HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-04-07, Page 1"Yr
• if
VOL 45 NO.42
1. week.
Q : Mian Ella. Kaiser hasreturned to her
home at.11loope Jaw district.
OF CANADA ' I Wm, Dixon, Exeter, spent Good Fri.
• day in our pillage.
Aire. Grainger has returned from vie -
Wog her sister, Mrs. Somers, of Blyth.
N, McQueen, of Knox College, Tor-
onto, preached in Kippen and Hills.
Green on Sabbath last. _He returned
to College on Tnead .
John Rtttenbu of Burlington.,
spent Easter at is, home ; he has
charge of a branch bank of the Bank
of He.milton,He is one of our boys
who ie doing well.
George McOartneyhas gone toMoose
With a consignment of horses.
Midis Maggie Ross, of Toronto, is vis-
iting at her home.
Our, farmers are busy with seeding.
There was a special meeting of Bur-
nterest allowed on Savings accounts A on Presbytery held in our village on
at highest current rates. ' Tuesday. •
Courteous treatment • accorded to alli John Reid has returned from Port -
customers. land, Oregon, where he has been for
i some months.
John Aikenhead and son Jatnes,have
moved ontheir farm. He'had it rent-
ed for a year to Mr Furry. Mr Aiken -
head thinks farming is all. right.
Miss Katie Bart left oifrMonday for
Strassburgh. Mask., where she intends
teaching school for 6 weeks, for Miss
Jennie Ross, (daughter of Mrs. Anna
Rose.) Miss Ross is at present finish-
ing her, Normal school course at Re-
Capital . . $5,000,0.00
Reserve . . $5,7 0 0,000
Assets , . $67,000,000
125 Branches, and Correspondents
throughout the world.
Every facility for the transaction of
Banking in all its branches,
Open all year. °Enter any time,
Miss Mamie Swan was last week
the guest of her aunt Mrs Boyce of
Mies L Panfound, of Tbedford, visit-
ed last week at the home of her aunt,
Mrs Henry Penfound.
Rev Mr Davidson, of Varna, ex-
changed pulpits with Rev. E. H.
Sewers on Sabbath last.
Mr and Mrs Elliott and family visit-
ed last week at, the home •of Mrs
.Elliott's father Mr Noble of Uxbridge.
Intended for Iasi week
Mr. A. Douglas spent Easter at the
home of his son Joseph Douglas, V. S.,
of Pa i
rkh ll.
Rev. Mr. Kelso, of Wallaceton, visit-
ed at the. Manse this week.
Miss Laura Saar ere spent ,;Easter at
the Manse.
Mr. Addison, Grey, visited last week
.at the home of his brother, Jos. Ad-
dison, of our village.
•Wm. • Swan attended the meeting_of
/...Y..NY.•N.NL-V..OY.Y...,.N..... I.,.4✓,YY.W YI1tN.11•U.V
Sir John Hare, the eminent Eng-
lish actor, who was expected in To-
ronto this week to judge the Earl
Grey dramatic contest, but who has
been obliged to cancel the engage-
ment. His place will be takeu by
three Canadian dramatic critics. Ar-
rangements are being made however
1 for an American farewell .tour next
fall when he will visit Canada.
Mr John McEwen of Knox College.
is thisweek at the home of his .par-
Mrs P Campbell was visiting at the
home of Rev, Mr Oarriere at Grand
Bend this week.
Miss Tena Fraser of Sarnia is at
present visiting at the home of her
father Mr Thos Fraser.
A Townsend, son of A Townsend
of the Base Line is engaged with Mg.
Wm Glen for the summer.
Mrs Gove and family of Carman
left last Thursday for London on her
way back home after spending two
weeks at the home of Mr John Mc''ffat.
Miss M McEwen who teaches at
Pelee, Essex Co., and her sister Lizzie
who teaches in Tuckeismith, spent
Easter with their father Mr Mal. lila-
On Wednesday morning of this
',week Joseph Hood's family had a bad
scare with a supposed mad dog.
Hood a eldest
Mr H s
While Eleanor,
daughter was unhitching their horse,
a mad dog came upon her out of one
of their buildings it flew at her she
put her bands up and warded it off,
then ran to an open door in the barn.
she shut herself in, the dog then made
for the horse and it finally run away,.
the dogwas sunf unfortunately not killed.
-Mr Rod'to his daughter.to Bruce:-
ruce:field to Dr Rodgers but it is not
thought she was harmed as she was
not bitten and had not
cuts on her
hands the foam from the.
dog was on her hands. It is not
thought that the horse was bitten
either, it was.a. close call.
March 1910 hada special interest on
the tenth, Mr. and Mrs. James Holland
reached the •25th. Anniversary, of their
wedding day. They remembered their
friends with'a Silver Anniversary card
and receivea many congratulations
Begins on Sept, let. Our old -established and
reliable school offers the best facilities for .17
csec ri
ng a sound business ess and shorthand
j, training. Write for catalogue; it pays .to
investigate.• {
B.rlIishAmericasBusiness College
Yonge and McGill Sts., Toronto.
"'f' Y•'r' '+.....►nu•.. .n..YrYrw.Y.yw...ww.nNYww•
00000000000000♦00000♦♦000♦Od00♦+0.4,004000,00444404 r,
The Morrish Clothing Co.
♦ •0A00
"Lion Brand" SUIT.
s • Clolites I
We believe that we
know a thin . or
two about LOYS'
have had the ex=
perience, and rea=
laze just what's ex-,
pected of a BOYS'
We seleeted our Woolens, and contracted.
CO., who makes nothing but BOY'S CLOTH-
ING, to make our line of BOYS' SUITS as
good as they could be made.
. You'll find our BOYS CLOTHES are a
little tastier, nattier, more durable, and please
the BOYS better than the BOYS' CLOTHES
mostly shown.
Prices front.$ 1,90 to $ 10.00 per Suit.
and a number of costly silver presents
by mail and nearer home. On their
return from their wedding tour they
attended the teameeting at the . open-
ing of the Willis Church Clinton, and
had the pleasure on the tenth of attend-
ing the twenty fifth Anniversary of
the same church. The eeventeenth of
March being Mrs.. Holland's birthday,
was also celebrated in Irish style in
the Ontario St. Methodist Church
their marriage 'was the first solem-
nized by Rev. John Kennes, After the
un'on of the different denominations
into the Methodist Church at that
time seemed difficult but is now
almost a thing of the past. Mr Holland
was the first child born on' the place
where he lives. His parents William
and Eliza. Holland being the earliest
settlers on the farm and almost across
the road in Tuckersmitb, Mrs. Hol -
lands parents William and Rebecca
Whitely were the first settlers onthe
their farm.
Egg wagons are on the roads again.
. Miss Mamie Churchill is visiting
Miss Elsie Adams.
Wan and Mrs Stevens visited the
1a>r's parents Saturday.
lyses Lizzie Wheatley and I Ferris
Sundayed with MissMBrown. •
John Vodden and Mise Mabel spent
Sunday with their brother at West-
foe Webster wears a broad smile a
a baby girl has', come to brighten the
The following is a correct report of
the standing of pupils in, the Jr De-
partment of Union S S No 5, Hullett,
for the month of March:- Jr Pt 2 -F
Scrimigeour 285; F Raithby 2134; G
Irwin 278; G Raitbby 275: sE Earle 1 ; l .
'Sr Pt 2-E Murdock 315; V Lemp 3')9;
H Dawson 122; A Dawson 98; H Arm.
strong 84.. Jr 2-L Schultz 512; E
Schultz 358; M Taman 315. Sr 2-I
McClinnhey 428 L Yungblut. 419; it.
Barr 396; L McKnight 391; V Yung-
Slut 385; G Symington 391; F' Earle 372
O Beadle 267; L Ruddy •350; Harry
Beadle 315. Jr 3-B Ferguson 453; E
Raithby7• E Stalker 435• , 0 Taman
424; J Stewart 499, verage 23CB
Ferguson, teacher.
a quorum,.
'x•he fishing {role and line has been
having ice innings.
Blyth people take quite an interest
in poultry. A local association should
be organized to promote the good
Quite a number will visit Clinton on
Thursday to take in the Spring Fair.
Gardening is all the rage and not a
few have very tidy epote.
Our former well known townsman,
Wm, Campbell, of Toronto, has been
renewing old acquaintances here, come
ing chiefly on accqount of the de-
struotion of his buildings by the fire of
last week.
. Rev. J. Edmonds,, of Leamington,
Ont., formerly rector of Trinity church.
Blyth, has been appointed by the
Bishop of Huron to the rectorshineof
the Parish of Wardsville and New-
bury. The appointment dates from
the let of April.
NEW RIG. -A dandy new peddling
wagon has been " turned out from
the. Slater & Sims factory for J. Cutt.
the well hnown grocer of town. It is
modern, neat and a credit to themanu-
facture.s. Mr. Cutt does a large trade
in the regular trips of the wagon.
The different grades and styles are now ready, Z
2 and we certainly have something specially Z
IP good to show PARENTS looking for • the
BEST in SUITS. ♦22 i
r s♦♦••♦4+00*♦♦4+4++++044004++++4++++++4+ ♦40*4*0♦♦
The Morrish. Clothing Co.
I .t" A Square Deal For Every Eov'" ., i
Robt. k'uller spent Sunday at the
home of Peter Fisher.
F. Vance, of 'Tayistock, is visiting
at the home of tidr, Schwanz.
Mrs.. W. B. Forster is visiting with
her son, Russel. Forster, of Markham.
W. B. Forster is making prepara-,
tions to build a new house this sum-
Seeding is well advanced in this
section. Some farmers here arenearly
through. while quite a number will
finish this week, • ' -
Wm. Brunley vacated the Allin
property last week. and. Mr. ' Fordon,
hasalready Goderich Tp.,read a y taken
possession for a term of years.
Reeve Leckie is at Goderich render-
ing service on the Criminal Board
The rural Telephone' construction
gang have resumed work in the exten-
sion of the system in. this locality:
Nelson Maundersied of pleurisy in
Saskatoon Hospital east Monday. His
remains will be brought to Brussels
for internment. His mother resides
Mr A F: Johns of Rockwood, `visited
at the old home for Easter.
Miss Edna Bice* of St Thomas.
Ladies College visited • her parents.
here for the holtdayte •
Mr Gifford Crich has disposed of a
young. thorough -bre Durham ball to
Mr R Lawson of Hulett.
St. Pant's Church has just held its
annual.: Easter. vestry meeting, when
the following were assigned to . their.
places in the church officers : Rector's
warden,R.'Vanstone , peoples warden,
B. Scott ;•vestry clerk, J. C. Smith ;
auditors, W. Moore. and 0, G, V.an-
stonn, Miss Houghton was reinstated
as organist, W. H, Willis as choir
leader, and S. Coles as sexton.
At the annual meeting of the Ep
worth League in connection with the
Methodist church here the following
officers were elected :-F. R. Howson,
President, ;. E. A. Hammond, Vice -Pre-
sident ; W. J. Hall, Second Vice Pre-
sident ; M. L. Kerr, Third Vice Presi-
dent R. H, Llyod, Fourth Vice Presi-
dent ;
resi-dent,.; Miss E. Rutledge, . Fifth Vice -
President ; E. H. Birch, Recording
Secretary ;Miss M. Fibbs, Correspond-
ing Secretary ;'B. Cruickshank, Treas-
urer ;. Miss M. Iammond,pianist.. The
annual reports are to be presented at a
meeting to be held towards, the end of
this month. ,
1•••••••••••••••NO ••t
• •
Entering upon Li nlew year cif
• business, we have ode word to
• say to onr advertisers. Dur-
o ' ing the past year, we have
often changed advertisement
• Thursday morning to oblige . I
our customers, who had for-
• gotten to get one in before,and ••
• consequently our paper has ••
• been delayed a good many •
• times, From now on all •
• changes not in by Tuesday at.
• 9 p. m., will ' not be changed •
• for the week's issue. New ad •
2 vertisement will be accepted •
;" u
bear thisin•
•mind and help us, by _ bringing 2
• iu`their copy early. •
w . f., i
•••i•••• •ub •erDS•••••••
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
the Football, Association at Galt Tact
say it is not accented as that gentle.
man has -accepted a Cali elsewhere.
The entertainment given last week
by the ladies' Aid of Trinity Church
is 'being greatly praisedby the vast
audience that attended and w'l are
pleased that the evening was not a
disappointment to the Ladies Aid.
# ondeabeero
John Johnston has made a start at
the fencing busineeil
Miss Annie Lawson ' has opened up
a dressmaking business here.
Our machine agents are v busy
rushing out different kinds: of imple-
=Chas. Hutton arrived •home on Sat-
urday to assist in the saw mill for a
Jas Hill is not • .. cell enough . to at-
tend to his,mill and itis shut down at
Hoge were shipped on Wednesday
but the price is coming down aiittle
being $9.35.
J Hutton has a Sawyerfrom Han-
over and a strong gang • of men at
work in the Saw -mill this week.
Eggs are soaring high in price aur
merchants are paying I8t cash or 20
cents in trade and will go higher if
necessary. -
Mr Pearcy occupied the Pres, pub
pits last Sunday. Rev. Mr Small will
supply them next Sunday and will
present the call for members and ad-
herents to sign.
Angus Reid is preparing 'for a n ew
Mr Ferris and Miss Edna left for
the West on WedneAday.,
Miss Elsie Brown has been . visiting
her cousin Miss L Wheatley the past
Seaforth •'
The following appeared iii the
Globe on Wednes1ay of this w k
from 'Osgoode Hall:- Goyenlock v.
Chesney -An appeal by plaintiffsfrom
the judgment of the County Court of
Huron of December 15th, 1909. 'It be-
ing admitted that the question of the
plaintiffs title to the land in question
will come up for determination in the
action of Mc0laoomond v Govenlock
coming on for trial next month at the
Goderich sittings ordered that the
argument of this appeal stand adjourn'
ed sine die, but the • judgment in this
case is not to prejudice the conten-
tions or rights of the plaintiff in that
The official visit of Rt. Wor. Bro.
Chris Hod ills D 1) G M,
Huron to Britannia Lodge, of South
on Monday night, was the occasion of
a grand rally of the members of the
craft. Brethren were present from
Stratford, Clinton, Brussels, Blyth
and surrounding towns. Wor. , Bro.
Jeffrey and his officers did the work
of the evening with that efficiency for
which that lodge 'is. noted and were
highly praised by the D. D. G. M. A
sumptuous banquet was then served
by Host Neil, and a splendid toast list
introduced by Wor. ►aro, D Burrows,
who was chairman for the evening.
Elogwent addresses were delivered by
the DDG M., Itt. Wor, Bro J W.
Hodgins, past grand chaplain Rt.
Wor. Bro. Cooper, V. W. Bro. i3a,-
lantsne, Bro. R MacMillen, R. W.
Bro. Berry, and the visiting brethren,
while the .Imperial Quartette :gave
Borne splendid musical selections. The
proeeedings closed at a late horn with
•01d Lang Syne' and the national an-
1101646,4111101 /410%.,101111641)11.1110111#
Church Chimes
114•110111.11/6161 N,
The Young People's Guild held
their regular devotional meeting on
Sunday evening. Mr 0 Lindsay tak-
ing the topic on "The Pilgrim's Pro-
gress." ;
The Social meeting will beheld next-
Monday evening when a Mission Band
will be organized, A good program is
being prepared.
Next Sunday Rev. Dr . Stewart will
conduct the Presbyterian services in
Goderich. Rev. M. Hamilton will
take his work here.
The Pastor's subjects for next Sun-
day 10th are: morning "With Jesus"
evening "Doubt and Unbelief." All
Stevena still thinks Ontario is the
banner country yet,
Rey. Dr. Stewart will attend a spec-
ial meeting of Huron Presbytery at
Goderich on Friday and will give the.
address at the funeral of the late Rev.
Mr. Anderson who died of la grippe at
Ottawa on, Wednesday.
Mr. Gordon Manning, of Toronto..
son of Rev, H. M. Manning, formerly
of Clinton, has been appointed Eng-
liek Science Master of Lindsay Colleg-
iate at an invited salary of $1200, dut-
les to commence after midsummer hell-,
Mrs. F. W. Watt, District Secre-
tary of Women's Institute, visited
Wingham branch Thursday last, and
will officially visit Goderich branch to-
day (lhursday,). Mrs. Watt is an ae-
tive Secretary, and is the possession of
unbounded confidence from the De-
partment. '
Miss Blanche Shepherd who has so
successfully filled the position of Prin-
cipal cf Hyde Park School for the past
four years has tendered her resigna-
tion, and will remain at home for a
few months, Before leaving her pupils
presented her with a handsome gold
Watch Fob, accompanied by a suit-
able address.
The following interesting item refers
to a' young lady who was exceedingly
popular during her residence in Olin -
ton. while her tether was pastor of
Wesley Uhurch :-Rev,H. M. and Mrs.
Manning of Whitby announce the en-
gagement_of their daughter, Frances
Williard, to Dr, J. E. Middleton, Pet-
erboro', the marriage to take place
the last week in April.
A Japanese Tea and Bazaar .will be
held In the Lecture room on Friday
afternoon in connection . with the
Junior and Senior Epworth League
Teaserved in Japanese style from 3.30
to 8.30 p. m. Proceeds Will go to the
Forward movement. Come.
Next Sunday morning, Rev. T. W.
Cegens wi1I preach on _,-The- l ruik: of_
the Spirit." The subject of the even•
ing discourse will be "Sabbath Ot.
servance." The Annual Society meet-
willbehel d next Wy.en.
Persona/ Notes '
'If those having relatives or friends '
j visiting in town or ',going away 44.
notify ns of the fact each week, we
'►r would announce it in the NEW EaA.
Inspector Asquith was in town on
Miss Eileen Hoover was in Seaforth
last Saturday.
Goderich Township
The following is the report of the
recent. promotion examination in S .S
No. 4 -Jr to Sr 4th -Max 695 To pass
347. L Lobb 452; I Sinclair. 427; H Nes-
bitt 418; F Lobb 355. Sr 3rd to Jr 4th
-Max 775. To pass 387. E Lowery 552;
H.Stoddart 446. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd -
Max 690. To pass 345-E Nesbitt 523,
M Biggin 436; B Huck . 407. Jr to Sr
tad -Max 485. To pass 242 M Jones
345; G Tebbutt 334 Joy Lobb; 305; 0
Stoddart 263.
COUNCIL MEETING— Council met at
Holmesville on Monday pursuant to
adjournment all inembers being pres-
ents Minutes of last meeting read
and approved. moved' by Councillor
Yeo, sec'd by Councillor Lobb. That
the following changes be made in the
pathmasters:-Albert Neal instead of
Inc S Miller, Harry Salkeld instead of
Geo. K Johnston, David Churchill in-
stead of John Pickett (car.) Moved
byCouncillor Yeo Sec'd by Councillor
Hudie. That By Law No 5 1910 now
read be passed. (Uar. Moved by
Councillor. Lobb, Sec'd by Councillor
Yeo. That the' Road Commissioners
oversee all cement work and be paid
$150 per day. (Car.) Moved by Coun
Hadfe.. That
ltathwell Sec'db Coun
the following accounts be paid: -Sig-
nal $1.96, News Record $9.25, 1111
Cott $5.52, John "Fraser $7.07. (Car.)
The Council decided not to extend
the Municipal Telephone System into,
the Township of Colborne. Moved
by Coen. Yeo Sec'd by . Conn Lobb.
That we adjourn to meet the first
Monde in May at 1.30 p. m. (Oar,)
N W Trewartha, Clerk.
Public School Beard did not meet
list Friday evening as there was not
• Bayfield
Mr Hartley rationed home
Toronto' last Saturday.
Mrs E. Hovey entertained • last
Saturday and Friday evenings'
Mrs McIver; spent Easter • with her
brother Mr H Junor, of Hamilton.
Mrs. W. C. Searle has gone to Lon -
on, where she will visit for a while.
Additional, Local News
. (To prevent grain smut)
We sell the strongest and
best at 5oc per pint bot-
Garden and Flower
Sweet Peas (bulk)
(7 choice varieties)
Nasturtium (bulk)
W. A. 1VIcConnell
Pluto B.
C.P.R. Telegraph Agency
There are Others
$ But
DoN•Tfoal .to hear E. D. Sexton, V. If you use
D. M., noted Bible Exegete on the Sitar Brand
future hopes of the living and the
dead, Town Hall, Clinton,' Sunday,
m lde
[ r a
Seats free and
April th at 2,34 : m.
no collection.
Medical Examination
David Savage, of the House. of
Refuge. was examined a few days ago
re his mental status. • Hehas been
acting somewhat peculiar and it was
thought he should be -placed in the
Provincialinstitution at London. The
'result is not yet made known.
Sanitarium Committee
The special Committee appointed by
Huron. Co. Council to consider the
question of a Tuberculosis Sanitarium
tor this County, consisting of Warden
Irwin, ex -Warden Lamont and Reeve
Shearer, met in Clinton on Thursday
of this week, Their report will be
resented -at the June sessidn of the
Oo, Council.
Mrs. E. M. McLean entertained a .
number of her lady friends last week.
Mrs Chant entertained in honor of
Rev. and . Mrs Jolliffe Tuesday• even-
Mrs. McMillan of Mimic() returned
home, Monday, Master Ernest leftlasi
Miss Ruth Walkinshaw gave a party
to a number, of her friends on Friday
evening last. .
Miss.;; Whiteman, graduate of the
Clinton Hospital was in town on Satur-
day between trains.
Mrs 0 0 Rance entertained' a num-
ber of. her lady friends to a thimble tea
on Monday afternoon.
Mr. Peter Lamont,' of Zurich, Ex=
Warden, of Huron Oo., was in town
on Saturday of last week.
Miss Edith Torrance leaves on Fri-
day for Toronto, where she will accept
a position as Stenographer.
Mr 5 Glass, of Hamilton, organizer
of the A O W W is in town looking
up new member for the• lodge.
Niles Minnie McKay and nieces
Misses Bessie and Nara Kennedy, of
Seaforth were in town Saturday.
Mrs. Armour and children returned
from Goderich last Satuaday where
they had been spending the past week,
Miss Lucy Cooper and Mr, John
Cooper spent a few days with
their brother, Mr„ Amos Cooper, of St.
Miss M Armstrong is home from
toupthe house
to helping fn pack
or n
T g
. P
hold goods as the family will reside in
Mrs, Pugh and children,. who have
been ,visiting in Loudon during the
Easter holiday, returned home last
Mills Grace Shepherd who has been
spending her Easter holidays at her
home here returned to her school at
Lambeth on Monday.
Dr. Margaret Calder of Wingham
passed through Clinton last Saturday,
Harried In Clinton
A wedding took place in Clinton, on I
Wcdnesday of last -week-in-.-which:a
Wingham young lady was an interest-
ed party. Miss Myrtleitken, who
made her home with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Henry, of Wingham. was united .in'
marriage . to Mr. Charles Cook, of
Winnipeg. The happy couple return-
ed to Wingham -after . the ceremony,
was performed, and left on the after-
noon train for their Western •home.
Read The By -Laws
On page 5 of this issue will ba found.
the Bylaw for thenew lighting system
between the town and Electric Light
Company, In the News Record a By-
law will be found asking theelectors-
to give 520,000 for the building of
good roads in Clinton. Read both .
Bylaws and be prepared to vote : for
them on the 2nd of May.
Gold n
Timber -
J W . Cook,• a former. Goderich Tp
boy bought shares in` a timber limit in
British Columbia a few years ago. for
$7,500. The Company has been. offer-
ed $130,000 from an .American 'Corn-
pany for the limits but refused. Mr
Cnok'a share would'have been $32,500,
if the offer had been accepted. That's
striking it rich surely. Mr Cook is.
a brother to Mr D Cook, of Clinton.
you use the best.
It Mills Smut
We have our usual good assort
ment of SWEET PEAS and
Nasturtiums in bulk
W.S.R. Holmes
$; lianufacturing Chemist,
John Wthiddon, of Goderich, visited
his friends here at Easter time.
Miss Mamie McDougal, of Stratford
High School spent the Eastertide with
her parents.
Miss Flossie Staubury has returned
to her position in Toronto 'after spend-
ing Raster with her parents.
Rev. Mr. Malcolm was to have
preached the Sabbath before and al-
though a large congregation as-
sembled' at the church the gentleman
did not put in an appearance.
Rev M. Lindsay again preached in
91. Andrews last Sabbath and al-
though a
l-thougha ea'1 is eXtended to Mr. Lind.
on her way to Chicago,where she in-
tends taking a special course.
Miss Lucy Grant returned home
from Toronto Monday, her many
friends will be glad to hear that she
has completed ber course and intends
teaching once more.
Mr. W. 3. Broadfobt of Seaforth and
who was a former citzen of this town
veers ago, being employed in Fairs
Mill, was in town on Wednesday of
this week calling on old friends.
Mrs. 1i, Stevens arrived home on
Prides? of last week after an extended
visit of eleven months inSaskatehewan
and at Livingstone, Montana, Mrs.
A High Grade
School. -
The three factors in the ac-
quiring of aneducation, are
teacher, text -book and student.
Ever since its inception, the
Clinton Business' College , bas
secured teachers of the widest
experience and ripest scholar-
ship. The text -books used are
the best published, consequently
their graduates have .received
'the best positions, and their sue -
cess has been unrivalled This
school receives additional pres-
tige by being affiliated with the
Commercial Educators' Associa-
tion of Canada, which comprises
Canada's . Greatest Chain of
High Grade Modern Actnsi
Business Schools. '
Spring Term Openings
March 29th and April 4th
• Write for particulars
F ods
Some of our daily; arriv-
als are:
Fresh- L Ince ••.
• -Fresh Radishes
Fresh Tomatoes
Fresh Celery
Fresh Cabbages and
Green Onions
r Red
1'n ou
We are still selling g
path's Gran Sugar at S5 40 per
cwt, and paying 22c for butter
and 18e fbr eggs
•W. • T. H'NEIL,
Phone 48 •
The New Era is pleased to hear of his
HON. GEo. E, FOSTER. has asked for
an appeal in his case against the Tor- ,.
onto Globe for libel. He purposes
quitting politics.
Merck's :Formaldehyde
the best German make.
Quality Guaranteed
5o cts per pound
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
wvi••✓..nr.n✓..w.nuwv,n✓,., .l•Nmn0104,0wu
Dispensing Chemist.
Incorporated 1855 ,
Capital, PAID UP $3,500,000
Rest Fund, • $3,50J000
ilas 73 Branches in Canada and. Agents and'orrespoudents in all
the Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branciiefl. Interest allowed at highest current rate,
Clinton Branch. - C E, DOWDING. Manager