HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-03-17, Page 2LUT o New Fra
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,•W. H. KERR & SON
- it
an a Grand a
T'a, Or g
�°odge of Ontario
Anil, al Session field at
',' St. Catharines.
kOn the 21st day of February. I860,
wito the Hon. John 14illiard Cameron
pptesiding, the Orange Grand Lodge of
(inCario West was called into exist-
Eppce, and, naturally, the speakers and
.the reports of officers and committees
nit the present session of the Grand
Udge, which opened in St. Cathar-
�nes ,JVednesday, of last week made
•g9ferenee to that event, so that in a
';use this meeting may be looked up.
33ubilee session.
illiam Fitzgerald,Grand Secretary
ted some time in presenting Ilia
Ort to'a History of the process of
•order since the Grand Lodge of
lo West was organized in St.
arines on February 21st I869, with
e. John Hilliard Cameron as Sov-
gn Grand Master and with about
elegates, reprayenting 12 counties,
districts and 34 pAmary lodges in
tendance. The present Grand Lodge
as. over 50 county, over 110 'district
d nearly 800 primary lodges all in a
talnishing condition, Since last meet -
•d0 the new County Lodge of Temiska-
;ng, and 27 new primary lodges have
lli'een opened.
During the year 4,153 new or rein-
ed members have been secured,
'an. th losses were, by daath 258, ex-
”, ed: 0• and witbdrawr, 9I2,thus giv-
14g a n t gain of 2,900, making the
']Notal embership about 20,000.
1 ,:Jobn Hewitt, Toronto, Grand Treae-
trer, i his report showed that the :
Bala' brought forward
from 1909 was ........ $ 7,353 65
Rec from prim. lodges,.... 6,811 5u
Il t$vest on Uank deposits..- 1-40 Sri
Total receipts..............127,306 10
xpenditure................ 7,547 8I
alance in bank .• .......... $ 0,726 63
ash on hand.............. 3I 66
T Total ...................• $ (,,758 '29
The auditor's report certified to the
accurancy of the accounts, and urged
ail lodges to pay promptly the regu-
ular dues for support of the Grand
Thh-•olBcers elected were : Harry
1ovelock. Toronto, Grand blaster
Fred Dane, Toronto, Deputy Grand
' Master Dr. Williams, Woods' o ,k,
+ Associate Grand Master ; Rev. John
Coburn. Toronto, Grand Treasurer:.
William Ali Fitzgerald, Grand Secre•
''i tary ; J. J. D. Banting, Cookstown,
rand Lecturer; C. A, B, Banting,.
't rand Director of Ceremonies ; A. W,
. Wright and J. H. Taylor, Auditors.
The l r'.nciral offices nearly all weni
y acclamation, but there were kuer
ontests and several ballots necessax
iveT the lust positionk
W. J lgrkhill of Midland installer
e newly elected officers. The nex'
I ting will he bald in Barrie.
Request that all communicate with tb
Secretary of the Regiment's Semi-
- Centennial Re -Union.
`,C Several thousands 'of former men
Hers of the Queen's Own Rifles will aE
siemble at all parts of the continen
,at Toronto next June. for a reunion i
'celebration of the Semi -Centennial (
.regimedt. The festivities will con
°'mance Satut'day. June 18th, with a r
caption at Government House, h
Honor, the Lieutenau t -Governor, III
thanv other potables, being an e
(binber of the crack regiment. C
I.' Family
U'cian /
he 'best medicines in the
orad cannot take the place o
the family physician. Consul
him early when taken ill.` I
trouble is with you
sit, bronchial tubes, o
� i -. f i
�,,.r•,,,,�,ltQn, 1�i�t Elrai M�lt'�h X7fh,�,
orbs � �,
. .., _1_1_-_. yten>. end Liv Cite o Kidner cud Ltriaar
.`!". " -�-- --�'- Eneoara a Larger Synod . ► * Grand TrunkRai�way liyatenrl tdnfll► and t.pvk�e c a dei a t tktl Path
g'hReiTHE;RS, AWAKE I , �e,tiug8 i. �� Railway Time Table I.umba
toCese Executive Decide --^" — i e Rheumatic, Ireural i4. All Ai-
- 11 ii!
N. $, a 'ro Help 1 London, Huron and Bruce. vs,* and stomach co ainiuts. All
By Aimie Huntingdon, Victon,, w . # Fregul vPeriodss. pamfal keen
• Passenger irregular Periods. Men, tiVoinen-
urs to betray ; Delegates!and Children are benefitted alike.
B Seek ng her I There are country and, Ours to around ue,: Payment
1vvayy Fared txrsdo Yark.) London, depart.. 8,30 a m 4,50 p m I I Price one pair one dollar. Itul
Striving to sever the links that have boupd us _;. Makes son flesh centralxa... , 1%,40 5.43 to quickly, itroduce will mail with .
To dear Mother England for many a day. The executive. committee of the lea Exeter .... 95,3 5,54 �ilst order one Petr Free—that is two pairs on
Because it creases an apps 13 sulk,1.... , , , ... • 1~ ncelpt of this advertisment andone dollar. Order
tits. .10.08 6,0
List to their pitiful,, cowardly croaking, Diocese of Huron met last %hursday It builds up the jaded' ruu•dow>n „, , 10.16 0.11 today this cheap and reliable tre;dment. 15 H
us barter our heritegge grand ; in Cronyn Hall, London, The open + Brucen . , , ... ° .
Bidding e, u necks to .the yoking, in a Brucefield . , - 10.30 0,19 ,Address -THE MEDICATED PAD COMPANY
Bend, like dumb cattle, our d ing prayers were offered by the dean. system
and $i 00 bottles, at all dntg• Clinton .. , , . • , •, , • . • 11.05 6.3a �qq VxczoRiA AVP., wlvDaoR, otvz., c.*raDs
Yield unto strangers out glorlous
land, 1'he mtuutes of the last meeting gists. Londesboro .... 11,18 6.52 I m
17 1.having been printed they were not g ' ,you et tho genuine, u Blgth.. V ., . • 11,27 7,00
Surely too long; we have horns with es o'er scheming , read but were conSrmed as printed. Be sure y $ Be,gxa vs,, ., . , ,. , • .. • 11.40 r,13
Now let their, learn that forbearance $sports of committees were then re-. ♦ Davis & Lawrence co., Montreal, 11 b0 7,35 • 1� +�i(�i
Teach them that Canadas sone are not dreaming Delved and approved: Wingham, arrive,.,�0 E�4►..111JA
Brothers awaken I and slumber no more. 1. The finance committee report ac- .,--,.F.• . South Passenger
Sap, shall not we, whom our country has nourished, counts received and passed. • lvingham,. depart, • 0.43%m 3,33 p in " " =_==, ''
Fight for her weal gainst the treacherous crew? 2 Theland
all investment
e nde il• Belgrave... ..... 6.54 3.44 W. SRY.UONE.
Shall it be said that foul treason has flourished mittee reported Clubbing BOOM $!yeti.• • • • . •- 7.08 3.46 BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTAR `'
'Neath the proud folks of the Red, White and Blue. vested. , Londeaboro....... ,- 7,16 4.04 A
3 The committee on Htiron College Clinton.... ..... 750 4.23 PUBLIC, ETU,
undimmed and undaunted, jubilee fund reported that the financial oLINTON
Never , With cotwage agent, Rev A A ,Bice, has been very Below will be found a list of papers Bracefield . 88.1223 4.
Crush, ere it blossoms, the seed the . have sown ; which will be clubbed with Kippen .............
Bac in their teeth fling the boasts'thep have flaunted, sueeeat3ful in hi �wortk in the County Aensall.,.. . 8,32 4,5247 L.pggl,.Eg B. HALE
Of L+6'3eY. Although he has been at The Clinton NEW E124 Exeter,... 8,48 5.05
Pause not. ndr rest, till. the day be our own. • work only a few weeks, yet he has re- Centralia ........... 9.00 5.15 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE.
Croakers and cravens and°• patriot -haters, ceived over $500 in cash and more than For the year 19Q910. These prices axe London, arrive . , ... XO 00 6.10 Huron St„ Clinton,
Soon shall theif schemes,in the dust be laid low that amount bas also been promised. for cash witli order. ' Buffalo and Goderich .�
Then shall this land of ours, freed from the traitors, The revised canons, of the synod { paesinger-To her bright destiny joyfully go, were reprinted and were submitted to ,rhe NEw ERA and Weekly Mail Westip m H. T RANCE,the executive Commitee, . and Em ire, one year .,... •$1.155 a m P mAnintereating diacuesionfookplace A�E.W ERA and Weekly Glahe Stratford..,,,,,,10,00 12,20 2� 10,20
is connection with a moLiofi by tali for • . , . „, , , , „ • • .... , ,$1.515 Mitchell... ....10.22 12,45 5.55 10.47 Notary Public, Conveyancer, ,
Chas Jenkins to increase the income. „ Family H. & W. Star. •1.50 Seaforth, . ....10.45 1,10 6.18 '11.28 Financial and Real Estate.
P is7 o; the miesionary. clergy by $50 Per .s W dekly W lineae • ..1.80 Clinton ... ....11.07 1.25 6.40 11.25 INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire 11,47
ture Man annum if there is sufficient surplus to ,i c, s, Sun „ ...1.80 Holmescille ..11,16 1,33 64011.3f3surance Companies.�/ a h an action, The committee „ _ ., ,1 Advertiser . , :...180 GoderIch .. , , • , • .1!•35 1.507.0511,55 Division Court,;,Offtee..Chjuatify'auc „ 5
apps O;ed the proposal, 44 ' Free Press .....17 East Passenger
Thia •proposed. canon by Rev D H .. s. " Farmers Advocate a m p m p m
Lr. Frederic Villiers,. British War Correspondent, Hind,tre apportionment, was referred and Horrid Magazine •.2.30 Goderfch. ..-.... 7.10 . 2.40 4.50 . Medi,, -
to a sma* committee to consider and ,. " and Canadian Farm (the , Holmeaville .... 7.26 2.57 5.06 I]
Now Visiting Canada. report to the executive committee. new farming journal.... 1.50 Clinton... 7.35 3 07 5.15 DR �, W. Tr Surgeon.
NEw ERA andi)afly Newo,Toronto 2,25 Seatorth . 7,52 3,25 5.32 �; I
You have read Kipling's "The Light so rembrk�he late G, W.and 1iBteely os in lig e, Rev
r Rural
Ransf rd nd Judge Erma- ,, .c• •• Star " 225 Mitchell ............. . 8.16 3 48 5.55 - special atta on given to diseases ortho
cribed y
hat Failed" and may have seen his book. "With. Kitchener at Shat- finger were appointed on this -com• „ „ „ •• (}lobe 4.50 Stratford....., •.. • • • 8.40 4.15 6.20 Eye, Er. Throat, and Nose.
:ted by Forbes Robertson,; rememb toum. He has drunk gallons from an mittee. «` '• " " Mail " 4.50 Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glneses i
y St Thomas' Churcb, Walkerton, ap- „ ss ss „ World i, 3,25 Axed * Re i
ig the pathetic story of the war Afaican gourd and gone slack -belly fled for leave to build a. new church,- is {, ,s ,y. Free Press,Lon• �-+ n oIIiae and: Residence.
with hunger when he was too dbus For Sade. or, rent
ctist who went blind An the Soudan. with ens 1 Co bother noticing hunger. costing about $9,000. -Granted. • don.. , ... . • •3,25 • Two doom'well of the Commercial until
he original of the hero is now in Sweat and blinding sand and roasting; 8t Mark's, Pottersburg,, petitioned Send Orders to Huron St. `
anada; the greatest war artist r the sizzlingsuns in the land of Gunga,Din, for leave to mortgage. for $1,000 the
•orld, Mr Frederic Villiers, at present whom ften he unayhave blessed with new church to be built, The Clinton New Era, Farm to Rent. .
I •,. iw• curses even as Tommy Atkins did, In respobse to an appeal recently - a. fl'r• W Bunn .
have browned and bronzed this peter- made it has,been found that the uaal- Clinton, Ontario On the 2nd Concession, H R S.. Tpekoreirtith, Dr W. ate, y, R. e. r,•, y, It- C. s.. ]salts,
,•il lst
1fl10, .
Will ,rent
e lion
A t
. an of the fighting pencil into as, nail- •antes to gay the fares of delegat loo scree posses i
hard a s ecfinen'of the out-of-doors as clergdmen of the synod has been • _ for ontifyear only. Apply to LEVI STRO}1G. Office door
ofice or reside N]RPAt enburlf
,; any Indian on the plains. There's enerally given, A.contribudbri of. $2 Steelton, cont. !cont door of office or residence,
g r Street.
nothing in Damp, corral or coffe-pot for`each delegate and clergymon will News Notes.
that Erederic Villiers doesn't know. A provide for payment of all railway --- Farm to Rent • Ot6ce !,sure at spitat-} to s p.m,; 7 to it n,rn
buckin broncho mi htebe a novelty, fares, THE man with a, maple bush .is a .
it' in the leash. this 1arrait o,ment to 'luck man at this season of the year. The Ostrom farm, Lot•28,9th Con. of Godarich
e �w but he woutdn t mind It is hoped by P, y Tp„ gp acres is offered to rent. AnnlY to �R'' Ja W. SHAW.
Pemmican would be a joy to his pal- induce a, much larger attendance and ADVERTISE in the New Era and get aosu GooK, or to . MRS. J, HALSTEA� PHYSICIAN, SURGEON -
He will probably have a sigh or it provides • that parfshers far away sults as advertisement in this paper Clinton. tf Godericp
ate. P P re ecoueheur, eta., office and residence on t+
a• ce .
two at the spic•andospanneries of the London shall hale their represent
North-West Mounted Police who 'no fives present at the same cost as those Pays• 4 tenbury at.. oApoeite w. Ferran a resides , t ,
x'^SL I)oN T for et the St Patrick's Sutiper I -
s>:' 3� longer round up the ravaging red- nearbyrR viz., $2. TO Relit•
skins, But it would have been a real Report was made of the visit of the in Ontario Street Methodist Church DR. F. A. AXON
.- contribution to the literatnre of war diocesan commissioner to Inwood, on the 17th. The Draper Farm, lots 53, 54, 65 and 88, M&A -
in the Empire if Mr. Villiers could .sombre, $lenheim and parts adjacent, THS NEw ERA hopes to 'see the
For con" Partcaularsric aTp.. co�osistg BR DANE; DENTIST
have followed some of the boys under It was moved by Rev Rural Dean Foundry iunning with a full 'quota tf, Clinton. 4'reHn.und Bridge Work a Specially:
.. Colonel Steele on the, twisted trails of Ridley that the c immittee on the Seo hands in the }!ear future. Graduate of C,C.D.S:. Chicago,, and R.O.D.S..
the prairie, when there was no corres• Housd be empowered to equip the See For gronchttis and asthma, try . - v Toronto.
pondent and no artist to tell the storv. goose with electric'fixtures. Uarried. Allen's Lung Balsam; the best -cough For; Sade Or Relit nuyucld on Mondays, May Indo neemubcr ,
:c y This is his first trip to .Canada. He - prescription known: .
t % has a no that before be comes • In Holmesvills, 3-of•an•acre of ]and, with a. y�R. T1. riD{ LEI,,
` a e in the uneasy ur StQmaeil JciF N KENNY, Brussels, was app good frame house of a@yen rooms, back kitchen, V Ids i
� . ,, � back again be 9 $o ed Clerk of the Fonrth Huron Division wood -shed and stable, and. a large frame build -
X.. Balkans, doing sketehAs for the Eng- • . Couch; succeeding H 'R, Brewer,' re- ing.having been used as a chopping min: PlenbY DENTIST.
•�� ra War is second- nature to f .Acute I of. good water, Possession any time after the
a e o ber. Apply to P, POTTOR, Offioes over O'NEIVE store,
Ii p p
.. �` y�"�; Is An Almost Certaiq Sign . signed, loth of Novem pp rbat
" r �; - him. He. be ieries . in the German Huron Road..
,r ;,,.a• +x seal's.. The recent peaceful utterances indigestion T73E' windows over-- 7 ozer an8: peoiehoare taken io make dental 1
d -,
I of Ohancellor Von Bethmann•Hollwig Brown's store have been neatly letter- n e ea
ed and frosted.' displaying the differ- mens es lii+inlese & Qo isle i•
( have no charm for .him. He is a man If you occasionally have a taste Of For Sale, ,
en a ed in the peacefu pastime of of war. 5, Y est departments m ''their big Dry i
g g Mr. Villiers was the. first corree. sour foot} in your mouth, it _ surely. Good's store, p
making sketches of an English settle owl that the food you are eating is tis I ; . Epnilsiou taken The n•i lot 24rin the Barfield Concession, Tn. VIAS ' : ' UN Q1"lY.
R rt in northern ondent to use a bicycle in an, Europ• shows The• D. &. cf Goaerich,-loo acres• mot•o or less, 8s acres THQ
ment called Greencou P and the first corres- not being,digsated, but instead; is fer-
his settlement, which has can campaign loin out ' uisonous in cases of general .debility and loo§ of .cleared and under cultivation, the balance bust,
Alberta. Tuse the cinematograph on meriting -and g g Ppromi
i co gang- ondent to appetite, is sure to give the best of re_ afia pasture
s a fr pie ;' goo u'tho ioameslo This house Live #oek and general Auuction acv ,
beaten the machine gun n " g P battlefield anywhere. On his return gases: sulta,� It restores health and eves re E GflQERiCM-f
ploughs,te a colony of old bogs from a bat Y Belching of gas is a common symp g a fine stock farm. Apply to W. SCOTT, Bruce
Greencourt School, Canterbury. Mr trip through Oankda tie will probably m' at such times, and also- that lump dewed vitality. • field, ton,JOBN McCOX• 45 !ling St" b a, a, stows sates a spe(iinI31 i
Villiers- if he can so far compose slim- .give his. famous lecture on war pec- to s if ourstolilach was ,Advertising is the motive force, the N'>tw Else orTce, Clinton, p
tlhets to. Terms reasonable. 'Fat
]f as to realise that a casual 'camp of tures no doubt with; occasional •refer- of lead feeling,. a y .
se av carrying a much greater load than ft • electrfe power, behind;a`ny mercantile CA discounted., _
Crees is not an aggregation of whoop. 'He
to then Y . p of the Em- coulda el business:' Without some propelling mliul: t orUS . &Sale.
in -Fuzzy -Wuzzies, will draw quiet He has seen the struggles If you want prompt- relief and per- force the boat drifts without adver-
ictures and write placid descriptive vire in various parts of the -World and y t cure o to W. S .R.Holmes ,tieing the business drifts.. Ta eee,'nd 1 roa.bulls, f w good to heifers, aftgsizes; Gl.[D. McTaggart M. D.`MoTi
articles, about Greencourt for the of other peoples who had nothing to maven g 2 re s
has do with the Empire. I3e is almost as and get a • large tin box of Mi -o=n& El>fective, Eeonondedli Ple �LSQ►nt by Duke of Richmond: also four young York- j�j� �yrt Br,
Illustrated London News,,- Per p e veteran as tablets for 50 cents. 1 4t a���� �1
if he shoul.l stay in Alberta until the much of a firing -line What more can you ask. 'Davis Lvlen Gatti and see the t efoi•ie you buy. 'small l,igs.
month of leaves he might get areal Florence Nightingale, . One . of. his W S R Holmes knows that Mi•o-na thol Salve fulfills .'these specifications tf E•H WISE, Clinton I BANI4ERS
touch of the old war- earliest experiences with the. pencil is a highly . recommended scientific and is the best remedy for bites and
reminiscenty, y,. stings; skin diseases, piles, • etc.. 25c,.. ALBERT ST, - CLIN'
whoop times in the painted thirst- was in the war between .Seryl us O� to your money if it I falls ready
per tin. �ouse. ;X1 d I.Qt fOr ale-
dance. But even that with all its Turkey in I876; next year the R P ens
e its troops of Turkish war; in 1852 in. the Soudan cure acid stomach, Uelehing of gas, . THE man who goes fishing and sits ,_ (Gr rale Banking k3-.
gaudy magnittc(nc A old Beresford and Wolseley. d4zziness, bitliox}atiessi sick headache,: transacted
ponirs and its congregation of face- with .L fotii breath, and all stomach trouble . in it, cramp -inviting posture on a; par= ''the convenient] !souse, next ,to. "T;
pigmented braves from the hills of In 1885 whenAfie, Saskatchewan and. • _ row thwart from early morn tial dewy Murphp's, Rbttenbary.streot, containiiet( nine
Pigm ria redskins were o ping over �„_; ,F c + eve and Col's it,fun, ?s.the latus chap rooms. The house ie a, reeor,tly•re•built, one, NOTES DIBCOUN CED
poplar would seem like a Sunday Alpe popping r ° ,.' fi S x.11^, ;l and in excellent repair. A'good. new stable. on
Villiers, who has redcoats in the Canadian West, M i; • �, .,,, r. f 1 �,,,. that never goes to church liecanse,the the•nr(tmises, App]y,ao A,'SEELEX, Drafts issued. Interest gltowel
School picnic to Mr Vsl] , j,.. �j C (, f .,,.7, rl' , deposits. "
depicted with his pencil more real Villierswas quietly .-engaged in the yrt" t x- (" ]� �4 e pews wren t comfortable,;
wars than any man that ever lived- Soudan, straddling the hollow of a s ,, lt�
`'v 'J�rar corres- camel across the :,aura till;the clime! ,? a �rJ NOTLVITFISTANDI.IC# oftrepeatecl an- F4xrnt� gle0tthough in volume of titer y.i nouncements that.tio attention would
ndence he woe probably outdone by was shot from under him, at :Abu Klea � . .%�+ry✓MINCED H.'_:- �•-3'- be ivelt-to commulsio,itions without The- MCKillOp M91
Po P -
the late De Blowitz and Julius Caesar. and he got a bullet through his puttee: g a ire Insurance C
Frederic Villiers is an Imperialist, In China and .Japan and in most of'tbe CURES CAATAP=1 AS1 ►��+�.�+ the signature i the writer, scarcely a . I,ot 1Vo 14 in the rat nee kion of Hal �' s
g I Bronchitis; Croup, Coughs and Cold.., or hand.'
his without bush coming to
On the grilling sands of the Sahara orient has been at the front with P g ' hand. This ersistent disregard for lett ; .100 sores, good buil lugs, reasonable.
he has seen and drawn the pictures his sketch pad. g` tl r;7is to a good tenant. tpply. to R Van Farm and Isolated 1PoHrn
money back. Sold and guaranteed 69 our rules has a straining effect on the stone, Wingham. 3t erty Only -Insured.
waste basket. . • oirFlcERs.
Sunda a monstFr Church Parade of I Slee lri„ �1'allalts It was an editor ,`but west" who J. B. McLean, President, Seafo
Sunday 11 received' a letter frons an indignant For S'file • r•
ex -members and the present in !➢ Soothing nX1XlQ1'CS� His Littre Sthenic. subsnriber : "I don't want ply' paper Jae. Connolly, ioe Pres„' Gc
will be a unlqus affair. During the i A r, "Great Catasar,• oki .pian, exclaimed any longed” "That is. all right. I Thos. E. Hays, Sec.•Treas.; Sc
week, grand historical pageants on a the gunner as be. opened the door and would not make it at]yJnbger if you, Frame house on . awnsend street, 11 DIRECTORS.'
scale only equalled at the Quebec Ter- I A, mother should never give .her 8
severaldraught,.s0othin Found his friend's house brilliantly ilio. did, because in that case I would have rooms, 1-4 acre, good ter, hoiis9 in good
centenary, will be given by child a sleeping . g at uoouda -What does snit. to - buy a new press. The present repair. Possession civ n ri,ht away. Jas. Connelly, Holmesville;
thousand performers on the Rosedale . mixture or opiate of any kind except nitaate.d, T Apply H" Rance tf Watt H.arlock G. Dale Clin
Athletic Grounds. In addition, there on the advice .of a doctor who has mean'. Why, ,are all these blankets length just suits -6; •and I am ;lad it PP y Chesney,. Seaforth; J. Evans,
A suits you:" '
will be a numerous social meetings of I seen the child, All these things con- over the windoiVs, and why is the gas' woos; J. G. Grieve, .Winthrop,
old comrades. ( tain poisons and an overdose may kill burning 4n the daj'timeZ" - — Farm for Sale. neweis, Brodhagen, M. 'NI
In nearly every town and city in • the little one.. When you give your „Sb.,,.. whiskered Guyer cautiously. The boilermaker or. the cr(Ianicrry Clinton.
the Dominion, and m many ni the Un- child Baby s Own Tablets you have the „it's a scheme of iliine." 50 acres south half of let. 26, oaneeasion
,ted States and elsewhere are men who guarantee .of a government tvnalyst f a schemeZ" • man bases � his values entire Ig niton 12, Hnllett, t .mile north kE Londesboro, Each Direckor is inspector of
have served in the Queen's Own, and that this medicine does not contain �tl�!tett find o visit to ber the amount oP,.��butter that ,may j1?•, .near church•• and sohool,,.2 goodwells, his. own locality..
the Semi -Centennial Committee is de- one particle of opiate or narcotic and �V11s, my wife Is on aemaiu home made ,from a given. amount .of milt bank.barn, gocd frame hones ; 30 sores AGEhII
sirlous of getting personally • in touch cannot possibly do harm -but always ' mother, and I tell her, .1- r et •and .the quality of the Crean!. • •lie de • secdea down ; mostly clay loam ; good Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed]
with as many of them as possible. To do good. The Tablets promptly cure eI•gey night and read, I've got tog : wands that only certiliu classes of state ol.ttivation ; terms easy. Apply to
i that end, it.will greatly facilitate mat- all stomach, bowel and, teething trou• • rid of some gas somehow so it will go Seaforth; James Cumming,
tela if the ex-memhere who see this l bles, and give healthy, natural sleep. ori the bill at the end of the month.,, feed shall be used, because one class Jr tin Garrett. _ _ ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
will if once communicate with the per- I Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at - will have a tendency to snake the blit-. payments may be -in at '
manent Secretary, Mr. G. h Riddell, , 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Atlanta Constitution. ter too soft, another to make it too
36 King Street Fast,'Toronto, 'and lire- I Co., Brockville, Ont. hard or still another to contribute un- H. I . for Sala Brown's, Clinton, or to ,It.
veil upon all the other ex -members t -- Godericli.
desirable flavors. Discrimination. mull _
they knave to do the same. Mr. Rid- One of ills least known thou;] one DrdC�ylli's Frenehi Female fills be made. in the matter of feeds, result A goad two story frame house, kitchen _
dell will promptly send them particul• of the most effective -cements for theWife's Friend Ing In an increased cost. '�he menu• ing eight' rooms bleo summer kitchen en JACOB
A C O g T A i
are, tacturers oP condensed milk,ihlso hate Wokdehed and good cellar, One quarter
t mending china is white 011 color, which A reliable regulator; never fails &ore of land. Apply to :Miss Stirling, Mill1. 10LINTON
t MINARD's LINIMENT CO.; LTD. j is sold in. tubes and used. for,painf ng. While • these pills • rre exceedingly . an .ideal, largely: derived from .Arbil - Street. _ _
v - 'lheodore Dorais, a , paint the broken parts with the oil, powerful in regulating the generative . trttry considerations, and wilt pur•, `--
f GENTi,Fnl>;• portion of the female system, they are
• customer of mine, was completely press them in position, and the opera- strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap chase milk produced only Prom certain Fees iQr Cattle Fire, Life and AC
cured of rheumatism after five years. • tion is complete. Put aside for six imitations. Dr de Van'sare sold at $5 groups of Peed, thus making the coal _ Insurance
a of suffering, by the judicious use of abox,or three for $10. Mailed to an The undereigned offers to take - in a - - . '
MINARD by the N i:, I weeks to dry, olid neither heat 'nor 9 to the• maker much greater.'
e cold nor moisture will affect It, address. • The Scobell Drug Co, St, _
L. The above facts can he verified by .. - - J Catharines, Ont: limited number of calcis to feed,on good Real tilstate bought 8
n one straw for a'month or so, G"Od aO Money to Doan
writing to him to the Parish Priest or ` _ �� oommod&tion and.ohargea reasonable.
any of his neighbors. i}11� ,�, .:, :, ,.,. -'- APPETITE GONE ,L. J Jervis, Base Lino
A. COTE. Merchant I 5 ..::"q,,,; ill
St, Isidore, Que., 12 May, '08.M Office Isaac Street, aex do
_ 1 fl,w inAs�lrfi worrteN Wake Candy. N� ZEST FOR > AT1NC _ . 10 RentI.
Q,lOinl; To Toronto llt'tlity ! '1'lte Alneiictib girt is almost prover-
Night l r w �� sial sot Ilei severe tooth, but siie does ---^-^ The office at {he rear of the Rov&1 Bank o "+• U. WATTS
'CKM not carry her taste foe- candied eon- LOSS of appetite Ineans a slug, &t present os, ,spied by the YMCA, n U H I t7
cocoons to the same length as her xis- Possession own be bad April let. Apply are still in the shoe reps lir
Hect. r * O'harl'eswortb, city editor ' AS U N E X P E Ce' ,` b AID ish .s stem. to The Roy&1 Bane of Ulfnton,
of the Toronto Mail and Empire+and ter$ in the eastern countries oP 1';urope. g 5 and carry a great variety 0-
mostwidely known of Cana $URGLARS—thgt'i4 the ` WaY in Turkey the women preserve rose-' Poisonous `vasi;es are iiisttffi- 1. wo are able to do all repairs
one of the e]eutly expell(=,cl-�• Itidney's, bowels,
dian newspapermen, Js shortly going Cr nIpS CoMe- _Strike 'W1thOtlt buds and Also tnttko a kind df jelly of To sent delay and annoyance to Ou
to Toronto Saturday Ntghtaeassociate to els of rose petals pnd melted sugar kelt! liver et elogged, and disease .A trial will convince y
wax'nin . Nothing so sure to IiI• which is used freely to add an extra • --'-` promptness and the neat
editur. It was {n 1801 thathe etblica• stantly relleVe as Nerviline-=- „rips right delle! of ,yOU. ti frame bease au Princess etreat, hard
tisk ournahstic career'On thep weetened iilltp to 'gold •d Inks. In Roumania it 1]it Citll ill ,24 hlntTS 1'[sSi bre yOUI' work. ]Boots made t, 0
towhich he is new returning. Just a few drops in Sweetened is the eustcr]b to add violets, lilies and and soft water, modern conNeniences. W. H. ATTS K
tion lire journalistic in. ►S re mired t0 i,'t petite with 1+,'errozone, .IY04v it PoesEgaion given let of April. Cconpied Opposit
I Youthful as he was h W ter is all that, q. roses to pfbserve's in Order to produce t 1
inct was even then well developed pain, N�erviline is a a ,articular flavor, and syringas are does shttl'iteu %(�5t 1(]r fctc)(1 ! What Lantelont by ��m. C iiiyer, Apply, to A To our Londesbolro
11 st l
r Mr. Ctyars a wr_th com om lsa With Stop the p , , � -
writer, I' true comfort t0 every i`iLllililjr, itlso used. Orange bloss6ms, large rose fli„(sfiun It 1)rillt,5 �'Utt feel f()Y1 "" stoieor aat lt thopostafiicO t
real ability as a ll, ll(,W pe,rgoll llc:ll bl00d s
da Ni ht he went to rhe 14W"pire and for stomach and bowel derange- stalk, uncrushed mint leaves, single r, (yn(rtl) you sleep Bu UI' Rent Best attention and can be l
latex' on was on The News and The ,amts it is,an absolute specific, i ,(n e pints and parity opened buds of ed. ',t Olt t <tttt Sts , y p � ed for at any time. (rive
World, finally afng to the Mail and ,%,lnle roses all are turned into cls• well, aucl trel !!Carty, +h. •.. '
here a has bdeu city editor • . - IkAous sweetmeats in the east. To0Z The tlndersignad wxshee to buy or rent W. f 1. WATTS
.• ,' • . •tnrnons
Q n tnul;e the most delicate orange flower �p•y &good suitabl(i !!solo. 3sGeaion ea int.
ideroble A n Iutly or ,preserve, the tiny ctnbry0 o,r"a.
ONE ba is good f
gicfil. " nn es th t grow in file center of the peal . ankeit. vitzax moat tE Notice,
I Duds aro picked, and the fruit bearing iiil� To�tIc ---
. dozen trees is destroyed Icn't 1,*1111,10Z NVI Just wll'tt You N,yn�t� All persona deafrone of.
^liough preserves to fill OL hoed? Wol't it do , ou the e110=10us WA SON.
pct. The Turkish woine ens donee for otho s? It can't, i eoribers to, the I oriob T
A jai i,4 „ ueteeneer fm tho ('ountyof ilutou, phonb System must pond i
1'! the rest of the gran •iii pili -c _ � 'o tlr9VVp�8A�1� e� t�+xJJ
l at k knw in W/ritinq to t'he Scor
w6ar',iwin4Cnufl' Sdal thfta'a .rr i„•. at r i .„e,ter. dAw' of pit .t% ... Usti or b
.:s ..r....� l"Y
LUT o New Fra
b. 10. i01.4every Thursday at
w.R4tA Printing house,
f subscription -$1 per year
es $1,50 may be charged if
44. No paper discontinued
rreara are paid, unless at the
.the publisher, The date to
el`y' subscription is paid is de -
the label.
ising rates._Transient adver-
s, 10 cents per nonparel. line
t4sertion and Scents per line
subsequent insertion. Small
rnenta�not to exceed one inch
!•I,oet Stra�ped," "Stolen,
11 r
nen>rted once for 36 centalorone
�tlifor$1.Communications intended
qr blicition must, as a guarantee of
Go fi *th, be accompanied by the
ilii" f)f: the writer.
To• ipsure publication in current
ppu�„� npyy f advertisements should be
�0,ft*act r tel -The tollowingtable
,,"'Pur rates for specified periods
1 yr. Onto. 3mo. Imo
1,001 . n $7a 00 $40 00 $25 00 $10 00
`00.1 40 00 2b UO lb 00 600
1 ttolumn 2500 1500 800 300
Oolui in 18 00 10 00 550 200 or
1011,600 350 200 00
DoAtraat display advertising 10c per
inch, per issue.
,•W. H. KERR & SON
- it
an a Grand a
T'a, Or g
�°odge of Ontario
Anil, al Session field at
',' St. Catharines.
kOn the 21st day of February. I860,
wito the Hon. John 14illiard Cameron
pptesiding, the Orange Grand Lodge of
(inCario West was called into exist-
Eppce, and, naturally, the speakers and
.the reports of officers and committees
nit the present session of the Grand
Udge, which opened in St. Cathar-
�nes ,JVednesday, of last week made
•g9ferenee to that event, so that in a
';use this meeting may be looked up.
33ubilee session.
illiam Fitzgerald,Grand Secretary
ted some time in presenting Ilia
Ort to'a History of the process of
•order since the Grand Lodge of
lo West was organized in St.
arines on February 21st I869, with
e. John Hilliard Cameron as Sov-
gn Grand Master and with about
elegates, reprayenting 12 counties,
districts and 34 pAmary lodges in
tendance. The present Grand Lodge
as. over 50 county, over 110 'district
d nearly 800 primary lodges all in a
talnishing condition, Since last meet -
•d0 the new County Lodge of Temiska-
;ng, and 27 new primary lodges have
lli'een opened.
During the year 4,153 new or rein-
ed members have been secured,
'an. th losses were, by daath 258, ex-
”, ed: 0• and witbdrawr, 9I2,thus giv-
14g a n t gain of 2,900, making the
']Notal embership about 20,000.
1 ,:Jobn Hewitt, Toronto, Grand Treae-
trer, i his report showed that the :
Bala' brought forward
from 1909 was ........ $ 7,353 65
Rec from prim. lodges,.... 6,811 5u
Il t$vest on Uank deposits..- 1-40 Sri
Total receipts..............127,306 10
xpenditure................ 7,547 8I
alance in bank .• .......... $ 0,726 63
ash on hand.............. 3I 66
T Total ...................• $ (,,758 '29
The auditor's report certified to the
accurancy of the accounts, and urged
ail lodges to pay promptly the regu-
ular dues for support of the Grand
Thh-•olBcers elected were : Harry
1ovelock. Toronto, Grand blaster
Fred Dane, Toronto, Deputy Grand
' Master Dr. Williams, Woods' o ,k,
+ Associate Grand Master ; Rev. John
Coburn. Toronto, Grand Treasurer:.
William Ali Fitzgerald, Grand Secre•
''i tary ; J. J. D. Banting, Cookstown,
rand Lecturer; C. A, B, Banting,.
't rand Director of Ceremonies ; A. W,
. Wright and J. H. Taylor, Auditors.
The l r'.nciral offices nearly all weni
y acclamation, but there were kuer
ontests and several ballots necessax
iveT the lust positionk
W. J lgrkhill of Midland installer
e newly elected officers. The nex'
I ting will he bald in Barrie.
Request that all communicate with tb
Secretary of the Regiment's Semi-
- Centennial Re -Union.
`,C Several thousands 'of former men
Hers of the Queen's Own Rifles will aE
siemble at all parts of the continen
,at Toronto next June. for a reunion i
'celebration of the Semi -Centennial (
.regimedt. The festivities will con
°'mance Satut'day. June 18th, with a r
caption at Government House, h
Honor, the Lieutenau t -Governor, III
thanv other potables, being an e
(binber of the crack regiment. C
I.' Family
U'cian /
he 'best medicines in the
orad cannot take the place o
the family physician. Consul
him early when taken ill.` I
trouble is with you
sit, bronchial tubes, o
� i -. f i
�,,.r•,,,,�,ltQn, 1�i�t Elrai M�lt'�h X7fh,�,
orbs � �,
. .., _1_1_-_. yten>. end Liv Cite o Kidner cud Ltriaar
.`!". " -�-- --�'- Eneoara a Larger Synod . ► * Grand TrunkRai�way liyatenrl tdnfll► and t.pvk�e c a dei a t tktl Path
g'hReiTHE;RS, AWAKE I , �e,tiug8 i. �� Railway Time Table I.umba
toCese Executive Decide --^" — i e Rheumatic, Ireural i4. All Ai-
- 11 ii!
N. $, a 'ro Help 1 London, Huron and Bruce. vs,* and stomach co ainiuts. All
By Aimie Huntingdon, Victon,, w . # Fregul vPeriodss. pamfal keen
• Passenger irregular Periods. Men, tiVoinen-
urs to betray ; Delegates!and Children are benefitted alike.
B Seek ng her I There are country and, Ours to around ue,: Payment
1vvayy Fared txrsdo Yark.) London, depart.. 8,30 a m 4,50 p m I I Price one pair one dollar. Itul
Striving to sever the links that have boupd us _;. Makes son flesh centralxa... , 1%,40 5.43 to quickly, itroduce will mail with .
To dear Mother England for many a day. The executive. committee of the lea Exeter .... 95,3 5,54 �ilst order one Petr Free—that is two pairs on
Because it creases an apps 13 sulk,1.... , , , ... • 1~ ncelpt of this advertisment andone dollar. Order
tits. .10.08 6,0
List to their pitiful,, cowardly croaking, Diocese of Huron met last %hursday It builds up the jaded' ruu•dow>n „, , 10.16 0.11 today this cheap and reliable tre;dment. 15 H
us barter our heritegge grand ; in Cronyn Hall, London, The open + Brucen . , , ... ° .
Bidding e, u necks to .the yoking, in a Brucefield . , - 10.30 0,19 ,Address -THE MEDICATED PAD COMPANY
Bend, like dumb cattle, our d ing prayers were offered by the dean. system
and $i 00 bottles, at all dntg• Clinton .. , , . • , •, , • . • 11.05 6.3a �qq VxczoRiA AVP., wlvDaoR, otvz., c.*raDs
Yield unto strangers out glorlous
land, 1'he mtuutes of the last meeting gists. Londesboro .... 11,18 6.52 I m
17 1.having been printed they were not g ' ,you et tho genuine, u Blgth.. V ., . • 11,27 7,00
Surely too long; we have horns with es o'er scheming , read but were conSrmed as printed. Be sure y $ Be,gxa vs,, ., . , ,. , • .. • 11.40 r,13
Now let their, learn that forbearance $sports of committees were then re-. ♦ Davis & Lawrence co., Montreal, 11 b0 7,35 • 1� +�i(�i
Teach them that Canadas sone are not dreaming Delved and approved: Wingham, arrive,.,�0 E�4►..111JA
Brothers awaken I and slumber no more. 1. The finance committee report ac- .,--,.F.• . South Passenger
Sap, shall not we, whom our country has nourished, counts received and passed. • lvingham,. depart, • 0.43%m 3,33 p in " " =_==, ''
Fight for her weal gainst the treacherous crew? 2 Theland
all investment
e nde il• Belgrave... ..... 6.54 3.44 W. SRY.UONE.
Shall it be said that foul treason has flourished mittee reported Clubbing BOOM $!yeti.• • • • . •- 7.08 3.46 BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTAR `'
'Neath the proud folks of the Red, White and Blue. vested. , Londeaboro....... ,- 7,16 4.04 A
3 The committee on Htiron College Clinton.... ..... 750 4.23 PUBLIC, ETU,
undimmed and undaunted, jubilee fund reported that the financial oLINTON
Never , With cotwage agent, Rev A A ,Bice, has been very Below will be found a list of papers Bracefield . 88.1223 4.
Crush, ere it blossoms, the seed the . have sown ; which will be clubbed with Kippen .............
Bac in their teeth fling the boasts'thep have flaunted, sueeeat3ful in hi �wortk in the County Aensall.,.. . 8,32 4,5247 L.pggl,.Eg B. HALE
Of L+6'3eY. Although he has been at The Clinton NEW E124 Exeter,... 8,48 5.05
Pause not. ndr rest, till. the day be our own. • work only a few weeks, yet he has re- Centralia ........... 9.00 5.15 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE.
Croakers and cravens and°• patriot -haters, ceived over $500 in cash and more than For the year 19Q910. These prices axe London, arrive . , ... XO 00 6.10 Huron St„ Clinton,
Soon shall theif schemes,in the dust be laid low that amount bas also been promised. for cash witli order. ' Buffalo and Goderich .�
Then shall this land of ours, freed from the traitors, The revised canons, of the synod { paesinger-To her bright destiny joyfully go, were reprinted and were submitted to ,rhe NEw ERA and Weekly Mail Westip m H. T RANCE,the executive Commitee, . and Em ire, one year .,... •$1.155 a m P mAnintereating diacuesionfookplace A�E.W ERA and Weekly Glahe Stratford..,,,,,,10,00 12,20 2� 10,20
is connection with a moLiofi by tali for • . , . „, , , , „ • • .... , ,$1.515 Mitchell... ....10.22 12,45 5.55 10.47 Notary Public, Conveyancer, ,
Chas Jenkins to increase the income. „ Family H. & W. Star. •1.50 Seaforth, . ....10.45 1,10 6.18 '11.28 Financial and Real Estate.
P is7 o; the miesionary. clergy by $50 Per .s W dekly W lineae • ..1.80 Clinton ... ....11.07 1.25 6.40 11.25 INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire 11,47
ture Man annum if there is sufficient surplus to ,i c, s, Sun „ ...1.80 Holmescille ..11,16 1,33 64011.3f3surance Companies.�/ a h an action, The committee „ _ ., ,1 Advertiser . , :...180 GoderIch .. , , • , • .1!•35 1.507.0511,55 Division Court,;,Offtee..Chjuatify'auc „ 5
apps O;ed the proposal, 44 ' Free Press .....17 East Passenger
Thia •proposed. canon by Rev D H .. s. " Farmers Advocate a m p m p m
Lr. Frederic Villiers,. British War Correspondent, Hind,tre apportionment, was referred and Horrid Magazine •.2.30 Goderfch. ..-.... 7.10 . 2.40 4.50 . Medi,, -
to a sma* committee to consider and ,. " and Canadian Farm (the , Holmeaville .... 7.26 2.57 5.06 I]
Now Visiting Canada. report to the executive committee. new farming journal.... 1.50 Clinton... 7.35 3 07 5.15 DR �, W. Tr Surgeon.
NEw ERA andi)afly Newo,Toronto 2,25 Seatorth . 7,52 3,25 5.32 �; I
You have read Kipling's "The Light so rembrk�he late G, W.and 1iBteely os in lig e, Rev
r Rural
Ransf rd nd Judge Erma- ,, .c• •• Star " 225 Mitchell ............. . 8.16 3 48 5.55 - special atta on given to diseases ortho
cribed y
hat Failed" and may have seen his book. "With. Kitchener at Shat- finger were appointed on this -com• „ „ „ •• (}lobe 4.50 Stratford....., •.. • • • 8.40 4.15 6.20 Eye, Er. Throat, and Nose.
:ted by Forbes Robertson,; rememb toum. He has drunk gallons from an mittee. «` '• " " Mail " 4.50 Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glneses i
y St Thomas' Churcb, Walkerton, ap- „ ss ss „ World i, 3,25 Axed * Re i
ig the pathetic story of the war Afaican gourd and gone slack -belly fled for leave to build a. new church,- is {, ,s ,y. Free Press,Lon• �-+ n oIIiae and: Residence.
with hunger when he was too dbus For Sade. or, rent
ctist who went blind An the Soudan. with ens 1 Co bother noticing hunger. costing about $9,000. -Granted. • don.. , ... . • •3,25 • Two doom'well of the Commercial until
he original of the hero is now in Sweat and blinding sand and roasting; 8t Mark's, Pottersburg,, petitioned Send Orders to Huron St. `
anada; the greatest war artist r the sizzlingsuns in the land of Gunga,Din, for leave to mortgage. for $1,000 the
•orld, Mr Frederic Villiers, at present whom ften he unayhave blessed with new church to be built, The Clinton New Era, Farm to Rent. .
I •,. iw• curses even as Tommy Atkins did, In respobse to an appeal recently - a. fl'r• W Bunn .
have browned and bronzed this peter- made it has,been found that the uaal- Clinton, Ontario On the 2nd Concession, H R S.. Tpekoreirtith, Dr W. ate, y, R. e. r,•, y, It- C. s.. ]salts,
,•il lst
1fl10, .
Will ,rent
e lion
A t
. an of the fighting pencil into as, nail- •antes to gay the fares of delegat loo scree posses i
hard a s ecfinen'of the out-of-doors as clergdmen of the synod has been • _ for ontifyear only. Apply to LEVI STRO}1G. Office door
ofice or reside N]RPAt enburlf
,; any Indian on the plains. There's enerally given, A.contribudbri of. $2 Steelton, cont. !cont door of office or residence,
g r Street.
nothing in Damp, corral or coffe-pot for`each delegate and clergymon will News Notes.
that Erederic Villiers doesn't know. A provide for payment of all railway --- Farm to Rent • Ot6ce !,sure at spitat-} to s p.m,; 7 to it n,rn
buckin broncho mi htebe a novelty, fares, THE man with a, maple bush .is a .
it' in the leash. this 1arrait o,ment to 'luck man at this season of the year. The Ostrom farm, Lot•28,9th Con. of Godarich
e �w but he woutdn t mind It is hoped by P, y Tp„ gp acres is offered to rent. AnnlY to �R'' Ja W. SHAW.
Pemmican would be a joy to his pal- induce a, much larger attendance and ADVERTISE in the New Era and get aosu GooK, or to . MRS. J, HALSTEA� PHYSICIAN, SURGEON -
He will probably have a sigh or it provides • that parfshers far away sults as advertisement in this paper Clinton. tf Godericp
ate. P P re ecoueheur, eta., office and residence on t+
a• ce .
two at the spic•andospanneries of the London shall hale their represent
North-West Mounted Police who 'no fives present at the same cost as those Pays• 4 tenbury at.. oApoeite w. Ferran a resides , t ,
x'^SL I)oN T for et the St Patrick's Sutiper I -
s>:' 3� longer round up the ravaging red- nearbyrR viz., $2. TO Relit•
skins, But it would have been a real Report was made of the visit of the in Ontario Street Methodist Church DR. F. A. AXON
.- contribution to the literatnre of war diocesan commissioner to Inwood, on the 17th. The Draper Farm, lots 53, 54, 65 and 88, M&A -
in the Empire if Mr. Villiers could .sombre, $lenheim and parts adjacent, THS NEw ERA hopes to 'see the
For con" Partcaularsric aTp.. co�osistg BR DANE; DENTIST
have followed some of the boys under It was moved by Rev Rural Dean Foundry iunning with a full 'quota tf, Clinton. 4'reHn.und Bridge Work a Specially:
.. Colonel Steele on the, twisted trails of Ridley that the c immittee on the Seo hands in the }!ear future. Graduate of C,C.D.S:. Chicago,, and R.O.D.S..
the prairie, when there was no corres• Housd be empowered to equip the See For gronchttis and asthma, try . - v Toronto.
pondent and no artist to tell the storv. goose with electric'fixtures. Uarried. Allen's Lung Balsam; the best -cough For; Sade Or Relit nuyucld on Mondays, May Indo neemubcr ,
:c y This is his first trip to .Canada. He - prescription known: .
t % has a no that before be comes • In Holmesvills, 3-of•an•acre of ]and, with a. y�R. T1. riD{ LEI,,
` a e in the uneasy ur StQmaeil JciF N KENNY, Brussels, was app good frame house of a@yen rooms, back kitchen, V Ids i
� . ,, � back again be 9 $o ed Clerk of the Fonrth Huron Division wood -shed and stable, and. a large frame build -
X.. Balkans, doing sketehAs for the Eng- • . Couch; succeeding H 'R, Brewer,' re- ing.having been used as a chopping min: PlenbY DENTIST.
•�� ra War is second- nature to f .Acute I of. good water, Possession any time after the
a e o ber. Apply to P, POTTOR, Offioes over O'NEIVE store,
Ii p p
.. �` y�"�; Is An Almost Certaiq Sign . signed, loth of Novem pp rbat
" r �; - him. He. be ieries . in the German Huron Road..
,r ;,,.a• +x seal's.. The recent peaceful utterances indigestion T73E' windows over-- 7 ozer an8: peoiehoare taken io make dental 1
d -,
I of Ohancellor Von Bethmann•Hollwig Brown's store have been neatly letter- n e ea
ed and frosted.' displaying the differ- mens es lii+inlese & Qo isle i•
( have no charm for .him. He is a man If you occasionally have a taste Of For Sale, ,
en a ed in the peacefu pastime of of war. 5, Y est departments m ''their big Dry i
g g Mr. Villiers was the. first corree. sour foot} in your mouth, it _ surely. Good's store, p
making sketches of an English settle owl that the food you are eating is tis I ; . Epnilsiou taken The n•i lot 24rin the Barfield Concession, Tn. VIAS ' : ' UN Q1"lY.
R rt in northern ondent to use a bicycle in an, Europ• shows The• D. &. cf Goaerich,-loo acres• mot•o or less, 8s acres THQ
ment called Greencou P and the first corres- not being,digsated, but instead; is fer-
his settlement, which has can campaign loin out ' uisonous in cases of general .debility and loo§ of .cleared and under cultivation, the balance bust,
Alberta. Tuse the cinematograph on meriting -and g g Ppromi
i co gang- ondent to appetite, is sure to give the best of re_ afia pasture
s a fr pie ;' goo u'tho ioameslo This house Live #oek and general Auuction acv ,
beaten the machine gun n " g P battlefield anywhere. On his return gases: sulta,� It restores health and eves re E GflQERiCM-f
ploughs,te a colony of old bogs from a bat Y Belching of gas is a common symp g a fine stock farm. Apply to W. SCOTT, Bruce
Greencourt School, Canterbury. Mr trip through Oankda tie will probably m' at such times, and also- that lump dewed vitality. • field, ton,JOBN McCOX• 45 !ling St" b a, a, stows sates a spe(iinI31 i
Villiers- if he can so far compose slim- .give his. famous lecture on war pec- to s if ourstolilach was ,Advertising is the motive force, the N'>tw Else orTce, Clinton, p
tlhets to. Terms reasonable. 'Fat
]f as to realise that a casual 'camp of tures no doubt with; occasional •refer- of lead feeling,. a y .
se av carrying a much greater load than ft • electrfe power, behind;a`ny mercantile CA discounted., _
Crees is not an aggregation of whoop. 'He
to then Y . p of the Em- coulda el business:' Without some propelling mliul: t orUS . &Sale.
in -Fuzzy -Wuzzies, will draw quiet He has seen the struggles If you want prompt- relief and per- force the boat drifts without adver-
ictures and write placid descriptive vire in various parts of the -World and y t cure o to W. S .R.Holmes ,tieing the business drifts.. Ta eee,'nd 1 roa.bulls, f w good to heifers, aftgsizes; Gl.[D. McTaggart M. D.`MoTi
articles, about Greencourt for the of other peoples who had nothing to maven g 2 re s
has do with the Empire. I3e is almost as and get a • large tin box of Mi -o=n& El>fective, Eeonondedli Ple �LSQ►nt by Duke of Richmond: also four young York- j�j� �yrt Br,
Illustrated London News,,- Per p e veteran as tablets for 50 cents. 1 4t a���� �1
if he shoul.l stay in Alberta until the much of a firing -line What more can you ask. 'Davis Lvlen Gatti and see the t efoi•ie you buy. 'small l,igs.
month of leaves he might get areal Florence Nightingale, . One . of. his W S R Holmes knows that Mi•o-na thol Salve fulfills .'these specifications tf E•H WISE, Clinton I BANI4ERS
touch of the old war- earliest experiences with the. pencil is a highly . recommended scientific and is the best remedy for bites and
reminiscenty, y,. stings; skin diseases, piles, • etc.. 25c,.. ALBERT ST, - CLIN'
whoop times in the painted thirst- was in the war between .Seryl us O� to your money if it I falls ready
per tin. �ouse. ;X1 d I.Qt fOr ale-
dance. But even that with all its Turkey in I876; next year the R P ens
e its troops of Turkish war; in 1852 in. the Soudan cure acid stomach, Uelehing of gas, . THE man who goes fishing and sits ,_ (Gr rale Banking k3-.
gaudy magnittc(nc A old Beresford and Wolseley. d4zziness, bitliox}atiessi sick headache,: transacted
ponirs and its congregation of face- with .L fotii breath, and all stomach trouble . in it, cramp -inviting posture on a; par= ''the convenient] !souse, next ,to. "T;
pigmented braves from the hills of In 1885 whenAfie, Saskatchewan and. • _ row thwart from early morn tial dewy Murphp's, Rbttenbary.streot, containiiet( nine
Pigm ria redskins were o ping over �„_; ,F c + eve and Col's it,fun, ?s.the latus chap rooms. The house ie a, reeor,tly•re•built, one, NOTES DIBCOUN CED
poplar would seem like a Sunday Alpe popping r ° ,.' fi S x.11^, ;l and in excellent repair. A'good. new stable. on
Villiers, who has redcoats in the Canadian West, M i; • �, .,,, r. f 1 �,,,. that never goes to church liecanse,the the•nr(tmises, App]y,ao A,'SEELEX, Drafts issued. Interest gltowel
School picnic to Mr Vsl] , j,.. �j C (, f .,,.7, rl' , deposits. "
depicted with his pencil more real Villierswas quietly .-engaged in the yrt" t x- (" ]� �4 e pews wren t comfortable,;
wars than any man that ever lived- Soudan, straddling the hollow of a s ,, lt�
`'v 'J�rar corres- camel across the :,aura till;the clime! ,? a �rJ NOTLVITFISTANDI.IC# oftrepeatecl an- F4xrnt� gle0tthough in volume of titer y.i nouncements that.tio attention would
ndence he woe probably outdone by was shot from under him, at :Abu Klea � . .%�+ry✓MINCED H.'_:- �•-3'- be ivelt-to commulsio,itions without The- MCKillOp M91
Po P -
the late De Blowitz and Julius Caesar. and he got a bullet through his puttee: g a ire Insurance C
Frederic Villiers is an Imperialist, In China and .Japan and in most of'tbe CURES CAATAP=1 AS1 ►��+�.�+ the signature i the writer, scarcely a . I,ot 1Vo 14 in the rat nee kion of Hal �' s
g I Bronchitis; Croup, Coughs and Cold.., or hand.'
his without bush coming to
On the grilling sands of the Sahara orient has been at the front with P g ' hand. This ersistent disregard for lett ; .100 sores, good buil lugs, reasonable.
he has seen and drawn the pictures his sketch pad. g` tl r;7is to a good tenant. tpply. to R Van Farm and Isolated 1PoHrn
money back. Sold and guaranteed 69 our rules has a straining effect on the stone, Wingham. 3t erty Only -Insured.
waste basket. . • oirFlcERs.
Sunda a monstFr Church Parade of I Slee lri„ �1'allalts It was an editor ,`but west" who J. B. McLean, President, Seafo
Sunday 11 received' a letter frons an indignant For S'file • r•
ex -members and the present in !➢ Soothing nX1XlQ1'CS� His Littre Sthenic. subsnriber : "I don't want ply' paper Jae. Connolly, ioe Pres„' Gc
will be a unlqus affair. During the i A r, "Great Catasar,• oki .pian, exclaimed any longed” "That is. all right. I Thos. E. Hays, Sec.•Treas.; Sc
week, grand historical pageants on a the gunner as be. opened the door and would not make it at]yJnbger if you, Frame house on . awnsend street, 11 DIRECTORS.'
scale only equalled at the Quebec Ter- I A, mother should never give .her 8
severaldraught,.s0othin Found his friend's house brilliantly ilio. did, because in that case I would have rooms, 1-4 acre, good ter, hoiis9 in good
centenary, will be given by child a sleeping . g at uoouda -What does snit. to - buy a new press. The present repair. Possession civ n ri,ht away. Jas. Connelly, Holmesville;
thousand performers on the Rosedale . mixture or opiate of any kind except nitaate.d, T Apply H" Rance tf Watt H.arlock G. Dale Clin
Athletic Grounds. In addition, there on the advice .of a doctor who has mean'. Why, ,are all these blankets length just suits -6; •and I am ;lad it PP y Chesney,. Seaforth; J. Evans,
A suits you:" '
will be a numerous social meetings of I seen the child, All these things con- over the windoiVs, and why is the gas' woos; J. G. Grieve, .Winthrop,
old comrades. ( tain poisons and an overdose may kill burning 4n the daj'timeZ" - — Farm for Sale. neweis, Brodhagen, M. 'NI
In nearly every town and city in • the little one.. When you give your „Sb.,,.. whiskered Guyer cautiously. The boilermaker or. the cr(Ianicrry Clinton.
the Dominion, and m many ni the Un- child Baby s Own Tablets you have the „it's a scheme of iliine." 50 acres south half of let. 26, oaneeasion
,ted States and elsewhere are men who guarantee .of a government tvnalyst f a schemeZ" • man bases � his values entire Ig niton 12, Hnllett, t .mile north kE Londesboro, Each Direckor is inspector of
have served in the Queen's Own, and that this medicine does not contain �tl�!tett find o visit to ber the amount oP,.��butter that ,may j1?•, .near church•• and sohool,,.2 goodwells, his. own locality..
the Semi -Centennial Committee is de- one particle of opiate or narcotic and �V11s, my wife Is on aemaiu home made ,from a given. amount .of milt bank.barn, gocd frame hones ; 30 sores AGEhII
sirlous of getting personally • in touch cannot possibly do harm -but always ' mother, and I tell her, .1- r et •and .the quality of the Crean!. • •lie de • secdea down ; mostly clay loam ; good Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed]
with as many of them as possible. To do good. The Tablets promptly cure eI•gey night and read, I've got tog : wands that only certiliu classes of state ol.ttivation ; terms easy. Apply to
i that end, it.will greatly facilitate mat- all stomach, bowel and, teething trou• • rid of some gas somehow so it will go Seaforth; James Cumming,
tela if the ex-memhere who see this l bles, and give healthy, natural sleep. ori the bill at the end of the month.,, feed shall be used, because one class Jr tin Garrett. _ _ ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
will if once communicate with the per- I Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at - will have a tendency to snake the blit-. payments may be -in at '
manent Secretary, Mr. G. h Riddell, , 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Atlanta Constitution. ter too soft, another to make it too
36 King Street Fast,'Toronto, 'and lire- I Co., Brockville, Ont. hard or still another to contribute un- H. I . for Sala Brown's, Clinton, or to ,It.
veil upon all the other ex -members t -- Godericli.
desirable flavors. Discrimination. mull _
they knave to do the same. Mr. Rid- One of ills least known thou;] one DrdC�ylli's Frenehi Female fills be made. in the matter of feeds, result A goad two story frame house, kitchen _
dell will promptly send them particul• of the most effective -cements for theWife's Friend Ing In an increased cost. '�he menu• ing eight' rooms bleo summer kitchen en JACOB
A C O g T A i
are, tacturers oP condensed milk,ihlso hate Wokdehed and good cellar, One quarter
t mending china is white 011 color, which A reliable regulator; never fails &ore of land. Apply to :Miss Stirling, Mill1. 10LINTON
t MINARD's LINIMENT CO.; LTD. j is sold in. tubes and used. for,painf ng. While • these pills • rre exceedingly . an .ideal, largely: derived from .Arbil - Street. _ _
v - 'lheodore Dorais, a , paint the broken parts with the oil, powerful in regulating the generative . trttry considerations, and wilt pur•, `--
f GENTi,Fnl>;• portion of the female system, they are
• customer of mine, was completely press them in position, and the opera- strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap chase milk produced only Prom certain Fees iQr Cattle Fire, Life and AC
cured of rheumatism after five years. • tion is complete. Put aside for six imitations. Dr de Van'sare sold at $5 groups of Peed, thus making the coal _ Insurance
a of suffering, by the judicious use of abox,or three for $10. Mailed to an The undereigned offers to take - in a - - . '
MINARD by the N i:, I weeks to dry, olid neither heat 'nor 9 to the• maker much greater.'
e cold nor moisture will affect It, address. • The Scobell Drug Co, St, _
L. The above facts can he verified by .. - - J Catharines, Ont: limited number of calcis to feed,on good Real tilstate bought 8
n one straw for a'month or so, G"Od aO Money to Doan
writing to him to the Parish Priest or ` _ �� oommod&tion and.ohargea reasonable.
any of his neighbors. i}11� ,�, .:, :, ,.,. -'- APPETITE GONE ,L. J Jervis, Base Lino
A. COTE. Merchant I 5 ..::"q,,,; ill
St, Isidore, Que., 12 May, '08.M Office Isaac Street, aex do
_ 1 fl,w inAs�lrfi worrteN Wake Candy. N� ZEST FOR > AT1NC _ . 10 RentI.
Q,lOinl; To Toronto llt'tlity ! '1'lte Alneiictib girt is almost prover-
Night l r w �� sial sot Ilei severe tooth, but siie does ---^-^ The office at {he rear of the Rov&1 Bank o "+• U. WATTS
'CKM not carry her taste foe- candied eon- LOSS of appetite Ineans a slug, &t present os, ,spied by the YMCA, n U H I t7
cocoons to the same length as her xis- Possession own be bad April let. Apply are still in the shoe reps lir
Hect. r * O'harl'eswortb, city editor ' AS U N E X P E Ce' ,` b AID ish .s stem. to The Roy&1 Bane of Ulfnton,
of the Toronto Mail and Empire+and ter$ in the eastern countries oP 1';urope. g 5 and carry a great variety 0-
mostwidely known of Cana $URGLARS—thgt'i4 the ` WaY in Turkey the women preserve rose-' Poisonous `vasi;es are iiisttffi- 1. wo are able to do all repairs
one of the e]eutly expell(=,cl-�• Itidney's, bowels,
dian newspapermen, Js shortly going Cr nIpS CoMe- _Strike 'W1thOtlt buds and Also tnttko a kind df jelly of To sent delay and annoyance to Ou
to Toronto Saturday Ntghtaeassociate to els of rose petals pnd melted sugar kelt! liver et elogged, and disease .A trial will convince y
wax'nin . Nothing so sure to IiI• which is used freely to add an extra • --'-` promptness and the neat
editur. It was {n 1801 thathe etblica• stantly relleVe as Nerviline-=- „rips right delle! of ,yOU. ti frame bease au Princess etreat, hard
tisk ournahstic career'On thep weetened iilltp to 'gold •d Inks. In Roumania it 1]it Citll ill ,24 hlntTS 1'[sSi bre yOUI' work. ]Boots made t, 0
towhich he is new returning. Just a few drops in Sweetened is the eustcr]b to add violets, lilies and and soft water, modern conNeniences. W. H. ATTS K
tion lire journalistic in. ►S re mired t0 i,'t petite with 1+,'errozone, .IY04v it PoesEgaion given let of April. Cconpied Opposit
I Youthful as he was h W ter is all that, q. roses to pfbserve's in Order to produce t 1
inct was even then well developed pain, N�erviline is a a ,articular flavor, and syringas are does shttl'iteu %(�5t 1(]r fctc)(1 ! What Lantelont by ��m. C iiiyer, Apply, to A To our Londesbolro
11 st l
r Mr. Ctyars a wr_th com om lsa With Stop the p , , � -
writer, I' true comfort t0 every i`iLllililjr, itlso used. Orange bloss6ms, large rose fli„(sfiun It 1)rillt,5 �'Utt feel f()Y1 "" stoieor aat lt thopostafiicO t
real ability as a ll, ll(,W pe,rgoll llc:ll bl00d s
da Ni ht he went to rhe 14W"pire and for stomach and bowel derange- stalk, uncrushed mint leaves, single r, (yn(rtl) you sleep Bu UI' Rent Best attention and can be l
latex' on was on The News and The ,amts it is,an absolute specific, i ,(n e pints and parity opened buds of ed. ',t Olt t <tttt Sts , y p � ed for at any time. (rive
World, finally afng to the Mail and ,%,lnle roses all are turned into cls• well, aucl trel !!Carty, +h. •.. '
here a has bdeu city editor • . - IkAous sweetmeats in the east. To0Z The tlndersignad wxshee to buy or rent W. f 1. WATTS
.• ,' • . •tnrnons
Q n tnul;e the most delicate orange flower �p•y &good suitabl(i !!solo. 3sGeaion ea int.
ideroble A n Iutly or ,preserve, the tiny ctnbry0 o,r"a.
ONE ba is good f
gicfil. " nn es th t grow in file center of the peal . ankeit. vitzax moat tE Notice,
I Duds aro picked, and the fruit bearing iiil� To�tIc ---
. dozen trees is destroyed Icn't 1,*1111,10Z NVI Just wll'tt You N,yn�t� All persona deafrone of.
^liough preserves to fill OL hoed? Wol't it do , ou the e110=10us WA SON.
pct. The Turkish woine ens donee for otho s? It can't, i eoribers to, the I oriob T
A jai i,4 „ ueteeneer fm tho ('ountyof ilutou, phonb System must pond i
1'! the rest of the gran •iii pili -c _ � 'o tlr9VVp�8A�1� e� t�+xJJ
l at k knw in W/ritinq to t'he Scor
w6ar',iwin4Cnufl' Sdal thfta'a .rr i„•. at r i .„e,ter. dAw' of pit .t% ... Usti or b
.:s ..r....� l"Y