HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-03-24, Page 14.
elinton New
VOL 45 NO. 40
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
THE holm isthe.present tenant and has
year to put in yet.
Tr to p nol Board has engaged Mise
Royala Marye ehnol r, o€ Brussels, as tees_ B cessor to Miss Fraser, resigned, the
OF CANADA just completed her terms at the Nor
salary to be 5500. Mies McArter has
Capital . . •
Reserve . .
Assets • .
mal School at Toronto" and will cern-
It1ONTRFAL menta her duties here afterEaster..
Easter Monday evening a rare mus-
,�5,000,000 foal treat ie in store for Blyth, as the
Epworth League of the Methodist
$5,700,000 Church have engaged the Imperial
$6 000 000 Male Quartette of London,assisted by
7' ' Miss Carmichael, an elocutionist of re-
pute An A 1 program is assured.
125 Branches, and- Correspondents
Lhroughout the world. '
Every facility for the trans iction of
Banking in all its branches,
nterest allowed on Savings accounts
at highest current rates.
treatment accorded to all
Open all year. Enter any time_.
Blyth. .
Service will be held in the R.
Church on Good Friday afternoon,
Monthly Horse Fair -.the last for
this season -will be held in Blyth on
Tuesday of next week, 29th inst. A
big crowd is expected.
Jas. Hucketep attended the Grand
Lodge of the A. 0. U. W., at Toronto
last week as representative of Blyth
Thursday of last week Miss Isabel
McGill died aged 39 years, 3 months
and 5 days. Funeral took place Sat-
urday afternoon to Trinity Church
Cemetery. Rev. Mr,Bartley conduct-
ing the service.
Next month Postmaster Sims will
move the office into the new brick Mc-
Millan block. An entire new outfit of
fixtures, boxes, ete, will be placed
making it an up-to-date office.
The fine 150 farm belonging to W.J.
Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey have moved
to the Muliett Bonn eery. where they
will live for a while. The former's
health has improved considerably we
are pleased to state, but there
ple room yet for greater
fore he will be fullytetre
we hope will be before long.
William H. Glover, a former resi-
dent of Guderich, who for some years
had made his home in• Detroit is dead.
lie was 80 years old, and death result-
ed from of ae.
sides h s widow,the Mrr..tGlover is ties survivBed
by seven children. Interment . was
made in Detroit.
• The S,:andard Loan Company of
Toronto has disposed of its business
here to the •Union Bank, which has
not had a branch in Goclerich, Te
Standard Loan office is being fitted up
for the bank and W L Horton, who
has been manager of the Standard
Loan office here as well as its prede-
cessor, the Huron & Bruce will be
manager of the new bank.
For the coming season the Town of
Goderich is adopting theplan of water-
ing the streets on the frontage tax.
system, charging 2i per foot frontage.
A proposal to adopt the plan of oiling
the streets was voted down. A license
fee of 2c per square foot for bill board
owners have been decided on by the
council. It has been decided to have
the bouses and stores in town all re-
numbered. and the number and street
given in the voters' list in preparation.
this year.. - ......__
As to the location of the m star
camp for this district for the p
year, Mayor Cameron reported at Fri-
day night's meeting ot the town coun-
cil on the result of his recent visit to
Ottawa as follows':. "As to the location
of the camp this year the minister
could give us no information at pre-
sent. Ile said the matter was. still
under consideration by General Otter
and others,and he did not know where
it would he held. If was the desiregof
the military authorities, in view of the
visit of General Sir John French, to
Dempsey, located 1f mi es north of L have the camp heldi dd18 tlay,s and Blyth, has been sold to George Sand- there could be a g P
erson, of Mullett, at 58,300. D. Den.this is a p
n.im ..octant factor in the sel-
ection, we have.I ihinVie fair chance
of getting it. • As to the permanent
location of the camp here. Mr. Ca
£ m-
eron reported.: "Sir Frederick' Borden
I• think, is very anxious that the. per.
and I camp disappointed very very much •
and I shall_ be disapp
if the Attrill property is not eventu-
ally purchased by the Government."
Bngins on Sept. let. Our old-establish•d"and
ideliable school offers Inc best facilities for
geecuring a sound business . and shorthand
training. Write for catalogue; it pays to
British American Business College
Yoni a and McGill Sts„ Toronto.
TBI: long evenings are almost over,
i and some of the young men have ;only
regret that most cf them, were as good
as wasted. _
♦• ••••••♦♦♦00.♦00♦♦.♦♦..0.♦♦...♦♦..♦.♦..♦.♦.Oo.O..♦.O•
The Morrish doth in. g.
March 25th, 1910
Town Hall, Clinton
Under the auspiecs of the Boy's
The Manchester
. Male Quartette
, Howard Henselwood, Contralto
wee. Earll Hether ngton, . . Tenor
Edward, C. Codling,... Baritone
Walter MQCutcheon,....Basso
antimWm. Weldrae, OomicSing,er,
€ Geo. Lethbridge, .:... ,Pianist
The press all over Ontario give the
above people credit as being the best
entertainers in Canada. They come
high -but highly recommended: -but
the price won't be high. for such a
high-class concert,0,0 as it's for our
own Boys' Associdtion, an organiza-
tion that should be encouraged, '
FRED FORD, Secretary,
Farmers are busy making maple
T. Cole is busy thrashing clover
these days,
Mpaid visit to Sea -
forthM. H. Adamsa
forth last Tuesday.
Miss Violet Phylips is laid up with
rheumatism at present.
Miss F. Brown and C. McCool spent
Sunday under the parental roof.
Wesley. Hoggart has engaged with
Mr. Geo. b'arquhar•for the summer.
The little daughter of Mr. T, Little
had the misfortune to break its arm.
• Mrs. D Reid and Miss Mary of Har.
lock visited friends in Londesboro one
dav last week,
Mr. Eddie Farquhar has taken a trip
to the States where be has taken a
position with his uncle. -
Miss Julia Glouscher,, of Toronto,
has returned home after spending a
week with her sister Mrs. M. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Crawford attended
the -wedding of. their niece, Mise E.
Riley. of Constance, last Wednesday.
George Christopher.of,Walton,Ont.,
a former resident of the Base. Line,
Hullett, died. Wednesday morning,
after an illness of a few months. He
leaves a wife and 3 sons. The funeral
will take place ' Friday afternoon to
Brussels cemetery.
AUCTION SALE.- Thursday of next
week, March 31st. Jas. Leiper, the well
known stockman. will hold an auction
sale of 28 horses, ranging from 2 to 6
years of age, including, fillies.. and
geldings and 3 drivers. Also grass
cattle coming 2 and 3 years of age and
a bu118 months old. Lot 10. Con. 11
Mullett is the place -and hour .1 _pe
m., sharp:
•.., ••4.•+ o oo•••••O♦0.00000•*••♦O?••♦••.•♦••O•♦000 :'
• •
' O♦
• •• v•• Outrungs .!••
♦ C,. <..,,,,• Fatter•
♦ We have mane gots preparations for
y�4• -
Outfittings. We've the best of everything. The rule2
that everybody must appear in something new on Eas-.
♦ ter Sunday is becoming more firmly established each •
♦•, year. •
• of a Spring Suit or Over- •
♦ If you are not in need
•callyour attentiongto our splendid`.:
♦ coat, permit us to •
Z. line of •
• ♦
• • •
♦ ♦
� A New Faster TIE and HAT every MAN and .
•• must have.
• We've all the new and correct Spring blocks in STIFF
• and SOFT HATS.
• Hats from the best of manufacturers, the King', SORSA-
I Hats and Haberdashery I
LINO and FITWELL being our leaders.
$.5o - $1.00 - $1.-50 - $2 00 - $2.50 - and $3.50
Exclusive Nec
Goderich To wnship
Mr. Herbert . Halstead has moved
into the palace this week.
Chas. McPhail has the telephone.put
into his house last week.
On Tuesday John -McDonald left to
put in the summer. in Alberta.•
Miss. ;Jennie Trick is•fpending a few
days in London with her sister.
John Lowery of the 16th sold -his
driver to Bert Cox, of Porter's Hill.
Mr. J. Marshall had recently the
misfortune of losing a cow from para-
Maple Syrup making is the order of
the day. A good run is expected this
Miss Clara Rathwell, ofGreyTown-
ship, has heen visiting at the, home of
ttlr. Sam. Rathwell. .
Mr. John Cooper of Con. 9 is in the
Tcronto General Hospital: undergoing
an operation. His many frienls hope
it mayprove beneficial. •
Rus Jenkins, of Woodlands Farm. is
spending the Easterholidays with his
sister. Mrs. 13 D Cameron, of Arthur,
and Ed: Jenkins, of Toronto,.
Mr. Randal Cole, of Collingwood is
visiting at his home on the . Bavfield
Line; having come home to attend the
wedding of his brother, •Mr. J. Percy
Cole. •
Last Wednesday evening, March
23rd, Fairview Farm, the home of Mr,
and Mrs. H. C. Rolland,'` was the scene
of a very quiet but pretty event when
their aaughter Alwelda Clara May,
was united in marriage to Mr J Percy
Cole, see of Mr. P. Odle, Bayfield line;
Promptly at 7.30 to the strains of Men.
e lson's wedding march played b
Miss Flossie Cole, sister of the grooms
the bridal party took their places be-
fore a bank of flowers and ferns. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Wesley Cosens, in the presence of the
immediate relatives and frier de. • Af-
ter the ceremony and congratulations
over the wedding P. Y repaired
re aired
tothe dining room where a sumptuous
rewhoset awaited them.. The bride,
wore a: long bridal veil and carried a
large boquet of bridal roses, looked
charming in her gown of erepe de
chene, trimmed with satin and over
lace. Her sole ornament was a gold
locket set with pearls, the gift of the
groom: Her going away gown was of
Hooters green broadcloth with large
black hat. The bridesmaid, sister of
the bride dressed in Old hose silk Or.
on Monday evening from a couple of
month's vita with bar sister Mrs. ,C U
Miss Enema,Courtita returned home , Lon de>fboro
Millinery Openings on 'Friday and.
Elford, at St. Anne De Bellevue, Que. Saturday
The annual meeting of the Bible So-
ciety was held is the MetbodietChurch
here, on Wednesday eveping, Rev,
Dunbar and Rev, Snowden each de •
livered an address.
Mr, Joe. Colclough, of the llth Con.,
of Goderich Township has rented his
farm to his son Wilfred,. Mr.. Col-
clough intends to go out buying horses
and cattle and speculate on them. and
he is going to take them to the West
as he has never been out there yet he
thinks a trip out West would do him
good. •
The Teeswater River, an, insignifi•
cant stream in summer, but now in
flood, swallowed up three Jives Tues.
day evening, the last of a party of
four only narrowly escaping. The dead
are Mrs..Seniple,wife of J Semple, a far
user residing a. -few miles north of this
town; her: daughter, Chrisie, and Mrs
Elliott, a relative of the fancily on a
yisit from Liverpool, England. 'A
daughter of Mrs Elliott is now in a
critical condition as a result -of ex.
posure. The four women had gone
out in a boat on the river, which runs
through the Semple farm, about three
and three-quarter miles above Tees -
water, intending to cross the stream.
to a neighbors. The 4tream is full
of unknown cross -carr nts and run
swiftly, and before long their
little craft was overturned, plunging
all four into the icy water. Their
screams for helpwere heard by a
daughter of Mrs emple. When neigh
hors hurried to the side of the river
only Miss Elliott' was to be seen, cling-
ing to the upturned boat. The young
woman was rescued, and is now under
the. care of Dr Stewart. but she is still
in an unconscious condition, and it is
not certain that she will recover. The
family f os em le is well known
o J eph Semple a
and highly respected in the community
Three daughters and one son survive
their mother and sister, The Elliotts,
mother and daughter, had planned to
end their visit in Canada in time to
return home next week. When the
news of the calamity spread, a large
party of men began the. task of search
ing for the bodies of the'three women
Late to -night the bodies ofMrs Semple
and Mrs Elliott had been, recovered. ---
• We selected the choicest silks the BEST NECKWEAR
makers could obtain, and had our lines made up in all
• the correct styles. Prices .2 5, .35, and .50.
• best time to select your SPRING OOT-
* Now is the very
• FITTING, for the choosing will newer be better.
• •• ••••••O•• ••**••••••••e••0•• •
Special Easter Service at the. Bap-
tist Church, the Pastor will preach on
"The Power of His Resurreotion," and
the choir will rendeef' appropriate
Walkerburn '
The young people spent a very enjoy-
able time last Friday evening. sleigh
riding oft.Mrigglandsb'_;,.
Miss Beatrice McBrien is suffering
ri We
an .attack
of La Grippe. e.
with p
hope she will soon be around again.
Porter's Hill
0. W. Potter spent Sunday in Mit-,
Special meetings are going on at
Bethel church every night this week -,,
Meeting commence 7.30.
Mrs. Will Pickard of Holmesville and
Mrs. Johnston of Innerkip. visited at
Charles MePhails last week.
Mrs. Tichborne and daughters Nina
and Fay returned home last week. after
spending two weeks in Dungannon.
The Holmesville Forresters and the
Porters Hill Chosen Friends played..
two friendly games of carpet balls last.
week. The meet in' Holmesville re-
sulted intone shot in favor of the For -
resters while at Porters Hill the Chosen
Friends came out eight ahead, leaving
the Chosen Friend lin the lead. This
seems to be .a very -interesting game
and some of our Porters Hill boys are
beginning to think they can play some,
Hogs were shipped thie week price
up to $9.50.
Mrs 11t. Riley left here on Wednes-
day for Sarnia,
i'loughing has been started by some
the farmers on Tuesday.
Eggs are fortunately coming down
in price so as to help people for Easter
Maple syrup is now for sale by a
Few farmers the price '$125 per Imp.
Wm Bell left here on Tuesday for
Pilot Mound, Manitoba for the Sum-
Our Easter visitors have not arriven
in the village but they are expected as
Mr Ham has painted. and papered
considerable in the hotel and is ready
for business.
Elieha McVittie�has sold his farm 2i
utiles east of here and will have a sale
of stock on April ]st. Jas Grasby, of
Morris, is the . purchaser price over
Next Sabbath.is "Decision Day" -in
the. Methodist. Sunday School here.
There will be a mase meeting of the
S S and 'the general congregation at
the usual hour of public service at 10
a ni addressed by the pastor and
others. The 5 5 Orchestra will supply
special music, all welcome, The col.
lection at this service will be given to
the 5 S for Missions. .
Making maple syrup is now the order
of the day.
F Ormison and bride of Whitby, are
the guests of Mrs Burdge.
Mr Cautelon, ,of Clinton, shipped
hogs from our station last week;the
mice being 50.50 per hundred.
On Thursday of last week 'a party
was held at the home of Mr Moffat,
L. Road, when Roy Furry was pre-
sented with a ring, by the "boys;" he •
leaves this week for the West.
Miss Ella Kaiser,. of Moosejaw, who
spent the winter at the home of her
uncle in the neighborhood has gone to
visit at the home .ot her aunt Mrs. T.
Boyce, Goderich.
Mrs- Anna. Ross visited in our
vicinity last week, she spoke in the
Presbyterian Church Wednesday after
noon and evening.. In the afternoon
Mee • spoke of "Prevailing Prayer" in
the evening she spoke from the gospel
in Exekial taking as her' --topic. "The
revival of the 'dry bones." She spoke
especially oft�ha great need of prayer
in the lives of believers before- great
revival can come to the churches.
A football meeting was held here
Saturday night in the Brucefleld club
rooms. A large crowd of enthusiasts
rend well wishers of the game turned
out. ' Mr Wilson Turner was appoint-
ed Chairman when the following of-
ficers were elected for this' season: -
Bon. President, Alex.Mustard; Presi-.
dent; A T Scott; First Vice -President,.
Peter Bowey; Second Vice President,
B• Stobbs; Secretary and Treasurer,
W D Swan; manager, G A Turner;
captain. Geo Swan. It was decide'd to
again place a team in the W 5' A inter
mediate series and a delegate was ap- r
pointed -to attend the meeting in Galt.
After the good showing made last
season, with this.year's team consider-
ably strengthened the. Rovers hope to
lift the Silver.
• thin. Co. •
. The Morrish Cio g
• " A Square Deal For Every Man"
0 0••••••••••••••••••••••••0.0441►•••************* 0
Bayfield.' . •
The saw mill of W.Mustard will now
run at full blast. -
nd his is..
Will tNhiddon ef�Lo
ndcn a s
ter Mrs Jowett, of Clinton, U. S., who
have been away for the winter have
returned td their home for the sum-
mer. t
The congregation of St. Andrews
church extended a. call to the Rev
Malcolm whether tl saticcept d LPs, of Se. not yet as but
The St. Patrick concert given on
March 17th by the Ladies Aid was the
usual, success and notwithstanding the
imperfect roads the.attendance was all
that could be desired.
: Church Chimes ;
1ti!�••e.s.led'r�' elle Stile
The choir will furnish special Easter
music at both services next Sunday.
The Pastor will preach morring text:
"Except a grain of wheat tall into the
earth and die ita,bideth by itself alone •
but if it live' it beareth. nttuzje fruit,"
Evening text "But now hath Christ.
h first
n the dead,
the •been raised- from
fruits of them that are asleep." . All
are welcome. ;
The W M S Easter meeting was:
held in the lecture room of the church
on Tuesday evening and was well at-
tended. An excellent program was
given by Mrs Cosens and the young
ladies of the Society. The offering
amounted to over 521.00. • '
Personal Notes1
lt: those h•ving relatives or friends
visiting in town or going away
notify na of the fact eaob week we
would announce it in Inc Naw week,
P1' 44",444' " i"7 "4"i+'7 " "' '4' '1
Chief Somers, of Blyth, was in to'an
on Saturday.
Mise Wallace was a visitor in Lon- ,
don on Tuesday,
Barrister Bays, of Seaforth was in
town on Friday last. •
Mr and Mrs Hartley spent Saturday
and Sunday at Blyth.
Rev, J. L. Small, of Blytb, was in
town over Wednesday.
Mrs Fleming was in Exeter for a
few hours on Monday. ' I
Mr, Eddie Farquhar left last week
for Sapulpa, Oklohama, •
It is our custom at this time
of the year to make a clearing in
our bulk perfumes.
On Saturday, March 26th,
we will place on our counter for
your inspection our entire range
of bulk perfumes at greatly re-
duced prices.
$1.50 odors on Sat, at 1'.00 per oz
$1.00 "' " " 75c per oz.
75c " " " 40c per .oz
60c " " " " 35c per oz
50c " " " " 25e per cz
Rey, Mr, and Mrs. Jolliffe-will spend
Easter Sunday in Toronto, •
Mr. Frank Metcalf, of Blyth, was in
town on Tuesday of this week.
A. McConnell
Principal Hartley is attending the '
Teachers' Association at Toronto, i
Mr W S R Holmes is in Toronto to- 1
day and Friday on a business trip, C.P.R, Telegraph Agency
Mrs. R, Marshall and son are spend-
ing the Easter Vacation at Kingston. 1
Mrs, J. Hartley ft spending the 1
Easter vacation at her home in Wrox
alar. .
Miss Della Oluff, of Hamilton, is the 1'♦'''♦�'�'d'®�'�'`O''0'�•��'�'�
Mr and Mrs D
guest of her parents,
Course- INC6a
Mr. A Hemphill, druggist,of Hensall,
was in town on Wednesday of this
Mr Rus. Harland is now working
after school hours at W 5 R Holmes'
drug store.
l'hm. B.
Rev, E. G. Powell, of Brussels, was
calling on friends in town on Monday
of this week, •
.l3arrister Blair, of Goderich. was in
town last Friday in connection with
an apple case.
- PP
Little Eileen Marshall gave a Birth
day Party to a number of her little
girl friends from 7. to 9
Mr.. William Robinson left on Tues-
day for California where he- will visit
relations and friends- for some time.
Mr. and. Mrs. Gibbs and children
returned home this week after an ex-
tended stay in St. Mary's and other
places. ;
Mrs Plumsteel, sr.,has been serious-
ly ill for the.past two weeks and her
many friends will wish for a speedy
you're not sick ! but still,
ou have that lazy, don't-
it care kind of feeling that
always comes after winter •
i. is over, so you better
slip down to Holmes'
and get •a. bottle of
Nyal. s Spring Tonic
It will just transform you
into a'bundle of Energy,
Vim and Vigor.
W.S.. Holmes
P m B.
rin Chemist,
Mrs William J. Marshall and little ageehe,, elese�, •eget ,,,Hee,
'daughter Eileen was the :guest of her
sister Mrs Walter T. Smith of Seaforth
fora week.
Mr. George Brickenden, of London,
was called back to Clinton on Wed-
1ieeday owing to the serious illness' of''i',
his father.
Mrs F W Watts, District Secretive',
of West Huron Women's Institute,
visited .Holmesville. Branch on Thurs-
day of'last week. -
Mrs. A J Grigg was called away to
Windsor to -day (Thursday) on account
of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs
James Jackson. No hopes are enter-
tained for her recovery,
Miss Goodwin, accompanied by. her
sister', Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell and
Master Gordon, are suending a couple
of days with Stratford friends.
Mrs. Gilpin and children, who was
visiting with her parents Ms. and Mrs.
Mutchhas gone .to Orillia to spend •a.'
while before returning to Gilpin, -Al-
Among those who went to London
to see 'Ben Hur' were, Misses 0 Ford,
11 Gunne, 'A Howson, 'H ` Pair, . W,
O'Neil,' M. Cluff, Miss Rance. Mrs Ross
Miss Wallace, J L and Mrs Kerr.
11fr. and Mrs. James Smith have
been in Woodstock,for the past couple
of weeks owing to the serious .illness
and death of Mrs, Smith's, sister, of
which reference is made in the local
Mr. Martin O'Donnel was out for the
first time on Monday of this week, but
is still compelled to use a stick as his
ankle is still sore from the sprain he
received three weeks ago. I will be
some days yet before he is able to .go
to work.
Mrs (Dr) Jackson went to Paisley :on
Monday to attend the wedding of her
old friend and class -mate. Miss Jennie
E Fletcher to Mr J A McKinnon of
Fresham. Among other guests from
a distance was Miss Lillian. E Paul,'
Supt. of the Jefferson Park Hospital
of Chicago, also a former class -mate
of the brides. -... -
Chas, Wilson left on Monday to
in the
make his fortune
of ,McKillop,
mss Sm
Ja ,
on bus-
iness. nailer in the village.this
Earnest Adams, Con 7 Hullett, com-
menced plowing
om-meneed'plowing Monday, .March 21st
and has not' found any frost in. the
ground. ° '
Geo. Riley had the misfortune to
cut his foot badly with an axe. Dr..
Scott, of Seaforth, was phoned for
and we . hope he may soon recover
gandie, and carrying pink carnations,I from his injury. •
looked very girlish, while Miss Gladys , Matthew Armstrong sold to Robert
Winters, of Seaforth, 30 choice export
cattle at a good figure. Mr. Arm-
strong and son are to he congratulated
on being such successful feeders. They
have yet another car -load to dispose
WEDi)ING -Mr, James Medd,ot Con•
stance, and Miss Annie •LouieaLawson
of Summerhill, formerly y
of Constance,
were united in marriage et theLondes-
boro Parsonage, on Wednesday, 23rd.
inst,by Rev, H E. Curry. The yours
• couple are well known throughout thitI
as ring -bearer, looked very sweet in
white silk. Mr. Randal Cole, of Col-
lingwood', brother of the groom; acted
as groomsman, The gifts which were
numerous, show the high esteem in
which both bride and groom are held.
They will be at home to their friends
after April 15th at-their-homo Willow=
rhurat. Their many friends join in
wishing them• a long and prosperous
married Life.
The Choir rendered good music on
Sunday last. The beautiful solo in the
anthem, "Hark I Hark'! My Soul," at
the evening service was ably taken by
Miss Margaret Torrance. In Miss
Torrance's removal to Toronto this
week, the choir loses one of its most
faithful memberswhose place it will be
difficult to fill. `
Mrs. Stevenson a favorite soloist of
Stratford, will assist this choir with
the Easter music, on Sunday next and
will render a solo both morning and
evening. At the evening service the
Organist and Choir oir Master
1 will ,give
a short
commencing at 15 organ recital tom g
community -and are among the most
Miss M, Hal , of Goderich is visiting highly esteemed, Their merry
an osrcd
at ,Toe. Jervis'wish them a happy �rr4p prosperous
for left f r the I 1 fe.
WEDDING -The home of Mr. George
Riley, of Constance was the scene of a
happy event, Wednesday, 10th Inst,
when his daughter Francis Emma was
united in marriage to Mr. Chas. Hog-
gart of Tuckersnaith The ceremony
was performed in the presence of a
number of friends and relatives
both the bride and groom hyRev. II E
Curry, of Londeshoro. The numerous
gifts given to the young couple testify
to the esteem in which they are held
in the 0nmmunity in rebirth they have
lived. The groom has lately purohas'
ed iL farm south 'if Clinton where they
will reticle in the future, Their many
West on Tuesday.
Dan. Glidden who is laid up with
pleurisy 18 iemprnving.
Miss Jennie Holmes. Clinton has
been visiting at J. R. Holmes.
Several of the farmers in this vicin-
ity are busy making maple syrup,
Mrs. Depudry of Goderich is visiting
her daughter, Mrs, Haryey Mulholl-
and, '
Mrs. Walter Cole ot Seaforth spent
Sunday at the home of her parents,
o Mr. and Mrs. W Mulholland,
There will be practice shooting on.
• the Holmesville Range on the; 2tth.
• 25th and 26th, Thursday, Prtday and
*• • Saturday.
Rey.T. W. Charlesworth will preach
next Sunday. Subjects : Morning:
"The power of . his Rusurrection."
Evening :-"The Gospel Feast." Spec-
ial music at each service.
High Mars at 10.30. Easter Sunday
yes pets and Benediction at 7.15,
Easter will bo observed next Sun-
day -at Wesley Church,..Rev.J.Greene
will preach in the morning and Mr. J.
A. Irwin in the evening. Appropriate
music will be rendered -by -the choir.
All are welcome,
A Japanese Bazaar and Tea given by
the Junior and Senior Leagues will he
held in Wesley church lecture room
on Friday, April 8th, from 3 to 8 30
o'clock.' More, particulars' later.
Church News
Mr. J. L,Willgoose, A. R. U. O.,Mus,.
Bac, Director of the London Conser-
vatory of Music, upon being approach-
ed in the matter of giving one day a
week to Cliton
for the purpose of
teaching singing and harmony, has
agreed to do so, if a sufficient number
of pupils could be secured to make it
worth bis while. Particulars can be
had. from Mrs. McHardy Smithy hotel
Normondie. Those interested are ask-
ed to call within the next few days.
Rev. W. I3. 'Graham, of Chatham,
formerly of Victoria St., Goderich has
accepted an invitation from theStrath-
roy Methodist Church to become the
pastor in June, subject, of course, to
the stationing committee of the con.
Terence. Ile is a brother of Rev. IL A.
Graham, of Wellington Street Metho-
dist Church. and has more than once
been mentioned prominently for the
pastorate of London churches • Ile 18
well known in London, having preach-
ed here frequently, the last occasion
being but a few weeks ago.
Iloy. Canon Gauthier of Montreal
has been appointed Archbishop of 0t -
friends Wish them prosperity. taws.
Cash 1argain Gcery
Specials for
Friday Saturday
March 25th and 26th:
3 bottles ..mixed pickles
or chow for 2C
7 lbs -Rice for 25e
12 Bars.of Soap for. ..,26e
7 pkgs. Blue for,.....,25*
3 doz Clothes Pins ford5e
5c Naptha Powder for;03e
We PayHighest Price' for all
Kinds of Produce. -
(JsE good paper and have the print-
ing executed by people who know how
Styles change in type. We alwaye
have the latest. '
No town wil become a good business
center so long as its business men rely
on a few merchants to make the effort
to bring trade to town.
Ir may be well to point out that the
Public Health Act of -Ontario. providee
wth c
together ether r
forfine of$20,
a Ig
fr r every case where a householder
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This is the greatest tonic and
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Phosphates. Splendid combina-
tion. The Cod Liver Extract
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Extract of Malt. The Wild
you a better
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supply phosphorus to the per-
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Dispensing Chemist,tamesearnimmiaMNIMIIMININIMMI
knows that any person within his fam-
ily is afflicted with scarlet fever (scar-
letina), diphtheria or small pox, and
fails 'to report the same to the local
board o£ health, or to the -medical
health officer, within 24 hours.
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Capital, pale UP $3,500,000
Rest Fund, $3,500,000
in Canada, and Agents and orrespoud0nts in all
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Clinton Branch. - - C E. I OWDING. 1Vlnn.lger