HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-03-24, Page 4The 1,11101.1,1,1.1111,1010.011,1111.1.1.0111001101110110111111110111111011.11.101101.1 would do a great kintineraa to their Whitt We AdvertiSe-we be1i. Otie What we soli Advertises ua.. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY (1OOfS MILLINERY ,tJI{S MANTLES MINK OF STYLE. THINK OE LES. THE GREAT SUBJECT MILLINE off.�.:�'�. °ar receiving con grat- a>. We have 'been ulattons all week. Everybody seems to approve of our Millinery. 0 u r Hats strike taste ful people as true examples of. the styles for ZgIo,°° chosen with an eye to ladylike' elegance and dig- nity. That repu- tation we have worked hard to , create. We cor- dially invite you. We'll be delighted to have you, whether you wish'to select your Hat now or not. We want you to form your opinion about our Hats, We think your friendly criticism will do more for us than anything we could say or do ourselves. -So please consider yourself at perfect liberty to visit our Show Room as often as you please. Corsets for Spring C,A.A. LaGrace is a name that means some- thing, _ it means something, because every section and every gore of every Corset bias •been'; carefully - put together -to fit.the figure like a Glove. Priees at $1, $1.25, $1 50, $2, $2.50 and' $3,00 New Spring Coats Our New Spring Coats for Ladies and . Misses are now on display. Pricesranging' frons $6.00 to $10.00 EDITORIAL 1MI1'SI1vG S THT Ni:w ERA extends Easter greet. Mee to its large circle of of reader° and hopes many joys may attend this anni- versary of gladness and hope. PEOPLE astronomically wise say the Halley comet will have some influence in giving us an early Spring.. It wil be within 14,000,000 miles of the earth by the middle of May so we may feel its genial rays. • Dee P LI (' O Tt .1 l..ai differences fade into in. I significanoe when it comes ter a clues• tion of raising h -stn the salaries of the n,em- g bers , $1000 for possibly three months work is a good deal better pay than man an M. P. P. conld earn at home. ne. The average member does not - work �. overtime while, he is at Toronto by any means and we consider is fairly we paid. There's nothing compulsory about them staying at the job if ten hundred dollars is as trifling an amount as some make out. Worsogris will never cease, Eussi 1' and Japan whose hands were so re l cently grippingr one another lay th throat are • about falling over each otherin the formation. of .an ali.iance between those two powers. The great beer has le rn ` a ed a�(esson no doubt, in the ) trouncing. recefpecl'by the wily Jape and will possibly not beso greedy for war in the time to come; Russia is not the only .bully that had to bite the dust at the•hands.of a belittled an- tagonist and "vs ere taught to be gene- rous or account of the defeat,.. MaM: T >.c,ivE*�Zi>;; the'railwregmu. is nate, is authority for ,the statement that the Hudson: Bay• Railway.. will be in operation in three years, . Wonder- fuld evelolitnents may •be.espected in the exportation of: grain from the Northwest if what was thought do he sionary "O ect a e a vi p" j becomes a virtual 11 i reality. The world is moving on all right and our land'fs not a tailender in the piocession. •••o %VE congratulate T. II. Rance, for- merly Editor of the Mitchell Recorder, on his new appointment, He left last week for London, England, where he assumes charge of Canada exhibits at the great Exhibition to be held at the world's metropolis. Bro. Race has bad a noteworthy experience and worthily represents the land of the Maple. Be will probably spend six months or more in the Old Land, • CANADA'S trade is well worth culti- vating and other Nations know it. While we should have self respect there is no occasion to get big head be- cause people desire to enter into wider trade negotiations and relations with us, Our Dominion is making his tory in the wonderful development and advances and better than all it is no sudden boom nor the influence of any favor but the natural result of the growth of this favored land in the pos- session of so wide, varied and valuable.+ products, 4" IT is complimentary to Canada to know that many; other countries copy our systems in various departments, TheTransvaal purpose utilizing $5,000,- 000 in the creation of an Agrinultural Experimental farm patterned after the Ontario premises at Guelph and it is said the counterpart of the MacDonald {{ institute will also he established. Rum- or hart it that a well known Canitek may be appointed to preside over the College Government 1 e t Go le a in South Africa, a, What a pleasing commentary is evi, dented in that land as to the value of British rule. Their so-called suliserv- fence is the broadest and best liberty, •q•o. ALL the crooked people are not dead yet as eleven or them have been ar- reseed in - Fort Trances locality for. "soaking the Ontario .Government. Their plan was an unusual one in this day._, The Government had offered $15.00 a head bounty for' the destroy- ing of wolves owing to the harvest be- ing made by" their animals.- Wolf pelts were purchased fromdealers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at $2 00 a peice and presented to the Government later.claiming and re- ceiving the bounty. The supposed slaughter au h g ter of 500 wolves . aroused suspicion and a detective caught ob to the process, These people must sure. ly be related to the historic family of whom it was said:— "There was a crooked . math and he walkeda crooked mile, , He found a crooked sixpence beside a crooked stile He bought a crooked cat that taught a crooked mouse And they all lived togetherlittle crooked house, in a •••• Vutnnons of strong drink who vio- late the law by selling to minors are deserving of the fullest penalty of the law and the authorities should be sec ended in their desire to bring the law breakers to .time. The Cancellation of the license the house would soon put estop to what is said to be not an uncommon practice in Huron ()aunty.. Marty a youth has aequirecci the drink habit before he attained the statutory age that permits Iitm to indulge with. out interference, The above is equally true as it relates to tobacco and tiger- Wee, igar cues, if parents would make an effort 10 trap the iliigitimate stale ° they • hetes' in whom they should be interest• ed, at least to' extent. Dead lazes are of no service and might better be wiped oft the statute book than be made a football for those who know the Jaw but keep it not. OuW oo Ir'isbrnen must surely be true lovers of the "old sed." At the celebration of St, Patrick's Day in that city, on 147:urch Irish, 50 square feet of sad from the Emerald isle were placed in the banquetting hall so that the loyal sons and daughters cf Erin round pace more plant their feet on the genuine article. We once in- serted some soil from Bonnie Scotland in our garden at Brussels and it grew just as good a sample of potatoes as the native Canadian terra firma alongside, Let us hope the Chicago diberr Wes; will beet the r eaord and. cabbage all that may turnup. While doing this we would like to see an effort put forth to disassociate the so calied proverbial Irishman's portrait from the whiskey bottle and the pipe as this is a;cari cature on the race as it stands today, '•�HE great Clyde hipyards have the contract f o r Austriaia's dread- noughts to be presented to the Empire We are not convinced yet that the multiplying of the military equip- ment is the beat evidence of twen., tietle century c i v i l i z a t i o n, So many people appear afraid t o fight against the increase of menae ing preparation on account of run- ning the risk of being called disloyal. Loyalty of the highest, type can easily ba divorce d fromtbedisaster wrought by cannon and the sword without los- ing its essence. Peace is better than war. The former ennobles and is divine but the latter is brutisb"and as the great Sharman emphasised it "hell." euuuton New The Government Annuities System , • On Tuesday ,evening of next week, Dr, \`Sampson, 'hi, D., Lecturer -in., Chief of Old . Age. Annuities will address the citizens of. Clinton in the Town Hall. Following is a copy of an Editorial from the St. ,tohn N. B :Standard+ whfclr-is---:the--leading••-Co0. servative paper in that city, The Government Annuities System, which was clearly described last even- ing by Dr • Samson, is . a simple and straightforward proposition: Before it was introduced in the Senate the House of Commons had discussed a resolution respecting old age pensions It was left undecided whether the con. ditions of Canada call for a•• general Pension Act, or whether in case 'such a system should be •inetoduced • it should be wholly supported from 'tlze public -revenues, as .ni New . Zealand and i'ately in Great Britain, or should follow the •German plan, where the Government, the employer and the pressentivepensionerjointlycontribute Nothing:was: done about the pension scheme iii Canada, but the, Annuities he •Act was.one of " the results of t various •parliamentary discussions. This is not a Pension Bill, T Governrrrent does not pay ari allo 'arise out of•the treasury to old peop .But the•Government eoetrects t. to deposits from any person rt, .an, : ' S t a .. lie applicants desire. The 'sat thing is done by insurance eompanfe butt there arer a tl efvllowmn advantag of the :Government .plan for perso with moderate means: , The whole and credit of th nation is behind the contract, All the cost of securing subscribe ofadministering the funds; and..carr ing on the business, ..is : bone • by tie Governrnent, and the investor escap th` Isch • at e�. • g The (x• ny l e en nn t a •'e e p ys fa tr per ce compound iilterc.st en all -the prenuu or in vestal eats , . . i1 -n t x he stun utti g. es o that ba fs, and, iu case of -death befoi the` annurty period, returns th amounts u is npaid with three h per cent r teres-. • There is •the largest conceivabl liberty allowed es to the anroterits methods and intervals ofpayment,and as tc the time when annuities are due There are no forfeitures; nio penalties no. lapses, Whether .payments are large or small, regula>:•or variable; the final adjustment is made on the basis of the agreement, the: returns, of course, corresponding to the auntie amount paid. The investment isfree from all claims creditors, and inoumbrances. It is an actual and certain net income. To give the above advantages the system involves a considerable. Govern meat outlay, in the cost of manage. merit and promotion and in an in- erest charge rather larger than the (lovernnrent pays on its other borrow ngs. This represents the. Govern- ment ccntribution'towards :a scheme or the general benefit. If the scheme were made general and open to, all apitalists to purchase annuities of by amount, .it would attract 'large nvestors ane interfere seriously with. nsuranee corporations, '111.e8e'(:annOt o business on terms giving them oaring for salaries and expenses, no. ividends for stockholders and no. rospe t of gain. But the Govern. ent o Canada is not going into com- etition with companies in the sate f large or speculative annuities, The ea is not investment but"protection. hese annuities are intended for those moderate means, and do not pro - de more than a ser required to pro. - de the annuitant with the necessaries life. The largest annuity that can bought is $(300 a year. He . who sties t s o provide for a larger income est go elsewhere and pay for the comodat(on given him. Those who sh to be sure of -an income of. Icon). ngernto ents year therake Gooverneinent, hieb is looking for no profit, and is Ming no pay for transacting the siness, While the Aot was a Government asure, as all Bills involving public penditure must be, Sir Richard rtwright invited the co operation Senators from both parties and the tern as it stands is the result of a eful, non-partisan examination and ision of the crigtnel scheme, I1; is ystem which family hien of etoder- incomes, all young tneu and men wage-earners, and working ople of an classes ought -to consider§ he w. le, ke. ig'e ne s, es ns e is y- es • nt m. ri e t c a d n d p m p O id T Of VIbof wi rn ar, we $50 ra wh bit me ex Ca of sys car rev as ate vwo Pe An explosion in the blast furnaces Sydneylunrn fed the buildi Company in- jttred six inen. Doherty Pianos and Organs 'Sold Direct font the Factory • 1nder-.Teu Years Guarantee.1 ,...,........., ,......... el*, 1 Out of Lends XV Piano. We leave concluded in future to sell our products throughout Huron County. Intending purchasers are cordially invited to yisit our Factory where without being placed under obligation to buy Doherty goods they may become thoroughly conversaut with the details entering- into the manufacture of our goods. • •••••0•••••••••••••.. In our demonstration parlor we will R•••••• )farch J7th, 1010 ger- oi.f the people that would want do •'k••Ml�••.••••••••444-1••d••+40+*+• •+******* .144�•+444+44 :t London Travellers '..--. • Wall % .r. -.� .,_ T. Want Early Trains. . ]fill Ask For One On L. in. i` It. Line at 4$ Wel`'op.eyle Ieeste~ttdOP of 8.30. ing It is stated that the travellers of • • • • your Inspection. • • r • • • London will shortly take up the (Dies" tion with the Grand Trunk Railway of having the morning train nn th- Horan and and Bruce leave London tit 0 o'clock instead of at S.30,• Itis elaimed .that this would be e great convenience for the travelters, and would enable them to get over the northern towns a great deal quicker and give them, a chance to get better. connections. Another matter which it is stated will be brought to the -notice of the railway is the crowding of the cars on alI the branch lines oy Monday morn- ings. It is nlaidied that owing to the rush of taavallers, in addttion to the usual traffic, that it is impossible some times to secure seats, and that at the best of times the cars are badly crowd - ea, The railway will be requested to furnish extra cars en Monday morn- ings. show tbe°tone qualities of our instrus TARIFF CA1ISI:S • meats. For thirty-five years Doherty Organs have been leaders in the musi- + AND EFFECTS i' cal world, well known as such in every land. - Today our Pianos and Player • Pianos are enjoying a similiar reputat- • ton, our Factory being operated to its fullest capacity with carload, .orders yet unfilled. We might do witboutlocal business but we know we have excellent value to offer intending purchasers. We know we can give best satisfaction. Without retail saleemenand retail store expenses and profits to pay, we offer our patrons in Huron County, m nufacturer's prices and our ten years guarantee. Some people like to be footed. Peri haps some will still be satisfied to pay more than our price on a genuine Doherty for a cheap stencil piano and much more because of an older name but we anticipate that the numbers will take this opportunity to become • versed in Piano constriction, and with a full knowledge of the high • quality of tnaterial we are using and 11 • our workmanship,purchaee a Doherty the greatest value for the leastmoney,, W Doherty Piano & Organ Co„Ltd, • • • • • • • a•" • i •• • • t • ••• Application of Canadian surtax to American ports will cause; • British goods to enter Cana- da at two-thirds less duty than American. German goods to enter at one third less than ,American, From $40,000,000 to $50,000,- 000 of trade now held by Amer- icans to be sacrificed to English and Germans. Canada to turn to British re- form, Prohibition. of Canadian exhorts will I Deprive American paper mills of Canadian pulpwood supply,. Deprive American iron and steel industry of Canadian. nickel ore. Application of American maximum to Canadian im- ports will; • Balt.$42,000,000 of Canadian • Tdutiable imports. • The Candian Press. Increase the price of lumber o. • • •• • r • r • z • 2 • A • Z • • • • Executive Arranges for the An itual IMleetiing of the • Association. ' At ameeting of the executive' of the Canadian Press Association held • last: week 'at the Ring Edward, Toronto, it was decided that the annual' meet- ing should this year be held on • Tues- day and Wednesday, the 17th and 18th of Maya ':-'hese dates are consid- erably later than usual and were sel• ected in order that an excursion' to Cobalt and Cochrane might be arrang- ed to take place the same. week, the months of February and March, when the conventionshave formerly been held, not Iending themselves: to a trip of this nature. The` Grand ` Trunk Railway,, and the Government will cooperate toaniake the excursion sue- i cessful.. It is expected thFit. a" feature of the outing will be a journey of 40 or 50 miles along.the Tranacbntinental Railway west otOoclirane through the clay belt. ' ''Ool. 'Henry Watterson, the noted Louisville ville edieer and 'Rlioliticianl has ac- cepted an •invitation 'th he present at the banquet.• ... (ionsei'Vatil'e Convention C� P I The� �� Local Associations'Are Not Favor VAt;UU1I CLEANING is now con• able' to a ;Postponement ` ceded, •the svbrld ;ar'ex', to be the one Iieflieientand sanitary method for ex -.The•possibility• 'of the, postpone .." -,meting dust ar'ci dirt from Carpets, meet'of the•Conservative Coevent'ion Bugs; ]?'loots, 'Upholstered Furniture, _sett do n for Ottawa th June, was (Es, ' i)u peri.c•e, Is, 'U s, ste'contains' e uses, and in casfeet everything ed rer th' i , t 'L '� ( In that' t CO,It it l ' . h i 5 this speeial Y meeting ' g stn - of the g r P Central ,. • Heti of tz,,l. Gorisc:rvative A�sociatiotl, 10: + x Y the'hame•-- b:caiise partial tanto, .,field. pn . Satarday eirening, I lizrly by life A;rtatrer,txc swee it.gets: Several reistiiriee were made end lel PALL the..eirt 'without Itlnvitlg,•' any t ti ifr , , z oh om ' lir � e s.t 1 ref' •x r) its 1 i v,th>ut iiili • oiled .to ang .. Itz1 'Adjournment; p at €, runic xt . 1 t incidentally as a possibility: "'Several the theist delicate fttitii'iC$,`rar,ci rvithoat others' expressed the opinion that f strrrhrg; -zp :r particle ofdust •on It r. 1 ce th a aegis h . �r thedate t e l coal the Gee , ate h t z et• aci beg fixed. an tiro f p .literature heen sent out, it would lie ,a ]'Sweeper and the dreaded old-fashioi- mistake to postpone it. ed house-cleaning days. 'WnitE the Public •Librax For Sale or to Lent by • y leasing in the United States. , •'• • Ruin or embarrass many• •j • American lumber firms who • • have.beugbt timber and 1um• "• o her on account in Canada. les Tlerovwiumber-trade-ems XXnit.... • ee States now held by Canada • • to Russia,.Norway and others, • Increase price of coal in New • England and Pacific coast • • States, • —New York Herield:• 2 ••••♦•••••••••••••••4••aa W. R. CARR Veterinary Surgeon. Elonor-gr,iduate Ont. Vet, Coll., 1500 Special course tit 'Chicago. 1910 Office opposite Graham House. Night calls at Graham House; Day Phone 82, Night Phone 5 Seed Barley for Sale. Manchuria Barley, 5.5 cent's a bushel. WILLIAM PICKA;i'D, nolxi,esvllle. The Autoinatie` Vaciitiin room taken advantage as it should Abe, it woul?n't hold obe twentieth E. TURNER 411e000400eea006110e00006901066!ii•••••••••••••••••••••••oo • • m In the Realm of Sport i w • •••a•a•••••••••••••••••••• 0118er00•6•00•00001104,0i110111111001110 At an enthusiastic football .tneeting A enthusiastic meeting was held last` Co, held at the Listowel II S' it was unan- Saturday, at the Doherty Piano andrs imously resolved. to enter a' teafor OrganCo, and an Athletic Association i, team for the Hough `cup, and the was. farmed. The following officers were elected: —Patrons W, .Doherty, D. Cluff, I.13, Chant. 1+' J. Hill; Han. PresidentBextViceKerr; Hon, 1 t Pres. B. J. Gibbings; Hon. 2nd Vice Pres, J. Armour; fres. M. Greeds; ist. Vice. B, Jr, Morris; 2nd Vice.,C. Draper; Sec. Treas. A. C. Clarkson; Manager J. E, Doherty. It was decided to get up "a base ball team and we hope that the other teams in town organize, so that we Wray be able to form ' a good town league. r edschoothils, yearteam inwill the Wundoubtedl, F, A:,,y thereceive high 1 Lacrosse To BOoni. ttgatn the staunch support of the citizens. As much interest is being manifested in l7anada's National Game among the i boys in Town for a lacrosse team, A meeting � will w 11 t se held in the Pastime It is announced that Lou Scholes,the Club Rooms Wednesday night March oarsman will go after the diamond 80th at 8 oolock sharp. All are invited sculls at .Henley this year. • ' to help to get the boys in line, secretary tar was authorized rho •xz Yx ed to send in a challenge. ne. It is thought the teats' has an exeellentcancehto lift the trophy, as they gave Berlin• stud- ents the scare of their lives last year. Up to the last minute the score. stood I -0 in favor of the locals, when the cup.holdersscored on a 'corner. kick. With very . few exceptions the team remains the same this year.as ; that of last and with some good heavy prat• tice should be in condition to meet anything. In view of the feet that in all probability no teatn will be enter - waste VIILLIN ERY "' This is the question of importance with the Ladies justgnow, ess our Spring Opening the25th and Ltlth of March. Ladies come and see the fine display of Itiglt Class Millinery. Paints ---This is the time to trim up your homes and here is where yon can find the Iles- and cheap. est Paints, Varwishes, Oils, Turpeetxne, etc. Seeds• -•Farmers now is the . time to procure your Olover and Timothy seeds. 'We can supply you. Prodnce•wanted for either trade or cssh: R. Adams, Lotidesboro. Saturda', March 2Gth, All oar new Spring i • 2 • i : i • .a. • • •• w • stock is now in and ready for s 2 •• •. • 2, 2 • • •. %i. •• We deal n onlyiu quality Wall Papers papers re ceived exclusively from the foremost Canadian Nutt-. ' ' facturers. are invited to see finest we have ever shown. the line by all odds, the • • • • ()ewer Ca, CI.1NTON, • dr • se, 4• 4.•••3•••I'�►• 44-•+•+•+••••1•••w+•-t•••II•••€4+•-e•�II•�4•+.4.4,4.4 44-• �•• TeTerms s Cash. One Price Only ► y u21 r.' BLAZING THE WAY VER a "quarter ..ofa century ago, we be- gan tailoring clothes for men, We.h� ave. 1 '- b f een so successful in pleasing our citC_ tomWrs that to -day we' own and operate ti.; largest individual tailoring plant in all Can- ada We employ the most capable design- ers, whose ideals find expressions in the ar- tistic, stylish and well fittin'? garments ;are make to order. We demand and maintain *the very higheststandi d of efficiency in "all work leaving- our woikrooms. ` • The magnitude 'cif our business is inciicat ed:in ,the .fact that over one thousald retail merchants and tailors are to -day represent- ing us'in"various cities and towns of the.D•o- minion. Our organization and methods of business 'enables men: in the most remote: • parts of Canada, t U 3btain ' d 1 the S' psame advan- tages of fashions and good tailoring as those tailoring: residing , I1 f. Ity o fT ono nto, Your -telton Is, gat• tl pal• culardy called to some ofthe styles sh o vn t . for the Spring and. ` Summer' season.of 191o: They are our own creations and:cannot • be shown by other concerns; if . you w'iI' honor us by calling upon our. local agency, they will be' pleased to showou our entire assortment of new and popular weaves in English, Scotch and Irish Wool- lens. . .Awaiting this favor, we remain, Yours faithfully, •The: HOUSE of "HOBBERLIN,. LitITI) "Tailors to the Canadian Gentlkllilali,, TORONTO, CANADA a.. A. IRWIN, A gent , g Clinton, Ontario. .`,Pe carr7.G G �l � a •?er eect , line of • gents (uinrinq, "twiuin g collars, ties, sucks, handl ervcl iefs , ..overalls, underwear and sus enders as ivell as latest eleszr ns in.fanep i s . �ZrtFs.' ` firt-class j xw1 l ttst received as- sortment. r I caps. rel n__'andinspect our' stock. WJ. s In the Store li"orrn e#'Yy Occupied by Nemrcornbe's, Clinton. anzomassomnarmasivanstranzrasnstimagasimatatim New Era Advertisers Get Prompt ' Returrts