Clinton New Era, 1910-03-24, Page 3March 2lth, 1910
It is well to have on hand
a remedy, simple, effective and
easily+applied, for mosquito
bites, insect stings, sores,
bruises, sunburn, and injuries
to the skin, and forty other
ailments not 'always danger-
ous, but which can be cured
by outward application. Such
a remedy is Davis' Menthol.
in tins for 25 cts. at druggists.
in one day. 25c. a bottle at all Drug
We Want to Land
your first order, because we know -that• -
the satisfaction you will derive from
that will open your eyes to the fact
that you cannot do better anywhere
else that you can with us. You will •
find that we are not "all at sea" in our
business, but thoroughly ''up - to - the
minute" and watchful of the interests
of our customers, knowing that, by so
loing, we are really acting for our
wn ultimate benefit.
Merchant Tailor. Clinton,,
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Orders may left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
At Electric Light. Plank
Ford & McLeod
Havin secured a commodious Grain
Having sece
Storehouse, we are now buying all
kinds of grain, for which the highest
prices will be paid.
Bran. Shorts, Corn and all kinds of
grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on
hand at the storehouse.
fiord & McLeod
Huron County
Stock and Seed
Clinton, Thursday, April '7„
I u 9i
1st 2nd 3rd
Stallion, 3 years andover.
Stallion,under 3 years
Stallion, 3 year's and over.. I0 fi 2
Stallion, under three years 6 4 2
Best Percheron Stallion 8
Stallion, 3 years and over6 4 2
Stallion, under 3 years 6 • 4 2
Brood mare, 3 years and over (See
Specials) 3 2
Filly or Gelding,.8 years and
over 5 3- 2
Filly or Geiding,under 3 years 5 . 3 2
Team in harness(See Specials) . 6 4
Family of three coif of 69,progeny
of same sire 6 4.
Yearling,1 year and under 23 2
Team in harness (See Specials) . 6 .4
Brood mare,3 years and over 5 3 .2
Nilly or gelding, 3 years and
over . .. 4 3 2
Filly or gelding,under 3 years 4 3 2
Yearling,1 year and under 2..3 2
` General Parpose 1 who
Team -an harness ,.-� _ __a 4 B
• Roadsters • be borne in mind that it is not the
Stallion,153 hands and ober 6 4 2 weather that causes rheumatism, the
Stallion,under I5 hands.. 6 4 2 trouble is rooted in the blood -the
Carriage horse in harness,equip- damp changeable weather' merely
ment considered....... 5 32 starts the aches and often almost un-
Roadster horse in harness, bearable pains going. : The trouble
equipment considered.. 5 3 2 must be reached through. the blood,
Carriage team in harm a 5 d 2 and the poisonous rheumatic acids
Roadster team in. harness.. 5 3 2 driven out. This is a medical truth
Saddle' horse 3 . 2 •every rheumatic sufferer should real-
ize, Liniments, outward applications
(Age in all classeq to be considered.: and so -balled electric ' appliances,
Age to date. from January Iet). • never did, and never can, cure . rheu
. (Brood mares must be in. foal,' or .mutism. The sufferer is only. wasting
have raised'a foal.) valuable time and money :with this
CATTLE sort of treatment, and alt the 'time.
1st . 2nd 3rd the trouble is becoming more firmly-
rooted-and••harder-:to-'-Dore. There -
Short Horns is just one sure .way. • to cure rheuma•
Bull, 3 years and oyer.. $8 . $5 $3 tism -Dr. Williams Pink Pills They
Bull, 2 years. • 5 3 2 act directly on the impure weak, .acid'
Bull, 1 year 5 3 2 tainted blood, They purify,• and
Cow. 3years and over5 3 2 strengthen it.and so root out the cause
Heifer, 2 years ...... . 5' 3. 2 of rheumatism.. Mr. John Finnamore,
Heifer., 1 year •'4 2 1 Marysville. N. B., says :-"I was laid,
S 8 .Herefords up with rheumatic fever for' a• .year.
Bull, 2.years or.over5 3., and•for, eight months of that. time I'
Bull, under 2 years ..: 5" 3 •could not go. about. My , blood' had
Cow, 3 years and over_ 5 . 3 seemed turned- to water, and -the paih
Heifer, under 3 years5 . 3 I'endurec Was at times almost unen-
durable. . •i 4. Notwithstanding :I was
Polled Angus . under the doctor's care I was not re -
Bull, 2 years or over. 5 3 gaining my strength and I decided. to.
Bull, 1 year .......: ..... :5 . 3 give Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills ,a trial.
Cow, 3 years and over 5 3' I took altogether nine boxes and they
Heifer, under 2 years - - 5. 3 simply worked wonders in bringing
'Dairy Cows and Vat.Cattle , back my lost strength. I, still take
Dairy .cow, any age or the Pills. occasionally as I am working
ex heifer ageconst r-: ty heavy.'
Not only :rheumatic, sufferers, 'but'
ed ..:' 3 Z 'o haveaan trouble due to weak,
a1C Who y
Fat sttor, age consideredar• d wateryblood will Rod acute through
Two stock steers,2years -_ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, It is' be
and under :........ 3 2 , cause. of their direct 'action on the
Two and
heifers, 2 yrs blood that these. Pills cure suchtrou•
and under ... , , • 3 .: 2 bles as anaemia, indigestion, general
Sweepstakes weakness, neuralgia, and the aches,
$10 , 4th $2
6-=4 2
intoe New Era
These disfiguring skin diseases are caused by impure blood,
which becomes disordered through .Imperfect Digestion, Torpid
Liver, or Inactive Kidneys, The pores of the skin close up, poison-
ous accumulations which should be eliminated are retained, and
weaken and putrify the blood, Ferrozone has a specific action on
" For five years my face was d',sfipured by rais'. blood impurities and drives.
bleeding eruptions, that resisted on treatment, them quickly from the system,
Three Kingston doctors did their best for me, but
failed. 1used Ferrozo�UnSwassp.r octlycged,"nt. It stimulates the Kidneys and
Liver to healthy action, neut-
ralizes Uric acid, keeps the pores of the skin open, and destroys
germs, Ferrozone is a specific for every form of skin disease, and
is used with astonishing success the world over, It acts directly
on the blood, freeing it of the foul matter that breaks out in such,
painful and distressing blem-
ishes. There are no unpleasant FE RROZON E
after ,- effects from Ferrozone,
which does. not depress the heart,.
and is free from Mercury, Potash,
and harmful drugs. By using e
Ferrozone you have the BEST treatment for Skin Diseases and
Blood Disorders. No doctor can prescribe anything better, pro-
bably nothing so good. Price 5o cents per box, or six ;boxes for
$2.50. Sold everywhere by druggists.
given' by Mr. Wm, Proudfoot, 1. 0.,
M. P. P., Gnderich.
Fos best Agricultural team in hal...
ness, prize of $10 in gold and diploma
Mr Geo
' nt
bya fee -Preside
is givent V ,
Hore. .h
For best Brood mare, Heavy
Draught, The Molsons Bank Trophy,
valued at$I5.
The Royal Bank0linton offer a spec-
ial prize of $5 in gold and Diploma
for the best herd of cattle three • of
,any breed, three years and under with
JAS. SNELL, C. E. Dowding,
President Secretary
itaw, Damp Weather Start's the
Pain, Ilii `the 'Trouble Lies ,
in the Blood.
Changeable spring weather, often
raw, cold and damp, is pretty sure to
bring a time ofmisery to eop e
••�y . •••
• how Man•y • •Z
I in a Dozen?
• Twelve ! and you count
• them to see if you get
• them, to. When you buy
• a Wedding Ring and pay
for 18 K, you can't count
i them, you take the deal= I
er's word, and often get
17 K or less: W e sell
Wedding Rings, and there '
Z is exactly 18K in, every
I18K Ring. Test thein
any way you like.
breed , 4 3.
Fat h if ids
in a saw mill where the work is pret.
Best 3 of any breed.3 yrs pains and secret troubles women tolk
and under, with bull o" '- 6 alone know.' Give Dr, Williams' Pink
Best male any age Diploma Pills a fair trial, -and they will not
Best female any age Diploma disappoint you. Sold by all medicine
Cattle date from. Sept. loth• dealers or by mail at 50 cents a, box or
GRAIN and SEEDS -ix poxes for $2 50 from the Dr. Will-
... s' Medicine C Boockvrlle Ont
let 2nd 3rd iaru
Fall. Wheat, any variety.. $3. $2 .50
Oats, black, named 3 2..50
Oats, white, named .. ; 3 2 .50
Barley, two -rowed, named 3 . 2 .50.
Barley, six -rowed, named 3 2 .50
Peas, named ... 3 2 .511
Timothy seed 3 2 .50
Glover seed3 2 .50
Potatoes, late, named . 3 , 2 ,50
Potatoes, early, mimed ... 3 2 ,50
For best three horses, agriculture, -
or draft, maresor geldings, age con
sidered, open to each Township of the
County of Huron. ' The animals must
be owned 6th April, 1910, by residents
of the named Townships. Any num-
ber of entries will be received. from
each township. Prize $25 as follows:
Should only 1. Township compete $5 00
Should Two 'Townships compete 10.00
Should 3Townships comPete 15.00
Should 4'Townships compete 20.00
Should 5 Townships or more com-
pete .. • • 25.00
For best Heavy Draught . teatlt in
harness,prize of$10 in gold and diploma
I W. R. Counter
IJeweler and Optician.
♦ . _...-
issuer t7f ••
Marriage Licenses. " S
Pot' kiwi ant relief and certain
mare .. ' f1
nothing half as goad' a
the tlrate!tested •
Lrtri;' i rba'ttlga, 5c..
s"n tlssfaotion t marz4ntecd1
Some Peculiar Ones That May Be Seen
iIn England.
:rhe English village is very dear to' •
the tiearts,of poets and painters, and
thousands of them are certainly charm-
ing. A few, however; aremore tunas -
leg .than anything else -as,
sts uce,. one which consists: entirely of,
old railway carriages, even the chapel.
being coruposedof four horse trucks.
Another village, with a population 'of
1,100 and taxed at the valuation of
$8,000,, has neither school, church nor'
other public building, the only thing of
the sort being a letter box on a pillar.
Villages with but a single inhabitant•
are not unknown. one, of them being;
Skiddaw, ih (,urnberth nd. The single
villager complains bitterly -because• he
caunot vote, there being no overseer to
prepuce a voters' list and uo church or
other public building on which to pub-
•fish one, as the law requires. 'J.'he
lonely rate payer In. a hortbutnber-
laud village has det'lined to coutribute
money to Maintain the roads, remark-
ing that the one' he has is quite good
enough for its use. lb the• isie of filly
is a little parish with about a dozen
inhabitants that has uo rates, as there
are no roads or public institutions of
any kind and consequently no ex-
Kempton, near .Bradford. can probe-
b1y lay suecesstul claim to the clistine•
thou of being the longest village in the
world, its it straggles along the road
for a distance of seven roues.
Sometimes a vfilagc will 'entirely
disappear, having been built either on
the edge of the crumbling cliffs that
make part of the coast line or over an
:ancient mine. One of the latter class
is In Shropshire, and each year one,
`'or more of the •cottages tumbles as the will not fail to tryIIo,' I'LittleAX111Iugestors.
,.'arth sinks beneath it... ilarper's 1'111L, Junior.
Weekly. " "Little Digesters" are dainty' little.
tablets compounded of the purest and
best ingrotlirnts for the relief of
stone it'll troubles, They are positively
gita11111tt'Pd 1u care even ('11rcnde. eiises
Dandy In the House as :1 .'0 'k, n1' indfl*,rvtinil er Dyspepsia Or money.
Davis' ;tie i;,hol K the. 0.1' es tilt; kly :t is ill Ac i'rfslndrd.
Xty:it til env I1 1n '' 10,0 1124 111 little red boxes -25e. from your
aeli t�.a1 eats, ,k j T 1 I t _t.e.1a .1 ti„ hist or by mail from Coleman Medi-
ivr.alor J. (:Doper J .Lason, son or '•01.
Mason of Toronto, both of ,the Eloy:al
Grenadiers, was severely. Wounded the
first day at Paarde•b.•rg (Feb: 18, 1900).
and was awarded the re.
cognition of his services. In the earl-
ier phases of the action lie• aided -the
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry„
under Lieut• -Cal. Aldworih, to. rein-
force the point in the firing line
where he happened to be by causing
the men under his command to open
steady volley firing so as to cover the
.Cornwail;s advance, When the charge
took place' lie was one of a party 01
four officers who were near each other,
Of • these two, Lt. -Col. Aldworth; . of
the Cornwalls, • and the adjutant oh'
the same regiment, met death, and the
other two, Lieut. Mason and Lieut.
Moneypenny, of the Cornwalls, were
wounded.: Lieut: MoneYpenny subst:.
quently died of his. wounds, That
was .perhaps the most desperate cor•
tier of the fight, and: there .the losses
were the heaviest. • One section of the'
Cornwalls .lost eleven killed and tern
wounded out of twenty-five men. 'Af-
ter being. hit, Lieut. Mason continiieil,
as well 'as he. was able, -to direct the
Men who were near him. The point •
WifiFre• he• fell niarrked--•the---ex4rerue
limit•of the charge 'as a general -ails
vanes. He was. • the last of , the offt-
.vers to fall 'and' the furthest forward.
Although • seriously wounded Lieut..
Mason insisted upon .joining his regi.
ment at ;the earliest possible mornent.
In his report of Jan. `26, 1902, Lieut:
Cola Otter mentioned -"The inclorrtit.
able pluck of L' ieut. Mason who, still
suffering from a •severe wound; forced
his way 'to the front and took part in
the battalion's- •last.series of marshes
I.believe this is the only existing case -
of'. one family haying father and •son
wounded- on service id the militia of
..the, Dominion: •
Bearine ' (from Canadian Bear
grease) applied 'to the roots of the
hair, keeps it glossy and prevents its
falling! :out. S.Oc. a ar. ..,,.
London's Police Press.
An article iu the illustrated English
Magazine gives •an.accouutof the print•
ing,.department of .Scotland Yard and
the astonishing : • amount :of . work it
turns gut. • Fotir. times a day, a broad
side is.issued to all• the police officers..
At 9 in themorning the first is sent
out,; giving an inventory of all property •
lost kt noon -is issued a list Of all
persons missieg, and this often Dern
pies . several pages. At half Past ,6
the broadside contains both subjects
and •also• at half past .10.'..A. habitual
register is .distributed and
nt of
f villi sa persons.
er et r
v sheet
released On .tickets -of lea e. d
of missing -articles` is sent to every
pawnbroker, and as many • as 4,000
copies of this document.. are needed.
This is only a small •part of the work.
' done by the' Scotland• Yard press.
6. lusty lunges,auctioneer wile uuru-
ing.forth in. tiowi'ry terms on the vir-
tues of a ,particular brand of cigars ho
was endeavoring to .Induce bis• mon;
ence to purchase. abiding up a box
of cigars.' be shouted; "You can't get
better, gentlemen. I don't care where
you go, you can't get better!
"No," came a cynical voice from a
man In the crowd; "you can't. l
smoked one last week and I'm not bet-
ter yet!" -People.
Lesson. XIII. -First Quartet`, For
March 27, 1910.
Text of the, Lesson, Mark xvi, 1.8.
Memory Verses, 6,. 7.- Golden Text,
Rev, i, 18 .Commentary Prepared by
Rev. D, M. Stearns. •
Having the option of a review or a
resurrection lesson, we choose the
Easter lesson, as there is nothing so
grand as Elis resurrection, by which
Ile was declared to be the Son of God,
with power and without which preach -
Ing and faith are vain and ever
has been or can be saved.. The resur-
rection, however, must include all of '
Elis earthly life that preceded His
death, Ills life as the Son of Mary,
the seed of David according to the
flesh. Matt. i gives the 'royal line of
David's descendants through Solomon
to Joseph, who became the husband
of Italy, while Luke 111 gives David's
descendants through Nathan •to- Heli,
whose son-in-law Joseph, became by
his marriage to Mary, and thus Jesus
became heir to David's throne. ne
The quarter's lessons might be out-
lined as, first, the genealogy and birth
of tho Ding; second, the visit of the
Magi and the flight of Joseph, and
Mary to Egypt and their return to
Nazareth; third, the herald,of the
King and the declaration of thGather
concerning flim; fourth, the King's
vietory over the great Adversary, Elis,
testimony and the calling of some,dis-.
.•iples; fifth to seventh, the laws of
the kingdom; eighth and ninth, some
samples of the nature of the kingdom.
Now, as the kingdom was postponed
by the rejection and murder of the
King we in this age must: know the
-power of His resurrection if we would
walk worthy of Him and manifest His
life ,in these mortal . bodies. The res-
urrection of the Messiah was plainly
foretold in Ps. xvi and xxii, Ise. 1111
and elsewhere. ' It was wondrously
foreshown in Isaac being given back.
to' Abraham from the dead in a figure
t_l L.• si_,••XE1J);- Tn Iris teaclring the
ford Jesus1.Himselfiniany times spoke
plainly of His death and resurrection,
and the great truth of Christianity' is
that we have at the right hand of the
Father in heaven a risen living Christ,
truly a Man and truly God, in .whom
alone is salvation, the only Judge of
all mankind andthe only One who can
set up a kingdom of righteousness On
the earth.
The •most.horrible•' thing that ever -
happened, on thisearth and that which
shows tlze desperately -wicked nature
of the hiiman heart was the cruel mur-
der 'of the Son of•Gotl, but God raised
Iii'in from' the dead' and :gave Him
glory and will yet give Him :dominion
over. all the earth, and Hisredeemed
shall share the kingdom with Him.
His disciples never received His
words that Ile was to be crucified and
risc from the dead the third day (Matt.
XX; .17-10f-. but some of His enemies
remembered them: (Matt. xxvii, 62.' 63).r
HIS mother and some of ,the' other wo
metl, who ministered to IIim remained.
by IIis cross to the last, and some of
theta after 'i3is body was buried re-
turned and prepared spices and Oint-
ments 'and rested the Sabbath day ac-
(oidiing to .the cominaudmeat; intend
Ing do .the first day -to bring the spices
and anoint, His body . (Luke xxiii. 55,
SO; xxiv, 1). When they comes to the
tomb on the first day. Morning early'
thes find th'e stone .rolled. away;. they
that He
n el who
( e s
ere an a
b .
Write for Free Seeed*.
We ars riving away, tree, with, our tree beautiful
new 910 Seed Catalogue, a package of D. Is H.'s
Excelsior Swede. This Swede has an enormous yield,
is of the arrest quality and most pertect shape. our
new Catalogue is one of the most complete published.
If you prefer, we will send you a free package of Burma
bank's Giant Crimson California Poppy or our
Asparagus Beet. If Interested today, saying
which you prefer.
Be sure and mentionthis paper. It is of interest to us.
London, Ont. 6
3 Boxes Little Digesters
Entirely Cured
It was a lucky day for Mr. Payn,
whose portrait appears below, when he
saw a "Little Digesters" advertise-
ment in the paper, for it marked leis
first step on the road to health. Read
What he says about it himself:
Xing, Ont., Nov. 12, 1909.
!laving suffered for three years with
Indigestion, nothing could relieve Me,
moatsn the
Having seen your advertisements in
paper for ".Little Digesters," took
three, was entirely cured. 1 feel_ eon-
Vineed that anyone stiff'ering with same
is Ascii and that they must go quickly.
and tell His disciples. When • Mary
.Magdalene :saw the stone rolled away
she ran to tell Peter and Jelin, who
ran to the sepulcher and saw` for them-
selves and returned,' but Mary :remain-
ed ,near the sepulcher, weeping, • till
Jesus Ilfmself, whom.she thou�,M ht. at
first to. be the gardener, spoke to her
and called her by name. • 'When• she
and the other women •told the disci- .
•isles that He was risen'from'the dead,
they believed not, and some thought it
an adle.tale (verses 11, • 13, 14; Luke
xxiv, 11); giving Him occasion to up-
braidthem with• their unbelief .and
hardness of heart:` 11lany...who now are
'told that the same Jesus is coming
again think it an idle tale and believe
not, not knowing the Scriptures nor
the power of God and perhaps forget-
ting that Jesus sakla "0 fools and slow
of heart to believe all that the proph-
ets. have spoken" (Luke xxiv, 25). The
angels believe and desire to look more
' fully into these things (verses 5-7; I.
Pet. i, 12). Dr. Scofield gives in The
margin of verse 0 this -rendering:
"Jesus yo seek -the Nazarene, the cru-
cified. ' Ile arose.: Ile is not • here.
Ile also gives in his notes on kttttt„ .
xxviil the order of the events of that
of the dif-,
a -old
morning and also th
ferent appearances during those forty
days., Note in verse 7 of our. lesson
how Peter is mentioned by name, the
true disciple who had treated Him the
worst, denying with oaths that he
knew hint, Iiow'true it is that weak-
est lambs have largest share of this.
tender Shepherd's caret flowerer weak
and unworthy .you may be, remember
that "having loved Isis own Ile lured
them unto the end" (John ilii, 1).
.. .&_ittere_knowledge of the_faets .oE-
Ilis life end death- and resurreetion
will benefit us nothing unless, know-
ing these things, we truly receive IIim
as our own personal Saviour and elaee
our whole trust as lost people In the
efBeery of His great sacrifice. Then
the joy of being redeemed will lead
tis to obeywith gladness ,IIis coin.
mind in .verse 15, counting tipon a i'ul-
flllinetit of verse 20, Our daily life
' tvlil be "Serving the living and true
Gid" and our attitude "waiting for Ms
Son from heaven" (1'Thess. 1. J. 101.
vine Cu., 'I'orolrto.
You Can Even q.
Do Your Toronto Shopping
Through "The Star
The Stai•'s "In Toronto Shops" Depart.
ment describes new and attractive offerings seen
in City Shops day 'by day, with the Toronto
DailY Star's offer
to purchase any
of these
articles for out-of-town subscribers who send
the money. Many are taking advantage of
this Department.
"OfInteresttoWomen" isthewoll-deserved
heading of a special page in.thr~Toronto Daily
Star. It is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly to
women's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personar' and
"Madge Merton's" pages, for years popular features of the Star.
"01' Interest to Women" includes scores of little hints on health
and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks on
ethical matters of particular interest to women; points of etiquette:
suggestions for; home entertainment; recipes; daily menus;, advice and
suggestions on•all the matters that lie close to a woman's heart. They
will help solve household problems, and better still, stimulate and,
interest the mind.
On the Woman's page, and. throughout the paper, current topics
are treated in a bright, newsy way that appeals to the wide-awake
woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the
to Daily Star
$1.50 A Year _ 9
' 471d -paperand•tb.' Toronto Dai/p-Slar" together for one-yearn$22A -----
Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to abore subscription price.
1i11 sasiens
Interesting Items.,
We handle Clan. Oil at 16c. American at 20c and National Light at
25c, Machine Oil, Separator Oil, Raw oil, Boiled. 01i, Turpentine and
Paints. We have about 20 kinds, of Soap,also Lye, Washing Soda and
Ammonia. We have 13• kinds of Tobacco and 3 kinds of Cigars, also
Chewing Gum. Wo have.Herbageutn, Columbian Stock Food and Hess
Stock Food, Flax Meal, Oil Cake, Libby's Calf Food, also Flour, Bran,
etc. We"have Crushed Oyster Shell -Poultry :Food, -Panacea, also
Zenoleum and Instant Louse Killer. We have Salt in barrels and
sacks. We have Patent Medicines, Groceries,Hardware, Bo4ts,Shoes,
Rubbers and Dry Gooas, also school supplies. We aim to supply.your
wants. Our prices are as low as possible and we pay the highest pos.
sible forprnduce, trusting to haveyour, custom. :
Re Adams,
Jiob? lgnfcltl4stoPs 'coughs, cn res colds heals
the . throat and lungs, - 25 cents.
Painter and Faper Heuger.
1 All work. guaranteed.
Prices reasonable.
'. Resldenee ,nearly opposite the . .
Collegiate Instituter '
When you. are , ready for
your. new Suit or Overcoat,
and • STICK :with one you
know to- be reliable. '
We' are offering lac
a B k or Blue
Serge Suit,, of a guaranteed cloth,
made to your measure fox $20.00 This
is exceptionally good value. Also a
special Black Melton Overcoat, made
to your order, for $20,00.
stopped in 20ininntea
sum with Dr. Shoot's
Croup Remedy. On,„,
to,t will surely prove.
! No vomiting, no. dig.
Toss. A sato and ploasingsyrtip•-GOC, ru lags.
Children Cry
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
Fred Jackson's Old Stand.
Agent for British American Cleaning
Highest cash prices paid. for %Base -
wood, Elm, liaple .or Birch logs, 'de
livered atour mill. .
The W, Doherty Piano & Organ
Co., L't'd
Mo n t4 ments
Choice. Designs
Best Materials.
la's. Dom,
& Dying Co.• Montreal. Opposite the Post Office Clinton,
C. Hoare
Music Store
4-S. C. ° Rathwell
2 shoe Parlor
,, Travelling
c Goods
Are you going travel -
this Spring ? Ate have
just placed in stock a nice
line of travelling goods,
consisting of
Trunks, Suit Cases
and Telescopes.
Conte in and get our
prices, before purchasing
elsewhere. We can in-
terest you.
A lull sBoots,.
I to CII
Shoes and Rubbers
at spet'ial prices • .
S, C, h.athwell
If you want any of the
popular songs, try our '
Sheat Music Department
A Full Stock of Vio-
lins and Volin Sup-
plies always on hand
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