HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-03-24, Page 2The New tint
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W. H. KERR af Son
The Three-fifths 1
Clause Again.
' The House divided againrupon the
renewed proposition of MaProudfoot
to abolish th.e three-fifths local option
clause. The division was precipitated
at the second reading of the Huron
metuter's measure, which provided a
majority vote both for the enactment
and repeal of local option. In sup ort
of the enactment Mr Proudfootargied
that the majority should govern, It
was the desire of all who had the in-
terests of the Province at heart to en.
courage loeal option. It lessened the
Consumption of intoxicating liquor.
By reducing the number of places
where liquor was sold less opportunity
was given for drinking.
"My sole object in presenting this
bill," said Mr Proudfoot, after quot-
ing figures to show the result of the
existing clause in defeating the will of
the people in many municipalities.
"is to do my part in lessening the
injurious consumption of liquor. •If
local option is encouraged the whole
of the Pr3vince will eventnallv by
this means come under prohibition.
It should be the aim and object of this
House to bring this about as speedily
ad possible in the interests of the
country generally."
Hon. Mr. Hanna moved a six
montha' hoist. Many, he said, who
regarded the three-fifths clause as
doubtful legislation at the outset were
now in hearty accord with it. In the
three years of its operation he said
local option had made • greater pro-
gress than ever before, and he was
satisfied to refer the results to the
great mass of temperance people in
the Province. The Government, after
earefully reviewing all the argumehts,
had decided to retain the present'sys•
tem, under which the vote could only
be submitted in ti, -municipality once
in three years. He deemed it to be
the duty of the Legislature to take all
reasonable steps to minimize the evils
of the liquor traffic, and with this end
in view the Government hod detertnin
ed its policy.
Mr J W MeEwing then took ip tbe
cudgels on behalf of the cause of
temperance. If local option bad been
successful it was in spite of the three.
fifths clause and not becauee Of it, Ile
gave figurers ithenying the number of
licenses that survived only because of
the three-fifths requirement. He took
issue with the Hon. Mr Hama on the
tnatter of permanency. In forty /ntth
ieipalties where loeal option had carried
by a three-fifths vote there had beeh
seven contesta seeking to repeal the
law while in seventy, places Where
local optinn had been careied bp a
majority vote there had been only five
attempts to refloat. "That proeetsi
declared Mr MelnWitig, "that there s
no more perMatieney loft
then in a menority vota,' 4 Iar'13.444 Mentb-01 is unequal. P8E101E11.014 1144
"Ina, country limbaa thls,"ahefam- e as a vain relievintr agent.
i'l"ech "where we are ettPixteed to Applied • il- (4 lAt'r 0- Y ” Sir Wilfrid is Peet Int star at Intro.
have repreentativa government aed in tile .1-+. 411X, 4-4. I
Illaicnit7 rile, there 401114i be ne Menthol Plaster it is the most I clueing &least:Pee.
euela:haridtcap." • It seems to be the 1414Une of nit
effective remedy known fo
SIR JANES Ila "fis2'017NDLI)." al r Wilfrid Laurier to prencut to the
The Premier fonoived. Was be Lumbago, Sciatica., Rheumatic Home of Commons on the really great
measuree of Parliament. It was he
who 'mulched the National Transcon-
tinental Railway bill on the stormy
Seas of disceseion. Later he intro-
duced the bills granting autonomy te
the Northwest Territories. nodes re -
said. a matter of reraarkable :eatiefats AdeeS arta Pains. Try a "I).
two to the mechbera of the Goveree a it 1, r I- 1
meat and to himself that tbe• & ,14. Atent.ocki Plaster the
etraosphere which BurrQunded. tile 11,ext time you. are suffering
clisousston of the three-fifths clam a re r ea
was se different from the one that sin - tr0111 any one ol. Luese corn -
rounded it when it wan first Introdui.
. paints and be convinced. 25c. cently he gave the House she sub-
stance ot the measure ereatiog a Can -
each at druggists.
adian navy. The autonomy Mil might
era°221=241"1"311======="2* have been introduced by the Minister
ed in the House. He said that not a
week wetikby that he did not receive
strong, earnest testimony, eitber writ.
ten or verbal, from good men from
every pert of the Province of their
more or. less slow conversion to the
doctrine of the three•fifths clause.
"That being so," he declared, in con.
eluding, "it bas become well under -
Stood that the threenifthe vote is part
and parcel of local option. It is an
integral part of the scheme and print)
iple of local option, "I am astounded
-surprise would not be putting it
strong enough astounded at the
testimony I have received in this
direction. We purpose to go an until
something arises which we do not an-
ticip ite, which will create doubt in
our mincis where no doubt now ex-
ists.' •.
Mr Proudfoot expressed surprise at
the.Premier's stand, since he had stat.
ed to, a deptitation some time past
that the handicap of the three-fifths
was postibly too great.
Sir names became indignant at once
"All I will reply to that," he said, "is
simpinnto say that I ;mid nothing of
the kind.' • •
"But the bon. gentleman was so re-
ported," persisted Me Proudfoot.
",You have told us that tat ice;" re-
torted the Premier angrily, turning
his back to the member for. Centre
"I reuet take the hon. Premier's
statement that what was in the papers
is not so,' said Mr Proudfoot and the
incident was closed. •
• A (itratotrS CIE0IIMST4ANCE •
The mei:ober from Centre Huron
-thought-Wares...curious-that-while the
Premier was receiving • testimony
landing the •three-fifths clause, .he
Proudfoot) was receiving letters
from all over the Province calling it
an outrage. He closed with an appeal
• to the House to pass the resolution,
Mr Hannah's amendment was carried
on a division. •
The Woodmen Of The World •
fee eattinitnifeallinn-
IleadSanap at London last week,
and new officers elected. Following
were the officers elected for the corn-
ing year:
H. o. C., Dr Harrison,' Toronto; -esen
Advising LieuteD. Cinna,mon,Teindsay
Head ()leek, Clair Jarvis, Toronto;
Head Banker; 3 A Sunders,London;
Head Physicion,Dr Harrison. Toronto.
Head Escort, Dr Wiley, Brantford; •
Head Watchman, R J Beckingharn,
Head Sentry, Sov.. Saunders, Smith's
Delegate to Sovereign Camp, B W
Zieman, Preston; • ••
Board of Management, Hodgins,Strat.
ford; Hoover, ',Clinton; and. Taylor,
De Harrison, of Toronto, reported
for both the head physician and the
head clerk. . •
• "During the. year, .1502 medical re-
ports were received for my decision;
27 of these were not for insurance, but
dale and funeral benefits only 3 of the
27 were rejected. • Of the balance (1,-
475), 1,401 were from men and 74 from
Women. The rejections were 66 men
and 7 women, amounting to $66,250,
and $5,500, respectively. ijesides these
rejections, I reduced 23 male appli-
:Ants for insurance by $11,000 and 1
female by $250. The total amount of
insurance applied for during the year
that I advisednhe order not to carry,
being 383,000. Of the male appliea-
, tions accepted, 3 were placed in the
epecialhazardous class and 60 in the
htzardous class.'
"Durieg the year there were 1,282
new applications issued,as against 980
in 1908. The insurance Undertaken -
during the year •was $1,088,750, as
against 3868,250 in 1908.
New damps during the year were in-
stituted at Hemilton, Stirling, Toron-
to, Ridgetown, St, Marys, Exeter
Perth, Port William, and Milton.
The total membership, as per the or-
der's ledgers on Dee. 81, 1900, was 11;
186, carrying a total insurance of $110
916.592,72, ; . .• A
The collectins for assessments dur-
ing the year amounted to 3135,177.58,
as arrainat $117,729.23 for the previous
year, showing an increase of $17,448.-
35. The total cash income during the
year was $167,917.80. •
• Sbace the order commenced business
death claims to the ameunt of 1/805,-
008.71lianse been -paid.
The sick benefit department is still
most progressive. The number of
members in it at Dec. 31 was 1,831.
The assessments received were $0,4800
92, Claims in title department Were
218, amounting to 438;168 17,
The toniabers of new members join -
bag the nick and ftmeral benefit de.
partnient duning the year was 530
The department is a soureeof strength
to the order, It IS above critieisna of
Governmeht aetuary or aecountann
It should be encouraged, and etery
member who ecu pass the medical ex-
amination required to join should do
There Were 70 deaths for the year.
This it two deaths less than Was re-
ported to tbe Government .for last
year, and $3,250 less than last year as
teported to the Government,
'Paten polieies were eaticelled, ane
owning to $3,900, two being for the
exceseive use of liquor and the third
for improper conduct,
The lapaels during the year Were 799
A Splendid Tonle
Builds op the system
• Strengthens the
• Muscles
CiVOS' New Lifo
sod bp an medicine dealer'.
• Davie it Lownenee ott, Inonneat
carrying a total Insurance of $718,861,
54. •
There were eight deaths in the sick
and funeral benefit department,
There were 64 monuments /erected
during the year 1909. 8t
No matter whether baby is :
sick or well, Baby's 'Own Tab,. 2
• lets should be kept in the home ;
to always. They not only cure I
1 .the minor troubles to which '
babyhood and childhood is sub,
jectbut will prevent them i
2 corning On if the child is given
g• an occasional dose of the media :
ff Mascouche Rapids, Que., says i
. rine. Mrs. Geo T • Walker, 1
▪ --el have used .Baby's Own
a Tablets for constipation and
9 other disorders of childhood
I-and am so pleased with them
that I always keep the Tablets
et in the house." • Sold by medi-
Inine dealers oz by mail at 25
• cents a box from The Dr.Will-
• leansMedicine Co, Brockville, :
Become Grand Master Workman
WO of the A. 0.11, W.
• Mayor Craig, M. P. P., of Fergus
.was elected grand master workman of
the A. 0. U. W., succeeding t.A. J3.
Morris, of Rodney, who becomes -im••
mediate past grand master workman.
The other nrecers are,: Grand over-
seer, W, 0. Mika K Q., D. 0. L ,city
• solicitor, Belleville.; gra,ndarecorder,
M. D. Carder, In G. .51, W., Toronto,
re-elected for 32nd conseentive year ;
grand treasurer, F. G. Inwood, P. G.
M. W.. Toronto, by acclamation;
grand solicitor, A. F. 0 Lawson, Tor-
onto, by acclamation ; grand medical.
examiner; Dap. M, Cotton, Toronto,
appointed : grand guide,Thos.E,131ood-
worth. Toronto ; grand inside watch-
• man I. A. Kinsella, Worth Bays grand
• outside watchman, Howard Powers,
• The diatrict deputy grand masters
elected were : St. Clair, J 0 Stewart,
Windsor Uri% WKirlep, St Thomas;
London:, J.. W Cook.Littlewood: Bratit
S A Gibion,Ingerselt ; W B
Shoup, Hagenevillet Niagara, Myron
McLeareSt.Catharines ; Guelph, Joho
'Voget, Berlin ;Huron, Harry- Morris,
Goderich ;Bruce, J. Gricoentloorfield ;
• Dufferin, 1 13 Henry, 'Orangintille,Pere
G. Menlanns, Memo Mins; Toronto, W
•H Margan,Tortanna :York,W H Clark,
Stouflville ; Sitneoe, T McKnight,
CoOkstoven ; Ontario, W. H. Valken-
burgh, Whitby O Dnrhaan, F 0 Mc-
Master, Havelock; Quinte, A. Moore,
Plainfield ;Kingston, RW Longmore.
an en hest • ; St. Lawrence, Jas.
Cummings, Lyn ; Stormont, W Clark,
Cardinal; Ottawa, •Wim Hughes Oa
tawa : Lanark, E W Vandusen, Smith
Palls; Georgian Bap, 133 Sanderson,
Orilla.; Superior, W •E Robertson.
Ignite() ; Nipissitig, W T MeGaw, Cal-
Dr. j. M. Cotton, Grand 'Medical
Examiner, reported that the average
age of the 3,855 applicants was 25
years and &months. Of the 516cleaths
last year the average age was 60 years
and 4 months. Mr F D Inwood,,Grand
Treasurer, certified to the healthy
condition of the finances, Special
reference was made to the death of
Col. Melville D Dawson, Past Grand
Master Workmen:
' The report of the Special Committee
on Organization was the most impota
teat question to engage the attention
at this session, Grand Treastieer F.G
Inwood presented the report and its
adoption 'without arnendnient was
very gratifying to the committee., It
provides for the engagement of a gen-
era.) organizer who shall have full
charge of the organization work sub-
ject to the supervision of the Organ-
ization Board,
Toronto was selected as the next
f meeting,
not neede
Ayer's Sarsaparilla -is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it._ It is a non.alcoholie tattle
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking thip
medicine for 'thin, impurt
Pollow his advice
every time. He knows.
We publish our
*bAniglli atoohnl
mei our medicine.
eip.,,, Wiriaire yon go
Ask your doctert°97hiet is the first great
hilt of healtliPodoctor* out of
ten will quickly reply, Ketonic bowel*
regular." Then mk- Win another guts.
don, "What do you think Of Ayeet
Pills for constipitiottPa
6.4uited.b the 4 .,rx 4444 ea, toren, materm;"
of the Interior; the N.T.R. was pri-
• marily the business of the Minister
of Railways, but Mr. Blair wee out of
sympatlay with it and left the Gov-
ernment, The navy hill was tn have
been presented by Hon. Mr. Brodeur,
but his unfortunate illness inter-
For presenting the general effect, el
• an important measure none is better
equipped than Sir Wilfrid. Ile leeks
the mastery of 'detail possessed by
gs- ase -ens,Inneenenereane
asannettereneheren oaess,
`" 1S-StSr.1-1,10
:men a man as mr. Wieuung, ann in
the maze of eommittee cliscussiou Ise
• may not be as adept as some of his
Ministers. In a larger sense, how-
• ever; he is a shining star, for he has
• the eloqueziee, grace, imagthatiou,
• flueecy and commanding gesture. He
does not burden his mind with the
details of subsection one, btit as in
a vision he sees the effect of the whole
measure. In the autonomy bill be
saw two new commonwealths. born to
take 'their place in Confederation. In
the NationaleRailwageproject. heacenkle
see years ahead, when procession:, of
settlers pouring over the plains"woulcl
be calling for railways, and east of
the plains he saw a new steel trail
giving breadth as well as Jetigth to
Oariada. In introducing the navy bill
he was more restricted, having, al.
ready spoken in the House on the
same topic last year.
Sir Wilfrid usee but few notes on
the occasion of an important speech.
He almost never prepares a manu-
script beforehand,' leavieg his Ideas
to fthune themselves anto suitable
form a,e the speech develops. Usually
Ile reeves his arras', free for gesture,
nid whenereferring to tezpjclts up
his paper, adjusts his spectacles and
reads an ertaact, or.. momentarily re-
freshes his memory,
. ,
If yon have indigestion, yoOr food
ferments in the stomach and batiels.
It does mores; it decays, and the nun-
ritious matter Which should go to
make new blood decays witleitand this
leads to an impoverished condition of
the blgod, to nervousness, billiousnese,
constipation, nick headache,bad breath
which disgusts your friends, and other
disagreeable and impleasant condi-
• And all this trouble is coined by the
food that doesn't digest; but feinigots
oftitnes rots in the stomach.
'. And fermentation is caused by the
stomach not being strong enough and
energetic enough to thoroughly mix
the food with the digestive juices.,
M-I-O-N.A is responsible for enst Of
thousands of cures. In fact, It is suck
a positive cure for indigestion and all
stomach troubles that it is guaranteed
by W, S. R. Holmes tc cute or money
back. The .price of a large box of
Mi-o'na tablets is 50 cents, and they
are sure to promptly relieve the worst
case of indigestion or gastritis. Try
them, •
f;XWINDEP hrigfi -OW
Broncietis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money hark. Sold and guarantr.ed by
W. S. R. Holmes, Clinton
akyscrapers For Montreal.
Thine ton -storey buildings will be
erected during the Coming stmuner on
junies street, Montreal, close to
the postoffice. • •
The old seminary property, *.which
has been .leased for a period of 96
years by the Grand' Trunk Pacific, will
be occupied by a ten -storey structure.
On the opposite corner, the Old St.
Lawrenee Hall landmark will be re-
placed by another ten -storey buildi»g
to be used by the ,Canaclian Pacific
for downtown offices, while • the third
skyscraper will be Wilt on the same
Street directly opposite the .St. Law.
tenee Hall by the Yorkshire Insert
ance Co. The cost of the two railway
buildings will ;be half a million dol.
lars eaeh, while the insuranee etre°.
hire will. cost about -aaquentereof e...
million, .
One On Sir Heroy,
A good joke on Sir Henry Pollan
ie bsing told in military eircles. On
Now Year's morning it is the custom
of the officers to visit the Yerieus
sergeants' messes, and this year when
nir Henry and some of the offieers
of the Queen's Own Rifles visited the
sergteuits' nuise of tb e Mississauga
Horse one of the party entering their
CAMP* in the visitors register wrote :
-.Col. Sir H. Pellatt, A.D,C." The
ississauga Horse Sergeants had a
boy watching the 'registration who toe
nuanced each officer as be entered
the reception room. When it Caine
eiir Homy's. turn the boy called out
trittelt to the amusement of all present:.
"CeloaSergt. Pellatt of the &D.C.'s."
' Needless to say Sir Henry appreciet.
tel the joke as roueh as any nue.
For Polo
Polkoto People
Builds np Strength; brings back the
ruddy glow of health bycreating a
natural appetite for nourishing food,
Get onlythe D. ,St L., the original,
:500. and. $1.00, at ell druggists.
' Paris ar Lawrence co., lifontreal.
awing Barons
Below will be found a list of papers
which will be clubbed with.
The Clinton NEW ERA
For the year 190910. These prices are
for cash with Ord0r,
The NEW' ERA, and Weeklyin ail r tnne"
and Empire, one year - . a .81.55
NEW ERA and Weekly Globe
55 4' FaMily 11. St W, Stara1.80
" Weekly Witness 1 80
55 " Sun 180
44 A.dyertiser ......1.80
" " Free Press 175
"Farmers Advocate
and Home Magazine -2.80
" and Canadian Farm (the
new farming jotter al1,50
NiV,"Ert4 andl)adyNeWs,Toronto 2.25
" " " 44 Star 2,25
55 Globe 4,50
" Mail 55 4,60
" World '5 • 3,25
" Free Press,Lon-
don 3,25
Seed Orders to
The Clinton New Era,
Chilton, Ontario
Eggs for Hatching
Rose CoMb and Single Comb
Rhode Island Reds
Good Wing, tail arid hackle; correct shkpe and
color, and no atm
Eggs $1.50 per 15, $2 if &Appel), ex-
press prepaid, .
Agent for 13oston Dry Feed Hoppers,
Climax Drinking Fountains and Grit
Hoppers, Emu) Charcoal, Pearl Grit.
White Wyan B. Minor-
eas, W4Y.B. Polands.
• , One choice pen of each.
•Eggs 75a per setting,
Clarence Paisley, •Clinton.
Her Heart Was Right.
Genevieve 'E. A. Lipsett, ? secretary.
of the Winnipeg Women's Press Club,
has charge of all the feminine inter -
este of T114. Telegram. One of the
features under her jurisdiction le .the
"Sunshine Society.' In • this • eolumn
onu dayelastantsiele she alescribed the .
pitiful 'condition Of : a nahr
with a young infant. The Imenaricie
had' been out of work TT& several
weeks, , and: there. wee are. empty
pantry. .
•• Shortly aftei: feuo'clock of the
cley on which the story appeared a
8tnall .noy and girl with bee:ruing
.feeea -Caine into Mies hipsett's :offiee.
londed deem with ' peel:ears. One
• contained a joint enbeet. Shethank-
ed her visitors, . and - twornised the
,good ±ltilxgs should la' deliverexi
promptly. Then elln. asked the chil-
dren their names. • . • . •
55No, we can't tell you °Ur nailing,"
• said the Iittleadrlaclecisively. "cause
yon might put them nit. the paper -and
onr . butcher might 'see them, and we.
OWe Win) a 'bill -and Ive 'don't
want Iti/it to know 'we have any
Money to buy things to giyo' • away;:
do'. we riarry?!'
At Grace Hospital, Torteuo.
• As is 'wen. known, one of the Stork's'
most popular placee o4resort is Calve
Hospital in,. Toronto ; More little .
. souls .are brought into this wend of
• care and Sorrow'. within the tour , wells
of this institution than in any , ether
pablic or private perhaps
in Caeada.. The advent of :half
dozen babies within twenty-fniar home
is no extraordinary occurrence there.
The visitor to the hospital, provided
he is superstitious and in favor .with
the management, can always eount
upon a now born baby to wish .upon
if he so. desires. Them. are so Many
babies in the nursery there that .each
one is labelled with a stamp on Its
shoulder blade when it comes inth
the world, lea there baleen) a mix-
ture and one of 'the old-fashioned ro-
mances about the babe ehanged in
..the..eradle happen in Actual life: Thc,
stump with the nameof the ehild's
mother on it serves as a very °heed ee-
substitute for the strawberry mark of
the old netion .
is the trademark which
is found on
every bottle
of the genuine
the.'standard Cod. Liver
91E' preparation of r the.
World. Nothing equAs.
it to build Up the weak.
and wasted • bodies of
young .and old.
Send lee , risme of paper sad this id. tor
our beautiful Smings Bank and Child',
Sketeb.11ook, liach bank contains a
Good Luck Penny.
Senna' & ROWNE
124 Wellington St., West, Toren*, Ont.
• March iib, 1910
Vrasd Tronhunway *wow* Kidney and Liver M 04 tcate Pad*
. Railway Time Table
London, Buren and Bruee,
North Passenger
London, 8.30a m 4.00 p in
Osntralia ... 0,40 5.43
Exeter 053 5.54
Bewail 10.68 • 6,05
&ppm' . 10.16 6.11
Brumfield ,,..... 10,80 '0.19
Clinton.... 11.05 6.85
Londesboro U.18 6.02
lytia ..... 1.27 7.00
Belgrave .. . 11.40 1.18
Wingbana. arrive,- 11.00 7,35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart6.43a in 3,33 p m
Belgrave.... 061 3.44
Big th... ..... - 7.08 3,50
Lonnesboro746 4.01 .
760 423
Braegfield 8.12 4.30
.Kippen 8.23 4.47
8.32 4.52
Exeter 8.48 5.05
Ceptrana9 00 5.15
Loudon, arrive 10 00 0.19
Buffalo and Ooderieh
West Passenger
am pm put pm
Stratford .10,05 12.20 525 10.20
Mitchell. ...... -10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47
Seaforth ..... .10,45 1.10 6.18 11,12
(Minton 11,07 1.25 0:40 11,28
Holiateeellie11.16 1.83 646 11.38
Goderieh. .... . 11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55
Eant .• Passenger
am pin pin
Goderieb .. 7.10 2.40 4,50
Holineeville • . • 7.26 2.57 5,06
Clinton... .... , •• 7.8$ 07 5,15
Seatorth .............7.52 3.25 5.82
Mitchell— .. 8.16 .348 5,55
Stratford ,.... 8.40 4.15 6.20
Oor Sale or Rent.
Farm to R,ent.
On the 2tu6 Concession, BB S., Tuckersmith.
100 acres Possession April 1s1, 1910, Will rent
for one year only. APPIY to LEVI STRONG.
tf, Steelton, Ont.
••Farni to Rent
The Ostrara farm, Lot 28,9t11 on. of Ooderleh
Tp., 80 acres is offered to rent. Apply to •
onnton. tf Goderieh.
To Rent.
The Draper Farm, lots 53, 54.89 and 66,
Goderich Tp., consisting of 250 acres,
For particulars, apply to W. BRYDONE,
tr. Clinton
For Sale or Rent
In Hohneeville, i-of-an,acre of laud, with a
good frame house of seven rooms. hack kitchen,
wood -shed and stable. and.s..large'frame build-
ing having been ueed as a chopping nail'. 'lardy
of good water. Possession any time after the
10th cif Noverebq. Apply to P. POTTOTt,
Huron Road
For . Sale:.
• Tlae wk lot 24in the Payfleld Congession. Tp.
of Godetich, 100 aores' more or. less, 85 acres
eleared and under cultivation, the balance bush
and pasture )and; good clay loam ; log house
and large frame barn on the Premises. This Is
a fine stock farm. Amply to W. SCOTT, Bruce-.
oteldssotaion'a .Mae,„01', s ging St.,
Shorthorns for Sale.
care an Kidney stall miners'
Week,iess, Pains lu back, Lumba.
0, KbeUtuatie.
NetuaIgl4x. Alt 1,1-
'1' and kitelnach C0011,14WIS. 411
Female weakness, painful mat
irregular periods. Men, Wolper*
And Cbildren are bcuentied alike.
Vneepe paw one dollar. lad
0 /tektite introduce win wall -with
first order One Pair freo-that is two pairs on
receipt of this advertisment and one dollar. Order
to -day this Oen) and reliable treatment. 15
90 ViCTOP.TA, AM, Wrirosos, Caz,r404
Pat11.10, BTU.
ennm.an H. nava
Huron St., Clinton,
• .H.- T.• RANOE,
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
'Financial and Real Yetatte,
INSURANCE AGENT -Representing Id Fire
suranes Companies.
/0i1"101011 Court ,Oftice.
000 1. W. THOMPSON
Aden, Burgeon, Bto
epeeist attention given to dieeases orthe
Eye, Ser. Throat, and Note,
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable gleam
• prescribed. •
Office and Residence.
Two doors wen of the Commercial IWO
• Moron ins
Or. W. Gunn
• Dr. W. Gunn, It. tg, IP., L. IL V. Sof Mtn -
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night mils at
front door of office or residence, Rant:mbar"
Office hours at 5p1tal-1 $o8 p.m.; 710 0 -p.m
• DR J. W. SHAW.
. ccourbeur., etc., office and residence on
tenbury 81., opposite W. Farran's resideneek
Olt, P. 11..2IXON
crown anti Ilritige Work a iipecialir.
Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago,end.
Dayiatriittltrondays', May 1st to December •
Offices over O'NEIL'E etOre.
Special care taken to make dental trilit.
moat as rimiest; s Peseible.
Live stock and general Auctionxe,
Var in -stock -sales a speonini.. -meets-an ar
Nay ERA °Moe, °Hilton, prostal • v,ttenastl
to. Terzns reasonable, Earn eV slalt note
Three young bulls, from .9 to' 20 months' old, • •• •
2, reds and 1 roan. .A few good heifersur
', all sips, 41). .sseTaggare. M. D. RoTaggar
Cal( and see there before you y.
by Duke of Richmond; also four young York.
bume '
shire Sows, due in Aprikand sosmall Pigs, MeTaggari Bros,
. .
• tf ' • E WISE, Clinton
• -.
. sarekERs. •
nonse • :Audi:41040r Sale. A.LBERT: • . ST CLINTON
• '
The conveniently -located bonze. next to T.
Marphp's. IlsAtenbury street, containing nine
rooms. The house is a recently re -built ene,
and in excellent repair. A good, new stable on.
the premises. Apply to A, SEELEY:
• _Fa,nn to R,ent
tett ; 100 acres, good buildingsreasonable I
stone,. Wingham.
term to a good tenant. Apply to R Van
Lot No 14 in the .71si °emersion of Hui
. Fo0 Sale
--- --
Frame tome on Townsend street, 11
roome, 1-4 acre, good water, house in hood Jas. Connelly, Holnaesville; . John
repair. Possession given rillit away, - Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Apply H T Rance . tf • a_ Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech.
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bea.
neweis, Brodhagen, M. ItIcEsva
Clintore . .
4,• 4.enera4 lElanking • Business
transacted • ., .
Draw issued. Interest allowed on
. deposits. • - '
The . •Mcifillop• . 'Mutual .
. Fire••Insurante:.eog :
ttarm ind 'Isolated .Teittn.•props
- ,erty (poly Insured.;• . ..
. OFFICER& ' "
1 .f. B, MeLea.o, President, Seaforth
Jas, Connolly, Vine Pres., Godes' eh •
- .
Tho. E. Has; ' SpeaTreas.; Sea lerth .
, .DIRECTORS: . ...
• Farm for Sale.
50 mores south half of lot 20, concession
12, Hallett, e mile north of Londesboro.,
near church and Enloe], 2 good wells,.
bank barn,geed franie house; 30 acres
seeded down; mostly 'clay loam ; good
state ci Itivation ; terms easy,. 'Apply to
John Garrett.
.1louSe tor Sale
A goad nye story franie hciuse, contain
log eight rooms also Summer kitchen
woodeben. and good cellar. One quarter •
acre of lend. Apply to Mies Stirling, Mill
• Feed tor Cattle
The, undersigned offers to take in•
limited number of cattle to feed on good
cot straw for month or so, Gnat ac-
ooznincelation and charges reasonable.
0 J Jervis, base Line
10 Rent
The office at the rear of the tteval Bank
at peseeht outlined by the Y M 0 A.
Possession can be bad April ist. Apply
to The Royal Bane of Clinton,
iro item
A. frame beau on Pri)3C008 street, hard
and soft water, modern eonveniences.
Possession given let of April. ()coupled
at present by Wm. Collyer. Apply 10 A
Buy or Rent
The undersigned wishee to buy or rent
a good imitable house. Possesaiou w int -
ea. at aloe. Rouse Mast be in good re-
pair. R. Fitzsimmone tf
- —
Licensed Auctioneer for the County of 'Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered. Waned.
late 'arrangements for sale dotal can be Made
by calling at the NEW ERA °Oleo, ortVith Frank
Watson at teenwannereeere, Charges meger•
, ato and se1ts:4010 guaranteed
Each Director is inspector of losses In
his own locality, .
• ,A0Ele73.-
Robe Smith, Bedeck; Ed, Hinchley
Seaforth; James 'Cumming, Egmonch
ville; J. W. Yak Holmesvilie
Payments may be made at Tozer &
13rown's, ()Hilton, or to 14. 13, Qat,
• eLINTOig
Fire, Life and ,Accident
• ' Insurance
• Heidi Osstate bought and sold
• Money to loan
Office Isette Street, nex door to New
tinder and by virtue of By-law No 4 of
the Township of Hallett notice is hereby
given *bat all doge within the municipali-
ty of Hallett be weevily cliained or kept
under look and key or eontently ren.zzlen
with niffentlye Metallic muzzle& and kept
on the premises of the owrier or harboress
Any dog or does found tanning itt large
in this Municipality coottary to the pro-
visions of the Beet By-law may be shot or
otherwise destroyed,dating the time the
Elovernment eegulatione relating lo eabiee
remain in force.
All pretioueln existing Notioee or Ince
olamatione faceted by this Municipality
respecting Robins in Dogtrare hereby with
drawn; By oraer of the Reeve
James Campbell, Clerk 31
All persone desirous of beooroing Bal,.oribere to the Goderioh Township Tele
phozie Syettent must mold in their epplicut
dons in welting to the Secretary, W. Jen
kine, nfolinesville, on or before the fitat
(fey of April 10W, 'Rented, Pree.
•W Ieokins, Soy