sWorld SNOWSHOES FOR ‘110i1SES, Mr. George Westinghouse Provide* Protection Far klelplese Equines. From the royal bousehold of the king of Wurttemberg at ,Stuttgart there came recently a cable order for a full set of horse overshoes to be furnished for the stables of the kine,, The cable went be Pittsburg, tee explanation be Ing Mrs. George Westinghouse's inter- est In the horse overshoes. A repre- sentative of Mr. Westinghouse turned the message over to a manufacturer of thee overshoes. Mrs. Westinghouse some time ago gave to the Humane society of Pitts-. burg a supply of overshoes to keep horses from slipping on the ice and now. A newspaper uotice to this effect appears to have reached the king. Mrs. Westinghouse is accredited with first having made the manufacture of the horse overshoe possible. She MAP, plied fuuds for an .inventor wile bad an idea for fastening chains under the frog of each _ horseshoe, giving the horse a rough hold on the ice of slip- pery streets. Mrs. George Westing- , house was before her marriage, which took place about a year ago, Miss Vio- let Brocklebank, the pretty daughter of Sir Thomas and Lady Brocklebank of Ireton Hall, Cumberland, England.'" The meeting of the young couple was very romantic, taking place in the ma- chine shops of the great Westinghouse • works. 'Miss Brocklebank and het - -mother while visiting-friends-in-Pitts— burg one day went through the shops with young George Westinghouse, who was working as a day laborer in his father's establishment, as their guide. To quote Miss Vela, he was "perfect- ly stunning in his overalls." At the time the English visitors had no idea that their guide was the son of the great inventor. Several MODOS later George Westinghouse went to England and became one of a week end party at Ireton Hail. It was then that Miss Brocklebank foiled out that tbe "stun- ning man" at the Pittsburg machine shop and the rich Mr. Westinghouse were one and the same person. Not many months elapsed after the meet- ing before the manor house saw a fine old fashioned country wedding, . and you. may easily guess who was. the bride. A sister of Mrs. Westinghouse isone of the most famous woman ;whips in England. And it was she • sok. te, 64_ 4. WAAL ete west: .6.1 tesee, _ SECUR Cenuine Carter's Uttle.Liver P111 "lust Sear Signature Of 15•4 Fac.Slialis Wrapper trigri ociake-iossim FOR ouroass. FOR INUIOOSNEU. FOR linumtprot4 JO il tom:110mm! FON aultiwlsio k, • FOR TRE-COMPLEIOOR MUItMMC low , tins ••• OUSE IIICK HEA'04014E. • wedrove eer, anti Mrs. Wesungnouse Id a fouren-hand to • the station, six miles distant from Ireton Hall, when they started on their honeymoon. When the Ocean Breezes Blow. Tf you are thinking of going abroad, be sure to have in your steamer trunk a hood like the one illustrated. Yon will fled it not only useful when etoon vOn WEAR ON THE PitOMIXAW1 DEOR. eyou-are-enjoynigethercomforts-thateyouF— deck chair affords, but for proteeteon against the winds when you are tak- ing your constitutional. On a pretty girl this hood, after the style of a monk's headgear, Is very fetching. Beware of Ointinente for*Catarrit That Contain Mercury, - as mercury Will surely destroy the sense of smell, and completely derange the whole system, whenentering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi- cians, as the damage they will do•is tenfold to the goodt.you can possibly derive,. from them. • Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured, by.F J Cheney & 0o,,Toledo, Ohm, ace:items no mercury and is taken 'internally, acting directly upon the blood and:mucous surfaces of the system. :In buying Hall's Catarrh (hire be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in terriaily, and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney. & Co. Teati- f momals free. e Sold by druggists,price75e per bottle Take Hall's Family pills for constipa. Invest 25 cents in a box o Davis'eMenthol Salve (The. D. & L.") and be prepared for a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are very annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, earache, sprains, burns, bruises, insect stings, cuts, piles, etc. It is a household remedy always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family medicine closet. IWILA, MAKE HAIR GROW BEARINE Prepared from the grease of the Canadian Bear. Delicately perfumed. The Standard Pomade for 40 Years. , All Dealers SOc. per Jar. Davis Rc Lawrence Co., Montreal. Onle. One Trouble. In a, Nova Seotia.town lived lin old man whose Wife had recently died, leaving hitn in a comfortable house with no one to` look after him. led, edon- began "lookin' eound" for it se- cond helpinate. and settled on a wee dow ev'hose status as a housekeeper for her formerepeuse was well. The old: men had , but one objection to her: ,ehe was a Methodist, and he had been a devout Presbyterian all hiSlife. ' . ' 'It's all right bu't fOr that one thing," he .conlided..to his crouy, when they fell to discuesiteigehis draw-. back. "Come week days, she will be fine, I'm ft -thinking, She can keep me tidy, mind the house, and, man, ye knowshe oan • cook. But theue' end he shook his head doubtfully— "then Will coene Sunday. We will be starting all for churoh together, just as husband and wife should be doing • on the Sabbath day., and we Vail come to the corner. Then Mandy, she %ail1 be turning to go down the street to that Methodist place, and will go on to the house of God alon.e.- Aaiimasparnmomarnisermama 1 A POPULAR ROLOIER. Col. Stools, Who enceeeds Gen. Sue chows, With tho R.N.W.M.P. Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. S. B. Steele, C.D., M.V.O., has been selected, by Hie Excellency the Governor-Gen- eral for the position of Honorary nide-de-Camp, made vacant by the death of Brigadier -General Duclian. the title itself implies, the appoint- ment of Honorary Aide -de -Camp is entirely an honorary one, the only duties attaching to it being to attend His Excellency at state functions such. as the opening, of Parliament: state dinners, etc, Rut it is PRO Ot the very few honors which the Grov- ernor-General has the privilege of per- sonaliy conferring without eormidting anybody, and as such it is very high- ly regarded in the force, although there have been some absurdly in- judicious awards of honorary aide -de, campships in years gone by. There will certainly be no grumbling over the last appointment, for there is no more popular soldier in Canada to- day than Col. Steele. Most Canadians consider Col. Steele as a contribution of the Royal Northwest Mounted Po- lice to the Canadian Militia. .lie was so long in the red -coated police, and was so closely identified with some of its meet stirrieg episodes of see. vice, that it has been generally for- gotten that he had seen coesiderable service in the Active Militia before joining the Mounted Police. It will be remembered that the organization of the Mounted Police in. 1873 and 1874 was entrusted to Lieut. -Col., now Major -Gen, Sir George French,. This officer at the time, was inspector of artillery and commanded. A, Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, then quar, tered at Kingston. The recruitfor the chief detachment, of the Mounted Police force were mobilized at To- ronto, and French naturally drew up -'I oxi the non-commissioned officers ef hie battery for instructors to knock Care of Gas Stove. If you use a gas stove never leave It with anything that might boil over. It is quite, possible for soup or milk bell- ing over to put out the gas flame, and the escaping gas will fill the room and. should, some one come in with a light an explesion must follow. NERVOUin S _ESS Thousands are in this pitiable condition—blood is colorless, thin, and watery. Digestion is generally imperfect and' needs at- tention. Appetite is fickle and requires pampering. Pretty soon the Kidneys and Liver cease to act properlk--and then everything goes wrong. Ferrozone is a positive "Last year t suffered from a run-down condi. tiOn mef nat rdl :feral lAteasa tinl eke. it rod .Prebut tilritc% cure for Nervousness. It pos- sesses marvelous tonic proper- helped. FERROZOISEnTbluilt 'ata• atranath an4 ties that quickly restore the ""`""°11'" (Mrs.) J. Warren St. John'. N.B. serves to a normal condition. It strengthens the heart, improves the blood circulation, aids diges- tion and assimilation of food. Ferrozone has a specific action on the Kidneys and Liver and causes thee organs to elhnihate all poisonous secretions. Ferrozone FERROZONE bringsrest and "! uiet to the ex- cited brain and isguaranteed to CURES cure Nervousness, Nervous Pros- tration, Nerve Exhaustion, Tired- , ness, Languor, and all diseases arising from poverty of the blood. Refuse a substitute for Per. redOne, which costs go cents per box or six boxes for $2.50. Sold loy druggists everywhere. somose•••••••••••••••••! sTIIRDY CHILDREN. • • In every home wheraBaby's I• Own Tablets are used you will m, find rosy, Eiturdy,good-natured a children, because the ,Tablets 0. • eleonse the stomach and bow- : Iels, aid digestion and thus • bring perfect health. And you can give them with equal safe.' 2 ty to the new born baby or the ,•3 well grown child. Mrs. A. E. 0 Mareod,Woodstock,Ontasoys : 2 ‘‘I have used _Baby's Own Tab- Z lets since my baby was two 6 weeks old. and found . they' 2 of greet benefit for the ail- ' fmorenettsoomfachhlakihnrdboewsPelecti:oluit .: Ibles and, when teething." Sold : by all medicine dealers or by 5 2 mail at 25 cents a box from The g AftAjpitiLejpptt_ir, iBrockville, Ont. • , I. 0410414001116410411111•0041041110111160 , _ OUR. FIRST AGENT. R, 'e'..Gourlay Was Canada's Earliest 1min igratiori Robert Fleming Goarlaywas born in Scotland in 1778. Hie hither, who. had been a man of wealth which he lose, was of good famuly. The son, in an effort to recover the losses of. his father, became entangled in fin-: ancial obligations, which was per- haps the reasonfoe his leaving liis old home and coming to Canada Id 1817: Gonrlay Was proba;bly the fi..1•St real immigration agent: for Genada, , and his plans gavemuch promise of euccess and to some extent he. suc-. ceaded in settling &etch immigrants in -Canada throligh his land agency Ibusiness. This was. in the days of the old Fondle Compact, the •leaders of which monopolized all the offices of Gbvernment and attempted to carry, on an autocratic rifle. Gour- . lay may be said to have been the original Reformer. of Canada. Like others of advanced notions he was deemed to suffer for his priociples. Perhaps quite innocently, through his business methods, he fell foul of the • ruling party. • -TO gain some information of the varioes sections of the Province of Upper Canada (now 'Ontario) Goar- lay sent out a list of questions for answers. Among the questions was one which asked, "What, in your opinion, reta.rde the improvement of your township in. particular, or the . province ip general, and what 'would most contribute to the same?" It ,is quite true that the people throughout the country .weredissatisfied with the conditions, and these questions were discussed in meetings and in private' with the result that • Gourlay tinder - tot,* to advise that complaint should be made to the Colonial. Secretary in England regarding various gievances. Mat -Lets were brought to a crisis through Gourley calling a convention to dismiss the situation. The :Family Compact were greatly alarmed . and after , passing an act forbidding all conventions, determined to get rid of Seeerlay. He wee arrested- in Wong- ston, tried and acquitted, and lin- mediately after ,as again arrested and tried at Brockville, but again acquitted of the charge against him. He .was not given much peace for within a few weeks a charge of sedition was brought, against him, and in defianee of all deceney not to mention. British fair play or British justice, was kept in Jail for seven 0 months without trial. To make sure of the result, he was hustled off to Niagara where the people were all supporters of the ruling compact. The trial was a huge farce. The judge and jury being prejudiced, Gourley was found guilty and sentenced ..to banishment, or at least ordered tO leave the country. During his long iinprisonment his health suffered greatly, and at forty -ono he was a, brolten-down man. After the sentence he went to the United States and then to England. Then he returned to America and settled in Ohio, but again returned to England. He SWIM to have lived it troubled life owing financial embarrassment. Ile was naver able to keep out of debt. More than twenty , years; later his ease was brought up in Parliament andit WAS deelared that his arrest had been illegal, hi 1856 he was granted pension of fifty pounds it year. Thie Gourley refused to accept. In 1860 he endeavored to obtain a seat in OIINTA1NS OF OK During Change of Life, says Mrs. Chas. Barclay Granitevme, fl — "1 was piping through the Change of Life andsuffered from nervousness andother annoying eYmPtorae, and can truly say that bjdleE-Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has proved worth mountains ef gold to me, as i$ restored my health and strength. I neyer forget total my friends what LydiaE.Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound has done for me durmg this tr7ing period. Conaplete restoration to. health means so much tome that for the sake of other suffer- • ing women I am willing to make my tronble public so you may publisk this letter." —Mits. CHAS. Bititorwr, lt,F.P.,Graniteville, Vt. No other medicine for woman'e ills has received ouch wide -spread and un- qualified endorsement. No other med- icine we know of has such a record of cures of female ills as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compotma. For more than 80 years it has been curing female complaints such as inflammation, ulceration, local weak- nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration, and ,it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change ef life, It costs but little to try Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and, as Mrs.Barelaysays,it is "worth moral - tains of gold "to suffering women, trie'r.eghitative Assembly, tieing at the time 82 years of age. •He had married at 80 a' young woman of 30 years, He died in 1862. No doubt ehe action taken against Gourley by the Official Party gave him great prominence and while he appears to have been a man of much courage and ability yet like many well -Intentioned celebrities, he leek - ed judgment and acted with little discretion. If Taken in Time "The D. & L." Emulsion will Surely cure the most serious afflictions of the lungs. That "run down" condition,the after effects of a heavy cold, 18 quickly eouuteraet. ed. A menu for a 'wedding breakfast to be served,at high noon is -given below. Several alternatives are given, froth any of wbich a reliable combination ' may be made: •• • . Grapefritit. _ —Bouillon -in -Cups "-- Creamed Salmon or Lobster. Squabs or Quail. Lettuce or Celery Salad. Fruits in Jelly. • Coffee. Ice Mani meg also be served in Mace of Jellied fruits. FRUIT PESTS' A 6600.6tre. Tho *tette -prevent the lomat or insect end sitingeas disease iniorions t...getation, mod lit the semion of the Ontario istature hit closed, provides tor the appointment by the Uoverriment of inewtore to enforce the provieione of the Measure. Every personie prohibited from importing or bringing or causing to be imported or brought into the province for any purpose any diseased plant. Any plant, shrub or tree in which Weil diseases as 'the coding moth, San Jose scale, yellows, little peach, black rusk pear podia or pear ifiight, may at any time appear, must be destroyed by fire or effectually treated by fu- migation or spraying. Municipal. councils are empowered to appoint at least one inspector upon petition of twenty•five fruit growers who are ratepayers. When an inspector re- ports the exietence of a disease, the council shall order the affected plants to be sprayed within ten days. The actmakee compulsory the fumigation of all plants sold by nurserymen be- fore being delivered. Where disease is found in a nursery, plants must not be removed therefrom until such time as in the opinion of the Ministerof Agriculture it is safe to do so, and then only after thorough, fumigation. The most important section of the act is that providing that if an in- spector finds disease in a collection of plants, trees or shrubs, and decides that it is advisable to destroy all the plants or trees in such orchard or in any part or parts thereof, and so re- ports to the minister,the latter may direct that an exarainatibn shall be made by an additional inspector, and upon their advice be may direct that all the plants or trees in such orchard or collection shall be destroyed with. Lit requiring that every plant or tree shall be first inspected. Inspectors are given the right to force access to any nursery, orchard, store -room or other place where it is known or suspected that any plant is kept, and any person neglecting to carry ant the previsions of the act or offering any hindrance to the carry- ing of it out, shall upon conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than $20 or mere than $100 with costs, or in default, imprisonment for not leas than ten or more than thirty days. e Finest Flavoured Tea SALADA" is hill -grown tea—grown on planta; tions high up on the hills in the Island of Ceylon: The leaf is small and tender with a rich, full flavour; NA Relieves Stomach Misery Al- most Immediately If the food you ate at your last meal did not digest, but laid for along i time like lead n your ,stomach, then you have indigestion and quick action should be taken, Of course there are • many other, symptoms of indigestion,such as belch- ing up of sour food, heartburn, dizzi- ness, shortness of breath and foul breath, and if you have any of them, your stomach is ont of order an should be corrected. Mi-o-na tabletshave cured thousands of eases of indigestion, and stomach trouble. If you have any !tome& dis. tress, Mi-o-na will relieve instantly. But Mi-o-na unlike most so. -called dyspepsia remedies, does more than relieve ; it permanently cures dypepsia or aft other stomach trouble by putt- -lbyen-ergriiiiditrength iffto the -walla - of the stomach, where the gastric juices are produced. • • A large box of efi-o-na tablets costs hut 00 cents at W. S. R. Holmes and are guaranteed to cure or money back, When others fail, Mi o-na cures. It is a producer of flesh when the body is • thin it cleanses the stomach and the bowels': purifies the blood and makes rich red blood. . — is always of unvarying gopd quality. Will you be con+ tent with common tea when 'you can get "SALADA" ?. DYSPEPTIC Food Does You No Good Half the time you're afraid to este your tongue is coated, rntiuth tastes bed, stomach is bloated. If you vrant to get well,, stop using dyspepsia. tab= .lets, and go to the source of the trail: - 1)1e before it is too late„ Strengthen sl awill be p youre tstheombeowche., stoat° out.wt ,st,hae nbail ed,,yrrep7- o mere. • • For your "chondition the best prescrie- tion is Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which are wade specially for the stornacive neys and 'liver. No better remedy will, tie devised, for Pr, Hamilton's Pills are' perfect. DR. HAMILTON'S PILLS A SURE CURE 'No one could realize my sufferings' from stomach trouble and indigeetion. Per five years I have net been well, My food •did me no good, because I couldn't digest or assimilate. My doe - tor said constipation was at the root of my trouble, so I got Dr. Hamietoles Pins. My Appetite improved, pain alter eating ceased, and my fob& digested! quickly. X am delighted with the thor4. ough cure 1 derived. from Dr. Hamill - ton's Pills, " (Signed) M.A.R,TIN evAmoreee "Bridgewater," Quick results attend the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills: this, medicine cures all trouble in theestome.ch, and diges- tive organs by rearroving t,he cease, OtI W sa R•liolines;r, Clinton c,t1,.,REs(AMWM417ScATARlifitr°1*ASIIIMA" Bronchitis, COugl 1. Croup, is and taldiy:.,er 'miner back. Sold and guaranteed by Zain-Buk spells•saving to you 1 Sup. pose husband,: wife or some member of the family sustains a cut or a bad scratch, Which festers or tomato blood. poisoning. ReSult-roff work ! What does that mean at pay day? Zam-Bk prevents wounds, cuts or injuries "turning the wrong way." Apply it immediately, and it kills the poison aad starts healing. There ie an- other aspect: If you hive in the family, ee. tsmai ringworm, ulcora.tion, or any akin diseate, try Zam4I3uk first—don't spend money on experi- menting ! You will hey° to. get Um- , Buk event- ually. Do ' it now ; and ) 6.7 MVO cost of Mstsieset° the other things. Hear these persons :— Mr. A. AL Brooks, Wellington Street, Steelton,. Ofit., says If Oily I had got Zam-Buk at Arst, it would have saved knO scores of dollars ; as well as hours of agony." 0 Mr. Brooks has been oused of eczema. He says My neck, chest and body were covered with the terrible disease. The itching, hurning and smarting I euffered, none *rho has not gone through it can tell 1 Doctors' lotions, salves and prescriptions clidn't do me a bit of good; and from one thing to another I passed, only to find them useless. With 2am-Buk it was different, and without going through a long story, 1 can say that &few weeks' treatment with this great holing balm healed the sores, and rid me for. good of the terrible eczema, which had held mo in its grip for over ten months " "if / had applied Zain.13tik in the first place, !indeed of trying the other preparations, I should hove saved Myself I lot of money." eo says. Aim 13. E. nedwell,et SS/ Proverieber Ave:, St. lioniface Winnipeg. Mrs. tedvrell had a cut finger, whit& became poisoned. She sap! :-" It became swollen and discolored, and illy whole arm ached and tiirobbed violently. I Called in a doctor and he landed it. You may imagine how I suffered, anddespite the doctor's treatment the finger again festered, and got so bad that the dootor advised no to go into the hospital. 3 feared, it I did, they would cut it off, eo refused. Ono clay we 'were advised to try Zam.13uk. We left off everything else and gave this balm atrial. Well, it only took about four days to draw Out the soreness 1 'Then, bit by bit, It began to heal, and in lot than three weeks from first applying the Zartlink the finger was healed and petfertly ha:atty. If only / had got Zantaink at first 1" All 'skin injuries and dieeases are cured by P.'atreItult. Eczema, eruptiont, pimples, ulcers, piles, inflamed patches, cute, burel, scalp wee, Mao, eta., cannOt resist its healing virtue. I SO& bog, all druggists and stores. or pOstrro front Eatn.Buit Oo., Toronto, for price. Refuse all imitations. FIVE LINEIRS.COMING ALL OF THEIR ARE DUE THIS WEE& AT HALIFAX TheY are Carrying Five Thousand Pas; senors and the Majority of Them Are to Land at Halifax—A Record for One Week. ' wointheathenirwralYy f5x:o0m00 IsEa,u7stsiovepneegetsortesrenow tiaainaleunralcs port. They are all due here this week. and the majority of the passengers will land here, • This influx of immigrants will be a: record one for a week. Three of thesteamers are Allan liners, and. they are bringing over, half of ',the passengers,, The Parisian, from Glasgow for felalifax and Boston, has oiler 600 passengers to be landed. ' The Carthaginian from Glasgow via St. John's, Newfoundland has over 400 passengers for this port andalso a large number for Phila- delphia, The Victorian sailed from Liverpool last Friday on her first trip this year, aud will have about 1,500 passengers. The White Star liner Dominion, from Liverpool has about Loon passengers, of which 505 will be landed here. TheNorthwestTransport liner Volturno is due Thursday from Retterdam, and has 1,096 passengers. PHOSPRON.OL • The Electric Restorer for Men Restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new man Price $300 a box; or two for $5.00 Mailed to any address on receipt of Price. The Scobell Drug Co, St. Oatharines, Ont. Representative From mtroit. It, seems strange to read to -;day that tn the first of Canadian Parliaments 3at a member representing Detroit, Now Detroit is not only the commee eial inetropolie of the)State of Miche aan, but also one of the largest and besiest of United States cities along their northern frontier. At that time, Detroit and a, part of ' the State Oi Michigan were still held by the !erns isle somewhat in the nature of a iiledge that certain stipulations it the treaty closing the war of the Ea volution would be carried out .by the United Slates; end, therefore, the people of Detroit elected a represen. Wiveto sit in the -earliest of Caila than Parliaments. 'ant- ,fet cia& W. R. COCNT,ER CLINTON. F. W. CUTLER; . Painter and Paper Banger. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Residence nearly opposite the Collegiate Institute. LOGS 'WANTED. Righest cash pribes paid for Bass- wood, Elm, Maple or Birch, logs, de- livered at our mill. • The W, Doherty Piano & Organ • Co., L't'd. Mo n ument s Choice Designs Best Material. .Jas. Opposite the Post Office Clintont ; Trousers at $4.00 We have placed in stock a few pat- terns of Imported Tronserings, inoluding light, medium and dark • gfey Worsteds. which we can make th your measure fcr • . Four Dollars • CO.A.1J Before placing your orders -for your season's supply of Goal, get • our prices. The very best goods cae-ried in stock and sold at the lowest pessible price. Orders maybe left at Davis Rowland's.Ilardware store or with W. J. Stevemson. • mit Electric Light Plant. NOW To Beautify` the Eees„ Judiciously apply a little "makeup" to heiebthia the effect of size or bril- lian0; : • Rub the eyebiows upward "'with the finger 1.!ips, as do the women of south- ern. Spain, in order to gi,e an effect of piquaacy. Arrtinge the hair so that the expres, sion of the eyes May be heightened. This is exceptional value, and worthy of your inspection, if you are needing a pair. We also have a full range of Spring Suitings in the new browns and greys... Our Special. BLUE SERGE SUIT. ING, guaranteed Indigo dye is a win- • ner at $02.00, theeduit usually sold at e25.00. Go__W.13argekCo.7_ Agents for British. American Dyeing - and Cleaning Co., Montreal. Fi* d InCtee°d Raying seaured a commodious Grain Storehouse, we are now buying all kinds of grain, for which the highest prices will be paid. Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds of grain, Seeds and other feeds, kept on hand at the storehouse. Ford & McLeod O.T.R.STATION,' CLINTON:: IThe Automatic Vacuum, - .CARPET, CLICANLVI VACUUM CLEANING ie now con- ceded, the World over, to be the only efficient and sanitary method for ex- tractin dust and dirt from Carpets, 'S • fact everything that contaiiis this eve with a long and sweeping set of ve Draperies, Pillos, Mattresses, and in lahes. Have beauty furnish, the etimulate the .e growth Of the lashes. enemy of the home—because, particu Rugs, loors, Upholstered Furniture. • • early by the "Automatic" wayit . gets Drd,e Van's French -Female Fills ALL the dirt' without moving any th eWilld's. Friend thing from its place, without injuring. •the most delicate fabrics. and without A. 'reliable regulator; . never fails stirring up a particle of 'dust ex . While these pills rre -ceedingly It replacesthe broom, the Carpa powerful in regulating the generative Sweeper and the dreaded old -fashion. portion of the female system, they are ed heuleanbidays, strictly safe to tee. Refuse alt cheap se-cg imitations. Dr de Van's are soldat $5 abox,or three for $10 Mailed to any address. The Siobell Drug Co. St. Catherine% Ord. . • " - For Sale or to Rent by A. E. TURNER Welsh Man Arrested as Lunette. t ••••••••••••••••••••••••• : - • • immigration hall was • arrested on a . eae -e- • A Welsh immigrant who Visited the • • charge of insanity the other day. t How many t He was gesticulating wildly, and no 2 • - • him or to make him understand • in a Dozen? i one seemed to be able . to underatand ; tshtoeiond, inIthdisevnelaotpiyeed jothnguat hee. had been. 44. i • .f • only trying to make himself under. . Twelve! and you count : : _ , : them to see 1 you get. . _ . I • th m - to When ou bu • .MILBURN'S 146 e ' .* . 37 Y : , ): a Wedding Ring and ,pay . ..• for 18K, you can't count : LAXA-LIVER ' t them, you take the : er's ,word, and often get : PILLS t ql<, or less: We sell t 1Wedding Rings, and there : • is exactly r8It in every : Clean the coated tongue, sweeten the t breath, clear away all waste and poison- . I 81C Ring. Test them -t. • ,us niaterial from the system in Nature's any way you like. easy indhner, and prevent as well as cure 'Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, • Ileartbura, Catarrh of the Stomach, Sour • Storn.ach, Wa+ter slwIraanshn, ivanerdxaallti.t,:uribteless: d, W.. arisirig from a disordered date of the ; 4 Stomach, Liver or Bowels. • 1 Re Counter I for Yam+ more th tongue can ' t Jeweler and Optician. . + _,,Mjras.u.Te. reCd. Wforesytbeearrgs: 4-4 4-4-+ [ + tell, from. liver trouble. ' Z Marriage Licenses., -4444,44- t tried several kinds of , 4 medicine but could get L....,.................... Stimulate the Sluggish Liver, • Issuer of no relief untiit got Milburn's Lane:Liver Pills. I eantiot praise thera too highly for what they have done for me." Price 25 cente it vial, or 5 for $tpo, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. edielbtim Co, Lirmted, Toronto, Ont: Children Cry. FOR FLETCHER'S OASTOR IA