HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-03-24, Page 8The Minton New OM
March 2itb Z910
A fircai MIIIIllerg Dispiall
- Opening Wednesdag Afternoon
and tvating, March 27411.
Music in the evening, from 8 to ro o'clock, by
the Town Orchestra, usinp: a Celebrated poherty
Piano. You are Cordially Invited
We are having our first Millinery and Spring Opening since starting
our business career in Clinton, and extend a hearty invitation to the ladies of
Clinton and vicinity, to our Show Rooms on Wednesday afternoon and evening.
The Millinery Department is in charge of Miss Baker, who has lately returned
from Detroit and Toronto Opening, and is thoroughly in touch with the latest
ideas of both American and Canadian styles. Miss Baker has .had a wide ex-
perience in Millinery, and comes to us very highly recommended by one of the
largest Wholesale Milliners in Canada. Come, bring your friends, and see the
many new styles for Spring.
We are also having on display the new Spring Cloth Coats and Capes, Silk Coats,
Dress Goods, Muslins, Wash Dods, Curtains, Carpets, etc. Open Wednesday evening till io o'clock
Specials for Friday and Saturda
Prints at 5e per yard. 12ic and 15e Muslins, 7e
io pieces new Spring Snitings' 20 ends Fancy Dress Muslins,
light grounds with black, blue and in light and dark colorings. This is
pink dots and figures.. See window a clean-up lot, and they will make
display Friday andSatur ay, 5e -741:----snlendid-aGhooLand.summer_ Ares
for children and young girls. Reg.
z2ic and 15c, Friday and Saturday,
're er
to pieces Wrapperettes, in dark pyard.
colors, good weight and weight, reds, 15e Cotton stripe Suiting's, 10e
blue, pink, brown, etc. Special for 5 pieces stripe Cotton Suitings, grey,
Friday and Saturday 8e. browp and blue, reg.. t5c, for 10c
Wrapperettes at 8c
35e Linen Suitings, 19e.
.35 'pieces Sinen Suitings, in ostripes
• and .plain cloth, in all the popular
• shades, 27 inches wide, reg. 35c,
Friday and Saturday ne
—Ahab rellag-50e-each---
2 .doz. only Umbrellas, natural wood
handles, mercerized tops, _50c each.
$1.2s Parasols, 98c
2 doz. Ladies' Parasols, fancy and
natural wood •handles, steel •frame,.
mercerizedtops, reg. $1.25, for 98e.
• ' " • •• • ' • • , • ' A err, •
News Notes.
David Mitchell was found in bed at
Hamilton, unconscious, with a •blaze
burning away at the bed. He was
taken to the hospital, and it is feared '
is fatally injut ea.
The postoffice at Comber was robbed
of two or three hundred dollars by 'a
Rev. M. F. Fallon will be installed
Roman Catholic Bishop, of London,
Ont., on April 25th.
The Somerville gum factory empoly-
ing about one hundred hands, will be
moved from London, Ont. to Toronto.
Most of the business section of Out.
look, Sask„ north of the river was'
burned, including the postoffice. The
loss is $80,C0).
More careful buying ilii an
enforced ,penalty of the in-
creasing ' eogt of living.' Ad.
watchfulness is greatly beina
Learning to apend Money
wias hmuch Wiin sdoas is re-
quired in earning it is good
m- bousewitery. Read the ads. .
Spriug Show .; Honored Patron Saini
Held a Dance
The animal Spring S tioW will be
held next Thursday, and with it
be the Poultry Show. Pay a visit to
the town that, day. See prize list on
page3: • • • •
25th Anniversary
Last Friday evening at this home' of
Mr. John 13rickenden the 25th anti iver-
sary Qf the marriage ot Mr—and • Mrs.
E. W. Rodaway was' celebrated. The
relatives frbin a distance who were
:present were Mrs.Dr. Jackson, (daugh;
The memory of St. Patrick, rreland's
•pateon Saint. was royally honored by
the L ,dies' Aid of Ontario St. Church,
by a suppeaand.entertainment. There
•wae Plentafter all had done justice w
of goon thingslor the larg
crowd and
the inner Men they adjourned upstairs
where an excellent. program was given
the Barna as was published last week,
with the sxception of Miss Reid, who
sang, "The Green Little Shanlrock."
.The proceeds of the evening's entertain
merit amounted to $85, •
ter) of Chicago and Mr. and lifrs. G. • . .
Brickenden, of London, the former be-
Openings at itrwiii.s .
ing a I rather of Mrs, Rodaway. An
enjoyable time was spent by all and The display of millinery shown at
and Mrs. Rodaway another 25 years
in wishing I". Irwins last Thursday seemed. greatly.
the New ERA joins
appreciated by the larger majority of
of happy life. • I trona. 0 e 1 1 tt hi h
drew particular attentioo was a large
• A Change in Business ' -I brim slightly rolled at both sideeanade
CLINTON NEW ERA Wednesday of this week Jas. Flynn, of nlack mohair braid, faced with tulle
the well known blacksmith, sold his and a wreath a,f small yellow roses on
business to Mr. John Saunders, of edge of brim. Draped crown of mohair
Hamilton, who is now in possession, trimmed with a band of gold, and two
DR. OVENS,London, Surgeon, Oeu
list, Specialist, will be at W. S. R
Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday
March 29th. Glasses properly fitted,
deafness, catarrh and failing eyesight
treated. All day.
Ben Bur
At Wonderland, on Friday and Sat-
urday of this week. Don't miss this
Show. Admission 10c and 5c.
Coming To Town
On good authority We learn that a
gentleman from Detroit will be in
Clinton to look over the town's poss-
ibilities for supporting a.plumbing and
general mathine-repairing business.
He should strike it alright.
Millinery Openings
Miss Cantelon's Millinery Opening
on Thursday of last week was a grand
success. The millinery store was
crowded with ladies of the town and
vicinity, who appeared greatly im-
pressed with the new creation e and
spring styles. Many were the compli-
extended to Miss Cantelon and
her staff for their beautiful display of
Easter designs. One hat particularly
admired was a large black aeroplane
hat, the full Puffed crown of gold cloth
and the brim of Week wide mashed
Russian net, edged with a handwrite
jettish bandeau caught in the folds of
gold. in front was a beautiful Only
of gold roses, and the finishing touch
was given by Iwo lovely full black oa.
trich plumes, posed well to the back.
Another has that was very piptilar
was a large gray turban of Ramie
braid, araped crown of the stow,
trimmed at the. side with. a large
sweeping spray of rose silk grass, and
finished with a bunch of rose and grey
tinted grapes. Miss Oantelon wishes
to thank the ladies for their large and
kind attendances at thespringopening
Mr. Flynn has leased the.shop to hirn, large yellow roses at left side. Anoth-
and intends to take a. trip to theWest. er very dainty and becoming hat was
All accounts are dile to be settled by a deep mushroom Shape, dome crown,
the Ist'of April. For the present the Made cf pale bine lilacs and pink rose
family will reside in town. buds and folded, tulle, trimmed with
Boys' A.ssooiation
Last week the annual meeting of the Ilad Nice Time
Boys Association was held in the town
Last Saturday's London Advertiser
hall and the election of officers was r.
made the following reference tO Mr
held; The advisory committee are: -
arid Mrs Israel Taylor, former Olin -
St. James, F. Heal ; St. Johns, Dr.
tonians:—The members of the Amity
Thompson r St. Georges, J B Hoover ;
Bible Class of the Askin Street Metho-
St Andrews, J. Hartley. Secretary,
diet Chinch', were entertained last
Russel Harland; Treasurer. Fred Rum -
bail: Committee—W Hall, 11 Ford, la evening by Mr and airs .Israel Taylor
in the parlors of the churcla. About
Graham, 0 Kilty, The boys are get -
black ribbon yalbow at left side
ting anxious to start the baseball sera eighty members and several • visitors
Soli. sat down to the banquet that was pre-
. I pared, An excellent programme was
The Balmoral Company . I presented.the toRaesvt*IALB.JC,a13tiairksaintreerthesided
The Ladies ,Association of Willis 'health f theKi '
Church have engaged The Balmoral
Company, direct from Scotland. to
give one of their concerts in the Twain
Hall. on Tuesday, April 5th.. Ehe
company is a good- one composed of Curtis replied on behalf of the teachers
" George Neil,Tettor; Ruby Seath Grant The toast to the Amity Bible Class
Soprano; Elsie Dixon Craig,Entertain. was proposed by Dr 17 G Reynolda,and
er and Andrew Ross Love, Soto responded to by Miss I Westnamairliss
Pianist and .accompanist. Watch Inc Glass, Miss Maude Turner and Mr I
other notices next week. Plan of Hail Taylor. The toast to the Normel stud -
will be at Fairs Book Store. ehts was introduced by Miss Mabel
I1 Reynolds and verified to by Miss
Is Mechanical Supt Hattie Triek, Miss Myrtle Zavitz and
A neatly printed book, bearing the Miss Ada, Nash Reedings were given
wift Automobile Coin- by Miss Veris Muxworthsr and Mr A
name of the S
a Was handed in M Hunt On theo 1 e tt f the
pany, Detroit, Mtch
to tie And we discovered the name of me Mr Taylor, the teacher of
the class, was presented with °a hand -
Is W Potts, a formee well known some gold loeket by the members of
citizen of Cantata is the Mechanical the ciase and airs Taylor was present&
Superintendent of that ceneern. Mr ed vvith a handsorne bognet of flowers.
number of toasts were introduced.
Mr A DJ Hunt, superintendent of the
Sunday School, responded to the toast
to the school, Mr F L Taylor aria Mr
torts has shown the automobile
world that he was an inventor as well
as a fireaclass mechanic having placed
on these machines the Potts Selective
Transmission. Ilia two sans, Frank
and Edwin are visa employed with
Tho presentatlobs were made lay Miss
Annie Demon and Miss 13culith New-
ans. The credit for the succesehil
entertainment is ltirgelSr due to Miss
Jessie Mitchell, in charge of the social
eommee .f the dee% anittod `her
this firm. There many Ord friends in associates. tacb member present
town will be glad to hear of their sue- was given a handsome souvenir pro-
eess in that eity, • geatume.
The Pastime Olub gays an inpromptu
dance last Friday eveniog in , there
Olub room. , ., . . . • .
• • . ' ' ' ' '
Synod or utiron • • - -
The Synocl of the Dioeese of Huron
will meet thie year on June 7, a week
or so earlier than 'the usual date.
T. R. TrailiC Earnings
Grand Trunk Railway SYstern traf-
fic earnings' front March 8 to 14, 1910,
$S32.620 Barrie period, 8709,819 ; in-
erease; $122,801.
Newspapers Of Canada
There are 802 newspap.ers in Canada,
divided =mug the . venous provinces
as follows ; Ontario, 525 ; Quebec, 117
New Brunswick, 39 ; Nova Scotia, 62,
Prince Ed ward Island 12 ; Manitoba;
79 ; Saskatchewan and Alberta, 25 ;
British Co unibia, 33 Eighty of these
jqurnals are repreeented in the press
gallery of the Houseof Commons.
Toronto Evening Star '
On Thursday evening Mr, Ernest
'MacMillan, A. R. C. O., Organist of
Knox Church gave an excellent organ
recital on the new organ in the West -
minister Presbyterian Church, Bloor
Street East. Mr. MacMillan is a most
I gifted musician and has recently re.
turned from a course of study with
I the celebrated blind organist Alfred
Hollins. Tha recitalist is well known
I in Toronto and a'very large audience
was on hand. •His rendering of Rol-
lin's concert overtune in 0, minor was
rotate Iv. Bark's Toecita and Fugie
in 0. Walstenhohnes allegretto in E.
flat, Doorak's largo from the "New
World" symphony vv ere the chief
organ numbers and all were rendered
in a most musicianly manner. Tor-
ontore young and gifted organist, Mr.
Ernest A. Campbell Irlacalillan, Ass -
°elate Royal College of Organists gave
a very interesting recital last evening
in Knox Church before a .large aud-
ience, despite the unfavorable nature
of the weather, Mr. MAcaltllart's pro-
gramme wes diversified in character
and well arranged. His playing was
remarkable Inc one so young. Mr.
MacMillan possesses abundant techni-
eat °talky', Itis pedal technique pestle-
rilarly being singulorly neat IA nd clean.
Further in his selections he revealed a
keen sense of discriminatiun in inter-
preting the the varying moods requir-
eel by the eomposer. The organ of
Knox church although a satisfactory
instrunient in -many respects does not
ohvi usly permit of obtaining es fine
eifeets as would otherwise be achieved
were there a greater variety of stole;
and ace saories, but, although handis
capped in this respect, Mr, isliteSliflon
played admireblv, His chief nuill betS
comprised Etheinberger's Pastoral lam-
ina in O. (oppue 88) Prelude and Fugue
in G (J. S. Bich) March Funelnes atd
chant Serriphique ((inhume) arid the
finale trona Witlet's Sixtli Symphony,
n r aro' s. hirthclaye-March lista
Many Happy Returns
Mouse sold.
Receiitly Mr Ben Cole sold his house
on High street to Mr Harry Gduld. Mr
Cole expects to move to 'Uncle Saws
Something to be Thankful For
Let the men be thankful tbat they
haven't to bow down to fashion and
wear those marvellous creations pf
headgear that the ladies too admire,
Were Guests Of Honor .
Last Friday evening • the Citizens
nd gave a banquet in the Normandie
Hotel to those who had taken part in
the play ',Richelieu". An enjnoyable
time was spent by all,
Going West
M. Graham, son of Mr, Ruetien Gra,"
ham, who for the pasttwo and. a half
months. has conducted a box bowling
alley at Ingersoll has sold out. Mr,
Graham leaves in the course of two
weeks for ,(he west.
Got Off Lucky
Lest Saturday while Fred Wallis
was riding -his pony be was thrown,
but his foot caught in the stirrup and
was dragged for some distance before
be was able to get his foot out. The
horse continued to run for souse dis,
tance. •
Meets This Friday
The annual meeting to re -organize
the Perth -Huron Baseball League will
be held in Seaforth, to morrow (Good
Friday.) Representatives:are eepect.
ed from Goderich, Clinton, Mitchel),
Zurich and posit ly from Blyth .and
$eafortb. • A good league could. be
formed if all the team. were to entee.
Rouse Bought• •.
Last week Mr Lewis Snider, who is
the new proprietor of the Elevator has
bought 'the eligable property of Mr
Alex Atinstrong, on Ontario $t. With
this property being sold Mrs Arm-
strong and Mies Armstrong will move
to Toronto where Mr rnistrong has,
a position.
Big Time Expected
• There is every indication, that the
District Lodge of Instruction • to be
held in Sesfnrth by the Odd Fe lows.
on Gond Friday, wi I be a monster
function. The Lodge is expecting a
very large influx of visitors and are
prepared accordingly. Clinton will
be well represented that day.
One That Is 'Effective
There are many ways of advertis-
ing our town. but one of the most
effective by long.odds is for own citi
zens to be wide-awake in taking ever,
oppertunity to bring the town's ad-
vantages and development to the at-
tention of friends living elsewhere.
Be Calm •
WEEP not, because your new Spring'
BC at a
• M
Wnot be done till Easter Mon-
The chances are we'll have some
Easter •
• Sunday.
Look Out For These
A five -dollar Traders Bank bill, bear-
ing the forged signature of an officer,
of a bank at Winnipeg, has been suc-;
eeerfully pass -ed in a Toronto hotel).
This is one of a bundle of $30,0C.0
stolen between Ottawa and Toronto
from an express car a year ago. Oth-
ers have been passed in different parts
of the province, and ,il appeare the y
are still circulating.
Will Bare Time To Think Over It
Mayor alcC it an, of Seaforth, has
received a letter from Mr. Southern,
the chief engineer of the Hydro Elec-
tric Commission, saving.that it is the;
intention of the Commission to trans-
mit Niagara Power to the towns along
the line of railway es faras Clinton as
soon as possible. The price cannot ee
fixed until it is known how much each
municipality will be prepared to take.
When the power readies Clinton, the
town will be considerable older than it
is now,
and there is•no use worrying
over ittill we see it at Seaforth.
33rd Regiment Highest in No. I
Distric t
The Inspector General Sir Percy
Lake in his last report says the 33rd
Regiment in point of efficiency is the
best in the district next comes the
30th of Wellington. Lt. Col, Wilson
and officers are of course much related
over this report and feel the interest
andaeal they have so long exercised
to attain this position has been suc-
cessful. For years it has been gene-
rally known the Regiment, had more
ninalified officers than any other
Regiment in the District their work
now shows what be done by united
efforts. This no doubt will have much
to do with the selection of a perma-
nent Camp Ground in this County.
The people of the County of Huron
should encourage the recruiting of
good men so as to keep what we tow
hold, The County Councij in their
wisdom has shown tangible encourage
ment by supplementing the men's pay
and the effect is now evident.
Organ Recital
An Organ Recital will be given in
S.:, Paul's Church on Thursday even.
ing the 31st of March by Wm. Ernest
MeMillati, Organist of Knox Church,
Toronto. it will be remembered that
on the last visit of Bishop Baldwin to
Clinton in 1004. Mr. McMillan , the n
a boy of 10 years of age officiated at
the organ and astonished everyone by
his playing. The program of the re-
cital is as follows
1. Grand Choeur in D. ,..Guilreant
2, Variation • ' - Handel
"The Harmonious Blacksmith"
11.. 'oboe in (*.Minor J. L. Black
1. (a) Pastorate in C..........Weir
(n) Spring Song.....„.
5. Prelude to Lobetigrin "Wagner
6. Fantasia in 0 ..... ..,..... Towns
The Rector is also imeerresponderice
with Mr, 0 J. Pink, Tenor Soloist of
Colborne St. Methodist Church, Ion.
don and hopes to have his Assistance
itt the Recital. No admiesion fee will
be charged but is there will of nec-
essity he expenses incurred a collo-
tion will be taken up. All lovers of
music are 'cordially invited.
ASTER should be a season of gladness
and remembrance.
Agood and pleasing idea is to send your
friends a gift or even a card,
sEOURE the most appropaiate for child
. or adult.
TAKE your choice of our many unique
novelties, early.
EVERY person will appreciate them.
EDIEMBER, we can supplq you with the,
newest and most original.
Wo D. Pair eo.
llaving.Good Crowds • ' insumminammomanamomw
Wonderland is crowded nearly every
night and Proprietor Hailes is putting i
on some grand up -to date pictures and
illustrated eongs.
Band in the News
You will either be going out of town
yourself or entertaining. We will be
greatly obliged if our readers will hand
in all the personal items that they
know. Of course, allather news items
are welcome,
Civil Service Examinatiyns
The Canada Gazette gives notice
that competitive examinations for
positions in the civil Service Commis-
sion, will be held at Halifax, Montreal
Toronto, Winnipeg; end other cities
throughout Canada, on May 10th and
following days. Applications from •
Intending candidatee must be filed
On the irarpatli•
with the Secretary of the commission V
by April 16th. Manager Hawkins, of the Clinton
Baseball team is out again with his
little black book, and reports a good
We are in receipt of a new Magazine ins:pease inmciaexaso' ter. Look out
"The Spark-J'lug"t;he otricihr Organ for him. • • *-7- • • -7--
of the Automobile °tub of Syracuse,
N Y., of which one Of our town boys, in memory
is Business manaager in the person of •
J 11 Wiltse, son of Mr and Mrs H Lines written by Mrs'. Wm. Smith,of
Wiltse. Ilia Magazine is well printed
and carries a good line of advertising.
litre wish Mr Wiltse success in this new
• Write' us at once for our Free Catalogue,
and earn the uaturn of our courses in COM-
GRAPHY departments. We have the lead-
ing practical training school in Western
Ontario, Courses are thorough, instructora
experienced, and we fiestas, graduates tp
eaetions. Stu -lents are entering eaoh Week.
You Should eater NOW.
D. A. MeLa.ehlin •
The Spark Plug
Shorter Duck:Season
ROM Dr. Iteautrie, the chairman, in-
-titifirtea" that the Goverritnent • has in
contemplation the making of some
important changes in the Fish and
Game Act. These include the short-
ening of the open sewn for duck.
Further protection for muskrat and in
short 'kepi generally tending to the
preservation of species of • game and
fur -bearing animals not regarded as
vermin and in danger of extermination
under present conditions. •
Arden, Man., on the death of her
loved sister. Mrs. Peter Perd
Clinton, Ont , who died on March
1910: •
Where the merry birds are singin
Where the flowers gently wave,
Where the loved and lost are sleep'
In the cold and silent grave.
Ohl -we laid her there in sadness,
White our hearts were filled
pain ;
But we know that in the morning
We shall meet her once again.
Death has taken many a loved one
Frain our homes and fond embrace
But the hour of joy is coming •
When well meet thew face to face.
Death of Mrs. William AYers
The following refers to a sister of Healing bake for wounded spirits,
Mrs. James Smith, Ontario Street ; — For the Lord will soon appear,
The death occured .at the family 'resi- And within his glorious kingdom
We shalt meet our sister dear.
deace, Dundas street east, Wood-
sAtoycekrs, .ianlotuhdeal.yisetvyeenoirngo,f
01 Mrs. Where the a.ngels bright are shining,
Where no sorrows ere can come,
(Hark, was the daugh-
deceased lady, whose maiden naine We shall meet our cherished loved one
was Henrietta
ter of the late Joseph Clark, and: was In the bright eternal home. . . ,.
Let one spirit ripe.for heaven
born and had lived for nearly: all her
She had beenin failinghealth for years, Just one clear, gone before us,
Has obeyed the Master's call, •
life on the homestead where she died.
FisSideft her husband. four daughters. Waiting, watching for us all. '
Mrs. H. M. Stephens c n 'cif 35 Ro edale •••• .... • •• • • ...... •-,-. ...... -----------,--.04
road, Toronto ; Mrs. T. j.
Denorwie, Ont , ,Mrs. A, H..Oleasorm:if opefive•••••0***••••••sesoo.,
sat' lithe Citg.and Miss Lucy,af home, • ' • - • . . ': ' . , • . ' ' 2 •
one.heother, Walteroof Oakland Cali- a; . ' • —
fornia and one sitter, .Mrs.' James • . s
Smith, of Clinton, are left to mourn 2. ' PRING
her loss, The funeral took place on i ' a - • . is
Wednesday afternoon from her 'late • ,
reeidence to the Episcopal cemetery. 0TERM • . •
The impressive funeral service. of the : ,
Church of England were conducted at • Front Marell 29-1 erges into our . cf.
the house at 2.00 o'clock and at . the •Suminer Session from July ith and
grave by Rev R. H. Shaw, reetor of • • affords continuous opportunity for ,Ir
Old St. Paul's church. As the funeral • gboriogr?%sunutg::°igartionus.alifov itcir .
was private only the relatives and in- t • ;ellool.b TRH so-ENTRAL num! el
at te at' al ce. . The floral offerings of • io,ian ,ffiii,a free On refine t
. NESS coLDne.E OP TORONTcr, 6
timate friends of the deceased were in i
sprays and wreaths, etc were numer- • ---.-;--- - - - - - - 8 .
• invites your consideration. Cata- IS
been. The bearers were Messrs. John al"
,z12 , W. N. MAW Principal., ' •
1°37Usandesteemedbeatittlilfetikt te11 showingrs . Ah yo v ve r a h ihaahti
PaSgoe, 3. Moon, R. 13ates, R. Patter- • '
_onge Sc Gerrard SW., Toronto SP
- •
son, La Miller and R. Gould.. •••••••••••••••••••o••••••
4•• •
Every pair of our Men's $5.00
Puritan Patent Colt Shoes
; •
ti Vouched Foe,
The patent leather in the uppers of these, f.
• shoes in genuine Puritan Colt and if with 'proper
• use and care they break through U1' 90 days from
the date of sale we agree to replace thein free of
chaige, (this does not apply to surface checking,)
provided only they are returned to us withiwone
4 year of -the date of inanufactuk. We furnish a +
written guarantee with every pairi
Take good care of your hoes and if you get
• them from us they will take care of you.
4. • • Repairs while You wait.
Fred Jackson
• .
• •
I Shoes
. •
• •